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Ask HN: Who is hiring? (November 2015)
512 points by whoishiring on Nov 2, 2015 | hide | past | favorite | 882 comments
Please lead with the location of the position and include the keywords REMOTE, INTERNS and/or VISA when the corresponding sort of candidate is welcome. When remote work is not an option, please include ONSITE.

Submitters: please only post if you personally are part of the hiring company—no recruiting firms or job boards.

Readers: please only email submitters if you personally are interested in the job—no recruiters or sales calls.

You can also use kristopolous' nifty console script to search the thread: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=10313519.

So, I don't work there, but I was just drinking with someone at Open Whisper Systems, and they badly need someone in SFBA to take over iOS and mobile UX and to oversee design.

Whisper makes Signal and TextSecure for iOS and Android respectively. They're the the best-designed, most trustworthy message crypto available to users today, and one of the only reasons they aren't the global default is that someone needs to take over their front-end and make them the default.

Whisper will pay you less than almost any other company in the Bay Area (they're entirely self-funded) but you'll probably do more good there than you could at any company on this hiring thread, and if you succeed at the job, you'll be an authentic hero for privacy and civil liberties. That's not a bad calling card to have paper-clipped to your resume.

You don't need to be a cryptography expert to talk to them. Also: they're all just fantastic people, some of the best you can hope to work with.


I have no relationship with Whisper; I'm just an admirer.

Several months ago when I was looking for a job I offered my services replying to a hiring thread email address. They never replied.

I live in SF, have 5+ years of iOS experience and worked at a chat company making their iOS chat interface for the last 4 years of it.

It came with a TN visa condition, but I doubt that is the reason why. TN visas have no waiting period, are pretty much a rubber stamp and $3000 in lawyer fees.

I got another job :/

They didn't respond to my application either.

Startups are really bad about this. I'm 1 for 4 on getting replies from YC companies recently. One is leaving me hanging after a full day coding project + an interview that (I think!) went really well.

Just gotta keep trying. It's a numbers game.

Having been on the other side of the equation and been bad about keeping tabs on applicants in addition to my normal duties, I can't help but feel it's somewhat karma-related, too. :) In small companies, I figure it's generally due to not having people dedicated to sourcing/hiring so things just get overlooked.

If there was ever a team you'd want to give the benefit of the doubt to on stuff like this, it's Moxie's.

The next time you have a beer with these guys, you might want to ask them if they're serious about hiring.

Also a big admirer of Whisper. They need people who can build software that doesn't suck, not crypto nerds.

In addition, you get to work with Moxie who's one of the most badass engineers I've ever met. Sometimes you just wanna work with smart people on good problems, and that's where Whisper is playing.

Open Whisper Systems • San Francisco • Full Time • ONSITE

Open Whisper Systems is making private communication simple. Our technology is used by hundreds of millions of people, and everything we produce is open source. What it's like to work with us: https://whispersystems.org/workworkwork/

• iOS Front End -- Someone intimately familiar with iOS development and internals, who has an appreciation for the craft of software development and experience with making decisions that result in great products. No experience with cryptography necessary, just solid experience developing for iOS and an eye for good design.

• Android Developer -- Is the pleasure center of your brain directly wired to the experience of a slick UX or a nice animation? Do you hunt down memory leaks and StrictMode violations for fun? We're looking for someone with deep knowledge of the Android framework and an equally strong intuition for pairing beautiful app experiences with beautiful code. You'll be the architect of major features, making your code available to the world. You don't need to be a security expert; it's knowing how to make complicated systems simple to use that's at the heart of what we do.

• Mobile UI / Product Designer -- We’re seeking an original thinker with strong visual design skills ready to help make private communication simple. You'll take on developing the look and feel of Signal on iOS, Android, and the desktop. You’ll be responsible for updating the visual design for the app and helping shape consistent guidelines to communicate a compelling user story across our products and other touchpoints. You’ll work closely with a team of engineers with a passion for making usable software. No experience with cryptography necessary, just intuition for what makes a great product and solid experience designing products that are a joy to use.

See more at https://whispersystems.org/workworkwork/, or send us a note at workwithus@whispersystems.org

Not sure if inappropriate, but a personal vouch for these guys. Anyone with the skills they are looking for and passion in the security/privacy space, should definitely apply. Whisper Systems and Moxie have incredible principles, brilliant products, and serve the greater good of all of us.

Dataquest.io | San Francisco | https://www.dataquest.io | Onsite / Remote

We're an early stage startup that teaches data science interactively in the browser. You learn by analyzing data and writing code; not by watching videos.

We're all self-taught and passionate about helping others do the same. Our revenue is growing quickly, and we're looking for a couple of people to join our team:

Data Scientist -- create lessons on topics like Spark and random forests that will be used by thousands of students. Create innovative learning methods (interactive coding exercises, visualizations, etc). Python and R experience preferred.

Frontend engineer -- redesign our learning interface. You'll have huge creative freedom to build things like realtime collaboration, hinting, and more. Design and angular experience preferred.

Email vik@dataquest.io if you want more details.

Disclaimer: I am in no way affiliated with Dataquest.

Vik is a great guy. One of his blog posts made it to the front page of HN a few months ago. I liked what he had to say, so I reached out to him for advice.

Not only was he willing to take time out of his busy schedule meet up with me for coffee to talk over my situation, but he also put me in touch with 2 or 3 of his close friends who were kind enough to share their perspectives with me as well. All for a random guy in college who was confused and looking for someone to talk to.

People like Vik make the HN community great, and I'm sure Dataquest will do great things with Vik in charge.

Major League Baseball Advanced Media | NYC or SF | Software Engineer or Technical Project Manager

MLBAM is the technology and digital media division of Major League Baseball, delivering end-to-end content solutions over web, mobile, and connected devices. Partners outside of MLB include HBO, PGA, WWE, NHL, and more. Read about how MLBAM is at the cutting edge of a major industry shift in which more and more people will choose to consume content via over-the-top subscription services instead of traditional cable: http://www.forbes.com/sites/maurybrown/2015/08/05/how-the-nh.... Also check out our CTO's keynote at last month's AWS Re:invent conference: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GAmpZ2sk400.

We are growing extremely fast and looking for talented software engineers and technical project managers to support that growth as we prepare to spin off into an independent technology company. Our headquarters is inside Chelsea Market in Manhattan with another development office in San Francisco. Please shoot me an email for more info (I'm an engineer, so I can answer any of your questions).

Wow a job posting from a company that's been around for more than 8 years! (It was founded in 1876 in the form of the National League.)

Technically this is a spin-off that is less than a year old in its current incarnation.

We actually haven't been spun off quite yet. It was approved by the owners a few months ago, but we are still currently part of MLB.

Y Combinator is hiring hackers (San Francisco, ONSITE)

We have a small team that makes the software that runs YC. Hardly any investors write software, but YC was started by hackers so it's natural for us to solve our problems that way.

The YC software is used by a relatively small number of people—mostly the YC partners and founders—but the users are sufficiently important that through them we are able to have huge leverage. YC has ambitious plans to create more innovation in the world, and the only way to reach that level of impact is to scale through software.

We're looking for a couple of great hackers to join us. It's not a job for everyone, but it could be a good fit for someone who likes startups. If you're a hacker, have a look at the job description: https://jobs.lever.co/ycombinator/8703c1d9-af67-4826-90e4-74.... If it feels like a good fit, we’d love to hear from you.

Apple, Inc. | Cupertino

Apple’s Siri is looking for exceptional engineers, designers, and project managers well versed in machine learning, natural language, speech recognition, server automation, and/or mobile software development. Siri is used on countless iOS and watchOS devices and handles over a billion requests per week.

If you’re passionate about sports, music, home automation or one of a variety of open positions you’ll be right at home.

Apply online or send a resume and a feature request to brittanyd@apple.com.

>and a feature request

What does this mean?

They want you to suggest a new feature for the Siri product.

"Siri should be able to ____________"

I'm quite surprised to see this. Isn't this confidential information?

That Apple is hiring software developers?

Probably referring to the number of Siri requests. There are around 400 million active iOS users so >1 billion requests per week is a pretty interesting number.

Scalyr - Java Backend Engineer - San Francisco Mid-Peninsula (on-site) - $140-180k, 0.7-1.5% equity

We're looking for our fifth engineer, and it's a rare opportunity - the equity, influence, and fun of an early-stage company, with stability, great pay, and a low-stress, engineering-driven culture. We have great backers, strong traction, and an 11-digit target market.

At one level, we're a server operations tool: log analysis, system metrics, dashboards and alerting. Underneath, we're building a super-high-speed distributed columnar database that enables interactive (subsecond) exploration of terabyte datasets; fronted by a lean, mean web UI.

Users love our product, because it's fast, powerful, and straightforward. We love building our product, because we get to tackle fun challenges and we have customers who appreciate it. I've built half a dozen startups, including Writely (aka Google Docs), and I can honestly say this is my favorite so far.

If you're interested in working on large-scale data filtering and aggregation, distributed systems, and extreme performance - drop me a line at steve@scalyr.com! Or stop by https://www.scalyr.com/careers for more info.

Clustree – Paris, France or REMOTE anywhere – Full time

Clustree is the first big data driven decision making solution for talent management. We revolutionize human resources in large companies giving them the evidences they currently lack to support their decisions. We just raised 2.9M dollars and won the DisruptHR competition last week.

We work on cool problems with microservices using Python, Elasticsearch, RabbitMQ, Spark (lots of machine learning!), Docker and Kubernetes. We offer true remote: I work from Reunion Island and only travel to Paris twice a year.

Engineering positions:

- QA Engineer: https://www.hellohired.com/clustree/jobs/606-q-a-engineer

- Data Scientist: https://www.hellohired.com/clustree/jobs/603-data-scientist

- Software Engineer Back-end oriented: https://www.hellohired.com/clustree/jobs/604-software-engine...

- Software Engineer Front-end oriented https://www.hellohired.com/clustree/jobs/605-software-engine...

- HRIS Software Engineer (not remote): https://www.hellohired.com/clustree/jobs/681-hris-software-e...

We did not really know what to expect when posting these job offers. It turns out that we received much more applications than expected!

We decided that before expanding our engineering team to all timezones, we would first consider timezones that are +/- 2 hours from Paris time. As I said in another child comment, we do have (non-technical) employees in the US, but we changed our mind about technical employees for now. Sorry, this is not in the job offer itself: it's no longer possible to edit it.

I am interested on knowing a bit more about Clustree. I worked for the past 2 years as a Data Scientist at an HR Startup in NYC and really loved it!

Sure! Please send an email at hello@clustree.com and mention HN.

Do you accept candidates from outside of France? Do you have anyone working with you in North America?

Yes, and yes.

NoRedInk in San Francisco (or remote, up to 6h time zone difference from Pacific)

Full stack rails engineers or frontend engineers wanted to make sure that grammer is taught good. Every one's revolutioneyesing educaton but while some student's cant even right the write words.

Then there was NoRedInk.

NoRedInk helps students quickly improve their grammar and writing skills. We've got a small, technically excellent engineering team.

We're gradually porting all of our React.js and Flux code to Elm, and are really active on the Elm community.

On the backend, we use Rails and MySQL, and manage our AWS deployments using Chef / Opsworks.

Join us as engineer #10, and improve how grammar is taught. https://www.noredink.com/jobs

Is this a joke?

iz et uh joek ? :p

The job post is jokey, but quite serious! Come work with us. After 2.5 years I still love working at NoRedInk.

Airtable — San Francisco, CA (ONSITE; FULL-TIME; INTERN)


Airtable's mission is to expand human productivity by letting people create tools to organize their world. Unlike single-purpose apps, we think of Airtable as a toolkit of building blocks that people can repurpose to create their own applications. Our product roadmap is filled with interesting enhancements and additions to this toolkit that will push the boundaries of Airtable's capabilities.

Our users love us: https://twitter.com/airtable/timelines/566728799115440128

We’re hiring engineers for web (JS, Node, React), iOS (Objective-C, Swift), and Android. There are 13 of us right now, with backgrounds from Google, Facebook, Microsoft, etc. We believe in the power of highly motivated and capable individuals to accomplish great things in small teams, with end-to-end ownership of projects and rapid iteration.

We’ve raised over $10 million in funding.

You can email me directly (k@airtable.com) or apply here: https://airtable.com/jobs

I love this product, I hope you find someone :)

Thanks : )

San Francisco (Remote okay) | full-time | http://mocobe.co | Front end developer and designer

After working for five years at Palantir, I decided to leave to work on a project that I think will make a huge social impact as well as an incredibly viable business model: delivering drug and alcohol abuse therapy to those who need it most. The vast majority of substance abuse sufferers receive treatments that are not scientifically validated. Mocobe will take the latest scientific research and use it to deliver treatment on the web and by mobile device, to bring low cost, high effectiveness treatment into hospitals, prisons, schools, and the courts. We have seed funding, a CTO, free co-working space from Homebrew, and a scientific advisory board. All we need is you: One more talented front-end dev, ideally with experience in React and Meteor, and a designer. Get in on the ground floor in a business that will make you want to get up in the morning to help someone. Contact us at info@mocobe.co. And read our whitepaper here: http://mocobe.co/whitepaper.html

Google (keep reading because this is non-standard). Mountain View, CA | Full time | Onsite (mostly)

(This is NOT a normal Google SWE position, and does NOT fall in the normal engineering organization (but is in the eng ladder. This is literally a startup type engineering position in a small team building novel new products.)

Design, code and prototype the next Google for Work b2b applications as a Google for Work Prototype Engineer for New Mobile/Cloud/IoT Products - think the next Gmail, Google Apps and Google Analytics!

Operating as a collection of small, fast-paced startups, this high visibility team is pushing the boundaries of what businesses can do with Google’s help. Our prospective product areas include a broad spectrum from Sales and Marketing Platforms to Big Data analytics to Internet of Things (IoT) to Google Glass for Work. Our team includes Engineers, Technology Managers and Business Analysts who are chartered with delivering solutions. We ideate, design, develop and launch novel, business-generating products.

Job post for more detail: https://www.google.com/about/careers/search#!t=jo&jid=907950...

Either apply directly or send an email to etally@google.com if you'd like to chat about it.

JPMorgan Athena | NYC and London | Full Time | ONSITE I expect you’ve heard of JPMorgan at some point, but probably aren’t familiar with Athena. We’re the bank’s in-house platform for cross-asset pricing, risk management, trade management, e-trading, etc.. There’s a core division (cleverly named “Athena Core”) of about 150 engineers which builds a platform and development libraries that are then used by over 5,000 developers throughout the bank. The Core Analytics team currently has 8 members and is responsible for extending Athena to research teams and for reducing the gap between research and production use. To give a simplified example, our typical customer is a quant who might be attempting to create a new pricing model. Core Analytics would help him access relevant data sets, explore that data with a library of common statistical functions to, verify the new model with a back-testing framework, and then finally publish the model to production. Python and C++ are the primary languages, but we’re open to considering exceptional developers with any background. Finance experience is certainly not required. Our two main offices are in NYC and London; we also have satellites in Tel Aviv, Tokyo, and Singapore.

Email Christine.h.ko@jpmchase.com to apply.

MapD | San Francisco (city) | Backend Developer, Frontend Visualization Developer

MapD (http://www.mapd.com) is a Google Ventures/Nvidia backed Series A startup that builds a lightning-fast GPU-accelerated database and analytics platform that takes advantage of the massive parallelism and high memory bandwidth of GPUs. We can literally run queries orders of magnitude faster than other systems and since the results are on the GPUs, we easily visualize the result sets or feed them into machine learning pipelines.

We’re looking for:

Backend Developer - Someone with strong experience in C++ and database/systems programming. Knowledge of CUDA/OpenCL, LLVM, X64 Optimization, and/or OpenGL a major plus.

Frontend Developer – Someone with lots of experience with D3.js, preferably also with Crossfilter.js and WebGL/Three.js. Should know or be willing to learn React/Redux. Needs to have good design sense and significant data visualization background.

We’re a small but growing team with deep knowledge of databases and GPU Programming. Benefits and equity are competitive ($115K-$150K / 0.25+%).

Please email jobs@mapd.com if you're interested!

Scrapinghub | http://scrapinghub.com | 100% remote (all timezones!)

Scrapinghub Ltd. is looking for Software Engineers (Scrapy, Django, devops) and Growth Hackers:


We're a fully distributed company (largest founded outside of the US!) with 112 engineers and staff. Based around open source, we maintain Scrapy, Portia, Webstruct, Frontera, and a lots of other tools made for crawling and scraping massive web datasets– everyone at SH helps makes these projects grow, and we offer to pay you to work on open source if you're good enough.

You'll have the chance to work on projects that harvest and transfer datasets of thousands of millions of records, as well as build some of the systems that will deliver data to current Fortune 500 companies and the startups that are building great products on top of our stack.

We have a very engineering-driven culture (two engineer-founders) and a great place to work if you're self-directed, curious, and interested in working in open source environments. More on Open Source at Scrapinghub: http://scrapinghub.com/opensource/

We've been growing a lot during the past two years and we're looking for great additions to our team, wherever you're located! Positions are full-time and include 20 days of paid vacations per year, your local country holidays, a hardware allowance, and an online services program intended for professional growth (Online courses, screencasts, books and more).

SparX - San Mateo, CA - Full Time

Looking for:

   * Software Engineers
   * Dev Ops
   * Data Scientists
SparX is a small engineering team focused on applying online machine learning and predictive modeling to eCommerce (impacting a 24 billion dollar business). Our stack is 100% Clojure, service oriented, targeting 50 million users with 1ms SLAs. We apply engineering and data science to tough problems such as dynamic pricing, shipping estimations, personalized emails, and multi-variate testing. We are always looking for talent in data science, engineering and devops. Bonus points if you can bridge 2 of these together. We love people with strong fundamentals who can dive deep.

We're a small team, so you will have an opportunity for a high-impact role, targeting over 50 million users. But our best perk is our colleagues: a diverse and extremely talented team of seasoned engineers and data scientists.

We are located in San Mateo, walking distance from the Cal-Train station. Come visit or apply online at http://staples-sparx.com.

Blackcomb Software | Sarasota, FL Area | Full Time & Part Time | REMOTE , INTERNS

Blackcomb designs software to bring the multi-billion dollar HVAC (heating, ventilation, and air conditioning), Plumbing, and Electrical industry into the next century. Our software and back office automation is being implemented at 3 of the largest HVAC companies in the US and we're continuing to develop new ways to transform this technologically ancient vertical.

- Full Stack Developer: We're primarily looking for someone with an eye for great user workflow design. We really appreciate people who understand what it takes to extend that to someone working in a sweltering attic to troubleshoot a customer's urgent issues. On the web front end, we're mainly vanilla JS and evaluating a switch to React / Redux. On the back end, we work with the .NET stack in C# (MVC, WebAPI, SQL, LINQ, Azure). Experience with Swift and iOS is a plus. If replacing cruft and repetitive tasks with smart software gets you as excited as we do, let us know you're interested: https://www.blackcombsoftware.com/jobs

- Customer Communication Designer: We think communication with homeowners is an extremely important and often overlooked aspect of of a well run HVAC company. We want to keep homeowners up to date and informed about the work being performed at their homes. To do that, we place an emphasis on generating timely, informative, and visually appealing communications. These communications go out in print and digitally through emails. If you've ever been frustrated by a lack of actionable and timely information from a service provider and know you could design something better, let us know: https://www.blackcombsoftware.com/jobs

got a biz dev referral for you guys.

Periscope Data | San Francisco, ONSITE | Full Stack Engineer (Ruby, Go, CoffeeScript, Java) | https://www.periscopedata.com/

Periscope is a data analysis tool for data analysts that allows them to type SQL queries and get charts really, really fast. Revenue has doubled twice in the last 6 months. We have gone from jumpstarting our car to hanging on as the car races up the hill.

    - In your first day you'll ship new code to production.

    - In your first week you'll ship at least one customer-facing feature.

    - In your first month you'll write code at every level of the stack.

    - In your first 6 months you'll rebuild a major piece of the Periscope stack.
Join our team of 15: hello@periscopedata.com

More info: https://www.periscopedata.com/data-obsessed-engineer

Opendoor - www.opendoor.com - San Francisco, CA - https://www.opendoor.com/jobs

At Opendoor we're changing the way homes are bought and sold.

Moving is one of life’s most stressful events, with months of uncertainty. We are empowering people with a simpler, more thoughtful approach to selling their house and buying their dream home. We are live in our first market and are experiencing phenomenal growth. We have an amazing team of talented and passionate engineers and data scientists.

We are looking for general engineers, front-end engineers, and data scientists to help us change the real estate industry. We've been featured on the breakout list http://www.breakoutlist.com/

Technologies we work with: Angular, Rails, PostGIS, Python, AWS, Webpack, Phoenix (Elixir), GoLang, Docker.

Help us reinvent life’s largest and most important transaction.

Let me know when you bridge the atlantic :)

A friendly reminder. The position lister here are available on the map on https://whoishiring.io,

Direct link to HN only job posts https://whoishiring.io/#!/search/31.50/-62.35/2/?exclude=gh&...

HubSpot | Cambridge/Boston/Dublin | full time, onsite

Looking for front-end (React/Flux, Backbone, ES6/CoffeeScript) and back-end (Java8, HBase, Kafka, Hadoop/Spark, ElasticSearch) developers who enjoy working in small teams that own significant parts of our products. Developer autonomy and responsibility are what fuels our product culture. Our products are helping transform how small businesses do marketing & sales so they grow while delighting their customers.

The products we build help small businesses grow. More on our product team and roles on our site: http://product.hubspot.com/ and our company culture: http://culturecode.com

Or ping me (champion at hubspot) with any questions.

Thumbtack - San Francisco, CA - ONSITE

Our mission is to help people accomplish personal projects by matching their needs to the best service professionals in their area. From wedding photographers and DJs to home contractors or French tutors, Thumbtack can help.

We are backed by Sequoia and Google Capital. A friendly, ambitious team of ~50 engineers in a bright SoMa office with daily home-cooked food, conference stipends, and unlimited vacation.

We're looking for engineers, SREs, and data scientists interested in working with Go, machine learning, Angular, iOS, Android, full-stack, Hadoop, and AWS. Join us!



Reach out to (glen@)thumbtack.com for any questions.

It would be good to see offers specify whether they respect the 8-hour workday or not.

This to me is the primary concern when working for someone else and the best "perk" that is out there. If I'm expected to do unpaid overtime, I'm not interested no matter what the salary is or other details.

You are in the wrong industry.

I don't see how this comment can be true. I have worked for a few big name companies that did not require engineers to work for more than 8 hours per day. In fact, most of my teammates used to work between 4-7 hours per day. These companies did not provide extra money for overtime work but it did provide compensation-off for overtime work, i.e. if I worked say 12 hours on two different days, I could take one day paid leave for free.

You work for the wrong companies.

Amsterdam, Netherlands | ONSITE | VISA SUPPORT | Booking.com - https://booking.com

Full-time, relocation to Amsterdam

Booking.com B.V., part of the Priceline Group (Nasdaq: PCLN), owns and operates Booking.com™, the world leader in booking accommodations online. Each day, over 850,000 room nights are reserved on Booking.com. The Booking.com website and apps attract visitors from both the leisure and business sectors worldwide. Established in 1996, Booking.com B.V. guarantees the best prices for any type of property, from small, family-run bed and breakfasts to executive apartments and five-star luxury suites. Independent accommodations are also specifically a focus of Villas.com, a sister site recently launched by Booking.com. Truly international, Booking.com is available in more than 40 languages, and offers over 660,360 properties in 212 countries.

We are hiring for our headquarters office in Amsterdam: - Frontend developers (JavaScript, jQuery, HTML, CSS, A/B testing) - http://grnh.se/mjko7b - Backend developers (Perl, MySQL, Memcached, Hadoop, Apache, NGINX) - http://grnh.se/qkm8vd

There is lots of other positions http://grnh.se/y3bfed and INTERNS are also welcome!

I work at Booking.com as well and so far have only good things to say about working here. The people are awesome, the work hours sane and the work interesting.

If you have any questions about working here or would like some light on the interview process, I will be happy to answer your questions at siddharthsarda01@gmail.com

Since some people have written to me for internships, I just wanted to update this thread saying that we do not do internships for software developers afaik.

Major League Baseball Advanced Media (http://www.mlbam.com), San Francisco, CA | Full Time | Onsite

I work for MLBAM where we handle the live video streams for MLB, NHL, HBO, WWE, Sony Vue and several other partners. We're looking to add another engineer to our team that handles much of the live streaming process.

We are looking to hire multiple software engineers to apply strong technical knowledge and ability to our world leading digital brand. Our software engineers are hands-on and gain professional gratification by having their efforts exposed to millions of users around the globe. Opportunities include the development of services, web applications, and APIs for the orchestration of our live streaming platform for MLB content as well as content for other partners. You will work closely with engineers across the technical organization, integrating your services and contributing heavily to the multimedia pipeline for building live and on demand video products. Software engineers can gain experience in a variety of technologies and platforms, and can transfer areas over the lifetime of their career.

Email me or apply directly here http://chk.tbe.taleo.net/chk05/ats/careers/requisition.jsp?o....

Planet Labs -- http://planet.com/ -- San Francisco, CA

(Remote work depends on the role -- some are onsite only, others may be available to remote workers.)

Planet Labs has a large number of positions open. We're a collection of electrical, mechanical, aerospace, software, science, etc. folks looking to image the whole planet on a daily basis with a large number of small satellites. It's a terrific bunch of folks doing what we call "agile aerospace".

I've personally been with the company for over a year, working on "Mission Control", an internal web app for managing the satellites and make life easier on our "Spaceship Captains" -- the operators who manage them. This is definitely one of the most interesting and fun roles I've had in my career (and I've had a few).

Python (Flask, Django) and Javascript (React, Backbone) are used heavily in the web projects. We of course have systems programming to do for the onboard software. Plenty of other interesting work from the satellite design and various subsystems, manufacturing, georectification of images, image corrections, dev ops, site reliability engineers, and heaps of possibilities with a supremely interesting dataset that we're growing.

Full list of jobs at https://www.planet.com/careers/#openings

Hi, I applied for one of Planet's open positions a few weeks ago, and I've been trying to get in contact with someone. The phone number for the SF office goes straight to voicemail. What's the best way to contact the appropriate person for a software position?

Applying via the website is the best and only way. We've been updating our tooling and process with the aim of being better about responding moving forward, but it goes with pretty much any company -- even if it doesn't work out with one position, there will be others and it can make sense to keep looking and keep trying. The larger the company, the more likely for this to be the case.

Why did Chris (the CTO) leave? Was he fired?

Wow, this project just sounds fun. I'm already pursuing my own projects, but otherwise this sounds like an intriguing idea. Best of luck!

It is fun. Thanks!

Do you offer visa support for berlin position?

I'll check, but in general if a company is hiring you to work in a specific office/locale, then they're likely willing to help with the process of being employed and employable there.

Applied here for internship, got a coding challenge, completed it, but haven't heard back yet, what does this mean?

Really hard to say. Could be a number of things from the engineer reviewing the code being swamped to the coding sample not being strong enough to needing more time. If it's been a few days, it's ok to send in a nice email to the recruiter, even something simple like

"Hi! Just wanted to check if you received my coding sample and if there's any feedback. Thanks so much!"

sorry for the late reply, but I never got an email from a recruiter, just a link to a coding challenge

likewise, still waiting on a response. Probably rejected, but would be nice to be emailed about it.

Understood. I'm an engineer at the company, not a recruiter, but I'll pass the word along. Either way, thanks for the feedback and sorry for the inconvenience. A "no" response is better than no response.

Just saw this - Thanks! For what it's worth, I think the team there does some really neat things with the doves. Not sure HN'll allow you to amend the post to include an INTERN keyword, but you should add it in subsequent whoishiring's. :)

San Francisco, Seattle, Cupertino (and other locations), FULL-TIME, INTERN, H1B

At Splunk, our goal is to make machine data accessible, usable and valuable to everyone. We help organizations and individuals make sense of data generated from a wide variety of sources and systems. This includes everything from traditional server logs to the immense volume of data generated by IoT devices.

One of my favorite use cases is using Splunk to analyze driving habits from the data gathered from Ford’s Open XC project. We were able to easily set up dashboards and see the differences between gas and electric car drivers. (http://www.splunk.com/view/SP-CAAAJBW)

Whether it's cloud, core systems engineering, dev platform or anything in between, we likely have something for you. I personally work on cloud engineering in San Francisco, but I'm happy to answer questions about anything. Feel free to shoot me an email (in my profile), or comment here.

My team and I are currently looking for engineers that have experience with designing distributed systems and building cloud services (Splunk Cloud is built on top of AWS). Take a look at https://www.splunk.com/careers for more positions at all of our locations.

My name is Nizar Boussarsar and I'm actually a computer science double degree student: master's degree in Polytech Nice-Sophia, France and engineer’s degree in ESPRIT, Tunisia. I would like to apply for an internship position.

I like what you are doing and I would like to discuss with you about an internship opportunity in the field of Iot and Machine learning.

Please feel free to contact me at nizar.boussarsar@etu.unice.fr and thank you.

It's not really how it works. You need to actually write them, not post something here.

I did, thank you !

The careers page does not appear to have any intern positions open right now. Have you started taking applications for the summer yet?

LearnZillion | Washington, DC | Full Time | REMOTE (US resident)/ON SITE

Help us create the digital curriculum of the future.

LearnZillion is a well-funded, fast-growing education technology startup building a learning platform that helps teachers meet the educational needs of every student.

Sr Software Engineer (REMOTE or ONSITE): we’re looking for full stack engineers that are self-motivated and comfortable working with a partially distributed team. This role can be either remote or on-site. You’ll work directly with product and design teams to develop new features for teachers, students, parents, and administrative users across the US. There’s lots of opportunity to improve classroom education as we know it, and you’ll have an outsize impact on the world.

Our stack: Rails 4+Ruby 2, Postgres, Elasticsearch, Redis, Sidekiq, GitHub, CodeClimate, CircleCI, and an automated test suite. Everything’s hosted on AWS.

Sr. Product Designer (ONSITE only): Are you well-versed in user experience and product design, technically skilled, focused, and creative? We’re looking for a Senior Product Designer to collaborate with both coworkers and users to uncover product needs, and then design and develop solutions within simple, easy-to-use interfaces. You’ll need to be comfortable with HTML and CSS, and there’s always engineers ready to help.

You can apply directly at https://learnzillion.com/careers. We’re looking forward to meeting you!

London, UK - Pusher - https://pusher.com/ - Full time - On Site Only

Pusher is a multi-tenant distributed system that allows our customers to deliver billions of messages to their connected users. We operate at massive scale, and this informs and affects everything we do. We're profitable and growing sustainably.

Our engineering team is based in London. We are looking for engineers who want to work on interesting problems in a production environment, and take responsibility for the real-world operation of a large and increasingly distributed system.

Our software stack is built around Linux, Ruby, Haskell, Go, Node.JS, Redis, MySQL, Git, Puppet and Ansible.

We are currently hiring:

Platform Engineers to continue improving and scaling our core real-time infrastructure: https://pusher.workable.com/jobs/52789

Mobile Product Engineers to work on improving our mobile libraries on both iOS and Android, and demonstrating what Pusher can do for mobile end users: https://pusher.workable.com/jobs/114508

A Product Manager to help us improve and develop our main product: https://pusher.workable.com/jobs/106010

Houston Astros -- Houston, TX -- Analyst, Baseball Research And Development

The Houston Astros are seeking an Analyst for the team's Baseball Research and Development group. The Analyst will work closely with the Director of R&D and the analytics team to conduct research and develop methods that encourage the effective understanding and application of information throughout Baseball Operations.


If anyone wants to ask about the job, feel free to email me at my username @astros.com, but please apply through the link there.


I currently work remotely (as do some other people in baseball operations), so it's not an absolute dealbreaker for the right candidate, but someone who's willing to relocate to Houston is likely to be favored all else being equal.

University of Michigan | Ann Arbor | Full-time | Onsite

This may be the only "Who's Hiring?" posting this month (possibly ever?) that offers the opportunity to work directly with brain surgeons in an operating room. The Neurosurgery Department at the University of Michigan is hiring for a unique position in a lab developing tools to distinguish cancerous tissue during surgery. The HR-sanitized posting of the position is here:


...but we are really looking for someone with a software passion who wants to gain experience in a biomedical environment, perhaps as a pathway to graduate studies or medical school. A C++ background would be ideal, but any numerical computing (Python/NumPy, MATLAB, R, Julia) or functional (Ocaml, Haskell, Scala, Clojure/Incanter, any Lisp...) programming experience is a plus. Experience developing in any of OpenCV, ITK, VTK, Point Cloud Library, or ImageJ would also be a plus as the position will include microscopy, image analysis, and surgical navigation (look up "BrainLab" or "Medtronic StealthStation" to see what this looks like). At least initially, it will also require some hands-on wet-lab work (training will be provided -- the listed lab experience is negotiable). Above all, we are looking for intense curiosity and a willingness to get your hands dirty with software, hardware, and wetware.

I am the lab PI, and I was referred to this board by a friend who said he frequently sees HN posts asking about getting in to the biomedical field with a CS background. This job provides such an opportunity. We are a small, young, and ambitious clinical-translational lab with an extremely productive (multiple publications in a Science journal) collaboration with one of the top spectroscopy groups in the world. Do note that this is an academic lab position, so we can't offer anywhere near Bay Area salaries. (but Ann Arbor's QoL/CoL ratio is absolutely fantastic!)

ReactiveOps | REMOTE, Anywhere BUT must have legal right to work in US & pass Gov't required background check(s) | Senior Site Reliability Engineers / Consultants @ ReactiveOps, Inc (https://www.reactiveops.com/careers/site-reliability-enginee...)

We're a completely distributed company performing two important services for our clients: 1) DevOps consulting (infrastructure automation, dockerization, creating high availability infrastructures/DR, chatops implementations, etc.)

2) Ongoing retainer-based services, functioning as our client's "outsourced, in-house (dev)-ops team" (stuff from #1, database administration, ongoing platform maintenance and support, pager duty, etc.)

We're looking for Senior, been-there-done-that Ops professionals, Docker architects, AWS experts, Linux kernel hackers, etc. - we prefer full-time perm but have enough work to take on folks looking for a more flexible arrangement (1099/contract here and there), too.

You must be able to pass a criminal background check and go through certain clearance measures required by our state/federal Government clients.

Contact me, the CEO and co-founder at: matt [at] reactiveops dot com

I look forward to speaking with you!

Do you really mean "US Citizens only", which can be legally problematic in some cases I believe, or "people with legal authorization to work in the US for any employer"? Unless you are doing something with the USG or which falls under ITAR you almost certainly mean the latter -- don't want to exclude good candidates who have green cards/permanent residency, etc.

>REMOTE, Anywhere BUT must have legal right to work in US

Maybe you should change BUT to AND. It seems contradictory otherwise, given the REMOTE, Anywhere.

>Anywhere BUT US citizens ONLY

This is illegal.


Also, why?

This is most definitely _not_ illegal if US citizenship is required to perform the job, which is the case in any job dealing with classified information.

Or export restricted things like anything covered by ITAR, which is not always classified.

Being a US citizen doesn't automatically mean you get all security clearances. There are many levels/variations of security clearance and job requirement should state what clearance they are looking for.

My understanding is only US citizens can go through certain clearance/background checks required by our clients. Although perhaps it's just folks with a valid right-to-work? I don't know for certain, I'll amend it to be "valid right to work in US" and clarify for clearance reasons.

If they need a clearance, then in all but very, very limited circumstances they must be US citizens.

Some sensitive industries like defense will DEF require citizenship for getting immediate clearance OR future scenarios where you'll need a clearance

OrgSync (http://www.orgsync.com) | Dallas, TX | Full-time onsite

Modern stack (Ruby/Rails, Clojure, JS/Node, Mobile) with 1.6M yearly active users.

OrgSync is a higher-ed platform focused on creating an online campus community. We help students get involved, admins get organized, and campuses get meaningful information from their data. Founded in 2007, we now serve hundreds of institutions with millions of users around the globe. We have an exciting and relaxed culture that values team members' contributions and dedication. Come be a part of our team!

Software Developer (areas of Ruby/Rails, Clojure, JS/Node) http://www.orgsync.com/company/careers/software-developer

Javascript / Front-end Developer http://www.orgsync.com/company/careers/javascript-developer

Mobile Developer (iOS, Android) http://www.orgsync.com/company/careers/mobile-developer

Amazon | AmazonUI (AUI) | Seattle; San Francisco | Onsite | Full-Time

AUI is the Front-end platform being adopted on Amazon.com. We are modernizing the company's front end code base, while diving deep on latency, performance, API design, user experience, and cross browser/device compatibility. Basically, we need people who can build libraries, not just use them.

Our team is incredibly customer-centric. For any given situation, we have to make the right choice on behalf of the folks using our platform -- and we have to do it at scale. That may sound cliche, but within the next hour AUI will be used to generate tens of millions of page views. And that's just in the US. Worldwide, we're used on more than 90% of requests across all device categories.

It's a lot of responsibility, but also a lot of opportunity. For example, we can run experiments that change almost every page on Amazon.com. We can also impact the page load time for the entire site. Have you ever tried to figure out why your site is 6ms slower? We have.

We use these tools (but don't expect you to know all of them): HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Ruby, Java, Perl, Git And to give you an idea of who you will be working with, the folks responsible for this articles are on our team: http://bjk5.com/post/44698559168/breaking-down-amazons-mega-...

If you're interested in engineering or technical program manager roles, drop us an email: aui-hn (@) amazon (.) com

Olark < https://www.olark.com > | SF, Ann Arbor | Full-time | REMOTE (PST timezone though)

== About Us ==

Olark was founded with the goal of helping small businesses create deeper (and more human!) connections with their customers. Since our initial funding from Y Combinator in 2009, we have bootstrapped a profitable company centered around a simple, powerful, and beautiful chat product that 9000+ businesses use every day to talk to customers. With two major offices and remote teammates across the world, our small 30-person organization is tight-knit and collaborative despite the distance between us. We believe our positive, participatory, and peer-driven team culture plays a big part in driving our growing success. Come chat with us about it!

== Positions ==

Are you fanatical about providing great customer support and have meticulous attention to detail?

Olark is looking for a new member to join our crack support team, doing front line chat and email support. We're specifically looking for someone comfortable identifying and debugging HTML, CSS + JS issues, reading through logs, and discovering issues with third party integrations and webhooks.

Info + application here: https://www.olark.com/jobs

Kaggle | San Francisco | Full Time | ONSITE or REMOTE | Software Engineering

Kaggle is hiring frontend and full stack software engineers. Frontend req: https://www.kaggle.com/careers/frontend Fullstack req: https://www.kaggle.com/careers/fullstack

Great for engineers looking for more exposure to machine learning. We are a small team that's having a big impact on its direction though our competitions and collaboration platform (which can be thought of as a Github for data science): www.kaggle.com/scripts

1aim - Berlin, Germany | Onsite, Full Time, Visa

At 1aim, we develop and produce access control systems, which allow to open doors with mobile phones. We create all hardware, software and IT-Infrastructure to run our systems on our own. Beside access systems we are already putting a lot of R&D effort in creating further new smart home/building automation products. We see ourselves as an engineering-driven technology company, that influences how a future with connected devices will look.

We enable engineers to focus on what they can to best, letting them work on new products in small, highly interdisciplinary teams. We get rid of management overhead and daily standup meetings. We have almost no rules and flexible working hours, your contribution is the only thing we care about. Right now, we are hiring new engineers for the following areas:

- (Frontend) Web Development

- Backend Development (with a focus on high security/cryptography)

- App Development (Android and/or iOS)

- Electrical Engineering & Embedded Software Development

- Mechanical Engineering

We do not care about your academic degrees or where you are from, but about the stuff you did and what you could create in the future given the right opportunities. If you are interested in working at 1aim, write us an email at work.hn<?>1aim.com and tell us about the projects you worked on that you are the most proud of and which technological feats of the past inspire you.

We provide visa assistance, relocation support and free housing until you find your own place to live.

Counterpoint Consulting | www.c20g.com Location: Vienna, VA (near Washington, DC)

Counterpoint creates sustainable competitive advantage for our clients through business and workforce automation solutions. We create software which lets machines deal with administrivia while enabling people to focus on the parts of their work that matter most.

We are looking to hire new software developers and consultants who are passionate about technology, who relish the opportunity to work in a dynamic, small company culture and who have a strong entrepreneurial spirit.

-- Associate Consultant --

Experience Level: 0-3 yrs

JOB RESPONSIBILITIES: Work directly with our customers to translate business needs into technical solutions Analyze business problems Work independently or cooperatively within software development teams

REQUIREMENTS: * Demonstrated record of excellence inside and outside of the classroom * Software development experience or interest in pursuing a career in technology

-- (Senior) Consultant --

Experience Level: 3-6 yrs

NON-TECHNICAL JOB RESPONSIBILITIES: * Work directly with our customers to translate business needs into technical solutions * Analyze business problems * Work independently or cooperatively within software development teams

TECHNICAL EXPERIENCE REQUIREMENTS: * Java, Java Web Frameworks and / or .NET professional development experience * Web Development Technologies and Libraries (HTML, JS, CSS, jQuery) * Relational Databases & SQL * BPM development experience (esp. Appian, Cordys, Metastorm, Activiti)

Zerto — http://www.zerto.com — mainly Israel (Herzliya), Boston — onsite usually

Zerto has the industry's leading hypervisor-based replication solution for private, public, and hybrid clouds. If you're interested in virtualization, data protection, disaster recovery—or just working on interesting technical challenges—then we might be right for you. We're hiring for 30+ technical roles: http://app.jobvite.com/m?3FcLEhw2

Openings range from DevOps to backend developers to project managers. Technologies include e.g. C#, C++, .NET, and Lucene/Solr; given our space, familiarity with VMware, Hyper-V, AWS, or Azure obviously a huge plus.

We also have dozens of non-technical openings as well: http://app.jobvite.com/m?3SfLEhwi. Includes lots of account managers, and some sales & marketing; these openings are often remote and much more geographically diverse, including Washington DC, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Seattle, Portland, UK (Reading, typically), Germany, India, etc.

Sustainable Engineering Lab @ Columbia University | Full Stack Engineer | New York, NY (NYC) | ONSITE

Looking for work that can have a real positive impact? Our projects span software, hardware and geography in an effort to increase access to resources that improve the human condition [1], [2], [3]. We're looking for a software engineer with full stack knowledge to help us build our platform for sustainable development. You'll be joining an open-minded peer group of hackers and academics working in Python, R, Javascript, PostgreSQL, Node.js, MongoDB, and React among other technologies. Interest in design is a plus. Potential for international travel.

Send resume to cn2302@columbia.edu

[1] Our site: http://sel.columbia.edu

[2] Our solar irrigation work in Senegal: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yjz8ox40YZM

[3] Mapping the grid in Nigeria: http://sel.columbia.edu/nigerian-utility-kedco-maps-10-milli...

BaseCase | Software Engineer | http://basecase.com | Berlin, Germany | Remote, Visa

Our primary product is a sophisticated web application which allows non-developers create interactive presentations.

We're looking for talented developers. Our technology stack is Javascript / jQuery / HTML5 on the front-end, and Python / MySQL on the back-end. But you don't need experience in our stack - we know a good developer can learn on the job.

We can support remote workers, and are willing to assist in obtaining a work visa for Germany if required.

We have been profitable for several years, so we can offer very competitive salaries, with stock options.

If this sounds interesting, apply here: https://basecasecareers.recruiterbox.com/jobs/fk0hffr

Some relevant background videos:

-) http://basecase.com/company/careers

-) http://basecase.com/platform/video/


Diarmuid Glynn / CTO

Hi Diarmuid, I've applied through your website a while ago. I actually live really close to your office in Berlin. ;) Let me know if you want to have a chat.



Kentik | San Francisco | Full Time | REMOTE, VISA considered


Interested in building a time series database, crafting a sleek, intuitive front-end, or evangelizing a breakthrough approach to network intelligence? This is your opportunity to get involved in a dynamic San Francisco-based startup with major growth potential. Kentik Technologies is the creator of Kentik Detect, a big data-based SaaS for network visibility, DDoS detection, and infrastructure optimization. Accessible via portal, psql client, and API, Kentik Detect is the network visibility solution that our founders — former network operators from Akamai, Netflix, YouTube, and CloudFlare — always wanted but could never find. It lets network operators see complete traffic paths, find root causes for link congestion, reduce costs by peering with other networks, and know immediately when their networks are under DDoS attack. It's already in use at companies like Yelp, Box, Neustar, and OpenDNS. And with your help we can keep making it even better.

On the backend we're looking for folks with real-world experience building distributed systems in Go/C/C++. On the front end we need experts at both client- and server-side JavaScript, with broad experience in monitoring, visualization, and building state-of-the-art Web applications. And in sales we need proven performers with a track record in highly technical markets (network-related preferred).

Sound like a good fit? Check us out at https://www.kentik.com/careers/, and contact us at hr@kentik.com.

I've tried three different browsers with all plugins disabled, and this is all I can see on your careers page: http://i.imgur.com/iKXuZL3.jpg

Let's Encrypt • Full Time • Remote • U.S. and Canada

Let's Encrypt is looking for a lead developer to work on our core CA software as well as the Let’s Encrypt client. This includes fixing bugs, adding features, and improving performance. Security is our highest priority, so be prepared to focus heavily on this aspect of the work.

As a leader you’ll help us to prioritize work and grow our community. You’ll help to create a welcoming environment for new contributors and set an example with your development practices and communications skills.

More information:


Localytics - Boston, MA - FULL-TIME, INTERN, H1B

Localytics is hiring engineers to help us with: - iOS, Android, JavaScript SDK and app development - Data platform technologies including Spark and MPP Databases - Microservices on Play with Scala - Delivery, Internal Tools, AWS, Infrastructure as code - Front End development with ES6, React and D3.js

About Localytics:

* We provide app analytics and app marketing services for thousands of apps on over two billion devices

* We are one of the fastest growing companies in Boston and were named one of the top places to work by The Boston Globe.

* We are passionate about and have deep expertise in the technologies we work with including: Rails, AngularJS, React, D3.js, Scala, iOS, Android, MapReduce, MongoDB, DynamoDB, Memcache, Redis, Spark, Column Store Databases, AWS: DynamoDB, S3, SQS, EMR, ElasticCache and EC2.

* We are one of the largest Scala shops in Boston and have a passion for functional programming. Many folks here who are in the credits for the FP in Scala book.

Check out our engineering blog: http://eng.localytics.com/ Please send inquiries to jobs@localytics.com

Neumitra - stress management devices, apps, and analytics - Boston, MA

Full-time for embedded, mobile, and full stack applications from physiological and contextual data, front-end and mobile developers and data scientists and any one interested should reach out!

We're hiring data-driven engineers including:

- Embedded developers for real-time biofeedback and data packets

- Mobile developers for hooks into apps for stress management

- Front-end developers to show how stress impact large groups

- Data scientists for extracting insights from data streams

- QA including device, mobile, and platform applications

Our stack runs from sensors to servers. We use machine learning and statistical learning techniques to build personalized and population health technologies for stress management.

We're also hiring mechanical and research engineers who love to iterate on technologies based on user interactions and feedback. We appreciate experiences and enthusiasm for building unique tools that have a meaningful impact. Our mission is to solve global questions of stress, health, performance, and happiness.


Please say hello@neumitra.com

Mixmax | Full-Stack Engineer | San Francisco (ONSITE, visa transfers & relocation available) | https://mixmax.com

We're a growing, fast-moving team looking for a full-stack engineer to join us!

Mixmax’s mission is to do the impossible with email. We're a passionate team of engineers and designers that believe everything you do today on the web should be possible in any email. We launched a Gmail plugin earlier this year that brings interactive content to email and it's been a huge success. Already tens of thousands of customers depend on us for their daily productivity. We have an A++ list of investors that previously backed companies like Twitter, Heroku, Lyft & Square. We have big plans ahead - come build with us!

An incredibly mission-driven, diverse and fun-loving team; we value personal and professional growth equally and have built multi-million dollar products together in the past. We're based in downtown SF.

Our stack: Node, Express, Meteor, Redis, Mongo, Handlebars, AWS.

Email hello@mixmax.com and let’s grab coffee! Try out the product (for free!) at mixmax.com.

Omni (Seed) | San-Francisco, CA | Full-time | ONSITE


Omni is a service that picks up, catalogs, and stores your personal items. We currently offer cheap and easy management of your items via our iOS app. Whenever you want to retrieve any items, you can simply choose a time to have them delivered, and they are returned to you on schedule! When you’re done, request a pickup, and the process starts over. Omni is simply the best way to manage and interact with your storage needs.

We're looking for two founding engineers, both generalists, though each with primary coverage on the back and front end. You can read about the roles here:


Reach out to dev@beomni.com if you're interested!

P.S. As a special gift to our fellow hacker news readers, enter code HACKERNEWS on https://www.beomni.com/offer for 1 month of storage free!

AltspaceVR | Software Engineers | Redwood City, CA | Onsite, but work-from-home sometimes is a good thing! | Full-time | Permanent eligibility to work in US required | Virtual reality, Unity, Rails, HTML5, React, ES6, WebGL, three.js

About us: http://altvr.com

Open positions: http://jobs.altvr.com

Our team: http://altvr.com/team


- AltspaceVR is a virtual reality software company building a platform for communication in VR.

- Backed by some of the best investors on the planet (http://bit.ly/1EEqFsw)

- With a team that is passionate about the future of VR.


- VR will be for everyone.

- The social connection enabled by VR will change your life (and we can show it to you.)

- We should embrace everything that is great about the 2D web.

- That we can and will invent the 3D web.

For more info: http://altvr.com For open positions: http://jobs.altvr.com

Elation EMR | REMOTE (Company HQ is in SF)

We build really incredible tools for clinicians and their patients. We've built an organization that values the impact tools in Healthcare IT can make, and doesn't accept that the status quo of crappy offerings is a somehow inevitable consequence of industry regulation and bureaucracy.

We've been around for about five years and have a product that's getting loads of traction and totally resetting the bar from what physicians have come to expect of their tools.

Our dev team is remote (across the US and Canada). We live in Slack, github, and AWS. Tech stack Python, Django, Javascript, MySQL, Redis, ElasticSearch, etc.

A good summary of how and why we exist lives here: https://www.quora.com/What-product-is-ElationEMR-building

Check out http://www.elationemr.com/jobs/ or feel free to ping me if you have any questions (contact info's in my profile).

DramaFever - FT in NYC, Philly or REMOTE - Android & iOS Engineers

We're a group of 130+ people building an experience for the shows and movies our customers love watching. With roughly 50 other engineers, you'll be responsible for creating a user experience enjoyed by millions. DramaFever is responsible for: dramafever.com, shudder.com, docclub.com… and more to come!

- We're looking for engineers who will take ownership of functionality and deliver the best solution possible. - Our stack includes python, go, AngularJS, AWS, docker, chef, etc. - Strong written and verbal communication is one of the most important parts of our jobs. - We are fully funded, but the start-up nature and environment is still thriving (expect booze, beanbags, and bike workstations in the office). - We offer a lot of flexibility in our work structure - what you deliver is what counts.

See more at: http://www.dramafever.com/company/careers.html

Digital H2O | Chicago, IL | http://www.digitalh2o.com/ | Full Time | ONSITE

Digital H2O aims to build products that enable cost effective and sustainable use of water in industrial processes. We use a strong mix of data engineering and machine learning to forecast the oil and gas marketplace.

- Data Platform Engineer | Seeking an engineer with strong experience in Python and a love of gaining new insight from data using tools like Pandas, SciKit-Learn, and much more.

Given our small team size you will have a meaningful impact from the start. We have the monetary backing of a large company so we are able to offer market-to-above-market pay, your choice of laptop and multiple vertical or horizontal monitors, 401k matching, annual bonus, great health plans, and more. Contact wcleveland (at) digitalh2o.com or visit http://www.digitalh2o.com/careers for more info.

RealScout - Rails Engineers/Javascript Engineers/Data Engineers/Data Scientists - Mountain View, CA - Full-time

We pair program [1], hold hack days every other Friday [2], and have recently improved test coverage from 45% to 80%. The focus seems to be paying off: In the first half of 2015, homes sold through RealScout grew 25% month over month.

We're on the way to Series B being previously backed by Joe Lonsdale (Palantir founder), Ken DeLeon (2012's #1 Realtor) and several others ($7m to date).

If you're interested in helping to shape and mold engineering culture and technology in a small and growing team, feel free to reach me at chris (at) realscout.com.

[1] - http://eatcodeplay.com/why-we-killed-off-code-reviews/

[2] - https://twitter.com/chrisconley/status/618830194971774976

What does realscout do though?

Peloton Technology - Mountain View, CA - Full Time

Peloton Technology is a leader in vehicle automation, focused on developing key safety and fuel saving technologies for the $680 Billion transportation industry. Our opportunities run the gamut from real time control to data science and the web. Our founders are recognized worldwide for their contributions to autonomous vehicle technologies.

We are a highly technical team that codes in C/C++ and Go (golang) on Linux. We build with Bazel, and code review with Gerrit. We do data science in R, Java and Go with Spark.

We are seeking:

    * Real-time C++ developers
    * Data Engineers
    * Build/Release Engineer
    * Quality Lead
We are strongly funded, and have a few unique benefits. (How many of your friends get to ride around in an 18 wheeler before lunch?)

Find out more at www.peloton-tech.com. Submit your resume to jobs@peloton-tech.com.

Oscar Insurance is a healthcare startup using technology, data & design to change the way people find and access care. We are disrupting the healthcare industry by putting people first, not business and cost. www.hioscar.com

We're currently hiring for a variety of Full-time/Onsite roles here in our New York City location.

Software Engineer: Data https://www.hioscar.com/about/jobs/16268?gh_jid=16268

Software Engineer:Platform: https://www.hioscar.com/about/jobs/13633?gh_jid=13633 IT Engineer: https://www.hioscar.com/about/jobs/32248?gh_jid=32248

Software Engineer: Product: https://www.hioscar.com/about/jobs/13586?gh_jid=13586

Site Reliability Engineer: https://www.hioscar.com/about/jobs/13255?gh_jid=13255

Oscar was recently valued at $1.75 billion following a $32.5 million investment by Google Capital. http://blogs.wsj.com/digits/2015/09/15/google-bets-on-insura....

Check out our Engineering Blog for updates on new projects: http://dna.hioscar.com/tagged/engineering

If you have any questions please contact Erin: erin@hioscar.com

Penn Medicine - Philadelphia, PA (ONSITE)

Associate Web Developer, Web Developer, Senior Web Developer

We’re looking for web developers of all skill-levels at Penn Medicine.

All of our new applications are being built in Ruby on Rails, but we’ve got over a decade of legacy PHP code so you’d be spending time in both environments. We work agilely and in small teams (~3 developers and 1 product owner per team) organized loosely around different themes (e.g., medical school admissions, faculty data, research data).

We’ve got a bit more about the open positions on our website (https://www.med.upenn.edu/pmacs/jobs.html), but I’m happy to chat (barendt@mail.med.upenn.edu) if you’ve got questions or would like to know more.

UpCounsel (upcounsel.com) | San Francisco

UpCounsel is on a mission to make the legal experience remarkable for businesses. We provide businesses with an alternative to expensive and slow law firms through an online marketplace and an all-star virtual lawyer community. UpCounsel is working with thousands of entrepreneurs and companies to increase the quality and speed of legal services, while dramatically reducing costs.

We are looking for Engineers (Data, Full-stack, Front-End), Data Analysts, Data Scientists, Sales Positions, and Customer Success. Check out our careers page (https://www.upcounsel.com/home/careers) and be sure to email me at bernadette [at] upcounsel [dot] com

Highly recommend UpCounsel. I'm a user totally impressed by their site, team, follow up, and commitment to success.

JPMorgan • New York City / Brooklyn • Full Time • Onsite

The New Product Development (NPD) group at J.P. Morgan is seeking Haskell engineers to join our software development team. NPD focuses on high-impact and transformative technologies and solutions serving the bank and its customers, via exploratory R&D leading to rapid pilot and production deployments. Successful projects are handed off to a partner line-of-business group while blocked or infeasible projects “fail fast.” You will work with a highly creative and talented team to transform how JPM does business.

The ideal candidate will be able to work closely with a group but also drive projects independently. Developers are encouraged to interact at every level of product development. New projects arise frequently with ample opportunity for developers to spearhead new efforts. Open source contributions are encouraged.

Exposure and expertise in any of the following areas is desirable:

· Network engineering

· Cryptography engineering

· Distributed Systems

· Programming language design (e.g. compilers, interpreters, development tools)

· Database Systems

· Software assurance / verification (Model Checking (TLA+), QuickCheck, Jepsen, Coq, HOL)

· Industrial/production Haskell development

The Haskell group in NPD is focused on solutions in blockchain/distributed databases; smart-contract DSLs; REST APIs; data anonymization; probabilistic modelling; and ML tooling. We are Haskellers who enjoy leveraging ever-more-powerful abstractions and maximal expressivity to deliver robust, correct, performant, maintainable and generally kick-a$$ software.

I'm one of the tech leads in the group, please email me at first name dot last name at gmail dot com if you wanna learn more ( please include a CV and perhaps a cover letter), and include "functional enterprise job" in the subject.

I look forward to hearing from you!

I'll vouch that Carter is the real deal. If he's offering Haskell jobs in JPM, this would be a good place for people to land.

thankee. I appreciate that

Kipu Systems - Miami - Full Time - ONSITE

We are a fast growing (really fast) cloud-based Electronic Health Record system provider for the behavioral and substance abuse treatment industries. http://kipusystems.com/careers/

• Sr/Jr DevOps Engineer - Reporting to the Vice President of Cloud Operations, the DevOps Engineer is instrumental in creating, automating, deploying, operating and scaling an always-on distributed system. http://kipusystems.com/careers/#devopsengineer

Please email your resume to jobs (at) kipusystems.com

Code4Good -- https://www.engageSPARK.com - "Twilio for Non-Techies" | Cebu, Philippines | Full-Time | ONSITE

engageSPARK, a not-for-profit business, is an engagement platform that empowers NGOs and Governments to dramatically extend the reach and effectiveness of their pro-poor programs. Customers tell us that it’s the easiest to use self-service solution to easily and quickly launch comprehensive messaging, surveying, curriculum, education, and decision tree programs focused on developing countries via two-way SMS, Voice IVR Calls (roughly 40% of the world’s poor are illiterate), and Missed Calls in 200+ countries.

Customers such as International Rescue Committee, Innovations for Poverty Action, MedAir, Mercy Corps, and US Institute for Peace are using the engageSPARK platform in countries around the world to make social change in the areas of Agriculture, Health, Finance, Elections, and Disaster Planning & Response. We've already changed the lives of more than 30,000 people living in poverty.

Full Stack Adventure Developer: https://goo.gl/j4h5WX Adventure Fellowship: https://goo.gl/YA8ENR

Our stack: Go (GoLang) Microservices, Python/Django, Java, Docker, Redis, Thrift, PostgreSQL, CouchDB, Android

Located on Cebu Island, Cebu City is the second largest city in the Philippines. It’s a safe place to live with a variety of malls, restaurants, shops, beaches, and activities such as scuba diving, running, hiking, rock climbing, and snorkeling. It has a busy international airport with cheap flights to domestic and regional destinations. Check out Google Images: https://www.google.com/search?safe=off&site=imghp&tbm=isch&s...

Email us at Jobs at engageSPARK.com

Nest | Full Time | Palo Alto, Kirkland, Boulder | ONSITE

Nest is taking your everyday devices and making them smarter starting with Thermostat, Smoke Alarm, and Security Camera.

We're hiring several important Product Management & Engineering roles: iOS/Android Engineers, Hardware Engineers, Services & API engineers, DevOps and QA.

We're a relatively small team of passionate individuals who believe in innovation and strive to improve lives of our users. You will have an opportunity take on a big role, make a huge impact, and set Nest up for next growth stage.

Check out our jobs page at https://nest.com/careers/

Formstack | Remote or Indianapolis, IN | Software Developer, QA Analyst, Front End Developer


Formstack is a 9 year old company with its roots in Indianapolis. Our customers span 110 different countries, and our employees live and work across the U.S. and the globe. We have employees in: Oklahoma, North Carolina, Illinois, California, Kentucky, Poland, Georgia, Canada, the Netherlands, Pennsylvania, Indiana, Texas, Colorado, & Maryland. We provide a remote work environment that is flexible and provides great freedom for those who can perform.

Boulder, CO

Laboratory for Atmospheric and Space Physics at the University of Colorado at Boulder is a world-renowned space science research institute. CU receives more NASA funding than any other public university. We're currently filling a number of engineering positions:

* Ground Hardware/Software Engineer

* Command and Data Handling Systems Engineer

* Software Quality Engineer

* Electrical Engineer

* Mechanical Engineer

* Safety Engineer

* Quality Assurance Engineer

* Spacecraft Structures Lead – Mechanical Engineer

* Systems Engineer (RF01782)

Check out http://lasp.colorado.edu/home/about/jobs/ for more info

DevResults | Washington, DC | Full Time | Remote

DevResults is working to make international development more effective and we're looking for a passionate developer who wants to change the world to join our team to help us accomplish our goal. We are looking for smart, self-driven developers who aren't afraid to dig in to legacy code or write brand new code.

• Web Developer - you will work on a web-based application that utilizes a mix of asp.net web forms (legacy) and angular / asp.net web api that runs on windows azure.

email jobs@devresults.com with Engineering in the subject.

Akkroo (https://akkroo.com) | London, UK | ONSITE | Full Stack Web Developer, full-time

We build best-in-class SaaS software that helps businesses to capture customer data at events, replacing pen, paper and clipboards. We're cutting out the middle men, replacing the slow and lossy process of manual transcription - and for the first time ever - businesses can now easily measure their sales and marketing return on investment at events.

Join us and work in a small, purposeful development team solving interesting challenges for a customer base that includes Harrods, Red Bull Racing and Marie Curie Cancer Care.

A great fit for us will be a kind, curious and thoughtful person (find out more about our team culture and values here: https://akkroo.com/jobs#info). You'd need broad abilities and knowledge of web technologies - JavaScript, and some backend and database experience is essential. Bonus: our office is right by Big Ben (and appears very briefly in the new Bond film, if you're into that kind of thing)!

If you're keen, please drop me (Andy) a note with the specific reasons why this role appealed to you at jobs@akkroo.com - you can read more detail here: https://akkroo.com/jobs/web-app-engineer

High Fidelity -- San Francisco, CA -- Fulltime, ONSITE but Work from Home friendly.

High Fidelity was created in 2013, our mission is to create a new kind of virtual reality platform.

Team High Fidelity has a deep legacy of expertise in software development, social entertainment, peer-based recognition systems, community development, and workforce mobilization.

We believe that both the hardware and the internet infrastructure are now available to give people around the world access to an interconnected Metaverse that will offer a broad range of capabilities for creativity, education, exploration, and play. And by using all of our computers together in an open shared network, we can simulate this space at a far larger scale than would be possible by any single company or centrally hosted system. By using a range of new hardware devices like the Oculus Rift, HTC Vive, Samsung Gear VR, Leap Motion, PrioVR, Sixsense, and depth cameras, the experience of exploring these worlds can be incredibly immersive and the interaction with others lifelike and emotional.

We are looking for software engineers with solid experience in C++ and Javascript to help us build the Metaverse. Openings can be viewed at http://highfidelity.com/jobs. To apply, email us your resume or LinkedIn profile. Sample code and links to things you’ve built are most welcome. hiring@highfidelity.io

BLADE - http://blade.net | Web Developer | Boston, MA and Westford, MA | Full-time | On-site

Blade is a well-funded team, currently in stealth, that is looking to build the next great travel company, in Boston. We hire for the person, not for the role. We look for people who have excelled on teams, including multi-year commitments to teams which have built successful mass-market consumer technology products.

A critical part of our success is a special web app that we have in mind. We need a real wizard at building fast, reliable HTML+CSS+JS web applications. Sorry, we are being coy about exactly what this app will do, but it something we think other folks are not paying attention to, and we don’t want to even bring it up.

Our ideal developer for this job: - Ace in HTML, CSS--ability to translate a pixel-perfect photoshop mock into a HTML - Expert in JS and/or modern JS frameworks: React, jquery, whatever. - Opinionated about visual design, even if not a designer

If you join us, we promise this will be the most fun job of your career, and that you will be more productive here than you've been on any prior team. You will get to invent stuff, and to try it rapidly.

Meet the team here: http://blade.net/team/ and send us a note at hello@blade.net. Thanks!

Stevens Capital Management LP|www.scm-lp.com|Radnor, PA|ONSITE

Stevens Capital Management LP (“SCM”) is a registered investment adviser with more than sixty employees that manages a multi-billion dollar hedge fund that has been in business for 20+ years. SCM specializes in the rigorous development and disciplined implementation of empirically based quantitative trading strategies. Our highly productive team works in a fast-paced collegial environment, utilizing extensive data sets, technology and the scientific method to devise and employ trading strategies throughout the world’s most liquid financial markets.

We’re seeking highly driven, production-oriented developers who possess strong technical skills and the ability to work in a fast-paced collaborative environment.

Primary Responsibilities - Develop and support multi-threaded applications with a strong emphasis on high performance. - Optimize our multi-faceted low latency global trade execution platform using network and systems programming. - Create tools to process, store and analyze quote and order data. - Work closely with our quantitative research analysts, engineers and other groups to provide software solutions.

Requirements - A minimum of three years professional-level C++ programming experience in a Linux environment. - A Computer Science or Mathematics degree. - Outstanding problem solving skills. - Knowledge of shell scripts and other languages including Java, Python or Perl is a plus.

Please send your Execution Developer resume to recruiting@scm-lp.com.

20n | San Francisco | Full Time, ONSITE | http://20n.com | Machine learning, data mining, NLP, and computational biology

Biology is severely under-utilized. 20n (YC W15) fixes that using software predictions to create cells that produce valuable chemicals. We created a yeast that eats sugar and produces acetaminophen -- the active ingredient of Tylenol. ps: Our cells are the only living cells known that produce acetaminophen.

20n is a YCombinator, DARPA, and Khosla Ventures backed, with existing Fortune 500 customers and incoming revenue. Our core technology is a data mining and machine learning platform for biological data. We routinely distribute using Spark, write approximation algorithms for NP-complete problems, and push the software predictions to robots that build the microbes. We are looking for algorithms experts who want to see their predictions create new life!

Full job descriptions:

* Data mining and NLP: http://20n.com/jobs.html#team:input

* Machine learning: http://20n.com/jobs.html#team:predict

* Computational Biology: http://20n.com/jobs.html#team:sequence


We are building the only persistent, truly distributed simulation platform capable of running billions of complex entities in real time. From economics & environmental simulations, to massively online & persistent gaming worlds; Improbable Fabric is changing the face of distributed cloud simulations.

Check out all of our (21!!) jobs at http://improbable.io/life-at-improbable/

This month's new additions:

Developer Relations: https://boards.greenhouse.io/improbable/jobs/117200#.Vje83BD...

UX Designer: https://boards.greenhouse.io/improbable/jobs/58602#.Vje88xDh...

Infra Engineer (Go, Docker, Python etc): https://boards.greenhouse.io/improbable/jobs/54358#.Vje9KRDh...

Also hiring Security Engineers, Software Engineers, Recruiters, Product Owners & much more.

Join us on the journey, create a totally new industry. Mail me at sean@improbable.io for more info.

Contactually | HQ in Washington, DC | Full-time | Onsite, Remote friendly

Contactually is a rapidly growing CRM startup based in Washington, DC. With a company size of around 60 people, we are taking the space by storm and looking to bring in some rockstar full-stack engineers (Rails/JS) to join our talented team and help build the best platform for our users.


Check us out!

Solarcentury - http://www.solarcentury.com - London

Drupal Developer

--About us-- Solarcentury is one of the most respected solar companies in the world. Founded in 1998, we have been around since the early days of the solar industry and have been part of the evolution that has made PV the attractive investment it is today. We have put solar on a greater variety of sites than any other company and have won multiple awards for product innovation.

--The job-- In order to support the increasingly distributed, international and complex work that Solarcentury does, we have embarked on a major new project to overhaul the internal and b2b communications of the business. As part of this project, we're seeking an experienced and proficient Drupal developer to work with internal and external software development teams, and with other roles within the business, to guide and help build the Drupal application that will form the central repository for all of our business information.

Working closely with the Information Director, Business Process Analyst and the Software Development team, we want you to work on both help the internal team transition to Drupal as well as actively work on creating forms, views and entities that will be part of the application.

Questions? Contact dominic.starkey@solarcentury.com

Silent Spring Institute | Newton MA (Boston) | Full Time | ONSITE

Seeking a versatile data scientist, machine learning expert, or statistician to tackle big data problems in environmental health and breast cancer prevention. R experience preferred.

Silent Spring Institute is an independent non-profit research organization dedicated to identifying—and changing—the links between the environment and women's health, especially breast cancer. Our research focuses on breast cancer and environmental pollutants, especially hormone disruptors and animal mammary gland carcinogens. We develop and apply new technologies to differentiate hazardous and safer chemicals, to measure exposures, and to identify effective exposure reduction strategies.

Projects may include

• Analysis of high-throughput toxicity testing and gene expression experiments for insights about the mechanisms of chemical carcinogenesis

• Mapping the “exposome” and “metabolome” by developing computational methods for new, more comprehensive analyses of chemicals in human tissues

• Text mining to uncover trends in published research on suspected carcinogens

• Identifying unique exposures of workers in high-risk occupations

Read more and apply at: http://silentspring.org/opportunities-silent-spring-institut...

Leanplum -- https://www.leanplum.com | San Francisco, CA | Sofia, Bulgaria | Full-Time | Interns | Onsite

At Leanplum, we are personalizing every action on mobile - from push notifications to in-app experiences. We do this for companies like Expedia, Tesco, and StumbleUpon, and process billions of events per day over hundreds of millions of users. With all of this data, we have the opportunity to extract meaning and insights through creating a high performance analytics backend and utilizing machine learning algorithms.

We already have 7 ex-Googlers and several international olympiad medalists, and with our Series B round led by Kleiner Perkins, we're growing very quickly.

Some technologies we use: Java, Python, Spark, Angular.js, Sass, iOS, Android

Open technical positions:

  - Software Engineer - iOS SDK
  - Software Engineer - Android SDK
  - Software Engineer - Full Stack
  - Software Engineer - Frontend
  - Software Engineer in Test
  - Site Reliability Engineer
  - QA Engineer
  - Senior Product Manager
  - VP of Engineering
Email jobs@leanplum.com with your resume, or check out our Jobs page: https://www.leanplum.com/company/jobs

G5 - http://www.getg5.com/ - Bend, Oregon

We're looking for Rails people to come work with us in a company and town that provide for great work-life balance.

Bend's an up-and-coming sort of place that's starting to develop its own startup ecosystem. It's got tons of outdoor activities in both summer and winter, and is a pleasant size town if you have a family, with good schools. Also: lots of good beer.

Alation (http://alation.com), Redwood City, CA

Looking for UI and Data Software Engineers, DevOps, Systems Engineers, Customer Success Lead, Product Designer, Demand Marketing, Content Marketing, and Sales Development Representatives. VISAs welcome, though we can't relocate international candidates right now.

Alation is democratizing access to data by tackling one of the most universal challenges in analysis – the challenge of context. We analyze petabyte-scale data warehouses at companies ranging from eCommerce to online radio to improve the way data is accessed. Alation has brought together an incredible team of engineers, designers, and executives from Google, Apple, Oracle, IBM, one-man startups and top schools. We raised a $9m Series A, and our customers include eBay, Square, and TripAdvisor.

We've got a great product in a huge market with the right people for the job, and we have a hell of a lot of fun. Come join us!



Attack Pattern | Seattle, WA or Los Angeles, CA | ONSITE

We are a high-end software development agency/startup incubator based in Seattle. We recruit exceptional software developers so we can provide engineering services to companies that need top developers, like CenturyLink, Walt Disney Pictures or Microsoft. When these companies need expert engineering help on projects, they come to us and our developers are embedded on their teams.

What makes us unique is that we have an internal startup incubator. We encourage our developers to work on side projects they are interested in and try to grow them into new startups. We support them with mentoring, funding and bonuses. We've launched several new products, including a successful analytics startup (http://www.numetric.com). Even if side-projects don't take off, developers still have an awesome time working on things they are passionate about and gain experience learning new tech.

Our compensation and benefits are great too. So you get the safety of a full-time job and the excitement of building new products.

We hiring for developers with expertise in pretty much every area: iOS, Android, ASP.NET MVC, node.js, Java, etc.

Interested? contact robert@attackpattern.com

I found my current position at AttackPattern here on HN a year ago, and I really love it. I would highly recommend others check it out.

MarketInvoice | London, UK

Data Scientists, Data Engineers (Python) and Analysts (SQL-fu)

MarketInvoice is the VC-backed peer-to-peer fintech platform that’s building the modern backbone of the economy.

Imagine you’re a young company who’s just won a major contract but your client wants to pay you on 90 day terms when you need to pay your staff and suppliers upfront. That’s where we step in. Our platform uses the peer-to-peer approach to provide the day-to-day operational financing for companies as varied as mobile development agencies, food brands and construction firms.

We’re the largest startup in our space worldwide and already lending £25 million/month to small businesses and on track to double that within the next year.

It's a £100bn/year market which is dominated by legacy lenders and banks with complex processes and shady practices. We’re bringing transparency and simplicity to the market.



Drop me an email at i.ghory@marketinvoice.com if you're interested or just want to chat.

(Our team uses Python but we're open to people from different technology stacks; there are also other teams at the company using JS & C#/.Net if that's what you're looking for. Also hiring for Product, Marketing, Risk, Sales, Ops, etc - see https://www.marketinvoice.com/careers for details).

Forgot to include the salary range: for graduate level we're generally looking at around £30k-40k, for mid-level we're looking at £40-60k and for senior £60k-£80k.

All roles +meaningful equity options with low strike price and employee friendly terms.


Onsite only at the moment.

Evidation Health | SF Bay Area | https://www.evidation.com | Full Time | ONSITE

We are a team of mission-driven experts in precision medicine, machine learning, behavioral economics, health outcomes research, and design. We generate economic and clinical evidence for digital health technologies and enable regular people to participate in finding the best tools to help make managing health just a little easier for everyone.

We are Series A funded by GE Ventures and Rock Health with fast-growing revenue.

Positions Available:

Senior Software Engineer: http://www.evidation.com/careers/engineering/sr-software-eng...

Front-end Engineer: http://www.evidation.com/careers/engineering/front-end-engin...

Data Engineer: http://www.evidation.com/careers/data-science/data-engineer/ (At our Santa Barbara office)

Van Dam Iron Works | Grand Rapids, MI | Full Time | ONSITE

Systems Administrator

In this role you will provide support for the company’s legacy ERP and home-grown software systems while managing and implementing the transition to new ones.

You should have:

* A fundamental understanding of IT principles, best practices, project prioritization, and general troubleshooting techniques

* The capacity to quickly learn legacy and new software systems and apply them appropriately to business processes

* The will to drive a necessary but disruptive project forward

* The ability to empathize and interact with end users respectfully

Experience with any of the following is not required, but would be helpful: FabSuite, Fabtrol, Microsoft Access, Microsoft Excel, Lotus 1-2-3, Visual Basic for Applications (VBA), ODBC, Custom Reporting, AutoCAD, Autodesk Advance Steel, Quickbooks, Construction Industry, Miscellaneous Metals Fabrication

Van Dam Iron Works is a miscellaneous metals fabricator located in West Michigan, and has been in continuous operation since 1930. Our major scope of work is with the construction industry in the areas of metal stairs, railings, structural steel, and custom fabricated products to suit our customers' needs. Delivering outstanding quality, price and schedule for our customers, drives every step of our fabrication.

To apply, send your resume to admin@vdiw.net .


San Francisco, CA| BizDev/Account Managers

Pune, India| iOS, Android, Clojure, Erlang, Go, React, Javascript as well as Devops/QA/PM

i work with the founders @helpshift. come join an ex-Yahoo/Zimbra/Microsoft/Cisco/Box/Boku team powering the worlds "Help" button. we have the culture and opportunity for talented folks to execute their best work yet.

The product: A mobile SDK to power the help/faq/support experience on mobile apps. More about the product at https://medium.com/what-i-learned-building/build-vs-integrat...

Some of our customers: Supercell, TinyCo, Glu Mobile, Wooga, GREE, Microsoft Outlook, Flipboard, Wordpress, Venmo, Life360, Target, Nickelodeon, Nubank. here is what our users think of helpshift https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gORCwhcQKE8

Some of our erlang/clojure/js/golang stack is open source at https://github.com/helpshift , we blog about our craft at https://engineering.helpshift.com

You get in touch with me via bosky+hn at helpshift dot com, or at https://www.helpshift.com/careers/

The Climate Corporation (San Francisco, Seattle, St. Louis) Full time, INTERN - http://climate.com/careers

Climate is using Clojure to build weather and agronomic models to help farmers farm better.

====== Why I love it ======

– Climate is making a huge impact in the agricultural industry.

– I am surrounded by super smart people who all share an attitude of openness and mentorship.

– I work with some of the top scientists in the fields of climatology, agronomy, data science, and remote sensing.

– I build large-scale systems that process and serve trillions of pixels of satellite imagery.

– I release open-source Clojure software as part of my job.

===== Who we’re looking for =====

We're looking for engineers of all kinds! Check out http://climate.com/careers. We are also starting our intern search for next spring and summer!

===== How to apply =====

If you apply through this link you should get priority: http://hire.jobvite.com/CompanyJobs/Careers.aspx?nl=1&k=Job&...

I am really excited about the work I've been doing, I am happy to talk about it in length. If you are interested, please email me directly at skhalsa@climate.com.

Altmetric – London, UK – Full-time, ONSITE, VISA


Our mission is to track and analyse the online activity around scholarly literature.

We’re looking for a full-time software developer to join our team in London working on our products for researchers, institutions and scholarly publishers.

We care about quality and delivering software of value above all; that means not only building things right but building the right thing in the first place. We make extensive use of open source software and attempt to contribute back to the community where we can. We are fans of pair programming and code review as a means of improving software quality and are looking for people who enjoy collaborating with others.

The following skills will be useful:

  * Experience developing web applications with standards-compliant HTML and CSS;
  * Knowledge of Ruby and the Ruby on Rails framework;
  * Experience with databases; either document-based, key-value or relational such as MongoDB, Redis and PostgreSQL;
  * An appreciation of the importance of clean, maintainable code;
  * Experience with automated testing (preferably in concert with test- or behaviour-driven development);
  * Experience working in a team (preferably having being part of some code review and pair programming).
  * Knowledge of JavaScript (either client-side or server-side with node.js);
  * Knowledge and experience with automated configuration management with tools such as Chef and Puppet;
  * Knowledge of PHP.
Send your CV to us at jobs@altmetric.com

General Assembly | New York, NY | Full Time | REMOTE | ONSITE

Recently voted Fast Company’s #1 Most Innovative Company in Education and #28 Most Innovative Company in the world, General Assembly is a venture-backed, post-Series C, NYC-based startup in our fourth year. General Assembly transforms thinkers into creators through education and opportunities in technology, business, and design. We offer classes, workshops, long-form courses, and events in worldwide markets including New York where we are headquartered, Atlanta, Austin, London, Hong Kong, Sydney, San Francisco, Los Angeles, Boston, Chicago, Seattle, Melbourne, and Washington DC. We also partner with Fortune 500 companies to spur innovation through increased digital fluency and more effective approaches to collaboration.

Looking for:

• Senior Developer (REMOTE | ONSITE) https://boards.greenhouse.io/generalassembly/jobs/29901#.Vjf...

• Data Engineer (ONSITE) https://boards.greenhouse.io/generalassembly/jobs/50830#.Vjf...

Lyft | Onsite in San Francisco, CA and Seattle, WA | Engineering & Product

Lyft is hiring for all positions (https://www.lyft.com/jobs), including mobile, frontend, backend, infrastructure, and product roles. We're working on interesting and challenging engineering and product problems to make transportation more efficient and more friendly.

I'm particularly interested in security engineers: security folks who are also software engineers, or software engineers with an interest in or experience with security. The Lyft security team is just getting off the ground, which means you'll play a part in shaping the future of security at Lyft, and your work will have significant impact and visibility. You'll be working at all levels of the stack to ensure Lyft is secure, trustworthy, and available to keep our users moving.

You can read more about the security engineering role here: https://www.lyft.com/jobs/security-engineer. If you're interested or want to talk more about working on security at Lyft, ping me at steve.woodrow@lyft.com.

New York, NY | ONSITE, REMOTE | Multiple Positions | Fulltime | Neota Logic, Inc. Help us engineer the future

At Neota Logic, we have been developing a no-code hybrid reasoning SaaS platform that domain experts can use to develop highly intelligent web applications. We are a small engineering team looking for two experienced and skilled engineers; a full-stack and a Java GUI expert.

If you want to be part of an exciting crew, work on challenging tasks, and are good at throwing rubber bands at people, drop us a line. If you’ve read SiCP (and understood more than half of it), we’ve been waiting for you! Expect lots of fun across the board; we have many (about 42) interesting problems waiting for a sharp mind to solve them.

MS and above in Computer Science strongly preferred. Remote for exceptional and proven candidates.

Java GUI expert Skills/Qualifications: * Strong CS background * Can think through problems and design the solution appropriately * Lots of experience with Java Swing and JavaFX * Experience with any Java GUI automation testing tool * UX experience desired but not required.

Full stack expert Skills/Qualifications: * Strong CS background * Can think through problems and design the solution appropriately * Experience with a multitude of languages and tools. If you are not familiar with what we are using (Scala/Java/Play/Ant/git), you should be prepared to learn.

More information available at http://www.neotalogic.com. Please contact me directly with your resume and any questions: jarvis --- at --- neotalogic.com

Gravitational.com (YC S2015) | San Francisco | Full-time

Onsite Preferred / Remote Possible / Must be eligible to work in U.S.

Positions: Backend (Go) / Frontend / Product Designer

Contact: jobs@gravitational.com

## About us

Gravitational is an early stage systems & cloud startup in San Francisco out of the most recent YC batch.

* We are changing the way enterprise software is distributed and run.

* Our users are people like us, engineers.

* We are well-funded by solid investors.

* We are an experienced team: we founded Mailgun (http://mailgun.com) which was acquired by Rackspace (http://rackspace.com), we created Vulcand (http://vulcand.io) and some other cool stuff (http://www.rackspace.com/blog/onmetal-the-right-way-to-scale...) at Rackspace.

* We are hackers. We love Linux and low level systems programming and we love helping open source communities and other engineers to get things done.

* We are also husbands, fathers and we have hobbies. Our past experiences building companies taught us about the importance of life and work balance.

If this resonates, we'd like to talk to you.

Contact: jobs@gravitational.com

New York, NY | Backend Engineer | FULL-TIME | ONSITE |

## Looking for:

- Senior Backend Engineer https://angel.co/winendine/jobs/95402-senior-backend-develop...

- Senior iOS Developer https://angel.co/winendine/jobs/79368-senior-ios-developer

## Phyton, Django, SQL, AWS, Aurora

Competitive Benefits and unlimited vacation policy. If interested please reach out to jobs@winendine.com.

Young Americans spend more money dining out than they do on grocery shopping. They view spending the night at a great restaurant as a social opportunity, yet have difficulty discovering where to go and what to order.

Wine 'n Dine, a restaurant and dish discovery app, has gained early traction, raised a substantial round of funding and are rapidly developing solutions for a problem we deeply understand.

Our team is small and nimble and we plan to keep it that way. Builders. Doers. No talkers. Self managers. No politics. Humans who thrive in high impact situations. We're tackling an exciting problem and we're having a great time doing it.

If interested please email jobs@winendine.com!

Weft - http://weft.io - Cambridge/Boston, MA -- ONSITE

    === What we do ===
We're a unified logistics intelligence platform -- we track every boat on the water, every plane in the sky, and are working on tracking every truck on the ground (+ a bunch of other indirectly related data sets) so that we can know everything that's going on in the logistics world.

Turns out there're lots of inefficiencies in the supply chain! One of our customers spends $400mm/year shipping empty containers, another spends $80mm/year on late fees. Lots to optimize!

    === Crib notes ===
- Clojure, Rails, Javascript, Python (we use a lot of PySpark)

- Spark, pg, redis, kafka, accumulo, docker

- We have one of the world's experts in Deep Learning on our team

- We eat + drink together a lot... wino wednesday, whiskey thursday (though I think we should rename it to thirsty thursday), foodie friday

    === Looking for ===
- Front end tech lead

- Back end tech lead

- Firmware engineer

If this sounds interesting, please shoot us an email at jobs@weft.io! Tell 'em Marc sent you.

WayUp (formerly Campus Job - YCW15) - https://www.wayup.com/joinus/ (ONSITE)

WayUp is the largest marketplace for college students to find part-time jobs, internships, and full-time entry level jobs for graduating students. Everyone remembers their first job. And now, we’re helping everyone get their first job. We democratize hiring by enabling all companies, no matter how big a recruiting team you have (or don't), to easily reach amazing students all over the country.

We are one of the quickest-growing companies from our batch, and we're growing out our engineering team and looking for great hackers who love getting features in the hands of users. We're absolutely obsessed with our users and making the experience of finding a job better, and you should be too. We're looking for all types of roles, including a senior engineering hire to help us scale:

- Senior Engineering Lead (Python, previous leadership experience - help us scale our team and develop great engineering processes)

- Back-end developer (Python/Django, excited to work with tools like Elasticsearch, Aloglia, Redis, etc.)

- Jr iOS developer

- Designer (UX/Graphic/HTML/CSS)

- Don't see what you're looking for? Reach out anyway!

We're based in New York City and we're tons of fun--we work with college students all day long :)

Come join us! https://www.wayup.com/joinus/

CLX Communications Canada - http://clxnetworks.com - Montreal, QC - Full-Time - ONSITE

CLX is a young Swedish based company, offering enterprises direct and efficient access to more than seven billion mobile subscribers worldwide, using one simple API. Our cloud communication platform is based on technology that is also used for critical telecom services by more than 70 mobile operators worldwide.


    Full-Stack Web Developers
We are looking for TWO highly motivated and skilled full-stack web developers (Java/Python) in our Montreal office, to strengthen our team of 4, to follow our growth.

We work according to AGILE values of continuous improvement, highest quality standards, openness and sustainability. A lot of autonomy is given to team members in the daily organization of the work, each person is asked to participate in all parts of the development flow according to their skills and interests.

We like to have a great deal of fun on a daily basis, but are also very serious about the work being accomplished. Working with us is hard and intensive but extremely rewarding.

CLX offers many great perks such as flexible work hours, generous group insurance plan, regular lunch & learns, constant stock of fruits, candies and coffee. Our office is located in the heart of downtown Montreal near the Quartier des Spectacles.

Want to know more? Please go to our LinkedIn Job Offer: http://www.linkedin.com/jobs2/view/76617684

IBM Watson | Multiple positions | Pittsburgh | Onsite | Full-time | Citizen; Visa for well-qualified candidates | Scala; Java; Python; Ruby; C; Golang; Watson Explorer

Want to be a part of a quickly growing product team, fueled by customers' never-ending thirst for knowledge? IBM Watson Pittsburgh has dominion over Watson Explorer and two recently released Watson Developer Cloud services: Document Conversion and Retrieve & Rank. We're a large, hilarious family seated in the heart of Squirrel Hill, a neighborhood of bonnie Pittsburgh. No office parks or egregious commutes here - unless you live waaay outside the city!


Currently open:

* L2 Support * Product Management

There are likely to be software engineering jobs opening very soon, so bookmark this post and come back to that link in a couple of weeks. If you apply, make sure that you've completed the (admittedly lengthy) entire application. If I see it, I'll respond with a thank you message!

Watson's entry-level/college graduate machine, the Blue Spark program, is running right now. http://www-03.ibm.com/employment/ and search for `watson blue spark`. We have offices all over, in NYC, Boston, Columbus, Austin, San Jose, Raleigh, Pittsburgh, and more. If you're graduating in December or in May, give it a shot! You can use the first link above and simply search for "Blue Spark" if you want me to get notified that you've applied.

I'm the software engineer tech lead on the Watson Explorer connectivity team and former consultant with the product's Professional Services team. I've been around a long while and I can rightfully say that Watson group really does move quickly lives up to the "startup speed" thing seen in the press. Watson seems a lot different from what we've all thought is IBM, and I'm glad to be a part of the team keeping it that way.

You can read my post history for more about our interview process, our team functions, and our excellent culture that has a ridiculously high retention rate in our engineering department.

If you want to chat with me, hit me up on Pittsburgh Code & Supply's Slack chat (http://www.codeandsupply.co/chat) or email me <my hn username> at us · ibm · com with "Hacker News" in the subject.

We're also hiring for some client facing consulting roles. You can work REMOTE from anywhere in the US (and we're probably looking for EMEA too) with part time travel. We work partially remote and partially onsite with clients. If you're interested check out the links below or contact me http://johnathanward.com/watson-explorer-consultant/#contact

Watson Explorer Consultants - http://rfer.us/IBEAfq1Tlx

Watson Explorer Solutions Architects - http://rfer.us/IBEAfq1Tlx

It looks like our system changed and I no longer receive emails that allow me to directly respond to applicants :-(

BBC | London, UK | Full-time (contract) | Onsite

We're looking for capable JavaScript developers to work on a very high-profile product launch.

We have two roles to fill:

1: Isomorphic React web client (ES6), BEM, PostCSS, SUIT CSS, modular UI components

2: Express server, Node.js / Redis caching layer, Continuous deployment to AWS infrastructure

I'd be happy to speak to people who sit somewhere across the two roles too.

Contract duration is 4 months. Rates are towards the top end of the market.

ben.hartley.ext@bbc.co.uk for more details.

Amida | http://amida-tech.com | multiple dev positions | Washington, DC | ONSITE | Full time

Amida is a 2.5 year-old open-source company focused on data and data security. Our core values are Joy, Impact, Profit (in that order). The technologies we are developing will improve patient outcomes, protect personal privacy, enhance public services, and increase the impact of investments in global development.

We are bootstrapped and profitable – our open-source (https://github.com/amida-tech) solutions are supported by our contracts in professional services. We are 20+ people strong, with an office in downtown DC. Our employees have flexible hours, health/life insurance, 401K matching, a tech budget, access to a fully stocked kitchen, and a choice of open, private, or shared offices.

We’re looking for software engineers; our current projects use the MEAN/Java stack but our philosophy is to use the right tools for the job.

Apply at https://angel.co/amida/jobs

Peloton Cycle | NYC, NY | Onsite | Full-time | https://www.pelotoncycle.com

At Peloton we are changing the way people get fit by delivering live-streaming indoor cycling classes to the most advanced indoor bike.

Remote positions considered for the right candidate.

We are actively looking for:

* Software Engineer (Python) - https://www.pelotoncycle.com/company/careers/oDxKYfwC

* Frontend Engineer - https://www.pelotoncycle.com/company/careers/onAKYfwp

* iOS Engineer - https://www.pelotoncycle.com/company/careers/onyb0fwQ

* Android Engineer - https://www.pelotoncycle.com/company/careers/oesJYfw7

* Software Engineer (DevOps) - https://www.pelotoncycle.com/company/careers/ovb7Zfww

More info: https://www.pelotoncycle.com/company/careers or just shoot us an email jobs@pelotoncycle.com

Brightwheel - San Francisco, CA | Full Time

Brightwheel is the first mobile platform for early education, serving as the hub for preschool, daycare, and after school programs. We save teachers valuable time with easy tools for learning, assessment, communication, and photo sharing. Parents get a beautiful, real-time view of their child’s day that helps them participate in the learning + continue it at home. Schools across the globe have fallen in love brightwheel and rely on it everyday. It's a world-class team, backed by top VCs.

- Head of Design As our Lead Designer, you'll own the entire design portfolio across iOS, Android, web, and brand/marketing. You'll work directly with our engineers to build beautiful products for our users (teachers + families).

- Senior Software Engineer Our web engineers own the entire stack - including our APIs across mobile + web, and our web platform that delivers a rich feature set for our schools.

- Product Lead As our first product manager, you will own our product roadmap and the core user experience for our schools and families across the globe.


Classy Inc. | San Diego, CA | Full-Time | Onsite

https://www.classy.org/ "Online fundraising for the modern nonprofit."

Front End Engineer:

We’re looking for front end engineers who love to build simple, easy-to-use, responsive UX on modern JS frameworks. Our offices are located in the bustling gas lamp district of downtown San Diego. Come join us in doing what you love to do, while making a dent in the world of philanthropy. Apply online: http://grnh.se/4j0b8k

Software Engineer - College Grad:

Classy is looking for college grads from top engineering schools across the country to help double our Engineering team. Software engineers of all types are needed! Come join us in doing what you love to do, while making a dent in the world of philanthropy. Apply online: http://grnh.se/wuk7hb

Checkout all of our openings for Design, Engineering, Sales, QA, DevOps, and more: https://www.classy.org/careers

LogMeIn | Boston, MA and Wichita, KS | Full time | Onsite

www.logmeininc.com - Boston, MA Simplifying how people connect to their colleagues, employees, devices and the world around them to solve some of the world’s most complex problems, LogMeIn has grown to become one of the world’s leading SaaS companies with over 800 employees in 8 offices around the world.

Check us out: https://www.logmeininc.com/careers/job-listings

Front End JavaScript Developer (BoldChat) - https://goo.gl/2Gbgjn

JavaScript Engineer (IAM) - https://goo.gl/6jAvLw

Senior Software Engineer (Join.me) - https://goo.gl/j4DIK4

ETL Developer/Data Engineer - https://goo.gl/phEG5M

Technical Lead Engineer (Xively Professional Services) - https://goo.gl/rkjV6W

Blackbaud | Charleston, SC | ONSITE (will relocate) | Senior Engineer, API's

About Blackbaud: We've been developing software and services for nonprofit organizations for over 30 years. It’s a rewarding group to work with, and we are immensely proud that our expertise is helping our customers accomplish their missions.

About the position: We're currently building a suite of RESTful APIs across our product offerings. These APIs will enable partner ISVs and our own customers to extend our products and to integrate with third party services. We're seeking engineers to help shape the future of this third party developer ecosystem.

Desired skills and experience: proven experience launching a public, production API; familiarity with distributed systems, operational redundancy, and secret management; familiarity with OAuth workflows.

For more information about the role, team, or company, please contact me at ben.jacobs@blackbaud.com or apply directly at https://www.blackbaud.com/careers/search?nl=1&jvi=oY0S1fwB,J...

New York, NY | Software & Mobile Engineering & Deep Learning/Computer Vision Research | Clarifai, Image Recognition | http://clarifai.com/careers | Full-time | On-site

Join our team backed by USV, Google ventures, NVDIA, Qualcomm, Osage, Lux Capital, LDV Capital & Corazon Capital. Software/Infrastructure Engineers, Android & iOS Engineers, Lead DevOps Engineer, API/Developer Support Engineer, Front End Engineers, Research Scientists & Research Engineers: Deep Learning & Computer Vision, GPU Engineers & Data Scientists Clarifai was founded in 2013 by Matthew Zeiler to bring the world’s best image recognition technology to market. Our expertise in deep neural networks helped us achieve the world’s best published image labeling results [ImageNet 2013]. Since then Clarifai’s deep learning systems have improved orders of magnitude in speed, vocabulary size, memory footprint and have expanded beyond images to extract knowledge from all forms of data. See what we’ve built and demo it here: clarifai.com.

Flexport | San Francisco

"Flexport is one of those rare startups that will not merely satisfy its market, but grow it. There will be more international trade because of Flexport, and international trade is a very big thing for there to be more of." - pg

We've raised $28M from great investors including Founders Fund and Google Ventures. We've reached product-market fit, and we're on target to hit a $50M run-rate in our 2nd year.

Senior Front-End Engineer

This is a high impact opportunity for people interested in solving real-world problems and streamlining the inefficient industry of global trade.

What You’ll Do

* Create tools that make it easier for companies of all sizes to participate in global trade

* Help build intuitive, highly efficient and performant interfaces to automate the repetitive parts of logistics

Our Stack

In the frontend, we use React for the views, organize the data flow with Flux architecture, and test our application with Jest. On the backend, we're a Rails shop riding on AWS and Postgres RDS.

Our Process

Flexport engineering is a close-knit team where everyone reviews each other’s Github pull requests. Code is released almost everyday or whenever business requires. Our continuous releases are integrated with Travis and Github.

To apply please email jobs@flexport.com

Localize (https://localizejs.com/)

Position: Full-Stack Engineer (Javascript / Node / Backbone)

Location: San Francisco

Funding: We just announced our recent seed round here - http://www.businessinsider.com/localize-raises-11-million-se...

URL: https://angel.co/localize/jobs/43356-full-stack-engineer

We are building tools to help companies go global (e.g. translation, acquisition, support). As our 5th team member, you'd have full control of your role and large parts of our product.

Apply: Email (jobs@localizejs.com)

You should be able to:

  — Navigate our stack: Node, Backbone, MongoDB, Redis, AWS, Handlebars, Less.
  — Manipulate native browser APIs (DOM w/o jQuery)
  — Understand MVC patterns and UI design
  — Learn quickly, act autonomously, think analytically.
Bonus points if you...

  — Are comfortable with pets!
  — Want to build an inclusive work environment. 
  — Know the difference between #i18n #L10n and #a11y
  — Enjoy learning new languages / traveling.
In addition to competitive equity & salary, you get...

  — A shiny new laptop of your choice 
  — Full insurance coverage 
  — Free (lunch) food + snacks! 
  — Relocation assistance to SF 
  — Stipend for continuing education

Top of Mind - REMOTE We're a rapidly growing CRM company adding...

3 UI Engineers (heavy angular, javascript, highcharts, sass, gulp, bootstrap, etc), decent design skills, demonstrable examples of UI/UX we can see.

3 ASP.net Engineers (Web API 2, C#, azure workers, queuing), knowledge of Entity Framework 6 code first or other ORM's is key, service/repository patterns, all the other basic stuff you'd expect. We're 100% utilizing Azure services in every way that makes sense for us. the more we use them the more impressed we are with the offering.

We're only 4 months into development of this greenfield dev project so as a member of our engineering team you'd have the ability to drive technical direction across the API or UI, whichever you prefer. Junior or senior level, doesn't matter, we just want smart people that want to be a long-term team member.

Also looking for two test engineers, one on the JS side (protractor/karma) and one on the .net (nUnit) to help us build out solid e2e test test automation for our code-base and expand on our unit test coverage.

Remember these are full-time positions, no contractors looking for a couple weeks of work until their next gig comes around. Your location is irrelevant, just as long as you get your work done. Good salary, bonuses, random perks.

Fun small engineering team with a stable company. We all work remote and communicate primarily on slack/screenhero (when screenhero isn't flaking out). We do occasional company sponsored meetups, just got back from a conference in vegas last week. lot of fun.

Email me at ktavera@topofmind.com (i'm in charge of the engineering team) if you want to talk about joining the team!

Burner | http://www.burnerapp.com | Full Time | Senior Platform Engineer & QA Automation Engineer | Remote or LA, CA

Ad Hoc Labs, the makers of Burner, are a mobile software company focused on creating tools to empower consumers by giving them better control of their privacy, communications, and identity.

Our team members are encouraged to embrace new technologies/frameworks and find the best tool for every problem. On the platform side, we are currently making use of Scala, functional programming, and TDD.

We have excellent perks and benefits, including:

- 100% health insurance coverage for employees, dependents & domestic partners - creative, dog-friendly work space in a converted industrial building in a walk- and bike-friendly neighborhood - collaborative but autonomous work environment (and we use slack, trello, and other low-friction collaboration tools), with an emphasis on good communication

More info on the roles: http://www.burnerapp.com/careers Get in touch: jobs@adhoclabs.co

Criteo | Palo Alto (US) & Paris (France) | Full-time & Interns | Onsite | Relocation + Visa Support provided

Criteo is looking for exceptional software engineers, machine learning engineers, research scientists, data scientists, and project managers. We own the largest Hadoop cluster in Europe. We leverage our 40-petabyte Hadoop cluster to train machine learning models for dynamic ad targeting. Specifically, we predict click and sales for each banner we show, we recommend products from catalogs with millions of items in real-time, and we also optimize the look and feel of each banner.

About our scale: we reach >1B people monthly, recommend products from a global catalog of >3B entries, 800k HTTP requests / sec (peak activity), 30,000 ad impressions per second (peak activity), 7 in-house data centers on 3 continents, >15,000 servers, <10ms to process a bidding request, ...

If you’re curious about this opportunity, just visit: http://www.criteo.com/careers/

Apply online or send a resume to d.lefortier@criteo.com.

Kensho: Boston, MA (Cambridge), New York, NY (NYC), San Francisco (SF), Stamford, CT: FULL TIME Software Engineers, Data Scientists (esp. Machine Learning or NLP), SRE, SET, or UI Designers ONSITE

Kensho's growing engineering team [0] overlooks Harvard Sq. We are making financial analysis faster, accessible, intuitive and beautiful through our partnerships with Goldman Sachs [1] and CNBC [2].

Please say hello at https://kensho.com/#/careers

To really get our attention:

* Engineers: Prolific technologists who think sharply, code swiftly, and are never blocked on small problems. Major bonus points for experience with sophisticated timeseries analysis or scaling content ingestion pipelines.

* Data Scientists: Experience at-scale with machine learning, NLP or modeling (PhD preferred).

* UI Designers: A portfolio/demo that shows how you would display complex data in intuitive, beautiful and engaging ways.

Technologies we use:

  * python, pandas, numpy, scipy, scikit-learn, nltk, et al.

  * Javascript, React, Angular, d3

  * Google Cloud Platform

[0] http://kensho.com/#team

[1] http://www.bloomberg.com/news/features/2015-07-28/how-goldma...

[2] https://www.cnbc.com/kensho

CrowdCompass by Cvent | Portland, OR | Full-Time | Onsite | http://www.crowdcompass.com/careers/

CrowdCompass makes events, conferences, trade shows and conventions a lot more popular through our industry-leading mobile applications. Built natively on iOS and Android with a robust Ruby back-end and Rails CMS, we give planners the power to engage attendees and add value to their events.

We're looking for developers in every part of our stack, especially engineers focusing on Ruby, iOS, Android, and Ember.js, along with the amazing UX / UI creatives that make it all come together.

Our development office is in beautiful downtown Portland, OR but, with the backing of our parent company, Cvent, we're lucky to have offices in Austin, LA, Santa Barbara, Atlanta, New Brunswick, and DC. Relocation assistance is available.

Want more info? Check out our careers page: http://www.crowdcompass.com/careers/

San Francisco; Full Time; Onsite

I'm the cofounder of Figma, a stealth startup in San Francisco building a browser-based collaborative design tool to improve the way designers and engineers work together. We're a small team of 14, and we're looking for talented designers and engineers (front end, backend, full stack, lead devops, mobile, and data science) who are interested in tackling challenges in the creative tools space.

Example challenges: annotation system on top of documents for feedback, 2D boolean operations on paths, speed up zooming in the app using a tile quadtree, UI testing framework that simulates user actions, real-time events and data pushing across the site, zero-downtime deployments, search API for filtering user files.

Our tech stack: C++, Emscripten, Node, CoffeeScript, JavaScript, WebGL, Ruby, Sinatra

If you're interested in learning more about what we're working on or want to meet up to talk about any of my other projects (http://madebyevan.com/), you can email me at wallace@figma.com.

Uber | Full-time | San Francisco, CA; Seattle, WA; NYC, NY; Other offices globally - http://bit.ly/1ED5x3m

We have numerous open positions in engineering, product, data science, and other roles. Come help us solve hard problems. You also get free Uber credit! Feel free to email me for more info: <my hn username>@uber.com

Elsen, Boston, MA: FULL TIME Software Engineer, INTERN

Elsen is building the next generation of market simulation software at the intersection of high performance computing, machine learning, and quantitative finance. We're a small, tight-knit team located in the finance district of downtown Boston.

We are looking for a software developer to help build out our infrastructure which is primarily written in Haskell, C, and Python. An expert knowledge of Haskell is not required, and we are primarily looking for quantitatively minded individuals with a strong familiarity with finance and the ability to implement these ideas in multiple programming languages.

Some things we look for in an candidate ( subset of the following ):

* Open source Haskell involvement ( candiates with strong Github profiles will be given preference )

* PostgreSQL

* Understanding of Haskell web development and database libraries (postgresql-simple, aeson)

* Understanding of various parallelism techniques (threads, software transactional memory, GPUs, distributed computing)

* Deep understanding of statistics

* NumPy/SciPy/Pandas experience

* Experience with DSL design

* Overall fun-loving personality and good sense of humor

Contact: jobs@elsen.co

Social Tables - http://socialtables.com - Washington, DC - ONSITE

At Social Tables, we envision a world where people get together to achieve great things. Our Bessemer & 500 Startups backed venture delivers SaaS to clients from hotel chains such as the Hyatt Hotel Corporation to academic special events teams from Harvard Business School to corporate meeting teams such as Genentech. We’re disrupting the meetings and events industry with cutting-edge tech and are looking for front-end and full-stack Javascript developers to join us.

We're using:

- Node.js

- React.js

- Socket.io

- WebGL



We bring:

- 401K - 50% match on first 6% of contributions with immediate vesting

- 100% covered premiums for Medical, Dental, Vision, Life, Short/Long Term Disability Insurance

- Discretionary education reimbursement available from your first day

- Equity in DC's hottest venture-backed startup

- Sonos deployed throughout our downtown space with fully stocked snacks, drinks and weekly happy hours

Apply at https://jobs.lever.co/socialtables or ping `rami@{the obvious domain}` with any questions!

Sr. Scala Engineer @ NordstromRack.com/HauteLook.com - Full-time, ONSITE in Los Angeles, CA (Downtown)

Requirements: * Talented Scala developer who excels in software design and execution. * Works well with team environment and is invested in making the team better and delivering the best possible product for the company.

Why this opportunity is really cool: * Get to work on massive scale: we at NordstromRack.com/HauteLook.com represent the online/off-price division of Nordstrom, and we are its fastest growing division. * Get to work with small, conversational team that is _agile_, rather than "doing Agile". * Salary will be genuinely competitive relative to abilities and experience. * Get to build a lot of new stuff with: * Scala: virtually all of this team's our coding is with the Scala langauge * Akka-based actor systems * Lift web framework * Spark * We are doing virtually all development with AWS and Docker for this team. * Our management (all the way up to our President) is realistic about, responsive to feedback about, and invested in technology. NordstromRack.com/HauteLook recognizes and rewards quality results, which is unique for an established company of our size.

Role: * Compensation will be very competitive on the basis of abilities and experience. * Would be part of recently formed Search & Personalization team that has ambitious goals for our members' ecommerce shopping experience. * Scale is giant, NordstromRack.com/HauteLook.com represents the online/off-price division of Nordstrom, which is its fastest growing division.

If interested, please email me your resume (and feel free to include github username) to jamie.swain@hautelook.com (hiring manager). Of course let me know if you have any questions I can answer first too.

Thanks! Jamie Swain @jpswain

Distil Networks | SF, DC, NC (RDU) | ONSITE (with a few exceptions) | We block bots on the internet.

Howdy HN,

Distil Networks is looking to hire all sorts of Engineering, Support, Marketing and Misc. positions (https://jobs.lever.co/distilnetworks?lever-via=3TYvimYmGi). Our business is internet security, specifically we make SaaS that blocks bots and webscrapers from stealing customer data, commiting fraud, and any sort of automated website attacks. We have a bunch of very happy (paying) customers and are experince big month-over-month growth.

Specifically if you're looking for Dev-Ops, Sys Ops or Network Ops jobs you'd make me very happy! I'm a data scientist at the company and added support in that area would make for many happy engineers. Oh, we also need a Lua developer - where in the world do you find those?

Over all, it's a great place to work with tons of interesting problems and an exciting future. Come and join us!

Cyph — Washington, DC / Los Angeles — Full Time — REMOTE

Hiring for: Business Development / Enterprise Sales


Cyph makes post-quantum encrypted communication dead simple, including voice/video calls and file transfers.

Unlike TextSecure/Signal, Cyph currently has no accounts or native mobile apps; rather, it provides anonymous/ephemeral chatting through a Web application with no required installation. (And before anyone replies with a certain Matasano article, see how we solved that problem at http://bit.ly/1Ws0Bu0, which was validated in an audit by Cure53.)

While Cyph will always be free for personal use and our source code is public (pseudo-open-source: Ms-RSL), we're looking to bring a highly experienced bizdev/sales person on board to drive our commercial offering.

Learn more about the company at https://www.cyph.com, and to talk about this position just email me personally at hacker@linux.com.

Full Circle - Houston, Tx - Mid-to-Senior Level Full Stack/Backend Developer - Full-Time


We are a small team of developers supporting a growing business which provides organic/locally-sourced groceries, delivered weekly, on a subscription-based model. Originally started by an organic farmer just outside of Seattle, WA, Full Circle now delivers to much of Washington, Oregon, California, Idaho, and Alaska. This position is part of our Houston-based development team.

You must have:

- a bachelor's in CS (or 4 years of relevant experience)

- plus an additional 4 years of relevant experience, at least

- the ability to work from home as necessary (our Houston base is small and without a full-time space yet)

You should be:

- sufficiently experienced in coding non-trivial web applications

- able to provide multiple solutions for a given problem, fully understanding the trade-offs of each with respect to performance, security, usability, etc.

- not afraid of the following abbreviations: OOP, REST, SQL, AWS, AJAX

- comfortable designing, refactoring, and normalizing SQL schema (we use MySQL)

- at home using Git and a linux shell, e.g. bash

You would ideally be:

- experienced in Ruby on Rails and/or PHP

- familiar with elements of a distributed architecture (job queues, batch processing, caching, etc.)

- fully capable in Javascript

- experienced with Datamapper (Rails) and/or Doctrine (PHP)

If you are interested please send your resume and an introduction to: technology.jobs@fullcircle.com

Quid • San Francisco • Full Time • ONSITE/PT REMOTE

Quid expands your ability to comprehend massive amounts of information on any given topic. Through interactive visual maps, we make it easy to navigate your own way through the world’s collective intelligence while enabling you to realize ideas and decisions based on the best information available, not just what time allows for.

We've got a lot of exciting and challenging problems with a relatively small team (20 Engineers). The opportunity to evolve and grow with the company quickly is still a huge part of Quid's appeal. That and our 1B valuation is getting within striking distance! (We're pretty stoked).

We're hiring for: DevOps, Back-End, Front-End, QA Lead, & IC QAs!! We're looking for folks with a SaaS/Tech background, and not mobile app experience. Check our SITE at quid.com & watch our VIDEO: https://vimeo.com/142282901

NFL | Culver City, CA

The NFL (http://www.nfl.com) is looking for great software engineers to help build out its fan facing web, mobile and backend services. The NFL properties see hundreds of millions of users worldwide and its mobile applications are installed on tens of millions of devices.

We are primarily hiring iOS, Android, Web and Backend engineers (with a lean to people with an interest in full stack development). Currently we are building (and rebuilding) a lot of our core architecture. Our new iOS app is written entirely in Swift, our Android application using RxAndroid and our new web platform is based on React.js. On the backend we are in the middle of rebuilding many of our services experimenting with different technologies generally with an eye on immutable data and functional programming. We are very comfortable relocating talented people to Los Angeles.

If you are interested, please email me at todd.berman@nfl.com

Serious Mumbo | Phoenix, AZ | Onsite preferred| Full Stack, Front-End

Work on a next generation HTML5 mail client, decentralize email itself. Fulltime equity position for talented dev.

you = {values: ['privacy','open source'], skills: ['node.js','express','redis', 'mongo','react.js','angular']}

email sherman@seriousmumbo.com

Yes, we respect the 8 hour work day and offer a flexible schedule.

Compile • Bangalore • Full Time • ONSITE • https://www.compile.com/

Our goal at Compile is simple: help organizations benefit from the intelligence that’s hidden under big data. Our customers, which include Fortune 500 to hyper-growth startups, use our insights to power their marketing engine.

• Software Engineer, Web/Generalist (https://www.compile.com/careers/software-engineer-web.html)

  - Solid understanding of web-related technologies and programming 
  - Ability to design systems, good knowledge of DBMS
  - Must have experience in designing and building REST interfaces
  - Must have experience in Django and similar web frameworks
  - Must have experience with front-end (templates, js frameworks, styling)
  - Comfortable with analysing large amounts of data
  - 3 to 5 years experience in the industry
• Software Engineer, Data/Generalist (https://www.compile.com/careers/software-engineer-data.html)

  - Ability to design systems, good knowledge of DBMS
  - You are familiar with algorithms for natural language processing (NLP), information retrieval, text processing, text mining and analysis
  - You are comfortable with tools such as NLTK, Pandas, Scipy, Weka, Lingpipe, Gensim, Apache mahout, openNLP, Stanford NLP
  - Ability to visualize the output with d3.js, matplotlib or similar libraries.
  - Must be able to design and build REST interfaces
  - Must have knowledge of web frameworks or micro-frameworks
  - Experience with Deep Learning is a plus
  - 3 to 5 years experience in the industry
If you are interested email us at careers@compile.com

Webflow | San Francisco | React & node.js | YC S13

We're hiring serious javascript ninjas interested in working in React. Our web publishing platform is composed of many modular components, where we leverage a Redux inspired implementation. Work on a tool that makes onerous coding obsolete.

Check out our website, https://webflow.com and our About page for job listings: https://webflow.com/about

We're also hiring node.js engineers to power our next generation CMS: https://webflow.com/cms

The interview process is really straightforward, which consists of a Skype/coffee meeting, then a take home project where you will collaborate with team members and contribute to a live codebase. Reach out directly at jobs@webflow.com if you want to learn more!

Appboy-New York-Full Time-ONSITE

Appboy is currently looking for full time software engineers to join their team! Appboy is a NYC based start-up specializing in smart marketing automation. Our powerful SDK and dashboard have enabled companies like Urban Outfitters, Samsung, EPIX and iHeartMedia to create targeted marketing campaigns to their users.

Check out our open positions and feel free to apply! If you have any additional questions please email Cat Espiritu at cat.espiritu@appboy.com.

Android Developer:http://grnh.se/mk7sjd iOS Engineer: http://grnh.se/2iwr38 Full Stack Engineer:http://grnh.se/a65pdv Sustainable Software Engineer:http://grnh.se/o1n804

DramaFever - FT in NYC, Philly or REMOTE - Android & iOS Engineers

We're a group of 130+ people building an experience for the shows and movies our customers love watching. With roughly 50 other engineers, you'll be responsible for creating a user experience enjoyed by millions. DramaFever is responsible for: dramafever.com, shudder.com, docclub.com… and more to come!

* We're looking for engineers who will take ownership of functionality and deliver the best solution possible.

* Our stack includes python, go, AngularJS, AWS, docker, chef

* Strong written and verbal communication is one of the most important parts of our jobs.

* We are fully funded, but the start-up nature and environment is still thriving (expect booze, beanbags, and bike workstations in the office).

* We offer a lot of flexibility in our work structure - what you deliver is what counts.

See more at: http://www.dramafever.com/company/careers.html

Booze, beanbags and bike workstations are now the signs of a "thriving" startup environment?

NGP VAN - Boston, MA or Washington, DC - Many Positions

* Software Engineer (Boston or DC)

* QA Engineer or Analyst (Boston or DC)

* DevOps Engineer (Boston or DC)

* SQL Developer (Boston)

* Lots of other non-technical positions

NGP VAN is the world’s leading political technology firm, providing campaign and organizing technology to Democrats, progressives, and non-partisan organizations. We offer an integrated platform that combines the best fundraising, compliance, organizing, and digital products available. We built the voter contact and volunteer management tools used by Obama for America. Nearly every State Democratic Party in the United States distributes our VoteBuilder tools to Democrats up and down the ticket, and we provide industry-leading organizing tools that enable labor unions, environmental groups, pro-choice advocates, civil rights activists, and progressive political parties to win their campaigns around the world. Our fundraising and compliance software is used by the majority of Democrats from the Presidential level on down, and our fast-growing digital platform has become the most-used toolset for Democratic campaigns as well.

NGP VAN has been recognized as one of the fastest growing companies in America by Inc. Magazine for seven years in a row, and one of the top 50 fastest growing companies in the DC area by both the Washington Business Journal and SmartCEO. We are a successful and growing company with a passion for our employees’ career advancement. We are an open-minded, flexible workplace that values learning and contributions of many different kinds.

Company Site: http://ngpvan.com

We are open to interviewing across a pretty wide range of experience levels. Hit me up at dmiller at ngpvan dot com for more info or to apply. I'm the VP of Engineering here.

Javascript Front End | mCASH | Oslo, Norway | Onsite/full time

Come to Norway and help us develop the next iteration of our mobile payments platform! We're looking for a full time developer with strong Javascript skills to help us build beautiful, user friendly solutions for both merchants and end users. Some familiarity with Python is a plus, but not a requirement.

You have:

    - Strong javascript skills
    - At least a few years experience building web applications
    - A passion for making stuff that's both easy on the eyes and easy to use
    - You are based in (or willing to relocate to) Oslo ( http://www.stay.com/oslo/guides/ )
We offer:

    - A tight-knit team of six talented developers
    - A competitive salary and pension scheme from a company that's well-funded ( http://www.finextra.com/news/fullstory.aspx?newsitemid=27990 )
    - 5 weeks paid vacation
    - Paternal/maternal leave in accordance with Norwegian law (up to 12 months)
    - Fresh, new offices in central Oslo, in walking distance to public transportation, cafés, restaurants, shopping centers, the Oslo fjord, several public parks and a 25 minute subway ride away from a multitude of nature trails
    - Focused atmosphere, with two developers per office
    - In-house gym facilities
    - Free health care
If you want to apply, we want:

    - A CV with info on what have you done so far -- not as a list of names and buzzwords, but as you would explain it to another programmer over a cold beverage
    - What your favorite technical stack is, and more importantly, why
To apply, send us an email at jobs+hn@mcash.no, or find out more at https://mca.sh/en/career/javascript-front-end-developer/

Medici Living GmbH * http://www.medici-living.de/ * Full Time * Onsite lovely Berlin


Junior Software Developer (PHP) ...who is working on our software solution for the management of our Co-living appartments worldwide

Who we are

We develop and carry on innovative living space concepts for international young professionals in living communities. Combining expertise in online business with offline quality in real estate we care for a 100% occupancy of our modern designed living communities in most of the metropolises in Germany.

What we offer

A young and dynamic team with Start-Up Flair Free Drinks and Fun Team bonding Events Opportunity to practice your knowledge and "just-do-mentality"

For more information

https://mediciliving.workable.com/j/527BD53166 or Email at recruiting@medici-living.de

FYI: Fluent in german preferred

Uber ATC (Advanced Technology Center) | Pittsburgh, PA | Full-time | Onsite

Uber ATC (http://www.uberatc.com/) is committed to work at the cutting edge in mapping, safety, and autonomy. Come help shape the future of transportation with us!

We are hiring across the board! Positions include Machine Learning Specialists, Data Scientists, Full Stack Engineers, Python/C++ Engineers, Dev Tools and Infrastructure, Perception, Localization, Motion Planning, Radar, Video and Compression, Network Engineering and many more that you can find here http://www.uberatc.com/hiring/

Feel free to email me at achao@uber.com with your resume, the position(s) you are interested in, and a few sentences of why you'd be #superpumped to join our team!

Purple | Los Angeles | http://purpledelivery.com/app | Full Time (might consider Part Time) | ONSITE

Funded startup of about 10 people, backed by Uber Co-founder Oscar Salazar. Our fleet of couriers delivers gas conveniently to customers' vehicles.

Looking for an experienced HTML5 Mobile App Developer to work onsite at our Westwood, CA office.

Required Skills:

- CoffeeScript (or willing to learn, but with strong JavaScript experience)

- Sencha Touch 2 Framework (or similar HTML5 mobile app framework)

- PhoneGap

Our tech stack: Clojure backend, CoffeeScript mobile app on Sencha Touch framework + PhoneGap. May eventually move to React Native.

Email me at: chris at purpledelivery.com

Here is a article about Purple on Business Insider: http://www.businessinsider.com/purple-is-an-on-demand-gas-st...

LiquidTalent | ONSITE in NYC

LiquidTalent allows you to click a button and request a phone call with awesome hiring companies (for both contract and full-time).

Hirers need to respond within 30 minutes or else the request expries, and you'll know what they decide in that time.

We're looking for a senior Rails dev to help us build out more powerful search and discovery features on our platform. You'd be working with the engineer lead (Rails dev), 1 other junior Rails dev, 1 senior Angular dev, and 1 Swift dev.

We're a super early startup with seed funding. It's an amazing time to join, as you'll have a lot of autonomy, and you'll have a good amount of control over the direction of the product. Every week is a completely different experience.

If any of this sounds interesting, contact me at ken {at} liquidtalent {dot} com


Bangalore, India. Many Positions. Full time. This is my seventh monthly post and have hired a couple of great guys from the past posts.

Expanding the scope to include crypto and math majors - especially with experience in Blockchains. Please read on.

I have recently taken up a role to build a payment network from scratch, out of Bangalore, India. It is funded by a big corporation, but will be arms-distance from their central business.

It is a large, complex and fascinating problem to crack. The potential to bring banking to 600 million un/underbanked Indians is what excited me to work on this.

In the past I have built both fast-data and big-data companies and have a few patents in this space.

We are looking to hire a good core team of full time math, physics and CS majors, UI UX and product managers, who will work of Bangalore, India.

If you are interested, please email me at google's email service - takenottie. Thanks for reading.

Booking.com | Amsterdam, Netherlands - FULL-TIME, ON-SITE, easy VISA provided

Booking is hiring Android, iOS, Frontend and Backend Developers. Also Mobile App Designers and UX Designers.

Wanna move to Amsterdam with full expenses paid, a great relocation package and live in the 3rd best life quality in the world (besides making in Euros)?

Frontend: http://grnh.se/52768c

UX Designer: http://grnh.se/46ukx1

Backend: http://grnh.se/3squye

iOS: http://grnh.se/4fwlq6

Android: http://grnh.se/ntofj2

We also have openings for Network Engineers, DevOps, Data Scientists and many more: http://grnh.se/ql4fkw

----------------- ABOUT BOOKING -----------------

Company reviews: http://www.glassdoor.com/Reviews/Booking-com-Reviews-E256653...

Video - Moving to Ams: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gYgESPtEOeo

Video - Booking Hackathon: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iuFiEmx-M_M

Video - Designing at Booking: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SgPsc8GFD5Q

RethinkDB - www.rethinkdb.com - Mountain View, CA - C++ hackers

We're making it dramatically easier for the world to shift to realtime apps with a new database access model -- instead of polling the database for changes, the developer can tell RethinkDB to continuously push updated query results to applications in realtime.

We're hiring C++ engineers to work on performance, the continuous computation engine, and the distributed system.

RethinkDB is fun, very technically challenging, well-funded, and is growing very quickly. Intellectually, we're also PL nerds (mostly Lisp and Haskell/ML), so if that's your cup of tea you'll be right at home!

Send your resume to jobs@rethinkdb.com. We don't currently hire remotely (sorry!), but will work with you if you're willing to relocate.

Metromile | San Francisco (onsite) | Back-End Engineer | Full-time

Metromile is a start-up with a soft spot for cars, a roadmap of great ideas, and a desire to seriously challenge the status quo. Our product leverages mobile technology, automotive telematics, and data-driven applications to make a car's data accessible AND useful to modern drivers.

The Backend team at Metromile lives and breathes Java, AWS and SQL. You'll define the architecture for a platform that supports cars, web/mobile clients, and insurance operations, and build scalable service-based software to support large data processing.

Full job description: https://boards.greenhouse.io/metromile/jobs/61814#.Vjemca6rS...

Email Caroline Blitz cblitz[at]metromile[dot]com

Imgur | San Francisco | Full Time | Frontend, iOS, Dev Ops | ONSITE

Imgur is the best place to share and enjoy the most awesome images on the Internet. Every day, millions of people use Imgur to be entertained and inspired by funny, heartwarming and helpful images and stories from all around the world. Come have an impact on the lives of millions of people, while working in a fun and collaborative environment. We have a small engineering team, so each engineer is responsible for solving challenges at a massive scale.

Interested? Check out our open positions! http://imgur.com/jobs If you have any questions about the open positions or want to know what it's like to work at Imgur (I'm one of the full stack devs) feel free to e-mail me at jake@imgur.com

Sesh • Los Angeles, CA • ONSITE & REMOTE • Internship • Part-time • jeremy@joinsesh.com

Sesh is looking for a technical intern to work and learn directly under our CTO.

A motivated self-starter with a passion for building quality products that help people and improve society.

You should be:

1. Familiar with web and mobile technologies. 2. Eager to learn and grow. 3. Someone who gets shit done.

Some of the tech involved: node.js, mongo, angular, objective-c.

Sesh is the Uber for life coaching. Our app connects users via live video with highly vetted life coaches who are experts at improving emotional wellness, habits, goals, and relationships.

We're already changing peoples' lives, as we get ready to come out of stealth. We are a strong team of technologists, entrepreneurs, and world-class investors/advisors; including the founder and CEO of Tinder.

Please contact CEO Jeremy Musighi at jeremy@joinsesh.com.

Bandzoogle | REMOTE

Bandzoogle builds tools that help bands succeed online. Our app powers tens of thousands of artist websites and helps them make a living by selling their music and growing their fan base. We've been “bootstrapped, profitable, and proud” since 2003 and are growing fast.

We're looking for an experienced, well-rounded Javascript developer to join our team. Bandzoogle's realtime website editor (built in Ember.js) is evolving quickly, and you will play a key role in its development. Our members love our product, and every feature you contribute to will be cheered on by thousands of artists from around the world.

More details: https://bandzoogle.com/jobs/201510-javascript-developer

Indigenous Software | San Diego, CA, USA and | Remote | Full-time | https://www.indigenous.io | Full-Stack Node.js/MEAN Developer

Indigenous Software is building a fully integrated SAAS suite making it simple and cost effective for small businesses and entrepreneurs to promote their business. We're funded, live (in Beta) and based in San Diego, with a fully-remote engineering organization.

The Indigenous engineering team comes from Amazon, R/GA, Dell, NASA, Qualcomm and more. We build with Node.js, Mongo, Express and Angular on AWS and Compose.io.

We're looking for full-stack engineers with experience using the above technologies at all skill levels (assuming compensation expectations match experience).

Submit your CV to jobs@indigenous.io to be considered.

Top Hat | Toronto, ON, Canada | Full-time

Top Hat is hiring for a few roles: mobile dev (native iOS, Android), devops (Ansible, AWS, RabbitMQ, MySQL), full-stack web developer (Python, Django, Javascript, NodeJS). We also hire interns so please feel free to apply for that as well. Salary ranges based on experience from $70k to $100k.

We're a profitable (and valley VC funded by some of the best funds in the world) education startup that helps make class more engaging. We've got some really cool problems to work on and your work would be impacting a huge number of students daily.

If you're not based in Canada or the US but are willing to relocate feel free to contact us, because we do cover relocation expenses and will help you manage the work permit process.

Send your resume/github account to stephanie.kessler at tophat dot com.

Hey there! Mind giving a little a description of the kind of work interns would be doing and what the salary range would be?

MailTime | Full Time | San Francisco | ONSITE | VISA sponsorship available

We're currently hiring an Android Engineer and a QA Engineer, and are always looking for talented developers. MailTime is building an open messaging service using email technology. Our founding team has prior mobile messaging success with Talkbox, and are now a seed funded team of 12 based in SF's SOMA district.

I could talk about the free team lunches and flexible hours and other perks, but as Peter Thiel put it, aren't the only 2 good reasons to join a startup 'the team and the mission'? Join our passionate team in building a truly open messenger!

Learn more at https://angel.co/mailtime/jobs or email jobs@mailtime.com

Opencare | Toronto, ON | Full-time | Onsite

Opencare is on a mission to transform healthcare. We are building a data-driven doctor recommendation engine. In other words, we use millions of data points to connect you and your loved ones with healthcare providers who will get you healthy, faster.

We are a technology company that happens to be in healthcare, and we treat ourselves as such. We're looking for incredibly smart, insatiably curious engineers to join our team. Currently a team of 12 (seed-stage), we're funded by top investors from the valley and NYC and growing extremely quickly.

Read more: http://careers.opencare.com/p/a36eb7dfd424-senior-software-e...

PromptWorks - New York, NY and Philadelphia, PA. ONSITE. Relocation assistance available.

We are a development shop that focuses on software craftsmanship. Our calling is to help companies create amazing, intuitive web applications, APIs, products, and services.

Pair programming, continuous integration & delivery, kaizen, and TDD/BDD aren't just ideas we pay lip service to, but core practices of our day-to-day work.

Open positions in Philadelphia:

    - Senior Software Engineer
    - Software Engineer
    - Senior Front-end Engineer
    - Sales Intern
Open positions in New York:

    - Senior Software Engineer
We use lots of Ruby, Python and JavaScript.

More info: http://www.promptworks.com/jobs/

CLVmetrics |Lead Front-End Engineer - Early Employee | Philadelphia, PA w/ NYC 2016 | Onsite w/ some Remote

CLVmetrics (http://www.clvmetrics.com) is a technology company with a simple but important belief: companies should treat their customers differently based on each customer’s lifetime value (CLV) to the business. Our goal is to enable firms to do so by providing access to the cutting-edge statistical models of co-founder Wharton Professor Peter Fader that forecast customer behavior far into the future.

To accomplish this goal and allow companies to implement customer-centric marketing strategies, our world-class team of statisticians, marketers, and engineers is building an enterprise-grade cloud-based analytics suite to commercialize our own award-winning research on consumer behavior, marketing theory, and statistics. Our team has the technical expertise across stack to implement our models at scale, and we are looking to add an expert front-end developer to the team to help us design and develop a stunning front-end that will allow our customers to discover novel insights about their customers, develop marketing interventions around CLV, and track the results of those actions.

Candidates should be comfortable with a major JS framework such as React/Angular and a visualization library such as d3. Candidates should also have a strong sense for UI/UX.

The key challenges that you will face are:

-Presenting a new metric: Predictive CLV is a new metric that has never been accessible before. The success of its penetration depends critically on effective communication to our clients.

-Visualization of massive data sets: We need to present output from millions of customers and billions of transactions in an elegant and simple-to-understand fashion.

-Design for different stakeholders: We need dashboards and visualizations appropriate for a range of audiences from performance marketers to the C-suite.

Please email justin@clvmetrics.com to apply.

Potato are hiring front end web (often using AngularJS) & Python (mainly Django) developers plus UX designers & project managers ONSITE across our offices. Freelance & fulltime available.

We're a 5.5yr old, 100 person agency based in London, UK with offices in Bristol, UK & San Francisco Bay Area. Our clients include Google, PayPal, Skype, a number of startups and other agencies such as BBH & Mother.

Our work spans (and sometimes defies) categorisation. Recent interesting projects include tracking an Antarctic expedition, organising the world's artworks, mapping DDoS attacks and Syrian regime defections, and aiding rapid collaboration inside companies.


Envoy - San Francisco (ONSITE, visa and relocation support)

Envoy is a beautiful, modern visitor sign in system for the iPad. Collect visitor information along with support for signing NDAs, printing badges, or automatically sending SMSs to their hosts. It's visitor management re-imagined.

We're looking for iOS, Rails and Ember engineers. We want people who use the right tool for the job. It's not always about perfect code, and it's not always about hitting deadlines; we look for a healthy balance of both.

Team Envoy is small yet mighty. This is a great place to learn, grow and participate first hand in something that’s going to be huge.


Reach out to jobs@envoy.co if you're interested !

Elastic, the company behind Elasticsearch, is hiring for a lot of positions: https://www.elastic.co/about/careers

I'm on the team behind Found, which is the official hosted Elasticsearch service. We're hiring engineers with backgrounds in design and operations of distributed systems: https://www.elastic.co/about/careers

We're (very) distributed/remote :)


Freeletics GmbH • Munich or Berlin • Full Time • ONSITE -Mobile/ Web Developer or Dev Ops

We are a digital sports company focusing on helping people becoming the best version of themselves. This right now happens via our personalised app that guides people through a set of bodyweight trainings. We were founded about 2 years ago and meanwhile have more than 7 million users worldwide.

We are growing our team as we have a lot of ongoing projects but are currently also starting the development of some brand new training apps which will cross-communicate with the main app.

Check out our positions:


Apply online or contact us via e-mail at talents@freeletics.com

Uptake - Chicago - Full Stack Engineer

Visa - Onsite

Uptake's business is global, disruptive, differentiated and approaches the market in a new way. We help customers identify hidden value and create growth through business and technology innovation, while also enabling cost efficiencies that generate industry-leading business performance. Our team drives this success by connecting customers and partners to the value of the Internet of Things, business-centric architectures, and key technology transitions.

Java - Spring - Elastic Search - Cassandra - Kafka - Akka - AngularJS


What a techstack! Love everything. Except for may be Spring.

Amazon Web Services | SDK Software Development Engineer | Onsite in Seattle | Full Time

The AWS SDKs team is looking for PHP, JavaScript, and Go engineers to work on our open source tools. Full job descriptions can be found on amazon.jobs:

JavaScript - http://www.amazon.jobs/jobs/344078 PHP - http://www.amazon.jobs/jobs/293512 Go - http://www.amazon.jobs/jobs/350858

Email me directly -- jonathan [at] jeskew [dot] net -- if you have any questions.

This looks interesting, too bad it's on site

Binder - Styles guides done right

Remote | We’re based in London

Looking for a full-stack javascript engineer to work remotely. We work with React, RxJS, Webpack, CSS Modules, TDD/BDD, Node and Babel… and more.

If you’ve got experience with those technologies, that’s good news. But we believe that a good developer transcends any particular library or framework. Here’s what we’re really looking for

1. You favour simplicity over complexity.

2. You scrutinise the things you’re asked to build and ask difficult questions.

3. You care about UX.

4. You care about good design.

5. You care about the user.

6. You can code.

7. You enjoy a good argument about naming conventions and other such things.

You’ll be joining a small team of founding designers, UXers, and developers. Why join us? I’ve no idea. We’re nice people. Get in touch and decide for yourself if you want to work with us.


Umbel — Austin, TX

Umbel is building the infrastructure by which companies own, control and access their consumer-centric data. Our platform enables customers to leverage their data rights and create tangible business value. We take employee satisfaction and growth seriously. We also expect a lot in return. We are currently seeking top-notch talent to join our fast-growing and dynamic engineering organization at several positions:

* Lead Distributed Systems Architect

* DevOps Engineer

* Platform Engineer

* Information Security Engineer

* Cassandra Database Engineer

More information about Umbel and the opportunities we have available: https://www.umbel.com/engineering/?source=Hacker+News

Data Scientist @ Booking.com | Amsterdam | Full-Time | Relocation + Visa Support provided

Booking.com is looking for all sorts of Data Scientists to join our international teams in Amsterdam. We offer a lot of Data, freedom and ownership over your work and the products, a great relocation package and an amazing work culture. For the more analytical, number crunching and business role check out the Data Scientist - Analytics: http://grnh.se/tvaxh7 For the machine learning specialist and recommendation systems lover: http://grnh.se/2prwsm

This is the third booking.com comment in this thread. Maybe a little excessive?

Based on the account ages/activity/postings, it looks like a lack of coordination between different departments/recruiters in the company rather than being intentional. Curious how the mods will handle this.

Actually this has more to do with the referral bonuses and the speed at which postings happen on the Who is hiring thread. I think two of the postings were from individuals and one was from the recruitment team. I downvoted the duplicate posts.

I work at Booking.com and often post on these threads. Stayed away this time after seeing the existing posts.

Interesting, thanks. Internal competition. :)

Crowdstrike: Senior UI Engineers, full time/permanent ONSITE: London, LA or OC or REMOTE: Continental US Above average salary + Bonus + Options We’re a security startup that uses a realtime stream of data from our kernel modules on every major OS to keep out some of the world’s most sophisticated attackers. Big data like you wouldn’t believe and a whole host of fascinating engineering challenges, we’re literally changing what is possible in system security. We recently raised $100m from Google Ventures & are growing fast.

We’re looking for JS engineers to help build the next generation of security interfaces, lots of Ember, data visualisation, animation and the opportunity to build in close collaboration with end users. We’re building a welcoming and flexible team that prizes collaboration over competition and gives everyone the opportunity to contribute to the direction of the team and the products we’re responsible for. Description & application below but if you’ve got questions feel free to email me (UI Lead) directly - alex dot graul at crowdstrike dot com


Interested but not a UI developer? We’re hiring fast across the board:

Senior Data Scientists ONSITE LA/OC/Seattle or REMOTE US - work on cutting edge ML systems that are being used in production every day: http://app.jobvite.com/m?38lHEhwA

Kernel Engineers ONSITE LA/OC/Seattle or REMOTE US - Join a team that includes the lead kernel developer of ReactOS building kernel modules for Windows, OS X & Linux that are pushing the boundaries of what is possible: http://app.jobvite.com/m?3elHEhwG

Cloud Engineers ONSITE LA/OC/Seattle or REMOTE US - Go, Scala, Kafka, Cassandra, Elastic Search and more at epic scale: http://app.jobvite.com/m?3rmHEhwU

Football Radar | London, UK | Full-time, ONSITE


We are looking for an exceptional engineer who can help us solve challenging and complex UI problems on our trading platform. We need someone with extensive experience in building realtime applications that work at scale. You will work closely with our traders and key business stakeholders to shape a critical part of the Football Radar platform.


- React/Flux, RxJS

- Experience with optimising web performance

- Background in perf-sensitive domain: trading, gaming, etc.

- Strong comp sci background

Apply here: http://www.footballradar.com/jobs/#op-14508-javascript-engin...

Nava | Washington DC* | Experienced full-stack developers/devops/product manager/operations | On-site - Full-time

We're a small team of engineers and designers from Silicon Valley that came out to DC last year to help fix Healthcare.gov. It turns out there’s a lot more to fix, and it’s surprising how much can be fixed by a small group of resourceful people with a Silicon Valley mindset, deep technical experience, working closely with dedicated civil servants in government.

Our revamped Healthcare.gov application is used by millions, converts 35% better, and halves the completion time. The login system we rebuilt is about two orders of magnitude more reliable and two orders of magnitude less expensive; for example, it’s about $70M less per year to operate.

People die because the Veteran's Administration is months behind in processing claims. The Social Security Administration pays benefits to millions of deceased Americans. $80 billion is spent every year on federal IT contracting, and 96% of projects are deemed failures. [0] That’s not because there’s some conspiracy or because government is inherently incapable of doing it right. These are complicated legacy systems and processes, and there are very few people with modern tech industry experience who are aware of these problems and willing to help fix them. You can help change that.

Our team is about a dozen people (Stanford, Google, Khan Academy, Dropbox, YC alums), and we plan to bring on a few people every month through 2015.

We’re looking for: * experienced full-stack engineers * experienced devops engineers * a product manager with a technical background * a hyper-resourceful operations person

We have a social mission (we just incorporated as a public benefit corporation), but we pay market compensation (above market, for DC) and equity (above market).

If you'd like to build software and infrastructure that radically improves how our government serves people, we’d love to hear from you at jobs@navahq.com

Learn more about us: http://navahq.com Job descriptions: http://jobs.lever.co/nava

*Not in DC / able to relocate, but intrigued and in SF? Talk to us!

[0] https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/wonkblog/wp/2013/10/22/t...

AdGear Technologies Inc - Montreal, Quebec, Canada | Full-Time

We're hiring several positions - for full details see http://adgear.com/company/careers/ and get in touch / email jobs@ - be sure to mention you're responding to the HN post :)

Software engineering:

  * Ruby on Rails Developer
  * Senior iOS Mobile Developer
  * Data/Analytics Developer

  * Technical (html/JS-heavy) Ad Operations Specialist
  * Digital Ad Operations Specialist
  * Platform specialist
  * Content Marketing And Social Media Specialist

Kollective | Bend, Oregon or Sunnyvale, California

We're developing peer-to-peer video delivery solutions for large and medium companies. With some of the world's largest companies among our customers, we have a market-proven solution but sill have tons of work to do! We also make end-user enterprise applications and apps under the Kontiki brand. We're a stable startup company, and the average age of our engineers is on the higher side of the bell curve. Current openings:

Application Engineer Network Platform Engineer Build Engineer Systems Level Engineer QA Engineer – Client / Server QA Engineer – Performance / Security


AngelList - SF, NYC, REMOTE

Eng team is 14. We look for generalists who can do product too. Email me directly - kapil at angel.co


Drizly | Boston, MA | https://drizly.com | Full Time

We demand convenience in all facets of life, Uber with transportation or OpenTable with reservations, the liquor store should not be different. A Drizly delivery brings the liquor store to you in 30-60 minutes, right from your smartphone.

We have several openings for Senior Engineers on the Backend, Frontend and Mobile.

Apply at: https://jobs.lever.co/drizly or email me tanner@drizly.com and mention Hacker News.

Mention HackerNews in your submission

Wingspan Technology, Philadelphia Suburbs (Blue Bell/Whitpain), Full Time

The Wingspan Technology engineering team is responsible for a series of document management products used in several industries, pharma in particular. Some are SaaS and some installed on site. Conseqently, our engineering team has exposure to a wide range of technology; for new projects we’re using Scala, React, Solr, and Postgres.

We're looking hiring junior software engineers - New engineers will likely start out as support engineers and be mentored by the existing team to build skills on various parts of our stack.


Email - gsieling@wingspan.com

Seven Bridges Genomics | Boston | Javascript Visualization Engineer

Seven Bridges Genomics is building the most advanced cloud computing platform for genomics data analysis on the market. We democratize genomics by enabling researchers anywhere to process and understand genomic data faster and more efficiently than ever, at any scale.

We're looking for experienced javascript engineers to effectively visualize complex data for our R&D team.


Manchester & London | UK| Full time | Dev/DevOps/UI Dev/Business Analyst and more https://www.thoughtworks.com/careers/browse-jobs ThoughtWorks EU

We are looking for passionate developers & engineers who care about software excellence. We want people who are aware of latest trends and know how to adopt the most appropriate technology. We're looking for people who are strong advocates for the best engineering practices and love learning new skills.

SocialCode (socialcode.com) - San Francisco, CA, New York, NY, and Washington DC - http://socialcode.com/company/open-positions/

SocialCode is a technology and insights company that manages digital advertising for the world's leading consumer brands. We decode human intentions and deliver actionable feedback from consumer data on platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and Pinterest.

If you're interested, email me directly at greg.f@socialcode

Spotify • planet earth • ONSITE

We have about a 100 outstanding positions all over the globe including recruiters, developers (iOS, Android, backend), financial controllers, creative directors and designers, label relations, content curators, data engineers and the list goes on and on.

See our open positions at: https://www.spotify.com/jobs

Follow Spotifyjobs on Twitter for more: https://twitter.com/spotifyjobs

Full-stack Software Engineer - Easel TV - Full time in Central London, UK

Easel TV's philosophy is that the television is special; it's not just another device that's now available with a web browser, it has a unique context in our homes. We seek to exploit that special role by delivering a relevant and potentially personalised televisual experience from our cloud-based software-as-a-service platform, Suggested TV. Whilst we use web technologies, the user experience that we deliver is more like a TV channel than a web site or a mobile app. We provide our clients with editorial tools to allow them to control the user experience and powerful analytics to help guide those choices. We have been around for over 5 years now however it still feels a lot like a start-up (and in many ways it is). From a technical point of view, there's a big roadmap of exciting and challenging work ahead of us. Our tech: - Scala, Akka, Play Framework - Neo4J, SQL - Git, BitBucket, Jira, HipChat, Jenkins - Cloud infrastructure on AWS and Azure

Skills & Requirements: - You have solid Java skills and some functional programming experience, preferably with Scala. - You are a great web developer. - You are familiar with agile development and continuous deployment methodologies. - You have experience and the scars to prove it. - You are a great team player. - You always feel responsible and want to deliver the best you can. If this sounds interesting, please contact me at recruit@easeltv.com

SRXP.com | C# / Xamarin | Onsite in Amsterdam | Full Time

ABOUT: SRXP offers an efficient and user-friendly solution to digitise expense reporting. The tool consists of a mobile app and online portal and is innovated continuously. We sell to large Dutch and international corporates, such as Bugaboo, Randstad, and CheapTickets. The team consists now of 15 members and is growing quickly. Our office is situated at Amsterdam Science Park. We offer flat hierarchy, good salary, organised lunches, and a professional and fun team. Successes are celebrated every Friday with some drinks.

JOB: We are looking for an experienced C# developer who is eager to start as soon as possible at our company. We have a lot of cool features lined-up that that we want to release quickly so we’re looking for someone who wants to work at least 32 hours a week. Also our new designer just started, so we are also on the verge of a complete redesign. We have just started to work with Xamarin to release more quickly across all platforms (Android, iOS, and Windows Phone). Other tools we work with are AWS, Git, Bitbucket, and JIRA. Our app developers are expected to think proactively about the user-friendliness of the apps as well. Taking initiative to introduce new features is highly appreciated.

More info: http://www.srxp.com/company/jobs/xamarin-developer/

EnergySavvy - energysavvy.com Onsite | Seattle & Boston

We are hiring multiple engineering and client engagement positions to build energy efficiency software for the utility industry.

Free lunch, collaborative environment & dinosaurs!

Especially focused on Senior Engineers & DevOps, see job descriptions here:

Senior Dev: http://bit.ly/1FJccxg DevOps: http://bit.ly/1KUl6Ys

Email christine at energysavvy.com to find out more or apply online.

IST Research, LLC – REMOTE (U.S) East Coast hours - Full time (US citizenship required) www.istresearch.com

We Deliver Decision Support Innovation to the Edge – our work is focused on providing those on the leading edge of their domain with data to support their efforts; from counter human trafficking to information campaigns, from community engagement to crowd sourcing, from remote monitoring to data collection. IST operates in a true R&D environment and we apply our trade to making a positive impact in the world. Founded in 2008, we’re growing rapidly and are looking for high caliber talent that believes in our mission and is passionate about using technology to solve hard problems.

TechOps- Group Mission – Data Preservation, Reliability, Security We don’t expect a candidate to have experience with everything we use, but having a solid technical ability is needed to succeed. Here is a general list of the tech we play with every day:

Experience with high availability, high performance and open source technologies Hadoop (significant distributed computing exposure is desired) Cloud Computing (AWS) Linux & Networking Server Automation (Ansible) Broad to Deep knowledge of some, if not all: PHP, Python, Java, Shellscripts Exposure to ElasticSearch would also be a big plus

We are looking to fill two positions, one senior and one junior. Distributed computing is a must for the senior position. Either of the two must be East Coast hours. Contact - info@istresearch.com

Full Stack Developer @ J.Crew 770 Broadway New York, NY 10003 (ONSITE) We are looking for a Full Stack Developer who is eager to work on some of the best work of his/her life. This position will focus on the User Interface portion of the stack, but the ideal candidate should also have a monstrous appetite to learn and work on every aspect of software development. Tasks will include researching new techniques/frameworks, building new APIs/standalone apps, brainstorming creative solutions to tough technical problems, and automating deployments. Responsibilities: - Working with the product team to design, build, and deploy user interfaces - Improving and adding features to existing applications - Troubleshooting client issues - Maintaining a robust test-suite Must Have: - Bachelor's degree in Computer Science (or a related field Math, engineering, etc.) - Experience with nodejs - Experience with cross browser development and with at least one Javascript framework (Backbone, Angular, etc) - Experience building applications on REST APIs - Excellent communication skills (written and verbal) - You should also be organized, an independent thinker, and a good team player Nice to have: - Experience in a functional language (Clojure, Scala, Haskell) - Familiarity with technologies like git, lodash, jquery, require, react, promises, etc. Contact: megan.layton@jcrew.com

London, United Kingdom | ONSITE | Osper - https://osper.com

We provide a real prepaid debit card for young people aged 8-18 so they can make their own decisions with money: in shops, online, at cash machines, and abroad. Over 10,000 families have already signed up to the service and we will be growing enormously this year.

But we not only help young people buy dolls and save for bicycles - we are building an awesome technology team that eliminates legacy code, keeps the bug rate tiny, and stays small and joyful. We are doing this by adopting techniques like pair programming, test-driven development, and continuous deployment. You can read more about our plan to be awesome on our tech blog http://tech.osper.io. We want to meet and work with smart technical folks of all sorts - from server-side devs to sysadmins, mobile coders to testers, security analysts to data crunchers. Our tech stack is mostly python and postgresql on the backend and Cordova for the smartphone app.

We're also looking to fill quite a few non-engineering roles at the moment: https://osper.com/jobs/

We are willing to arrange relocation to London for the right candidates.

I'm a backend developer at Osper and it's awesome. Feel free to contact me with any questions.

NationBuilder - Los Angeles, CA & Remote - Full Time - Software Engineer, Senior Software Engineer

NationBuilder is an online Community Organizing System built by a world-class team dedicated to empowering a new generation of leaders and creators with the tools they need to create a new world. If you're seeking to build something truly important - a genre-defining new product that is already changing people’s lives. Check out what we build: http://nationbuilder.com/mission

Software Engineer (Los Angeles/Remote): As a developer you’ll help us architect, build and maintain our main codebase as well as ancillary services. http://nationbuilder.com/software_engineer

Senior Software Engineer (Los Angeles/Remote) As a senior developer you’ll help us architect, build and maintain our main codebase as well as ancillary services. You’ll recommend and implement system-wide improvements, new technologies, and contribute to our technological direction. http://nationbuilder.com/senior_software_engineer

Our tech stack is primarily Ruby on Rails along with some Ruby and Golang services utilizing PostgreSQL and MongoDB. Managed by Puppet.

Harvard Library Innovation Lab, Harvard Law School | Cambridge/Boston, MA | Full-time | Onsite

The Harvard Library Innovation Lab is seeking a devops engineer. We're a small startup shop embedded in the world's largest academic law library, with strong institutional backing to work on high-impact projects. Current projects include a forkable open textbook platform, a linkrot preservation tool in use by 40% of American law schools and 10% of state courts, a project to scan 40 million pages of American caselaw and build great research tools around them, and a distributed encrypted archive for high-value historical materials. We also have strong ties to the Berkman Center for Internet and Society and occasional cross-over with their projects and events. Activist coders welcome -- it's a great opportunity to make an impact.

NYTimes coverage from last week of one of our projects: http://www.nytimes.com/2015/10/29/us/harvard-law-library-sac...

Job info: http://librarylab.law.harvard.edu/blog/2015/10/20/hiring-dev...

That blog post and job description vary a lot, especially the skills and qualifications section.

Invincea Labs | Arlington, VA / REMOTE / INTERNS | Multiple Positions https://www.invincea.com/employment/employment-invincea-labs...

Invincea Labs is a cyber-technology research and development organization based in Arlington, VA and is looking for talented technology professionals to join our exceptional team of researchers working on today’s and tomorrow’s toughest challenges.

Must be a US Citizen.

IST Research, LLC – REMOTE (U.S) East Coast hours - Full time (US citizenship required)-www.istresearch.com

We Deliver Decision Support Innovation to the Edge – our work is focused on providing those on the leading edge of their domain with data to support their efforts; from counter human trafficking to information campaigns, from community engagement to crowd sourcing, from remote monitoring to data collection. IST operates in a true R&D environment and we apply our trade to making a positive impact in the world. Founded in 2008, we’re growing rapidly and are looking for high caliber talent that believes in our mission and is passionate about using technology to solve hard problems.

TechOps- Group Mission – Data Preservation, Reliability, Security

We don’t expect a candidate to have experience with everything we use, but having a solid technical ability is needed to succeed. Here is a general list of the tech we play with every day:

Experience with high availability, high performance and open source technologies; Hadoop (significant distributed computing exposure is desired); Cloud Computing (AWS); Linux & Networking; Server Automation (Ansible); Broad to Deep knowledge of some, if not all: PHP, Python, Java, Shellscripts; Exposure to ElasticSearch would also be a big plus

We are looking to fill two positions, one senior and one junior. Distributed computing is a must for the senior position. Either of the two must be East Coast hours. Contact - info@istresearch.com

Genesys Telecommunications|Greater Boston Area|Some ONSITE

We provide contact center solutions to businesses of almost every size. We are currently seeking a full-time Principal Security engineer to join our Cloud Security & Compliance team. We are also looking for a contractor/consultant with experience in Business Continuity Management.

In this role, you will advocate & evangelize security to developers, sales teams, product managers, leadership, operations personnel, as well as customers. You will teach, train, consult, advise, design, devise, and build based on the best practice, tools, and thoughts in InfoSec. You will be a member of a team that works closely together to support a global organization that is leading its field. A team that cares passionately about security and sees InfoSec as an enabler to business, not an obstacle. Your novel approach to established problems is welcome and actively debated. Your experience is valued and your opinion makes a difference. We offer good compensation, an excellent remote working environment and a generous PTO program. If this sounds good to you, please apply:


What we want you to do: • Vulnerability Management • Intrusion Detection/Prevention • Architectural Review • Support on-going Audits • Good security sense • Curiosity & passion for InfoSec

What you need: • Strong communications skills in English • Be able to pass a BCI • Wide infosec experience • Technical Depth in a few areas.

TransferWise | London, UK. Tallinn, Estonia. Cherkasy, Ukraine | Onsite | Product Engineers

Are you up to building a modern international financial institution from the ground up, but better than any of the existing global banks? We are looking for a number of Product Engineers to join our London office. As a Full Stack Product Engineer you will have solid experience with the full stack of web technologies. You will be hands on within the technology and working towards making our product the best that it can be by solving the challenges that we face. However our flat organisational structure means you'll be someone who is unconcerned with titles and hierarchy. What really excites you is problem solving and delivering innovative technology and products that create happy customers.

As part of the Product-Engineering team, you'll be making sure that the user journey is as precise and delightful as it can be. You'll join a great team that is customer focussed to it’s core.

Product engineers only

Here at TransferWise we don’t hire coders, who pick up tickets from a backlog and push code to production.

We hire engineers that empathise with our customers problems, develop solutions and measure results. We’re proud of engineering team - it's built an incredible product that’s changing the world. They operate autonomously within their teams, focussing relentlessly on our customers.

For more information please feel free to contact anna.roe@transferwise.com

Take a stab at our little challenge and ensure your CV gets reviewed by our team: curl http://challenge.shopcurbside.com Curbside is enabling a new way to shop, built for the era of instant mobile commerce. The Curbside app makes it easy to find, buy and pickup products at nearby stores. Curbside searches realtime local inventory across retailers and uses location-based technologies to alert stores when a customer is arriving for a pickup. Curbside helps consumers quickly get what they need and helps retailers better serve their increasingly mobile centric customers. The Curbside Merchant Console enables alerts to staff as customers arrive to pick up orders and also manages online order workflow.

Curbside’s investors include Sutter Hill Ventures, Index Ventures, Jerry Yang’s AME Cloud Ventures, Qualcomm Ventures, Eric Schmidt’s Innovation Endeavors, O’Reilly AlphaTech Ventures, Gil Elbaz & David Waxman’s TenOneTen and Chicago Ventures.

Tech Stack: Clojure, Python, Javascript, iOS, Android, Elasticsearch

Problem space: mobile commerce, big data, search, machine learning, reverse engineering, distributed systems, location services, user experience.

http://www.shopcurbside.com/jobs • Palo Alto, Ca. • Relocation Available • Sorry at this time we cannot sponsor NEW H-1B’s, but we can transfer existing visa’s and sponsor new E3’s, TN’s, and O-1’s

Upswing | Austin, TX | ONSITE

Upswing is looking for a Backend Software Engineer with experience in object-oriented programming and SQL. We've grown 5x over the past 2 years, and are looking for a sharp mind to join our tech team. Fun environment, great benefits, and lots of career opportunities!


NEXEDI | Lille/Munich/Paris/Tokyo | ONSITE | 3/6/12 months TRAINEE/INTERNS

We keep a group of trainees contributing on research projects and prototyping things we are curious about. Most of our staff are former trainees and this is our preferred way to find people that fit our mindset. If you are passionate about open-source aka free software and like one of our topics below, get in touch.

Current topics (http://www.nexedi.com/jobs):

   - Prototype JavaScript Unhosted Social Network
   - Help on our Python Big Data, Machine Learning Platform
   - Help porting the Babel routing protocol to Rina
   - Extend our HTML5 Web Component Framework
   - Upgrade our Web App Store / Add Some JavaScript Apps
   - Explore Our Prototype of An Decentralized Web Cloud
   - Try prototyping a Web Version Control System
   - Try to use WebRTC to create a Web Mesh Network
   - Experiment with ERP5 and WebAssembly
About Nexedi: We are a small team from all over the world (headquarters in Lille, France) creating open source software since 2001. Our work is split between client and research projects with ERP5 (Enterprise software), SlapOS (Cloud Hosting), Wendelin (Big Data platform) and OfficeJS (HTML5 offline applications) being our main solutions around which we provide services. We all work with Chromebooks, our offices are paperless and we have no meetings = we hack.

Apply To: jobs(at)nexedi.com

IST Research, LLC – REMOTE (U.S) East Coast hours - Full time (US citizenship required)-www.istresearch.com

We Deliver Decision Support Innovation to the Edge – our work is focused on providing those on the leading edge of their domain with data to support their efforts; from counter human trafficking to information campaigns, from community engagement to crowd sourcing, from remote monitoring to data collection. IST operates in a true R&D environment and we apply our trade to making a positive impact in the world. Founded in 2008, we’re growing rapidly and are looking for high caliber talent that believes in our mission and is passionate about using technology to solve hard problems.


Group Mission – Data Preservation, Reliability, Security

We don’t expect a candidate to have experience with everything we use, but having a solid technical ability is needed to succeed. Here is a general list of the tech we play with every day:

Experience with high availability, high performance and open source technologies; Hadoop (significant distributed computing exposure is desired); Cloud Computing (AWS); Linux & Networking; Server Automation (Ansible); Broad to Deep knowledge of some, if not all: PHP, Python, Java, Shellscripts; Exposure to ElasticSearch would also be a big plus

We are looking to fill two positions, one senior and one junior. Distributed computing is a must for the senior position. Either of the two must be East Coast hours. Contact - info@istresearch.com

Lumi | London, UK (Farringdon) | ONSITE | Full-time https://lumi.do

Lumi is a personalised news reader. We learn your interests automatically from the get go and recommend you articles that we think you'll love. Lumi was created by the founders of Last.fm.

We are looking for an experienced Android developer to join our small team to continue work on our app. Flexibility is important however: you should be a polyglot software developer able to learn new things and work in new areas. The server side should not be a mystery to you and we'd expect you to have had experience in a number of programming languages. iOS experience and interest, as well as a strong sense for UX are big plus points.

We pay competitively, so don't let a fear of 'startup salary' put you off applying - get in touch and find out if that's going to be an issue for you.

To apply, either launch a CV at jobs@lumi.do, or get in touch personally if you'd like to chat first (details in my profile)

The Lumi app: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=done.lumi Job spec: https://lumi.do/about/jobs/app-developer

Tint (http://www.tintup.com) San Francisco (SOMA), CA

We’re looking for Experienced / Senior Software Engineers (H1B Okay).

The salary range will be $126K - $175K. We offer equity packages, full medical/dental, 401k, and free lunch, among other benefits.

Over 45,000 customers use TINT to power their social media displays and help us generate $380k MRR. We are proudly profitable, not dependent on investor funding, and have been consistently growing our top line. An engineer who would mesh well with our team is entrepreneurial, embraces change, and isn’t afraid to work on projects that would normally be considered out of the scope of engineering. We value an engineer that cannot only code well, but also has a vested interest in making cross team contributions. We pair everyday, and every Friday we work on hack projects that we think will push the business forward. Our current stack is Backbone, Rails, MySQL, and AWS.

Some upcoming projects include building a content scheduling system that will be the market leader for outdoor digital displays, creating new themes and visualizations for dynamic content, and scaling out an API to reach thousands of large brands and their millions of customers.

To learn more: https://jobs.lever.co/tint?lever-source=HN

Medallia - Palo Alto, CA - http://engineering.medallia.com

Medallia is hiring engineers to build our next-generation analytics platform. World-class companies (Airbnb, Mercedes, Nordstrom to mention a few) use Medallia to create awesome customer experiences.

We are a fast-growing (70% per year), Sequoia-backed company that recently became a tech unicorn; our mission is no less than to transform the way the world's companies view and interact with their customers. We allow hundreds of thousands of employees to access, analyze and take action on large amounts of customer data in real time. We are still a small engineering team, only about 50 or so of us, thus everyone counts.

We are building the new platform based on the latest technologies and best practices: pure REST APIs, based on Swagger 2.0, on top of a state-of-the-art microservice architecture built by our awesome Systems Foundation team. Code is hosted on Github and we open source the components that are of general interest. We host hundreds of millions of records for our customers and run analytics in fractions of a second with no pre-computation thanks to our own in-memory analytics engine. We are looking for both experienced backend and frontend engineers.

Please send me a note at kristian@medallia.com if any of the above sounds interesting to you.

Kristian Eide, Software Architect

Custora (YC W11) - http://www.custora.com - New York, NY - Engineering and Data Science

Marketing used to be an exercise in one-to-many communication: billboards, magazine ads, and - more recently - having a powerful social media presence. At Custora, we’re helping to turn this model on its head, using mountains of data to help our customers direct the right campaigns to the right users rather than blasting the same message to the largest audience possible.

We're growing quickly and looking to fill positions from Front-End Engineering to Data Science. We're analyzing data for well over 500,000,000 end customers, and this number is growing fast. We're building a marketing experimentation platform that's usable by entire marketing teams and we need your help to build new statistical models, to build the infrastructure to run those models, and to develop creative and intuitive ways of presenting our findings to our users.

We code in Rails, Angular, and Couscous, our distributed computation framework that runs statistical models with R and Spark.

Our job postings are at https://www.custora.com/careers. I'm more than happy to answer any questions and tell you more about us, so feel free to reach out to me at martin@custora.com.

Device42 - West Haven, CT | ONSITE | http://www.device42.com

#About Device42: Device42 software is a single source of truth for IT Infrastructure Management. With Device42, IT teams can see all their data in one place - their servers, IT assets, IP addresses, software, services, server & app dependencies and passwords. We are an agile team that likes to move fast and produce results. Come join us to make life easier for system, network and devops engineers and IT Managers.

#Position 1: DevOps Evangelist Device42 is looking to hire its first DevOps Evangelist who will take the reins and help explain the value of our software to the DevOps community. We need someone who has a passion for helping system engineers and developers do more master. Someone with experience in DevOps, continuous integration, system administration. You can come to this position from a web-developer/application-building perspective, or an ops/sys admin perspective.

Details: http://www.device42.com/jobs/devops-evangelist/

#Position 2: Pre-sales and support Engineer We need someone who is an experience network, system or devops engg. and explain our software to fellow sysadmins and engineers. The position also requires support role for the software.

Please send us a note to <my hn username>@device42.com or to jobs@device42.com.

Perfect Sense Digital | Reston, VA

We have built our own open source Java CMS - https://github.com/perfectsense/brightspot-cms

Using our platform, we build websites and applications for some big names. Full client list here: http://www.perfectsensedigital.com/our-work/

Company is growing, and needs Developers and DevOps.

Jetpack Workflow - https://jetpackworkflow.com/ - Pittsburgh, PA (Onsite Preferred, Remote Option)

About: We're an early stage startup. Launched less than 1 year ago and have hundreds of paying customers. We aim to be the single location to manage all recurring client work and client collaboration (project management is build for service sprints and product companies, CRM is for salespeople, we aim to the #1 recurring client management app).

You'll be joining a core team of 3. Comp. Salary, high equity.

Seeking: Sr. Full Stack Dev (ruby / Rails,Javascript,Postgres) to help drive our roadmap forward. Leadership roles open as well (Dir. of Eng, CTO potential)

Why Jetpack: Get on the ground floor of a proven, early stage startup company. We're closing out a round of funding to build out the product team... will you be the one to lead it? Ideally, we're looking for someone who feels comfortable coding 90-95% of the time, but also reviewing the product roadmap, leading product huddles, and working with the CEO on the company direction. Role provides a lot of flexibility, freedom, and creativity. You're on the ground floor, prepare for the highs and lows of startup life, but be rewarded for coming on early.

No need to go through a hiring portal, send me your angellist, linkedin, stackoverflow, any public facing apps/sites, or your github profile :)

Email: david (at) jetpackworkflow.com

Graphiq.com | Santa Barbara, CA

What are we up to: We are building the deepest, broadest, baddest knowledge graph on the planet. We have billions of entities, hundreds of billions of facts, an amazing presentation layer, and a growing distribution network of top tier publishers. Everyone needs knowledge (we have close to 200M citations a month), and we’re here to satisfy that need.

What’s next: we’ve built an amazing product architecture that leverages our expansive knowledge graph. The next step is to become a dominant force in the growing knowledge industry. I'd love to talk to anyone working or interested in this exciting space. Unsolicited outreach is strongly encouraged! (ivan -at- graphiq.com)

About the team: The challenge of scaling human organizations is not unlike the task of scaling a technology stack. Just as large monolithic software applications tend to become ineffective and fail, a highly scalable engineering organization can't be dependent on hierarchy. Developers, designers, and data analysts can form small, cross-functional, mission-oriented teams that are able to operate decoupled of one another (Bezo's 2PT). Besides yielding more effective results, this distributed systems approach to human organizations promotes a happier, more harmonious engineering culture.


HelloSign | San Francisco | React & Symfony PHP | YC11

- Senior Backend Engineer: https://boards.greenhouse.io/hellosign/jobs/88292

- Engineering Manager: https://boards.greenhouse.io/hellosign/jobs/94411

- Lead QA Engineer: https://boards.greenhouse.io/hellosign/jobs/69005

HelloSign has seen tremendous growth over the past two years, primarily through word-of-mouth, and we are now focusing on building out an API that enables anyone to integrate eSignatures directly into their own website. We are funded by some of the top investors in the valley, including Y Combinator, Greylock, Google Ventures, and US Venture Partners. Our goal is simply to be the way people sign documents everywhere.

We are centrally located in downtown San Francisco by Union Square. Currently at 40 employees, we are growing the company deliberately, with an eye towards maintaining a culture that values lifestyle, fun, and continuous improvement (we were recently awarded the Hirepalooza Culture Award for Lifestyle in early 2015!).

Be sure to check us out on Glassdoor too.

Twenty20 | Los Angeles, CA (Marina del Rey)

At Twenty20, we believe that authenticity matters. Almost 2 billion photos are uploaded to the internet each day, but brands, marketers, advertisers, and other creators are still shackled by the ancient inventory of traditional, staged, boring stock photography. Twenty20 is changing that. Our team's mission is to provide access to the most authentic imagery on Earth.

With a growing community of over a quarter-million photographers, and customers like Google, Uber, Viacom, and Birchbox, to name a few, we're on a mission to change the world of stock photography forever.

Want to know how we operate as a team? We are guided by our mission and steered by metrics. We focus on the one thing that matters today. Along with a strong bias for speed and learning, we strive for excellence and elegance. We believe in being open and honest with one another. We believe in obsessing over our users, not our competitors. We are a perpetual work in progress.

We have openings for fullstack software engineers (Ruby experience a plus) as well as openings on our mobile team.

We're also hiring some non-technical people! Operations/finance, product management, design, and account managers.

Our job board is here: http://www.twenty20.com/jobs

You can also email me (our lead recruiter) at john[at]twenty20[dot]com :)

Thread.com (YC S12) | Frontend Engineer | London, UK | Full-time | Onsite

We're a startup that's using human stylists and machine learning algorithms to reinvent how shopping works for men (and someday women) who want to dress well but dislike shopping. In the process we're helping them to feel happier and more confident about themselves. We're backed by a collection of the top investors from London and Silicon Valley as well as Y Combinator.

You'd be joining a small, highly technical team with lots of startup experience (the founders have started and sold 2 companies before). We're lucky to have had a lot of success bringing together exceptional people in design, machine learning/AI and engineering, and we're now focussed on finding our first dedicated frontend engineer. You’ll be responsible for owning the frontend code and helping shape how frontend is built, from working with designers through to integrating with the backend. You’ll also be responsible for evangelising the latest frontend technologies and techniques and bringing them into Thread where appropriate. We want to work with someone who is entrepreneurial, ambitious, has broad, cross-discipline interests, is product-focused and exceptionally good at what they do.

Want to learn more? Check out https://www.thread.com/jobs and you can see some of our code at http://dev.thread.com/


MC10 | www.mc10inc.com | Lexington (Boston), MA | Software Engineers

## Senior Backend Engineer - http://www.mc10inc.com/sr-software-engineer-full-stack/ - Scala/Java, Cassandra, Spark, Redis, AMQP, AWS, Play!

## Senior Big Data/Scalability Engineer - http://www.mc10inc.com/senior-big-data-architectengineer/ - Python, ML, Spark or Hadoop, Cassandra or similar, Algorithms

Looking for ONSITE FTE's

MC10 makes conformal electronics you can stick to someone for days at a time and have it beam a plethora of vital statistics to the cloud for analysis. We've made great progress in the last year and are gearing up for a big launch next year. We need more software peeps to help expand the features of MC10's cloud infrastructure and product offerings.

We just moved into a vast new office space as we continue to expand. Enjoy the climbing wall, 2 onsite gyms, ping pong table, and hoops, the free snacks and stocked kitchen, the nightly catered dinner, and the many trails and green ways adjacent to our office. Easily ride to work on the MinuteMan greenway from Cambridge as it's only 100m from the office.

If interested please email careers@mc10inc.com!

Applidium | Paris, Lyon | ONSITE | Full Time / Interns | Mobile / Backend Software Engineer

Applidium is a design and technology boutique, focused on delivering both innovative and industrial mobile products. Working with us means evolving among experts in an environnement where creativity means quality. Right in the center of Paris and Lyon.

Full job description here : http://applidium.com/en/jobs/#dev

Lenio | London, UK | Full-time | ONSITE

Lenio's core product lets you micro-donate as you spend through your bank or credit card provider. You choose the charities you're interested in, a monthly limit and how donations should be triggered. We calculate and take donations in micro-amounts as you spend.

Some of the challenges involve: rich transaction processing and analytics at the largest scales (we work with financial service providers that serve multiple banks), top-grade security, data-mining and analytics for key spending and donation insights and rich content delivery.

We're looking for a lead developer (Java/Scala, front end experience), a dev/sys-ops lead (PCI experience a major plus), a number of senior backend/full-stack developers and a senior front-end developer (NodeJS, Angular or React experience a plus).

We use Java (and a little Scala), NodeJS, ES 6, Docker, Kubernetes, Elasticsearch, AWS & Heroku for internal infrastructure, HipChat and Hubot for ChatOps all linked up with NewRelic, PagerDuty and StatusPage.io. We believe strongly in clean code, automation, continuous delivery, and infrastructure-as-code.

We offer competitive salaries, options, full private health-care, £1000 annual training budget for conferences and courses and from January an employer matched pension scheme.

CVs/Resumes, GitHubs or questions: joseph@lenioapp.com (CTO)

A little more info: www.lenioapp.com

Applecart | New York, NY | Full-time Onsite

Applecart is a technology start-up that deploys proprietary social graph technology to enable its clients to run smarter national and statewide political, issue-based advocacy, nonprofit, and corporate campaigns. Part high-level political consulting firm, part data-driven R+D lab, Applecart develops innovative technical solutions custom-built to solve the most significant problems facing American national and statewide campaign efforts, national advocacy organizations, and corporations. Applecart is perhaps best known for creating the largest voter turnout increase in U.S. history. Our roots are in politics, where we have tested and honed our methodologies at the largest scales possible. Applecart brings the urgency, efficiency, and ingenuity of a political campaign to campaigns and large corporate and nonprofit organizations alike.

Applecart’s work has been featured by The Colbert Report, CNN, The Washington Post, The Associated Press, USA Today, The Huffington Post, among other prominent news outlets.

We are hiring for various positions in NYC. We are currently looking for candidates to fill the following roles: Junior Python Engineer, Hadoop Developer, Data Scientist, Senior Data Scientist, Senior Python Engineer, System Administrator, and Python QA Engineer.

For more information, or to apply, please visit https://applecart.catsone.com/careers/index.php?m=portal&por...

San Francisco, CA - Jobr - Senior Software Engineer or Data Scientist - 5-10 FTEs - http://www.jobrapp.com

Jobr is the leading mobile-first jobs application combining a Tinder-style interface with a Pandora-like recommendation engine. We were founded just over a year ago, and all key metrics continue to grow 50-100% MoM. We’ve raised $2M in funding from a group of strategic investors and advisors including Lowercase Capital, Workday, the Tinder founders, Redpoint Ventures, Lerer Ventures, and Eniac Ventures. Our platform now has over 1M jobs across virtually every industry and covers the entire US and Canada, and we’re planning to expand further later this year.

We’re looking for a hungry, analytical Software Engineer to help us continue to move quickly and scale engineering operations. You should be comfortable in all parts of the stack, from writing CSS to querying databases to managing instances.

* All major systems are written in Go, accessing data in MySQL with a Redis layer

* Redis MQ for message queueing

* Scala data processing on Spark

* Job search via Elastic on Found

* Mixpanel and Periscope for tracking (track everything)

* Table tennis - for stress relief and friendly competition

We treat employees like founders, compensate very competitively, have a really cool office space, and just generally like each other. Send over an introduction if you’re interested! intro [at] jobrapp.com

Picmonic | Phoenix, AZ | Full Stack & iOS | http://www.picmonic.com/ | Full-Time/Onsite

At Picmonic we're working on building the worlds most unique next-generation e-learning platform using Angular, Laravel and all the latest in web technologies with a kick-ass team of developers in the heart of Tempe, AZ.

Our team of creative wizards use crazy cartoons and weird stories to teach the future doctors and nurses of the world all the super-complicated stuff that they need to know. And us developers are building the platform to bring these Picmonics to the world. Just recently funded by M2 ventures, we're re-inventing the entire concept of higher education and we are looking for world-class developers to join us as we grow the team.

If you need somebody to tell you what to do every minute of every day, don't bother applying. But if you love a fun, fast-paced, collaborative development environment where you get to make real decisions on product development and ship code every day send us your resume and tell us something cool about yourself.

Our job page is http://www.picmonic.com/company/careers/ Or email me at leon.klepfish [at] picmonic.com

Vitagene • Denver, Las Vegas • Full Time • ONSITE

Vitagene is a healthcare tech startup that focuses on disrupting the $30B supplement market. We leverage big data from genetics, lab results , lifestyle, and wearable devices to personalize and deliver a solution to your doorstep.

Functions • Technical lead for a team of software engineers & research scientists • Ownership of the application design process, including needs and requirements analysis for new systems • Make strong architecture decisions that contribute to maintainable systems • Adapt to rapidly evolving requirements and changing priorities and drive the team accordingly • Actively contribute to the code base; up to 50% of this position involves coding • Integrate support for algorithmic recommendations Qualifications • 6+ years of PHP, Python, Perl, or other Web development languages – PHP preferred • SQL or NoSQL technologies (MySQL, Mongo, ElasticSearch, CouchDB, Cassandra, Hadoop, etc.) – Mongo preferred • Knowledge of SOAP and RESTful interfaces & Extensive use of JSON or other data-interchange formats • Expert in at least one compiled language (C, C++, Java) • Excellent understanding of how internet and Web technologies work • Linux operating systems • Excellent problem solving, critical thinking, and communication skills • Self-motivated, self directed, detail-oriented and organized • Track record of building, large-scale web applications and service • Experience in agile development & test driven development methodology • Django + Python + MongoDB • AWS + Linux • HIPAA knowledge or comparable security & privacy experience

Email: jobs@myvitagene.com

Knack | http://knack.com/jobs | REMOTE | Front-end Designers & Systems Engineers

Knack (http://knack.com) is a database PaaS that makes it easy for anyone to build online database apps.

We're looking for a front-end lead to drive the the user experience and craft a comprehensive platform for rendering elegantly usable web applications with multiple themes on multiple devices.

We're looking for a systems engineer to help us make a giant leap in speed, security, & reliability.

About Knack: we're building a profitable long-term business with a product our customers love. We have a unique culture that will be an awesome fit for the right person:

* Impact: we’re expecting anyone that joins to come in and have a major impact. This translates into influencing our team and product beyond any specific job description.

* Equity: we don’t need hired-guns, we want team members. We want to share our long-term vision and success, and make sure you have equity in that journey.

* Autonomy: we don’t look for specific roles, we look for good fits. You’ll be able to contribute with your strengths and determine the projects you want to drive forward.

* Flexibility: we're a fully remote team. We trust each other to execute and perform so we can work how and where we want to.

Scripps Networks | Mid and Senior Level AWS/DevOps-oriented Operations Engineers/SysAdmins | Knoxville, TN | Full time, ONSITE

Scripps Networks is the international company behind HGTV, Food Network, DIY Network, Cooking Channel, the Travel Channel, Great American Country, and more!



We are looking for a mid-level and a senior-level Linux operations engineer/systems administrator with AWS experience and DevOps knowledge.

You, as the ideal candidate, have a strong aversion to manual work and avoided it in the past by automating using AWS, scripting, and tools such as jenkins. You have perhaps had full time gigs as a programmer, or have described yourself as a "full stack" developer. You track DevOps trends and buy into the culture. You have been motivated enough to learn things that weren't required by a previous employer. You are now looking for a "web scale" DevOps position!

Mid level: https://goo.gl/HymGYW

Senior level: https://goo.gl/DIbqsG

ArcherDX | archerdx.com/company/careers | Boulder, CO

ArcherDX's next-generation sequencing assays based on Anchored Multiplexed PCR (AMP™) generate a highly enriched library of gene targets of interest for downstream genomic sequencing. Complemented by proprietary software and readily accessible reports, our technology enables dramatic enhancement in mutation detection speed as well as complex mutation identification and discovery.

* DevOps Engineer: Manage and drive operational systems, requirements, and tool sets, take better control of our existing systems and infrastructure and provide expertise in automating our build, upgrade, and deployment processes. http://archerdx.com/company/careers/devops-engineer-adx037

* Bioinformatics Software Developer: Build bioinformatics tools for calling genotypes in Next-Generation Sequencing data (SNP/INDEL calling, CNV, Haplotyping, RNA Differential Expression) and develop new software tools as needed to meet project and company goals. http://archerdx.com/company/careers/bioinformatics-software-...

The company is a couple of years old, with 50 or 60 people working at our Boulder office (about 20 of which are on the software team). Great group of motivated people, kegerator, pool table, Rocky Mountains, all that jazz. Come work with us!

Smaato is hiring in Hamburg (Germany)!

Smaato is the leading global mobile RTB ad exchange (SMX) helping mobile app developers and publishers increase ad revenues worldwide.

We have several open positions:

Data Engineer: https://www.smartrecruiters.com/SmaatoInc/86132203--senior-b...

Java Developer:https://www.smartrecruiters.com/SmaatoInc/85679240--senior-j...

Senior Systems Engineer: https://www.smartrecruiters.com/SmaatoInc/86400219-senior-sy...

DevOps Engineer: https://www.smartrecruiters.com/SmaatoInc/86400225-devops-en...

Sales Engineer: https://www.smartrecruiters.com/SmaatoInc/86436116-senior-ma...

Check out our career page! https://www.smaato.com/jobs/hamburg/

Chartboost [https://chartboost.com] | San Francisco, CA, USA | Full time | Onsite

We’re continuing to grow our engineering team across all disciplines. We have open roles for DevOps Engineers, Front End Engineers (JavaScript/Backbone), Backend Engineers (Python), Data Engineers (Spark, MySQL), QA Automation Engineers, and a Lead Scala Developer.

Chartboost [https://chartboost.com] is the largest technology and monetization platform for mobile game developers, globally. We help developers monetize, acquire new users, and make better data-driven decisions. We're reaching over 700 million people and are serving billions of impressions every month. We're profitable, backed by Sequoia, and have a ton of traction in our space (currently in 90% of the top grossing iOS and Android games), so it's an exciting time to be on board.

And... you’d get to work in our new office [http://www.officelovin.com/2014/12/11/chartboosts-new-san-fr...].

Our full list of open roles can be found here [https://www.chartboost.com/jobs], but we have many more openings coming down the pike.

If you’re interested, feel free to apply directly or reach out to talent@chartboost.com.

medigo.com - Berlin - onsite - visa help

  Front End (JS,polymer) -> desc: http://goo.gl/OI2Qvg
  Full Stack (JS,PHP,GO/python,solr,docker) -> desc: http://goo.gl/JKLFGh
  BI Dev -> (python/GO, ETL, postgres) -> desc: http://goo.gl/IGieWx
We are 55 ppl, 5% German ;) series A, good traction, trying to play our part in fixing healthcare - world wide. Currently evolving our tech towards webcomponents and public APIs.


  docker dev pipeline
  bunch of own slack integration
  own OSS GO/angular build viz. dashboard
  learning culture
We have the essential office pug but take our goals absolutely serious. We see enjoying ourselves, partying and salsa https://goo.gl/k9ewQn on our 100sqm hipster terrace is a strategic asset. For more esoteric buzzwords you can check out our values https://www.medigo.com/en/it-values Contact jobs@medigo.com and we can chat. Or just drop by for coffee, I'll give you the tour and we talk tech/startups. Cheers and make the best impact with your choices.

Christoph & the MEDIGO team

Emerging player tracking data is transforming the sports experience, and Second Spectrum is at the forefront of this revolution. We have trained machines to understand sports at the highest professional level. Using this machine understanding, we deliver analytics solutions for the entire sports industry. Currently we serve 13 NBA teams, and have media partnerships with ESPN and FOX, among others. We are also developing products across several other professional sports, including football, soccer, and baseball. Our investors and Board Members include David Hornik, partner at August Capital, Mark Stevens, a former partner at Sequoia Capital and board member of NVIDIA, and others.

We are looking for a variety of engineering roles, in areas such as: -Full-stack -UI/UX -Dev-ops -Machine learning -Computer vision

The responsibilities range from sophisticated UI design that supports detailed but intuitive analytics, to front-end interfaces that will appear on national sports broadcasts, to scalable backend infrastructure that supports robust video streaming, to ML and CV engineering that enables the semantic layer that understands the game. Our software stack is based around Node, Go and Python, and we also use C++ for our video systems.

In addition to these roles, we are also looking for experienced mobile developers to help build out our initial mobile apps on iOS and Android as we start to develop software directly for consumers.

If you're interested in joining us, our jobs email is is work@secondspectrum.com. I'm also available for any questions you might have at noel@secondspectrum.com

Second Spectrum's Shanghai office is also looking for full stack, frontend and backend engineers as well as devops and a compositor/rotoscope lead artist.

Sponsorship is possible, but only for exceptional candidates.

You can email the Shanghai team directly: shanghaiwork@secondspectrum.com

Canopy - http://canopyapps.com - NYC - ONSITE

Android Engineer

We’re seeking a full-time Android Engineer to join our small, collaborative team and own the end-to-end development of our Android applications.

You'll be responsible for building, launching and maintaining the next generation of our Android apps that help 30+ million non-English speakers in the US gain access to better healthcare by enabling clinicians to communicate instantly and accurately across different languages.

If you're interested in joining a sharp, motivated team as the 4th developer and 8th employee -- send your info to mcullinan@canopyapps.com

Our products: Canopy's technology helps healthcare providers and patients communicate across language barriers.

- For Patients: Better understanding of care

- For Healthcare Providers: Enhanced productivity and ability to deliver care

- For Health Systems: Reduce cost, enhance legal compliance and improve quality of care for underserved communities

Canopy is the winner of innovation awards from the National Institutes of Health, and is a winner of the 2014 PILOT Health Tech NYC award. Our products are used by 100,000+ doctors, nurses and other clinicians across the country.

Why us? We're a small tight knit team located in the heart of NYC, working to solve the language barrier problem in healthcare and improve the health of millions.

http://GetLighthouse.com | San Francisco | Full Time | On Site

## Looking for: Tech Lead

Lighthouse helps people managers with the essential soft skills needed to lead, motivate, and retain their teams. If you've ever worked at a dysfunctional, hyper-growth startup, or a big company wrecked by politics, you've experienced how bad management can make work miserable. We're changing that by helping managers with the fundamentals of good management.

We're bootstrapped, profitable, and growing. Looking to transition from offshore development to someone we can work with locally to move fast and build a great product.

If you're looking for the chance to be a player/coach to build an awesome product and grow a team with the processes and systems you feel are best, this is a big opportunity, with the equity/upside to match.

## Tech stack includes: Rails, Capistrano, haml/scss, bootstrap, jQuery, Postgres, Stripe, GCal API

Full Description at: http://careers.jobscore.com/jobs2/getlighthouse/come-work-wi...

* Apply there or email Jason at GetLighthouse dot com mentioning Hacker News in the subject line.

Fuelling | Remote | Full-Stack Engineer Intern

Fuelling is developing an innovative wellness platform that rewards employees for their sportsmanship. We are an extremely early stage Startup currently being accelerated in the Netherlands by Rockstart Digital Health. We are an international team from Argentina, France, Spain and the UK.

http://www.fuelling.club http://www.rockstart.com/accelerator/digitalhealth

If you can develop for Web, Android or iOS we want to talk with you!

The backend is currently a mix of Node.js and C# in Azure. We use microservices so will also deploy services in golang, Scala or your language of choice.

The mobile apps are native and we plan to use React for the web app.

We are looking for a smart and ambitious intern to join the Development team remotely. We work with BitBucket, Trello, Slack and Skype. You need to be able to demonstrate knowledge of web, mobile or backend development. This is as greenfield as it gets.

Hours are flexible and you will take on responsibility starting from day one. You will be exposed to everything from front end web, front end mobile, backend, DevOps, the works.

We are a design and engineering lead Startup.

If you are looking to experience what it’s like to be part of a brand new European Startup, please get in touch.


Hi, I'm a college senior in NYC interested in the position. What is the best way to contact you? I don't have a Twitter account!

jobs [t] fuelling [dt] club

Pebble | Palo Alto, CA, SF, Bay Area (moving soon to Redwood City, CA) | Full-Time | ONSITE | Senior Ruby Developer / Ecommerce | Apply here: https://www.pebble.com/jobs/91173

We make smartwatches that are useful in your daily life. Our smartwatches track steps and sleep for healthy living, keep you in the moment with notifications on wrist, and personalizable with thousands of watch faces.

We're looking for a senior Ruby developer for a technical lead in the ecommerce team. You will work on initiatives to:

    1) drive growth and sales of pebble smartwatches
    2) improve the experience of the order process for happier customers
through the Pebble.com website, our order processing, and order fulfillment systems.

You should have a great understanding of the full web stack, a systems/holistic view of problem solving, and an analytical mind to determine next course of action.

We work in cross-functional teams, so ecommerce team has a product owner, engineers, designer, and copywriter. You'll also have the opportunity to talk and learn from marketing, logistics, finance, and customer support.

The stack is Ruby and Mongodb. For frontend, we use React, Knockout, and Angular across the different repos we work on.

Please email wil@pebble.com for more information or apply at https://www.pebble.com/jobs/91173.

Uber | San Francisco, CA & Bangalore, India | Software engineers - all levels, across the stack | Email ngoel@uber.com if interested

On the International Growth team, we're working on challenges to scale our business around the world, namely India and China.

We're hiring for HQ in San Francisco, as well as our new office in Bangalore. Software engineers of all levels and any part of the stack (particularly mobile).

If you're interested (in this team or others) please email me directly at ngoel@uber.com

Is Uber still looking for interns in CA?

Retresco GmbH - Berlin, Germany - multiple positions

We are looking for several people to join our team in Berlin. We specialize in content automation solutions, building APIs and cloud applications that solve the needs of our customers. Among our clients are well-known and distinguished publishing and media houses, retailers, e-commerce shops and non-governmental organizations.

We are looking for one or more BACKEND DEVELOPERS with experience in Python (and/or Java) development of web service oriented software architectures, optimally including NoSQL storages and/or Elasticsearch. More information: http://www.retresco.de/backenddeveloper

We are looking for a SYSTEM ADMINISTRATOR with experience in managing and monitoring Linux servers (puppet, nagios, muninn, etc.) for our infrastructure team. More information: http://www.retresco.de/system_administrator

We are also looking for a TECHNICAL PROJECT MANAGER (German language skills needed): http://www.retresco.de/technischer_projektmanager

Please apply at jobs[at]retresco.de

Roxhill Media | London, UK | PHP Developer | Onsite

We combine analysis of live media sources - from national papers to twitter - with a comprehensive graph of journalists, figures, organisations and topics, to provide valuable insight to our users in the world of PR. Since launching last November we now count many of the world's largest financial institutions and consultancies amongst our happy paying customers. We distinguish ourselves by the quality of our product, our agility, and our use of cutting-edge, thoughtfully applied technology.

We need developers to design & build a mixture of REST APIs and microservices - backed by an exciting mixture of tools, technologies and data - to deliver our ever-expanding and improving product. While not an Ops role, you'll also be involved in the day-to-day maintenance and deployment of the product, and the fully-containerised infrastructure it runs on.

You should have commercial experience in:

- PHP 5.3+ (or similar) for several years. - Using an MVC framework. - Designing and implementing a RESTful API. - Integrating with other services and data stores. - Implementing best practices on all levels, from syntax to structure and architecture. - Scaling up. - Planning for failure and learning from it.

Bonus points if you’ve worked with any of these which we use extensively:

Elasticsearch; Redis; Big MySQL tables; Docker; DynamoDB (or other distributed KV stores); MapReduce; Continuous Integration; Queues (asynchronous, event-based architectures).

You can reach me directly at alex.carver(at)everlution.com

Groupon | Palo Alto, CA | Full-time | Onsite | Relocation and Visa Support

Groupon’s mobile team is growing. As part of Groupon, you will get to work on a product that touches hundreds of millions of people, create billions in revenue, and has positioned us as the foremost player in mobile commerce worldwide. You will work on meaningful and fulfilling projects with awesome team members to creatively help us solve real-time challenges. Exciting times ahead!

Android Dev: https://jobs.groupon.com/jobs/oa9U1fwY Android Mgr: https://jobs.groupon.com/jobs/oE011fwq iOS Dev: https://jobs.groupon.com/jobs/oFzV1fwU iOS Mgr: https://jobs.groupon.com/jobs/onJY1fwP Mobile Release Engr: https://jobs.groupon.com/jobs/obne1fwx

Apply online or send a resume to doglivie@groupon.com

Wiredcraft | Washington, DC, Berlin & Shanghai | Full Time | ONSITE

We're engineers, designers & strategists creating software that solves real-world problems. Think software to run the Myanmar elections or DevOps for the biggest electronics manufacturer in the world.

We're hiring for multiple positions (developers, designers, strategists, sales, operations... See all at https://wiredcraft.com/about/#jobs) but are especially interested in recruiting a team leader in Washington, DC (https://wiredcraft.com/jobs/team-leader/) and business development or sales folks in Shanghai or DC (https://wiredcraft.com/jobs/sales-business-development/).

You'll work directly with me (founder) to grow our US and Asia teams and get sh*t done.

You can shoot me an email directly at ronan@wiredcraft.com or pay us a visit at http://wiredcraft.com/about/#jobs.

Network Locum (http://www.networklocum.com) | London, UK | ONSITE | FULLTIME

Network Locum is a data-driven marketplace fixing the problem of flexible staffing in the NHS, matching hospitals and surgeries with temporary doctors. We get over 10000 sessions posted every month, and have just series-A'd.

Our tech stack is mainly a microservices backend with an Angular frontend running through a REST API – running on Redis, Mongo and MySQL.

What we believe in:

  * Getting stuff done   
  * Testing quickly and often  
  * Making informed, data-driven decisions   
  * Lean principles and Agile project management
  * Developers spending their time doing what they do best: developing  
  * Cultural fit is as important as raw technical skills – we can teach you!  
  * Everyone shapes the direction of the product
We have a hipster office in Shoreditch that our team of ~30 works out of. We're looking for engineers, designers, and thinkers of all shapes and sizes. If you’d like to join us and be challenged on a daily basis, while having fun with great people, then shoot us your github profile, or a description of the coolest project you've worked on to michael@networklocum.com

Right now we're especially looking for:

  * An awesome JS engineer who's opinionated in Angular and React and ideally a bunch of other frameworks
  * UX and UI designers who can turn awkward layout into something awesome
  * World-class Brainfuck developers (semi-serious)

CodeCombat (YC W14) - http://codecombat.com - onsite in San Francisco

We're making a programming game for learning to code. This is going to be the default way that everyone learns programming. We're 100% open source and looking for developers, game designers, and UI/UX.

See https://jobs.lever.co/codecombat for more details.

Curse, Inc. | Irvine, CA | FULL-TIME, ON-SITE

Android Developer, Mobile Backend Developer, Mobile Product Manager, Mobile UX Designer

Curse is building the world's best communication platform for gamers. Check the current product at http://beta.cursevoice.com

Our mobile apps are built using Xamarin and therefore engineering applicants should have a strong background in mobile development as well as C#.

For more details, email me cconover@curse.com

Chris, Director of Mobile

Oye Paisa | ONSITE | Full-time | Bengaluru, India

Senior Full Stack Engineer

We are building a web platform for making savings easy in India. We are on a mission to make financial services accessible to all of India.

You'll be responsible for building, launching and maintaining the web application. You will also be recruiting and leading engineers to the application.

We are currently using Rails, PHP and Angular JS as the tech stack on Google Cloud. You are free to take your own technological decisions going forward.

Technical Skills:

* Strong programming ability in web programming * Mobile Development a plus * Experience in Rails and Angular JS * Comfortable with the Unix shell * Knowledge and competence with Git Version Control * Strong urges to automate stuff everything from deployment to code

Nontechnical Skills:

* Good communication abilities in English * Good understanding of Lean Startup and Design Thinking * Empathy and Understanding for the User * Able to deliver good results quickly, in a fast-paced environment. * Passion about constructing a system from the ground up, to be used by large numbers of people * Resourcefulness to find solutions and workarounds when no apparent once exist. Get work done by any means necessary * Willingness to take complete ownership over your project

Please contact us at hello at oyepaisa.com with a recent CV, code sample and code repo if applicable.

Jacoti | Barcelona, Spain | Full-time ONSITE

Jacoti makes state-of-the-art hearing solutions accessible and affordable for hearing-impaired individuals all over the world. As a company we realize this mission by focusing on the development and commercialization of hearing aid software and hearing support systems. We achieve this by integrating our proprietary technology with internet-ready consumer hardware such as smartphones.

As we enter a new wave of growth, we are currently expanding our R&D team and are looking for very talented people to join our team in Barcelona.

Specifically, we are looking for an Android software engineer who can help us maintain and develop further our application ecosystem. The workload includes: • Porting core audio and networking technologies into Android • Developing hearing related applications for the Android Platform.

Qualifications: • A smart and autonomous engineer who takes ownership of his code • At least 4 years in application development with the Android SDK • Experience with C/C++ and the Android NDK. • Mobile and Audio Tech Enthusiast. • Professional level English • EU working permit.

We offer a permanent position to work in our Barcelona office. Please, send your CV, application portfolio and motivation letter with the subject “Android Software engineer” to jobs@jacoti.com

Aclima - http://www.aclima.io - San Francisco, CA


Aclima designs and deploys environmental sensor networks that help people live aware. Aclima’s sensor networks generate billions of data points to reveal actionable insights about buildings, cities, and communities. In collaboration with partners like Google and the EPA, Aclima applies these insights to improve human and planetary health. Aclima’s mission is to use this new body of knowledge to create a more resilient, healthy and thriving world. For more information, visit www.aclima.io.

We are looking for passionate engineers to help build, scale, and improve our platform. We have no required list of skills or years of experience. Instead, we’re looking for engineers who are smart and get things done. Our engineering culture values rapid iteration, continuous improvement, and as much automation as is sensible. We work in a relaxed, purpose-driven atmosphere with flexible hours and competitive perks. Positions open:

* Full-time Performance-Oriented Backend Engineer

- great coding skills

- solid understanding of distributed systems

- experience optimizing complex systems involving relational and NoSQL databases

Our stack includes: Python, Git, MariaDB, Cassandra, Nginx, NSQ, Redis, Ansible


If you’re up for the challenge, apply directly: http://boards.greenhouse.io/aclima


Reddit powers awesome communities. We host tens of thousands of unique communities, where millions of people share content and engage in conversations every day, and 200+ million actives use every month. We’re a small (around 70 people), rapidly-growing, and motivated team that values collaboration, creativity, and constant learning. We’re on a mission to build the next-generation technology of our platform and we would love to have you onboard if you’re excited by this challenge.

Web / Mobile Web Engineer: We’re looking for generalists with strong web experience to help us build new product and improve our existing web stack.

Infra Engineer and DevOps: The infra/ops team is a small nimble team that powers one of the top nine websites in the US. We’re looking for passionate engineers to help us build the next generation of Reddit’s core.

Android and iOS Engineers: Reddit is building its first Android app and its first official iOS app! We’re looking for passionate mobile app developers to help us enrich Reddit’s native mobile experience and allow more people in the world to discover and share with their communities.

If you’re interested in being part of our small, collaborative team (with one of the biggest, if not THE biggest, user-to-engineer ratio), and want to help Reddit realize its full potential, then join us! Amongst the many benefits of joining Reddit is having your very own customized Snoo.

https://jobs.lever.co/reddit Contact us at: jobs@reddit.com

Avaaz Foundation - fully REMOTE

We're a global activism organization, dedicated to effecting positive change in the world. We are tackling such issues as climate change, poverty, and corruption. For more information, check here: http://www.avaaz.org/en/about.php#howwework We are in the process of extracting services from a large legacy php codebase. We primarily use python for new systems. We operate at "big data" scale, with 40+ million members, and hundreds of millions of events per month. We value professionalism, autonomy, and healthy work-life balance. We are looking for: - A CTO: https://avaaz22194.recruiterbox.com/jobs/fk0hffi - A Snr Data Scientist: https://avaaz22194.recruiterbox.com/jobs/fk0h1tp - A DevOps Engineer: https://avaaz22194.recruiterbox.com/jobs/fk0hipk

WOW! Working as a Data Scientist at Avaaz would be a dream come true! Gonna apply right now, is there anything extra I can do to stand out a bit?

Awesome. I look forward to seeing the application.

I applied, and thought I did pretty well on the coding challenge, but didn't get a response.

Is there any way I can get feedback on my application?

Hey skatenerd -- I will follow up with the applications. We have slowed our engineering recruitment processes while we hire a CTO. But I will reach out to the team and get feedback sent through :)

Orange, California (CA) (Orange County/OC) >> Boulder/Denver, Colorado (CO) >> Redwood City Office, CA! >> (full-time)


Sending over 19 Billion emails per month. SendGrid provides unmatched deliverability, scalability, and reliability. We deliver email on behalf of happy customers such as: Airbnb, Foursquare, Spotify, and Uber.


http://sendgrid.com/careers.html Software Engineers (All Kinds!), Software Engineers in Test, Manager of Software Engineering, Director of Quality Engineering, Sr. DevOps Engineers


Challenge: You'll get the opportunity to focus on scalability challenges (we are currently shipping around 800 million emails/day, for perspective Twitter is doing ~550 millions tweets/day). We’re 40% higher than Twitter, and sending 20 terabytes daily. You'll also get an opportunity to work on big systems and big data, and get into machine learning. You'll exposure to a lot of technologies and get to work on hard problems.


Toys: We've made the transition to Go (check us out if you're interested in learning), Kafka, Redis, Chef, Docker, Riak, Elasticsearch, , MySql,Linux, Agile (We are technology agnostic - doesn't matter what you currently code in)


-Socrate Loth - Team Builder @ SendGrid.

Subject: HN Who is hiring > recruiting@sendgrid.com > if you don't see anything that you could directly apply to.

Amazon Web Services is hiring!

Here is a full list of positions we are hiring for: http://aws.amazon.com/careers/

We are hiring for Seattle, Dallas, and Virginia in the USA. But there are plenty of remote locations that are hiring. We can relocate employees from pretty much anywhere.

We are ALWAYS hiring, but especially for these positions:

Here is a list of positions:


We are hiring for Seattle, Dallas, and Virginia in the USA. But there are plenty of remote locations that are hiring. We can relocate employees from pretty much anywhere.

We are ALWAYS hiring, but especially for these positions:

Cloud support engineer


Cloud support associate:


Software Development Engineer (especially for ELB)

NeoSensory, Inc. | Houston, TX | Full Time | ONSITE | Industrial Designer


NeoSensory develops "high-throughput" sensory substitution/addition ("augmentation") wearables. An overview of our technology can be seen in co-founder Dr. David Eagleman's TED talk from this past year:


We're hiring for a full time ONSITE Industrial Design position in Houston, TX. If you like delicious food, amazing local beer, and have a passion for neuroscience and cyberpunk, this company is for you!

Are you an injection-molding connoisseur? Do you have a keen eye for how things should be enclosed in other things so as to provide an enjoyable user experience and look good, too? We’re on the hunt for an Industrial Designer to help with:

- Enclosure design for various components related to our current wearable technology

- Leading product development for future form-factors based on our underlying architecture

You should have a strong foundation in SolidWorks or other relevant CAD applications. Prior experience with haptics a plus. Because the company is in its earlier stages, the position will have a fair amount of autonomy, flexibility, and creative input in shaping the company.

If interested or have questions, drop us a line! novich@neosensory.com

BitTorrent • San Francisco

We currently have openings in our San Francisco (SOMA) office, located at 303 2nd Street. If you don’t see a role that fits your profile, send us your resume at jobs@bittorrent.com. We want to build stuff with brilliant people.

• Data Engineer

• EA Engineer

• Full Stack Web Developer

• iOS Software Engineer

• Senior Software Engineer (C#, C/C++)

• Software Engineer, Windows Developer (C#)

Apply at: http://www.bittorrent.com/company/about/jobs

Priceline.com | New York, NY | Norwalk, CT |Visa Support

Hiring: Engineers UX/UI Designers Technical Writers Product Managers Android Developers iOS Developers Interns Sales


Great place to work on fun products with smart people. Awesome work/life balance and lots of new and exciting projects. Feel free to reach out hannah.buchanan@priceline.com (I am a front end developer)

Segment | San Francisco, CA | Full-Time | ONSITE | Apply here: https://segment.com/jobs/

Segment is an analytics API that helps businesses integrate their entire analytics stack. Once customers send us data, we can send it to 180+ other integrations and databases like Redshift.

We write code in Go and Node, process tens of billions of events a month, and contribute heavily to open source:

https://github.com/segmentio/nightmare, https://github.com/segmentio/metalsmith, https://github.com/segmentio/myth, and many more at https://github.com/segmentio

We're looking for infrastructure, front-end, and security engineers as well as data analysts and designers. Apply here: https://segment.com/jobs/

VENTUREAPP | Boston, MA - Full-time ONSITE | Front-End Engineer (AngularJS)


VENTUREAPP is a private network that connects startups with the people and solutions that can help their business succeed. We're building an intelligent platform that helps solve the common and not-so-common issues that startups encounter day to day.

We're looking for an experienced front-end engineer to join our fast-moving and accountable product team. You'll be one of the first 10 team members and play a critical role in our success. We have two primary products now: A user-facing web app, and an internal control center, code named "Houston". We're launching a mobile app in the coming months.

Responsibilities include: owning the front-end codebase, building efficient and reusable front-end systems, participating in user experience and code reviews, and addressing front-end performance bottlenecks.

More details on the position here: https://angel.co/ventureapp/jobs/87363-angular-developer

Feel free to reach out directly to me (jared -at- ventureapp.com) with any inquiries.

San Francisco mostly/ London/Spain/Sydney | TokBox | iOS Engineers, Test Engineers, Technical Sales, BizDev Manager and Sales Rep | 98% Onsite, remote for the right fit


TokBox does embedded communications powered by WebRTC. We make it easy for customers to embed real-time video into their websites and applications. We are a PaaS company, and have great clients from individual developers to massive players in tech, entertainment, education, and many other industries. The product is great but the people make this place where I work. It's an awesome group of 70 or so people- nice, smart, skilled. We are laid back and have a sense of humor. Good salary, flexible, and great benefits!

We've hired a ton but a few openings left. Looking for developers in iOS, test engineers, someone who is technical but is also good at sales (a sales engineer), and more people to help bizdev- a manager and a sales rep.




Come join us!

Jun Group | New York, NY | Orange County, CA | Full Time | ONSITE

Our name means truth, and our culture is all about openness and honesty. This is a place where individuals are heard, diverse perspectives are encouraged, and the CEO makes time to take everyone to lunch, one and two at a time. It’s a place where we ask every developer to spend part of their time going beyond our strategy, to show us their own.

When you work here you develop on the national stage, reaching tens of millions of users around the world, thousands of times a second, every day. Our technology is integrated into the world’s most popular apps and sites. Our clients are household names: Coke, Samsung, Chevy, Activision, McDonald's, Kraft, etc. We were rated #54 on Crain’s Best 100 Places to Work in NYC.

Senior Software Developer, Android. Work on our native SDKs that are installed on millions of devices around the world. Compensation $200k+

Senior Software Developer, Server Side Technologies. We use Ruby (JRuby on Rails) or Scala (Play Framework). Compensation $200k+

More information about these positions can be found on our careers page, here: https://careers.jobscore.com/jobs2/jungroup?sid=68

iRobot | Bedford, MA (just outside of Boston, MA) and Pasadena, CA | Full-time and INTERNS | ONSITE

At iRobot (http://www.irobot.com) we make robots that truly help people. Our robots help people save time by cleaning for them, save hassle by being remotely present for them, and save lives by putting themselves in harm's way.

We have great work-life balance (including half-day Fridays during the summer so you can spend extra time with your family on Friday afternoons) and interesting problems to solve.

We blend cutting-edge research and practical engineering to build useful and affordable robots.

We're looking for smart people who are easy to work with. You should want to help people with products you create, but a robotics background is NOT required. (I had no robotics background when I started at iRobot.)

iRobot is looking for software engineers (firmware/embedded, iOS, cloud, robotics, etc.) as well as a bunch of other roles.

Check our jobs site for all positions: http://www.irobot.com/us/Company/Careers.aspx

Email me directly if you'd like to know more: csvec followed by the at sign and then irobot.com at the end.

Please email even if you're not sure if you're a match; I'm always happy to talk to other HN'ers!

PS: We have hired people from these "Who is hiring?" posts, thanks to HN for this service/forum.

Houston, TX | GoCo, Inc. | http://www.goco.io | Onsite

Software Developer - React.js, Ruby on Rails


GoCo is growing rapidly and looking for awesome developers to join our team. Our tech stack is React.js with ES6/ES7 in a Single Page App coupled with a Ruby on Rails REST API. We've got a talented team and a super fun tech startup culture.

About the company:

We are funded and managed by a group of serial tech founders with multiple startup successes. We're building a simple, intuitive and free HR platform that helps businesses manage their employees, payroll, and benefits from a single location. Our goal is to make life at work awesome for both the business owners and the employees.

Here are the most important qualities we are looking for:

  * Full stack experience with an emphasis on modern web and architecture patterns

  * Expertise in OO javascript with experience building single page applications

  * Ability to rapidly iterate and roll out new code

  * Eagerness to learn new languages and technologies

  * Passionate about user experience, and not shy to give your input

  * Track record of building applications that can scale to millions of users

  * Comfortable working in Linux environments
Email summer@goco.io if you are interested or apply at https://angel.co/goco/jobs


* Data Engineer - Build systems to manage, analyze, and visualize massive amounts of fascinating data using Spark, Kafka, Redshift and Ruby. Read more about our infrastructure here: http://engineering.ifttt.com/data/2015/10/14/data-infrastruc....

* Infrastructure Engineer - Automate systems to create and manage clusters of containers that process over 1 billion API requests per day using AWS, Mesos, Docker, and Ruby. Here's how we're using containers in development: http://engineering.ifttt.com/oss/2015/10/06/developing-with-....

We're located at 5th and Market in a creative environment that's full of fun gadgetry and intelligent, thoughtful people who enjoy generous benefits and compensation. Come help us change the way that people interact with technology.

Apply to jobs+hn@ifttt.com. Tell us a bit about yourself, why you're interested in IFTTT, and what your favorite programming language is.

Klets | Eindhoven | ONSITE | INTERNS welcome too

Klets lets companies build better relationships with their customers by means of highly personalized instant messaging. https://klets.com

VP of Marketing / Communication. We're looking for an allround marketer with an interest in software technology. We're very early stage so you need to have an experimental and creative attitude. Think referral marketing, content marketing, or maybe even old-school B2B sales - together we find what works best and then double down on that.

Customer Support - At Klets, customer support is a key marketing position with direct influence on the shape of the product. Great customer support is how we get the necessary insights for our product's future, and it's how customers go from happy to extremely happy. Happy customers are the key to fast growth, so this position is key to our company.

We don't need you to be onsite fulltime, but one or two days a week would be nice.

Interns welcome! We happily turn one of these positions into a fitting internship or graduation project for the right candidate.

Apply on our own Klets page: https://klets.com/klets

Software Engineering Internship at CircleUp (Downtown SF) https://circleup.com

Hungry for an engineering internship with more than free food? Do you want to contribute to production code? Our small team size and focus on full stack development provides a great environment for you to solve real problems with Python/Django and AngularJS.

CircleUp is an online marketplace for private investing, striving to help entrepreneurs thrive. CircleUp was named a Top 5 Most Disruptive Company in Finance by CNBC and one of America's Most Promising Companies by Forbes. We are backed by top-tier investors like Union Square Ventures and Google Ventures.

You will be embedded on our development team in the tech-centric SOMA neighborhood of San Francisco. You will collaborate with designers and fellow engineers to deliver exciting new features to our marketplace. Through real-world problem-solving and constructive mentorship, this program is designed to set you up for success as a software engineer.

Visit https://circleup.com/jobs/software-intern/ to learn more or apply.

Zoetrope | Bristol, UK | http://zoetrope.io | Software Engineer Zoetrope is a young and fast growing technology consultancy focusing on IoT, based in Bristol. We pride ourselves on being the whole package - from transistor, to 3D print, to server, to web interface. We work on projects both with multinationals and startups as the virtual technology team, helping to drive the specification, prototyping and implementation of the client’s product.

We can promise you that no two projects will be the same and that you’ll get to work with a wide variety of amazing companies.

We maintain a technology blog here: https://zoetrope.io/tech-blog. We’d love to know what you think. We’re looking for a multi-talented software engineer to join our Bristol team. An ideal candidate will be at home with developing API’s, backends and occasionally even some front end work.

Given the size of the team (currently 3.5), it’s essential that we find an all rounder who will be happy to muck in and help complete the project.

Interested? Send over a cover letter, CV and ideally github / code sample to jobs@zoetrope.io

KPCC (Southern California Public Radio) | Sr. Mobile Developer | Los Angeles, telecommute a possibility | Full-Time

KPCC is the most listened-to public radio station in the U.S., and is trying to redefine how public service journalism can serve a diverse metropolis. KPCC's product team cares about using great tech and sharing our work; most of our projects are public on GitHub (https://github.com/SCPR/), and we open source our best work. If you're a mobile developer who loves podcasts and public radio, this is a unique opportunity to have an impact on the future of the industry.

We’re looking for a passionate mobile developer to oversee KPCC's mobile apps. You enjoy writing tests and clean, maintainable code as much as you like shipping cool new features that demonstrate great UX and attention to detail. You have experience shipping apps on either iOS or Android, and an interest in both platforms.

We're based in Pasadena, but are open to some telecommuting. If you're interested, check out our full posting here: http://kp.cc/1l3SkvE.

PolicyGenius | Front-End/UI Engineer | Brooklyn, NYC, NY | Full-Time | Onsite

The role:

We're looking for a mid-to-senior-level front-end/UI engineer to help us build and maintain the UI of our apps.

About you:

- You’re a front-end developer with a sharp focus on clean design and modular component-based code.

- You have a strong opinion on BEM/OOCSS/SMACSS or the modular CSS architecture of your choice

- You believe in the value of creating and maintaining a living styleguide

- You’ve contributed to a Rails and/or React app, creating maintainable stylesheets (SASS) and JavaScript.

- You follow best practices (browser testing, refactoring, consistent code standards).

- You know how to ask the right questions and are comfortable articulating your thoughts and decisions.

About us:

PolicyGenius is changing the way America shops for insurance. We're an online education and shopping platform for insurance akin to TurboTax for insurance. It's a big confusing industry and we're making it easier for consumers to understand insurance and purchase it. Check out our CEO's article in Entrepreneur about how we're disrupting this industry: http://www.entrepreneur.com/article/250095

Questions/application: Email josh@policygenius.com

uShip | Austin, TX | ONSITE | http://www.uship.com/jobs

uShip is the world’s first and largest shipping marketplace. Consumers and businesses can compare and book bids from hundreds of thousands of customer-reviewed transportation service providers, ranging from independent owner-operators to the largest freight carriers and brokers. Customers save money and service providers use their empty cargo space – everyone wins! We’re an Internet company focused on solving a real-world problem and having loads (pun intended) of fun along the way. Our service providers are even featured in A&E’s real-life drama, ‘Shipping Wars.’

We have multiple openings for front-end, back-end, dba, and DevOps.

Technologies include C#, ASP.NET MVC, WebAPI, Webforms, SQL Server, MongoDB, and Solr.

Perks include: - Competetive Salary - 100% paid health & dental insurance - Pre-IPO Stock Options - $500 Annual uShip Shipping Allowance - Free lunch, snacks, and drinks - Dog friendly - Casual dress code


Reach out to ameier@uship.com if you're interested. Mention this HN posting.

FNZ | Brno, Czech Republic | Full Time | ONSITE

We're looking for developers to help build the next generation of personal Wealth Management platforms. You'll be working with .NET either consuming our REST services or building them out, but no specific experience is necessary. We've got openings for graduate developers as well as more senior roles.

There's a pretty diverse set of nationalities here, and we're happy to sponsor Czech visa applications for non-EU citizens. In addition we have offices with a development presence in Edinburgh, London or Wellington and would prefer to work there then I also can check if we're able to hire locally.

If you're interested you can send your CV to sean.mclemon@fnz.co.uk along with just a quick intro about yourself (nothing formal) - or if you'd just like to know a little more I can answer any questions you might have. If you're in/around Brno and would prefer a face-to-face chat I'm happy to meet for a coffee or a beer :)

A little bit about FNZ generally:

- We've got investment platforms live in the UK, Italy, Hong Kong, Australia and New Zealand

- Currently manage over £50 billion (€70bn/$77bn) in client assets

- Some of our clients include Standard Life, AXA, Zurich, AVIVA, UBS and NAB

Houston; Full Time; Onsite

BrainCheck is a funded Digital Health startup developing an innovative platform for tracking cognitive fitness and assessing conditions such as concussion and memory impairment. We sell to schools and athletic teams, industries where it is critical to be alert (e.g. oil & gas, trucking), as well as directly to individuals (especially athletes, parents, and those concerned about aging family members). Our state-of-the art technology is mobile-first (iPad & Android), gamified to appeal to a wide variety of test-takers, and HIPAA compliant.

If you have a passion for neuroscience, big data, big ideas, and building technologies that can make a real difference in people’s lives, this position is for you.


- Add new features to the existing app/backend in an elegant and maintainable manner - Think through technical challenges and build clean solutions - Maintain the existing application and consult with the team about possible technical issues down the road - Deploy on a regular basis (daily/weekly) and iterate quickly - Help maintain foundational open source projects

Skills & Requirements

You should have:

- Strong fundamentals (HTML/CSS & JavaScript) - Proven experience with Ruby on Rails, Cordova, and front-end JS frameworks (hopefully Ember) - Attention to detail and pride in your work - Ability to plan and implement structural and technical architecture - Ability to work with a team that has diversified skillsets

If you're interested in meeting with us to learn more about BrainCheck and the position, please email us at careers@braincheck.com.

KAYAK-Cambridge, MA and Berlin Germany, Full time, onsite

KAYAK is a team of amazing problem solvers, mostly engineers (in a brand new funky office in Cambridge, MA), working to create the world's simplest set of travel planning tools. We hire based on two criteria: 1) Horsepower 2.) Fun Factor. We like diversity of all types. We're creating the best of Boston team of entrepreneurs, architects, UI designers and engineers.

-Web UI: KAYAK is looking for smart, enthusiastic web developers to take our industry-leading website to the next level. Expert in Javascript, CSS, HTML and JS framework. https://app.jobvite.com/j?cj=o7lz1fwM&s=Y-combinator https://app.jobvite.com/j?cj=o7lz1fwM&s=Y-combinator

-Full Stack Python Engineer: Structure and Integrate data from different marketing sources like google adwords, facebook, yahoo Gemini, Implementation of data visualization, Collaborate with marketing team to provide helpful tools, Stay up-to-date with latest programmatic marketing evolutions Build prototypes to prove out concepts. Expert in Python,Experience with SQL and NoSQL and Django https://app.jobvite.com/j?cj=o8rR1fwb&s=Y-combinator https://app.jobvite.com/j?cj=otFv1fwo&s=Y-combinator

See more at www.kayak.com/careers

Hello. Are these positions only for German and USA candidates?

KAYAK-Cambridge, MA and Berlin Germany, Full time, onsite

KAYAK is a team of amazing problem solvers, mostly engineers (in a brand new funky office in Cambridge, MA), working to create the world's simplest set of travel planning tools. We hire based on two criteria: 1) Horsepower 2.) Fun Factor. We like diversity of all types. We're creating the best of Boston team of entrepreneurs, architects, UI designers and engineers.

-Web UI: KAYAK is looking for smart, enthusiastic web developers to take our industry-leading website to the next level. Expert in Javascript, CSS, HTML and JS framework. https://app.jobvite.com/j?cj=o7lz1fwM&s=Y-combinator https://app.jobvite.com/j?cj=o7lz1fwM&s=Y-combinator

-Full Stack Python Engineer: Structure and Integrate data from different marketing sources like google adwords, facebook, yahoo Gemini, Implementation of data visualization, Collaborate with marketing team to provide helpful tools, Stay up-to-date with latest programmatic marketing evolutions Build prototypes to prove out concepts. Expert in Python,Experience with SQL and NoSQL and Django https://app.jobvite.com/j?cj=o8rR1fwb&s=Y-combinator https://app.jobvite.com/j?cj=otFv1fwo&s=Y-combinator

See more at www.kayak.com/careers

Fetch Robotics - http://fetchrobotics.com/ - San Jose, CA - Full Time / INTERNS

Fetch is a team of experienced engineers working on cutting edge mobile robotics.

We’re now very well funded and we’re looking for experienced and deeply talented people who want to solve real world problems.

-- Full Time

Front End Developer (React) - http://muse.cm/1igS8Yz

Application Engineer - http://muse.cm/1LS13fo

Robot Perception Engineer - http://muse.cm/1LIUxET

Robot Manipulation Engineer - http://muse.cm/1KprQ2y

Robot Navigation Engineer - http://muse.cm/1NVRWdh

-- Intern Positions

Hardware Intern - http://muse.cm/1RpGiqw

Software Intern - http://muse.cm/1kmH6le

Our stack: Ubuntu/ROS/C/C++/Python/JavaScript

We’ve got awesome robots, a disruptive price point and we're growing very rapidly. Simply put, we’ve built something that people want.

Wow, you guys are 10 minutes away from my house! Do you plan to have a Summer 2016 Internship program? I would be suuuuper interested! :)

Yes we do! You should apply.

Your Intern links seem to be broken.

Fixed! Thanks.

Tradesy | Santa Monica, CA | ONSITE full-time

Positions with the Data Science Team:

We need Software Engineers who can help us in the following three areas:

+ Infrastructure, Automation, Monitoring (ansible, docker, graphite/statsd) + Data Pipeline (Apache Spark, Kafka, Zookeeper, some numpy and pandas for minor analysis) + Machine Learning, Stats, Data Analysis (NLP, Image Processing, and any quantitative tool we can use. We train production models that impact business bottom line: search, fraud detection, product recommendations. Here we're looking for someone who can leverage above tools to bring algos to production)

About Tradesy Data Science:

Tradesy is a marketplace with a current focus on high end fashion.

The Data Science team touches many high leverage aspects of the business:

+ Pricing Recommendations + Product Search + Product Recommendations + Analytics and its Data Pipeline

We're growing quickly and so is our data. We've got a nice mixture of images as well as textual information that we're tapping into to improve the marketplace. We're looking for strong engineers with strengths in the above mentioned areas, but if you are a strong generalist with the right background and can ship end to end products we would be interested in talking to you.

email me directly: diego@tradesy.com

Tempo Automation | San Francisco | Backend Software Engineer

Come help build an automated electronics factory in San Francisco.

We provide manufacturing-as-a-service to electronics designers to rapidly test and iterate their designs more like software developers, spurring innovation and making better products faster. Our reinvented process turns a 2 week, tedious process into a seamless 3 day experience. Our customers include folks building the future - cutting edge satellites to autonomous vehicles and more.

Our software engineers build the backbone of factory automation - automating various processes from when a design is submitted to when the boards are received by the customer.

https://secure.tempoautomation.com/home/careers or email directly to brian@tempoautomation.com


3+ years as a software engineer, 3+ years Python with a focus on Django or Flask.

Experience in designing HA/scalable solutions running on Linux

Experience with configuration management and release engineering (docker/fabric/ansible)

Experience in performance analysis (SQL optimization, page response time, etc)

Competencies in data structures, algorithms, and software design practices

Able to participate in a team, yet function autonomously

Datadog | NYC | Full-time | ONSITE / REMOTE

Datadog builds killer monitoring tools for dev and ops teams. We are looking for talented people who can solve hard problems:

- processing millions of data points a second

- writing rock solid client code that runs on hundreds of thousands of machines

- teasing trends out of a massive pipeline of data.

- writing solid, modern front-end code and visualizations

Check out the positions and apply here:


Chute (YC W2012) - http://getchute.com - San Francisco, CA or [REMOTE] (US time zones) - Full Time

We're hiring fullstack and AI engineers to build our marketing technology platform that is used by Coke, Condé Nast, Starbucks, Benefit, Vogue, ESPN, NBC, NYT among others, as well as many independent developers.

We work with the latest technologies and <3 open source (https://github.com/chute). Our product makes it easy to analyze a large volume of images and videos from Instagram, Twitter and Facebook to discover the best, most-interesting content for our customers and then enable them to use great images in their own marketing.

For our backend, we use Ruby/Rails/Sinatra, Node.js and Go (plus Python on the data science front). We're running on AWS, Postgres, Mongo, Elasticsearch, Redis, Kafka + Storm. On the frontend we're using React/Flux/ES6.

For more about our openings: http://getchute.com/jobs or email us your github profile: hiring [at] getchute [dot] com

MongoDB, Inc | NYC, New York, NY | Onsite | Full-time

The MongoDB Cloud management service, Cloud Manager, is a cloud-based web application for deploying, monitoring, and backing up MongoDB deployments of any size and configuration. Ops Manager is the enterprise counterpart to Cloud Manager, designed for our largest enterprise customers to run in their own datacenter. Cloud Manager currently monitors tens of thousands of MongoDB nodes and backs up multiple petabytes of data. On a typical day, Cloud Manager processes over a billion metrics and replicates tens of billions of backup operations.

* Cloud Services Engineer

We are looking for a server-side engineer to join us in building the best database management system for the leading next-generation database server.


  * Be a self-starter with a passion for technology and a burning desire to constantly improve yourself, the product, and the codebase
  * Design, implement, and test features for Cloud Manager and Ops Manager
  * Work in an agile team environment with a fast release cycle

  * Experience with multi-threaded applications, concurrency and distributed systems.
  * Expertise in one compiled programming language (preferably Java, C++, or C#), and interest in learning Java
  * Experience with MongoDB is a big plus 
Additional details available at link below, but feel free to contact me at [hn handle]@mongodb.com, too. I've now been at MongoDB longer than with any other company and love talking about why.


Open edX -- REMOTE (Worldwide), OpenCraft

Consultancy specialized on the edX project, and hiring to handle increasing demand. edX is a free software project, used by various universities and companies to run online courses. See edx.org, class.stanford.edu, france-universite-numerique-mooc.fr for examples of edX instances.

It's a large Python/Django codebase, with good code standards and architecture (a lot of the edX engineers come from MIT). You would work on different clients contracts using the platform. The clients list/references include Harvard, edX themselves, the French government, and various startups & universities currently running their own instances, or looking to create one. Tasks are varied, from developing developing core platform features, custom exercises and tools for specific courses (XBlocks), customizing and deploying instances, working on both client/server sides, etc.

Most of your work is published as free software (edX is released under the AGPL license, which requires clients to release modifications under the same license), and you would also contribute to the free software project, pushing some of your developments upstream through pull requests, contributing features, documentation or help on mailing-lists.

You would be able to work remotely from where you want, as long as you have a good internet connexion. : )

Stack: Python/Django, Ansible, AWS, Debian/Ubuntu, JS, HTML/CSS, MySQL, MongoDB

Applying: Email jobs@opencraft.com with: your github account, a short explanation of why the role interests you (no formal cover letter, please :) ) and a list of links to free software contributions you have made.

Bonanza | http://www.bonanza.com | Seattle, WA | Image Processing Engineer

We're looking for a developer to help us continue to build the high level (Ruby-side) features of the Background Burner (https://burner.bonanza.com).

Spoiler alert: you don't need an established history of image processing to be effective in this role. What you lack in "image processing experience," you can potentially compensate for with "determination to learn."

This software has already been used to process more than 10 million images, but we're only getting started. Some of what we're cooking up for it:

* Improve the speed & accuracy of the front-end editing tool

* Increase accuracy of background identification for pictures of humans

* Work with CEO to build an image matching system to accompany the Background Burner

* Help flesh out our background replacement tool

* Optimize image processing times

Learn more: http://www.bonanza.com/jobs

Apply: http://www.bonanza.com/jobs/1

Streetlife.com | London, UK | http://streetlife.com | ONSITE

Open positions:

   * Software Engineer
   * Senior Software Engineer
   * Android Engineer
   * DevOps Engineer
Streetlife is Britain's local social network. Our mission is to help neighbours to connect and build stronger, safer, friendlier communities. Today, over 1,000,000 people use Streetlife to exchange local news, events and recommendations, to make real-world connections and to get together to improve their neighbourhoods.

We're a small team of smart, driven and determined people, based in Covent Garden. Our meetings are informal, our fridge is always full of drinks and snacks, and we're out to change the world, one community at a time. We treat our employees like adults, and trust them to work in whatever way helps them to be most productive. There are no fixed office hours, timesheets, or managers watching the clock and you can take as much or as little time off for holidays as you want.

More information: https://www.streetlife.com/jobs/

InnoviMobile | Millburn NJ (Remote possible) | Freelance can easily lead to full time (on Site) |

InnoviMobile is a boutique mobile development company based in central New Jersey. Our clients rely on us to create enterprise apps in healthcare, hospitality, business services, and other industries. We help our customers with not only development but mobile strategy and consulting to help them harness the power of mobility for their employees and partners.

As a boutique firm you can expect a fun work environment without the hassle of being a contractor, dealing with company politics, or being ruled by HR. We only care about serving our customers and we have fun doing it.

Job Description - Develop enterprise Android apps using Android Studio or Eclipse - Interface with client product and project managers - Help create requirements documents and participate in project planning - Keep up to date on latest mobile and wearable app technology - Willing to learn new tools and technologies as needed Qualifications - Live and breathe mobile. You are really immersed and engaged in the mobile industry, follow latest developments in mobile platforms. - 1 year experience with development Android apps

DoubleDutch - Multiple Positions - San Francisco & Portland - Onsite - Full Time - Citizen (Visa Transfers Available)

About us: DoubleDutch apps are about more than just social networking — we’re tying people and data together to get the most relevant content in front of users, regardless if they’re attending the event, organizing it, or exhibiting there. We want our employees to do the best work of their careers here, so we give them the autonomy and transparency needed to get things done.

Sr. Software Engineer - San Francisco,CA: https://jobs.lever.co/doubledutch/22d27ca9-e00f-4035-a63e-9b...

Data Engineer - San Francisco,CA: https://jobs.lever.co/doubledutch/9e785200-683d-491b-803f-4c...

Sr. Software Engineer, Portland Oregon: https://jobs.lever.co/doubledutch/7f0586fc-c89b-4b52-89b5-98...

Verbling • San Francisco • Full Time • ONSITE • VISA

Verbling is a San Francisco startup helping the world learn foreign languages. https://www.verbling.com/jobs

• Full-Stack Javascript Generalist

Javascript is crucial to Verbling. We use Node.js on the backend and a Backbone/React-based framework on the front-end. We are looking for someone who's excited about getting their hands dirty in all part of the stack.

You are a experienced Javascript developer who wants to get in on building the future of ed-tech from the bottom up. You want to be an integral part in inventing new ways for students to learn foreign languages.

You love to learn, and equally love to share your knowledge with others. You’re both a listener and contributor. You are a great communicator and you take care to understand before making yourself understood.

Your code is architected for scalability, re-use, and testability. Your operators are always === and you are a master of closures. You have strong opinions on code structure and modularization. You're pretty darn excited about react, isomorphic flux, generators, and FRP.

• Responsibilities

Own and drive projects from idea spec to production. Work closely with product and design teams. Continually iterate on product features using analytics and user feedback.

• Requirements

Experience with Node.js. Experience in front-end JS development, and preferably in a framework like Backbone, Angular, etc. Always thinking about scalability and performance bottlenecks. A test-driven mindset.

Credera, https://www.credera.com/ – Dallas, Houston, Denver – Full-time – ONSITE only

We seek natural problem-solvers who are passionate about software development at work and at home. We offer the opportunity to work with some of the newest languages and frameworks, accelerate your career with more variety and a faster pace, recognition/salary/bonus rewards along the way, and enjoy a transparent and collaborative culture with minimal travel.

As a Senior Software Engineer, you will create custom software solutions that solve clients' most challenging problems using a combination of industry standard and cutting edge technologies including Spring Boot, Scala, MongoDB and AngularJS. You'll design complex, robust, high-volume software solutions leveraging open source frameworks and client-side technologies. You will work closely with your project team to conduct peer code reviews, make and communicate technical decisions to clients, and see the impact you have on the direction and end success of a solution.

We are looking for a Bachelor’s degree in Computer Science, Computer Engineering, Management Information Systems, or related field of study, experience with Java/JavaEE technologies, open source frameworks such as Spring and Hibernate, continuous deployment environment and tools (Jenkins, TeamCity, etc.), and knowledge of Enterprise Integration Patterns (Camel, Spring Integration).

If you're interested in any of our locations, please contact Paige Edwards at pedwards@credera.com or view all of our job opportunities athttp://bit.ly/1whqjEt.

P.S. I've worked here for 5 years and love it.

Symbiont.io | New York, NY | Full-Time

We are a venture-backed, New York City-based startup that is using distributed systems and blockchain technology to revolutionize financial markets. We are looking for intelligent and passionate self-starters who are able to pick up new programming languages and frameworks quickly.

We offer competitive salary, plus equity and benefits. Applicants must live in the New York Metropolitan area, but work schedules are flexible. By joining Symbiont, you have the opportunity to become an integral team member on a project to revolutionize modern finance, as well as the ability to define and build truly cutting-edge technology.

Full job descriptions for all positions: https://angel.co/symbiont/jobs

[1] http://counterparty.io

[2] http://www.ft.com/intl/cms/s/0/0823a136-0ead-11e5-9ae0-00144...

[3] http://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2015-08-04/wall-stree...

[4] http://in.reuters.com/article/2015/06/09/symbiont-blockchain...

Superpedestrian | Cambridge/Boston, MA | full time, onsite

We're looking for iOS and backend software engineers, as well as a UI designer and UX/Product designer. Come help make cycling a compelling and fun alternative to your car! We’re working on a variety of software products to support the Copenhagen Wheel (check out the demo video at https://superpedestrian.com) and making riding more fun!


- iOS: https://superpedestrian.applytojob.com/apply/YVaurj/Ios-Soft...

- Backend: https://superpedestrian.applytojob.com/apply/GZ8EpB/Backend-...

- UX: https://superpedestrian.applytojob.com/apply/jkmSR1/Ux-Produ...

- UI: https://superpedestrian.applytojob.com/apply/fWXvxz/Ui-Visua...

Other positions here https://superpedestrian.com/careers

Feel free to send me any questions directly (goss at superpedestrian).

WorldGaming | Toronto, ONT Canada | Full-time Onsite

WorldGaming is the premier destination for the community of eSports enthusiasts and competitive gamers to meet, watch, challenge and play in head-to-head matches and tournaments for cash and prizes. WorldGaming offers robust community features with a variety of tournament formats such as brackets and leaderboards. We are all gamers here!

We were recently in the news:


We have a number of positions (Java, Node, QA Automation) available, come check us out!

- Java Platform Software Engineers - http://www.indeed.ca/cmp/WorldGaming/jobs/Java-Software-Engi...

- Java and Node Full Stack Software Engineers - http://www.indeed.ca/cmp/WorldGaming/jobs/Full-Stack-Enginee...

- Software Engineer in Test - http://www.indeed.ca/cmp/WorldGaming/jobs/Software-Engineer-...

Come check out us!

Ed CTO of WorldGaming

New York, NY | ONSITE | CloserIQ (https://closeriq.com)

CloserIQ is the network connecting top sales talent to venture backed tech startups. We are a self-funded and highly profitable recruiting tech startup combining powerful software with world class service.

We're currently hiring for three roles:

Talent Advisor: http://clsr.us/jYihA/8bd29 (ONSITE)

Our Talent Advisors attract, engage and onboard top sales talent to the rapidly growing CloserIQ network. You’ll be joining a small team of sales leaders, technologists, and growth hackers as a “sports agent” for the top revenue generators in the tech community. Looking for candidates with interest in sales and recruiting.

Business Operations Intern: http://clsr.us/j8h2w/8bd29 (ONSITE)

We're looking for smart and tech savvy interns to help out as we grow the business. We're a team of 6 based in midtown east. You'll work with our founders, talent team and engineers on all aspects of the business and have a meaningful impact on the success of the company.

Freelance Writer: http://clsr.us/jl7MKQ/8bd29 (ONSITE or REMOTE)

CloserIQ is looking for a freelance writer to help us create and curate relevant content as we build out our content strategy. The focus of this work will be within the scope of sales and careers, along with some viral content.

PagerDuty | SF and Toronto | http://jobs.pagerduty.com

We’re a tool that all the cool kids rely on to keep their SaaS working — when something breaks at Zendesk, AirBnB, Uber, Slack, Heroku, WP Engine and a good chunk of the Fortune 100, it goes through us. We have a lot more left to build to improve the lives of the people who wake up and fix those issues.

Since we have dedicated growth tracks for engineers, they don't need to go into management. While we're always hiring engineers in Scala: http://j.mp/scaladev and Ruby/JavaScript http://j.mp/pdruby there are also some great engineering management roles open:

* We have a great team in Toronto that needs a great manager: http://pduty.me/torengmgmt

* And we have one of the strongest Ops teams going, they just need a little grownup supervision: http://pduty.me/opswrangler

Personally, I’m also hiring some exciting roles: A product manager to grow us from 200 integrations to 500+ partners ( http://j.mp/pdpm500 ) and a developer evangelist (which could be remote) http://j.mp/pdevluv

Join us and disrupt the world of disrupting the sleep of some of the best software engineers in the world :)

Visa, Inc. | San Francisco, CA | Full-time | ONSITE

Staff User Experience Mobile Engineer

- Native iOS (Swift or Objective-C) - Web service integration - UI focus - UX mindset - Small, agile team

Visa UX is looking for a Staff UX Mobile Engineer to join our Innovation team. We believe that great design has the ability to engage and inspire users and we strive to rethink and redefine how users interact with our applications and products. All of our team members are strategic thinkers and conceptual problem solvers who make every UX decision an informed one. We value hard work, accountability and collaboration and look for proven skills over big egos. Our team excels in working together and recognizing individual strengths, and values each contributor as a key factor in successfully delivering a project. If you understand "Yes, and" over "No" this is the team for you.

Interested in helping evolve payments? More info & apply at: http://jobs.visa.com/job/San-Francisco-Staff-User-Experience...

Trail | London | Full Time, Remote, Flexible

Trail is a task management app for retail and hospitality businesses. We bring UX and engineering expertise to an industry hungry for both. We help store managers and head office teams get their jobs done more easily. With Trail, stores spend less time on admin, and more time doing what counts - being with their customers.

Software Engineer

We’re looking for a full stack engineer driven to develop the way we work, as well as the software we write.

Small scrum teams. Modern tools. Employee R&D. Strong focus on developer experience and engineering excellence.


Head of Customer Engagement

We’re looking for a Head of Customer Engagement to help us empower both new and existing customers. Do you have a desire to change a sector, to help shape the way customers are served and to make a difference to industries notorious for long hours and administrative burden?



Development of digital products is central to the future of the Guardian. We build the products that showcase our diverse and important journalism. We create the tools that the journalists and editors use to write their stories securely, anywhere from London to Syria. We write the APIs and services that allow those stories to be distributed across the globe. We write the products and interfaces that show off and monetise that content to its maximum potential.

We mostly program in Scala and Javascript, but we use the best tool that fits the problem. We have hacks in the wild in all manner of languages. Our infrastructure lives on AWS and our own OpenStack private cloud. We encourage product teams to implement, manage and support their own stack. We do our coding in public. Sadly, the same can be said of our karaoke.

You’re a passionate, intelligent human being who loves technology. You might love the news, or you might want to reinvent it. You like inspiring the people you work with and being inspired by them in return. You have experience of getting stuff done. You are a talented Engineer who is, or will be, an expert in their chosen field and has a strong interest in all software engineering disciplines.

Further information can be found on our Developer Blog: http://developers.theguardian.com/join-the-team.html

To search our vacancies, please visit our careers site: https://gnm.taleo.net/careersection/ex/jobsearch.ftl

Jack Erwin -- New York, NY - SoHo

Experienced Full Stack, Front End and Data Engineers -- ONSITE

Jack Erwin (http://jackerwin.com). A new approach to men’s shoes. We started Jack Erwin to create truly timeless men’s shoes. We’ve partnered with the finest factories and artisans in the world, created custom styles available only here, and eliminated costly markups and middlemen that drive up the costs of other quality dress shoes. The result is a better choice in men’s footwear. As we build Jack Erwin, we are focused on growing our team and our brand one strong teammate at a time.

Senior Full Stack Engineer: http://www.jackerwin.com/pages/full-stack-engineer

Front End Engineer: http://www.jackerwin.com/pages/front-end-engineer

Data Engineer: http://www.jackerwin.com/pages/data-engineer

Mutually Human - Grand Rapids, MI and Columbus, OH (on-site, full time)


We are a small team passionate about making people's lives better through software. We are hiring engineers and designers at our offices in Grand Rapids or Columbus.

A little bit about us:

  - We aren't limited to any really specific set of technologies, which is a great
  opportunity to learn. In the past two years, I've worked with Python,
  Objective-C, Angular + CoffeeScript, Node.js, and Ruby/Rails.

  - We practice a sustainable pace. We recognize that we each have lives,
  activities, and families outside of work. Late nights and > 40 hour weeks are
  rare by design. Last year I worked an average of 40.408 hours per week.

  - We offer competitive salaries, top notch benefits, quarterly profit
  sharing, and more.
A little bit about you:

  - You love making software, and you have a couple of years of experience building
  software with a variety of tools and technologies.

  - You learn new stuff quickly. You’ve used a lot of technologies, but you’re not
  afraid to use more. You have some experience with web or mobile tech.

  - You believe software is written for humans, not computers.

  - You want to come into work every day and enjoy the people you work with.
If you're interested, check out our website:


Also, feel free to get in touch with me:


Seattle | Software Engineers / Mechanical Engineers / Designers | Full-time | Onsite

A week or so ago, we (www.glowforge.com) finished the biggest 30-day crowdfunding campaign in history... Just shy of $28M.

We're building a low-cost CNC laser cutter/engraver can create beautiful products in wood, leather, paper, food, and more. We are a fifth the cost of comparable products because we've offloaded much of the functionality to software. Our cloud backend that does motion planning and machine vision to make it dead simple to use. Push a button, out come flat-pack wallets, lamps, board games, and anything else you can dream up.

We're up in Seattle, have $9M in funding from Foundry/True (in additional to ~$28M in crowdfunding), and have 12 employees. The three founders have manufactured hardware, sold companies, graduated YC, and built profitable businesses.

Our greatest need right now is web software engineers, but we're interested in passionate creators of all stripes. To learn more, check us out at glowforge.com/careers!

PS: We'd love to talk to anyone, and especially want to encourage women and underrepresented minorities to apply.

GitLab / Several locations / Full Time / Remote

* OpsDev Engineer: https://gitlab.workable.com/jobs/142989

* Designer: https://gitlab.workable.com/jobs/124211

* Dev Evangalist: https://gitlab.workable.com/jobs/128446

* Interaction Engineer: https://gitlab.workable.com/jobs/106202

* Service Engineer: https://gitlab.workable.com/jobs/87722

* Account Manager: https://gitlab.workable.com/jobs/88120

* Sr. Account Manager: https://gitlab.workable.com/jobs/88117

Mode Analytics — San Francisco, CA | Full-time | On-Site

Data Engineer, Backend Engineer, UI/Frontend Engineer

Mode Analytics builds integrated productivity tools for analytics teams. Our product combines SQL, analysis, visualization, and document management into a single web and mobile platform for both businesses and the open analytics community.

We're about 24 folks today and we're looking for sr. engineers who want to make analytics teams more impactful. We primarily use Java, Go, Ruby/Rails, and Javascript. Some of our engineers work in adjacent parts of the stack and some prefer to focus in on deep expertise in one part, it's really up to you and where you want to focus and grow.

On top of contributing to a product that our customers love you'll be contributing to a culture that you love. There's a lot more to a fulfilling life and successful career than just "crushing code". Come work at a company that thinks more intentionally about work-life balance, inclusivity, and productivity.


Hitmeister - http://www.hitmeister.de/ - Cologne, Germany (Full Time, ONSITE, VISA)

Web developer: full-stack, frontend, or backend. Most of us work at all levels of the web stack, but if your strengths lie in just frontend or backend work, that's okay too.

We're a small team (15 people) using PHP, Zend Framework, MySQL, MongoDB, ElasticSearch, RabbitMQ, and memcached. We have a customer-facing site, a JSON API, logistics software, and an internal admin site, all of which we build and maintain internally.

Hitmeister.de is one of the largest online shopping portals in Germany, with over 2.1 million customers to date. We have a warehouse from which we sell items directly, but we also have a marketplace with over 2,400 sellers running their own shops. We're seeing solid growth and we're looking for more programming talent to grow and improve the site.

Speaking German is helpful, but by no means required. I'm from the US and we have 3 other non-German developers. If you aren't an EU citizen, we are glad to help with visa issues as long as you qualify for an EU Blue Card. If you have a CS degree or at least 5 years of full-time experience, then you probably qualify. We only allow on-site work, but we'll help you relocate.

Here's the job description in German:


If you have any questions, feel free to get in contact with me (info in my profile), or you can apply directly at jobs@hitmeister.de.

ArangoDB GmbH | Cologne, Germany | ONSITE

* Senior Software Developer C/C++

* Java Developer JEE, SpringData

ArangoDB, Cologne/Germany is seeking experienced software developers to join our database development team. ArangoDB is a multi-purpose, open-source database with flexible data models for documents, graphs, and key-values.


Contact: jobs@arangodb.com

TXN - San Francisco, CA

== About us

- We’re a seed stage startup company based in San Francisco.

- We’re building a market research analytics tool for businesses based on consumer credit card transaction information (think “Nielsen for transactions”).

- We’re well funded by great investors and are looking for our first engineering hires.

- We use AWS for all of our development and production environments. Today, we use Scala, Node.js and MySQL but we’re always evaluating new tools that can help us build more awesome things.

- We are hackers at heart - crazy about using technology to create something valuable.

== Positions:

Full-stack software engineers Looking for our first engineering hires: people who want to build something great from scratch, take lots of ownership and do a ton of learning.

Examples of things you will do:

- Design and implement scripts that process millions of credit card transactions and remove duplicates, identify types of transactions, extract canonic business names.

- Figure out how to store this data to make it efficiently queryable by applications.

- Figure out how to build tools in our applications for users to gain non-trivial insights from these millions of transactions.

- Make our applications blazing fast.

- Build UX that looks like it’s from the future: beautiful, obvious and extremely smart.

Apply at: jobs@txn.com

Cvent Inc, http://www.cvent.com / ONSITE (McLean VA, Portland OR, Austin TX, Atlanta GA, New Brunswick CAN) / VISA sponsorship available

Cvent is the leading SaaS product company delivering web/mobile products for the event, hospitality, and ticketing industries through the cloud. We have experienced consistent 25-30% growth YoY, and were recently highlighted in Fortune magazine (http://for.tn/1JeA6lB). Publicly traded as of 2013 (NYSE: CVT), we now have 1,900 employees across 8 cities worldwide.

We are big proponents of open source technologies, adopting cutting edge tools, and promoting from within to tackle our biggest challenges in scaling and automating complex solutions.

Technologies we use: ReactJS, Docker, languages of your choice, CouchDB, Redis, AWS, Chef, Elastic

Who we need:

- Site Reliability Engineers

- Internet Operations Engineers

- Application Security Architects

- Software Developers

- Software Developers in Test

- Front-end Engineers

- Product Managers

Excellent benefits, great office culture, and equity packages for every employee.

Interested? Please email eyoon@cvent.com, and include "HN Response" in your subject.

I read this inspiring story about Cvent's CEO http://www.forbes.com/sites/karstenstrauss/2014/01/06/from-d... It is great for him to bring the company to where it is today but that article doesn't portray a great engineering culture.

Bitfusion.io - Automatic acceleration We're hiring for several positions in our Core and Cloud technologies groups. Check us out online.

Performance Engineer Austin, TX We are looking for an experienced Performance Engineer to help deliver best in class hardware acceleration using modern GPUs, CPUs, and other advanced coprocessors. Role responsibilities include development of dynamic and automatic optimization technologies using hardware acceleration, defining and implementing benchmarking methods, as well as performance tuning, optimization and root cause analysis. A successful candidate will play a key-role in delivering unique end-to-end solutions for customers and helping to define the product roadmap. Strong problem solving and out of the box thinking a must.

Cloud Engineer Austin, TX We are looking for an entrepreneurial DevOps & Cloud engineer who is highly technical, has a hands on approach, and is very passionate about the code they write. Candidate should be an excellent team player but should also be able to work independently. At times candidates will be expected to work with very little direction and may be tasked with leading entire projects. You will have significant influence on our overall strategy by helping define the product roadmap, features, drive architecture, and take ownership and responsibility over new projects to make them happen. The candidate is expected to be a collaborative and proactive member of a fast paced agile development team. Willing to stay up to date on latest industry innovations and capable of translating those into actionable best practices and techniques for the company. Capable of analysing business requirements and technical specifications to architect new solutions. Passionate about continuous integration, test driven development, and experienced in writing automated tests.

Upwork | San Francisco (SoMa) / Mountain View | Lead platform engineer (Java) | Onsite/Remote

We're hiring for quiet a few positions across engineering at Upwork; the world's largest freelancer marketplace formed from the merger of Elance and oDesk. All open positions are listed at https://www.upwork.com/about/careers/.

We're building the next generation of our site from the ground up and need help in areas such as scaling micro-services, working with AWS products, investing in NoSQL solutions (where it makes sense) and more. Along the way, you'll get the opportunity to work with a globally distributed team (we have more than 200 freelancers, representing greater that 50% of our engineering headcount, hired off or our platform working on and leading various engineering teams) and hang out with them on our bi-annual offsites (my team just returned from one in Lisbon).

I'm specifically looking to hire someone who can be an engineering lead on a team that's building Java based micro services (deployed on AWS). You will be responsible for working with the product and other engineering teams to architect said services, deploy them, manage them, break them (and then fix them) and help other teams who are not as familiar with concepts such as service boundaries, benefits vs. costs of asynchronous architectures etc. More about the position is at https://goo.gl/lqJZcF.

We have two offices; one in the city (SoMa) and another in Mountain View. Feel free to contact me at rmanoch@upwork.com for any questions about this or any other openings you might be interested in.

RINSE | San Francisco, CA and Santa Monica, CA | Full Time ONSITE

Rinse is a technology-enabled dry cleaning and laundry delivery service. We've grown at double-digit month-over-month rates for two years now, and our customers love us!

We have a number of open positions:

1) We're looking for qualified Software Engineers of all degrees of experience. We're primarily a Django / Python shop with a fair amount of javascript/HTML5/Backbone.js thrown in. We're building tools and for our customers, our drivers, our internal staff, and our vendors. It's a "target rich" environment with plenty of opportunity to make a direct and meaningful impact on the business! We're solving problems as varied as demand forecasting, route optimization, QR tagging for inventory control, and a suite of mobile apps for our customers and staff.

2) We're also hiring a Customer Experience Director to scale and lead our (excellent!) customer service team. We pride ourselves in delighting our customers with surprising attention and thought, and would love to bring someone on board who knows how to scale and manage this important function, without compromising our values.

3) We are hiring evening Delivery Drivers. This is a great job for students looking to earn some extra cash while exploring the city. We offer mileage reimbursement, good hourly pay, and a W-2 pay stub.

Interested in the burgeoning delivery startup scene, but want to join one with a sustainable business model? Perhaps your family ran a dry cleaner or laundromat when you were growing up? Delighted with our service? Let's talk!

Email sam <at> rinse.com with questions, or contact jobs <at> rinse.com directly to apply.

Bidsketch | https://bidsketch.com | Portland, OR | REMOTE

Bidsketch is a profitable bootstrapped SaaS (subscription web app) that customers use to create client proposals. I launched Bidsketch working nights and weekends, and eventually grew it to a small team of four. Now we're looking for someone with Rails experience to join the team.

Some of the benefits:

- Work remotely

- Flexible schedule

- No layers of management and no investors or shrinking runway to worry about

- Fun and friendly team that gets stuff done

We currently have a great team of four :) I'm the founder -- I mostly do marketing and some lightweight coding. Nicole does customer success (which means she helps customers). Eric and Paul do a lot of the heavy lifting and spend most their time writing code. Our team page can be found here: https://www.bidsketch.com/about

You can see more details and apply here: https://weworkremotely.com/jobs/2232-rails-developer


DoorDash - https://www.doordash.com/jobs/

We recently signed a partnership with Taco Bell, as well as opening our 18th market, Atlanta! We're now available in over 250 cities across the country, and we have a lot of open positions that we are looking to fill, both technical and non-technical, as we venture forward!


DoorDash is a technology company that enables on-demand delivery to empower local economies. We help small businesses grow, give underemployed people flexible work, and offer affordable convenience to consumers.

Our team is looking to grow with talented people who want to build much more than just a food delivery company. We operate a full stack delivery service: by partnering with merchants, onboarding our own drivers, and building our own logistics software, we're able to control the entire delivery experience to make it more efficient for everyone.

We're looking to expand the founding team with talented people who are excited about our mission to build out the world's first real-time logistics company.

Meta | Boston, MA | full time | onsite preferred

Meta is building a platform that allows users to seamlessly search for, access, and share files across all cloud platforms and devices; in essence, Google for your files. We’ve closed a seed funding round and are looking for talented developers to help us scale our MVP and take our platform to the next level.


We have exciting development work ahead of us in nearly every area imaginable, including responsive client-side web development, a microservices-based cloud architecture written in Go and Python, performance-critical native client applications, a lightning fast personalized search engine, and complex data science problems in semantic analysis and information retrieval.

We’re right in downtown Boston and looking for talented developers and computer scientists to join us. Offering competitive salaries and large equity compensation. Email us at careers@meta.sc and check out our careers page at https://www.meta.sc/careers

Emailed the careers address a while back. didn't get a confirmation or a response. Guess I didn't make the cut but would be nice to get some kind of acknowledgment.

InVenture | Data Analyst | Santa Monica, CA

Tackling the demand for instant and easy access to financial services around the globe is no easy task, but InVenture plans to solve the problem through a smart, data-driven platform. To achieve that goal, we need more like-minded individuals passionate about wrestling a large social challenge through analytics and experimentation. The Data Analyst will contribute directly to InVenture’s mission by verifying hypotheses and deep diving into business questions. These include:


Be constantly curious about data and offer evidence-based improvements to our platform Ensure we capture and track new product changes to validate outcomes in performance Communicate these findings in a clear and concise manner to our multi-country teams


Data Driven - you are an expert at creating hypotheses, using a methodological approach, quantifying the results, and obtaining actionable insights Data Wizard - you are comfortable extracting and transforming data using a combination of SQL and R, Python, or an equivalent data analysis tool BONUS POINTS

Knowledge of financial inclusion or leveraging mobile technology for social impact Experience or familiarity with emerging markets such as Eastern Africa and Southeast Asia


A welcome, open, and collaborative environment close to the beach Game nights, Lunch & Learn presentations, and company-sponsored events (ex. paddleboard yoga) Comprehensive medical, dental, and vision insurance Competitive salary and equity Our company works with you so you can continue to learn, grow and excel in your career

Please reach out to me to apply or learn more, vinit@inventure.com


We're a SaaS startup with a mission to make design measurable using machine learning. Our customers (UX and conversion teams at Nike, Priceline, Newegg, etc) use EyeQuant to get instant, objective feedback on web & mobile designs.

We're currently looking for:

   *Business Development Managers
   *Business Development Interns
   *Customer Success Managers
   *Research Engineers
   *Research Interns
   *Marketing Managers
A few things you should know about us:

[1] We offer a unique chance to work on fundamental scientific questions and translate results into actual applications.

[2] We’re building a supportive and learning-focussed culture where your personal growth matters.

[3] Employees receive generous stock options and a competitive salary.

[4] We do our best work during flexible and family-friendly hours.

[5] We operate a strict no-asshole policy. We have zero tolerance for inappropriate or abusive behaviour. Life is too short for that.

Check http://eyequant.com/jobs for additional details on some of these roles (not all listed yet).

Interested? Get in touch at jobs@eyequant.com!

Okta | San Francisco, Seattle etc. | Full Time Our team includes some of the smartest, most creative and innovative people you'll ever meet.

Whether you work for Okta's engineering, sales, marketing, business development or customer success team, one thing is certain - you'll find colleagues that will engage, inspire and challenge you. We're a passionate group of people who believe that cloud architecture is here to stay. And our laser-like focus on customer success and technical/operational excellence has enabled us to be a leader in identity management.

It's a fast-paced, agile work environment and we need the best and the brightest to help us change the world. Building and selling the future of IT is no small feat - you love challenges, work hard, play nice with others - and if you know your way around a ping pong table, that doesn’t hurt either.

And we’re just getting started. View Open Positions: https://www.okta.com/company/careers.html Please email vimarsh.karbhari[at]okta.com

Root Inc. | NodeJS Developer | Toledo, OH | ONSITE | Full-time

Root is looking for a candidate with a degree in Computer Science (or an associated field) and/or 1-3 years’ experience in web application development and dev-ops engineering to join our programming team. This position will work with cross functional teams (including front end developers, digital artists, film makers, graphic designers, and script writers) to develop and maintain web applications.

If you’re a jack-of-all trades that enjoys participating in a project throughout the entire lifecycle, we would love to talk to you! We look forward to a lively conversation about such topics as source control, build scripts, automated testing, and the merits of different production environments…. and hope you do too.

We have an awesome work environment and we're right off Rt. 23 so several of our employees are able to commute from Ann Arbor, MI. https://www.rootinc.com/about-us/careers/node-js-developer/

Android Engineer – poynt.com - Poynt –Palo Alto, CA (ONSITE)

We’re seeking a full-time Android Engineer that knows how to make their way around the AOSP stack.

You'll be responsible for building, launching and maintaining Poynt OS (our secure version of Android + payments firmware that’s gone through PCI-PTS certification ) that will help small business from all around the world process payments in new ways: EMV, NFC, old-school magstripe, other future payment methods. We also build tools for pushing out software updates and capabilities to Poynt devices.

We’re a team of Xooglers, Ex-Amazonians, and Ex-PayPals. We have commitments from all across the world (U.S., Brazil, etc.) to replace brick-looking Verifone and Ingenico payment terminals with our Poynt devices.

Poynt has $28M in funding from Oak Investment Partners, Matrix Partners, and Google Ventures.

If you're interested in joining us as an early software engineer, learning about the payments industry, changing the landscape of payments, learning about what it takes to build payments hardware that’s always connected and have deep Android expertise -- send your info to careers@poynt.com

Nitrous.io | On Site (SF or Singapore) | Full Time

- Support Engineer Nitrous support engineers author platform documentation and provide guidance to users so they can build amazing applications.

We're looking for technically-inclined individuals with a passion for writing and technical education to engage our rapidly growing base of users.

Responsibilities * Interface with users for technical support * Author tutorials, walkthroughs & "how to" videos about platform features * Aggregate & perform analysis on support requests to inform product decision making

Requirements * Great oral and written communication skills * Experience with technical writing * Familiarity with Ruby, Python, Node.js, or Go a plus * A passion for helping and teaching, especially within the technology sphere

To apply, please provide the following: * Resume * Writing Samples * Links to blog or technical documentation if applicable

to jobs@nitrous.io. Take a look at the full job posting here -> https://www.nitrous.io/jobs/support-engineer/

Curiosity | Chicago, USA | ONSITE, FULL-TIME | https://curiosity.com | Frontend Developer

We build web and native apps that millions of people all over the world use every day to get smarter. We’re looking for a driven front-end developer with an agile software development background and great design taste. The ideal candidate has experience in translating ideas and designs into amazing experiences for users along with 4-6 years experience in the field.

You’ll primarily be working on a HTML5/CSS3/JS stack (migrating to ES 2015) backed by Python with chances to delve into our iOS (Swift) and Android (Java) codebases. Python (particularly in the context of Flask and Jinja2 templates) and Swift are nice to have, but not a deal breaker if you’re willing to learn.

We’ve raised $6M from the best Venture Capital firms in Chicago as well as the Discovery Channel. We pay very competitive market-rate compensation, 15 days paid vacation + sick time, full health benefits (Tri-Net) including dental, life insurance, etc.

Contact: Andy O’Dower (andy@curiosity.com)

Near-Miss Management | Software Developer | Philadelphia (Center-City) | Full-Time | ONSITE | info@nearmissmgmt.com

Near-Miss Management seeks a creative, driven, independent-minded software developer to join our start-up to help support our existing product and clients while also implementing new features. Near-Miss provides an analytics and visualization software solution to multiple corporate clients in the chemical refining industry. Within our small team, your voice will be a valuable asset to developing our award-winning product.

Hone your already strong Javascript skills on our leading-edge visualization tools written using frameworks such as D3.js. Create beautiful interactive interfaces by transforming our talented designers’ static layouts into code using HTML, CSS (LESS), jQuery and vanilla Javascript. Create services and consume them in our full-stack Node.JS web app.


Styla GmbH | Berlin, Germany | Full time | ON SITE

At Styla we're building an infrastructure that automatically creates online magazines. There are a bunch of challenges ahead in terms of algorithmic design, machine learning and client-side tech, and now we want to grow that product team.

Currently I'm looking for people for the following openings:

* Design lead – Someone with experience in both product and editorial design. Work with our mathematician to find constraints and develop editorial aesthetics http://bit.ly/1RRZ0qS

* Research Scientist – Prototype design algorithms, train computer vision systems to analyze pictures, work with developers and designers to implement your work in production systems http://bit.ly/1Q583a

* Full Stack Dev – Help designers and scientists to build prototypes, extend our JSON API to support your client-side apps, be rigid about TDD / BDD http://bit.ly/1GL0Idm

Backend Developer | London (Clerkenwell) | Full-time | Onsite

Ambie (http://ambie.fm) is effortless music management for brands and spaces. We're a quick growing startup providing 24-7 streaming music to businesses across the world. We've just come out of the Techstars London Autumn program.

Our customers love us, and we want to keep it that way, so we need someone who always puts the customer first and who is a good communicator.

We have a fully functioning product, but there is a lot for us to do in order for us to keep up with our rate of growth.

As one of the early Ambie team members, you'll have to be comfortable with uncertainty. But you'll be having a massive impact, and will get to hear from satisfied customers all the time.

Our stack is primarily Django with a backbone front end. But we're evolving rapidly — so things will change. We're moving towards React for our front end, and technology for our back end is up for debate.

- The pay is competitive. - The environment is fun, flexible and interesting. - You'll have definite impact.

Send through your details to jobs@ambie.fm

Full time • Software Engineer • wanted! Lake Forest, CA USA or REMOTE • Saddleback Church • http://www.saddleback.com

Saddleback Church is writing the next generation of church relationship management software to manage our 14 existing and newly planned campuses. The software is responsible for managing church members, small groups, ministries, events and various other aspects of the church.

We currently have a team of four and we operate as a mini-startup inside the church. The product is a single page application (SPA) and we are using React, Flux, ES6, C# with .NET 5.0 (vNext), Postgres and Lucene. We move very fast and innovation is encouraged. We are looking for someone that has deep Javascript experience and can help us push the codebase forward. There are plenty of opportunities to get your hands dirty with Docker and the back end part of our system.

We prefer candidates that align with the vision and values of Saddleback Church.

Our stack: Linux, Postgres, Docker, .NET 5.0 (vNext), React, Lucene.

Email rafig at saddleback dot com for more details or to submit a resume.


[Hawaii ONSITE] Salesforce / Java Engineer

We're looking for Salesforce and Java developers to work with us here in Hawaii to improve our existing infrastructure, add new features, build the technological foundation of our business.

A typical day for a developer might include working with our sales team to improve their workflow, working with our front-end and backend developers to improve our products, and help build some new infrastructure to take our business to the next level. As part of a small and growing team, you will have a chance to really make a difference.

We're looking for a developer well versed in Salesforce and Apex. Knowledge of Python, Ruby, Go, and JavaScript are a plus.

We are looking for someone to work here at our office. We're located in the great beach town of Kailua, Hawaii, on the island of Oahu.

At Real Geeks we build software tools to help real estate agents do business. We are bringing modern technology to the real estate world. You’ll be working with our team of developers and designers building cool stuff at our headquarters in Kailua, Hawaii.

Please apply by sending your resume to careers@realgeeks.com

Edyn • Oakland • Full Time • REMOTE OK / ONSITE PREFERABLE

Edyn is looking for Backend engineers to help us build the future of gardening. We have a service oriented backend with a cluster of workers processing millions of jobs daily. Our code base at this point is entirely nodejs, but we believe in using the right tool for the right job. You will be working with a small team of engineers, which mean everyone's gets a chance to work on all parts of the backend.

Mid-to-Senior Software Engineers (Back-end): You are a passionate and have a firm grasp of nodejs and javascript in general. Since write micro services that are deployed via docker on AWS, knowing a bit about those tools is heavily valued. You do not “over test” your code, but never push code without enough test coverage. You don’t mind providing honest review of your peers pull requests. And accept the same for yours.

We are well funded and offer a very competitive compensation package. We prefer people working from the office, but are perfectly fine with remote for the right candidates.

If that feels like you, send me an email at bobo [at] edyn.com

Linux System Engineer • Understory • Boston, MA • Full Time • No remote

We are looking for a Linux engineer to work on the full stack of our weather stations. See our posting here: http://understory.applytojob.com/apply/g6JIoa/Linux-Systems-...

Understory—named for the area in a rainforest beneath the forest canopy—creates hardware and analytics around rain, hail, wind and other weather events directly at the earth’s surface, where the risk to life and property is greatest. While traditional, radar-enabled weather centers collect data by analyzing conditions observed in the atmosphere, Understory’s ground-truth-based detection is a marked enhancement in both resolution and fidelity, which leads to better insight and early detection of risks. You can get a glimpse of our hail gun that we use to test our stations on our recent press -- http://t.co/ECOgpk8ITM

Spire Global - http://www.spire.com| Locations: Glasgow; San Francisco; Singapore | VISA OK | Onsite only

Spacecraft Hardware Engineer| Spacecraft Software Engineer | Platform Software Engineer | Satellite Operations Engineer

We have several positions open in Software, Hardware and Operations. Please visit our careers page to learn more: http://www.spire.com/careers

Keywords: Satellites, Space, Linux, C, Python, embedded systems, RTOS, microcontrollers, AWS, electronics and hardware, distributed systems and networking, EE, PCBs, etc.

Overview: Spire is a nano-satellite powered data platform. We build and launch small remote-sensing cubesats to capture valuable data for weather prediction and Maritime domain awareness.

We are a fast moving, energetic start-up applying agile development principles to a traditionally sluggish and overly-burdened industry (and having fun doing it).

You will never be bored at Spire!

Please email Darin@spire.com if you are interested in learning more. Previous work in satellites not required.

FYI for others: if you submit an application through the Spire careers page, it appears you receive an automated response indicating that you must complete an online, timed programming challenge as the mandatory next step (at least this happened to me). If I had known this, I wouldn't have applied (I prefer to work only for organizations that will actually talk to me first before any coding tests) -- so maybe this comment will be useful for others who have a similar preference (or, conversely, it could make this opportunity more attractive to those who have a preference for the initial communication to be a coding test).

I'll agree that I dislike this process but I don't think one judge the company just because they have the coding test first. It's a hiring process, not pure proof of company culture and their thoughts.

But yes, communication first would always be nice imo.

I prefer the initial communication to be coding test. That way I hold a good chance, as I am not that much confident in conversation.

For me, it's not about being good in conversation (neither for me nor for the company's representative). It's about having the chance to ask questions about the true nature of the job, exactly what you will work on, to see if the job really is interesting and a possibly good fit. It's impossible to tell that from job descriptions which often don't give much clue about what your actual job would be like.

If, after talking through it with someone, I still feel like there is a good chance of a mutual fit, then I'm happy to be evaluated quantitatively by my skills. But if a simple conversation reveals that it's not a good fit, then it saves everyone a lot of time since I can avoid the code test for a position I don't want, and the company doesn't waste time evaluating a code test for a candidate who will end up feeling that the role isn't the right fit.

This is just my personal feeling, but for me the idea of doing a code test before ever talking to someone at the company about the nature of the job is like putting your shoes on before you put your socks on.

Thanks for the note p4wnc6. I definitely understand your position. This is why I included my email in the post and encouraged folks to email me if they are interested in learning more about Spire.

I'm happy to hop on the phone with people interested in Spire if there is a potential fit. Please shoot me an email if you'd like to get in touch! Darin@spire.com.


AdRoll - San Francisco

If you like languages such as Python, JS, C, D, Lua, Erlang, AWS, and/or petabytes of data, this is your dream job. AdRoll is one of the fastest growing adtech company, already producing $100M+ in revenue with a small engineering team.

To give an idea how we work, recently we launched a new product on top of a novel data processing pipeline on AWS using Docker, read more about it here:


and more about our approach to data science, see here



I'm happy to tell you more by email (ville@adroll.com) or over coffee in SF.

Suade Labs - https://suade.org - London, UK (No Remote)

About: We are an early-stage FinTech startup based in London. We have had the pleasure and good fortune of being a part of the Techstars and Microsoft Ventures programs. We also have a partnership with Simmons & Simmons, who are a top-tier law firm in the Financial and Technology sectors. The company was founded on the belief that there must be a better way for financial institutions to comply with complex regulations. Our journey has led us through over 500 product iterations through our converstations with experts on both sides of the rules. Our solution draws on innovative tech concepts from industries as diverse as transportation, social media, e-commerce and graphic design. We are uniquely positioned with a wealth of banking and technical talent to solve this real-world problem and deliver it to the industry.

Seeking: We are looking for experienced backend (Python, Flask) and frontend (angular, d3) developers.

Contact: Send over an email with your CV and let's chat!


Please use ONSITE instead of "No R-mote"

Joyable | https://joyable.com | San Francisco, CA | ONSITE

Joyable provides evidence-based, affordable mental health services to the millions who can’t access them today. The Atlantic had a great article on us: http://www.theatlantic.com/health/archive/2015/05/the-startu...

We're looking for any (or some combination of):

- Android developer

- iOS developer

- Frontend developer

- Backend developer

- Fullstack developer

The company as a whole is 27 people, three of whom are developers. We formally launched in March 2015, and we're just starting to expand our engineering team. For the front/back/fullstack devs, we're looking for some amount of professional experience in either Rails or frontend JS (we use Angular, but experience with any clientside framework is fine).

More details and apply here: https://joyable.com/jobs

Qubit | London | https://eng.qubit.com/

Qubit (Founded by ex-googlers) creates products that help retailers understand their customers and personalise their experiences.

- Software Engineer, Front end - https://qubit.workable.com/jobs/6746. (Javascript, Babel, Node.js, React, Redux, AWS)

- Software Engineer, Back end - https://qubit.workable.com/jobs/11172 (Scala, Hbase, Kafka, AWS, Google Cloud)

- Infrastructure Engineer - https://qubit.workable.com/jobs/132837 (Mesos, Docker, Ansible, Puppet, Graphite, Jenkins)

- Systems Engineer - https://qubit.workable.com/jobs/132836 (Mesos, Docker, Ansible, Puppet, Graphite, Jenkins)

Locus Energy: http://locusenergy.com/

San Francisco, CA and Hoboken, NJ. Remotes and those needing visas are encouraged to apply.

About us: We’re dedicated to the proliferation of sustainable energy solutions. To that end, we build tools and services to monitor, analyze and manage the performance of tens of thousands of solar power systems. We’re a mature startup with a close-knit team that is greater than the sum of its parts. Our organization provides some structure while still leaving plenty of opportunities to make your mark. We’re not perfect but constantly improving. We value folks who offer a new perspective and play nicely with others.

About you: You’re passionate about sustainable energy and want to play a part of pushing our society in that direction. Nothing would excite you more than wedding your engineering prowess with your dreams of clean, green energy. You are thoughtful, curious and ask questions when you don’t understand. You take ownership of your responsibilities and see them through to the end.


- Conveniently office locations accessible from public transportation.

- Relaxed work atmosphere. Flexible working hours and work from home policies.

- Health insurance, 401k, and all the other benefits of a real company.

- Lunch provided once a week, with a smorgasbord of snacks available all the time.

We're looking to expand our entire team with positions as a frontend engineer, sys admin, technical support, applications engineer, SCADA engineer and sales. Head to our careers page for more info: http://careers.locusenergy.com/

not sure the career page links are working. ("View Open Positions")

I just double-checked and it's working fine. Maybe it was an intermittent issue with JobScore, the service that hosts our View Open Positions page. Is it working for you now?

Not working for me either. Right click -> open in new tab seems to work for me though.

the link to jobscore works no problem. on http://careers.locusenergy.com/, clicking "View open positions" does not work is all.

ActiveVideo - Hilversum (near Amsterdam, The Netherlands) or San Jose (California) - Full Time - ONSITE, we can help with relocation/VISA

ActiveVideo is going through a growth phase right now. We have an innovative product to virtualize the set-top box (think using old set-top boxes with a video stream rendered in the cloud), with large customers all over the world. We have operations and QA positions open in San Jose, but our core engineering group is in Hilversum, the Netherlands, where we have a really strong team of competent software and QA engineers. One thing we hear time and again from recent hires is how much they value their new colleagues, and employees judge their own compensation as pretty good in a recent survey.

We're looking for both C++ and Java developers -- though for the latter I should add we're not looking for the enterprise business-rule kind of Java developer, but rather the systems-level Java developer. Our Java codebase is a multi-threaded (evented), very scalable distributed system with strong consistency guarantees. We have a media/codec-related C++ code base (if you like getting your hands dirty with H.264, MPEG2 or Intel's cool GPU-based real-time transcoding, this is for you) as well as our own cloud-based browser engine, where we pretty much run WebKit on the cloud.

And of course we wouldn't be able to deliver quality product without our QA team members, both embedded in the development teams and in an integration-level System QA team.

Find more info here: http://www.activevideo.com/careers#bm-open-positions

If you're interested in a job (that is, if you're not a recruiter), feel free to email me at d.ochtman at the obvious domain.

Sorry but -> Note: there is no relocation offered and no visa support, local candidates preferred.

But you say you can help with VISA, which one is the right one?

Appfolio is looking to hire full-time and intern software engineers for onsite work in Santa Barbara and San Diego (Southern California). Visa assistance offered.

Appfolio builds modern business software. Instead of building a product that targets many types of companies, we build software products that target specific industries. We create all-in-one systems of record that automate and streamline everything for small and medium-sized businesses. We currently have two products in the marketplace, one serving Law Firms (http://mycase.com) and one serving Property Managers (http://appfolio.com)

This approach gives us many advantages over traditional makers of business software:

* By building the complete solution, we can deliver deep integration between disparate parts of the application. Our customers don't need to rely on IT staff to cobble together separate point solutions.

* Because we know the details of the business that we are serving, we can deliver a superior user experience over generic point solutions.

* As software takes over more and more of a company's interaction with its customers, we can provide this software in the form of web and mobile experiences, and ensure it integrates cleanly with our system of record.

We are looking for full-stack software engineers who want to build products that customers love. Our tech stack today is comprised primarily of Javascript, Ruby, Rails, MySQL, Linux, with some React, Puppet, Docker, nginx, SOLR and RabbitMQ as well.

Apply today!


Smarkets, London, UK. On-site only.

We're a modern betting exchange, going technology first to enable proper price competition in a field of fat commissions. A small, agile, and fast-growing team, who early this broke £1 billion in lifetime trades on our platform. We're not far from the £2B milestone either.

Smarkets develops a reliable, low-latency, highly concurrent betting exchange based on trading exchange designs. We're also building a fast, modern web interface to allow for a smoother experience. Servicing our users is top priority.

The Smarkets platform is written predominantly on Python and Erlang, and relies heavily on asynchronous programming techniques. We use REST where we can. Life at Smarkets circles around people, version control, configuration management and automated testing. We can - and do - deploy to production several times a day.

If you like the idea of flat structure and practical engineering approach, see our jobs at https://smarkets.com/about/jobs/

ShareThis | Palo Alto, CA | Full-Time

Most people know us for our social sharing widget which powers sharing for over 3MM sites and apps across the web - and generates a billion social events per day ( > 1.5TB of data). But what makes ShareThis a fun and challenging place to work is how we use that data to power a suite of real-time data and media products for our partners and advertisers.

We're hiring engineers who want to: - Hack on a tech stack that includes the latest in tech: Kafka, Google BigQuery, Meteor.js and Docker - Sift through TB's of social sharing data to provide real time insights and intelligence. - Work in a truly agile and lean startup environment.

Multiple open positions:

- Software Engineer (Big Data - Kafka, Hadoop, Cassandra, Java)

- Software Engineer (Full Stack - Meteor.js, PHP, JavaScript, BigQuery)

We're backed by prominent VC firms like DFJ, Blue Chip, T-Venture - who've also funded companies like Tesla, Twitter, Skype and Box.

Learn more about the positions us at www.sharethis.com/join

If you want to know more or apply to any position, email me directly at isaac@sharethis.com with Hacker News in the subject name

Max2 Inc, Makers of Scene - http://www.sceneapp.io - Full-Time or Intern - ONSITE - New York, NY Available Positions: iOS Software Engineer - Android Engineer - Data Scientist

Scene helps you find places for you to go through personalized recommendations, planning with friends, curated collections and by providing real-time venue activity through live ephemeral media submitted by our users and merchants. We are looking for talented developers with a passion for delivering polished mobile user experiences and working through complex problems to join our development team and accelerate our app development. We offer competitive compensation and benefits including early stage company stock options. Work alongside a young, dynamic and talented technical team with experienced leadership and have direct meaningful involvement in building a new consumer platform in a real startup environment!


     - Graduating in May 2015 or have graduated from a Master’s or undergraduate degree in Computer Science or related fields   
     - Strong understanding of MVC or MVVM architecture pattern 
     - Strong knowledge in object-oriented design, data structures, algorithm, and problem solving 
     - Proficient with memory management 
     - Ability to be detail-orientated but also design, build and iterate prototypes quickly 
     - Experience with Git, agile methodologies & unit testing 
     - Strong but well founded opinions on code style, structure, automated processes and product building.
Apply here: https://jobs.lever.co/max2?lever-source=HN


Send us your resume and any links to your projects at: careers@sceneapp.io

GarageScore | Arcueil, France | Mostly ONSITE, southern suburb of Paris | Lead Full-Stack Web Developer

About 85 percent of car drivers no longer trust their garage! GarageScore is a nascent start-up developing the first label of garage and car dealer satisfaction, with the aim of restoring this trust, and allow serious car professionnals to be noticed. Join our founder team of four passionate entrepreneurs!

We are looking for a passionate developer that is comfortable with the full stack of a web application, has a strong sense of the customer, and wants to lead great projects. Co-teaming with the CTO (myself), they will share responsibility of architecting and developing our products, with a direct impact on our customers in the automobile industry.

Technologies currently used by our services:

- JavaScript (mostly ECMAScript 5 flavored)

- Node.js, Express, Loopback on the back-end side

- Backbone on the front-end side

- MongoDB / Redis storage

You can demonstrate:

- at lest five years of experience in web application crafting, a significant proportion of which as a team lead

- significant experience of JavaScipt, and ideally Node.js

- deep understanding of the DOM, HTTP, and RESTful design

- strong knowledge of a decentralized version control tool, ideally Git

For us, the ideal candidate:

- communicates with precision, concision, and clarity, in English and ideally in French

- shows opinonated ideas, but can listen to others

- is highly sensitive to big little details

This is a FULL TIME position. Please write to jobs@garagescore.com, and ask for Eric.

Brightcove (http://brightcove.com) | Boston, MA | Full-Time | Onsite

We're an online video platform (OVP) located near Boston's South Station, and power video for many of the world's largest media companies.

Engineering Positions:

* Senior JavaScript Developer, Video Players (http://app.jobvite.com/m?3tNMEhws)

* Principal JavaScript Developer, Video Players (http://app.jobvite.com/m?3PNMEhwO)

* JavaScript developer, Video Players (http://app.jobvite.com/m?3VNMEhwU)

* Engineering Manager, Video SDKs (http://app.jobvite.com/m?3bNMEhwa)

* Developer Evangelist, Video Platform (http://app.jobvite.com/m?3mNMEhwl)

San Francisco, CA - Academia.edu - Full Time Onsite

We're a team of 15 engineers (22 total) building an Open Science platform to bring the world's research online, available to all, for free. With over 27M registered users (that's a user-to-engineer ratio of 1.8M to 1!) and growing at 10% per month, we're looking to reach to 60M registered within the next year. We're currently working on products which accelerate the speed of paper peer review and publication.

We're hiring full-stack engineers, front-end engineers, an infrastructure engineer, devops, and a product designer. We use Ruby on Rails, RSpec, Postgres, Nginx, Redis, Elasticsearch, Neo4j, Kafka, Backbone, and React on AWS. We're 3 blocks from the Montgomery BART station. Check out our hiring page at https://www.academia.edu/hiring.

Please contact me if you have any questions or if you'd like to chat: kevin@academia.edu (software engineer). Check my profile for more contact info if needed.

128 Technology | Burlington, MA (Greater Boston Area) | Full Time | ONSITE | Full Stack Engineer

The engineering team at 128 Technology is looking for a front end engineer who is comfortable working within the full stack of our web application.

Technical Requirements:

* Node.js and RESTful API Design

* Modern Frameworks (React, Angular, Ember, Meteor)

* Modern Web Tooling (Webpack, Mocha, Chai, Sinon)

* D3.js experience is a plus

128 Technology is a stealth mode network technology startup located in Burlington, MA, just outside of Boston. We have a fantastic company culture and are looking for highly motivated individuals who are excited to join a small startup whose mission is to fundamentally change networking. Recently we moved into a brand new office in Burlington, built just for us. We have an onsite gym, weekly catered meals, beer on tap, health and dental benefits, competitive salaries, and the opportunity to join a company at the ground level in an early stage.

https://www.linkedin.com/jobs2/view/81842426 or cmain@128technology.com

SSG | New York, NY | ONSITE | Software Engineer (low-level ++) | ssgllc.com | resume@ssgllc.com

At SSG we have brought together some of the world’s brightest traders, researchers, and technologists to collaborate and solve some of the most intellectually stimulating and technically challenging problems faced in any industry. Our cross discipline team holds degrees in Computer Science, Electrical Engineering, Math, Physics, and Statistics. We share ideas and collaborate to maximize our differing experiences and backgrounds. Our team finds inspiration everywhere, including academia and parallel industries, sparking our next great ideas.

As a core developer you will focus on building scalable solutions for handling a variety of data, where optimization and speed are at the heart of our systems. We write highly performant systems using a mixture of tried and true methods (C/C++), and we constantly evaluate newer technologies and the open source communities that support them.

Are you driven by your desire to build and constantly improve high performance systems? Are you interested in the technological challenges of building systems that are able to swiftly gather information from data sources all across the globe and writing the software that enables researchers and traders? Are you grounded by your pragmatism? Do you hold yourself accountable, while working well with others?

If so, we want to speak with you.

Necessary Skills •Bachelor’s or advanced degree in Computer Science, Computer Engineering, or Electrical Engineering. •Experience writing performance optimized code using object oriented programming in C++ •Strong background in data structures and algorithms. •Experience writing low level software and expertise in threading •Extensive experience in distributed systems and parallel processing •Excellent communication

CS Disco -- Austin, TX -- Full Time -- Front-End Engineer -- http://csdisco.com

Disco is looking for passionate front-end engineers to join our team! Our mission is to sit at the intersection of great technology and deep domain expertise to change the way law is practiced. Instead of being religious about any specific technology, we focus on using whatever helps us solve our problems and deliver a fantastic experience for our users.

You will be a key part of our team: working alongside product managers, designers, and other engineers on improving our current and future products.

You write well-crafted HTML and CSS.

You’ve built complex web applications using JavaScript libraries/frameworks like Backbone.js, Ember.js, and React; and more importantly, you have a deep understanding of what they do and how they help.

We’re looking for people who want to join a team that cares deeply about user experience and a relentless pursuit toward making things better, simpler, faster, and/or easier.

Come join us! For more info contact hinze@csdisco.com

InsureMyTrip | Warwick, RI | Full Stack Developer / Development Lead | ONSITE

InsureMyTrip is the industry leader in travel insurance aggregation. We pride ourselves on our forward-thinking technology, work/life balance and positive team dynamic.

We're looking for several full-stack developers and a Development Lead to join our team. We are currently in the process of renovating our core architecture, breaking up a monolithic PHP code-base into a modular service-based model written in Python / Flask on the back-end, and HTML/CSS/JS (using Aurelia) with a dab of PHP/Python glue on the front-end.

We're happy to talk to candidates who lean more towards front-end or back-end!

On the front-end, we're looking for people with deep knowledge of HTML, CSS and JavaScript. Experience with JavaScript frameworks such as Angular or Aurelia is a plus.

On the back-end, we're looking for people with a strong knowledge base of network and web fundamentals, RESTful architecture and API design.

If you've got both, we're doubly interested in meeting with you!

Contact jobs@insuremytrip.com.

Cratejoy (YC S13) | Austin, TX | Full-time | ONSITE

Cratejoy has created a new ecosystem of subscription businesses. Thousands of first time founders and new business owners have created subscriptions on Cratejoy with hundreds of thousands of subscribers. We've recently launched a shopping portal for consumers to find subscriptions operated by Cratejoy merchants. We have raised about $11M from the best investors in the valley and are driving millions of dollars in revenue.

Cratejoy is literally creating thousands of new jobs and an entire new set of businesses, come help us build something that people truly love.

We're hiring:

- Platform Software Engineers (Python/Flask, postgres, AWS)

- Full stack Software Engineers (Backbone + REST Python backend)

- Front-end Software Engineers (Backbone, Bootstrap, LESS)

- Support Engineers (Python, Javascript)

- Data Analysts (Mixpanel, Postgres, Python)

- Product Managers (Marketplace or SaaS)

We are willing to pay for relocation expenses to Austin.

Apply at: https://jobs.lever.co/cratejoy

Feel free to e-mail me with any questions about working at Cratejoy: amir@cratejoy.com

Javascript Developer - Boston, MA (Remote okay) - full time

Brightcove is looking for smart, passionate developers to join the team that builds video.js. Contribute to a huge open-source project that is loved by viewers and developers alike. The world is shifting from traditional broadcast to video over IP and that means a whole host of new challenges for video on the web. If you're interested in anything from building a strong open-source community, to balancing harsh network conditions and stream quality, to in-browser video transformation, we'd love to chat with you.

Check out all of our projects on github (https://github.com/videojs/) and our openings:

* Senior Javascript Developer: http://app.jobvite.com/m?31EMEhwR

* Principal Javascript Developer: http://app.jobvite.com/m?3fEMEhw5

Street Contxt | Toronto, ON | Full-Time | ONSITE | http://streetcontxt.com/

Street Contxt is a post-Series A, FinTech startup attacking the capital markets space. We’re reinventing the way market-moving commentary is produced, consumed, and discovered across “the street.” Our platform provides smart and actionable insights that are contextual to each user.

We're currently looking to add about 20 engineers to our team over the coming year. Our openings include Full Stack Developers, Back End Developers, Front End Developers and Software Engineers in Test. We're also hiring designers! All of our current openings can be found on our careers page: http://streetcontxt.com/careers

We work with the best tools for the job and that means using Java 8, Scala, Apache Spark, Apache Kafka, Java EE, WildFly, Play Framework, KnockoutJS, RequireJS, Bootstrap, Less, PostgreSQL, AWS, and Git. We’re experimenting with and eager to implement ES6 and React. We also use JIRA, Confluence, Bamboo, Fisheye, and Crucible. We’re less fussed about how long you’ve been working with these particular (or similar) technologies and more interested in your knowledge and perspective about them.

We have a beautiful workspace in the heart of downtown Toronto and offer competitive compensation, as well as an extremely generous perks package (see: http://streetcontxt.com/careers). Our team is quite senior for our size/stage and we're really in the market for the best people available, regardless of where you currently call home.

Feel free to email me at jackson@streetcontxt.com if you have any questions!

Salzburg, Austria | Full Time | ONSITE | Wikitude - http://www.wikitude.com

Jobs descriptions: http://www.wikitude.com/jobs

We are looking for several Engineers:

- Javascript MEAN Stack (Nodejs, Mongodb, Redis, AngularJS)

- Technical QA Engineer (C/C++, TDD, BDD)

- Build Manager (Jenkins, Docker, Chef, Puppet, Capistrano, CI, CD)

- Computer Vision (C/C++, OpenCV, OpenGL, OpenCL)

To apply send us email to: jobs@wikitude.com

About Wikitude: Wikitude GmbH is the renowned pioneer of mobile augmented reality (AR) technology and the company behind a number of award winning AR solutions for smartphones, tablets and wearable display technologies. Its fully in-house developed AR solution is available in the Wikitude AR SDK and Wikitude Studio, and enables thousands of apps, brands, agencies, developers and AR enthusiasts to achieve their project goals. With tens of thousands of developer accounts and published AR apps, Wikitude is the globally leading AR technology platform.

Affirm | San Francisco | Full Time | ONSITE https://www.affirm.com/careers/

CEO Max Levchin, Cofounder of PayPal Nathan Gettings, Cofounder, Cofounder of Palantir

Affirm, the next generation financial services company, offers installment loans to consumers at the point of sale with partnership with merchants. We enable people to take out simple loans and turn any purchase into a monthly payments, 3, 6 or 12 months. All the pricing through us is adaptive based on data that prices marginal risk in real time and generates a risk score for every transaction, so every aspect of taking out the loan is completely transparent.

Full stack in Consumer Product team - We're looking for someone with a strong full stack experience, both in FE (Javascript, Angular.js, React) and BE (Python).

Infrastructure, Automation, Site Reliability Engineering- We're looking for anyone with strong systems and infrastructure background who cares for automation, scale, monitoring, etc.

Backend Platform - Backend engineers who cares passions for building robust web distributed systems.

Mobile iOS and Android - Mobile engineers who cares for building amazing consumer apps.

*Fresh grad - Talented engineers who wants to work on any of the products above.

Please feel free to reach me at kit.ko@affirm.com if you're interested in learning more.

Max being featured on Mad Money. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0zQEuc8_4Ag


Snaptrip • London • Full Time + Equity

We're a UK marketplace for last minute holidays, in 12 months we've now grown to have more property than Airbnb and we're not finished yet!. We're a Post-Accelerator company that's just closed our Series A and is now looking to take on a very small number of great people to dominate the market. Today we're a team of 7 today and we'll be double in 12 months (you need a few more to go international right).

Check us out at www.snaptrip.com, why not find somewhere in Devon this weekend?


1. Front End Developer

* Final say on anything HTML / CSS / JS / Responsive, you'll own the Front-End. Completely. * Working with your partner in crime our product manager you'll come up with quick ways to test features before we build out to production * Work on scaling out our big product changes for 2016 * You're the authority on feasibility, product will shape the ux and together you'll create something truly award winning (we're already winning innovation evert few months for the travel sector.

2. Product Manager

* Your going to build out the whole roadmap as we go international, we've got some great ideas they'll help you along the way * Own all product metrics and be expected to move them * Lead the team in creating great experiences and help us be a customer first organisation * You'll become the innovation leader building out a product that's slowly becoming a household name

------- For a chat to learn more https://calendly.com/jamesroutledge/meet-snaptrip Go on, we don't bite! -------


San Francisco, CA | Full-Stack & Front-end Engineers | Fulltime | Onsite

DataHero, winner of Strata 2014, recently raised $6M Series A and is looking for experienced Full-Stack and Front-end JavaScript engineers. We're a team of 17 employees where each employee is making a big impact to the bottom line of the company, helping people find insights in data that is scattered across many different cloud services.

"Tech Stack"

  * React w/ Flux & Backbone with Webpack + Babel enabling ES6

  * Node 4+ with ES6

  * Dockerized Production & Development environment

  * Microservices through Amazon ECS

  * Continuous Integration through CircleCI

  * MySQL / Redis / DynamoDB / other NoSQL

  * Python Machine Learning Libraries

"Culture" - i.e. Values

  * Smart & Learn Quickly

  * Get Things Done

  * Collaboration

  * Passion

  * Ownership

Apply at https://datahero.com/jobs/

NO Agencies

LIQID | Berlin, Germany | Full time

LIQID is the next-generation private wealth management solution. We combine scientifically proven investment approaches and the expertise of one of Europe’s leading investment teams with a unique, fully digital user experience.

Senior Frontend Dev:

As senior frontend developer, you are responsible for the development of Europe’s most progressive private wealth management solution. Together with our team of highly talented developers, you work on the development and optimization of our platform and the integration of our APIs and algorithms. Your main challenge is to deal with complex data structures and visualizations.


- React

- Redux

- Webpack

- d3

- es6 and jsx via babel

For more information see our job posting: https://www.liqid.de/en/career/senior-frontend-developer

Lead Backend Dev:

Your central duties are to guarantee code quality and manage the security of our systems in an agile environment. You provide guidance to other developers and work alongside our frontend ninjas to build and maintain our technological core. Your main challenges are the integration of third-party APIs and the algorithmic puzzles faced in financial technology.


- JRuby

- Ruby on Rails

- Docker

For more information see our job posting: https://www.liqid.de/en/career/lead-backend-developer

Seneca Systems — Redwood City — Full Time — ONSITE

Seneca Systems builds modern software for local government. Our mission is to rekindle passion for public service by building tools that set government employees up for success. Our CRM for local governments, Romulus (https://romulusapp.com), already serves elected officials who represent over a quarter of a million Americans.

We are hiring a Product Marketer to pioneer scalable SaaS growth in local government. Like small business before Square or enterprise before Salesforce, this is a tremendous opportunity understand the needs of a massive market in need of better software.

We offer autonomy, a values-driven culture, and a remarkable team that are only missing you. Our focus is on reaching profitability with a small team before scaling.


- Minimum Vacation Policy (mandatory minimum of 15 days per year)

- Charitable matching of $500 per year

- Fantastic team passionate about solving real problems.


Contact: chris@seneca.systems

Riot Games - Full-time in Los Angeles / St. Louis / Points elsewhere globally

Riot Games, developer and publisher of League of Legends, is looking for highly accomplished engineers passionate about the technology that excites and engages millions of players globally. Our opportunities run the gamut of Game Development, Big Data, Cloud Computing, eSports, Merchandise, Live Service Development and Corporate IT Systems. With tens of millions of players daily around the globe, we face cutting edge technical challenges at scale. Consequently, we’re an engineering organization that values “T-shaped” engineers - those with flexible breadth and pragmatic depth of experience.


Ok, corporate speak aside, League of Legends offers a pretty amazing and rare intersection of core video games and cutting edge, large scale, interesting tech problems. We're looking for engineers with experience in Go (yes, Go), Java, C++, C# and, well, the list goes on. We also leveling up our engineering leadership, looking for architects and managers. For those of us engineers who are gamers in our heart, this is a chance to work on something you’re truly passionate about. I feel quite lucky to work at Riot and am excited to have other other gamers join us in building games by players and for players. If you have any questions, feel free to hit me up directly on Twitter or LinkedIn.

https://twitter.com/jaaronfarr https://www.linkedin.com/in/jaaronfarr

(If you do reach out to me on LinkedIn, please let me know you saw this here on Hacker News so I know who you are!)

Rackspace | San Antonio, TX | Full-time Ruby/Go (Golang) Developer

I'm a dev on one of the automation teams at Rackspace, and we're looking for a Ruby/Go developer to add to our team.

Our team owns a suite of monolithic Rails apps, and we're replacing some of them with Golang services. We primarily work on backend logic, though we, in conjunction with a sister team, maintain the GUIs in the Rails apps. All the Golang work is backend logic only.

The open position is posted in a couple of places:

1. Racker Talent: https://uscareers-rackspace.icims.com/jobs/15798/software-de...

2. LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/jobs2/view/81849144?trk=vsrp_jobs_r...

Avigilon | Somerville, MA (Assembly Row) | Full-time / Onsite

Avigilon is defining the future of protection through innovative, end-to-end surveillance solutions. Delivering the world’s best protection, Avigilon’s industry-leading HD network video management software, megapixel cameras, access control and video analytics products are reinventing the security market.

* Data Engineers * Backend Cloud Engineers * Javascript Developers * Front-end Developers * h.264 and Media Experts *

Avigilon is based in Vancouver with an office in the Boston area focused on analytics, research, and development.

Send me an email if you're interested in solving interesting problems in the areas of security, video, streaming media and high definition cameras. I can be reached at christopher . kopec at avigilon.com or apply online at https://careers-avigilon.icims.com/jobs/search?ss=1&searchLo...

Android|Web|Firmware Engineers – Poynt.com - Poynt, Co. – Palo Alto, CA (ONSITE)

We’re a series B funded startup in Palo Alto building the world’s first Smart Payment Terminal. Our mission is to build an affordable future-proof Payment Terminal for every small business with an open commerce platform that enables connected commerce.

We’re looking for full-time Android, Web and Firmware engineers that are highly motivated in building and maintaining: - awesome in-store checkout experiences for merchants and consumers - Poynt OS - our secure version of Android, payments firmware as per EMV and PCI requirements - web and mobile apps for merchants, partners and developers.

We’re a team of Xooglers, Ex-Amazonians and Ex-PayPals. We have commitments for all across the world to replace the traditional (brick-looking) single purpose payment terminals with our Poynt Smart Payment Terminals.

If you’re interested in joining us as an early engineer, or interested in learning more about what we do, please drop a note here or send an email to careers@poynt.com.

Memorang | SF/Remote | Software Engineering | VP Product, Content | https://www.memorangapp.com/jobs

Memorang is an all-purpose learning tool that helps students from middle school through medical school ace their exams with adaptive quizzing modes and games. In addition to free flashcards that can be created, imported, or crowdsourced, Memorang also sells expert content for several exams such as the MCAT, USMLE, and GRE.

If you’re looking to be a ground-floor engineer at fast-paced, profitable, investor-backed startup with broad social impact in education, then this job might be for you. Memorang is solving challenging, large-scale problems that make a difference in students' lives around the world.

[DEMO] Test your knowledge of Big Cats https://www.memorangapp.com/flashcards/117/Exotic+Cats

Westfield Labs | San Francisco Centre Westfield Labs is looking for an exceptional Senior Android Developer. Must have at least 5+ years of experience with Android.

Relevant technologies we currently use with our codebase: - Android Studio - Realm v0.84.0 - Picasso v2.5.2 - Otto v1.3.8 - Retrofit v1.6.1 - Retrolambda v3.2.3 - Android Support v23.1.0 - RecyclerView - Design - Support Annotations - AppCompat

- Familiarity with, or willing to learn about Jenkins Continuous Integration - minSdkVersion 16 (Android 4.1.2) - targetSdkVersion 23 (Android 6.0)

Should have - Candidate should be familiar and comfortable with Activity, Fragment, and View lifecycle methods. - Should be familiar with Google’s Material Design Guidelines - Familiar with deploying an app to international audiences, as well as maintaining different product flavors

If you like to stay on the bleeding edge of the latest trends of technologies that come out of Google, you’ll be right at home. If interested, please send a resume and Linkedin link to: eyuen@us.westfield.com

Synthesio - http://www.synthesio.com | Solutions Engineers | London and Paris

We're one of the leading social media analytics companies - every month we pull in >2bn pieces of social data, and allow our users to slice and dice that data to answer all sorts of interesting questions, like:

- Why are people buying our products vs. our competitors?

- What people on social media are driving discussion about our brand?

- How can we calculate what subjects are getting people excited about a particular political candidate?

I'm the VP product here in NYC, while our engineering team is in Paris. I'm looking to hire a couple of positions reporting to me, and then we're hiring a bunch of folks throughout the organization.

Solutions Engineer - http://synthes.io/1RK3Ypu

This is a presales engineer role, but with some fun extras. Since you're reporting with the product organization and R&D, we spend more time working on product strategy and partnerships than a typical SE does. The ideal candidate will be someone who can talk APIs and implementation plans as well as a deep and abiding interest in big data and social analytics. We have positions open in both London and Paris, and we would really prefer you be located in one of those two cities.

There are links to the job postings next to the title, you can always feel free to email me at mzito@synthesio.com if you have any questions or comments, or you can also reach out to our internal recruiter at syard@synthesio.com. For the rest of our job postings, take a look at: http://synthesio.applytojob.com/

homify www.homify.co.uk | Berlin | Full time | ONSITE

We are homify- a young company from Berlin, which is giving the print-business a run for its money within the home and living special interest sector. homify is a front runner in digitalizing the industry. Our interactive platform allows architecture and design experts to network and engage with clients, initiate new projects, answer questions or simply offer inspiration for future projects. Simultaneously, homify offers its readers compelling articles about current home and living trends.

Within a short period of time, homify has evolved to an more than 80-employee-strong team, making it one of the few German startups to attain domestic and international notoriety. homify embodies functionality, innovation, individuality and ease of use. Our departments are closely interwoven. Start-up spirit, determination and hard work are our recipe for success.

Please apply directly to: jobs@homify.de

Clariture - http://clariturehealth.com - San Francisco, CA - Full Time - ONSITE

We’re hiring back-end and front-end engineers to help us revolutionize healthcare marketing. The healthcare industry is way behind in adopting many of the innovations in digital marketing, and as a result there’s a massive amount of money being wasted on ineffective marketing channels. Come help us build the future of digital marketing for healthcare providers!

We’re hiring:

* Back-end engineers - http://clariturehealth.theresumator.com/apply/SvGR9k/Web-Eng...

* Front-end engineers - http://clariturehealth.theresumator.com/apply/5d0uES/Web-Eng...

Our stack:

Back-end: Python, Django, PostgreSQL

Front-end: Foundation, d3.js, AngularJS

Infra: AWS, Docker

BetterWorks | Full Time | Palo Alto | Onsite http://grnh.se/6ow4xk

* Fullstack Engineer

We are looking for a passionate engineer to help solve some of our challenges. These challenges include: balancing speed of implementation, simplicity, polish, building sophisticated features (data visualization, collaboration, etc.) to support our users.

BetterWorks™ enterprise software provides the easiest way to set and manage goals. Rooted in Objectives and Key Results (OKRs), it uses Goal Science™ insights to help high-performing companies get aligned, stay focused on the work that matters and ultimately become more successful. The company is headquartered in Palo Alto with an office in New York City, and is backed by Kleiner Perkins Caufield & Byers and Formation 8. BetterWorks has an experienced team from innovative companies like Apple, Box, Cisco, Palantir, Salesforce and Yammer. To learn more about BetterWorks, visit www.betterworks.com.

CYANOGEN | Seattle, WA and Palo Alto, CA | On-site Only | Relocation Assistance | Full Time | Visa (transfer only for H1b at this point)

Cyanogen Inc was founded to make our popular open source CyanogenMod project accessible to a broader consumer base worldwide in the form of Cyanogen OS, a mobile OS built on Android that is known for its revolutionary personalization features, intuitive interface, speed, improved battery life, and enhanced security.

These are our high priority open positions:

1) Sr. Android Software Engineer: You’ll contribute work that is fundamental to the Cyanogen experience by adding features to the Android frameworks, exposing them to apps, and allowing for deeper, richer experiences for our community to utilize. You’ll need extensive experience developing complex Android applications and exceptional OO design and development skills.

2) Sr. Platform / Web Services Engineer: Build the scalable, distributed systems that power our mass-market mobile services accessed by 50M+ users. You’ll need hands-on experience with large-scale, distributed platforms, such as AWS, and excellent OO development skills. These services are being developed with Java NIO and open source frameworks like Vert.x and Netty

Working at Cyanogen, you'll get to collaborate with developers from around the world and contribute daily to a platform used by millions of people. Community involvement is an integral part of our everyday work. If you have a passion for open source and innovation, can demonstrate strong skills and a great attitude, we want to speak with you!

Check us out at http://cyngn.com and view all of our open positions here: http://goo.gl/A69etV, or email us at recruiting AT cyngn DOT com with questions.

PayPal | San Jose, CA | Onsite (relocation available) | Hiring Senior Web Application Engineers

PayPal is looking for JavaScript engineers who want to work both in the browser and on the server-side in Node.js. Come help us as we continue to completely re-engineer the entire tech stack and innovate on how people exchange money and pay both online and offline.

I am one of the hiring managers, you can reach out to me directly at my HN username at paypal.com. We're looking for talented JavaScript developers. Experience with Backbone, React, and Flux would be hugely helpful while experience with other frameworks like Ember and Angular would also be quite useful. We've got some amazing teams of JS engineers and we'd love to have you join!

We've got openings in various areas including online checkout, account servicing, p2p money, etc.

At the present time due to paperwork deadlines, you must be currently legally authorized to work in the USA. We are able to sponsor current VISA; however, we cannot apply for new VISA.

Ticketmaster Senior Software Engineer - Hollywood/Los Angeles, California

We're improving Ticketmaster from the ground up. We need smart, ambitious engineers to build out our infrastructure for high demand ticket sales and global API services.

The Role:

We're looking for a strong Senior Software Engineer who can thrive in a fast paced environment to join the newly minted Distributed Commerce team. We are building new API products that enable third parties to sell verified tickets off-site, on many of the largest platforms and websites in e-commerce and online media. As a key member of a small, dedicated team, you will be responsible for developing new technology that is completely independent from legacy systems. Our group's goal is to sell more than 10M+ tickets in 2016, utilizing purpose-built transactional and content APIs, as well as developing SDKs and transactional widgets that will empower mobile apps, social networks, and 3rd-party ticketing partners while increasing the exposure of the Ticketmaster brand.

Technologies and standards we use, which you should be familiar with:

Java, Spring, Cucumber, Maven, Git, Linux, Docker, REST, OAuth, MySQL, JavaScript, Python, Amazon Web Services (EC2, ELB, S3)


- 5+ years professional hands on software development experience, with 3+ years specifically utilizing Java and 2+ years of web services applications/systems experience

- Experience with high-volume applications/systems requiring 24/7 uptime

- Experience in developing loosely coupled systems (REST APIs, SOA, microservices)

- Experience with Amazon Web Services

- Strong software development process background Scrum and/or Kanban.

Email ryan.aviles@ticketmaster.com for details.

Mocavo Free Genealogy Search • Boulder, CO • Full Time • ONSITE

We were acquired in 2014, before that we were VC funded by Foundry Group, TechStars, and a few others. We value continuous integration, utilizing modern frameworks, being TDD focused, and we provide new hires with agile training. We approach genealogy as an innovator in the field by focusing our efforts towards furthering freedom of information. To that end, all content on our site is free to view and share, and indexed on Google. (More info on how we still make money: https://www.mocavo.com/how_we_make_money)

## Looking for:

Senior Engineer / Full Stack Engineer: http://www.mocavo.com/about/jobs/senior-engineer

Software Engineer / Back End Engineer / Frontend Engineer / Front End Developer: http://www.mocavo.com/about/jobs/software-engineer

## Stack:

PHP / Laravel / MySQL / LESS / Bootstrap / Underscore / Composer / SphinxSearch / Nginx / Vagrant / Puppet

## Benefits:

• Flexible Hours and Remote/On-Site policy as well as weekly opt-in hack days

• Generous Vacation Policy

• Full healthcare coverage with no co-pay

• Enjoy our Ideal Location on Pearl Street Mall with daily team lunch and roof deck grilling during the warmer months

• Dedicated Parking Spaces and RTD Bus Passes

• EPIC Local and Eldora Ski Passes and Gym Memberships

Hacker News Who’s Hiring

FreeAgent, Edinburgh and REMOTE (but UK-only)



* VP engineering

* Full stack software engineers (grad to senior)

At FreeAgent we're on a mission to democratise accounting for micro-businesses and freelancers. We have built an award-winning cloud accounting product (using Ruby/Javascript/RabbitMQ/Elasticsearch/MySQL) that offers full end-to-end compliance, from time tracking to tax return filing. We're based in beautiful Edinburgh and we're growing from strength to strength, with over 42,000 paying customers and strong YoY revenue growth. Customers love our product and we've sustained an NPS > 74 for the past four quarters.

If you want to come and help us make small businesses awesome at doing their finances, take a look at our vacancies at http://www.freeagent.com/jobs.

We are looking for UK-based full-time staff only right now.

Preferral | Nashville, TN | REMOTE (or onsite)

Looking for Front-end, or Back-end, or system integration folks.

We use:

  * Rails (4.2)
  * Postgres
  * RSpec/Capybara
  * Elasticsearch
  * React
  * Redux
  * Webpack
  * Mocha/chai
  * Knockout (moving away from it though)
  * MirthConnect
Come join a small but high impact team working to improve healthcare access and efficiency. We take patient referrals online. Why? Because patients currently move through the healthcare system via faxes and phone calls from healthcare travel agents. As a result patients frequently end up at a non-optimal specialist, if they end up with a specialist at all. Sometimes it takes more than 2 weeks just to book a referral appointment. We fix this. There's a huge amount of value to be added (and captured) in bringing patient referrals online.

As a company we believe in work/life balance, continual learning, and a friendly and productive environment. We'd love to hear from you!

Shoot me an email at jon@preferral.com

SpiderOak - REMOTE - Full-time - https://spideroak.com

Privacy matters. We're a privacy and security-focused cloud services provider looking to flesh out several teams on staff.

We are looking for energetic, capable engineers for the following positions:

* iOS Developer https://spideroak.com/articles/ios-developer

* Android Developer https://spideroak.com/articles/android-developer

* JS App Developer https://spideroak.com/articles/javascript-app-developer

* Django Developer https://spideroak.com/articles/django-developer

Betable | San Francisco | https://betable.com | Full Time | ONSITE, RELOCATION

Betable is transforming one of the most opaque and highest revenue-generating industries in the world - gambling and betting. Our vision is to democratize this $500bn industry, allowing any game developer to build legal gambling games without needing their own licenses and operate those games globally on any device.

We are Series A funded with exciting revenue, a small engineering team and a modern tech stack (Node, Angular, React, GO, Cassandra, Puppet, etc). We have strong values and awesome investors (True Ventures, Greylock, Venture51 etc). Come help us transform an industry!


- Sr. Software Engineer - Web: https://jobs.lever.co/betable/006263e7-3346-4c16-acf6-37d5f2...

- Sr. Software Engineer - Server: https://jobs.lever.co/betable/c81cb400-f0e1-4dd0-bf21-f7b63b...

- Sr. Operations Engineer - Infrastructure: https://jobs.lever.co/betable/c879a3fe-86ee-4d09-91fc-cfa2ab...

- Engineering Manager, Operations: https://jobs.lever.co/betable/ce2588a3-2fb7-4f2d-9290-73bba8...

- Engineering Manager, Full Stack (coming soon): https://jobs.lever.co/betable

Fog Creek Software | HQ in New York City | Full-Time | Onsite, Remote, and Ad-Hoc Remote friendly.

Fog Creek Software is a small, friendly software company in New York City that was designed from the ground up to be a great place to work. We work on interesting projects with smart people, treat everyone like royalty, and eat lunch together every day. Over the course of our adventures we created FogBugz, Kiln, Trello, and co-created Stack Overflow.


Currently seeking Support Engineers (https://www.fogcreek.com/Jobs/SupportEngineer/) and Account Executives (https://www.fogcreek.com/Jobs/AccountExecutive/)

I hope you'll check us out.

LLamasoft | Ann Arbor, MI | Full Time, On Site | http://llamasoft.com | http://www.llamasoft.com/about-us/careers/jobs/

LLamasoft is a leader in the realm of supply chain design. We build desktop and SaaS (and SaaS-on-prem) supply chain design tools that scale with your supply chain's complexity. We have a large consulting arm to help implement projects with our tools and principles, but I'm an engineer here so I'll simply speak to that.

Our software org is

* About 40-50 people (including product engineers, product managers, product owners)

* A .NET shop (WPF on the desktop, ASP.NET MVC + jQuery on the web)

* A great place for professional development (seriously!)

* Scrum / agile based

An ideal candidate is

* Highly autonomous and self motivated

* Willing to defend their decisions, willing to acquiesce when others have merit

* Comfy with the .NET stack

Feel free to ask me any questions or email careers@llamasoft.com.

Regalii | New York, NY | Full Time | Onsite | https://www.regalii.com | Senior Ruby on Rails Developer

Do you want to join a fast growing YCombinator startup that is actually making the world a better place? Do you want to live in the best city in the world - NYC?! Then, join Regalii!

We are revolutionizing the process of sending money abroad to make it instantaneous, safe and completely transparent. We have created the world's best cross border financial management platform. The platform is leveraged by the largest remittance companies in the world.

We are creating some novel tech. A portion of the engineering team is focussed on integrating with utility company APIs and another is focussed on our scraping engine which automates payments to be done via utility company websites on a user's behalf.

If you are interested, please drop careers@regalii.com a quick line. Somebody on the engineering team will get back to you within 2-3 hours.

* EVERWISE * |Software Architect| Software Engineer |Sr. Software Engineer | Sr. Front-end Engineer |Sr. DevOps Engineer | NYC, USA - Fulltime - ONSITE What is Everwise? Everwise connects professionals with the people and insights that can help them succeed at every stage of their career. We are a venture-backed startup with big ambitions. We are tackling the $300B career development industry with a unique, data-driven software platform. http://fortune.com/2015/05/10/everwise-mentor-program/ Market-rate salary, generous stock options. to apply checkout: https://www.geteverwise.com/careers/ Keywords: ruby new york city angular nginx rails aws digital ocean bootstrap javascript coffeescript

Hinge | New York, NY (on-site, full time)| All The Things

We're hiring for Android, iOS, DevOps, Backend API and more. Hinge is an amazing dating startup because of its team, culture and product. I'm proud to work here, you can see a bit of that here: http://team.hinge.co

I joined as #13 and now we're 27. We've been growing the engineering team to iterate on more features while scaling. I originally wanted to be at Hinge so I could get some Android experience so after being on API for 9 months I switched teams. Culture has been pretty awesome so far, really like working with everyone and there haven't been any politics. We've got a pretty stable 3 week release cycle on the mobile clients and backend services ship a few times a day. PMs are the best I've ever worked with, and the leadership are providing career development and good vision.

Feel free to send me an email with any questions.

Software Engineer | San Francisco

Software Engineer | Saint Paul, Minnesota

MySQL DBA | Saint Paul, Minnesota

Cloud Support Engineer | Saint Paul, Minnesota

More than 1,000 government organizations use the GovDelivery communication platform to reach over 90 million people on multiple continents. The end result is safer communities, happier commuters, and healthier families. In short, Better Government.

Our platform connects government organizations with the public via email, social media, SMS, voice, and more. We are growing significantly and consistently and that revenue gets plowed right back into technology. Come help us build a world-class solution using Ruby, Rails, Ember.js, Puppet, Java, and more. Together we can transform government communications and help create a more well-informed and engaged constituency.

If this sounds good to you, check out http://geeks.gd/ to get a real sense of the GovDelivery tech team, or contact brian.meline@govdelivery.com directly.

San Francisco, CA | Stealth healthcare technology start-up | Full Time | Onsite | H1B welcome

We are a healthcare technology start-up on a mission to revolutionize research and consumer health! We’re a platform-based big data company building an awesome high-value, easy-to-use product that involves processing, analyzing, and storing petabytes of genomic and other data. We’re funded and growing. Currently we’re in stealth mode while we build out our team in readiness for product launch.

- Software Engineer, Frontend - https://cgi.workable.com/j/0CB9003D69

- Software Engineer, Backend - https://cgi.workable.com/j/4B2874F557

- Site Reliability Engineer - https://cgi.workable.com/j/BFC5DDF8EE

Senior Software Engineers - NYC Full Time ONSITE

Brickwork Software (http://brickworksoftware.com/) is a one-year-old startup changing the way customers engage with brick & mortar stores online. We are looking for exceptional frontend and rails backend software engineers to help us shape the product and the company while growing with us.

About you: A ‘T-shaped’ experienced software engineer with Ruby on Rails experience, love of great products and clean code. As a key early hire, you will have a big impact on our codebase, engineering process and culture.

About us: We are a smart, efficient and fun team that has a great time working together. Brickwork is funded, has a strong customer pipeline and is experiencing tremendous growth. NYC-based candidates welcome.

Get in touch at: work AT brickworksoftware.com with some links to where we can find out more about you and the best product you’ve recently discovered.

LiftForward | Midtown NYC NY, New York | ONSITE

LiftForward is a marketplace lending platform for small businesses.

We're looking for our 4th (and 5th) full-time engineers so this is a rare opportunity to join a well-funded early-stage company. Just raised $250M so things are really heating up.

  * Fast growing and profitable early-stage fintech startup
  * Small team, so you will have an opportunity for a high-impact role
  * Developers have lots of autonomy
  * Great pay and a low-stress, engineering-driven culture
We use lots of ruby and javascript (emberjs) so a few years of experience with those would be great. That said personality & hustle is way more important than what specific tech you may have worked with. We've all come from totally different backgrounds but ramped up quick and will help you do the same.

details here: http://liftforward.workable.com

or email me mike ~at- liftforward.com

Bolt (bolt.com) - San Francisco, CA- https://bolt.com/jobs

Bolt is radically simplifying online commerce in a way the world has never seen before. We combine top technology with a very careful and unique approach to processing online transactions. We are an elite, engineer-first team with lead players out of Facebook, Twitter, Google, Apple, PayPal, and CyberSource adding a few core members to our team. In the middle of our process, we do a product/tech deep dive at which point we promise there’s no going back. :)

A bit about Bolt’s culture:

- We care about output, not input or “busyness"

- We value our time immensely.

- We prioritize respectful directness

- We think Silicon Valley startups are built for failure, and are doing things radically differently

- We don’t care about PR or any startup vanity

If you want to join a team of seasoned professionals that prioritize productivity, alignment of vision and unyielding commitment to quality, then email me directly: rk@bolt.com.

Rollbar | San Francisco or REMOTE | Front-End Engineer | https://rollbar.com

We're a scrappy, distributed team (SF, Fort Worth, Syracuse, Barcelona) building tools that make developers' lives better. We're looking for our seventh employee, sixth engineer, and first front-end specialist.

About us:

* We help thousands of developers find and fix bugs quickly

* Our backend handles billions of errors with low latency and high reliability

* Our front-end allows developers to discover and drill down across millions of errors in real-time

* Our open source libraries are used by some of the best engineering teams in the world, including Twilio, Heroku, Instacart and Twitch.

You will:

* Work with PMs, designers, and other developers to ship front-end features

* Own Rollbar's front-end architecture and development

* Have fun while releasing software that impacts millions of end-users

You are:

* A Javascript expert with experience building crisp, quick UIs

* Up on the latest trends, like server-side rendering, responsive design and module bundling

* Proud of the products you build and the impact they have for our customers

Bonus points:

* Experience using React and Webpack to build single-page apps

* Experience maintaining open source projects

* UI design chops

* Desire to grow into a Team Lead role

To get in touch, email team@rollbar.com or apply via https://rollbar.recruiterbox.com/jobs/fk0h8ho/

Bluebeam Software • Pasadena/Chicago/San Diego • Full Time • ONSITE

Development at Bluebeam is about solving complex challenges and expressing yourself through products that enable nearly a million technical professionals across the world to collaborate without limits.

It's about pushing the boundaries of what software can and should be, to constantly develop ways to make digital collaboration faster, smarter and more intuitive, and never failing to ask ourselves: shouldn't software be an experience? If you seek an environment where you can flex your technical expertise as well as your imagination, this just may be the place for you.

See what it's like to work with us: http://careers.bluebeam.com/.

Take a look at our web development and engineering management opportunities here: http://bit.ly/1WzTz6q.

OpenGov | Redwood City, CA | ONSITE Full-Stack Engineer

We're innovating, solving big challenges and having fun while doing it. As a senior member of OpenGov's engineering team, you will engage in solving technical problems from taming complicated data sets to pushing browsers to their limits with powerful data visualization and analytics.

We're looking for folks with can-do attitudes who go above and beyond. You are a self-starter who can take early ideas and quickly iterate to build prototypes and products. Our ideal back-end engineer has experience delivering high quality, maintainable code to production, implementing both incremental improvements as well as large features and architectural advancements. Our engineering culture is centered around hiring smart talent, building world-class software and we stay humble while driving forward with our audacious mission.

Some of our current project wish list items include

- Migrate financial data towards a columnar store - Expand our dashboard reporting capabilities - Self-service tools for customers to get up and running in minutes - Deeper data integrations with customers


- Architect and implement software components with order of magnitude scaling in mind - Build, analyze, and maintain APIs that power many products - Work with data (lots of it) - Contribute towards building a great culture in a small team & company

Ideal Candidate Has

- Strong desire to innovate and build world class software that is mission-driven - 4+ years of experience and a track-record of developing high-quality code, preferably Ruby in a small, agile team - Experience working with large, distributed systems - Experience with JS/Node.js, Postgres, Cassandra - Experience building SaaS software - BS/MS in Computer Science preferred - Sound judgment for balancing between idealism and pragmatism

Motiv| multiple positions | SF, CA | Onsite | Full-Time| Visa (full time) | iOS Engineer; Android Engineer


Motiv is developing the next generation of wearable technology where size, performance, and style matter. Our experienced team's background runs deep in design, technology, and science. We have created everything from products you already use everyday to advancements that have taken us far into the reaches of space. We are Series A funded by some of Silicon Valley's most notable investors and launching our first product next year. We offer a competitive compensation package with meaningful equity and health benefits. Join our quickly growing team of the smartest people we can find in our creative and casual SOMA office.

For more information or to apply: http://www.mymotiv.com/careers

REMOTE | Pasadena, CA | QLess (http://www.qless.com)

Waiting in line sucks. We're working to eliminate waiting in line, and have saved users over 1,200 years of time so far. We make it easy to get in line with a text or app, and then be notified when it's your turn, so you can use your time as you see fit.

I've been working at QLess for about a year now and love it. The team is all remote so you have the freedom to work from where ever you want (typing this from South America right now). My coworkers here are very smart, dedicated, and welcoming, and it feels good to work on a product that helps people save time every day.

Hiring a Java Software Engineer, see http://www.qless.com/careers/java-engineer/ for more details.

Also feel free to contact me with any questions: craig at qless.com

Audible, Inc. (An Amazon Company) - Newark, NJ - ONSITE

About Audible: Audible is a mission driven, highly profitable media company in hyper-growth. We're a collection of artists, designers and technologists with a love of literature, performance and the spoken word. We're the leading provider of audiobooks worldwide with a huge catalog of exclusive content and a first-class listening experience on Kindle, Android and iOS devices. We love our customers and we love our product. We're on a mission to share great stories with the world and we want you to be a part of that journey.

Software Development Engineer


Full relocation packages available, visa transfers accepted, free daily catered lunch, happy hour Fridays

Must have at least 8+ years of experience

Please email resumes to mrrafael@audible.com

Voleon | www.Voleon.com | Berkeley, CA | Senior Software Engineer - Machine Learning

The Voleon Group is a technology-driven investment firm employing cutting-edge statistical machine learning techniques. We are looking for an exceptionally capable software engineer. You will architect & implement new production trading systems, machine learning infrastructure, data integration pipelines, and large-scale storage systems.

We seek candidates with a proven track record of writing correct, well-designed software, solving hard problems, and delivering complex projects on time. You should preferably have experience designing and implementing fault-tolerant distributed systems. Experience with building large-scale data infrastructure, stream processing systems, or latency-sensitive programs is a bonus.

Required experience: - Go/C/C++/Python in a Linux environment with a focus on performance, concurrency, and correctness. - TCP/IP networking, multi-threading, and server development. - Common Internet protocols (IP, TCP/UDP, SSL/TLS, HTTP, SNMP, etc.). - architecting and designing highly available systems. - architecting and designing large-scale data management infrastructure. - Large codebases and building modular, manageable code.

Preferred experience.: - Debugging/performance profiling, use of tools (strace, valgrind, gdb, tcpdump, etc.) - Build and test automation tools. - work with well-defined change management processes. - diagnosing RDBMS performance problems, exploiting indexing, using EXPLAIN PLAN, optimizing at the code layer, etc. - working with messaging queues (RabbitMQ, Redis, etc.) as well as distributed caching systems.

Interest finance is essential, but experience in finance is not a primary hiring factor. Benefits and compensation are highly competitive. We can be very flexible for the right person.

Email CV/request for more info to Charles@Voleon.com.

Digitalglobe | Denver area, CO | Full-time, ONSITE

Hi everyone, I'm hiring cloud-platform engineers to build Digitalglobe's Geospatial Big Data platform. We have five satellites in space and we're putting all of our satellite imagery (tens of petabytes) into AWS for realtime search, access, and compute.

We're inventing and building new ways to store satellite imagery in object-store and building badass compute clusters on top.

Here's my blog post: http://www.digitalglobeblog.com/2015/09/30/crushing-pixels-i...

And here's the job req: https://digitalglobe.csod.com/ats/careersite/JobDetails.aspx...

GIS and image processing experience is a plus.

Email me: nate.ricklin@digitalglobe.com