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I wouldn't call "niche" something some big companies have been spending billions of dollars on.

well this is true the other way around

BW clients support having several accounts at once so you're not forced to choose. Your family can have a regular bitwarden.com account and your vw.example.com account just for emergency access

It wouldn't matter in this case. Its usually 1 1500 line commit in a PR, or its a couple of commits but they aren't meaningful ("write large feature", "review updates", "wip", "merge branch X", etc)

I think explicitly stating what it doesn’t guarantee is the right thing to do. Otherwise, the API becomes tied to your implementation through implicit details, which can prevent future generic performance improvements (e.g. unordered_map pointer stability in C++ prevents the implementation from being changed to a different representation like absl::flat_hash_map, even though that’s a guarantee that most people don’t care about).

Re: performance considerations. This is important, but for a performance critical application, any compiler, library etc version change can cause regressions, so it seems better to benchmark often and then tackle this, rather than make assumptions based on implicit (or even explicit) guarantees.

Controversial posts are automatically downranked, where controversial means lots of upvote/downvote wars over comments on the post.

If people disagree with each other about your topic, that increases the odds people behave badly when discussing it. HN's algorithm is designed to encourage good discussions, so the post drops in rank.

A "calling" seems like a perfectly cromulent word for what's being talked about

The paper's claim for Dijkstra's is it's "a single algorithm performs as well as possible for every single graph topology". A* is an augmented version of Dijkstra's only applicable when there is a priori knowledge of a good heuristic for the topology (e.g. manhattan distance in a cartesian plane). Since there is almost certainly no heuristic that is universally optimal for all topologies, A* shouldn't be more universally optimal than Dijkstra's (and can probably perform worse given a bad heuristic).

Sorry for ignorance, but how do you censor platforms you have no control over? If a tourist with a following posts it to Instagram, what can you actually do?

I feel like if you have the power to censor leak things you’d be worth a huge sum of money.

> I trust the Editorial Board’s judgment

Absolute nonsense. It wasn't the Editorial Board's decision, it was her father's. He has publicly stated that he blocked the endorsement, and multiple members of the Editorial Board have resigned in protest.



We have our own formal model called DBSP: https://docs.feldera.com/papers

It is indeed inspired by timely/differential, but is not exactly comparable to it. One nice property of DBSP is that the theory is very modular and allows adding new incremental operators with strong correctness guarantees, kind of LEGO brick for incremental computation. For example we have a fully incremental implementation of rolling aggregates (https://www.feldera.com/blog/rolling-aggregates), which I don't think any other system can do today.

> Meanwhile, Canada is in the final stages of considering legislation that would fix the Canadian version of the DMCA, a bill called C-244 that is in its third reading in the Senate and expected to move before the end of the month. If Canada legalized circumventing technological protection measures for the purposes of repair, we might just have to head north to find the tools we need to do repairs.

That's good news, I didn't know about that bill. It looks like it was voted for unanimously in parliament. It's nice when you hear about our government doing something good for once.

> humans found so many ways to nitpick the language and find loopholes that the legal language has evolved to be insanely verbose and specific.

That is what lawyers want you to think

Actually it is to keep lay people away from legal documents

I come from a legal family, and I can parse most, not all, legal documents

They could all, without exception, be written in plain English

I would say that about 90% of my gaming in the last few months has been on the MiSTer. I am not sure that there exists any games released in the last 15 years that work on there.

That’s probably not true, but I can’t think of any.

I’ve had the opening bass slide down that kicks off Scarlet Begonias/Cornell 1977 (I was a child lol) stuck in my head for days, my god what that must have felt like to see live. Rattled the bones, like a crack of thunder. I am sad.

Sorry, I definitely understand the value of streaming. Your gauges example is great.

What I don't understand is streaming joins. None of your gauge values need to join to anything.

And if they did -- if something needed to join ID values to display names, presumably those would sit in a database, not a different stream?

I think you're right, it was the Element. People dismissed it as an Aztek but it had some features.

They all pale next to the true King of Vehicles - the Minivan.

Oxalates ftw.

As someone who has done this to many games over a few decades, I can definitively say: 100% of the time, it ruins the fun of the game.

I can't say exactly why. Maybe you feel like you haven't earned it. Maybe it's the idle nature of farming that we really enjoy...

This channel is one of my favorites; every video a disaster, with detailed explanation of how and why. I admit it's not to everyone's taste, but I am excited whenever a new one goes up.

They have also been blowing up buildings in Lebanon because they claim that there is Hezbollah money and gold in them. Human life be damned.

To all appearances, it looks as if the US is allowing Israel to rewrite the rules of war. This is incredibly dangerous. Whether or not the US supports Israel's objectives should not be the deciding factor in supporting these kinds of justifications.

I am not sure if Rust advocates tell that it will "magically" fix logic errors. What I hear they say is rather more precise terms: Stronger Type system, and memory safety, forcing more explicit design (e.g. no function overload). Whether this is true or not is another discussion to have.

In my experience, it helps to have stronger type system regardless of any language of comparison if you want to avoid logic errors.

Even green ones?

Right. The question remains though about what we mean by "known benefits".

I chose caffeine as an example because I think that it's completely nontrivial to calculate. The physical pathways of things like "well this makes that molecule do this and have some x% chance to mutate and so on and so you get cancer", or the statistical output of "well people in the coffee cohort have % higher rates of this cancer" are much easier to accurately study than things like "if you drink coffee you are 3% more likely to get into law school and therefore become significantly wealthier and probably live a longer/healthier life and we can measure that impact precisely".

It's also not at all obvious that lifespan above all else is the thing to maximise. e.g. maybe red meat reduces lifespan but makes your 20s-60s more fun because you're likely to be more muscular or whatever.

My personal feeling is that aside from really really bad things like smoking, heavy alcohol use, heroin etc the error bars are too large to make decisions purely on long-term health impact alone.

>The point being that new stuff isn’t just competing with new stuff but also old stuff.

I think that this will become a bigger and bigger problem for the games industry.

While movies, TV shows, literature, and music are always expressions of a particular time/culture/generation, games are usually much more universal.

E.g. young people today find Friends more problematic than funny, but have no problem enjoying Mario Kart.

From the excellent 1913 Webster's dictionary:

Vo-ca′tion (vō̍-kā′shŭn), noun [L. vocatio a bidding, invitation, fr. vocare to call, fr. vox, vocis, voice: cf. F. vocation. See Vocal.]

1. A call; a summons; a citation; especially, a designation or appointment to a particular state, business, or profession.

2. Destined or appropriate employment; calling; occupation; trade; business; profession.

3. (Theol.) A calling by the will of God. Specifically: –

(a) The bestowment of God’s distinguishing grace upon a person or nation, by which that person or nation is put in the way of salvation; as, the vocation of the Jews under the old dispensation, and of the Gentiles under the gospel.

(b) A call to special religious work, as to the ministry.

Well with Factorio Space Age I'm hooked for a long time. New DLCs coming for AoE II too, one dropped recently for Wargame Red Dragon, they're really nice to keep "old" game even more relevant than they were. Also remasters when they are well made like the Red Alert one.

For reference, Sebastian Thrun led the Stanford team that won the Darpa (self driving car) Grand Challenge in 2005, and then joined Google to lead Waymo (then called the Google Self-Driving Car Project), among other accomplishments.

Interesting; I have never craved vegetables or fruits after a strength training workout. Only anything high in protein. Eggs, red meat, chicken, whatever.

The idea behind semantic entropy (estimating entropy of distribution over semantic units, instead of individual sequences in the output space) is great, but it's somewhat naive in the sense that it considers these semantic units to be well-defined partitions of output space. There is further generalization of this approach [1] which performs soft clustering of sampled outputs based on a similar notion of semantic equivalence between them.

But even with this in mind, there are caveats. We have recently published [2] a comprehensive benchmark of SOTA approaches to estimating uncertainty of LLMs, and have reported while in many cases these semantic-aware methods do perform very well, in other tasks simple baselines, like average entropy over token distributions, performs on par or better than complex techniques.

We have also developed an open-source python library [3] (which is still in early development) that offers implementations of all modern UE techniques applicable to LLMs, and allows easy benchmarking of uncertainty estimation methods as well as estimating output uncertainty for deployed models in production.

[1] https://arxiv.org/abs/2307.01379

[2] https://arxiv.org/abs/2406.15627

[3] https://github.com/IINemo/lm-polygraph

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