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Google terminated our business via our Google Play Developer Account (usejournal.com)
1668 points by jacquesm on Feb 9, 2019 | hide | past | favorite | 498 comments

The question I always have with this stuff is this:

To attract developers, these platforms make some promises. A "review" process for supposed violations of TOS causing cancellations is always among them. But to me these "reviews" always seem either completely faked or some version of a lowest-level employee simply restating that the algo has made its choice and they are powerless.

More incriminating is that every time a story starts to go viral, it seems a higher-up jumps in and instantly fixes it. (i.e. they can deliver a "real" review if they want to)

Since you paid them money (which they never refund) and they promised you an actual review if something goes wrong (which they never seem to actually deliver)...How is this any different than selling a counterfeit product? Isn't this legally actionable fraud?

When dealing with a bureaucracy (ie, not Google specific) a "review" might not mean "reconsider the issue" instead meaning "check the process was followed".

In an extreme example, lets say that a bureaucrat takes an action because they have an unreasonable personal dislike of something. A bureaucratic review of the situation will confirm that the person had authority to act as they did then close the case. The reasoning behind the decision may not be examined at all in the review.

A symptom of things getting bad is that reviews will never seem to achieve anything, because a bureaucracy won't take unauthorised action, so any action is by definition going to pass a review. Very frustrating to deal with that sort of system. This sort of thinking is so screwy that it makes sense for the reviewer to report directly to the original decision maker, because the reviewer isn't supposed to challenge the decision, they are supposed to make sure that the decision was made by the person they report to!

I like it.

roenxi's law: "In any sufficiently advanced bureaucracy, all oversight degrades to tautology".

We did it therefore it was right otherwise we wouldn't have done it. Case closed.

There's also a riff on Arthur C. Clarke's law. Any sufficiently complex or opaque system of control is indistinguishable from tyranny.

What we see over and over with tech cases like this is 1) We can't tell you exactly how we figure stuff out because then you'd game it, 2) Things happen based on actions and associations you don't realize are important

This is effectively having somebody show up at your house at random times and punch you in the face.

But, we are told, it's all for the greater good. I don't doubt that the averages work out -- more good is done than evil. I do, however, doubt that such over-generalizing is so much for the greater good as it is for the bottom lines of the tech companies involved.

So says you. This is what the ToS say:

Google may terminate this Agreement with You for any reason with thirty (30) days' prior written notice. In addition, Google may, at any time, immediately suspend or terminate this Agreement with You if: (a) You have breached any provision of this Agreement, any non-disclosure agreement or other agreement relating to Google Play or the Android platform; (b) Google is required to do so by law; (c) You cease to be an authorised developer, a developer in good standing, or are barred from using Android software; or (d) Google decides to no longer provide Google Play.


Caprices of TOS details, reviews, algorithms, service quality, or whatever are not the real problem. The real problem is when you can't reasonably choose to do business with someone else and move on, as they are free to do with you.

Network effects are causing more and more important things to both expand into great significance and to be dominated by a single company (or pair of gatekeepers, both of whom must be appeased, as in the phone platform.) Your business can be utterly wiped out with no realistic recourse by any of a thousand actions that could be taken at any time by the giant, like an elephant stepping on an ant.

I'm afraid that the only real recourse is to have certain anticompetitive regulations automatically kick in once a business rises above a certain percentage control of access to some market or medium that has become significant. They lose the ability to unilaterally ban, for example, except in narrow cases involving fraud or suspected criminal activity, which will eventually have to be proved to some official. If they fail to prove it, the official will order compensation without the banned party having to fight the giant's lawyers.

The real problem is when you can't reasonably choose to do business with someone else and move on, as they are free to do with you.

Something I learned the hard way when I first started out in business is to never make your business dependent on a single entity.

Whether it's a supplier, or a publisher, or a telco, or whatever. They are all single points of failure, and unless you're a huge business, one failure can be all that's needed to take you down, too.

Yes, Google Play is effectively the only way to publish an Android program. But it's also a single point of failure, which is why until there is no longer a mobile program duopoly, I don't invest in app companies.

That is precisely the problem with the current landscape for online businesses. Nearly every step of the way there is a single entity that you need to work with, or you are toast.

The biggest one lately comes down to marketplaces and payment processing. For example, if you are running a business selling a physical product, and you are banned from:

- Amazon

- PayPal

Your business is dead. It usually comes down to exposure and payment processing. Some businesses can gain exposure through a variety of channels. But most businesses get the majority of their customers through a small list of channels. That can be Facebook Ads, SEO, Forums, etc.

If you wake up one day and Google de-lists you from organic search, and the majority of your traffic was from SEO, you're dead. You can try refocusing and investing in other channels, but the majority of your potential new customers probably use one or two channels to find your service. So unless you are the only person offering said service, they'll just go to a competitor.

These companies like Amazon, Google, Paypal, Facebook, Apple have become gatekeepers. Try and do any type of e-commerce without using the above services. Good luck buddy!

Many businesses boil down to 1-3 of the above. Losing access to one can be all it takes to go from a highly successful company to a doomed company. And these services will ban you on ToS violations, without ever explaining what part of the ToS you violated. The implication from such a ban is that your business, your livelihood, your life's pursuit is instantly crippled or dead. The implication to them is nothing.

Do you avoid companies that take only Master/Visa who are happy to prevent certain businesses receiving payment?

All internet business that needs Google search to get visits? 5% bing doesn't really cut it.

I mean it's easy to say and believe that you should avoid those single points of failure, but the real, practical landscape often includes many of them.

GP stated they avoid investing in them. i.e. the risk profile doesn't align with their I vestment strategy.

What you're bringing up is kind of obvious but also irrelevant.

I'd ask what businesses do they invest in and figure out if those businesses are really less risky. I would posit they are probably not. The risk of having amazon Google or apple being a single point of failure is abysmally small compared to all the other risks out there.

Hardly irrelevant as if that's the strategy, you're going to be left with few businesses to start or invest in. From a practical point of view even a single office site may be such a single point of failure.

There are many practical single or narrow points of failure a bootstrapped startup or small business may encounter. The real risk to most starting out business is being seen as irrelevant - by the potential customers or search, whether app store or Google.

> Something I learned the hard way when I first started out in business is to never make your business dependent on a single entity.

Seems impossible. Assuming you're an internet business, how did you make your business not dependent upon your domain registrar?

Typically, a registrar is not irreplaceable. They could terminate your account so you'd have to transfer to another registrar, but unless their TOS says they can seize your domain they shouldn't be able to completely block you. Even then you have the ability to sue then if they break the contract terms.

This is in contrast to the app store gatekeepers, where there are effectively two, each serving a non-overlapping chuck of market, and you can't shop around for better terms or an alternative.

Not an ideal situation if something happens with your registrar, of course, but at least there is some possible recourse. The risk of this leading to your business closing is significantly lower.

how did you make your business not dependent upon your domain registrar?

It wasn't an internet business, so I didn't have to deal with those kinds of perils.

But more to your point, I knew a guy who put one on .com, one on .info, one on a county tld. Advertising material rotated through the three. His logic was that it didn't really matter what address was advertised because people just hit a search engine for the brand name. I haven't spoken to him in years, so I don't know how it worked out.

Seems effective, but I assume he took a huge SEO penalty, possibly without being aware of it. The search relevance of the site got divided by all the domains.

Google at least is smart enough to identify alias domains, and you can even tell it how to behave in the search console

> Advertising material rotated through the three. His logic was that it didn't really matter what address was advertised because people just hit a search engine for the brand name.

This is a great idea, thanks for sharing

I can't remember the exact details of the story I read here on HN, but there was a case of some SaaS company that had this exact issue. Fortunately they were able to spread the word to temporarily use a backup domain on a different registrar via social media until the issue was resolved.

If anyone reading this remembers that story, I would very much appreciate a link.

It was Zoho. Their registrar took down their main domain after a few phishing reports.


I don't have a link, but pretty sure it was Zoho

Jotform & Zoho had similar issues in the past.

Out of the myriad registrars, you can pick a good one, or at least one that lets you transfer out easily.

I agree, but this is the equivalent of choosing not to walk through dangerous neighborhoods. At a personal level, where you don't make the world but have to deal with reality as it is, this is wise if you have the option. Save yourself if you can. But at the same time, you should also support policy changes that you believe will make the dangerous neighborhoods safe. Save others, too, if you can. Anything that makes a neighborhood "dangerous" should be removed as long as it's not simply replaced by something equally dangerous.

If a market or medium is too dangerous to enter because there is no realistic alternative to submitting to the 800-lb gorilla, the gorilla's ability to threaten rather than compete must be eliminated.

Most media companies effectively have this as a single point of failure: Google Search. And, it's not from lack of trying to diversify. Countless businesses must depend on it, espcially media and content based businesses. I of some very large media companies in existance for over 10 years, and they still get over 50% of their traffic directly from Google. If google decided to ban them, their multi-million dollar business would dissappear almost overnight.

> I'm afraid that the only real recourse is to have certain anticompetitive regulations automatically kick in once a business rises above a certain percentage control of access to some market or medium that has become significant.

Companies like to say they're providing a "platform"; maybe it's time for that to become a legally recognized concept.

There's a difference between "a platform" and "the platform."

Sounds like you’d like to see Google classified as a class II common carrier...

I wonder - how big does a company have to become before a society steps in and says "you have enough power to control and affect the lives of X% of our citizens. Therefore, we must have a say in how you conduct your affairs." I mean, this is for all intents and purposes what regulation is - and the reason for it. Otherwise, set aside the very idea of government as a farce, and populate the world with a dystopian patchwork of private corporations that behave like nations.

This of course can never be true for mom-and-pop. But hell yes it is true for Google.

I think it isn't even a matter of bigness per say but of monopoly essentially. Your local water company can't decide to just jack up prices to $2500/gallon because they have an exploitable monopoly position.

Meanwhile say GE could be very huge and produce 50% of lightbulbs but if they decided to be grossly unreasonable people could just stop buying lightbulbs from alternatives. Now if they had created their own bulb-socket standards and enforced them so that only they could produce bulbs that fit into the socket then there would definitely be an abuse of monopoly standard and ample grounds to argue "No you abused the patent and it will go into public domain now as part of the punishment.".

Exactly. It's always been the same bargain as with government.

'We the people / customers / market recognize that it's in our interests for your functions to be centralized (whether through functional necessity, efficiency, etc), however, in return for our granting you a monopoly we demand some say in how you run your affairs.'

The alternative should be, if Google isn't willing to accept that, then they deserve a lot harsher anti-competitive regulation. The GDPR would be the tip of the iceberg, and would continue into preventing their leveraging their size and customer knowledge into new related industries.

Would that be so wrong?

Yes - they're a private company, albeit unfair in this particular instance.

Almost all title II common carriers are private companies.

I can't believe the down-voting for suggesting Google - clearly NOT a provider of essential infrastructure like phone lines or internet connectivity - NOT be classified a class II common carrier!

In what universe are companies like Google, Apple, ... classifiable as class II common carriers? On what grounds?

Hell yes!

The first real recourse is not to invest your money or time in such an institution in the first place. It is foolhearty to ignore researching your busniess partners and I don't, for a minute, think these people failed to do so; they're just trying to recoup their money at this point.

Nobody is forcing you to use google products, and they are not a replacement for the real security in a business of loyal customers and employee's anyway. Why anyone ever consider investing in making apps for a phone given the way the market is today I will never understand.

Your second real recourse, if you can't get away from them and at that point this becomes a responsability, is to resist or fight them. In this case, getting some capital together and filing a class-action lawsuit. Another way to resist; make an app that roots the phone and poisions the data-brokers well by feeding them garbage information in a way that is impossible to effectively filter. Charge $5 a year, update the phone like antivirus updates it, have teams that work on popular vs unpopular apps, and before launching a campaign against a large app or investment firms, short the companies stock for added revenue. Invest in breaking the model of a closed ecosystem, which is required for all this spyware and for abusive EULA's to actually work right in the first place.

And when you do those sorts of things, you create a ruckus, and plenty of economic damage. That tends to draw the ire of law enforcement and government, and you will find that is the most effective way to demand new regulations. In politics, its only when you hit critical mass that change occurs.

And the final recourse, which is also a responsability that nobody likes to talk about. Their business addresses of them and their executive management can be found, and there are 17 guns per man women and child in the USA for a very good reason. You really have to fail as a society for violence to be justified and to be the only effective measure; arguably right now we're failing pretty hard if the fertility rates and life expectancy statistics are any measure. Google might not be responsable for that, but they are part of the symptom of a disease.

One could say the moment Google decided instant search was a requirement and began putting people in a bubble so effective that the only way to really survive was to decide free news is fake news. That at that moment violence became inevitable. I certainly hope it isn't.

But it is going to require people begin acting like grown-ups and taking some risks to avoid that. You'd do well to remember that.

or, of course, stop developing apps. If this is actually a common problem for app developers, then few people will go into this business, and the supply of apps will drop. That will then tell Google/Apple that this is actually a problem that they need to deal with.

All businesses have risks. At least these risks you know about beforehand (a <1% chance that your app developer has been shady in past and will get your account banned). This is actually a pretty small risk compared to the >99% chance that the app will sink like a stone in the sea of apps available, never to be seen again, along with every penny invested in it.

The app stores are swamped with apps. Every single one of those apps was some person's dream that they spent significant time/money/effort on - building an app and getting it on the store is not a trivial undertaking. The overwhelmingly vast majority of those apps will never make a cent for their creators.

From Google's perspective, one less app on their app store at this point is probably a good thing.

From the OP's perspective, unless they're seeing significant revenue from the iOS version, writing the whole thing off as a sunk cost and walking away is probably the best plan. Which is ridiculous, I know, but logically true.

> Google may terminate this Agreement with You for any reason with thirty (30) days' prior written notice.

The irony's that the mentioned notice was sent to the junk folder by Gmail. (I'm assuming Gmail from the screenshots)

I see this all the time. Legit mail from Google gets stopped by Googles own spam filters on our Corp google apps account. But clearly forged phishing emails purporting to be from our CEO (sent “from” their email address but not from Googles own servers when we use Google apps and have DKIM/SPF setup) gets through to the inboxes.

I just found my Google support chat transcript in my spam folder on Gmail.

If they specially whitelisted themselves it would raise antitrust issues.

System messages getting through the spam filter isn't an antitrust issue, they're not marketing or competition or sales. In this case it's a 'your account is about to be terminated' message which absolutely should not be getting sent into the spam bin, that's actively harmful to your business.

Imagine if the gmail spam bin was eating important renewal notifications and business notices for a company that competes with google, would it still be anti-competitive for Google to make sure gmail's spam filter works right?

The problem is that Google might be sending those emails in a way that activates the spam filters on other email providers.

So if the message is "use Gmail or otherwise you can lose important messages from Google and then your business gets screwed" ... that's definitely an anti-trust issue.

That said, they should definitely fix this issue.

Adding DMARC would put a stop to that.

There are varios ways a ToS may be not applicable depending on the jurisdiction. In this case considering the monopoly position of Google here I doubt they can terminate an account that is equivalent to market access for any reason in the EU

You are quite right about that. I guess the question is, can they very publicly offer a review process which is essentially a functionless placebo button or is that misleading enough to subject them to any liability at all?

This agreement requires 30 days notice if your agreement is not terminated for breach of terms. So in the case that you have a dispute, they could in fact be in breach of the terms without that 30 days notice. E.g. They can't just say "we don't want to do business with you anymore starting now," at least from this clause.

They could presumably argue that they close your account today, but the agreement is terminated 30 days in the future.

Disclaiming liability is not an excuse for treating your customers poorly.

Google’s customers are advertisers, not app developers.

Google took money from the developer in exchange for the performance of a service. The developer is a customer of Google's.

I believe the point parent was trying to make is that advertisers are more valuable customers while app developers, as customers, are expendable.

Those app developers who have been dutifully paying fees to Google may be surprised to discover that they are somehow not also paying customers...

Ancillary customers that Google throws some crumbs to, not the raison d'être of the enterprise.

They have collected billions from developers via their 30% commission on sales and IAPs on their app store, plus the massive volume of advertisements shown in their customers apps for which their split is much more than 30%. Many developers are paying thousands or more a month to Google.

Google's customers include advertisers, and they include people paying them for hosting, and people paying them to buy apps, and people paying them to publish apps, people paying them for online services, people buying their hardware, etc.


Their revenue last year was 136 billions. Even if we charitable assume app developers spend 10 billions per annum in aggregate, that's only 10%. Ancillary revenue.

Android alone accounted for $31b revenue in 2016, according to Oracle, of which $22b was purportedly profit just for 2016. Excluding Android's contribution to their advertising ecosystem, which is another chunk of that $136 billion you mention. That's far more than 10% of their gross profit, but even if it was less why would that absolve Google of responsibility? The % doesn't create the customer the transactions do.


Wait. I'm reading that differently.

I read it as saying $31 billion in revenue since Android was released, not in 2016 alone. That was more than 10 years ago.

And of that $31 billion, $22 billion is profit.

Finally, a lot of that revenue came from payments made to Google by handset operators, not app developer fees.

It's probably wrong, just something internal Oracle leaked on a topic without much transparency. But even if all Google ever made was the $25 one-time fee all Play Store developers have paid they meet the criteria to be customers.

It's got to be about 2 decades since only advertisers gave Google money in exchange for goods and services, since then there are dozens of ways to be their customer.

> Play Store developers have paid they meet the criteria to be customers.

totally agree. Google has a lot of customers and it seems like a lot of them receive mediocre or poor service, especially app developers.

then again, i've seen other HN posts state that corporate customers also receive mediocre service from Google.

I'm extremely sympathetic with Mark. And Google's support for its ~free services is indeed cursory.

Sure, one possible lesson is not making your business dependent on such third parties. But if your business involves an app, you're pretty much stuck being dependent on Google and Apple. I mean, ask Facebook about that. And amusingly, Google re Apple ;)

The key lesson here, I think, is the importance of vetting any consultants, developers, etc that you use. In particular, the importance of vetting their reputations with Google and Apple.

And indeed, maybe it's best to isolate consultants, developers, etc from Google and Apple. They do work for you, and then you interact with Google and Apple. And you make sure that everything gets sanitized, in the process. That would protect businesses, consultants, and developers from each other regarding their reputations with Google and Apple.

For many years, I did work for attorneys. But I never submitted anything directly to any court, opposing counsel, or whatever. And I was careful to wipe my identity from any electronic files that would be submitted.

Have those TOS been validated through the courts?

They’re just torts, so yes

There's no such thing as a terms of service that gets you out of openly commiting fraud.

The issue isn't the ToS. It's fighting Google in court. If fraud is occuring, the ToS will not actually protect you.

You want to know what's keeping Jack Dorsey and Sundar Pichai up at night right now? They both recently openly lied to Congress and can be put in prison at any time for it. A powerful congressperson merely has to decide to act on it. Dorsey has begun walking back Twitter's aggressive deplatforming against the political rightwing because he's scared now, he knows they can get him on lying to Congress. They can get anyone on lying to Congress, all they have to do is get you to testify extensively, then you're fucked. It's why Google didn't want to send their CEO to testify.

The only way to deal with a corporation as powerful as Google is to get their executives in front of Congress or on record in front of federal agents and pin them to the wall. Once they've testified enough under oath, they're effectively in a permanent minefield. They have to be very careful with all related business practices after that.

That works when you have a hot political issue, like election tampering. I doubt it's possible to scare up enough attention for app store bans. The only recourse there is to pursue it in court and or hope some state AG will jump on board.

What lies did Pichai tell Congress?

Ha, like the state cares about anyone but themselves. :)

>Isn't this legally actionable fraud?

Does it matter if it is? B2B lawsuits only get down to the actual law if the parties have a relatively equal amount of money. A small or medium business going after google _after google has shut off their revenue_ is not going to ever win

Why not? If you take them to court over this they would have to at least send a representative and that costs money - in a case like this they would almost definitely tell the engineering team to fix this specific case. Especially since this is in the UK so if Google lost they would be liable for the process fees. Maybe even small claims court would be enough, and that's 100% not worth sending a lawyer for.

I'm nowhere close to a lawyer and law is always a head-scratcher for me, but I'd hope that if that theory held even the slightest amount of legal water, a letter for your lawyer to their legal team might be enough to nudge them to fix your account and that'd be the end of it.

That's basically how it works. It costs you very little(couple hundred £ at most) to ask a lawyer to craft a letter to send to Google legal team saying they have to resolve the issue for you within 14 days or you will be taking them to court. And if there's one thing that's absolutely certain is that Google's law team's time is way more expensive than whatever lawyer you found to write a letter or two is going to charge you . So yes, they can write back telling you to fuck off. But they will know that if you do file a case against them, they will have to send someone to court - and that's going to cost them a lot more than just fixing the stupid issue.

No, Google sends a "litigation paralegal" to small claims court. But you will eventually lose:



Because any other approach would be game-theoretic suicide. If it became common knowledge that you could threaten to sue Google to get special treatment, that's exactly what everyone would do in every situation where some kind of special treatment was desired. The special treatment would no longer be special; it would be the normal treatment. And so the typical costs associated with handling developers detected as fraudulent by automated defenses would skyrocket. Somebody would have to pay for that, either the shareholders (lol, not likely), or non-fraudulent developers, in the form of handling fees.

Write a letter in plain language yourself, and escalate, escalate, escalate, then them being represented by a paralegal drone will begin to bite them.

Another advice: have 1 account per project, invariably of what their tos say.

> Google's law team's time is way more expensive than whatever lawyer you found to write a letter or two is going to charge you.

The reality of it is that the legal team is a sunken cost to the company. They hire or retain lawyers for whatever's going to happen anyway.

If your theory here was true, why does every small business who gets in this situation get stuck with no recourse when its just a few hundred to fix the problem?

Yes, Google could likely not handle the legal costs if everyone went after them in court. Much like prosecutors in the US, what Google does is go hard on anyone who tries to defend themselves legally. At the point the calculus a small business has to make is if its worth it to try and get a remedy in court when Google will make sure to push back as hard as possible and likely destroy your business.

Do you have some examples of Google doing that?

(Honest question. I would remember it if I'd heard about that happening, but I might very well not hear about it in the first place.)

I'd expect Google to be devious enough to say "as a gesture of good will we'll pay your legal fees if you sign this NDA".

FWIW, this isn't Google going "hard" on someone. Rather, it's just Google defending themselves under the law, as you would expect.

No, this article illustrates that Google took the effort disproportionate to the judgement amount. That means going hard.

OK. Under this definition of "going hard," literally all companies will "go hard" to defend themselves against incorrect small claims suits. The alternative is to always pay anyone who sues you for $100, since the effort of defending any individual suit in that amount will always be greater than the amount of the potential judgment. Of course, you can't do that, because then more people will start suing you for $100, seeing as you're just giving away money for the asking.

Personally I think that a definition of "going hard" that encompasses the behavior of all actors in a space is absurd. But you're free to interpret those words how you wish.

Have you considered that perhaps a better alternative is to act in ways that don't make customers feel they need to sue you for redress?

Everything is tradeoffs. I think Google's stance is probably near optimal for what they are trying to do, even if there are errors from time to time.

Would a class action work here?

Or Google might realize acquiescing to every small legal request might become untenable and create a policy of only giving in to well-funded threats.

That's why you buy a lawyer to craft the letter - so it looks indistinguishable from threats with actual funding behind it.

Let's imagine for argument's sake that there's a developer account team inside Google which could pull the relevant machine levers and reinstate OP's account. OP has already talked to developer relations support managers who have proven to be unable to get the developer account team to comply. Why should a Google legal team be more successful than a developer relations support manager at getting the developer account team to comply, when Legal is almost certainly laterally farther away inside Google?

Ultimately, in-house counsel at an org the size of Google is tasked with making the problem go away. It's easier to do that by burying the opposition in machine-generated paperwork than it is to convince people laterally far away in your org to comply. As a small business, you can't afford to pay for lawyers to deal with all the paperwork, so the bigger side (Google) always wins.

You're correct if the case has any amount of complexity to it. This case does not. So unless they actually commit to it, the chances are very decent that the court will ask "yeah Google, why did you take this person's money and then closed their account? Unless you provide extremely compelling evidence for a good reason to close it, I'm going to order you to reopen that account".

You can't bury a small claims court in paperwork - that's by design. And like others have suggested, if you write the letter in plain language, stating that they should at least look over your case again or it will be taken as bad will by the court, then the legal team might request that this information be provided by the engineering team - who will in turn say ok yeah, this is bollocks. Or they might not and he will lose. Either way, I would at least send a letter indicating such intention.

> small claims court would be enough, and that's 100% not worth sending a lawyer for.

I think the UK is like the US, and you have to represent yourself in small claims (to avoid wasting the court’s time). A county judge would probably find in the claimant’s favour in 2 seconds if you sent a solicitor…

we need more of the Max Schrems type in Tech. I wonder what a lawyer that moved into software / Tech or vice versa could achieve. I wouldn't underestimate the havoc "little men" can reach

Where does Google promise that review process? The sign-up flow for a developer account doesn't appear to mention anything like it.

Even if they did, fraud is a high barrier, it sometimes producing "bad" results that are reversed for PR reasons isn't enough. Given the case here, "A human has looked at the account and has confirmed that the only developer that has ever used it has been banned, this matches the criteria for banning the account" would be a review. (If they really gave the app developers the credentials to the account, that alone might be a violation of the rules? But I don't know how the Play Store backend works in detail)

Businesses treating businesses badly aren't that easy to reign in.

avip actually responded similarly below actually citing the relevant section of the TOS but got downvoted? Don't know why, this is perfectly valid.

I'd simply ask, can they very publicly offer a review process which is essentially a functionless placebo button or is that misleading enough to subject them to any liability at all?

I doubt it's actually functionless, but it's not a "please reconsider your decision", but only "please check you haven't made an error" they probably expect everyone to hit, and treat it as such.

I guess it boils down to if anything is actually checked, ever, or if its just a glorified autoresponder. The always super-vague nature of the responses does not fill me with confidence as to the former.

The problem here is lack of evidence and availability bias makes the decision process look terrible, without giving us enough evidence to be confident about that conclusion.

If a decision is appealed and reversed, would we hear about it? If the employee did a proper review and concluded that, yeah, it's legit, for reasons we would agree with, how would we know from only hearing the other side of the story?

This is why actual judicial systems are more transparent. Cases are tried mostly in public. Judges write justifications for their decisions. This allows us on the outside to review what they're doing and understand how it works.

But, the downside is that it's slow, expensive, and there is rarely any privacy.

No, it's not fraud. A key element of fraud (civil and criminal) is that the accused knowingly misled, and to prove that you'd need to prove that there is no reasonable interpretation of what they said that they could have believed was true.

With Google they offer enough data points to analyze for just such intent. In the absence of intent fraud is out of the question, but a jury might be convinced that a persistent pattern of incompetence which is brought to Google’s attention again and again without change meets the bar of fraud, especially in a civil court with the mere preponderance of the evidence standard. The post-banning behavior of automated responses and refusal to escalate customer service calls won’t help them either. As in the case of MS back in the day, it can seem like the law is just disinterested, but the law is merely unbelievably slow and equally inevitable. The day some prosecutors can make a career out of taking on Google, they will, and by then Google will be fully on the wrong side of public opinion.

Prosecutors don't make civil cases. I mean, all this is silly, but start there.

That second half of my post was not in relation to a civil case, which I think was painfully obvious given the reference to MS. Did you really misunderstand?

As in the case of MS back in the day, it can seem like the law is just disinterested, but the law is merely unbelievably slow and equally inevitable. The day some prosecutors can make a career out of taking on Google, they will, and by then Google will be fully on the wrong side of public opinion.

That is pretty damned unambiguous, unless you found as in the case of MS... confusing. If you want to explain what you found “silly” I’m open to reading your perspective of course.

I don’t know about the Google Play process but the App Store review process has been worthwhile. I’ve had many phone calls with them over the years detailing specific changes which need to be made to conform to policy. They are definitely not “low-level” employees but they are also not technically proficient. They are policy enforcers.

I’ve also had reviewers push for internal change on my behalf when policy seems poorly applied.

One specific example I can give is I had a link to my website in a game made for kids. They asked me to put a parental lock on tapping the link (e.g “ask your parents to enter the code” type thing). That was a really good addition.

That’s actually good advice, bur doesn’t appear to be applied to mist kids apps. All apps that I’ve come across have been litterd with ads placed in such a way to increase the possibility of the kid accidentally clicking on them. A dark grey UX pattern.

Yeah it disgusts me.

My oldest is going through apps almost entirely by jumping through ads which force you to install the next "free" game.

The reason Apple applied extra scrutiny to my app is because I checked the box indicating "Made for kids."

The review money is ridiculously small when compared to the investment they made.

I would assume if they could show that they depended on the promise made by the "supplier (google)" when they purchased the fraudulent good, the supplier would be liable for damages as well. Sort of like if I sold someone "aircraft grade aluminum" and then delivered compacted used soda cans and they actually did try to build a plane from it resulting in a crash.

That's assuming that someone associated with the developers actually did something wrong. For all we know, it could have been a mistake, a misinterpretation of some activity by Google's algorithms etc. - we'll never know because the lack of transparency gives Google advantage, and they're not legally required to provide any information on that.

That's why I think it's in the best interests of everyone to support alternatives like Librem, so that no single entity can make such kind of decisions.

Same thing happened to me on PayPal when I reported a fraudulent transaction. Automated process said nope it’s not fraudulent and I was unable to appeal this.

It wasn’t until a few times contacting them and DMing their support team on twitter that I was able to force an actual person to look at the obviously fraudulent transaction and fix it up instantly.

The algorithms suck, if I say someone took money from my account with an email and name that I’ve never seen before then you can’t just say nope not fraudulent!

There is a very simple solution to this mess which both Apple and Google have created through they duopoly.

Any business that is profitable and employing many people but has single point of failure with Play Store can solve this problem by giving Google some money for a more detailed review with an option to submit additional evidence. Say company X gives Google $10K to do this extended review. If the party wins, Google returns the money and reinstates the account else Google keeps the money.

Secondly, a private arbitrage company which may be setup by all big players in the game that can further review the whole process and provide a neutral view of the whether the ban was warranted or not.

I have advocated with most of these large companies to come together and form an open Privacy Working Group which will advice all companies to adopt privacy standards and also help evolve those standards by a widespread industry participation. If we could do it for HTML, Javascript and Web Standards we can do it for Privacy as well. This will also pre-empt government's heavy handed approach to force these giants to adopt standards that might be completely arbitrary like GDPR.

I had an app attached to a service which required sign in to do anything on the Apple store for 4 years, and according to our metrics no one ever signed into the App Store review account you’re required to set up, which definitely backs up your theory that they’re at least sometimes just doing an automated scan of your app and hitting a button.

I think recourse to Google's behavior, has to be through appeal to mobile operators.

it is not just google that makes promises or benefits from positive user experience, availability of options to end users and so on.

It really seems publicly shaming corporations is the only way to get justice in this new digital world. That's not the way justice is supposed to work.

Not sure what you mean by "attract developers". Attract implies competition, but when a startup releases an app, there's no choice but submit it to the Play Store, due to its 80% smartphone market share.

> How is this any different than selling a counterfeit product? Isn't this legally actionable fraud?

They are just selling you a low-quality product. You are free not to buy it.

I note from the mention of £25k that you're probably in the UK.

If you don't mind burning fifty quid or so, you might find it satisfying to use the small claims process to issue for a sensible (not super-inflated) estimate of damages. The below is not legal advice, but is written from personal experience.

Try to leave a clear paper trail of your reasonableness: send a clear notice before action with a reasonable time limit for reply, offering to settle for the estimated damages or reinstatement of your account. After this time expires, you can file a claim online.

There are then three cases to consider:

1. Google settle immediately in response to your notice before action, either with damages or another action that satisfies you.

2. You file and Google fail to turn up at the resulting hearing. You will get default judgement and should be able to add your court fee to the judgement against them given your offer in the notice before action.

3. You file, Google oppose and send representation. Assume they win with probability 1. You are down a court fee and your time to turn up and sit round the table. They've been forced to engage properly with you and the judge to ensure they take your complaint seriously, and you've had as good chance as you'll get to argue that their behaviour and/or terms are unreasonable. Their costs will be substantial and the rules do not allow them to recover them from a non-vexatious claimant...

Assume they win with probability 1

I would not assign that probability at all. The small claims system is actually designed to be fair! Going in all lawyered up is more likely to raise eyebrows and could be counter productive. The whole point is a quick and easy process with the minimum of fuss. You present your argument and they present theirs and a general test of reasonableness is applied. More Judge {Rinder|Judy} and less Rumpole of the Bailey.

Yes, sorry, that was badly written: it was intended as "this is what happens in the worst case" rather than "this is guaranteed to happen".

It is part of their ToS. Just because the ToS is a bit too liberal doesn't mean they broke any law.

But why would Google have to pay for any damages?

I spoke with a lawyer about this and looks like it won't work at all. From what I understand Google doesn't have any obligation to serve his app on the play store. Unless you can prove that they are a monopoly, but to do that it's very hard and you need a lot of investigation.

The point here is not that you will win if they defend it. The point here is that you will win if they don't, and at the very least cost them significant non-reclaimable money if they do.

> Their costs will be substantial and the rules do not allow them to recover them from a non-vexatious claimant...

Do the rules allow them to bring the question of whether the claimant is non-vexatious to litigation?

The first test in U.K. common law is whether or not the case has any merit; not a losing case, not mistaken, but without merit. The kind of case we’re typically talking about are either fraudulent, or completely bonkers, and that’s what this is meant to prevent. Second, the vexatious litigant is a serial offender, not just some fool who doesn’t understand how the courts are meant to work.

Someone claiming their livelihood was impinged on by termination of their accounts by Google, given said termination actually occurred and not in the context of a criminal enterprise won’t meet that standard. Not a chance. Now if you made dozens of accounts and sued over each one, or were a spammer, drug dealer, etc... that would probably annoy a judge.

I've been a claimant from time to time but am not a solicitor, so you'd need to ask a proper lawyer.

Nobody has even tried anything like that in any of my claims, it's deliberately a very high bar, but as far as I know, it'd be a decision you'd ask the judge to make at the end, in the same way you ask for your court fee when the respondent refused your offer to settle in the notice-before-action.

I sincerely hope you go that route (well, if you can't resolve the issue otherwise, of course), and if you do, please please please make a post about it later.

I actually just got my Google Ads account suspended because I forgot to update my billing address before adding a new card.

The suspension was for "suspicious billing activity", tried appealing twice with the correct billing address, and was told the suspension is final (some automated email) both times.

They won't take my calls because the account is suspended, which leaves me not being able to advertise on the #1 service to do so.

It's completely unacceptable, especially for a business in their position. One tiny mistake leads you to a lifetime of suspension to a service vital to almost any business.

I was also suspended.

- Having friends inside google does not help (I suppose at some level they can, but L5/L6 engineers aren't enough)

- Creating a new account with a different credit card does not help. Subsequent accounts they can link back to you will also be banned

- I haven't found a solution yet, except for keeping all of my new projects outside of google (no google analytics, no google search console (which obviously still allows your site to be indexed) no gsuite. That way if I never need google advertising, a co founder can pick it up and google has no way to trace the company back to me.

no gsuite is probably key - I'm thinking of terminating all my gsuite accounts simply due to no desire of having my business basically be terminated due to some stupid algorithms maintained by google's idiots.

Keep G Suite, but buy your own domain (whatever.com) so you are in total control. If they ban you, just change DNS records to point to zoho or some other provider.

> Keep G Suite

Why, so Google can pull the rug out from under me at the least opportune moment?

And lose all the emails and Google docs associated

This also requires maintaining decent backups of the gsuite emails, calendars, contacts, and drives that people are using.

Which is good practice anyway, just in case of an outage, or someone hacking your account, or whatever.

But I agree, too risky. Just stay away from Google. Cons outweigh the pros, for me personally. The only thing I used it for was sheets, docs and gmail. LibreOffice is more than adequate for me, and far better than the Google alternatives.

On the plus side, they are helping you remove your dependencies on Google! If you ever decide you’re done with them it’ll be easier to cut them out of your life.

When I was in college I ran a forum that got some decent traffic. I put Google Ads on my site and after a few months had enough money to pay for school books. I went to cash out and they suspended my account claiming click fraud and stole the money.

This is how google has always operated, and it's one of the reasons why their near monopoly on advertising is horrible for everyone.

This exact thing happened to me too. They claimed click fraud and terminated my account.

It was 10 years ago, and I have tried to make an appeal about it but always with the same response.

Exact same situation here. I don't need Google Ads so it doesn't really affect me, but I'm terrified that some day in the future it will come back and kick me in the ass somehow when some algorithm (sorry, "AI") decides that it has some significance so I get kicked out of email, YouTube, Maps, Google docs, etc

I also had my account suspended due to a failed payment method.

I was just exploring Google Places API to see if I could integrate it with a side project. The signup process claimed that it only needed a credit card to "prove that you're a financially capable human," which makes sense (and it also said that it would not charge your account until you gave it express permission), so I happily agreed. Despite this claim, Google apparently requires an active, chargeable card at all times, from account inception until you die. Failure to do so will result in terminating your account.

Whatever, let them terminate the account. Google's public favor is in a tailspin, and I can get the data I need from FourSquare at a fraction of the cost.

My google ads account has been suspended for 19 years. I'm still waiting for the results of my appeal...

Don't hold your breath, you're not the only one. They claimed I clicked on my own ads which was never the case, of course there is no way to appeal. They stole my money because yes, they still owe me money, these punks sent me a 25€ voucher to buy ads, like it solves anything.... I will never ever trust them or rely on any of their services like the Google Cloud Platform.

Google settled a case like yours for $11m on the grounds that it would be too expensive, after four years of fighting, to prove they didn't steal your money lol.


My wife's paypal account has been suspended for 10 years now, for some utterly ridiculous reason I've long forgotten. After a year of trying to persuade them to un-suspend it, we gave up.

We really need tech monopolies like Google to be regulated, in order to stop abuses like this.

They're regulated. The problem is that our threshold for bad monopolistic behavior is that customers suffer, and it can be damn hard to prove when it's indirect, like in this case - how much do customers suffer from not having access to the app in question? But even then, when you aggregate all that across the entire store, I'd say that there's that aspect as well.

Back when our anti-monopoly legislation was first introduced, that wasn't the case - monopolies were busted just as well because they did something anti-competitive, even if that was presented as benefiting their customers (and even if it really did, short term).


Google is regulated in many ways. It just got the fattest antitrust fine in EU history (read all about it https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=17556497).

No. They need to be broken apart so they arent so vital individually.

Regulation and anti-trust action are not mutually exclusive.

Regulation isn't a silver bullet. Maybe a little bit for certain things. But, You'll never be able to develop enough rules to make sure everyone is treated fairly.

the best way out of this is to educate users and start getting them to use other search products. we need more diversity of choice.

Google Play is not a monopoly! It takes one checkbox in Settings to open the floodgates to any app (or app store) you want, and device manufacturers (such as Amazon) can ship their own app stores pre-enabled if they want.

What percentage of android devices, in the world, have that box ticked?

Enough for Fortnite to get players on Android

I'd guess most of them, if you actually consider the whole world.

Probably not enough to matter, if you are only looking at the UK.

Actually, alternative app stores can make use of that as well. The installer app needs to be installed as a system app with proper permissions, and it will them be able to background install apps on demand just like Google play does. The F-Droid Privileged Extension[0] does just that. While you need to be rooted to add/register such apps, that's not a problem for device manufacturers.

[0] https://gitlab.com/fdroid/privileged-extension/

As of Oreo Google doesn't allow this for devices if they're to pass CTS without users jumping through multiple hoops first.

Oh, good point. I forgot about China.

If you open an APK it prompts you to go right to Settings and enable it. Actually easier than installing Firefox on a brand new Windows Surface, which requires an MS account to enable unknown app sources.

Correct me if I'm wrong but it's seem that technically 3rd party store can't do unattended upgrade while Google Play can.

Its actually no more single button. A button per apk source

Why is it an abuse for Google to arbitrarily deny you access to Google’s website?

Everyone has the right to revoke consent at any time.

Additionally, why do you believe Google is a monopoly, and in which line of business?

My colleague got banned for not using Google wallet instead of PayPal back when Google wallet was launched.

He is still banned today

> One tiny mistake leads you to a lifetime of suspension to a service vital to almost any business.

This really is where Google might be too big...

Since Google is such a force, and they don't have time to support or help people/companies lost in the algorithms, maybe competition is the only thing that can solve this because most companies are too small/medium for them to care.

Lots of these systems are probably well intentioned and risk averse by default, but in the end have too much influence on the market as a single point of failure.

Highly concentrated systems with single points of failure that fail on a large scale are bad, but even worse is highly concentrated systems that randomly get in an error loop but too small to correct, only here it is small/medium companies stuck in that algorithm purgatory vortex.

Why not open a new account, or release a new copy your app using a different namespace? I mean it is an inconvenience, but we aren't exactly as powerless as is described in the article.

It's probably trivial for Google to associate his new account with the old one. Nothing to hide, nothing to fear..

That just puts you back in the same position for relatively little effort. So it’s not like that’s a loss.

Unfortunately not, because it could succeed long enough for their business to get some success, hire people, have assets, debts, responsibilities, customers, and then Google cuts off their oxygen.

Of course, Google could do the same to ANY of us who end up depending on them. The only real solution is whatever makes you not significantly reliant on Google.

Any account they can connect with you also gets banned.

What if OP made a new company, and did an arms-length asset sale at fair market value of the old company's IP?

What makes you think google algorithms would care, or that any human would care to review the case ?

It's worth mentioning that GDPR gives people rights to allow them to appeal automated decisions, and receive a clear explanation of how the decision was made:


I'm not sure if it'll help for the author of the article, as Google's decision is clear, just their logic in unfair, and I assume they are talking about a business, not a personal, account.

>One tiny mistake leads you to a lifetime of suspension to a service vital to almost any business.

One sometimes needs a lawyer to deal with the complexity of government laws. It seems like soon there will be a small thriving job market for "googlawyers" -- people who will earn they bread and butter by getting through the Google's bureaucracy.

PS. Jokes aside, it's a sad state of things.

There are already "Amazon lawyers"!

It’s not hard to create a new account and get accepted again, hypothetically.

It sounds like the problem is with the outsourced developers responsible for the app. It's their account which has been banned - for multiple violations of the ToS. Now, perhaps this is just over-zealous enforcement on Google's part, but it's also possible that these developers have created shady apps before, or are adding shady code to apps developed for others.

The OP doesn't seem to know for certain what code is in their app. Is it possible that the outsourced developers they're using could have introduced dangerous code, and have a track record of doing so before? Nowhere in the post does it suggest that the author has contacted them to find out why their account is banned, which seems a little odd given how frustrated they have become with Google for banning them.

Google has the burden of proof to show why they are guilty by mere association, but won't do it, likely because they don't want to reveal any information about how they determine who is violating the ToS. There should be greater transparency and a better appeals process, but there won't be.

At the very least it doesn't seem that Google has thought of a better way to handle the scenario where an honest client relies upon a firm that has within it one bad actor, which seems kind of short-sighted given the heavy-handed nature of their policy - ban and delete someone else's work..

Look at it from the other perspective - if Google doesn't police the Play Store then users are put at risk. When bad actors are detected, they're banned. It sucks if you've hired one of these bad actors to do development work for you, but that can't trump the need for users to be protected from malicious code.

In an ideal world, code review of the app would reveal whether or not there's anything fishy going on. It doesn't seem like anyone has done this - not the OP, or Google. OP thinks their developers must be OK, and Google thinks (based on some past evidence) that they're not. This doesn't strike me as totally unreasonable on Google's part.

I’ve seen enough posts like this that end with the developers being reinstated to doubt google here. They need to provide actual humans as resources to developers and companies. They take a huge cut, they should provide the service.

But really we should move away from these app stores.


take a huge cut

Exactly. It seems there should be some certain legal "level of expectation" that they will act in good faith for 30% (I'm guessing- I don't use them).

But really we should move away from these app stores

Yep. Which is why I have to guess at the 30%.

I find this whole story very disturbing. I understand Google's need to protect their ecosystem from malicious code, and the desire to ban developers who try to do harm (although I suspect that the real bad actors find work-arounds for the bans), but I can't help thinking that this isn't the way a good (morally) company would behave.

I guess it points to way more developers out there than Google needs in order to have a vibrant ecosystem, so if they burn through some percentage it isn't worth their time. It makes me think of fishermen who fished ruthlessly and perhaps wastefully when the ocean harvest was plentiful. Years later, however, those fishermen face some dire times, with perhaps more ahead, because the harvest is more modest and future harvests are threatened.

I don't know if Google gets a huge cut now but they certainly didn't start that way. Originally when Android shipped Google took 30% but only got 5%, the other 25% went to the carrier. The fact that they only got 5% apparently meant they were barely covering costs.

That maybe have changed in the last 10 years but I don't think it has. The help on it says

> The remaining 30% goes to the distribution partner and operating fees.

In other words Google is not getting 30%


> But really we should move away from these app stores.


My carrier has nothing to do with which phone I chose and use, so I highly doubt it's true at least outside of the big US operators.

The problem here isn't that Google terminated the account (which seems reasonable, given the circumstances), but that's its essentially impossible to have it reinstated because there's no real appeals process.

Google does not seem bound by the burden of proof you describe. What evidence supports your claim?

They can do whatever they want but it's just a standard that I find valuable. That's my opinion, not a fact.

(For whatever it’s worth, I agree with your opinion, and wish it was legally binding upon them.)

>Google has the burden of proof

no they don't; this is not a trial.

The problem is, people would then use that information to evade bans.

I don't think you can - once you get banned, they run you through some automated thing which usually just tells you the decision is final, and you're banned for good. Then you CANNOT talk to someone. And if you do speak with a customer service rep that finds out you've been banned, they have to stop talking to you.

I had an account representative from google at some point. As soon as I was banned, all my calls were routed to voicemail automatically.

I’m assuming this means you were paying them as well?

No. I had just started and I was banned before my first billing cycle. The assign account managers to all new clients to help you get setup properly

I tried paying my outstanding balance (peanuts) but the system won't let you after you're banned

> Nowhere in the post does it suggest that the author has contacted them to find out why their account is banned

Which, to be fair, is by design. The article admits straight up that it's an attempt to get publicity and embarrass Google into reinstating the account. Giving a complete and forthright accounting cuts against that goal, they want to seem as sympathetic and innocent as possible.

And, to be fair, the iPhone set around here is eating it up. Pitchforks are sharpened, torches are lit and the march to the castle is underway.

As to the truth? We really have no idea. I think your theory sounds most plausible -- they hired someone scammy to write the app and Google happened to bring the banhammer down on them while this app was being launched.

I get where you're going, but Google has been guilty of similar egregious behavior in the past countless times. The testimony of so many people in this thread alone swings the case in OP's direction, not by virtue of evidence but by virtue of reputation

Yeah this makes sense. This one particular example seems fishy but when so many people have voiced their support it's clear something is really broken with Google's procedures. This kind of thing is always hard to deal with though it seems Google does have it worse than many other similar behemoths.

ding ding ding.

It seems to be the issue to me as well.

The analogy given in the article is wrong. It has nothing to do with incriminating you for your neighbors crimes.

I do realize it sucks for Mark but if the reason is indeed that these devs are suspended, the suspension of his app is perfectly understandable.

> suggest that the author has contacted them to find out why their account is banned

With how Google makes the appeal/review process opaque, they might not even know themselves.

Transparency is a major issue here, you cannot even defend yourself because you don't even have access to the "exhibits" or any other kind of details.

It might be but in that case they should have told them so. Not just "you are banned because of somebody else, sorry, good bye"

I'd love to see the source code of the uploaded app.

The owner most likely doesn't have them. If he had from the beginning none of this would've happened. Considering the publisher is the offshore developer, the owner would've gotten worse trouble than this in the future.

Knowing all these, I wouldn't touch their iOS app with a ten-foot-pole.

Google is such a joke. They need to get their heads out of their asses. Constant stories of bad support. Youtube is a complete horror show.

And I seriously question if their cloud offerings have actual product designers attached.

One great example:

If you are using Google CloudSQL, you are one command away from losing everything:

> gcloud sql instances delete prod-instance-name

When you delete a CloudSQL instance, it also deletes the back-ups associated with that instance along with it. So if you accidentally delete your production database: Your backups? Poof. Gone.

It says this in the fine print of the on-demand backups documentation: https://cloud.google.com/sql/docs/mysql/backup-recovery/back...

> They persist until you delete them or until their instance is deleted.

There is also no way to mark a CloudSQL instance as "protected" so one bad CLI command can lose you your production database and all backups.

In order to get an actual backup workflow that will not affect production traffic, you have to script your own database dumps.

For me, Google CloudSQL does not do enough to protect my production data from accidental deletion. I would argue it is unclear how your production backups are being handled. I would argue their product treats your production data and backups irresponsibly.

With RDS instances in AWS, it’s the same behavior: destroying a database instance removes all of the automated backups that were made. Make sure to take a final snapshot!

In just the last few months they've made it possible to preserve these snapshots after destroying the database: https://aws.amazon.com/about-aws/whats-new/2018/11/amazon-rd...

And there is also delete protection by default for new prod databases: https://aws.amazon.com/about-aws/whats-new/2018/09/amazon-rd...

TIL! Thank you!

> I had created a Google Developer Account simply so I could pass on the login details to my app developers who uploaded and updated the app via my account each time.

Sounds like one of those developers was previously banned for violating ToS and Google suspects the author is the same person with a new account trying to evade the ban. Instead of sharing login details, the correct thing to do is add a user and give them permission to upload. Not let them pretend to be you.

The situation sucks but Google's action seems reasonable? Like they can't just let people create new accounts to evade bans.

> The situation sucks but Google's action seems reasonable? Like they can't just let people create new accounts to evade bans.

It seems like the opposite of reasonable to me. You hit the nail on the head for _why_ this happened but this person now has _zero_ recourse for correcting their mistake.

Yes, they screwed up. They shouldn't have let them do it through their account. But now, because they screwed up, you're fine with the action that they can literally never be on the Google Play store ever again? The largest mobile store with the largest share of phones and you can't be on the store because of this?

Absolutely unacceptable.

> ... they can literally never be on the Google Play store ever again

question: is Google really that good at detecting the relationship between an account they banned, and some other new account created under a different name with someone else's credit card?

i mean couldn't this small business get another credit card under a different name and then create a totally new developer account under a different name -- and keep that all totally isolated from the previously banned account?

is that just not practically possible? if it worked at least initially -- what would they have to lose?

I mean, even if it is possible, it's against the ToS and if they find out you're gone again.

It seems reasonable to me as well.

So far 99% of the people I have seen complaining about their account being suspended were unwilling to read the ToS, even less to try to comply with them.

I am pretty sure that the review process does mistakes as well, but as always bad actors spoil everything for everybody.

FWIW, I had 2 apps removed from the play store earlier this month. They were all based on the same codebase (different flavors) and were banned for using a forbidden permission (after asking it to the user of course).

I was super surprised since when I coded the feature using that permission, it was legal to use it. The rules have changed since then and I had pushed an update to remove the use of that permission (to be honest it was not that necessary, it just made the UX a bit smoother in one case).

BUT I did not realize that for these 2 apps, I had retained apks in the play store for lower api levels with the faulty code :///

(I use an upload script to gain some time .. multiple apks take a long time to upload for each update otherwise; so I don't see the play store console often)

Still; I was clearly in the wrong.

I just removed the faulty retained apps and was again in the play store a couple of hours later.

> unwilling to read the ToS, even less to try to comply with them.

So... a sane human being? Someone who can't afford to spend literally hours reading legalese and trying to figure out what it means?

This is in a business context. If you think you don't have to read the TOS, then you better have your lawyers doing that for you.

Now back to the real world...

How is reading a legally binding contract with regards to your business not a real world expectation?

In a lot of jurisdictions a contract that you were not able to negotiate properly is simply void.

Sure, a ToS is different, and there's basically an implicit contract when you buy a service, but that doesn't mean that the ToS is all powerful. It can be still unfair practice. (Some jurisdictions have that too.)

Now of course courts can't really force G to do business with you, but as others mentioned they can be sued for damages.

Still, you have to read TOS first to understand which part is definitely enforceable and which part isn’t. Ignoring it completely is foolish for a business.

In my jurisdiction it is assumed people do not read the ToS and any part of the ToS that is not generic boilerplate must be shown separately or otherwise highlighted, otherwise it might as well be food for the shredder.

That plus business can certainly not terminate your business relationship for any reason they like.

Right. Now imagine how it would feel if you made your entire living off those apps, the ban was for life, and they didn't even bother to explain to you what you did wrong.

Many people are in this exact situation. That is why they are upset.

I guess that would be a proper reason to use the word 'kafkaesque'

And most people don't see the other side of the coin, which is that millions of bad actors are trying to break this exact system. When you start doing suspicious things like that, you look exactly like the scammers trying to evade bans.

> ... when I coded the feature using that permission, it was legal to use it.

was it related to SMS?

Indeed !

In retrospect it was a mistake even when it was in the ToS. It needs way too much precautions : warn the user and explain what we do, have them accept the permission, handle the case where some phones need 'phone state' (because no way we ask that one, too frightening and powerful).

If you are not a SMS app, just open the default one (if there is one) with a pre-filled message.

Reminds me of how gaming accounts are frequently banned for automation or similar cheating, only to pull at heart strings saying they were hacked and that they themselves did not commit the cheating. With VPNs and similar tools it can be difficult for the moderator to know for sure so bad actors take advantage of the situation. As a result you get a painful margin of error the is difficult to reduce without significant changes to the system.

I'm not on Google's side, look at my post history, but there are always two sides to a story.

I've never heard of such a case in gaming resulting in the person being unbanned, but maybe it's a newer development?

My experience comes from a specific niche: MMORPG botting which using an automation script to train/goldfarm for the account while the player is not at the computer. This is coupled with a large amount of account scamming/hacking such that it is fairly reasonable that someone might have stolen your account and botted on it for their own gains.

Or maybe those devs were unfairly banned because another bullshit reason. Unfortunately we don't know because Google operates in the most opaque ways.

This is also what I find most infuriating. One should at least be able to receive compelling evidence of what lead to the banning decision, and get a fair chance to dispute it.

I understand Google doesn't want to give bad actors information that could help them avoid the counter-measures, but the side effects on people who are innocent or make minor errors are too severe. They could make the whole process lengthy, and require proper, detailed authentication to make sure it's different persons & companies each time - that adds enough cost to deter bad actors from using the "appeals" process, but it would save honest people from the frustration.

A lifetime ban because they suspect an account was shared is not "reasonable". One person at most deserves a permanent ban, and it's not the OP. A state/national ID card should be enough to clear things up and solve the "can't just let people create new accounts" problem.

This is awful and I feel terrible for them, but a lot of alarm bells went off when I read this:

    I then attempted to login to my ‘Google Developer Account’ for 
    the first time. Previous to this our app developers were the 
    only ones to access our account to upload and update our app for us
It sounds like they violated probably one of the first requirements of the ToS not to share account credentials. From there ... really anything goes as to what that developer could have done with those credentials intentionally or otherwise.

Google definitely needs to up their game here. Lifetime bans that are completely irrevocable are a completely unacceptable system for the #2 or #1 app distribution platform in the world. Such a ban should be a last resort after many, many transgressions and a result of extensive manual review, not handed out on an automatic basis. Nonetheless, developers need to do their part and also read and take serious the ToS of the developer agreements too.

It has been a while since I lived in the UK, and paid close attention to IT legilsation. At one stage it was considered illegal under the Data Protection Act (1998) to share credentials to an account, due to the lax control it offers over potential access to personal information.

In this case, I would imagine the Google Developer Account would presumably give them access to some level of information about the customers of their application.

"From there ... really anything goes as to what that developer could have done with those credentials intentionally or otherwise."

They paid them to make the app though, they could put literally anything in there and even with them sending them builds that they uploaded themselves it would have been just as easy to be nefarious so this justification is thin at best.

Are there shared accounts in the google app scene or is giving your credentials to the developer the only way to give them access?

You can share account access with other accounts. There is a Users & Permissions panel in the Google Play Console you can use to invite new members. There's no need to share your password with other people.

> They paid them to make the app though, they could put literally anything in there...

Unless Google found something concrete, this speculation doesn't matter at all, shared account or not. A lot of software/websites/services are developed and managed on behalf of other businesses/people, with those people just trusting the developers/admins with no way to verify anything really.

"Such a ban should be a last resort after many, many transgressions and a result of extensive manual review, not handed out on an automatic basis."

Surely not, but that's what happens if you manage millions of apps and developers with minimum human labour. But even if they would increase human labour ... I guess it is really hard to look into all the cases, because what do you do with (smart) malicious actors, trying to circumvent bans?

Had work with malware author before. Don't think it is possible to manual review those ban due to the massive scale of malware industry.

I have a hard time empathizing with people unwilling to read the ToS.

It contains hard rules regulating what you can do with your app, not just with respect to Google, but also with your consumers.

If you can’t read the ToS you are not qualified to participate in society at the level required to distribute software for people to use. There are other tests, but this is one of them.

The real threat to Google will come when someone sues over this behavior as an antitrust case. This is part of "supply chain" antitrust law. It's sometimes called a "refusal to supply", where a manufacturer refuses to sell to a retailer. That's legal if it is not "part of a predatory or exclusionary strategy to acquire or maintain a monopoly."[1] If you're the only supplier of something, antitrust law starts to apply. That's basic monopoly law.

That's a can of worms Google would not want opened.

[1] https://www.ftc.gov/tips-advice/competition-guidance/guide-a...

Indeed. And we know from the previous lawsuits there was definite employer based collusion between FAANG to artificially keep engineers' wages low.

How do you deal with the digital mafia? RICO act.

So few people understand this when these situations arise. We just need the right people with the right pockets and the right connections to DC to have such an issue.

The problem is that they don't. :(

Why hasn't this happened yet? It seems like Google has been behaving this way for a very long time.

The people big enough to do so, with the pockets to do so, aren’t subject to the problems faced here.

The saddest part is that such behaviour will bring full power of regulation on all of us, just like GDPR did. Sooner or later lawmakers will come after all of us because of neglect of that sort.

So now you know not to blame the government or a political party.

Even in systems with automated processes, the bare minimum for communication should be a log of activities that is visible to all parties (e.g. account owner and company). The log should remain visible for quite awhile even after a severe action such as a ban.

And in such a log, every action taken by an employee should be marked with an employee number, even if it is a number that only means something inside the company; and every action taken by an algorithm should be marked with an identifier for that program.

It would be a lot easier for everyone involved to understand what the hell is going on if you could see entries like:

- <YYYY-MM-DD> algorithm XYZ flagged account due to suspicious activity [link] - <YYYY-MM-DD> employee 123456 verified accuracy of terms violation [link] - <YYYY-MM-DD> algorithm ABC notified account owner via E-mail of violation [link] - <YYYY-MM-DD> algorithm ABC auto-banned account

Instead, it seems for a lot of tech companies the communication amounts to ONE E-mail basically listing all the lazy non-effort they went to before ruining everything for you with no recourse.

The piece of the puzzle that you're missing is that people use accounts for fraud, and if they find out why an account got banned, they'll know which behavior triggered it and will learn to avoid that behavior in the rest of their accounts and future accounts.

It sucks, but automating sharing reasons for flagged actions will be self-defeating.

Ultimately it needs to be reviewed by a person at the company who is equipped to judge the situation with more intelligence and discretion to determine if it's really fraud or not.

> The piece of the puzzle that you're missing is that people use accounts for fraud, and if they find out why an account got banned, they'll know which behavior triggered it and will learn to avoid that behavior in the rest of their accounts and future accounts.

Compliance is the goal, no? How's it self-defeating if you ban non-compliant behavior and only way around it is to basically get more compliant with the rules?

How will you get compliance if you don't share details with clueless violators, so they can avoid the mistakes in the future? That seems self-defeating, because this gets rid of clueless, but potentially valuable developers.

> The piece of the puzzle that you're missing is that people commit crime, and if they find out why they got in trouble with the law, they'll know which behavior triggered it and will learn to avoid that behavior.

> It sucks, but automating sharing reasons for illegal actions will be self-defeating.

Yes I changed your text from corporate "illegal" to government "illegal". We wouldn't let THAT fly in a court of law. We have rules on that, like the 4th and 5th amendment. Right to have the charges read before them; right to face their accuser; right to a fair trial; right to be secure in their houses/papers/effects

So what are the charges? "We will not tell you what you did."

Who's the accuser who said I did the thing? "It cannot be in the courtroom. It is an algorithm.

Secure in your effects? You waived them (unilaterally) in dealing with a monopoly. Too bad, soo sad.

Fair trial? SURELY YOU JEST!

With respect, I am 100% sure that Google does this (no insider knowledge here - just conjecture on my part). I am completely sure that Google - a company that lives and dies by data - keeps logs.

But there is zero value sharing this with "customers". If you shared this and it said "Algorithm/Employee #12345678 linked this account with previously banned account" where does that get you? It doesn't get you any further - all it gets you is another thing to argue about, but they've already made their decision and you agreed to their TOS about how they can cancel your account at any time, so you've gained nothing really: Google still don't want to do business with you, sorry.

I imagine the comments will be either: its your fault, dont trust google and have a strategy that totally relies on a party out of your control, & in this day and age you have to do this and this happened to me with google/apple/paypal/microsoft etc.

While i think relying on google (or a single platform) is dangerous, these platforms really need to address these issues. While their isn’t much competition, they are really eroding developer trust. Developers may decide to build for an entirely different platform or work on a different idea that is outside mobile. This ultimately hurts app stores and this these platforms.

Short term a small amount of discontent doesnt matter, but it could reach a tipping point.

> Dont trust google and [don't] have a strategy that totally relies on a party out of your control

Last week, much of Google and Facebook were brought to a halt after Apple revoked their enterprise certificates. While the circumstances justified Apple's actions in this case, the fact remains that even Google and Facebook are largely reliant on another large company. If Apple completely banned all Facebook apps from the app store tomorrow... well, Facebook would probably survive, but it would be a serious blow.

I don't see how you can not be reliant on Apple/Google.

> I don't see how you can not be reliant on Apple/Google.

This is the very definition of a monopoly, isn't it? If the government was working properly, it would be ready to break up these companies, as well in other areas of oligopoly such as oil and banking.

Well, there's two of them.

Duopoly, then ogliopoly after that.

> MONOpoly

> thESE companIES

Antitrust covers market manipulation and coercion though, which you could easily argue these companies have (monopoly over certain platforms such as the iPhone; magically identical pricing).

I'm not so sure Facebook could survive. At least, assuming they were not able to get some alternatives in place fast and even then, it would not continue to be the same company it is today. FB gets 85% of their revenue from mobile ads. I haven't seen the breakdown, but I'm guessing based on other stats I've seen that way more than half of that comes from iOS. If they were banned from the app store, it would be catastrophic.

I guess it would hurt Apple quite a lot as well, as I guess many users use their Apple products mainly to use Facebook's apps...

For most of my family and friends, their smart phones may as well be designated Facebook portals. As sick as that makes me, that is the world we live in.

> have a strategy that totally relies on a party out of your control

If it's possible to implement the app as a PWA sure, but then discoverability becomes an issue.

Sadly, App Stores are a natural monopoly and everyone expect them to be fair but they clearly can't.

Are they a natural monopoly by choice or by necessity? Not sure what "natural" means, here. I could imagine some sort of federation that would make them less of a monopoly, understandably not Google's choice, though.

Natural probably means that for a given mobile platform it's natural - due to network effects and other market forces (e.g. the platform owner heavily subsidizing/supporting their choice of store) - for one store to emerge as a monopoly.

> “This ultimately hurts app stores

Good, app stores need to die.

App stores are the least-unreliable mechanism I have to trust executable code. I don’t even enable JavaScript by default.

Do you have an alternative trust mechanism that can’t be subverted via, for example, algorithmic voting?

I think there's a couple solutions to this. First, "trust" should depend on your own evaluation of the developer, based on metrics like how long their app has existed, customer reviews, what protections they have around handling data, etc. You have the ability to do a much better job evaluating trust than Apple or Google are likely to. But even beyond that, sandboxing needs to be made effective enough that even if you do install a malicious app, it doesn't matter. iOS actually does a really good job of this - apps are contained in their own sandbox, and have to get your permission to access any sensitive data, which you can easily choose to accept or deny. There are also limits on resources, and apps can't do much to your system unless you actively open them, which makes it really easy to escape from a bad app.

I know you mentioned disabling javascript, but browsers are also a really good example of this. Browsers run your code in a sandbox, and the rendering engine itself is sandboxed in case of bugs. As a result, you can pretty much visit any random website and know that it won't compromise your system - as far as I know, there haven't been any widespread attacks using browser vulnerabilities since sandoxing was introduced (except maybe Internet Explorer, which doesn't really count). The worst that can happen is that a browser tab starts using too many resources or doing something annoying (like autoplaying a video), and you can just close the tab and make it go away.

""trust" should depend on your own evaluation of the developer, based on metrics like how long their app has existed, customer reviews, what protections they have around handling data, etc. You have the ability to do a much better job evaluating trust than Apple or Google are likely to."

Wow - no, we do not have the ability to ascertain the overall trustworthiness of a dev, certainly not better than Google or Apple.

Reviews can be faked, and 'how long their app has existed' is not a very good measure of anything. Their T&C's on 'protections' don't mean anything if they are not already trustworthy.

So unfortunately, this is one of the valuable things that AppStores can provide.

Assuming the developer has been in business for a significant amount of time, there are a lot of signals that help tell you whether an app is legit or not. As a random example, if I look for information aout Overcast (a fairly successful app from an independent developer), I get:

* A bunch of reviews from users, very few of which sound fake: https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/overcast/id888422857

* Articles about the app from well-known websites: https://9to5mac.com/2018/04/29/overcast-versus-apple-podcast...

* A wikipedia article: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Overcast_(app)

* Information about the developer: https://marco.org/about

You could fake all of this, but it would be really difficult and expensive, and probably wouldn't work in the long-term.

It's true that for a brand-new app from an unknown developer, it's difficult to say what their intentions are, but Google and Apple don't really have any more information to go off of than you do regarding that - at best, they likely have the developer's contact information, but you can probably find that yourself as well. Additionally, the nice thing about sandboxing and permissions is that you don't really have to trust the developer in order to run an app. For example, the other day I was looking for a protractor app that would give me measurements in tenths of a degree, and I found this app [1]. Aside from a few reviews (which, as you said, could easily be fake), I know absolutely nothing about this developer - for all I know, they could be trying to steal all my data. But because iOS sandboxes everthing, they won't actually be able to access any of my data or do anything bad unless I approve it, and if I don't like the app, I can press one button and get rid of it. As a result, I can feel comfortable installing the app anyway, even if I don't trust the developer.

[1] https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/angle-pro/id750327028

"but Google and Apple don't really have any more information to go off of than you do regarding that "

Apple requires people to provide a business number among other things, and they have substantial ability to 'dig in' to a developers background.

Users have zero interest in this, and nobody has time to do some big investigation into some company for the sake of some app.

The whole point of the app stores are to filter through the crap for us and give us some idea of what's good and what's not.

I mean, both Google and Apple analyze apps for any sort of detectable malicious libraries/code. It's not perfect by any means, but it's something.

I don't know why this business got banned. I assume it's due to the outsourced dev they used. I doubt they're technically competent and reviewed the app themselves, so who knows what kind of bullshit the dev stuffed in their or their other apps.

Disregarding security, the app stores also (try) to filter out crap applications, blatant rip-offs, applications that steal your data or ruin your battery by mining bit coins. These things usually don't really need to circumvent the sandbox. One can of course argue that the stores don't really do a great job policing the right things but they are efficient to some degree (e.g.: the recent facebook spy-vpn fiasco).

One other thing is that, at least in Apple app store, the review process catches use of private APIs which are in theory harmless but are not considered stable and could cause the application to crash if a minor update changes the way they work.

If an application is a "blatant rip-off", users are most likely going to realize it and uninstall it/stop spending money on it/dispute it with their credit card company, which should eventually stop the scammers from making money. And even before you install the app, you can still read reviews from other people to determine whether it's trustworthy.

Excessive resource usage is already pretty easy to avoid - iOS will limit resource usage when an app is in the background, and show you which apps are using a lot of battery power so you can uninstall them. I would imagine Apple could expand this more by showing an unobtrustive notification somewhere with a message like "____ is reducing your battery life, would you like to stop it?"

Regarding private API's, if Apple's position is that third-party apps are not allowed to use them, they should just stop exposing these APIs to other apps completely.

Solving privacy issues is tricker, at least in the short term, although I think this should eventually be handled by government regulation. Assuming we can get fair and well-written regulation (which, to be fair, is a big if!), we could have clearly-documented rules that apply equally to all market participants, and aren't quite as clearly biased based on commercial incentives (although there would still be an indirect effect due to lobbying).

> as far as I know, there haven't been any widespread attacks using browser vulnerabilities since sandoxing was introduced (except maybe Internet Explorer, which doesn't really count).

While non-malicious, jailbreakme.com seems to come back once every few years or so.

That's a good point, although the only recent exploit (in 2017) depended on a combination of 3 vulnerabilities that had already been fixed over a year and a half ago when the exploit was released.

A generalization is not necessary here, for me there is a huge difference between Apple's App Store and Google Play. The former actually has real people behind it that you can talk to, also on the phone, and who are really friendly and will reach out to help you fix problems. Also, they do really review the app, obviously using automated tools, but still there's some human involvement. Google tries to be smarter than everyone else but they're not. Many people have this love-hate relationship with them, but recently there's less and less love in it.

>App stores are the least-unreliable mechanism I have to trust executable code.

And yet almost weekly I read a new story about malicious apps being found in app stores. Like this one posted today:


Personally I trust things from app stores about as much as I trust random things from the web.

Which is why I phrased it “least unreliable” rather than “best”.

Considering there aren't many totally reliable ways to avoid shady software save going through the source of a program line by line and verifying it yourself, least-unrealiable sort of comes across as best.

The trust you have in an app store is because you believe in their processes for auditing apps. But the two do not need to be linked.

Google Play Protect, for instance, works just fine on sideloaded apps or apps downloaded from other stores.

The distribution and marketing channel don't need to be the same as the trust mechanism. There's a whole anti-malware industry out there that can do the latter, and could easily do as good a job as Google currently do.

> App stores are the least-unreliable mechanism I have to trust executable code

More so than the repositories that various linux distros use? I honestly think that something like apt for android would be a much better solution - too bad, it will never happen because it would mess with google's monopoly.

There are Play Store alternatives, such as F-Droid, Aptoide and ApkMirror.

But it still comes down to discoverability and trust - you need to know about and trust these alternatives, and you need to change a setting on your device to "allow untrusted sources".

Distro repositories are great but they are several orders of magnitudes smaller than the app stores. Ubuntu has ~50k packages available, app stores host millions of apps. Package maintainers to a great job but I don't think this model can scale up.

I think you should be crediting sandboxing for that.

> App stores are the least-unreliable mechanism I have to trust executable code. I don’t even enable JavaScript by default.

How did the rest of us ever live through the 80s and 90s when we had to purchase software from physical stores based on reviews in magazines and word-of-mouth...

More seriously, the PC software industry works well without app stores, download sites usually check for malware to some extent and successful publishers earn trust by not screwing over their users.

This is terrible and I feel for the developers. I trust that they are honest in their description of their side. I also acknowledge that Google have a long way to go in terms of communication.

That said, I’ll offer an alternative history...

The author hired developers who have previously uploaded malicious code to the Play store, or actively tried to circumvent restrictions on it. That developer uploaded an app, Google banned their account and all accounts that they have been contributors to.

This is a reasonable action for Google to take. It’s not like the Play store account had a long history of playing by the rules, with 1 developer being added right at the end and behaving badly. This is an account that is essentially fully tainted.

When appealed, the reviewer looked at these facts, and upheld the closure, as I believe would have been the right action.

In terms of getting further information, I would guess that Google are vague for 2 reasons: to provide more information may open them up to being sued more easily (rather like how most companies won’t say why someone was fired, or give performance information in referrals), and secondly in Google’s mind this developer is malicious, so they don’t want to provide any information that could be used to further circumvent the ban.

Now, this does put the developer who has been essentially scammed but is acting honestly in a tough position. My advice to them would be to push hard on the developer advocate and marketing side of things. Ideally they’d have done this from well before release and had a good working relationship with someone on the inside throughout the process. People say Google are bad at support, but this does happen, Google can be great at developer engagement, as can Apple, etc. I’d frame it in terms of getting a new account set up, guaranteeing that the account will not be delegated to any external entities, and probably pushing hard on the fact that the app is out and doing well on iOS. I’d push for building a relationship and being open with communication, as these are exactly what the hypothetical bad actor that Google believes in would avoid. It might take some time and perseverance, but I reckon that might be enough.

You clearly have no knowledge or experience in this field at all. Because of you did you would have known that creating a new account after suspension immediately results into another suspension. Google is just a shit company. I don't need 50 sentences for that to explain. "A reasonable action by Google" Come on man. Do you have any idea what's going on here. You whole story sounds like big pile of crap.

I work at a small-ish company, we're ~70 people, and Google have been nothing but accommodating, offering help and support where we've needed it. Maybe this is because we're bigger than a 2 person company, I don't know.

My "story" was intended to be a hypothetical. I don't know if that's what happened, but to me it sounds like a possible option.

To be honest, I also think you could be more constructive in your tone and present your arguments in a better way. You have a useful opinion to add, but the way you do so is inflammatory.

We have an unrelated app that has been "disappeared" by Google a couple times. I do like that you're trying to be sympathetic to Google. The experience of having your app deleted by Google is a very jarring panic inducing moment. Google's process is not clear. If you miss their warning email this comes as a terrible huge surprise. Google could easily improve this. Even with little things like to replace their 404/403 pages with a note explaining the app has been shutdown, and to contact support.

That sucks, I can imagine it being very unclear.

> I do like that you're trying to be sympathetic to Google.

I'm only offering up an alternative hypothesis. I have very mixed feelings about Google products and services like many people, but I have seen them be responsive and useful particularly through developer evangelism channels.

>I’d frame it in terms of getting a new account set up

Er, that's against the TOS. They will immediately ban that account, and any account they ever make.

It would be evidence of you trying to avoid the TOS.

> Er, that's against the TOS. They will immediately ban that account, and any account they ever make.

I'd frame it in terms of "how can I get a new account set up". Yes they have automated systems to prevent that, but I believe that a) the company is "innocent", b) Google want more good citizens on their platform, and taking these two together I think they should be able to find a way to make it work.

This is typical Google behaviour unfortunately. With GCP there have been countless similar stories. Unless you have a dedicated account manager (meaning you spend millions) there is basically no human support.

Yep, Google is by far the company with the worst customer support I've ever seen - they sucked up $500 without telling me and then when I found out, they hid behind a smoke screen as to why they couldn't refund it.

I also have another friend who has been banned for life by Google for the Play Store as well by association. Google refused to reconsider on appeal, and offers no recourse for him, a professor who teaches Android dev.

Google's lesson is clear here - don't use their services if you can help it because you expose tremendous liability due to Google's unwillingness to take any.

Is it unfair to form a poor opinion of Google because it's typical for people to only ever share bad experiences? Anecdotally I feel like I have come across so many of these stories, and each of them sound terrible / symptomatic of a broken/apathetic company.

It feels like the money keeps rolling in through ad revenues, and then spent on developing projects like Inbox, Reader, and 5 chat apps, all of which get discontinued.

Is Google (the company & team) turning into a Dilbert Comic?

I think it's interesting to note that Google seems to come up much more often for Kafkaesque customer support problems.

That's not a rigorous scientific statement, but it's fairly consistent with my own experience dealing with Google as a startup. Unless you have a back channel via an employee you know, it's next to impossible to get any non-automated, human judgement on your situation.

The part I don't get is... where in Google leadership does this issue get lost on the company's priorities? Of all of the rational explanations I can come up with, it feels like someone looks at the data and either says "nah we don't lose much money from this" or "nah it's not a real problem". Is that actually true?

> The part I don't get is... where in Google leadership does this issue get lost on the company's priorities? Of all of the rational explanations I can come up with, it feels like someone looks at the data and either says "nah we don't lose much money from this" or "nah it's not a real problem". Is that actually true?

Could it be something to do with company culture? Something like "if we solve a hard problem by assigning a human to it then we have admitted failure as a technology company". It's a lofty goal but it comes at the cost of betraying the trust of partners/customers when things break, and they seem to break often. Someone in management really ought to be weighing those two things side by side (assuming the cultural thing I mentioned even exists).

Human-based support at Google-scale is also insanely expensive.

If they weren't taking mone from each of their app developers, that might be an argument. But when you are making Google scale profits, which are INSANELY high, than you can afford the humans to provide support.

And if you don't, than your monopoly should be broken by the government. And Apple's high end garden barely scratches Google's monopoly.

It's not that black and white. There's "no support", "lots of support", and somewhere in between is "more than what Google has right now."

I think that, when you are the gatekeepers to some people's livelihoods, there's some amount of ethical responsibility to exercise judgement. If you can automate judgement, then great, but if you can't, you should probably implement it with humans.

Do you think it would cost them more than it costs AT&T or Comcast, who don't have $100 billion in savings between them but do offer phone support to about 200 million people?

What happens if Google provides support is their average revenue per employee drops from $1.3m to an even million per year or whatever and their profit margins remain immense and that $100b+ in the bank keeps on growing. But it is certainly more expensive than an auto-emailer faking support.

Apple support is legendary and they're pretty big

I think what a lot of people forget or don't appreciate is the sheer scale of FAANG companies and what they deal with on a regular basis.

People complain about how they can't talk to a human being about their one specific issue. These companies are not mom and pop stores dealing with a handful of suppliers, just sitting there waiting for their phone to ring - they're huge businesses operating in hundreds of countries 24/7/365 handling probably millions of interactions with "customers"/suppliers every year with all sorts of different processes and policies in different jurisdictions.

On Hacker news we hear about someone falling through the cracks in the system every couple of weeks, but we don't hear about all of the bad actors/viruses/malware getting blocked/removed from the app stores or cloud vendors everyday

There are people out there whose strategy is "throw enough shit and something will stick" who are trying their hardest to publish their malware as much as possible every single day and it's (IMHO) frankly something of a success/miracle that we've not seen any more major abuses of the app stores and cloud platforms.

People on HN complain bitterly about the potential for ad networks to distribute malware, but then get mad when FAANGs ban accounts that are linked to bad actors. Sure it is sad that some people are innocently caught in the crossfire but what are the FAANGs to do? Damned if they do, damned if they don't?

The economies of scale say that the larger companies can better afford to hire representatives per client tahn the mom and pop stores can. If Google were to have as much staff - proportional to their amount of products [ie apps that they are making money off of] - as a mom and pop store did, we'd be fine. In fact, if they had even a thousandth of that, we'd be fine.

What I find crazy is that they do this same thing on YouTube too for accounts with fairly large subscriber bases.

1. I remember when it was in style to be a Google fanboi. Those days have gone as Google became more evil.

2. I had two GMail accounts closed on me for no obvious reason. Both were eventually reopened, but one several years later because I got enough media attention to get their attention.

3. I know one company that lost all their mails because their paid App Engine account was closed on them. I know another company which lost its biggest customer when the CEO's personal Gmail account was suddenly closed. And I know two other people who has lost access to all the stuff on Drive.

Considering that each problem is a real disaster for the person experiencing it, and that you don't hear about such stories with Microsoft, Apple or even Amazon.

The fact is, that even though you only hear the horror stories, there shouldn't be so many of them that you here them all over. I am just one person, and I trust Google as much as I trust the Chinese government.

This also happened to me, and I have no idea why. I'm making a Healthcare app using react native, and got banned spontaneously as well. No recourse, nothing. No ability to change anything.

I'm making sure all of my resources are spent on AWS and Microsoft services. Never again for Google.

And thankfully, physicians prefer iPhones over Android by a large margin.

Sounds like a PWA is the way to go as well.

And just for anyone who's crazy enough (edit: and I can see they’ve come out already in the comments here) to say that he deserved it because he associated with some non-reputable people...

My Google account was entered as a recovery email address by someone else. Most likely because it was a single letter removed from an abbreviation of their real legal name. I got an email informing me of that fact and instantly disavowed any association with the link right there in the email.

What should happen but a year later but Google letting me know that "your Google account [other email] was deleted due to a violation of our Terms of Service that was left unresolved.".

I tried to contact Google, I tried to disavow the account again, no reply and a dead page. My account isn't dead, but I seem to be irreversibly linked (the hypothetical Google term would be 'avowed' I guess, given that the opposite 'disavowal' was in the URI to reverse the process) to a ToS violation severe enough to warrant account deletion through no fault of my own. Simply because a random person signing up for a new account on the other side of the world typoed i instead of u.

For all I know my reputation with Google is so bad that a single click on the wrong YouTube video or a new algorithm with marginally different scoring running on my account will delete it all. I have zero certainty through no fault of my own.

Edit: Could hypothetically be a great way of shutting up political dissidents (and their YouTube accounts) or anyone you don't like. List their email as a recovery address on ten new accounts, get ToS violations on all of them before they get a chance to disavow them (do it while they're likely sleeping maybe) and you're done.

I presume my comment was one of the ones you were referring to. You just did what I was suggesting: you explain how your account was inappropriately (IMO, based on your explanation) shut down. These types of stories should be shared when Google/Apple are in the wrong. However, notice the complete lack of detail in the linked story re: the associated account that resulted in the termination. If one is going to claim that an account termination was inappropriate, doesn't it seem reasonable to provide details to support the claim? (i.e. it doesn't seem crazy to me to expect an author of such a story to at least make an effort to show that they aren't a bad actor crying foul)

Seems you read neither the link, nor my comment.

The author of the story said he doesn’t know what the third party may or may not have done and Google didn’t provide an explanation. And I never said my account was shut down.

What kind of an agreement did you sign with your developers?

IANAL. You might be able to invoke some legal means to limit your losses. The associated-account story wasn’t an act of God. You might argue the developers should have known better. I’d suggest buying an hour of a lawyer’s time to see what can be done.

What agreement. They hire offshore developers. They do not know who these people are, if it is a person, or a group of scammers.

He asks for an app, but lets the offshore "developers" do everything including store deployments. He could take the codes, and take care of the accounts. Heck, he could even study a few hours to understand what's going on the app before submitting.

He just depended on some random company he found on a freelancer website, dumped all the money, then got punished because he let those people take 100% of control.

Good luck with lawyers.

You don't "sign agreements" on marketplaces the likes of Upwork. There's a dispute process, which would normally take the buyer's side.

I don’t buy the guy’s analogy of crime and association.

If you willingly lend the keys to your truck to someone else, and he or she commits a crime while using the vehicle, it might get impounded.

Know the people whom you work with, or just do the work yourself.

That is a bit of a silly comparison. Even if you let a criminal borrow your car and they do something bad, there is some sort of legal apparatus to get your car back if it's clear that you were not involved in that criminal activity. The impound lot doesn't simply say "sorry, we saw your appeal, but we're gonna go ahead and keep the car forever."

You would think. But civil forfeiture doesn't care who owns what they take, only whether it was used in a crime.

You may be stuck paying court costs to defend your property and get it back. Which is why we have tons of ridiculous court cases like: "Bag full of hundred dollar bills V. US Government."

There's a lot of people that think civil forfeiture is also fundamentally wrong.

Not just keep the car, but "you can never drive in country again."

There is no such apparatus. Any property used in comission of a crime is forfit, no matter of original owner. Stolen guns, cars and cert are all treated the same under the law.

On the other hand, I get great deals at police auctions and never lend out my keys.

Yes, there is, it's called the Fourth Amendment to the US Constitution. It's called the US legal system. That is the apparatus.

You have no constitutional right to have a Google account. And you probably agreed to forced arbitration in the Google TOS and likely even agreed that Google can terminate your account for any reason, at any time, without cause.

Good example: https://www.aclu.org/blog/criminal-law-reform/reforming-poli...

Son commits crime using father's car and car is seized using civil forfeiture. The car has already been returned and the ACLU is fighting the police department in federal court:


Not saying civil forfeiture doesn't need to be reigned in, it does, but there is a legal apparatus for getting your stuff back. I admit it gets trickier on things that cannot be traced easily, like cash, but I'm mostly responding to the OPs example of an innocent persons car being used in a crime by someone else.

Another good example below where the owner of the vehicle committed a crime in the car they owned and the state tried to seize the vehicle: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Timbs_v._Indiana

So, I admit the legal system moves slow, but there is clearly a strong legal case for fighting these unlawful seizures.

A better analogy is you unknowingly hire someone who was once convicted, in a secret trial, of a 'crime'.

You are then jailed, without being informed who the incriminating hire was.

No, you let them use your name and sign the papers for them while they are committing the crime. You are now an accomplice.

I think ban from an app store for a platform is something more like “if someone commits a crime using your vehicle, you might lose your driving permit”.

It’s more like you lend your truck to someone who committed a crime sometime in the past and now you’re banned from ever driving again.

This, also Mark accessed his account for the first time after this issue ?

It sounds a lot like he gave his credentials to his dev team which is a major violation of the ToS of the play store.

But hey, looks like reading these is too hard, better to just whine afterwards.

No he probably added team members to the playstore account. So people can login with their own Google accounts. That's a feature inside their product and accepted .

What makes it a "major" violation? It sounds quite minor to me.

For years there’s been a manual penalty in Google search results against the website I created that would - were the penalty not in place - let me afford to be self-employed. It was put into place during Matt Cutts' tenure at Google - before his quiet exit from the company. I actually pressed him on the issue in a thread here on HN and he lied about it.

Forget procedures, guidelines, terms of service. Individual Google employees can and do destroy businesses, with impunity, and with no accountability.

It’s always difficult to distinguish incompetence from malice. But Google is the worst of all possible universes: both incompetent and malicious - and completely uncaring about that fact.

Not commenting on the specific merits of this case (as I would want to hear both sides), but a few general thoughts:

a) Maybe it's just the nature of social media, but I think we're seeing a massive uptick in issues like this being brought to Hacker News and their ilk. Not just Developer Accounts, but DMCA fraud and Adwords account issues as well.

b) An incumbent like Google can be built entirely on automated algorithms for all they do (I think this is one of their core precepts), but at some point (like now) this breaks down. This sets the stage for a rapidly building snowball of first small/minor litigation (e.g. Small Claims) and then catches fire until much larger litigation starts happening.

c) As evidenced over and over in tech / large corporate history, often issues like this (that snowball), open up opportunities for new upstart players who come up with effective solutions to these problems, to displace the incumbents. (Cracks in the corporate armor.) As such, it wouldn't surprise me to see upstarts using this as an opportunity to chip away at Google's market share.

d) Small claims court can be a very effective way to get matters resolved, and I've found them to very much not be biased towards any party and to consider the merits of the case. With that said, there are some restrictions - including the amount of judgment, and the kinds of judgment that can be issued. One of the most interesting aspects here is that: "Unless a judge grants permission, Attorneys and paralegals are excluded from appearing or participating with the plaintiff or defendant in a small claims suit." This makes it really interesting when the defendant is a company like Google (or really any large entity).

e) I attribute some percentage of success to building a good cadre of attorneys who work for me, or with me. As much as I cringe when I think back to some of the invoices, it is my humble opinion that they've been worth every dollar paid out for their services, especially in cases just such as these.

Best of luck resolving your issue.

So Google is learning from Amazon that was doing this for ages, terminating accounts of their sellers if they e.g. resided in the same building as somebody that was banned from their platform already or if they created multiple accounts, with no recourse.

We really need an open mobile platform, "Personal Mobile" like what "Personal Computer" used to be, even if only by an accident.

This is why people get excited about decentralization. Exactly stuff like this. What if you had an app platform that would never shut out your business?

We're not there yet, but fixing things like this is the future of the decentralization technology being built today.

I had this happen to me. My android developer business account got banned. I was making a fair amount of money and my account was unexpectedly terminated. I got a canned response and could not get in contact from anyone from Google to resolve the issue.

Ultimately, I gave up trying to get the verdict overturned. Instead, I used my personal gmail account and created another developer account. I re-published my app and it has been in the play store for the last three years.

I saw this recently on r/Androiddev: https://github.com/SimonMarquis/InternalAppStore

If I ever release another Android app, I'll probably self release and skip the Play store.

People here assume it's developers' fault. This is just a speculation (at least, OP only mentioned it as a possibility). It could be, for example, that developers previously used one of their client's accounts (to deploy an app), which was later banned (could be even for a different app they have no connection to). Some information is missing here (developers' side of story?)

Nothing is missing, from Google's perspective, the 3rd party took care of everything, and the investor (the writer in this case) was just a name in the account.

As I suggested recently, these companies need an ombudsman to escape the crazy when the normal processes lead to crazy outcomes.


A $50 payment to the ombudsman, refundable if the ombudsman decides in the customers favor, would discourage the obmudsman being overused.

You are describing mandatory binding arbitration, eh?

No, this is an internal ombudsman - Google's own ombudsman who rescues customers when the Google processes frustrate.

Lots of companies need an ombudsman because they provide no way out when the normal processes let customers down.

It's like a backstop for customer satisfaction. A internal "court of appeal" to help customers out.

Kind of like having "a friend in the business", but available to any customer who needs it.

So right now they have an appeal form. It didn't work in the case above.

The difference after your change, is now you lose $50 and STILL have to post to twitter to try and get your problem solved.

The appeal form is not an actual person, the ombudsman would have a name and a face

What evidence do you have that the name and face would give you a different answer? Somehow paying $50 changes something?

Ombudsmen in other organisations seem to help?

What do you suggest we do?

How would it remain impartial/objective/effective? How is it different from a real call center support that you have to pay to access?

The whole point of an ombudsman is they operate outside the system and have a higher level of authority, vested in them by management.

They have authority, more or less, to "get shit done".

How? If the ombudsman is hired and paid by management?

It's just a VP of Support.

Now, if there were a few people chosen from among the users, and they could talk to management. That'd be something. (See EVE online's SMC - a council of players.)

Sounds like a bad situation. If I were you I would simply change the app ID, create a new Play account and publish it there. If there problem is with the connection to a banned account and not the app, then this removes that problem/connection.

Do NOT do this. Google will then ban all your accounts including Gmail, drive and ads as creating an account to circumvent their ban is really dangerous.

This ban is lifetime unfortunately and you or related accounts are not allowed on Google ever.

Did at&t or bell telephone have the absolute power to keep you off of the phone network? There is no way that they could technically or realistically. Yet google can do both.

If this meant they would stop tracking me and advertising to me, I’d do it in a heartbeat.

No they will neither delete your tracking id or delete your billing information/ credit card info.

If Google is anything like Amazon, that will probably not be as easy as it sounds. Name, credit card, address, any of those will be used to link the newly created account with the old one and it will get banned again. If Google is feeling particularly clever, they will have fingerprinted the app somehow and changing the ID won't be enough. This is, after all, a company who makes their living on such techniques.

Won't they associate you again to the banned account through either your address, credit card, phone number, email or anything shared with the old account? It looks like they apply very extensive transivity, including (from a previous story I read on HN) using recovery email address to associate and ban accounts.

There would no doubt be people succeeding at this, but it would be a real pain ensuring that none of the details match to the old account and that no future actions end up causing a connection.

Yes that seems at least worth a try, though I'm sure there's some rule against it?

Also, why do you need an android version at first? Author says the app is useless without it but I don't understand why

Surely there's an app for that. Untermination as a service.

Can someone with more knowledge explain why this wouldn't be the easy solution?

They’ll just ban them again.

Reprisals would be severe

You will lose your job, citizenship, banks will freeze your money and you'll be added to blacklists of many 3 letter agencies. And NoFlightDB.

Do we need a github repo with "precedent law" and machine+human correspondence for account terminations and appeals at GAFA companies?

There's a historical reading list for law students at http://cdn.ca9.uscourts.gov/datastore/library/2013/06/27/AMK...:

> Understanding Freedom's Heritage: How to Keep and Defend Liberty. This list, prepared for young people by Justice Anthony M. Kennedy, includes some acknowledged classics and some idiosyncratic choices.

If you really want this to go viral, take Google to small claims court for your fees, and live tweet it.

Examples: https://www.huffingtonpost.com/aaron-greenspan/why-i-sued-go... https://www.huffingtonpost.com/aaron-greenspan/why-google-bo...

This is why I am building a terms of service rating system. Companies need to pay an economic price for their broad, one-sides terms of service. This is the op-Ed I wrote in the Financial Times: https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.ft.com/content/40e558ce-158...

PWA can't come fast enought to get rid of stores and walled gardens (and reduce cross platform development costs).

This is why I've never liked curated app stores and I hate the whole app store concept in the first place. I mean, what did people expect when you can't develop apps for devices unless they're "registered" by some company. The same goes with stores like Steam. They all write the ToS so they can do anything regardless of whether its enforceable or not and it requires a long list of legal battles just to fix it.

This is what you get for using offshore developers, without knowing who they are, what they do, what they did.

I understand people want to get rich by releasing apps and other stuff, but if you depend on other people to do this, you will fail miserably. There is a very small percentage of apps being successful with this method.

Do marketing or something else. Do not depend on random companies (especially offshore) for the entire project. The OP had the idea, not the solution. It is really not surprising to see these type of issues. What if the developers disappear next month and you have a major bug? You can't fix it and will fail. It is their code and your company on the line.

Find local real developers, work with them, or learn to do it yourself. Do not work with offshore especially $5 an hour. I understand google did something harsh, but this is the owners fault, not googles. Use your own credentials, do the most important things such as deployment and source control. You gave the master key to offshore people and get shocked when things go sideways. When will people learn?

Stories like this make me wonder how come SMEs still use Google's other products like their cloud solution. You could have your entire business on Google Cloud and suddenly everything becomes out of your reach with no valid response or action coming back from Google. It's crazy how some people still put their trust in this company's business-related products.

Can he not create a new account for his company, not the developers, and be the one to publish the app? It's not like he has a history to preserve (ratings, reviews, etc).

I imagine he has a contract with the devs so he can get the app in some form (hopefully access to source too) and publish it himself. Of course, publishing to mobile phone stores can be difficult for non technical people, but if that is the case he can request "over the shoulder" assistance with screen sharing so he ends up being the one logging in and doing the actions.

In the iTunesConnect portal, you can assign roles to various parties, including roles that have permissions to publish apps, without having to give the admin's account credentials.

I don't remember if the Play Store has similar features.

Look at the screenshots in the article of the messages from Google. Those may be generic rejection letters, but they seem to be threatening him specifically to avoid creating new accounts as a workaround...

Another one of these aspiring app developers bites the dust. I have some advice to such developers - work on making a good web app. You automatically reach more platforms than just the two big ones, and you won’t have to deal with too big to fail corporations taking you down.

Most consumers want real apps, not webapps, and mobile browsers don't make webapps easy to launch and use either.

Except on Reddit. People constantly complain about ads for the better than the web page app.

Complaints about the ads are not complaints about the app.

We should help change the conversation on that.

Sure, but how do we retrain billions of users? And more importantly, how should we convince two massive companies that take 30% of all appstore revenue to give up their control?

I think it starts by bringing up privacy concerns. Of course, a lot of us are culprits in privacy invasion but the rest of us should be constantly reminding people that when they install an app they might be giving up more than they realize.

"I have no idea how Google can terminate accounts without fully checking the reasons behind the termination."

I never read the TOS or EULA, either.

We all thought it would be some massive AI that takes over the world and makes arbitrary decisions without a sufficient explanation and no recourse to do anything beyond that.

Google just does it as a process.


I am the creator of one of the more-and-more popular npm libraries (`translate`) and I cannot test it with Google Translate anymore, since I am scared of signing up for GCloud for this exact reason. One small mistake and all my accounts get blocked without appeal. Better not to stake your life/career on that!

I'm also in the process of moving away from my gmail for this reason, specially with Inbox going away now.

Had been there. In my case, they mistook our play money trading tournament app with real money tournament and removed our app. We appealed the decision a few times and got it reinstated after more than a month. It was a really horrible experience and we got no apologies whatsoever even if it was 100% their fault. They were like "You are lucky because we are reinstating your app."

And now imagine your photos stored in Google Photos are lost! Never trust GOOGLE.

Situations like these (and others mentioned here) make me nervous to publish to Google Play and are making me reconsider use of their other services namely Google Cloud. A lot of the issues being highlighted here are not simple ToS violations, they have far more to do with psycho automation coupled with an arrogant company culture that is actively dismissive of their customers.

I used to run ads on google and made a living on it. One day google decided to disallow ads for this particular niche and I could no longer make any money. While I am not against their decision to disallow ads in this niche, I learned a very important lesson not to start any business that depends on google ads for survival. Sooner or later they screw you over.

I'm surprised how few of these problems show up in HN and most of the time the ones I've read the developer has been at fault. The resolution is to push for third-party arbitration as an option for resolution. Arbitration will give developers a chance against the giant that Google is.

It is well understood what the benefits and potential problems of using Google Services are. Being an Android developer, like the company in this article, seems most problematic because unless you want to sell digital assets outside of the Play store, there is no alternative.

For individuals and other companies, it is easy enough to place an abstraction layer around using Google Services: have your own domain temporarily or perhaps permanently attached to a G Suite account. Be systematic about creating Google Takeaway data dumps and saving them yourself. When using GCP, write your own or use standard library wrappers around GCP APIs.

Then you get the advantages of using Google, protected against low probability of occurrence problems.

I also like to use Amazon and Microsoft services and I take similar precautions.

This does add more fuel to the fire about app store monopolies upon platforms.

I forsee the EU eventually fining Google (nice revenue stream with fines recently) and they have to do what Microsoft had to do with the IE Browser and offer the users a choice which lists the alternatives and allow the user to chose and change as they wish.

Which would be nice, and will eventually happen. Though these things will take...time. Though I wonder if Microsoft will have an android app store by then, the poetic irony of history will sing come the possibility of Google having to offer users of Android an option to select which store they wish to use instead of the Google default, with Microsoft as an option. Browser selection parallels are abound here.

> To put into perspective the situation we are in, imagine one of your neighbours commits a crime and is arrested by the police. You don’t know which neighbour has committed the crime but you are linked to each other by the street you live on and therefore you are ‘associated’ to that neighbour.

More like you handed over keys to your car to a neighbor and the next morning there's blood on the bumper and the cops are knocking on your door. You do bear some responsibility but since it's Google's store it's their rules and the analogy kinda breaks down because Google cuts off access in order to mitigate the impact of a Sybil attack.

I sympathize with this guy, and I feel sad and awful every time I read about something like this, because all I can think is man, this could happen to me any day.

It also serves as a very unfortunate reminder of a couple of things:

1. Just how incredibly important it is for us to be able to use the platforms of the future as we see fit. We look at app stores and think well, this is good, right, applications are vetted and you can be sure that everything you install from one is fine. Except malicious applications still get through (see e.g. https://threatpost.com/google-play-removes-22-malicious-ligh... - not a singular incident), it's applications that could be a threat to Google's position or its business don't.

If users could download and install applications as they wish, as it was the norm twenty years ago, having a developer account removed wouldn't be much of a problem. Curating and reviewing applications may be a good way to keep malicious ones away from non-technical users, but who we trust to do the reviewing is equally important, and Google is about as shady as it gets.

2. Google's abysmal support (which is not limited to this particular case!) is no coincidence: small developers are too small to count, and, as applications became commoditized and got cheaper and cheaper, there are too many of them for the loss of one to be important in any way. Sure, Google's PR may insist they value every developer but their actions speak for themselves. Customer support, for any branch of their business, is so bad it makes PayPal look helpful by comparison.

3. Ultimately, that the standards of every company are the standards that its users hold it to. It speaks for itself that Google's "appeal" process (if one can call it that way) is so incredibly useless that the only way to actually appeal it is to produce enough rage that -- out of fear of bad PR, not because that's how you work with customers! -- someone will actually look at this.

I hope this gets sorted out real soon -- and that we all think twice about which platforms we support through our work. Both Google and Apple are what they are because mobile developers publish their applications there and not somewhere else -- both of them would be nothing were it not for the app developers' work, as seen in, say, Windows Phone. Granted, Android and iPhone are where the most users are, so it's where the big money is -- I'm sure no one writes Android apps because they're evil (ok, some people do; but not everyone). But most companies in this space could afford to invest in more free platforms, like the Librem 5, which would work in their own benefit, even if not right now.

Edit: oh yeah, one more thing.

I've seen Google trying to wiggle out of situations like these by saying that well, this was outsourced, so maybe the guys this was outsourced to did some shady stuff, it's definitely not Google's fault, they have no control over that.

Yeah, well, the outsourcing industry is older than Google is, and it's also responsible for virtually 90% of the applications on the Play Store (how else do you think applications end up costing 99 cents?). If a company can't come up with a review process that can accommodate the software outsourcing industry, in 2019, that's beyond laughable.

Google is not just an ordinary company though. It is so dominant that its basically like Google is effectively its own government but with no public oversight or legal recourse.

I think instead of relying on these giant monopolies we should built open platforms on decentralized technopolies.

The author should be more careful when hiring remote developers and giving them full access to his account. It looks like he hired some people with the previous history of Play store fraught and Google caught up with them.

I run a consulting company myself. When we develop mobile apps for our customers we usually recommend them to assign one of their employees to manage App/Play store accounts and publish new versions. The company responsibilities under online store TOS are not necessarily covered by the development agreement they signed with us and if they want to ensure the compliance they should do it themselves.

In some ways, I feel that this is a systemic problem with mobile app developers. Most these guys have barely any interest in technogy or innovation. As long as they can code something up and make a quick bug they are happy. They should have seen this coming when all their apps had to go through the playstore if they were serious about it.

If they are half as serious about this as usual opensource community they would have built a reasonable alternative to it. It's a disgrace that Android, something paraded as opensource, has taken away the very things it promises to give the community: choice and liberty.

What a pile of crap you are saying. Generalizing entire groups. Very offending to some of us. The mobile dev industry is filled with talented and motivated Devs. What you say is not right. I would be the same as declaring you to the group of nerdy usually ugly developers working in dark rooms with pizza boxes everywhere. No interest for business and no interest for girls because they are all porn addicted.

I'm not trying to offend any dev in particular. If you think you are a competent dev good for you and I'm not disputing that. My point is as far as I can see Android as a development platform is in a pile of mess. Get together and build a reliable, secure Playstore. Android is opensource right? So take back some control.

Do you hear Linux community whining about Redhat or IBM?

Android does offer those things. Google play store does not. They are two separate things.

Then I'm sure these guys wouldnt have to write this up. The reality of Android is you need Google's approval if you want to develop for it in a commercial capacity. The rest is just theory.

That's like saying that free market doesn't exist because you need a permission from your local council to run a business. There are other companies that have built their own stores on top of android - you are free to sell your applications there, or to make your own store. Android as an operating system does not limit where you can sell or buy apps, unlike iOS where you only get one source.

Google and Apple are a duopoly in the huge app market. Governments should force their process to become transparent. Until this happens, countless number of developers will go through ordeals like that.

This is why Google should get hit with many more anti-monopoly penalties.

Don't use walled gardens. Don't use servcies with shitty ToS. Problem solved. If you can't get by without this this means you're part of the problem of providing services to those contributing to the problem.

That isn't to say this isn't an unethical and jerk policy of Google's. It's just that you knew they, and most other centralized companies with rent models are incentived by profit to behave this way.

So many people are slapping their hands down a burner and then acting shocked when they get burnt.

A few days ago there was a discussion about Google listing PWAs in the play store. I would hate if they were somehow able to exercise this level of control on webapps/webpages...

Another proof that centralized closed services are not a good way to conduct our digital life.

Try to depend as little as possible on 3rd parties. Use free software that runs on your machine instead of proprietary services that depend on a server, store your data on your own physical hard drives instead of anyone else's cloud. Sure, concessions can be made when its too impractical to do your own thing, but have in mind that {Google | Apple | Amazon | Facebook} doesn't care about you.

Why the mobile providers (Eg Orange, ATT, China Telecom) could not cooperate and create a 'Provider Store'

That's governed by their consortium (And if Google fusses at that, create a fork of Android and make a ProvidersDroid OS)?

A consortium of consumer oriented connectivity and device providers (that are also competing with each other) -- have to be able to stand up to this MonsterG, that's waging a war on small-sized-businesses and individuals.

"You don’t know which neighbour has committed the crime but you are linked to each other by the street you live on and therefore you are ‘associated’ to that neighbour. As a result, you are also arrested for the crime and you are guilty by default! There is no unbiased court case or appeals procedure because the decision is final and you cannot find anybody to contact to get your case re-heard!"

That kind of shit happens all the time.

This is why I didn't even blink when Apple cancelled Google's Fisherprice Certificate. Google cancels accounts on a whim daily, and in a lot of cases don't even have the decency to tell you why they cancelled your account and 'destroyed' your business; they deserve no sympathy. At least here they gave something resembling a faint reason. I hope the authors find a solution soon.

One of the things you could do to avoid this kind of abuse by quasi-monopolies would be to not post on Medium. But that's just me I guess and that guy: https://brooksreview.net/2018/05/medium-keeps-killing-off-bl...

Chances of getting decent customer support by Google seems to me like a lottery. Please act accordingly and don‘t make business with such an entity.

I would be interested in knowing what app you made. Completely agree that Google is heavy handed and they treat developers (and really anyone that depends on them) as bugs they don’t care about squashing. Only if your story goes viral will the beast wake up and put out the fire in the kitchen.

Don’t forget that there are other markets for apks such as it is. Play revenue is dismal compared to Apple App Store anyway.

There has to be legislation against these huge companies, who hold so much commercial power.

I had my Adsense account terminated a few years ago and since then I can’t do anything commercial on Google’s platform. My appeal wasn’t heard and I wasn’t given any info on what happened. I expect a competitor did something.

I can’t make YouTube video and add ads, and I can’t add ads to any new website businesses I may want to put online.

New platform, same issue. Adsense has tens of thousands of these horror stories. One click can end a business and destroy someone's life.

and yet the lemmings continue to flock to the adsense cliff and follow each other over it. I dropped adsense ten? years ago - I dont have an FB account and I'm not tart now. It may not seem that way to the lemmings but Google and FB are NOT the internet (they just very very good at exploiting it).

Google is all about scale. The one thing that doesn't scale is personal service, so they don't offer it - it's not part of their DNA. Getting a human to make a judgement call on any decision is near impossible, because that's the way Google designed their company.

It has been that way from the start and probably will be that way forever. Stories like this go back ages.

Can they just distribute the app outside the play store like Fortnight?

I don't imagine there is much "discoverability" there anyhow.

Yes, but most people don't install apps that aren't on the PlayStore.

Years ago, when Google kicked our browser extension out of their store, we were in a similar situation.

Fortunately, I knew more than one person who worked there and begged them to ask around. Eventually, we were told something to the effect of, Google outsources management of the store. Once an actual Google employee got their eyes on it, we were reinstated.

We got one of our app taken down and a strike on our account, warning that further strikes are going to mean no more developer account. We wanted to re-upload and try to find what the problem was but with no human contact ever able to be made, we had to settle for not doing the app over losing all of our other ones.

A lot of the comments seem to defend Google on the grounds of fighting bad actors and protecting users from malicious code.

This post is not disputing Google's right, some would say duty, to counter fraud. It's simply stating that this shouldn't result in irreversible damage to good faith actors.

I am inclined to agree.


Oracle revealed Google's Android revenue was $31 billion in 2016 with $22b of that being profit. AT&T, Comcast, Amazon etc suggest it is possible to support a few million developers/customers within $22b.


I am going to assume that the problem is Google once again using an automated, AI powered system that's designed to prevent abuse. Only it's too draconian - if not downright faulty - and punishes innocent devs but that Google has decided that's an ok trade-off because the system prevents enough abuse and is much cheaper than employing more human beings for their abuse prevention efforts. So what if 10% of all abuse patterns are false positives - they have millions of devs lining up to be part of the Google Play ecosystem.

Google has similar problems with automated, AI powered systems at Adsense, Adwords, Youtube, GCP etc, and the constant abuse and total lack of communication they've put their customers through has had many of them abandoning these platforms.

Meanwhile, their poor treatment of customers keep reinforcing the notion that Google simply cannot offer the level of customer service people need to run their businesses, and that's one problem they can't code or AI themselves out of.

Isn’t it about time we have a review of the legality of tos agreements? It seems anyone can put anything into this thing nobody reads and just point their finger at it “see, says here you agree you’re an idiot”.

There should be some limits as to what you can and cannot put into TOS.

Ah, but you forget the age old problem of government regulation:

Regulatory capture

I guarantee if you got such a law passed, Google, Apple, and Microsoft will be the ones actually writing the law, and running whatever organization is supposed to enforce it.

And I guarantee they will make it extremely hard to comply with simply to drive up costs to competitors.

It won't actually do anything useful, or there will be one good aspect left in as a fig leaf. It will, effectively, be a very expensive to comply with pile of empty words.

The moral of the story is, don't relies on monopolized software distribution platform.

How can you not rely on these platforms if you are building an app? You cannot expect anyone to go download .apk's manually. Users are too coddled to do anything different when downloading/installing the app. The real moral of the story is that we are just peasants on these platforms and can be washed away with a flick of a finger. In the end, become Zuck or get zucked.

How can you not rely on these platforms if you are building an app? You cannot expect anyone to go download .apk's manually. Users are too coddled to do anything different when downloading/installing the app.

Then maybe we should start educating users in the other direction. There wasn't this problem before app stores and walled gardens became common.

Educating users? Users follow the path of least resistance. Make anything more complicated, and they will switch to something more convenient. Do you expect users to really be sensitive to the plight of devs?

The moral of the story is, don't allow monopolies. Break them down, and be aggressive about it. Don't fall for the "but it's in the best interest of the users" BS.

How exactly are you supposed to distribute your app then? All the app stores are monopolized.

I use a PC. Amazingly it can host software from many sources. Some of those sources include boxed software I ordered from various retailers, software aggregation and distribution services like Steam, the operating system vendors own proprietary software distribution system and a large number of unaffiliated software vendors that operate their own web sites.

It seems that we had long since solved the 'problem' of software distribution before Apple and Google decided to correct it.

And no, my roughly used and crazily effective PC system is not riddled with malware and viruses despite the claims of walled garden purveyors that insist this is inevitable.

Yes, this is HN, we all get it. But theory isn't reality. What's the solution today other than going back in time and blocking appstore monopolies?

WASM maybe.

Why do we need an "app store"? Don't we have the web? And Google the search engine itself? Wouldn't it be better to developers to distribute their APKs and other people to make curated lists of apps?

If the app is not to blame then I believe OP can just make a new Google Play Dev account, change the bundle ID of the app, and upload as a new app.

OP if you need help let me know. As long as you have the source code it should be simple.

It seems to be easier to upload malware to Google Play then legit content

If someone can snap their fingers and turn off your business,it’s not your business. Porters five forces (and ubderstanding the sixth force) is one of the most important lessons in business.

I was expecting a fraud app or something but the app looks legit. I wonder if Google doesn't want you to store you're loyalty cards. Btw $25k seems like a lot for this app.

Hey, let the writer get rich with his "own app" he used freelancers to "develop" and published under their accounts. I am surprised he didn't price it $1,000.

Why not create another account and publish the app again?

They may have a decompiler somethign thingy and block the new account too, as associated with another account that terminated LOL :)

> I am in utter shock at the lack of customer support from Google.

It's very common now and I think these experiences are kind of a 'coming of age' for newer users.

Funny, even after reading everything about privacy and people as the product and whatnot, this might be the thing that gets me to stop using google products

Yikes! A former business associate wanted my username and password for administering my info.

I told him no and ended the relationship. Guy needs to read the terms he’s agreeing to.

I would acquire the source code from the developer, audit it, and then release it under a new account. It's better than trusting Google to do the right thing.

We need a way to unionize across all these properties.

YouTube contributors, Android developers, etc.

Unless we have collective action these companies will simply not care about us.

Find a non-profit and sue Google in Europe. You'll be surprised how quickly they'll reinstate your account. Happened to a friend.

If Google ceased to exist, the only service that they provide that I would miss, is YouTube.

Plague to them. That monopoly should have never been created.

Pretty scary they associate accounts like that.

I know some web developers that have to login to client's Google accounts... For example, using Gmail to download/send mail via their hosting account. Convenience to have it all in one place but some clients who are small business owners don't really want to or know how to deal with things like setting up their email putting in the IMAP and POP details.

Then if you make apps for example, if the company isn't a tech startup you'd be the one uploading the app too. Say they are a small restaurant chain and you wrote them an app.

Also there's local seo companies where companies will manage small businesses Google Business page listings for them too.

There was a story posted about an entire company that got their GSuite banned, and employee's personal accounts unrelated to work got deleted too. https://www.reddit.com/r/tifu/comments/8kvias/tifu_by_gettin...

I like many other people use Google services daily, and a fan of some of their products. However support seems like a blackhole from many other stories online, other's that made it to HN too.

Not sure I'd want to use them for anything business related (Domains, Hosting, Internet, Phone, etc), other than publishing to the Play Store if I ever made an app since you are kinda forced to if you want a popular app that's cross platform. I forget the post but a few days ago people on HN was talking about Google's Cloud offerings and recommended not using any cloud specific APIs. I haven't really been following Google's cloud offerings but I know AWS offers a lot of APIs for databases, etc - but the idea is to use tools and programs that can run on any cloud so it's easy to switch if you wanted or needed too without being locked in. Good general advice no matter who the provider is though.

Google Fi interests me but I remember on the top page of HN someone had a billing problem, and not sure if that was solved. https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=18886804

Google Fi is supposed to be really useful for people who travel internationally for example, with iPhone support recently added but visual voicemail, etc isn't supported yet... If they add visual voicemail in the future I'd be more interested in switching but support is a concern for me.

Also YouTube other people talk about, don't have that as your only income stream is one of the points. However if you are popular enough I've heard you get like some sort of account manager assigned to you, so maybe they get higher priority for support issues.

That story is suspicious, Google's response: https://www.reddit.com/r/google/comments/8l231x/google_banne...

we as users, need to start finding alternatives to Google and Youtube. Not to stop using google/youtube but to diversify. Sure, today, the vast majority of users of Google and Youtube might be treated fairly. But this sort of thing can happen to anyone. No one company should have so much power, the potential for abuse is too large.

If those walled gardens could end, everybody would be better off. They don't even filter apps that abuse users, anyways.

OTOH I can't even delete my developer account and stop Google spamming my inbox.

People always complain when they get kicked out of these walled gardens. Of course it's the same people who have dedicated significant effort and resources into making these walled gardens attractive enough to out compete general purpose computing, so I can't feel that sorry for them.

I'm quite fed up with Google's monopoly. Antitrust thank you please!

At the very least this story should have Google's attention by now

I hate to say it, but Jesus, this is one of the worst apps I’ve ever seen. I’ve seen bootcamp coders create better apps after just a month in bootcamp. I can’t believe you spent $25K on this, did you use one of those Indian app shops...? It kinda shows.

Thats the problem of monopoly. Also depend 100% on a single company.

Does the GDPR give companies (as opposed to individuals) any right to query the factual basis of something like this?

The real problem is betting your business on someone's platform that you absolutely cannot control.

I think we have these "OMG (Google|Youtube|Adsense|Paypal|eBay) terminated my account and it's a disaster!" - once a week at least.

There is serious money to be made on these platforms. Just look at how Zynga made millions in that walled garden.

Of course the problem is that this is a very skewed ecosystem/market. Very harsh rules, everyone is incentivized to play as dirty as they can get away with to maximize profit, because it's just a matter of time before the platform owner tries to get their hands on that particular app/idea/service/niche. (Or someone else, or even just a free alternative.)

And similarly, since platforms sell convenience, lifestyle (in case of Apple) as a service, and exactly because of this they want their users dumb, they sacrifice app developers and apps the moment it would cost them some user convenience. (Of course this paradoxically keeps users in the dark with regards to real security and real convenience of computing, but keeps users very motivated to learn whatever the platform owner think should be the new "convenient" way to do things.)

What's the alternative? Never develop any mobile apps?

It's up to developer to weigh the risks and make an informed decision.

Never launch a mobile app before you have launched a website.

I don't understand why anyone has to do with Google in 2019, with all that's come to light. The only trace of them I have left is my Chromebook, which admittedly is hard to match. (Any suggestions?)

That there might be plenty more traces you have missed.


An old (5+ years) ThinkPad will do just as well as a Chromebook.

Just create a new account and reupload the app!?

Google must be punished. Brutally. It must hurt.

> HoopApp Loyalty

I thought you can’t use “app” in an app name?

> I thought you can’t use “app” in an app name?

WhatsApp seems like a fairly strong counter-argument

What about WhatsApp?

This is a great ad for Firebase and Flutter.

Correct me if I’m wrong, but is the TL;dr „I gave full access to my developer account to a third party and only checked that account when things went wrong“?

app stores ruin everything

I did a little looking around HoopApp's details and I'm finding it all a bit suspect.

We've heard this story hundreds of times — Google Play's aggressive banning, automated responses that stonewall progress, and general inability to get things fixed even when people get involved — so there's nothing about it that isn't believable. But I have a feeling that some or all of this may not have actually happened to this particular developer account.

The first thing I checked was the history on the app itself. AppBrain shows that the app was originally released almost exactly 1 year ago, and in the 11 months it was available, it had still only reached the 100-500 install count. Apple's App Store doesn't show download numbers, but the listing has zero reviews, which is a fairly good indicator that download numbers are virtually non-existent. https://www.appbrain.com/app/com.hoopapp https://itunes.apple.com/gb/app/hoopapployalty/id1287914039

I also then looked into their website, curious if this might still be newsworthy. https://www.hoopapp.co.uk/

It's a proprietary digital loyalty card that requires that businesses pay a subscription fee and either rent or buy hardware from HoopApp, and customers will need the apps on their phones. On a personal note, I think the business idea was bad and doomed to fail, but who am I to judge...

This is when I started to consider the app may not have been delisted by Google, but could have actually been done intentionally by the HoopApp people. After all, the download numbers were abysmal, and the only way a business like this can succeed is if there are a ton of customers interested in using it, which would be incentive for businesses to pay a fee for it.

Their post makes a point to say that they had put some effort into hyping up the product prior to its launch, which was supposedly about to happen, so I looked at their social accounts. https://www.facebook.com/HoopLoyalty/ https://twitter.com/hoopapployalty

Both have posts from 12 months ago that say the app already launched, and some from only a few months earlier that claim the app was just about to launch. To me, this doesn't really line up with the timeline they presented in their post, even taking into account the claims about server troubles. I don't think server troubles should take nearly a year to resolve. Regardless, both apps have been publicly accessible for a year.

https://twitter.com/HoopAppLoyalty/status/928166469136814080 https://twitter.com/JNights2/status/967074426272575488 https://twitter.com/HoopAppLoyalty/status/967723452957208576

https://www.facebook.com/HoopLoyalty/posts/880998315392883?_... https://www.facebook.com/HoopLoyalty/photos/a.80383775977560... https://www.facebook.com/HoopLoyalty/photos/a.80383775977560... https://www.facebook.com/HoopLoyalty/photos/a.80383775977560... https://www.facebook.com/HoopLoyalty/photos/a.80383775977560... https://www.facebook.com/HoopLoyalty/photos/a.80383775977560...

Both accounts have been mostly silent for the better part of the last year, only popping up with a few generic reposts, some stuff about a video, plus a post on each account when they were anticipating an award. Evidently they won a local business award 8 months ago for a service that hadn't officially launched yet?

https://twitter.com/HoopAppLoyalty/status/100990469131517542... https://www.facebook.com/HoopLoyalty/photos/a.80383775977560...

There's still room to dig, but once all of these pieces come together, it looks a lot like they're trying to stir up a mob to get attention for a business that had basically failed. It's not hard to pretend to be a victim of Google's famously bad management of developer accounts, there are screenshots and identical stories all over HN and reddit, all of which are easy to copy and modify.

I'm skeptical of story elements like an investment of only £25,000 (about $33,000 US). The way it's described, it sounds like this is for both the Android and iOS apps, plus server development, and an interface for the business owners. To say that's on the low side would be an understatement. Are there investors, and why aren't they doing something about this? They've supposedly sunk time and effort into promoting the service and making videos, but most of that happened over a year ago over a couple months, then abruptly slowed to very rare posts. This doesn't sound ambitious enough for a startup.

One other thing I noticed is that the HoopApp social accounts don't even point to this post, and the site still links to the Google Play listing even though it has been down for a month. You'd think they would have at least added a note to explain the app would be returning shortly. I'm not going to speculate on this or try to track down details, but I did briefly ponder the possibility that the post wasn't even written by somebody with a connection to the company.

Regardless, the tl;dr is that this whole thing smells a bit like a publicity stunt based on an all too familiar story. Raising the pitchforks for hundreds of other legitimate developers is more than justified, but I think this particular story should be scrutinized quite a bit more before it becomes the poster child for a call to action.

My adwords account was terminated after 7 years of inactivity for some violation regarding how I used my original $100 free credit to experiment with click metrics. I got a similar letter when I appealed. I didn't realize it until a couple years after it was terminated when I wanted to promote a self made product. I have to use someone else's account now to run my ads. It feels excessive.

I have the same issue and it happened already more than 10 years (!) ago by now. Indeed there is no possible way to get adwords enabled again after such a termination.

Same, was over 10 years ago for me as well. Still banned.

I’m really glad Im not suppporting and advocating for that destructive ecosystem anymore.

While making a living off of it you are only incentivized to defend android and what it COULD be.

Being an android app developer is basically scamming entrepreneurs, especially North American ones as their ideas dont typically leverage any good or monetization related ideas that apply to North American Android users and they are completely tied to Google services.

All while developing for a venture on the Asian continent just wont pay you, the developer, as much.

Good thing developing for yourself is free.

We should all start doing everything we can to economically harm google and reduce their power.

> I have no idea how Google can terminate accounts without fully checking the reasons behind the termination.

The moral is never invest money in a platform where an algorithm can terminate you.

The same applies to payment processors. Always have more than one for your online business.

People are still using Google in 2019 ?

> I am in utter shock at the lack of customer support from Google.

I'm not.

I don't understand how anyone can be surprised. Companies like AT&T and Comcast budget to support 100m people by phone, while Google has $100,000,000,000+ in the bank. This kind of expense evasion is just a dirty accounting trick to spend less. It would barely even eat into their revenue to provide Comcast-level shitty support. Google's massive profits could even absorb the occasional tax, unfortunately it's much more profitable to just abstain from support, taxes etc.

Neither am I. Try getting customer support for other services. Good luck.

Would love to sympathize but I can’t agree with their “neighbour” analogy. A more apt analogy is this: If someone has illegal dealings in the past, and you conduct business with them in the present, the authorities are well within their rights to investigate you. If you didn’t know beforehand, the investigation should convince you to cease further activities. If you did know and still proceeded, it’s your own damn fault.

Tl;dr: Cut ties with the app developer, create a fresh google play dev account and deploy your app.

I do agree that Google’s customer support is sorely lacking. If they’re collecting 30% of every purchase, they need to hire real people to deal with these issues. That’s a big chunk of change to collect and not provide any service against.

Edit: While it’s tempting to play the victim, business in the real world also works this way. Businesses can end up tainted by association with sketchy parties or other businesses that act poorly. A good chunk of business is word of mouth and trusting the other party. No one wants to do business with someone untrustworthy.

In this case they are not being "investigated" but "convicted".

Please. This is not a court of law. Google, as a business, is cutting ties with your business because your business has toes to someone who shat in their backyard. It’s not your fault if you didn’t know, that’s unfair, but they are entitled to protect themselves too. Sometimes life is unfair and bad breaks happen.

> Tl;dr: Cut ties with the app developer, create a fresh google play dev account and deploy your app.

Google seem to be clear that any new accounts will be banned too.

Slightly off topic, but:

My main problem in getting away from Google is: who will protect my email/phone accounts as well as Google does with GMail and Google Voice? Sadly, those are the main means of authentication for my multiple financial accounts (for most banks phone and emails are the only 2FA methods available).

I am not worried about the privacy issues, I'm mostly worried about Google deciding to terminate my account for some reason, like in this case. I'm also not worried about getting locked out due to losing my 2FA secrets, since I backup them in multiple places.

The obvious solution would be: buy my own domain and then connect it to another email provider or G Suite, right? However, now I have a point of failure that is my domain registrar and my DNS provider, and I'm sure that even the ones that offer strong security (e.g. Gandi with U2F) are more prone to getting successfully hacked than @gmail.com, from both a technical point of view (e.g. attackers violating their systems and change the DNS records for my domain) and social engineering point of view (e.g. crafted support requests pretending to be me and begging to reset my 2FA).

Realistically speaking a hacker has more incentives to attack GMail than any domainer. I'm not saying that Gandi or whoever is more secure than GMail, just that there are more chances that something goes south with the latter rather than the former.

Following your logic, I would expect my bank to be hacked way more than the few careless customers of the bank itself who leak their credentials via stupid phishing attacks, since the returns are many orders of magnitude higher?

I’m not sure it works that way, incentives are always balanced by the practical effort required to achieve the goal, and the effort of breaking google is massive compared to the effort of violating a DNS registrar.

I feel lucky to have had this experience with a regular Amazon account. It has made me realize that this is a regular part of doing business with such companies and is to be expected. Internet accounts can all be closed at any time for no reason and they will be. I would never in a million years invest in iOS or Android apps whose success depends on these stores ran by artificial intelligence aka human stupidity. I feel bad for people that do like this couple, but I hope the more stories like this come out, the more people will be aware of this situation, a situation unlikely to change soon. This is the Internet we've allowed to be built because we value profits over anything else. Imagine if the power company just shut off the power for no reason despite you paying the bill or the mortgage company came and took your house away by force despite you being paid up. We have laws against such things because we know they would happen if we didn't. Yet we allow these Internet companies to do whatever they want. This is what they will do without regulation. At this point it's so widely known that it shouldn't be a surprise. These two owners failed to do a proper risk analysis for their business and they got burned. I hate to blame them when it's our lack of laws and regulations that allow this, but in the known absence of such laws and regulations the ultimate responsibility rests with them: they trusted an untrustworthy company and got burned. Welcome to the club. Next time, they should spend a few million dollars (just enough to outspend the big tech companies) greasing palms in Washington and getting regulations changed in their favor before starting a business. That's the American way, after all.

There's a pettiness and cruelty to this comment and those like in in this post that I don't understand. What is it about HN that consistently encourages people to be callous to the suffering of others and defeatist in the face of challenges created by corporations?

It's not callous, it's being realistic and trying to help others stay out of this miserable spot. If someone else is trying to do the same and the comment saves them months of work and thousands of dollars that would have been thrown out by Google/Apple/Amazon etc., that seems like a good thing to me. Having experienced essentially the same thing as the couple in the article and knowing it is futile to do anything about it might change your perspective too. Even they realize that at this point, their only hope is going viral. Yet an actual business analysis of where they went wrong is petty and cruel? You know what's petty and cruel? Shutting someone's account automatically using an algorithm and not allowing any human review of the situation whatsoever. That's what's petty and cruel. Trying to help people avoid this situation is anything but. It's too late for the couple in the article, but others might be wise enough to learn from this couple's (and many others') mistakes and save their time and money before opening such a risky business as app development for an app store.

This is why PWA is important: Google cannot ban a website!

Also, the author should make sure to publish their app on non-Google App Stores and remind users that they still have a choice.

And for those questioning on why the author is upset if they're still on the iOS store: Android is about 85% of the global market, and about 2/3rds of the US devices.

iOS is this weird dying phone OS that Apple is keeping alive even though there really aren't that many users.

> iOS is this weird dying phone OS that Apple is keeping alive even though there really aren't that many users

I don't think it should be given the priority developers give it, but 15% globally and 30% in the US are a lot of people.

They're also far more eager to spend than Android users.

yeah, but Apple has always been it's own worst enemy. Jobs and it had this co-dependent relationship, and I think they are in long term decline now that he isn't there to rein in their worst excesses and insist on certain things.

> Google cannot ban a website!

But they can make them really difficult to find.

> iOS is this weird dying phone OS that Apple is keeping alive even though there really aren't that many users.

lol. There are more than a billion iOS users worldwide…

I was thinking more in the sense that they're unlikely to ban a domain in their PWA Android connector or in Chrome.

Doing that would be a leg cannon.

Sorry for the bad Karma but seriously this is 2019. If the OP hasn't seen a zillion other stories like this about Apple, Google, Facebook et al the they clearly have $25,000 to burn so sorry OP but why bother posting this?

If your business model is dependent on someone else's service/store/website/slients then YOU DONT HAVE A BUSINESS you have AT BEST a franchise.

“Why bother posting this?” - that’s easy, because it might hit the front page of HN and someone from Google might see it and actually apply human reasoning to the problem.

And then it might get resolved well...

I argue there is no merit in this stance because:

a) all businesses are dependent on others

b) even an individual is dependent on others

It’s usually smart to have a backup plan, but sometimes the backup plan can only be: deal with it when-if it arises.

Being shocked about this happening in 2019 in either Apple's or Google's app store represents an incredible lack of even cursory research on the author's part. Unless the author shares specific details showing that the ban of the associated account was inappropriate, my reaction is: good, glad you got booted.

If one of the people you chose to associate your account with was previously a bad actor or involved with one, there's no reason to give you the benefit of the doubt because you have at least demonstrated bad judgement. For years people have been playing a game of whack-a-mole where when one account gets terminated they pop up with another. Since your entire business apparently depended on the app stores (a bad idea to begin with) being in good standing with them is therefore vital and it was incumbent on you to vet the people you were in business with. (i.e. sure, be in business with them if you choose. But if you decide to associate your single point of failure business account with them and they fail to disclose that they were associated with something shady in the past, your beef is with them not the app store)

You are asking people, possibly non-technical people, to do thorough background check on each prospective associates and past associates of prospective associates. The not feasible nor reasonable.

I'm suggesting a business person conduct themselves like a business person. While I understand that they might have been enthusiastic and inexperienced, there is a reason things like contracts and due diligence exist in the world. Businesses of all sorts, generally run by very non-technical people, need to do background checks on people in key positions all the time to avoid exactly these sorts of issues. For an app store based business, anyone associated with the app's account is in a key position.

What is it about an app store-based business that is supposed to make them immune from these realities?

The way I read your comment is that you've somehow managed to internalize being treated like crap by large organizations, and you expect others to be as sanguine as you are about it. Luckily, this is not the case. Many people still have a sense of dignity, of what is right, and what is unacceptable behavior, and express their discontent when mistreated. And hopefully they will continue to do so despite the unkind, unwise, and ultimately self-defeating voices like yours that preach unthinking self-abasement as the correct reaction to an automated rebuke from the powerful.

May you get what you desire.

No, I was not accepting an argument that came across as 'our account was terminated and we have the RIGHT to be reinstated because this new account has done nothing wrong' In many other types of businesses it is rather common to be judged by the company one keeps. Given the importance of the app store account to this business, it seemed rather critical to keep it in good standing which would include vetting those they associated with it.

I admit that I was judging the story by the details that weren't included as I found the omission of them as the most relevant. Perhaps the flagging of the account in question was in fact wrongly done but it seems incumbent on the author of the article to make that case which they did not, in my opinion.

Here's the thing that really annoys me about this whole topic: I'm not a fan of the direction the app stores have gone (either as a user or a developer.) I'd much rather be reading and participating in discussions about what's going to disrupt them.

Not a right to be reinstated, necessarily, but at least the right to be heard.

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