We use to do P2P with Limewire, directly downloading from people's devices.
Next came Soulseek in popularity, directly downloading from people's devices.
Then more than a decade ago, came Bittorrent where you downloaded from the swarm.
What comes next? Are there any next-gen systems being developed to replace bittorrent for file sharing?
IPFS is probably spiritually closer to BT in terms of censorship and content sharing, and could be a valid replacement if the right incentive based sharing applications are built over it. Right now there is little incentive to seek out and add content to IPFS, if that can be cracked then BT could be wiped out by it.
However, the trend now for most people is to subscribe to spotify, netflix and amazon prime, thinking there is an endless selection of great and original content. Instead you quickly run out of that and end up listening to and watching whatever the algorithm tells you to.