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Ask HN: Who is hiring? (March 2014)
311 points by whoishiring on March 1, 2014 | hide | past | favorite | 431 comments
Please lead with the location of the position and include the keywords INTERN, REMOTE, or H1B if the corresponding sort of candidate is welcome. Feel free to post any job that may interest HN readers from executive assistant to machine learning expert to CTO.

Also see: Ask HN: Freelancer? Seeking freelancer? (March 2014) http://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=7324231


I'm part of a small team that's been working on healthcare.gov for the last few months alongside a bunch of other Google, Facebook, and Y Combinator alums.

We'll always remember what Mikey told us in December, after the site was back up, could handle a non-trivial amount of traffic, and people who wanted health insurance could finally get it:

"1 in 1000 uninsured people die each year. It's not an exaggeration to say that due to the work we're doing here, 5,000-10,000 people will live to see the end of 2014. You should be proud of what you've done, but we should also all be grateful to have this opportunity."

We're all grateful to be here, but there's a hell of a lot more work to be done.

If any of you out there are an amazing software engineer or SRE, and want to help make our government work better, please shoot us an email: brandon@hcgov.us

For more info, see:

Obama's Trauma Team: Inside the Nightmare Launch of HealthCare.Gov https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=7312442

It looks like the average across the whole population in the U.S. is 8 in 1000 people will die each year [1].

[1] http://data.worldbank.org/indicator/SP.DYN.CDRT.IN

Maybe the actual stat is that one in those eight people dies due to being uninsured?

I bet a huge percentage of people dying are over 65 and have Medicare. You need numbers for those outside of that safety net to compare.

Is this open for remote candidate?

Right now, we're looking for folks who can move to the Baltimore/DC area for at least 1-3 months -- it's just hard to get stuff done in this environment without being here in-person!


Right now, we've all been pitching in on 1-3 month rotations to the DC/Baltimore area. (If you'd be interested in helping but can't necessarily move to Maryland... stay tuned :) .)

Mozilla Research (Servo) - Remote or any of our global offices

Servo is a new web browser engine. It is designed to be more memory safe (far and away the #1 cause of browser engine security bugs!) through use of the new Rust programming language, and also to take advantage of modern hardware by implementing the Web Platform with support for parallelism and concurrency.

We’re looking for some very senior people to join us and provide technical leadership and mentoring for major areas of this project. In particular, if you have a deep background in either the implementation of layout of the Web, the implementation of the DOM and its integration with JavaScript engines, or with systems programming (particularly in the spaces of graphics, networking, and mobile), we’d love to talk with you.

Apply online at:


This is Mozilla, so our development and roadmap is completely open. You can learn more at our project at its GitHub page:


Or you can just drop by #servo on irc.mozilla.org and ask us questions.

Oculus VR - http://www.oculusvr.com/company/careers/ - Irvine, CA

We want everyone in the world to experience the impossible. We want your help building the virtual reality hardware and platform that takes people to beautiful new universes. Oculus is up to over 70 people (primarily engineers), and we are expanding quickly. In addition to a huge variety of positions in Irvine, CA, Oculus is looking for software engineers in Dallas, TX.

A few of the positions that are especially important to us right now are:

* Embedded Systems Engineer - Design, prototype, and program the systems going into future virtual reality products.

* Product Manager, Software - Lead development of core software products, services, and applications.

* Communications Manager - Define the overall voice and messaging for Oculus.

* Computer Vision Engineer - Research and develop algorithms and software for cutting edge 3D vision applications.

The full set of job listings you can apply to is at http://www.oculusvr.com/company/careers/

We've recently revamped our careers system, so you should apply directly there. You can email me with any questions at nrp@oculusvr.com

Question, asked on HN because others might be interested in the answer as well. Since you did not explicitly mention it in your post and I could not find this on your website either, I was wondering if you only hire locally (i.e. US) or are H1Bs welcome too?

We have sponsored H-1B visas in the past for exceptional candidates.

Has Oculus considered hiring interns? I am very interested and feel like I could make an impact.

Transcriptic: Full-stack developer (emphasis on frontend)

Menlo Park, CA

Transcriptic is "Amazon Web Services" for the life sciences. Rather than carry out wet-lab experiments by hand, researchers can code up (or visually configure) their experimental protocols and then run them in Transcriptic's central, highly automated 'biocenter' in an on-demand way. Customers have no upfront capital costs and pay for only what they use. Life science research today is incredibly slow, error-prone, monotonous, and expensive with researchers spending many hours a day every day just moving small volumes of liquids from one place to another. We're building a long-term company to completely change the way life science research and development is done.

We're looking for a highly talented full-stack web developer. On top of our robotic work cells is a slew of internal services as well as a Rails app that acts as our lab information management system and customer-facing UI. Challenges range from building rich, interactive interfaces for composing protocols to presenting analytical data generated by the lab back to the user. We use d3, Backbone, and some CoffeeScript today, but you'd be free to choose your own tools and libraries.

We're a small startup (you'd be #11), but well funded ($4.1M) and have customers. You'd be able to work on interesting science and hard technology in a really small, all technical team with lots of freedom and resources.

A biology background is preferred but not strictly necessary for outstanding people.

Recent coverage:

- http://www.theverge.com/2013/12/18/5216738/inside-transcript...

- http://techcrunch.com/2014/02/18/aws-for-life-science-with-4...

team at transcriptic.com


Etsy - Brooklyn, NY. Some positions are accepting remotes (check descriptions).


We're looking for everyone! Web/mobile apps/tools/testing engineers; Designers; Ops; Marketing; We have a lot of open reqs for managers all over the world as well.


Etsy is the world's largest handmade, vintage and craft supplies marketplace. We are a values based company that believes that we can make a profit without violating our core beliefs [1]. We practice continuous deployment [2], and we measure everything [3].

I've never worked with finer engineers, product managers, designers, or data analysts in my life. I recently switched teams to work in a completely different domain because I wanted to scratch a different itch, and it was no problem for my manager or his managers. Highly recommended.

[1] (http://www.etsy.com/blog/news/2014/etsy-values-impact-annual...)

[2] (http://codeascraft.com/2010/05/20/quantum-of-deployment/)

[3] (http://codeascraft.com/2011/02/15/measure-anything-measure-e...)

Would you accept remote employee for the "Full Stack Software Engineer" position ?

AMA Capital -- Palo Alto, CA. Full time. H1B okay.

AMA Capital trades billions of dollars per day in the foreign exchange markets.

We are all engineers, and we all do a little bit of everything, designing and implementing our own trading strategies and infrastructure. We are a very small team (I am the only employee) looking to add one or two engineers focusing on strategy and/or on infrastructure. No experience or specific knowledge of finance is required. However, you do need to be at least interested in financial markets and to be able to implement your strategies carefully in C++.

An example of an infrastructure project is designing and building a system for logging to non-volatile memory. We generate large logs covering everything from prices to transaction data. NVDIMMs are a form of RAM that survives power loss, and such hardware has been on the horizon for a while, but it is just now becoming available to early adopters. Writes to NVDIMMs will be nearly instantaneous and immediately durable. This project will be to develop an NVDIMM-based system that simultaneously functions as a log, an IPC mechanism, and a searchable database for analysis. Making this work will involve a number of pieces: kernel drivers, CPU cache control, lock-free synchronization, a daemon to write everything back to long-term (i.e. less expensive) storage, and more. If this works well, we plan to open-source all the pieces.

Learn more at http://amacapital.net/careers.html, and contact us at careers@amacapital.net.

San Francisco, Thumbtack. H1B welcome.

(You probably haven't heard of Thumbtack. We've been flying under the Silicon Valley radar for quite some time.)

Thumbtack is a new way to find and hire people to help you get things accomplished: whether a DJ for the party you're throwing this weekend, a contractor to renovate your kitchen, or an SAT tutor to help you prep for exams, or anything else, Thumbtack will help. And on the flip side: if you provide any kind of service, Thumbtack will help you connect with new clients and grow your business. Millions of people are using Thumbtack already.

Our engineering team is currently 10 people. We're looking for software engineer generalists, or specialists in any domain (frontend, backend, mobile, ops, data science). I often describe our team as being academic, deliberate, and compassionate.

Things we like: Python (Pyramid), Postgres, Mongo, R, Pandas, AngularJS.

Our office is in SoMa. Our chef cooks amazing meals for us everyday, we brew a lot of our own beer, we read books together. We play, but mostly we're just excited to be making amazing products for our users and making their lives better.

Come help us transform the local services industry, bring it into the 21st century, and change the lives of millions of people.



Fee free to email me (chris@) as well. If you're in SF, let's grab coffee!

Perhaps considering interns?

Weft - http://weft.io - Boston, MA + San Francisco, CA. INTERN welcome.

  ====== What we do =========
We're Waze for Cargo. Weft tracks shipping containers using low-cost hardware to make sure that shipments get to where they're supposed to be on time and intact, saving billions in lost value due to cargo shrink and disrupted supply chains. We take the info we get from the hardware and figure out where the bottlenecks in the supply chain are, predict whether or not a shipment is going to make it to its destination on time, and dynamically reroute/reschedule shipments so that we can optimize the system as a whole. Really neat stuff.

  ===== How we do it ========
Web stack -> clojure (immutant) + titan (really scary graph database on top of cassandra) -- we use middleman + enlive (and a bit of hiccup) for templating

Algorithms -> a dizzying mixture of oldschool and newschool techniques ;-)

Hardware -> think cell phone on crack (atmel avr xmega, a bunch of sensors, gps, gsm, etc). Working integrated chip now! Have some pilots running with v1 hw.

  ====== And the rest =======
We've got some very interesting partners and customers (ranging from telcos to enterprise software providers to regional and international logistics companies). We also have some top tier investors!

Looking for help at every point in the system (hardware, firmware, frontend, backend, algorithms, mobile, etc). Mostly focused on the data science aspect of Weft for the next few months.

I should also probably mention that we have a team with a bunch of industry vets!

If this sounds interesting, please shoot me an email at marc@weft.io!

Resin.io -- Full-time Linux engineer



Remote, or on-site in Athens, Greece

About us


We are building a seamless code delivery platform for embedded devices (like the Raspberry Pi). Think of it as Heroku for the Internet of Things if you must. We've already ported Docker to ARM CPUs and have hit quite a few more Linux, Docker & ARM related milestones internally.

We are a company founded and led by developers and have a strong engineering-led culture. As long as there is progress, we are flexible with regard to location and work hours.

About you


We are looking for Linux talent to work on our cloud services, deployed as Docker containers, but also to work on supporting arbitrary Linux-capable devices. The product is still young so you'll get a chance to have real impact on how the end result looks and feels to our users.

Besides strong Linux skills, familiarity with Docker will help a lot. Much of our codebase (on cloud and device) is in node.js so JavaScript skill is a plus.

The Process


Send us your CV (a pointer to source code online is a great plus). Those that pass a phone interview will receive a small but paid project as a test. If we like working with you and you like working with us, you'll be offered a full-time job.

Get in touch


send your CV to hello@resin.io

Xamarin (http://xamarin.com/) - San Francisco, full time, relocation available

At Xamarin, we believe that great, native mobile user experiences have the power to transform customer relationships and employee productivity. Unlike other cross-platform mobile frameworks that deliver lowest common denominator experiences through UI abstraction libraries, we make 100% of the iOS and Android APIs available through our native bindings. Xamarin developers deliver high performance, fully native experiences and also share on average 75% of their source code across platforms.

Xamarin is the only platform with complete API coverage and deep code-sharing capabilities across iOS, Android and Windows apps, for a total of 2.6 billion devices you can reach in C#.

We have a number of positions available (http://xamarin.com/jobs), but I'm looking for Customer Success Engineers (http://xamarin.com/jobs/oHTMXfw3) to join our team.

Basically, you will become our customers' trusted advisor – providing technical expertise, on-boarding project guidance, and implementation assistance.

It's a great opportunity if you already have the technical chops, but want to explore a different aspect of the business.

Shoot me an email at valentin@xamarin.com if you have questions or would like to apply.

San Francisco, CA | Cancer Therapeutics Innovation Group (CTIG)

Help cure cancer by building webapps.

At CTIG, we sequence the DNA of cancer tumors to recommend the right therapy for that tumor's specific DNA mutations. Patients and their oncologists use our analyses to help make decisions about how to treat their cancer. With us, you'd help build the systems that doctors and patients use to access and interpret our results, and work on the systems we use to manage our internal processes.

It's really important that our users (patients and doctors) be able to understand the results we're giving back to them. So we're looking for someone who can translate our analyses into web pages that are clear, simple, and well-designed. That makes front-end experience and an eye for aesthetics important, but you'll be working on the backend as well.

Our current web apps are built using:

* Scala, with the Play framework

* Python, with Django and Flask

* Javascript, with Angular.js and D3

* HTML/CSS/LESS with Bootstrap

* Postgres

It's great if you're familiar with those, but general web dev skill and the ability to pick up new tools and technologies is more important. Our other systems also use R, and we're experimenting with the Julia language, so if you're looking to work with interesting technology then you'll find kindred spirits here.

CTIG is located in Mission Bay in San Francisco, across the street from the UCSF campus here. We're a very interdisciplinary group, with bioinformaticians and computational biologists from UC Berkeley, UC Santa Cruz, and UCSF; biologists from UCSF, and physicians from Harvard Medical School. Some of us have PhDs, some of us have MDs, and some of us are college dropouts; we're not credentialists, but we do have strong backgrounds in our respective fields. It's a small team with 6 programmers, so you'd be a core contributor and you'd help set our technical direction.

We're very serious about cancer, but pretty laid-back otherwise; office discussions range from the nitty-gritty details of molecular biology and machine learning to re-enactments of South Park episodes.

We're looking for people who are authorized to work in the US, and can work full-time on-site in SF. If you're interested, email me at mskinner@ctig.com, and include "EGFR" (the name of one of our favorite genes) in the subject.

CircleCI (https://circleci.com/jobs) - SF or REMOTE fulltime (in the US)

At CircleCI we're building the next generation of developer automation: amazing Continuous Integration and Deployment. We have traction and revenue and funding and great customers. Our customers love us, because we move quickly, build great things, and provide amazing support. Everyone talks to customers a lot.

We're still a small team, so you'll have a large impact on company culture. We're highly influenced by Valve's Employee handbook and Stripe and GitHub's cultures, and have as flat a structure as we can. We're looking for frontend engineers (JS), designers (must be able to HTML+CSS), and backend engineers (Clojure). Being a mix of those is of course welcome! We lean towards senior experienced engineers, or junior engineers who can display great talent.

We're also looking for engineers for Developer Success and Developer Awareness positions. Since we have an incredibly technical product, and selling directly to developers, the dev-awareness positions (think marketing, but much more dev-oriented: dev evangelism, writing interesting blogs, CRO, analytics, etc - think a patio11-style engineer) require significant development experience. Dev-success positions are a good fit for engineers who like working with people and building relationships with customers.

Check out our jobs page at https://circleci.com/jobs.

iRobot (http://www.irobot.com) - Bedford, MA (just outside of Boston, MA)

Do you think robots are cool? So do we!

We're looking for smart engineers who are easy to work with. You should probably think robots are cool, but robotics background is NOT required. (I had no robotics background when I started at iRobot.)

iRobot is looking for software engineers and mechanical engineers.

Here are a few of our 20+ job openings:

* Embedded software engineers: We're hiring for "big embedded" (C++, Linux, and big cpus) and "small embedded" (C, bare-metal, small cpus). If you have good OO skills (C++, Java, etc.) but no "embedded" background that's okay too - shoot me an email and we'll chat.

* Software engineers for vision, navigation, and mapping

* Test engineers

* Mechanical engineers

* IT engineers

Check our jobs site for all positions: http://www.irobot.com/us/Company/Careers.aspx

Email me directly if you'd like to know more: csvec@irobot.com

PS: We have hired people from these "Who is hiring?" posts, thanks to HN for this service/forum!

Fog Creek Software (http://www.fogcreek.com/Careers.html)

New York, NY / REMOTE

Fog Creek Software is a small, entrepreneurial software company in New York City founded in 2000. Our key products are Trello, FogBugz, Kiln and Copilot; all four have been very successful. We bootstrapped ourselves without outside investment and have been profitable from the beginning.

-- Trello Front End Developer On the Trello team, we pride ourselves on building a fast, responsive app using modern frameworks and technologies. We’re looking for a talented front end developer to help us push the limits of what a web app can do. The perfect person for this position will be an experienced developer who takes design and user experience as seriously as we do.

-- Software Developer (Dev Tools) As a programmer at Fog Creek Software, you will help design, develop, and implement the code for our award winning products.

We are looking for a developer to join our Dev Tools team, and we're happy to consider remote applicants. So, if you're happily settled in Crested Butte, CO, but ready to turn out a steady stream of customer facing improvements to our Dev Tools products, you may be the perfect addition to the team.

OpDemand -- Boulder, Colorado or Remote

OpDemand makes Deis, the open source PaaS based on Docker, Chef and Heroku. Using Deis, software teams can deploy and manage applications and services on their own "private Heroku" that runs on public cloud, private cloud or bare metal.

We are hiring Senior Software Engineers with a deep Linux background and a passion for automation. You'll join a tight-knit team of open source developers who are helping businesses succeed using cutting-edge technologies like Docker and Linux containers.

As an open source project, Deis is developed in public on GitHub, IRC and mailing lists. Applicants must be comfortable contributing to popular open source projects that enforce high standards for code quality, test coverage and documentation.

Applicants must be comfortable working with:

* Python, Ruby/Chef, Shell & Go

* Linux (all distros), Docker, LXC

* Amazon Web Services, OpenStack, Vagrant

Remote work and/or relocation assistance are available for exceptional candidates.

Apply here: http://opdemand.theresumator.com/apply/0VidAC/Senior-Softwar...

San Francisco, CA - Zenbox. Software Engineer. [LOCAL | RELOCATE OK]

We're a YC company with a private-beta sales tool that helps small and large companies catch opportunities from slipping through the cracks.

If you've ever run a startup, you know how difficult it can be to stay on top of sales. And you also know how many companies fail because of it. We want to make them succeed.

We also spend time improving our tooling, and tools for other developers.

  * We run the SF ClojureScript meetup
  * Incredibly modern stack: written entirely in Clojure/ClojureScript/Om/React
  * Released the first reference Om app (https://github.com/sgrove/omchaya)
  * Given presentations on how we see app development trending http://sgrove.github.io/omchaya/docs/presentation.html (hint: It's about to get much, much better, and referentially-transparent UI's and serializable state play a big part)
  * We've vastly improved the source-map capabilities of the ClojureScript compiler
  * Reified keywords to the runtime to make ClojureScript a better citizen on the web. 
We do all of this for two reasons: 1.) We want to build apps that customers love in the best way possible, and that often means taking the time to explore proper approaches. With the right team and stack, we run circles around others, and 2.) because we want to give back to the communities that have enabled us.

We're looking for an engineer who loves the craft, who cares about building product, and is excited about helping customers.

Interested in working with Reactjs, Om, and functional programming in the client? We're building a team that's able to reduce complexity others balk at into simple, easy to reason about system, so we can continue to move quickly and delight both customers and ourselves.

This is fullstack work.

Languages: Clojure, Clojurescript, Javascript. sean @ zenboxapp https://www.zenboxapp.com

Also, come meet us at the SF ClojureScript meetup! http://www.meetup.com/SF-Clojurescript-Meetup/

Scribd (YC '06), San Francisco/SOMA - H1B, FULL-TIME, and INTERN are all welcome

Scribd ("Netflix for eBooks", top 100 website, 40 people) is hiring talented hackers of all kinds to help us build the library of the 21st century.

We've hired SIX full-time people and TONS of interns from these "Who is Hiring" threads ... it really works!

We're looking for people who want to work with:

* Ruby on Rails (we're the #2 largest rails site, after Twitter)

* Back-end infrastructure like machine learning / data mining / recommendations - think Netflix prize, but for books!

* Javascript (well, we use Coffeescript)

* iOS or Android (we're a top 10 eBook app, with a tiny mobile team)

* Internships: junior standing or above. We hire several interns every summer and year-round.

That said, we care way more about your personality and general hacking skills then what languages you've used so far, so if you haven't used these but want to break into mobile or web development, this could be a good opportunity for you. We've hired people from these threads with everywhere from 0 to 10 years of experience.

We're profitable, very well funded and have a really fun office environment (go-karts + a rock climbing wall!). Scribd alumni have gone on to found 4 other YCombinator companies, more than from any other startup. We think this says something about the kind of people that we like to hire, and we love hiring people with entrepreneur and startup ambitions. We are also always looking for international people interested in moving to the US and can help you secure a visa.

We recently launched a service that's being called the "Netflix for books" and are really excited about it. Read more here: http://wrd.cm/1dJquzz

More info is at http://www.scribd.com/jobs, but as a HN user, feel free to apply directly by emailing me at jared at scribd.com.

Are your internship positions for Summer 2014 filled?

There's always room for talented engineers :). Just contact us through www.scribd.com/jobs !

Ah, I sent an email to Jared a while back and never got a reply.

Sift Science - San Francisco, CA. Full-time.

Sift Science (http://siftscience.com) uses large-scale machine learning to fight online fraud. It's a problem that cost U.S. merchants > $10B last year, and 70% of it is organized crime. Attacks have rapidly evolved in breadth and depth, but current rule-based systems don't scale. We're looking for engineers of all flavors -- distributed systems, web development, data visualization, and of course, machine learning. We're a tight-knit team that likes board games, yummy food, and solving challenging technical problems. Check out https://siftscience.com/jobs We're also looking for account managers, integration engineers, and someone to lead our B2B marketing efforts. jobs+hn@siftscience.com

Tableau Software - http://careers.tableausoftware.com/

Software Engineers: Seattle, WA -- Kirkland, WA -- Menlo Park, CA -- Austin, TX

Sales & Marketing: Those locations plus other offices around the world

Our mission is to help people see and understand their data.

http://www.tableausoftware.com/gartner-magic-quadrant-2014 suggests that we've had a good start so far.

Knewton - New York, NY - http://www.knewton.com/careers/

Knewton builds the tools and infrastructure needed to create continuously adaptive learning applications driven by real-time proficiency estimation, activity recommendations, concept-level analytics, and more. Basically, we figure out what a students knows and what she should do next based on a specific goal like "get an 80% on this test by next Friday" or a general goal like "become proficient in English."

Knewton was recognized recently as a "Top 10 Most Innovative Company in Big Data" by Fast Company--the only education company included. More at http://www.knewton.com/about/press/

London, UK — Fountain Digital Labs (http://www.fountain-digital.com) — All-round backend developer

We're a well-funded 1.5 year old startup working on the delivery of live video streams from our own cameras around the globe into an iPad app for children. We're currently rolling out our first two installations — in Dubai and in Moscow. And we just grew to ten people.

Both the client part (iOS) and the video processing backend (Python/ffmpeg) are being actively developed in-house. We're currently looking for a Python developer, full-time in London. Our office is at TechHub, in the heart of the Silicon Roundabout, but we'll be moving to the new office in the same area very soon.

The usual job description blurb is at our landing page at http://www.fountain-digital.com. I want to add that it's a great opportunity for a backend developer to get involved in a very serious wide-scale project. We're not in the business of making websites or Facebook apps, our video cloud routinely loads tens of large Amazon EC2 instances — and grows automatically as you add new video streams. We're really doing interesting work here.

If you've never done Python in production, but love distributed systems, programming at scale and are a strong all-rounder — feel free to apply anyway. We love working with smart and hardworking people.

If you want to ask anything about the product, technology, or anything else, drop me a line (I'm the CTO). My email is in the profile.

No recruiters please.

AngularJS Swashbuckler at Learning Objects - Washington, D.C.

> https://www.angularjobs.com/posts/711-angularjs-swashbuckler...

Java Developer with AngularJS Experience - Maryland

> https://www.angularjobs.com/posts/704-java-developer-with-an...

Senior AngularJS Developer - Remote OK - Greenville, SC

> https://www.angularjobs.com/posts/671-senior-angularjs-devel...

Front End Engineer at Thumbtack

> https://www.angularjobs.com/posts/670-front-end-engineer-at-...

Senior Frontend Developer / Team Lead at Namshi in Dubai (Remote or On-site)

> https://www.angularjobs.com/posts/658-senior-frontend-develo...

Senior AngularJS Developer Full Time or Contract

> https://www.angularjobs.com/posts/651-senior-angularjs-devel...

Protean - Ann Arbor/Detroit, Michigan - https://jobs.lever.co/protean - Fulltime. Intern. No H1-B.

Protean is a VC-backed hardware startup developing the Echo Card, a merchant-friendly form of payment that uses Bluetooth Low Energy to connect with your associated mobile app account. The Echo Card is the last card you will ever need and the first product to offer a secure connection to your mobile wallet.

-Open positions-

* UI/UX Designer - Create visual designs and product experiences.

* Backend Application Developer - Architect and implement the APIs behind our platform.

* Embedded Systems Firmware Engineer - Create the software that runs our hardware.

* Information Security Engineer - Fight bad guys by creating systems to keep our user's data safe.

* iOS Developer - We're looking for a well-rounded iOS expert.


Unlimited vacation policy. Flexible hours, dress code, work-from-home policy. Never bring food: Lunches catered. Fully-stocked food/drink/redbull area. Doing meaningful work as part of a talented team creating a nationally visible consumer product.

The full list of job listings where you can apply: https://jobs.lever.co/protean

Or email me: henry@getprotean.com

IBM Watson - http://www-03.ibm.com/employment/watson/

We plan to hire 160 developers and researchers focused on NLP, ML, and cloud services in 2014. We hire mostly in the US - main sites are East Village NYC (checkout our new headquarters http://www.ibm.com/smarterplanet/us/en/ibmwatson/watson-hq.h...), Yorktown NY, Boston, Raleigh, Pittsburgh, Austin.

Guess what -- the link to your jobs page triggers a popup blocker under default Chrome settings. The cross-domain URL, most likely. Seriously, this should have been really obvious to whoever set that page up.

But either way -- talk about going out of your way to make it difficult for people to find out why they might want to come work for you.

GoCardless (YC S11) is hiring senior software engineers and web operations engineers in London.

We're a fast-growing online payments startup that makes it really simple to collect money with Direct Debit. We've been around for 2 and half years, and are now a team of 25. We're backed by a bunch of top-tier investors (inc. Y Combinator, Accel, Balderton), pay very competitive salaries, and will shortly be moving in to a shiny new office.

We're looking to hire senior software developers to work on our core product, and web operations engineers to scale & manage our infrastructure. We've got lots of interesting challenges to solve this year: building the next generation of our product to handle the growth we're seeing, finding more intelligent ways to fraud-assess our merchants and customers, expanding what we do to work internationally (we're already beta-testing a European expansion).

There's plenty more information at https://gocardless.com/jobs. If you're interested in finding out more, email me at harry@gocardless.com.

Chicago - Modest, Inc - http://modest.com

We are building a platform to power the future of commerce.

Currently, we are hiring for:

   * Mobile engineers types (Android experience++)  
   * Generalist hacker types   
   * Analytics/Data/Modeling types   
We are a very small team and are building a great company. Located in Chicago, IL - we are open to remote workers (US only for now).

Email me harper@modest.com or jobs@modest.com. Include a URL to relevent codes (github is best) to make things go faster!

We are also looking for people who want to hack sales. If you are interested in breaking the traditional sales model send harper an email describing how you would start.

London, England - Full Time - Local Only

Brand Networks / Optimal (https://www.optimalsocial.com/) is hiring full stack engineers for our London office, working on real time bidding, analytics and front end web applications.


    * BS or MS degree in computer science, mathematics, or related field. 
      Or equivalent experience.
    * Good understanding of web technologies HTML, Javascript, HTTP, JSON, REST
    * Can demonstrate that you're a great programmer in at least one of Scala,
      Python, TypeScript, Java, Clojure, Haskell, F#, Kotlin or Ruby
    * Willing to work in Python, TypeScript, Scala, and Java
    * Good understanding of a Unix based operating system
    * Some experience of databases and at least one web application framework
If you love programming and would like an interesting job with a steep learning curve and a wide variety of challenges, please get in touch. You can email me personally at jmc@bn.co.

The AWS team is hiring for technical, sales, and marketing positions at multiple locations around the world; see http://aws.amazon.com/careers/ .

We have a strong need for very senior developers (an SDE III in our system). SDE IIIs often have 10 to 15 years of experience, advanced degrees, a reputation that precedes them (well-known implementations and/or published papers), and the desire to remain hands-on despite hitting the experience level where advancement supposedly requires people management.

Feel free to contact me using the email address in my profile if you have any questions.

LONDON (UK) -- Software Engineers (front and back-end), Data Architects

TrialReach is a VC-backed startup solving a huge problem in the healthcare industry.

• This is a company you can be proud to be a part of with a huge vision for transforming healthcare.

• You'll be working alongside a small but highly talented multi-disciplinary team solving challenging technical problems.

• Our gorgeous riverside offices in Richmond provide a change from the urban jungle whilst being just 10mins from the tube.

The Roles

We're currently recruiting for 1xBack-end developer and 1xFront-end developer. If you happen to be a full-stack developer, even better.

Our back-end stack is Linux/Postgres/Neo4j/Python/Django - we an experienced software engineer that can work across our range of products including being comfortable taking academic R&D projects and turning them into production ready products. Any production experience with Neo4j or other graph databases highly valuable.

On the front-end we need somebody who can help define and build a brand new scalable and performance-focussed front-end architecture that works for mobiles, tablets or desktop computers. For more details see http://www.trialreach.com/about/jobs/

We're also interested in talking to anyone with experience of data architecture for healthcare products. In particular this would mean a good understanding of available medical ontologies and a solid theoretical understandig of database architectures.

Where do I apply?

We're happy to consider full or part-time applicants. We offer competitive salaries and stock options. You must have the right to work in the UK.

We're interviewing candidates immediately. So if you're interested, please do get in touch - jobs at trialreach.com (please mention that you heard about this on HN)

Idaho (remote or on-site)

  KickBack Rewards Systems
I'm a senior manager at KRS. We're a bootstrapped and profitable start-up. We're building a nation-wide coalition loyalty program and already have thousands of clients and thousands of locations on the program. Our clients include a half-dozen Fortune 50 companies - one that is an anchor partner in our coalition loyalty program. As the Director of Software Development I need some help! You will be joining a medium sized team of 11 developers. If you are interested in any of these positions my contact information is under my profile.

* Data Scientist

We are looking for a world-class data scientist to get in to the minds of our customers. Your job will be to analyze our "large" data-sets, identify patterns, determine consumer sentiment and provide them with incredible offer. Looking for someone with extensive programming and modeling experience using the Hadoop ecosystem. At KickBack you will research and implement new scalable learning algorithms and data mining techniques including sequential data models, variable discretization, feature extraction, selection, and construction. Machine learning a plus. We're looking for an expert. We are looking for someone someone we would consider a "game changer" and are paying accordingly.

* Mobile Developer

We're looking for two mobile developers who insanely great at objective-c and/or java development for Android. We have a specific vision for our mobile platform and have already moved past html5 interfaces to native applications to improve performance. We're doing things with iBeacons this year and innovating a few retail use-cases in our R&D lab for our second version of our mobile app. This is a really fun position where KickBack is small enough that specs and designs aren't handed to you. You have the freedom and opportunity to design a compelling user experience and tweak it till it's just right.

Moveline (moveline.com) - REMOTE or Las Vegas, NV

TLDR: remote workers, full-stack, JS, Node, Angular, Express, Mongo, Holacracy, Golang, Redis, Grunt, Bower, LESS, web + mobile

Moveline is transforming an industry older than the internal combustion engine. We ship every day and play Settlers on Fridays.

We’re looking for a solid full-stack engineer who loves Settlers of Catan, remote development, and can tell the difference between an IPA and a Lager.

About Us

- Driven to build software that dramatically improves the customer experience, end-to-end, around moving. Our web product is at the heart of it

- Well-funded by a group of world-class of investors and advisors: (angel.co/moveline)

- Our organization is flexible and embraces the Holacracy model of governance. Self-determination is encouraged and self-motivation is essential.

- Have only begun to tackle the problem space. Serious fun and challenges still lie ahead.

- Our stack is primarily MEAN — Mongo/Express/Angular/Node — with some Golang on the backend. We regularly evaluate new tools and technologies for development advantages and not just because they are new and cool.

About You

- Fluent in Javascript and comfortable jumping between client and server side development

- Passionate about code, development practices, and maintainable solutions and want to work with others who are similarly so. You can’t sleep at night knowing something is not DRY and unit-tested

- Architected and developed end-to-end products that are currently running business applications in a production environment

- Energized when working closely with others on a small team

- Want to build stuff that solves real human problems

- Can explain the differences, chemical and philosophical, between a lager and an IPA

- Don’t care if the moving industry isn’t sexy

- Would rather make money than make the front page of TechCrunch (though we do that too)


Market salary and meaningful equity is available. We’re primarily a remote engineering team, with the company (ops, marketing, customer service) based in Las Vegas in the heart of Tony Hsieh’s Downtown Project. Hackers in Vegas or remote in the US welcome. Full Time or Contract-to-Hire only please. No freelancers or recruiters need apply.

Seems like something is wrong with your application form - it wouldn't let me attach a resume.

Anyways, I applied, and hopefully got the resume to you attached in the response.

We got it. Thanks!

Pathgather - New York, NY - Full time or intern in New York

We're a small but extremely efficient team of 2 looking to make our first hire. We're an enterprise SaaS company disrupting the fairly outdated enterprise education and training industry, an industry that has over 60% of its customers dissatisfied with current products!

We've seen significant progress within our first year of business. We signed a Fortune 200 company to a six figure contract within our first months and successfully launched to that company at the beginning of 2014.

Our product is built on top of a modern stack using best practices: an Angular client that communicates with a Rails 4 API, powered by Postgres, Redis, and Elasticsearch. We also have a strong focus on product and design (take a look at our product, and we think you'll agree). Traditionally, enterprise software has lacked in these areas, but we aim to disrupt that tradition.

If you're at all interested or curious in exploring an opportunity with us, please don't hesitate to reach out to me at jamie[at]pathgather.com. We guarantee an amazing opportunity awaits: we'll offer significant salary and equity, the chance to work on real problems experienced by a wide audience, opportunities and rewards for open source work and contributions, and influence in our product, culture, and vision from day one!

Balanced (https://www.balancedpayments.com) is hiring local (San Francisco) and remote.

# Engineer

As primarily a Python/Javascript shop, we welcome polyglots and believe very strongly in open source. We use the right tool for the job. You should be familiar with at least 2 of the 3 requirements below:

## Application Development

You are comfortable working on very external-facing applications in a distributed services oriented architecture. Must be able to work in an environment where deploying multiple times a day is a norm, but can step back and think about polishing the product. You understand that you must test everything. You live and breathe tests.

## Infrastructure / Systems

You're familiar and comfortable with everything below the application layer. You want to work on performance tuning, database instrumentation, and server architecture. You think, live, and breathe statistics.

## Machine Learning / Data Engineer

You're good with math. Really good. You understand terms like feature extraction, selection, and know what a Euclidean space is. You love linear algebra. People have previously commented about how algorithms are your best friend. You're constantly innovating on how to collect, slice, dice, and analyzing data. You recognize that visualizations are important. You also have a good understanding of how to construct good clean code.


Mutually Human - Grand Rapids, Michigan



We are a small team passionate about making people's lives better through software. We're hiring for full time and summer intern positions as software developers and software designers.

A little bit about us:

  - We write custom software of all shapes and sizes for clients all over the US.

  - Though everyone here is fluent in Ruby, we don't artificially limit ourselves.
    Recently, I've worked with Objective-C, Backbone.js (inside PhoneGap),
    Angular.js, QT and of course Ruby.

  - We practice a sustainable pace. We recognize that we each have lives,
    activities, and families outside of work. Late nights and > 40 hour weeks are
    rare by design.

  - We're agile, but not dogmatic about it. Our process evolves to suit our needs.

  - We offer competitive salaries, health/vision/dental insurance, quarterly profit
    sharing, retirement + match, weekly catered lunches, and a top-floor office
    with snacks, guitars, and your choice of standing or sitting desks.

  - We run a makerspace in our building (http://grmakers.com), which gives us access
    to lots of cool machines.
A little bit about Grand Rapids:

  - 2.5 hours from Chicago and Detroit, less than an hour to the beach.

  - Lots of great beer. Founders Brewery (a mile from our office) has 3 beers in
    the Beer Advocate top 15. HopCat is a “World Class” bar on BA.
    Just look here: http://beeradvocate.com/beerfly/city/43

  - If you’re renting anything larger than a breadbox in the Bay Area or NYC,
    you can afford a house here. I bought a nice house with a mortgage payment
    30% lower than the rent of my 1 bedroom apartment in Mountain View.

  - A growing technology and startup community.
A little bit about you:

  - You love making software, and you have a few years of experience doing it.

  - You learn new stuff quickly. You’ve used a lot of technologies, but you’re not
    afraid to use more. It would be nice if you use and love Ruby, but not required.

  - You believe software is written for humans, not computers.

  - You want to come into work every day and enjoy the people you work with.
I'm a software craftsman on this awesome team. If you're interested, get in touch with me:


It's weird to see a post from so close to home.

Administrate (http://www.getadministrate.com/) Edinburgh, Scotland. We build online software for training companies that helps them run their entire operation.


Full Time Developer We're looking for a full time developer who can start on our support team dealing with bugs and smaller dev projects for the first 6 months, then move on to other things.


Detailed job descriptions can be found on our about page (http://www.getadministrate.com/about), look on the lower right.

We're looking for smart people that get things done, who want to join a small company, have lots of responsibility, and work in a very challenging environment.

We're growing really quickly, have a challenging product that's mission critical for our clients, and we're located in one of the most beautiful cities in the world. We have fantastic offices at Edinburgh's CodeBase (http://www.thisiscodebase.com) with spectacular views of the castle right out of our windows!

You'll need to be eligible to work in the UK - we can't sponsor visas unfortunately. Email me if interested, my name is John: jjp@getadministrate.com

Hi Everyone, I work for Cotap (https://www.cotap.com/) and we are currently looking for a Senior Front-End Engineer. Our HQ is located in San Francisco, CA

Company Overview: Cotap helps people work better together. We’re building mobile tools to help people communicate and collaborate at work, whether they’re knowledge workers or line workers. Mobile phones can mean more than photo-sharing or checkins. They can mean better day-to-day work and more opportunities for people who were left out in the past.

What we are looking for: We’re looking for someone to help us build an amazing web experience, both for mobile and desktop. Our product is aimed primarily at mobile users, so it’s very important that our pages are responsive on smaller screens, touch-friendly, and lightweight, while also looking great on traditional desktop displays. We have a ridiculously talented set of engineers and we’re looking for a front-end developer to join us. You’ll have a ton of technical autonomy: should we use Ember, Backbone, something else, or nothing? You lead those decisions.

Why us: We’re funded, which means we can pay competitive salaries and offer benefits. We’re also small, which means we don’t waste time on things like tracking vacation and sick days. Our passion is building great products and our goal is to bring them to a wider audience than the web ever let us reach. If that sounds like you, come join us.

Look forward to hearing from you! http://boards.greenhouse.io/cotap/jobs/563#%2EUxOxXEJdV1s

ThirdLove - San Francisco, CA - http://www.thirdlove.com

Interested in working on an eCommerce backend written entirely in node.js? Or perhaps working on state of the art computer vision algorithms to figure out how to extract highly precise body dimensions from a mobile phone photograph? Or how about making our award-winning iOS app even more awesome? (we were Apple's Valentine's Day featured app). We're well-funded, and have a small friendly team of smart people (Google alums, former YC founders, etc). Right now, we're especially interested in hiring a lead iOS engineer and some really bright computer vision engineers. If that sounds like something you're interested in, shoot me a note at eugene@thirdlove.com. I'll respond to each and every single e-mail. Send me sample projects you've worked on and I'll respond to you before anyone else :)

Perks: - a beautiful office space right next to South Park, SOMA (short walk from BART and Caltrain) - commuter benefits - catered lunches - monthly in-office massages - competitive salary/equity - 401k - the look on peoples' faces when you tell them you work for a bra tech start-up

Mobile Commons - Brooklyn, DC or Bay Area We're hiring full-time Sales and Business Development positions for college and health verticals.

Mobile Commons is SaaS that powers mobile communication campaigns - text message, phone calls, mobile web, MMS and mobile transactions. We're the leader in the space working with nonprofit organizations, government agencies, healthcare groups, brands and colleges.

We are hiring ambitious people to help us grow, specifically in healthcare and college verticals -- but we're interested in hearing from you if you can help us grow in other spaces as well.

The place has a cool startup vibe, with real salaries, real benefits and a really strong team. Check out some success stories. Phone calls to stop SOPA: http://staff.tumblr.com/post/12930076128/a-historic-thing

Smoking Cessation: http://www.mobilecommons.com/blog/2013/08/national-cancer-in...

Immigration Reform: http://www.mobilecommons.com/blog/2013/04/ri4a-drives-60000-...

Here's our job board, we'd love to hear from you. http://www.jobscore.com/jobs/mobilecommons/

Udacity in Mountain View, CA. Remote and H1B welcome!

Udacity's mission is to bring accessible, engaging, and effective higher education to the world. It's an ambitious goal, but one that can truly change the world. We're hiring for a variety of positions, including but not limited to:

• Software Engineers (full stack, backend and frontend)

• Mobile Engineers (iOS and Android)

• Product Managers

• Course Managers

Interested in applying? Get in touch with me at oliver@udacity.com. I'm personally hiring for mobile engineers (I lead the mobile team), but very happy to help for all positions. Alternatively, you can see the full listing of open jobs here: https://udacity.com/jobs

Are you sure Remote is welcome? Your jobs site says everyone should be in Mountain View. I also assume Remote means anywhere in the USA?

MongoDB Inc - At our NYC, Austin, Washington and PA offices.

Different positions available including core server development, web development for our MMS website and tools and Java driver engineer working on our database drivers.

You must have some experience, preferably a love for open source and a passion for building software. To check out some of the technical positions.


Say Media http://www.saymedia.com/ San Francisco, CA --Full Time, H1B, No Remote, Internships available, will relocate the right candidate

We're on a mission to save the web from hideous, noisily designed pages.

The publisher of sites like:

- http://readwrite.com/

- http://xojane.com

- http://remodelista.com/

seeks a front-end developer with a passion for gorgeous reader experiences.

Information and design elegance make for a better editorial product. We have talented designers and talented engineers. We're looking for a CSS guru who can help us enhance our sites to be showcases of excellence in modern web design. We have a modern front-end stack based on Angular.js.

We have two open front-end positions, focusing on the editorial, one focusing on tasteful full canvas ad experience.

* Experience with HTML5 and CSS3

* Knowledge of CSS preprocessors such as SCSS or LESS

* Experience with AngularJS, Backbone, Ember, Node, and/or Bower a huge plus

Check us out:


Are you guys aware of your WOT rating? https://www.mywot.com/en/scorecard/saymedia.com

In addition to the content sites I mention above we run an ad network. The WOT ratings are people objecting to the tracking cookies the ad network uses.

Vurb (http://vurb.com) - San Francisco, CA

Max Levchin funded, early-stage consumer startup - http://techcrunch.com/2013/02/20/contextual-content-engine-v...

We're working on search, browsing, and sharing, by connecting the services we use in a contextual way that's more usable, efficient, and social (e.g., no more having lots of windows/tabs open). We do this through unique UX/UI combined with search, machine learning, big data, and more. We're stealth but funded by Max, Drew Houston (Dropbox), Naval Ravikant (AngelList), Arrington (CrunchFund), and many others. If you're looking to join a small team that solves complex problems and is making something people will use daily, then come find out what we're up to.

Opportunities - on-site in San Francisco

* (FULL-TIME) Search / Data Science - search / classification / ranking, machine learning, recommendations, NLP, data crawling/processing

* (INTERN) Marketing

jobs@vurb.com | angel.co/vurb

Tictail - Stockholm, Sweden

Join the most exciting startup in Stockholm, building something real - something that helps people all over the world grow their own business from their passion.

Tictail is a crazy place. You’ll work with some of the best people you’ve ever met, making incredibly ambitious things, with a ridiculous amount of responsibility. If you’re like us, you’ve probably dreamed of what you could accomplish if you just weren’t held back by your current boss, job, school or whatever else is in your way. Well, Tictail is your chance to shine.

We’re hiring slowly but surely. Because Tictail is nothing without our colleagues and our culture, we might not match your expectations of a normal recruitment process. We will definitely want to figure out if you’re smart and get things done, but more importantly we want to figure out if we click.

Tictail is built primarily with Python and Javascript, but not exclusively. Most importantly we use the right tool for the job and are happy to learn new things.

Right now, we are especially interested if you consider yourself a full stack developer, aspiring devop, an Android specialist or frontend magician. But if you’re smart, get things done and can’t wait to join Tictail, get in touch no matter what!

Please take a moment to reflect on the above, and send us an email if you find yourself imagining what life at Tictail might be like. We’d love to hear from you.

Please email jobs+hn@tictail.com with:

- GitHub profile or equivalent. Please point out some code, project or open source contributions you are particularly proud of!

- Resume. A link to your LinkedIn is fine

- What interests you with Tictail?

Android developer - London - Mixlr


Mixlr is a platform for social live audio. We build simple and intuitive ways to share and create interaction around live audio streams. We have over two million registered users, including over 30,000 monthly active broadcasters, and we’re growing fast.

We’re looking to meet a great Android developer to join our small, passionate team here in London, and take responsibility for bringing the full Mixlr experience to the Android world. You will have the opportunity to drive the development of our Android app from the first git commit onwards.

The most important single characteristic you will possess is a passion for building great mobile apps, but here are some more attributes which would come in useful:


* a passion for implementing fantastic user interfaces

* knowledge of live streaming protocols, especially on mobile

* enthusiasm for music apps and/or audio programming

* experience working with JSON and RESTful APIs and web services

* broad knowledge of different Android devices

* experience with test-driven development

* proficiency of at least one other language apart from Java, especially: C, C++, Ruby or JavaScript


This is a unique opportunity not only to join an early stage startup, but to make your mark building an exciting app from the ground up.

You can visit the Mixlr Dev Portal[1] to read more about working at Mixlr, or email for more information. jobs (at) mixlr.com.

[1] http://dev.mixlr.com

Would you guys be willing to hire an intern?

Republic Wireless - Raleigh/Durham, NC

About us

Republic Wireless, a division of Bandwidth.com, is the nation's first WiFi-based cell phone service. We launched Republic to unprecedented national attention for a new wireless provider.

Our development team has changed the wireless industry, introducing the first widely-deployed WiFi to cellular call handover. We want you to join us to solve hard problems. We are actively hiring for the following positions:

Web Developer

Join our Web/Front-end Engineering team to help define and build out our modern Web application platform. Right away you’ll use your deep HTML, CSS, and JavaScript expertise to work on Angular and Backbone apps.

Android Developer

Join our Device/Front-end Engineering team to build out the apps that differentiate Republic from traditional carriers. We've got a lot of ideas to integrate stupid phone tricks directly on the phone. (Think as if your carrier were doing phone tricks like Google Voice).

UI Tester

Join our Test team to break stuff. Native app, hybrid mobile app, and Web app automation. We've got it all.


Join our DevOps team and help us scale.

E-mail hackernews@bandwidth.com with your details and let's get talking.

Canonical / Ubuntu

fulltime remote working on inventing the future of cloud.

Golang devs for building opensource orchestration and deployment tools ie. http://juju.ubuntu.com https://ch.tbe.taleo.net/CH03/ats/careers/requisition.jsp?or...

Devops to encapsulate best practice experiences around scale out and opensource software into reusable components. https://ch.tbe.taleo.net/CH03/ats/careers/requisition.jsp?or...

Openstack Developers and devops on the Ubuntu server team https://ch.tbe.taleo.net/CH03/ats/careers/requisition.jsp?or...


Hi, we're DailyBurn a fitness and nutrition company based in Midtown Manhattan. We'd like you to come join our multi-discipline engineering team to build software on a wide array of platforms and technologies.

We really are a fitness company, we have our own well equipped gym in the office and offer a gym membership budget for all employees.

Everyday we get messages from users sharing the changes they've made in their lives not every company can say the same. If fitness is an area of interest for you this is a great place to get involved in changing peoples lives.

As a member of our Engineering team you'll get:

* Yearly conference and travel budget

* Your pick of development hardware

* Access to all the corporate benefits of IAC

Our team is currently made up of 10 developers with a team of 2 working on iOS and the rest of our team focused on web and platform development.

The DailyBurn engineering team offers the chance to work on a wide range of different technologies. Our main web platform is built using Ruby on Rails, but we also work with node.js and golang on our backend systems. We have client applications built for many of the major mobile and TV platforms (using Javascript, Objective-C, Java and more) and you as a part of the team will have the opportunity to get involved in many of these different platforms.

If you are an experienced developer comfortable with web or front end technologies of any kind but especially if you are skilled with JS, Ruby, Rails, Node or Golang we have a place for you here.

Specifically we are looking for:

Android, Senior Front End and Senior Backend development positions.

Reach out to me directly: paul@dailyburn.com

Localytics - Boston, MA - FULL-TIME, INTERN, H1B

Localytics is hiring:

  - Mobile Engineers
  - Rails Engineers
  - Front End Engineers
  - Backend End Engineers
  - DevOps Engineers
About Localytics:

* We provide app analytics and app marketing services for thousands of apps on over a billion devices

* We have the buzzwords: Big Data + Data Visualization + Mobile

* We are one of the fastest growing companies in Boston and were recently named one of the top places to work by The Boston Globe.

* We are passionate about and have deep expertise in the technologies we work with including: Rails, AngularJS, D3.js, Scala, iOS, Android, Mapreduce, MongoDB, DynamoDB, Memcache, Redis, Column Store Databases, AWS: DynamoDB, S3, SQS, EMR, ElasticCache and EC2.

* We are located next to Park Street Station on the Red Line.

We love candidates who:

* Prefer startup environments.

* Are passionate about technology.

* Enjoy influencing the direction of the product and technologies.

Successful candidates may help us with:

* Web application development - Help us expand our analytics and marketing automation offerings.

* Prototyping - We still do a significant amount of customer development and R&D.

* Writing automated tests - Help us expand our code coverage and improve our Continuous Integration system.

* Writing background jobs and data processing - Move data and perform calculations using cron, Sidekiq and Ruby.

* Front end development - Expand our CSS framework, build screens and libraries in AngularJS and build charts, graphs and other cool visualizations using D3.js

* Back end development - wrangling big data using Scala, AWS and several storage technologies.

Candidates of all experience levels encouraged to connect with us: jobs@localytics.com

More details: http://www.localytics.com/company/localytics-jobs/

Recent HN posts from our engineering team:


I recently took a gig at Localytics as a devops/backend developer and I've been consistently impressed by the quality of the tech and the culture here. I've yet to meet anyone I didn't like and there are interesting challenges up and down the stack, along with a pretty aggressive cultural attitude towards minimizing technical debt.

It's an impressive shop and I recommend checking it out. If you're in the Boston area and are just curious about Localytics, we have the occasional Free Beer Fridays that involve a large amount of free, beer, and Friday; I don't have details on the next one but if you want to shoot me an email (it's in my profile) or tweet at me, I'll get you in the loop.

Downtown Austin, TX - Will Pay for Relocation - Ordoro - https://www.ordoro.com/

We're hiring a full time Python/JavaScript developer. We pay a competitive salary w/ full benefits, have an open vacation policy, sweet stock options, and provide you with whatever SW & HW you need.


About You

You love:

- Python, Javascript, and exploring new technology

- Using 3rd-party APIs and figuring out all the fun little land mines their docs fail to mention

- Working with our sales and support team to keep things running smoothly

- Supporting our designer to make a clean and intuitive UX for our application

- Doing some Linux admin work

- Creating internal tools to make everyone’s life easier


About Ordoro

We create user-centric, thoughtfully-designed software that’s helping merchants efficiently manage everything that happens after the order is placed on their webstore - tasks such as shipping, dropshipping and inventory management.

Some of the tools we love and use daily:

    python flask javascript knockoutjs golang beego postgres redis sass git node.js
If you're interested, shoot an email to ben at ordoro.com.

Taggar - Cambridge, UK

Our core software is focused on pattern recognition and visual tracking, and extends to the building of large scale systems and applications on top of this technology. Current applications include an iOS app that lets you reveal, create and share tags on objects around you; and a prototype app for Google Glass.

We are keen to meet intelligent individuals with a strong mathematical background (e.g. Mathematicians, Computer Scientists and Engineers), as well as experience in one or more of: visual processing algorithms, web development, mobile app development or large-scale computing architecture. However, if you are bright, enthusiastic about what we're doing and about technology in general, and a quick learner, we can teach you!

We've been in existence for a year; are based in Cambridge and London UK; and have funding from Invoke Capital.

Email givemeajob@taggarapp.com or visit http://www.taggarapp.com for more details.

Top Hat - tophat.com - Toronto, Ontario

Top Hat is hiring for a few roles: mobile dev (iOS, Android), sysadmin/infrastructure developer (rabbitmq, selenium, fabric, ec2), general web developer (python, django, javascript, node.js.) We also hire interns so please feel free to apply for that as well. We're a profitable (and valley VC funded by some of the best funds in the valley) education startup that helps make class more engaging. We've got some really cool problems to work on and your work would be impacting a huge number of students daily. Our dev team is in Toronto but we've also got an office in San Francisco so if you're really good we would be open to having someone work from there. If you're not based in Canada or the US but are willing to relocate feel free to contact us, because we do cover relocation expenses and will help you manage the work permit process. Send your resume/github account to mike at tophat dot com.

NODE.JS positions in Berlin/Germany—all full-time and permanent

Top 5 reasons why you should move to Berlin, now:

1. Lowest livings costs with highest quality of living. Stay in gorgeous, perfectly renovated apartments in pre-WWII residential buildings with high ceilings, right in the middle of the center and pay a fraction of costs of any other capital (even cheaper than any Eastern European capital). No need for a car—Berlin has one of the densest subway nets and wide streets make biking fun. In addition, Germany has an amazing social health care system including health, unemployment and pension (when working as an employee).

2. A vibrant and fast growing ecosystem of smart people. A vast number of new software talents, founders, software companies and VCs are moving to Berlin, every day (Twitter, Google, Soundcloud, Early Bird and many more).

3. People here are open-minded, outgoing, mix well and international—no need to learn German, everyone speaks English! Making new friends is a matter of days. Visit tons of networking and startup events, every week.

4. Easy work permissions—Europeans do not need any and can work from day one and the rest applies for the hassle-free Blue Card.

5. Berlin's night life is unmatched, huge and changing every day (plus ridiculously cheap). Berlin has got some of the most dazzling, naughty, and original clubs on the face of the Earth. Berlin is calling and getting the new tech hub of Europe. If you are passionate about building great software, we’d love to talk with you. If you don't live in Berlin yet, we could help to fix that.

All job offers => http://urge.io/jobs

Mail addresse => career <at> versus <dot> com

NEW: EDITOR IN CHIEF position open for a new tech related online publication

The Climate Corporation (San Francisco, Seattle, INTERN/H1B) - http://climate.com/careers The Climate Corporation's mission is to help all the world's people and businesses manage and adapt to climate change. We use a combination of weather monitoring, agronomic modeling, and weather simulation to provide real-time pricing and purchasing of customizable weather insurance to farmers in the United States.

Climate's technical staff numbers around 80, and we're hiring full-time employees and interns across many teams as we expand efforts on a new class of decision support tools for growers. Work is split across groups focusing on web applications for farmers and agents, risk and insurance policy management, internal platform and data services, and scientific modeling and research, with roles for:

1. Software engineering generalists with solid CS fundamentals, particularly anyone interested in building (i) entirely new, large-scale distributed data services for scientific computing (we use Clojure); and (ii) web applications (Rails, Python, Javascript, and iOS) used by farmers to manage weather risk.

2. Quantitative researchers in statistics/ML, stochastic optimization, remote sensing, atmospheric physics, and agronomics. Our goal is to forecast statistical distributions of crop yield for any piece of arable land, synthesizing satellite images, digital elevation models, weather data, agricultural statistics, and geological surveys into multiscale models that underly our data services.

3. Experienced technical team leads, operations engineers, product managers, and designers to pull all this together into a compelling product.

The scale and interdiscplinary nature of the work drive a lot of cross-collaboration within the company, supported by a pressing need to build durable solutions to some very important problems.

Competitive salary, excellent benefits, stock options, etc. Our 25% time is lumped into two-week sabbaticals. The usual details about these positions are here: https://hire.jobvite.com/j?bj=o7B8Wfww&s=hackernews

I write ruby for our application platform team. If you're interested or have any questions, send me an email at estsauver@climate.com. If you have general questions about the hiring process, recruiting@climate.com is the place to ask.

Pascal Metrics, Washington DC (Georgetown)

We're a healthcare startup focused on improving patient safety in hospitals.

Our software platform enables clients to detect, track, and analyze patient safety issues across hospital systems.

Open positions:

* UI Engineer - Front-end developer with knowledge of CSS, HTML5, Javascript for our SaaS platform. Knowledge of MVC frameworks and CSS organization desired.

* QA Engineer - QA engineer with experience developing and executing rigorous test plans for web applications and a passion for seeking & destroying software defects.

Check us out at http://www.pascalmetrics.com

Full job listing: https://www.smartrecruiters.com/PascalMetricsInc

If you're interested in getting involved with healthcare, improving work culture, and tackling hard technical challenges, please feel free to reach out to me directly to chat in detail.

theo at pascalmetrics.com

Fitbit (https://www.fitbit.com/jobs) is hiring in Boston and San Francisco.

I'll talk about Boston where we're hiring Software Engineers at all levels. There are 10 engineers in the office and we're looking to grow to 40 by year's end.

We need one iOS developer and lots of full-stack web developers for a variety of projects.

I've been at Fitbit since November (previously Google) and Fitbit is an awesome place to work. The company culture is fantastic. The people are great to work with. The Boston office feels like a startup because it's so small and new, yet we're well-funded and secure. Everywhere I go people tell me they love our product or know someone who loves it and talks about it.

Send resumes and/or questions to blewis@ the obvious domain, or post questions here, or look for me near the Fitbit booth at the Boston Web Innovators Group on Monday night.

Citymapper (London, UK) - Help build the world's best transport app!

(Backend and Frontend: Python, iOS/Android, JavaScript, etc)

We're looking for great people first and foremost, but here are some of the things we make:

* Client experiences that people love. We have iOS, Android, and web apps.

* An omnivorous transport data processor. We fuse together loads of data sources (of wildly varying quality) to give people the information they need in a growing number of cities around the world. We use a lot of Python, but are open to new ideas.

* A fast, scalable stable of servers. We have a large user base which relies on us to give them snappy answers every day. We use Saltstack to deploy on AWS.

* A psychic city brain. We're digging up patterns in urban data to tell people the answers they need to know about their commute before they know the questions.

Please email me at emil@citymapper.com or apply via http://citymapper.com/jobs

Site Tour (http://www.sitetour.com.au/), Sydney, Australia.

We're looking for mid & senior level developers to join our team.

Site Tour has an existing product that helps facilitate the selection and purchase of Out-of-Home advertising space (billboards etc) by media buying agencies. Our product is used by more than 90% of the top agencies in the country.

Our focus for 2014 is to enable programmatic trading in the OOH industry, and we have a couple of projects underway in this area.

We're a small team based in Datlinghurst (Sydney) and we're looking to expand so we can continue to play a leading role as the OOH industry transforms itself towards greater digitalisation and data-driven decision making.

Our product is Java based, and we would especially love to hear from developers with an interest in data-science, geospatial-analytics and/or trading systems.

Contact: tim (at) sitetour . com . au



ClassDojo is used by over 15mm teachers and students to manage behavior in the classroom, using real time feedback and rewards that can also be shared with parents. We're an edtech startup with funding some of the biggest names in the valley (Jeff Clavier, Ron Conway, General Catalyst, Mitch Kapor...), and we're one of the fastest growing education companies of all time. We're the only non-YC company that Paul Graham has ever invested in.

We've built a product that makes a real difference and gets huge engagement with millions of kids, and we're about to take it to the next level, hopefully with you on board. We have a strong team, an extremely comfortable and relaxed environment and great salary + benefits. If you're a strong hacker who wants to use JavaScript to change the world, apply here:



Or email jobs@classdojo.com. You can read about the work and environment here:


Right now our most important hire is a senior iOS engineer. You will be joining a great iOS team of 2 very talented individuals, and you'll be working on some exciting features that millions of students, teachers and parents love. We think there's someone out there that will love building an amazing iOS product that makes teachers lives easier and improves lifetime outcomes for kids.

If you are a great developer with iOS experience, get in touch below - we think it will be the best move you ever make!

Apply here:


NYC or REMOTE http://TanookiLabs.com/iOS

iOS developers needed at our fast-growing Rails & iOS consultancy. We need full-time people, as well as part-time freelancers who want to build their own projects while working with us.

Why we're different:

- We focus on entrepreneurs and products, and are picky about our clients. Our goal is to learn from everyone we work with.

- We reject that idea that a shop needs to be a mill. We work 35hrs/week. A common refrain is "why are you still here? go home!"

- We're developers ourselves. We founded this thing because we love building.

- We believe that we win when our employees win, and codify that in great pay and serious profit sharing. When someone tries to steal you away to work on their new idea, I want you to smile and say "I can't, my gig's too sweet"

email us at contact AT tanookilabs.com if you'd like to chat!

Palo Alto, CA /// Human API (http://humanapi.co) /// FULL-TIME

We're an early stage health technology startup based in San Francisco. We are building the universal health data infrastructure to power the next generation of healthcare apps (and the developer tools to go along with it). We recently closed a funding round of $2.1M with some awesome investors, including Andreessen Horowitz, Eric Schmidt, Thomas Korte, Alex Payne, Max Levchin, and a few others.

We are adding 4 more engineers to our core team to help us build out our infrastructure and continue to scale our API.

Job descriptions are here: http://humanapi.co/jobs

Happy to sponsor H1B / TN visas for awesome candidates.

If you're interested just send me an email to andrei@humanapi.co

RESO - San Francisco, CA

Consumer-facing startup in stealth-mode focused on a key aspect of our complicated everyday lives. We're a team of 8 located in downtown SF. About to launch our private beta. Love to tell you more, but it's a secret shhhh

We hire smart people and get out of their way.

We're hiring:

-senior infrastructure engineers

-hands-on manager of infrastructure engineering

-devops engineer

We mostly use java with a healthy sprinkling of objective-c, ruby, and more.

If you're interested or want to know more about our top-secret operations, email us at careers@reso.io.

ShareLaTeX.com - Front end developer/designer - Remote

We are an online LaTeX editor that very recently went open source, we are now looking for someone to join the team who will focus on the front end. The site is very functional but a long way off where it should be in terms of design and UX. We want someone to come in with a lot of ideas to help us shape how this tool will look and feel. The application is used by thousands of scientists around the world to help them work more efficiently. Although it is corny you will get the chance to help make the world a better place by improving scientific collaboration.  We are a distributed team so there is not central office, we don’t enforce strict working hours, all we care is that we are making our users are happy.

Please get in touch for a chat if this is of interest. henry.oswald@sharelatex.com

ChatID (New York, NY) http://chatid.com

We're building a platform for brands and consumers to directly communicate across any website and on any device via chat.

Our current openings:

* Frontend Developer

* Product Manager

* Sales & Business Development

About the company:

- We're 11 people based in NYC with one in SF and one in the UK

- NYC office is in Flatiron between Union Square and Madison Square

- Newegg.com recently awarded us a 2014 Eggie award for "Best Marketing Platform"

- We like contributing to open source https://github.com/chatid

Technologies we use:

- Lua and Prosody [https://prosody.im/] an open source XMPP server started by two of our cofounders

- CoffeeScript, Backbone.js, Require.js, D3, SASS

- Python, Flask, PostgreSQL, MongoDB & RabbitMQ

- Chef for infrastructure automation

Sound interesting? Send us an email at careers@chatid.com

Are you hiring any interns? I have done product management and development internships and would love to take my skills to ChatID.

Academia.edu, San Francisco, CA

Academia.edu is trying to improve the way that scientific publishing works. Here is the current way it works. A scientist does some experiments and writes up a paper. He sends it to a journal who sends it out to two or three peer reviewers. They peer review it, which means writing a page of comments on it, and recommending either accepting or rejecting it. Usually you get a few journal rejections and the average time-lag between finishing the paper and its being published is 12 months. Then the paper is behind a paywall and people have to pay $35 to read it.

Our view of scientific publishing is that when you finish the paper you should post it immediately on the internet. Peer review should be done post-publication, and it should be done by the community, Reddit-style, not by just two or three people. We believe peer review will be more robust that way. And the paper should be openly and freely accessible for anyone to read, along with the data and any accompanying materials like source code.

We believe that this will speed up science, and accelerate research into curing diseases, reducing infant mortality, and discovering clean energy amongst other things.

We are a mission-driven team based in San Francisco. We have raised $17 million from Khosla ventures and Spark Capital. Bijan Sabet from Spark Capital writes "We believe open science is really important. We believe Academia.edu is going to have a profound impact on the world."

Over 7 million academics have joined Academia.edu, and 800k plus join up each month. If you are a mission-driven person then you may enjoy the atmosphere at Academia.edu and the problems we are working on.

We are looking to hire full stack software engineers. Technologies we use include Ruby, Rails, Postgres, Mongo and Varnish. Our office is in downtown San Francisco. For more information, visit http://academia.edu/hiring. If you are interested to learn more, please email Richard Price at richard [at] academia.edu

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Endgame – San Francisco, CA (AT&T Park)

Historically we've worked with customers in the Federal space, but we're aggressively moving towards building the next generation of security intelligence for private companies. Rock-solid security is usually not the _biggest_ priority for a startup, so we'd like to change that by making it easier and more accessible.

We're opening an office right across the street from AT&T Park in San Francisco and have a boatload of open positions.

We've got a lot of really smart people on our team. We're also very diverse, with a good mix of male and female hackers from all different cultures. We run our own copies of Github and Hipchat behind the firewall, enjoy the ocassional argument on which editor is best, compete at the ping pong table regularly, and like getting together outside of work to unwind.

Check out a recent article about our (radical) CEO Nate Fick: http://www.forbes.com/sites/andygreenberg/2014/02/12/inside-...

If you're someone who likes building great products and you're in the SF area, definitely check out our careers page!


Feel free to email me directly with questions or interest in any of our positions: mwhalen@endgame.com

That nate fick of generation kill fame?


Clever - San Francisco, CA - Full time & Summer Intern

Clever helps schools bring digital learning to the classroom. We take care of the massive amount of data that needs to move behind the scenes, letting schools focus on using technology to improve learning.

We're hiring engineers - full-stack generalists, as well as specialists in security and infrastructure.

Join a small team (20, half engineers) that's on to something big. Over 1/9 schools in the US use Clever today. Most development is in Javascript, Go, and Python.

Learn more & apply online: https://clever.com/about or send me an email if you have questions (raf@, I'm cofounder/CTO).

TrackMaven - Washington DC - Developer Maven


A little about us...

* We are a proactive marketing platform. Our goal is to make marketers more effective and efficient.

* We have some great customers, such as Martha Stewart Living, NBA and the Redskins (just to name a few)!

* Recently raised our Series A.

What technologies we use...

* Our back-end is powered by Django + Python + Celery.

* Our front-end is AngularJS (we use CoffeeScript).

* We do deployment with Ansible on AWS.

We are after developers that can help us build, scale and grow TrackMaven! If you think you've got the chops to help us do that, we would love to hear from you!

For more information, and to apply: http://bit.ly/NGrxV0

Buffer (http://bufferapp.com)

Hey everyone, hope your weekend is off to a killer start!

February just came to a close and Buffer stands at 1.4M total users served by a small 16 person team spread across 12 cities and 5 continents. 130,000 of our users are actively using the product each month. We generated $333,000 in February, and we have $520,000 in the bank. The average salary at the company is $98,000 and our total funding to date is $450,000 which we raised in December 2011, for which we gave up 14% of the company. I'm sharing all of this because one of the highest values we have at Buffer is to be fully transparent, and I'd love for you to be part of the incredible journey we've embarked upon.

At 16% month over month revenue growth on average in the last 6 months, we're seeing increasing demand to build out the product further and help our fast-growing customer base with all their social media problems. To achieve this, we'd love your help with some interesting engineering challenges.

Do any of these areas stand out for you? I'd really love to hear from you:

    - Reliability Hacker (we're sending 400,000 posts to social networks every day,
      our architecture is still not ideal)
    - Happiness (Support) Hacker (we have a crazy obsession for customer happiness
      and want to build our own tools to go beyond what's normal)
    - Android Lead (our Android app has half a million downloads but currently no
      full-time developer!)
    - iOS Hacker (our favorite people who use Buffer are all crying out for an
      iPad app)
    - Growth Hacker (our landing page conversion is at 7%, we'd love your help
      improving it and many other metrics)
    - Frontend Hacker (last month 130,000 people used Buffer, we'd love to improve
      our dashboard interface and extensions for them)
Some of the tech we work with: PHP, Python, MongoDB, AWS (Elastic Beanstalk, Elasticache, SQS), Backbone.js, Grunt.js, Android, iOS).

    - We're completely open about salary and equity, in fact here is a spreadsheet
      of all individual salaries: https://docs.google.com/a/bufferapp.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AgrWVeoG5divdE81a2wzcHYxV1pacWE1UjM3V0w0MUE&usp=drive_web#gid=1.
      It's most likely you'd fall into a range of $85,000-$120,000 and 0.1%-1%.
    - We're a fully distributed remote team, and we come together 3 times a year for
      super fun retreats. The last one was in Thailand in December, our next is
      Cape Town in April!
    - We have a big focus on culture, that's the main thing we think about when someone
      joins the team. Here is our slide deck of values: http://www.slideshare.net/Bufferapp/buffer-culture-03 
I'll read through emails with our CTO Sunil, I hope yours might be part of that. Send him a quick note at thenexthacker@bufferapp.com. If you'd like you can check out more details about all the areas we need help with at http://jobs.bufferapp.com

I'm excited about the chance to work with you. If you have any questions about our culture, product or journey so far, add a reply to this - I'll be checking throughout the day to get back to you :-)

- Joel (Founder/CEO)

really impressed by your walking the talk and being open about user and revenue numbers.

wow, thanks so much! let me know if I can ever help you with anything :-)

Joel, are you guys looking for full time only or are there any part time positions as well?

Hi! right now since it's still the early set of people for the team and we're establishing the culture, we're looking primarily for people who will be fully on board full-time. in the future I think we might reach a point where part-time could start to work. Hope that helps, let me know if I can answer anything else :-)

What kind of PHP/etc related skills are you looking for? I wonder whether I could get in?


Hey Joel,

I checked out the jobs page on the site and there doesn't seem to be a listing for internships? Do you guys offer any internships, specifically for college students?

Thanks, Viral

Hi Joel, I see that the reliability hacker position wasn't filled yet, are you looking to hire DevOps/System Engineers or looking at hackers only?

Hi Michael, we're certainly in need of help in terms of DevOps and Systems Engineering challenges too. Our architecture has a lot of room for improvement and we'd benefit a lot from having someone focus on systems. Let me know if you have any more questions here!

Hey Joel,

You and Buffer continue to be awesome. If I ever shut down my startup and work for somebody, I'd first apply to you. Is that a good enough compliment? :-)

- Manu

Hey Joel,

You guys are doing a great job by taking the openness to a new level - love that! Sent an email for your backend position, would love to hear back from you.


Hey Joel, Love Buffer's work culture and company philosophy! keep it up. BTW have you guys filled up your UI design position? Adit

Hey Adit, thanks so much for the kind words, it's comments like this that make me excited to get out of bed every day and continue building the company and reflecting on the culture! We're still looking for help with design, would love to hear from you :-)

Really happy I decided to read this thread before heading to bed tonight! Now to manage the waiting game. Thanks, Joel!

Wow, so happy to hear that! Excited to check out your email :-)

Joel, I sent Sunil an email. When do you think I'll hear back by?

Are you at all considering hiring interns for the upcoming summer?

We've pondered this a lot and have decided this Summer will be a little early for us to be set up for internship positions. I'm hoping we might do it next Summer!

What if the intern acted as though it was full-time? I'm asking because I would be interested in applying for this summer. I know you're not looking, but I think I could really make an impact.

Joel, are you open to sponsoring H1B visas?

Yes, absolutely! I am a Brit living in San Francisco and my co-founder is Austrian. We know this process well having been through it personally for both of us and several others in the team.

Our philosophy is that we should all have the opportunity to be in the single place on Earth that makes us the happiest and most productive, and we want to encourage you to find that place and help you be there. We have a fantastic immigration lawyer we work with and 100% success rate obtaining visas.

You sound like an amazing CEO :) I really dig the company culture. If Buffer isn't hiring for Summer internships, I suppose hiring for a 16-month internship is out of the question?

Wow, thanks so much. I still have a huge amount to learn :-) Luckily there are a lot of great books out there and mentors around who I can learn from in order to try and become the best CEO I can be.

I think there's a chance a 16 month internship could work, be sure to get in touch :-) If you're self-driven and can add to the team and help us move forward, we'd definitely take a look!

Done and done. Expect a pleasant email from me, Joel :)

Where: Toronto, Canada

Who: K2 and Associates. We're one of Canada's more successful hedge funds over the past 13 years.

We are building out our algorithmic trading infrastructure and you have a chance to get in at the ground floor.

Come help us turn our technology team from an integral part of how we do business into a profit center with its own PnL.

You are a developer who can take an academic paper and turn it into a working prototype because what you are designing won't have been done before.

You value correctness above all else because when you send 100,000 orders a day if you get 1% of them wrong, bad things will happen...

You are comfortable with F# or C++.

If you love a challenge please reach out to me at cholliday@k2.ca


Fulltime in New York City (Manhattan) or REMOTE

We aggregate consumer data through our web and mobile apps, providing a self-service analytics dashboard to brands and retailers.

For consumers, Stylitics is the way to intelligently manage their wardrobe and style decisions. Our mobile apps (average 4.5 star reviews) give users a smart virtual closet, where they can access their closet, and plan and share outfits from anywhere.

For the fashion industry, Stylitics has built a highly needed product offering, helping brands and retailers answer questions like “What does my customer own?”, “What competitors do they shop at?”, “What do they pair my items with?”, and more. Clients and Partners include Tory Burch, Neiman Marcus, Rebecca Minkoff, and Urban Outfitters.

What we’re looking for: an experienced engineer who can move seamlessly between working with our client side application and helping us build our backend application and API services. If you have an interest in, and skills for, data analysis and visualization, even better!

Current technologies include:

Rails, Node, PostgreSQL, Mongo, Backbone with Marionette, Heroku, AWS, git, d3.js and lots more.

We value TDD and craftsmanship in our code, and good communicators who aren't afraid to bring strong opinions to the table with code to back it up.

We'd love to have you in our New York office, but we know how to have a great remote team & experience -- our lead developer on the consumer products side was remote for two years before coming to New York, our lead for the b2b analytics product is currently remote, and we've had full or part time team members from Philadelphia, California, India, Iraq, and Bulgaria.

We offer a competitive salary and good equity on simple and straightforward terms.

See our full posting here:


And feel free to contact me directly if you have any questions: jeremy@stylitics.com

Full-stack Django developer - Onespacemedia - Cambridge, UK - http://www.onespacemedia.com/

If you're a web-obsessed Django developer with an eye for design and you want to join a friendly team in central Cambridge we want to talk to you! We're looking for a developer who can come onboard and dive right into a wide variety of client projects.

Essential skills: Knowledge of writing clean HTML5, Javascript and CSS3 code which works cross device and cross browser. Experience with working with standard APIs such as Google Maps, Twitter and Facebook. 2+ years of experience using Python and Django along with common packages such as South and Twython. Ability to think logically about data models, relationships and application flows. Eagerness to learn new technologies and improve yourself. Comfortable with Unix based technologies and getting around in a Terminal. In general, you'll know about most of the things on the Full Stack Python website.

Bonus skills: Previous agency experience. SASS and Compass. Unit testing. Zurb Foundation / responsive design.

What you can expect to work on: Expect to work on a wide range of challenging projects. We don't have a cookie cutter approach to the web and push the design and technical envelope on all our work. Recent projects have included: an application that manages, filters and analyses radio spectrum data from a series of nationally-located nodes; a responsive website for a high-end safari and Africa travel company; a large website and online admin system to manage the ever-changing attractions and events for an interactive science centre; and a website/application that tracks, maps and graphs the progress of University spin-out companies. Most of our projects are responsive and we're as committed to the front-end user experience as we are to what's happening under the hood.

How to apply: Please send CV, covering note and links to any websites or applications you have created, or been involved with, to jobs@onespacemedia.com

More details here: http://www.onespacemedia.com/careers/full-stack-django-devel...

Could someone explain, what is usually considered by H1B here ?

Either candidate should already have H1B, or he could apply without H1B, but possible to process ?

As I understand it, the company is interested in people without H1B and offers help with the process.

^ Someone please answer this. Thanks.

Frontend and Python developers | London, UK | Picturehouse cinemas

Picturehouse Cinemas Ltd is looking for Python developers and front-end engineers.


  - Python, html, css, javascript programming experience  
  - Ability to self-lead, a lot of the time you will be deciding for yourself what to work on.  
  - Ability to look at big picture architecture as well as small details code.  
  - Any experience in DevOps is attractive as we handle the full stack.  
  - 1-2 Days/week in London (Typically at Hackney Picturehouse) every week, rest from home.  
About the company

  - We have a relaxed, family-friendly culture.  
  - We contribute to open-source projects  
  - We have real customers, who care about the product and use it every day  
  - Free cinema tickets, tickets to premieres,  
    discounts on food prepared by the chef, free soda  
    and barista made coffees  
  - Flexibility in hours and home working (2-3 days/week)  
  - We use python for almost everything  
  - Full stack cinema system from POS, ATM to public websites, and internal admin apps.  
  - A distributed, fault tolerant system so different parts of the business continue to sell in case of failures.
  - We sell 25K+ tickets and 30k+ transactions every day across 60+ cinemas.
 - We send around 500,000 emails a week and run quite a few websites.

If you are interested, drop me a line - vikram.b at picturehouses.co.uk

Detroit-based start-up (funded, stable, paying competitive salaries) looking for experienced Magento developers.

We are looking for an amazing, experienced, OO PHP developer with deep Magento experience to join our fast-growing, first-rate development team. As a software developer, you would responsible for end-to-end product development, from architecture, to development, to rollout. You must be comfortable participating in design and code reviews, as well as delivering accurate estimates, providing regular development progress feedback and consistently meeting project deadlines. Our developers are effective at explaining complex ideas and concepts to non-technical team members.

This is a full time position that would work out of our downtown Detroit office. Occasional telecommuting (like one day a week) is on the table, but we really need people who can be in the office most of the time.

Here's our stats:

    Company size: 17

    Current dev team size: 3 with a 4th starting soon

    Stack: LAMP

    Version Control: Git

    Bug Tracking: Github Issues

    Mac or PC: Dealer's choice. We currently have 2 devs on mac and 1 on PC.

    Office style: Open floor plan, collaborative working environment, very casual.

    Dev methodologies: We borrow elements of various frameworks, but in general we work in monthly sprint cycles, daily stand-ups, weekly overview meetings.
If you are interested, please send me an email at evan@chalkfly.com and let's chat.

CS Disco Inc. - Houston, TX - http://www.csdisco.com/jobs

CS Disco Inc. makes eDiscovery software that helps lawyers find evidence faster in major cases and investigations. We are 10x faster than our competitors at search and document navigation; have a lawyer-friendly, lawyer-focused UI; and have pricing that is both 1/2 that of competitors, or less, and perfectly predictable. Our customers include 5 of the top 50 law firms and 2 of the top 5 insurance companies.

Disco launched in January 2013 (bootstrapped) and closed a Series A with LiveOak Venture Partners in December 2013. Our team includes the youngest graduate of Harvard Law School; the former CIO of Sonic Foundry; two YC alums; ex law professors; ex litigators from Vinson & Elkins, Hogan Lovells, Camara & Sibley, Perkins Coie, and Pillsbury Winthrop; and engineers from NASA, Hearst, PROS, and Tutorspree.

We are hiring in all departments (see link above), with a particular emphasis on: (1) QA engineer; (2) a great content marketing person; and (3) sales reps with > $1M quota doing B2B SaaS in the legal vertical or a similar space. We are also in the middle of a retained search for our first VP Sales. We will consider (paid) intern candidates in all departments for the summer.

All positions require relocation to Houston (no income tax! everything is cheap!). Email engjobs@csdisco.com for engineering positions and apply@csdisco.com for all other positions.

Entelo - San Francisco (SOMA), CA - Full-time - http://www.entelo.com/

7 things about us:

#1 - We're building a company at Entelo with a mission of changing how companies hire and think about talent acquisition.

#2 – We are helping companies build great teams and have over 100 paying customers including Box, Yelp, Square, ESPN and Groupon

#3 - The team is small so you'll play an integral role in building something meaningful.

#4 - We're doing some very interesting work at the intersection of big data, predictive analytics and HR/recruiting. (Our stack is a mix of Ruby, Scala, MySQL, MongoDB, elasticsearch and a bunch of other goodies.)

#5 - If the notion of "spray and pray" recruiting makes you a little nauseous and you want to do something about it, you should contact us. :)

#6 - We work out of a beautiful office in SOMA, close to Caltrain and AT&T Park; some of our perks include $300 headphone allowance, 100% coverage of employee health care premiums, 1:1 matching for donations to non-profits, and catered lunches.

#7 – We announced our series A round of funding last summer http://techcrunch.com/2013/06/19/entelo-the-big-data-recruit...

I'm the founder and you can email me directly at jon at entelo dot com

Current openings:

Marketing: http://www.entelo.com/careers/marketing/content_marketing_ma...

Engineering (Data): http://www.entelo.com/careers/engineering/data_engineer

Engineering (Full-Stack): http://www.entelo.com/careers/engineering/full_stack

Sales: http://www.entelo.com/careers/sales/inside_account_executive

Customer Success: http://www.entelo.com/careers/customer_success/director

LegitScript in Portland, OR is hiring talented software developers. We make the online health product sector safer and more transparent for individuals and businesses. We analyze and report on rogue online pharmacies and dangerous health products.

We use Rails and MySQL and practice developer testing and pair programing.

The listing:


ChartCube: https://chartcube.recruiterbox.com/ San Mateo, CA (Bay Area)

Lead Visual Designer: San Mateo Downtown, CA, United States Senior iOS Engineer: San Mateo Downtown, CA, United States Senior Backend Engineer: San Mateo Downtown, CA, United States

We've set our sights on disrupting the badly-broken data-to-insight-to-discussion workflow that for most business people still spreads clumsily across Excel, PPT, and email. We want to bring the data, the insights, and the discussion, together... into one thing. A ChartCube.

We are still quite small, just 5 of us. Just got our first office in downtown San Mateo and we're ready to jam. Our ambition has recently been series-A funded by Shasta Ventures, so we're good. And we enjoy the counsel of some awesome advisors in the Valley. You may note that it is unusual for a company that has not yet launched its product to receive a series-A. I think everyone who's seen the demo gets really excited. Love to show you our alpha.

We would love to hear from anyone who groks our vision and wants to get involved. There are some awesome technical opportunities posted on the jobs page: https://chartcube.recruiterbox.com/

Feel free to get in touch - jack @ chartcube.com - for any reason at all.


We're looking for a full-time remote (US/Canada only) senior front-end/UI developer.

Currently our system is an all-in-one business management SaaS for photographers and we're ready to start expanding into other markets especially freelancers and other event related industries (videographers, wedding planners, etc).

You would be responsible for tying the HTML/CSS done by our in house designer to our back-end API (done in Perl). You need to possess very strong Javascript, CSS and HTML skills, and be comfortable with remote work. Our team is all over the US and Canada. We do meet in person 3 times in a year, usually around the L.A. area.

Our front-end is done through an in-house developed MVC, that relies heavily on Knockout.js and jquery. Experience with knockout would be preferred. You also need to have experience with REST and JSON, and be comfortable with using server side APIs.

We're looking for a great UI developer. Somebody who can make it work, rather than worries too much about the code being perfect from a programming POV. Somebody who can understand how it needs to be used by the end user and will work with our UX designer to make things as easy as possible.

We're a small team, so it is important that you are self-reliant and can take the initiative to make things better for our users.

If you are interested, please drop me a line at jobs@simplystudio.com.

Seattle, Wa - Quve

Quve ("cue+move") is a well-funded, early-stage company, developing an online platform to change the nature of work for personal trainers and the nature of working out for consumers. Quve will enable top trainers to coach their clients efficiently and effectively between in-person training sessions, attract new clients who are interested in the benefits of daily fitness coaching between training sessions, and increase trainers’ income via online coaching.

We are looking for a Seattle-based senior rails developer to lead the development of Quve. You will be working closely with the entire team to rapidly build Quve, and iterate the product based on insights from ongoing user testing. This is the perfect position for an senior developer who wants to get in on the ground floor at a well-funded startup developing a stand-out coaching product that has the potential to extend to verticals beyond fitness in the future. Company founders and early employees are experienced and connected.


* Full stack development lead for Quve

* Build out and iterate on the core Quve product using Rails, Postgres, backbone.js and other technologies you determine necessary

* Help translate user research into actionable product improvement items


Airseed - San Francisco, CA

  * The Atlas: Lead Backend Engineer
  * The Polymath: Fullstack Engineer
  * The Rainman: Data Scientist / ML Engineer

  who: founding engineers (#4, 5, 6)
  what: developer platform
  tech: Auth + API + Analytics
  big data: double digit TBs (soon to be PBs)
  data mine: 200M+ objects
  investors: Google Ventures, angels
  beta customers: ecommerce, travel apps
  location: downtown SF
  comp: non-trivial equity + salary
Airseed is a developer platform that powers: (1) single sign-on authentication, (2) rich consumer data, and (3) interactive analytics. We make it incredibly easy for web / mobile app developers & Fortune 500 companies, to authenticate their users while getting incredibly rich intelligence, all within minutes of onboarding.

Our backers: Google Ventures and top Silicon Valley angel investors

Our culture: balance, betterment, do good, hustle, resourceful, simplicity, transparency

Our stack: Ruby (Rails), Python, MySQL, Cassandra, Neo4j, Redis, Elasticsearch, Javascript, Storm, Hadoop

Looking for domain experts: application development, infrastructure, data mining, machine learning, distributed systems, security, monitoring/ reliability

  More info here: https://www.airseed.com/jobs
  Email me (Arun - CTO): arun at airseed dot com

OpinionLab - Chicago, IL - http://www.opinionlab.com/company/careers/

OpinionLab is in hyper growth mode, and we are looking for driven, talented individuals who want to become part of a dynamic and innovative company.

OpinionLab is the global leader in Voice of Customer (VoC) feedback innovation, serving a prestigious client list that includes nearly half of Fortune 50 organizations such as Walmart, Bank of America, Ford Motor Company, and many more. With real-time listening solutions for every brand touch point, our pioneering VoC platform invites consumers to share input in their own words, at anytime, from anywhere, helping organizations collect, understand, and leverage both structured and unstructured customer data.

We have several openings, but we have three for this role:


As a member of our Product Development team, you will play a critical role in the architecture, design, development, and deployment of OpinionLab’s web-based applications and services. You will be part of a high-visibility agile development team empowered to deliver high-quality, innovative, and market leading voice-of-customer (VoC) data acquisition and feedback intelligence solutions. If you thrive in a collaborative, fast-paced, get-it-done environment and want to be a part of one of Chicago’s most innovative companies, we want to speak with you!

Flipboard: Palo Alto primarily, but NYC, Seattle, and Vancouver are options for the right candidate. We're hiring across the board, see a partial list here: https://flipboard.com/careers/

Company is about 4 years old now, and we've raised a serious amount of capital to transform the media space.

I run our publishing platform ( https://flipboard.com/publishers/ ), which we're investing in heavily this year in order to scale from hundreds of publishers to thousands and beyond.

Our stack is a mix of Python, Java, and Node.js (with some Go, C++, and Scala here and there as well).

One of our big challenges in this space is ingesting content from all over the Internet and normalizing it into something sane that can be displayed beautifully across all devices via algorithmic design. We use APIs, RSS, screen scraping, and midichlorians to get articles, images, videos, you name it. If you've dabbled in this space before, you know that it's a tough problem to get right. I'd argue we're best in class right now, but there's tons of room for improvement and we've only just begun.

If any of this sounds interesting, get in touch with me: My user name @ Flipboard

Talk about synchronicity, I was watching my gf browsing Flipboard today and daydreamed how you guys scrape everything! It must really be a jolly old mess of hacks :) Do you hire from abroad? Greetings from Italy! (native english speaker)

Are you looking to hire interns for the summer?

Yes. Mail me and I'll put you in touch with the right folks.

ByteLight - http://www.bytelight.com - Boston, MA (on-site)

ByteLight is building a combined hardware/software platform for delivering contextual mobile computing experiences. Our core technology modulates LED lights to transmit data to smartphones, using the existing cameras as the receiver. We're partnering with major lighting manufacturers to embed our solution into their fixtures, turning the light into the equivalent of a GPS satellite indoors.

You’ll be joining at an exciting time. Indoor location is a rapidly evolving market that is poised for major growth over the next 5 years. We’re in the process of deploying the first major installations of LED indoor location technology, with Fortune 100 customers. We just moved into a brand-new office in Boston’s Innovation District. And we’re building a world-class team of engineers to join us on our mission to put ByteLight into every lightbulb.

We’ve raised over $4M in capital, with backing from Flywheel Ventures, Motorola Solutions Venture Capital, and VantagePoint Capital.

We have multiple positions open, including: -Full Stack Engineers -Senior Ruby/Rails Developers -Embedded Systems/Wireless -Mobile Engineers -Algorithms/R&D

If you’re interested, please email me dan@bytelight.com, or jobs@bytelight.com

Glance - Full-time - Join an early stage company solving high-impact problems

San Francisco (1 block from Caltrain and Philz coffee :)

We've been funded by an amazing set of investors including Reid Hoffman, Mike Maples, Greylock and NEA to solve the biggest problem in mobile today - driving retention and engagement while delighting users.

We're developing a smarter alternative to disruptive and spammy options like push notifications. Our approach is built on a next generation contextual platform and elegant UX that delights both users and developers.

We are hiring:

* Android Engineers - experienced developers who are passionate about writing code to do incredible things on Android

* Platform Engineers(Search / Machine Learning) - developers with experience gaining insights from large data sets and building scalable server architectures that are fast and efficient

* Front-end Engineers - engineers who are passionate about building elegant web products

You'll be a core member of our team as we grow the company and build the platform that will power the Glance experience across billions of devices.

As part of the team you'll receive significant equity and responsibility at a very early stage company. We talk iOS, Android, Python and Node.js.

If you're looking to join a small team that solves complex problems and is making something people will use daily we would love to talk.

Get in touch with us at jobs@helloglance.com

BabyList - Downtown Oakland, CA (2 blocks from 12th Street BART)

Senior Frontend or Full-stack developer

BabyList (http://babyli.st) makes having your first baby less overwhelming, more creative and most importantly more delightful. We have a large and rapidly growing user base of passionate parents-to-be who are making important purchasing decisions for one of the biggest events in their lives. The baby industry is massive and ripe for disruption. Our core product is an easy to use registry that let’s parents-to-be add anything they can find on the internet. Our users LOVE this product.

We're looking for a senior developer to lead the development of our website and API. Our stack is Ruby on Rails, MySQL, Javascript/jQuery. We're looking for someone who has a lot of coding experience and expert-level fluency in at least one programming language (you don't have to be great at Ruby right now).

We're offering meaningful equity, a competitive salary, benefits, and relocation expenses.

We are also hiring for:

Digital Content Director - http://babyli.st/jobs#email-marketing

UI/UX Designer - https://babyli.st/jobs#ui-designer

Email me at natalie@babyli.st

AeroFS! We're hiring @ www.aerofs.com/careers :)

AeroFS is based in downtown Palo Alto, California. We're working on solving a problem we're all deeply passionate about: How to sync and collaborate on data in a private and secure manner. If you care about making a meaningful impact on people's lives, you just might enjoy working with us.

We're hiring across the board in engineering:

- Front End Engineering - Back End Engineering - Mobile (iOS/Android) - Engineering Interns, too!

Does this position allow remote?

Where do interns apply?

I have the same question. :)

Same question as above, where do interns apply and are the position restricted to only US citizens?

Outbrain NYC is looking for front and back end engineers to help us design, scale, simplify and integrate our infrastructure. Competitive pay and benefits (with equity of course).

Descriptions for both positions below, but please reach out to cmaillard@outbrain.com if you're interested!

Backend As our newest backend engineer, you’ll help us scale, extend, and evolve our infrastructure. We use awesome libraries/tools that span the entire development spectrum– nginx, varnish, gevent, scipy, storm, kafka, fabric, and a number of our own proprietary technologies, too. Full posting: http://outbrain.mytribehr.com/careers/view/8

Frontend A small team within Outbrain R&D is looking for an organized, experienced front end developer to help us continue building and simplifying the experience across our platform. You will be responsible for transforming wireframes and mocked ideas into working products using the latest front end technologies. We're looking for creative developers who love to solve problems and want to help us build the future of content on the web for devices large and small. Full posting: http://outbrain.mytribehr.com/careers/view/53

About Outbrain: Outbrain was founded with the goal of developing the world’s best platform for the continual discovery of high-quality content. You’ve probably seen us before and didn’t know it was Outbrain. In fact, we bet you’ve clicked on one of our links. ‘Cause they’re pretty good.

Hightower, New York, NY http://www.gethightower.com

We’re building a collaboration and workflow tool for the commercial real estate (CRE) industry -- "Trello, but for CRE". Our first product targets commercial leasing teams, who run a highly mobile and collaborative workflow using tools like paper (!) and 90s-era desktop productivity software (yes, I'm looking at you, Excel).

Our founding team is Brandon Weber, a HCI graduate from CMU and former commercial real estate broker, me - Niall Smart, founder of YC W09 company Echodio (sold to RealNetworks) and Donald DeSantis, founder at LIFFFT, Giant Thinkwell, and an early Redfin employee. We’re backed by top-tier investors in enterprise tech and CRE, including Thrive Capital (42Floors, Honest Buildings, Urban Compass), BVP (Box, Intercom, Clearside), Aaron Levie, Lee Linden, David Tisch and Gary Vaynerhuck [1]

If reimagining the technology toolset used by an entire industry is the kind of thing that floats your boat, come talk to us – we're still a small team, and you can have a huge impact. We’re currently hiring full stack web developers who have a solid portfolio of building product at startups. Our stack is Rails + AngularJS + iOS. Knowledge of CRE is not a pre-requisite.

Drop me a line to learn more – niall.smart (at) gethightower.com.



[1] http://www.pehub.com/2013/12/hightower-grabs-2-12-mln-in-see...

Cigital is hiring software security folks

What we do: We're a software security consulting firm that helps build security into the SDLC. We work on a wide variety of projects involving static analysis, penetration testing, architecture review, threat modeling, red teaming, network pen testing, etc. We deal mostly with the private sector and the types of applications we work with are varied from mobile to webapps to video games.

DO NOT apply directly to our website. Email your resume to dirtyb1t34@gmail.com, along with a desired position and location.

We're all consultants so we tend to travel a fair amount. As I said, the work is varied and you can really focus the type of work you do based on your interests and skills. It's definitely a fun place to work. The people here are really smart and there's lots of room to grow your skills. We're looking for everything from interns to principal consultants and we have positions open all over the place including:

  • Northern Virginia
  • Boston, MA
  • Santa Clara, CA
  • New York, NY
  • Bloomington, IN
  • Seattle, WA
  • London
You can read more about the jobs here: http://www.cigital.com/careers/jobs/

Don't apply formally, but just send your personal information straight to my personal gmail? I'd figure security focused folks would rather see a more formal corporate email address.

I assume its for him/her to claim the referral bonus.

I can vouch for this guy. He works for cigital and is a good guy. I've actually never heard him say anything negative about Cigital either.

Ruby | Droplet | https://dropletpay.com | London or Birmingham, UK.

Ruby Engineer for fast-growing payments startup

We are looking for someone to help us build the future of payment. We’re a Ruby shop, but not wedded to Rails – the best tool for the job is the right choice.

We’ve got a fantastic iOS app called Droplet (and an Android app too) that lets you pay in any of our 300+ merchants across London and Birmingham.

We’re not just an app: we’re a robust, scalable, always-on platform for making payments over the web. We’re hoping to grow significantly in 2014, maybe you can help?


have experience building, testing and deploying Ruby applications have strong understanding of object-oriented programming enjoy finding the right solution for the problem at hand are able to talk confidently about choices you make are highly self-motivated think like a hacker


Totally flexible working hours and location Opportunity to actually build stuff Unlimited holiday (fair usage policy applies) Salary up to £35k p/a depending on experience Participation in our employee share options scheme, for the right candidate


Send us an email to join@dropletpay.com with CV, and a link to your Github if available.

No agencies please.

You must be eligible to work in the UK, and willing to undergo detailed background checks before an offer of employment can be made.

Swift Software - Frederick, MD (Near DC) - Business Analyst

Ready to work closer to home? Swift Software is a growing product-centered B2B software company seeking a talented and customer-focused business analyst to join our professional services team in Frederick, MD.

Our product is an advanced task management and workflow system with a long track record of customer success. You’ll work with new and existing customers to train them to use and administer their systems, design and build business processes, and ensure that they are successful and happy with their systems.

Our professional services and product teams work side-by-side, collaborating to achieve customer success instead of competing for resources. We have an enjoyable and creative culture that emphasizes learning and professional development and encourages respectful debate and creative tension. These attributes have enabled us to produce an industry-leading product with a globally recognizable and satisfied client base.

Our environment is relaxed and fun, and we play everything from Total Annihilation to Alien Swarm at our game nights. We equip everyone with new quad-core Thinkpads with SSDs and dual monitors. Our policies and benefits are family-friendly, with generous vacation time, good health insurance options, and flexible work schedules.

For more information about these positions, see the links below. If you are interested, please email your resume to resumes@swiftsoftware.com. http://www.jobtraq.com/jobs/ba135-business-analyst-professio...

Notting Hill, London, England, U.K.

Our web application is at the heart of our busy and successful e-commerce business; every day it serves millions of product images and handles hundreds of thousands of user visits, but we can and do update the live site with new code multiple times per day without missing a beat. Our systems are written on the LAMP stack and deployed on Amazon Web Services using Puppet and Capistrano; we are migrating to Symfony 2 as our MVC framework. Developers choose the tools that work best for them - for instance, at the moment we have a mix of Linux and Mac workstations in the team. We are adopting and adapting agile development techniques such as test-driven development, pair programming, and continuous integration. We hold regular retrospectives to improve our working environment. Our developers are generalizing specialists whose typical day may include refining an algorithm, writing a tricky integration test, tuning a SQL query, and discussing feature nuances with a product manager. Our team is growing fast and we'd like to hear (at careers@secretsales.com) from any of you who'd like to join us; we're hiring for all technical roles, especially developers of all levels of experience.

Established in London in July 2007, Secretsales.com is the UK's leading private shopping club, offering limited-time online sales with current name-brand goods at deep discounts. Brands include fashion, beauty, homeware, and lifestyle categories, many of them familiar from the high street. The company has about eighty employees and a substantial annual turnover; it was recently selected to join the UK's Future Fifty programme for the country's most rapidly growing startups.

Savant Systems – Hyannis, MA

Savant is a home automation company, based heavily on the Apple platform. A Mac Mini or Linux host is used as the server to control your home, in tandem with our custom AV switches, lighting systems, and HVAC systems. Once setup, your home can be controlled from our iOS apps, our traditional remotes, or our new Android based universal remote.

I'm a Software Engineer at Savant, and working there is definitely a great experience. You may fill one of these roles below, but you'll get to work on a wide variety of projects, regardless your role. To give you a brief picture, day-to-day, I will work on firmware, Mac apps, iOS apps, Node.js web apps, and daemon processes that run on Mac and Linux.

We're looking to fill the following roles ASAP: - Senior iOS Developer - Junior iOS Developer - Android Developer - Android Platform Software Engineer - Firmware Engineer - Linux Software Engineer - Media Software Engineer - Web UI Developer - Junior/Mid-Level Web Developer

If you want to read more about the positions or apply, visit our careers page here: http://www.savantsystems.com/careers.aspx

If you have any questions, feel free to email me at

Aventura Labs - New York, NY

Aventura Labs is an early stage company whose mission is to assemble great algorithmists, programmers, and designers to solve hard problems.

I've spent the past year bootstrapping the first product, Just the List, which focuses on making wedding planning fast and fun. The product is near complete, but also has an awesome roadmap of upcoming features. Beta-tester feedback has been outstanding. For more info, please check out the soon-to-be-released home page can be found here:


You'll be joining on as number two at the company. You should love learning, solving hard problems, and be interested in culture building. You should believe that unicorns are made, not born :) You should also be familiar with most of the technologies in our stack: Node/Express, Javascript/Coffeescript, MongoDB, Redis and Backbone.

I'm hiring a variety of roles which may include summer interns, developers, a CTO, and a community manager. We'll be working on a pretty full combination of improving/writing new algorithms, performing data analysis, automating front-end testing (backend testing is largely completed), and building intuitive and beautiful user experiences.

I've open-sourced the underlying task queue at https://github.com/brandoncarl/taskco. I'd like to open-source a few of the other technologies as the team grows.

Please contact me at brandon.carl@justthelist.com for more details.

Leaf (https://leaf.me) - Kendall Square, Cambridge MA - Full time, H1B, No remote, relocation available

Leaf is a rapidly growing startup that builds a custom Android based mobile point of sale tablet and platform. We've received $20 million in funding from Heartland Payment Systems.

We have many open positions (https://leaf.me/careers) across all aspects of the company, here's what we're looking for in engineering:

Senior Scala Developers - At Leaf, we use Scala for the web services that our tablet and web apps connect to. We're using Scala to build a high performance, robust, distributed transaction system so our merchants can always take payments.

Senior Ruby on Rails Developers - Our Rails team builds the back office webapps our merchants use to manage and grow their businesses. We're looking for experienced Rails engineers with expertise in building beautiful web service (SOAP and REST) based apps.

Android Developers - Leaf manufactures our own Android tablet running a customized version of the Android OS and our own app on top of it. We're looking for Android developers with all levels of experience to help us continue to build the best mPOS on the market.

DevOps Director - We need an experienced Director of DevOps to architect and build our cloud infrastructure. Experience with AWS, a config as code tool (e.g. Puppet, Chef, Ansible), and MySQL/Postgres is a must.

If you'd like to know more, either apply at our website or email me: mroberts@leaf.me

San Francisco - Heyday - http://hey.co

We are building a lifelog for people to remember and share the story of their lives, automatically, beautifully, and privately. Two months ago, we launched here on Hacker News [ https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=6858373 ]. Here's what some of you guys said:

- "Wow. I rarely download this stuff. But the fact that it claims to be automatic piqued my interest. After downloading it I can say that my first impression is shocked. Shocked that I really liked it."

- "This is very well done. This could crush Facebook. Not in the short term but if you create a timeline that is more personally valuable to people they will be far more likely to use it and share it with friends and family. Your timeline is already far more interesting then my "Wall."

- "Why is it free? I would've paid for this."

- "I have been looking for this. I've been so desperate for this I've been contemplating creating it myself."

We're looking for:

* Mobile engineers (iOS - hard problems include making our sync engine fast/reliable, fast/intuitive search for memories, surfacing important memories in the background, UI performance, and doing it all without using a lot of battery)

* Systems engineers (Python, AWS, Puppet/Chef - hard problems include delivering accurate geocoding for memories, reliable syncing, and building systems to monitor and scale all of it automatically)

* Data scientists (R/Matlab/SPSS, Python, SQL, statistics, machine learning - hard problems include using ML to improve accuracy of geocoding, building growth and retention models, all while guaranteeing user anonymity and privacy).

We will fly you out for interviews and relocate you to San Francisco if you aren't here already. A lot of our team work remotely from time to time, but we haven't found full time remote employees to work out well for us since we collaborate so closely together in real time.

Please email us directly at siqi at hey dot co (8 hour SLA for a response). Fun fact: 33% of our engineering team found us through Who’s Hiring threads here.

Are you also looking to hire interns? I love Heyday, and I'd love to be able to work with you guys to make it better.

I'm mostly interested in HCI, UI/UX and Front-end Development.


Currently, we aren't actively hiring interns.

UpCounsel.com -- San Francisco, CA => https://www.upcounsel.com We're a small team taking the big boring legal industry by storm. Revolutionizing the way that SMBs / SMEs hire, manage, and pay for legal services.

We're hiring for several roles including • Product manager • Full stack Rails / Node.js / Javascript developer • Community manger • Corporate paralegals

At UpCounsel, we're building the future of law. If you are motivated by bringing one of the oldest industries in the world to the 21st century and helping millions of businesses in the process, we'd love to talk to you.

Our founding team is composed of serial entrepreneurs with prior successful startup exits as well as "recovering" attorneys who appreciate the pain points of attorneys as well as their business clients. Our seed and angel investors have backed some of the most promising startups of our time. We take pride in doing amazingly good work and are driven by a mission to help small businesses, the backbone of our economy, easily tap into and work with a competent and affordable legal workforce distributed across the globe.

We are building a family of superbly talented and passionate individuals. We are a small team (less than 10) and a flat organization, where everyone's contributions make a profound impact on our future. The "disruptor" mindset is core to everything we do and that means challenging that status quo wherever we find it.

Learn more: https://www.upcounsel.com/home/careers

Qubit - London (+ New York web devs)

Qubit has just had our 4th birthday, and we're looking to really grow our engineering team (somewhat) internationally, as we expand out into new markers!

There's a bunch of jobs listed here: http://www.qubitproducts.com/jobs, but to summarise, we are hiring on the front-end from UX architects to both new and experienced full-stacky-JS engineers and in our infrastructure teams for DevOps folk.

It's a really fun environment - not just because of the perks of working in the middle of Soho with our own newly remodelled (and fully stocked) kitchen - but we've put together an inspirational team across the board that is building building a personalisation platform which is really resonating with some of the biggest brands in the world and we have huge plans about where we are going to take it!

It's a really exciting time, and I hope some of you will join us! There's tonnes of big technical and "soft" problems that we're tackling, so drop us a line at careers+hackernews@qubitproducts.com, tell us a bit about yourself and we'd love to have a chat about how you can help us solve them.

Fort Worth / Dallas, Texas

Koddi (http://koddi.com or https://twitter.com/koddiyak)

PHP Developer / Engineer (Hiring 2-3)

Koddi is a bidding platform for vertical-specific ads on Google and metasearch sites. We manipulate huge data sets to make buying search ads easier and more revenue productive for our clients.

We work with great partners (Google, for example) and clients (like some of the top travel brands in the world.)

Must have strong experience with:

  - Object-oriented basics and principles
  - Modern PHP (5.4+) development and best practices
  - MySQL and relational database design
  - JavaScript
  - git
That said, capability, outputs, and results matter much more than specific experience. We'll give hungry developers that want to learn the opportunity to do so if they are a great match for the team and have a positive attitude.


  - AJAX, jQuery, HTML/CSS
  - Symfony / Silex
  - Google APIs, OAuth 2.0
  - MySQL performance optimization, big datasets, BigQuery
  - Basic Linux administration
  - Bootstrap
  - Amazon Web Services (EC2, RDS)
contact@koddi.com if interested...

Sugarcube (https://www.getsugarcube.com)

San Francisco, CA (preferred)

Sugarcube is a fast-paced, early stage startup. Everything we do at Sugarcube is beautiful, simple and fun. You'll be challenged, inspired and proud. No matter what your job is here, you'll be part of the team that makes revolutionary products that set the bar for excellent user experiences. Our first product will revolutionize entertainment on your television.


You are a perfectionist. You do not settle and always desire to improve. You are an artist. Infusing a creation with your DNA and creating a market defining product is what drives you. Putting your name on your work means shipping art that's unquestionably admired, even by critics.

We're looking for the following artists to join our team:

  - Android Engineer
  - Embedded Systems Engineer
  - Network Engineer
  - Electrical Engineer
  - Community Development Intern
More info here (https://www.getsugarcube.com/jobs)

Interested? Send us an email at jobs <at> getsugarcube.com and tell us what excites you along with your resume or CV.

I look forward to hearing from you!

- Sri (Founder & CEO)

Just curious about the product, it seems like a more integrated version of the Chromecast, don't you see that as a problem competing? Or do you hope to one day merge?

There are a lot of streaming devices that currently exist but none have made the experience seamless or simply enough for anyone to use.

We see it as a similar market to MP3 players around 2001, prior to the iPod. Nearly anyone can figure out how to use an iPod, can't say the same for Chromecast.

We also want to allow users to stream any app without having to wait for developers update their app with an SDK.

It would be more accurate to say Chromecast is a small subset of Sugarcube.

Shoot me an email if you have more questions sri <at> getsugarcube.com


Taskflow.io - Business Development - Chicago, IL

COMPANY DESCRIPTION Taskflow.io is a brand new idea on how businesses can run their internal processes. Every business has reoccurring processes that are in the heads of the employees and not formalized or tracked.

When a business process is only in the head of a couple of employees things get forgotten, important data gets lost, critical steps are missed, and performance analytics are lost.

Taskflow.io formalizes business processes online into a clean and easy interface to run a business's operations. Taskflow.io collects data on each step a business process, so nothing falls between the cracks and process performance can be easily tracked.

JOB DESCRIPTION You will be responsible for two things generating clients and keeping them happy. That's it. How you reach your goals is up to you.

There are no scripts, there are no mandatory daily requirements. If you are independent and diligent in generating clients and keeping them happy, you will have no problem in this position. If you enjoy sitting on your butt twiddling your thumbs pretending to accomplish things, this job is not for you.

QUALIFICATIONS Genuine curiosity. Independence. Business to business sales experience. Track record of success.

Hstry - Boston, MA (LearnLaunchX Winter '14) (http://www.hstry.co)

Hstry is a Boston-based ed-tech startup part of the LearnLaunchX accelerator focused on bringing history to the digital classroom. The product we are building is a fully-responsive HTML5 web application used on tablets, desktops, laptops and smartphones. We think that in educational software, usability and design have not been given enough attention so we assign a lot of importance to good UX and clean user interfaces. The stack consists of a REST API implemented in Ruby on Rails and a thick-client front-end based on the Ember.js framework.

We’re looking for a full-stack web developer with a passion for web development, who is well-versed in both Ruby and Javascript and who has a good sense of UX. Experience in the development of single-page apps (Ember.js, Angular, Backbone or other) is highly valued.

You will be

    - Adding new features to the application, from extending the REST API to
      writing the CSS
    - Contributing to all phases of building a great product
    - Working in a small team of developers
    - Working remotely is fine but we would like you to join our office at
      least once every two weeks
The application we’re building is changing the way K-12 students study history today. You will be an early member of Hstry and you will work with interesting web technologies in an agile environment at the LearnLaunchX offices in downtown Boston, within a team that can bring ideas to market.

Employee equity packages are on offer.

Interested? Shoot me an email at yoran@hstry.org.

- Yoran (CTO)

Intercom is hiring for many different roles in Dublin and San Francisco: https://www.intercom.io/careers

Intercom is a simple, personal messaging service for businesses and their customers.

Our mission is to make web business personal. We believe that the future of customer communication requires not increasingly complex, impersonal point solutions, but rather a simple, seamless platform that feels a lot more like Facebook than Salesforce.

People love our product: https://twitter.com/intercom/favorites

The company is about 2.5 years old. We've raised over $30MM to-date from Bessemer Venture Partners, and the Social+Capital Partnership.

The team is currently ~60, comprising people from Apple, Box, Google, Facebook, Amazon, Yammer, Microsoft, and PayPal.

Intercom is installed in thousands of web products and is connected with many millions of end-users. The company has been experiencing double-digit monthly revenue growth from the start.

For a full list of jobs, please see our careers page: https://www.intercom.io/careers

Locus Energy (http://locusenergy.com/)

San Francisco, CA


Frontend Software Engineer

Locus Energy is a monitoring and data analytics platform provider for the distributed solar PV market. Locus Energy’s cloud-based software aggregates and organizes large amounts of performance data from multiple sources, making it easier to access, manage and analyze. We are looking for a talented frontend software engineer to join our team and help build out our platform.

If you want a job with a soul, we're the place for you. We solve technically challenging problems to make it easier, cheaper and faster to install solar power systems. Our work culture is driven without dominating your life — we offer great work/life balance and plenty of paid vacation. We have a tech team of about 20 people who truly enjoy working with each other. Our greatest strength is our team, and we're looking for a new member of the family.

Our ideal candidate would be an expert in some of the areas below, and hungry to develop skills in the others. We value smart, scrappy engineers that may not have all the skills required to start but are eager to learn.

- Scala and/or the Lift framework. If not Scala, any functional programming language is a good start.

- HTML and CSS

- Javascript, including JQuery

- Building and interacting with service-oriented architecture through RESTful APIs

- Good code quality and teamwork habits

If interested, please let me know at alex.thornton at locusenergy.com.

Jello Labs - Senior Engineer - New York City - http://jellolabs.com/jobs (fulltime, onsite)


We are changing the way mobile eCommerce works. We are well funded, have an amazing team and we're growing quickly.

We have a high quality team with engineers from Google, Foursquare, Ebay, Chartbeat and Medium - among others - check out http://jellolabs.com/team

We love writing GoLang, PostgreSQL, AngularJS and ObjectiveC - if you want to write Go as a full-time job you should come join us. We play board games on Wednesdays, do code reviews and care deeply about moving fast while having reliable systems.

More details at http://jellolabs.com/jobs, or simply email hey@jellolabs.com.


Lead iOS Engineer

We're looking for an iOS developer with a great sense of UX, that can both build the best iOS app out there and also help give valuable feedback on building some industry-leading world class UX.

More details at http://jellolabs.com/jobs, or simply email hey@jellolabs.com.

Saint John, New Brunswick Canada.

ClinicServer provides a SaaS solution for clinics which enables allied health professionals to manage their appointments, medical files, billing, and more. We are currently looking for experienced full-time Java developers to grow our small team based in Saint John, New Brunswick. We use an agile methodology within a flexible and supportive work environment.

Please check out: www.clinicserver.com/about/careers

Kira Talent (https://www.kiratalent.com) - Toronto, Canada

At Kira Talent, we help organizations find exception talent through video.

A bit about us:

  - we’re a small team (you’d be #15), based in the heart of downtown Toronto; 
    check us out at www.kiratalent.com/about/

  - we’re had paying clients since day 1 of the company, and are well funded

  - we’re hiring both  mobile and backend developers

  - we believe that even enterprise software can be beautiful, 
    and pride ourselves on our design 

  - every single one of our developers have committed code within their
    first day at work (some within their first hour), and because
    we love continuous deployment, so we're constantly pushing to
    production and seeing the impact of our work
Here’s some stuff we’ve been working on lately:

  - building infrastructure to allow us to scale our video recording 
    and streaming; imagine thousands of applicants from countries 
    all around the world submitting video interviews right before a deadline

  - designing and creating our mobile suite for both job candidates and
    employers alike 

  - presenting analytics data captured in our product to the end user,
    and our team internally
Our toolkit involves Python (Django), JavaScript (jQuery, AngularJS), MySQL (and some MongoDB), Celery, RabbitMQ, Wowza Media Server. We use AWS for hosting, CircleCI for continuous integration and GitHub for everything else (i.e. code reviews, issue tracking).

If this sounds fun, let’s chat! My name is Konrad, I'm the co-founder/CTO, and you can send me a note at konrad@kiratalent.com. :)

OpenDNS - http://www.opendns.com/jobs - full time

Positions available in security research, engineering, and product management.

At OpenDNS, we study how the internet communicates to build security products. We provide a free DNS service that powers 2% of the internet. The 50 billion daily DNS queries that we serve provide a way to study how the internet - including malicious software - communicates.

The results are pretty cool: http://www.opendns.com/2013/

We don't just stop there - we just announced a new tool for studying malware that uses DNS to sinkhole potentially malicious websites. We can point a website at a sinkhole using our DNS resolvers, and get granular data from the TCP packets that allow us to understand how the server is used.


We had an amazing week at RSA Conference, and we seek talented people with interests in security and big data to join our team in San Francisco and Vancouver.

Any internships?

CurrencyTransfer.com, London, UK. Full time preferable. Remote possible.

We are are making international payments easier for businesses. Think FXall but for SME's.

To give you a flavour of our progress:

- Officially launched product with LIVE CNBC Squawk Box interview: http://video.cnbc.com/gallery/?video=3000244923

- Voted "Most Liked Startup" at Google Campus demo night: http://www.currencytransfer.com/currencytransfer-com-voted-l...

- Presented on stage to 1,000 people at Finovate Europe: http://finovate.com/2014/02/currencytransfer-launches-its-fx...

- Selected to 'represent the UK' next week at SXSW in Austin Texas by the UKTI government trade mission.


* Senior Ruby on Rails Developers - we are working with an outsourced developer team at the moment, and would like to bring this in house.

* Front-end/UI dev (HAML, SASS, JS, Angular.js, etc.)

We're looking for smart people to help build out and grow our back-end and integrations with partners. We're a team of 7 currently, though growing quickly in the next couple of weeks, so looking for the right people to help set the right DNA in the company.

Feel free to give me a call any time to discuss on 07711880001, or email at stevan@currencytransfer.com.

We are hiring at Minerva Project (http://www.minervaproject.com and http://minerva.kgi.edu)

Long story short we are building a new top tier university for the 21st century. To put it another way, we are building a university you'll actually want to send your kids too.

We are looking for the following folks: - Up and down the web stack developers. In particular, we are creating a large single page web app for our seminar-based (20 people max) courses. Using WebRTC, pubsub, and other real time technologies to create a classroom that's better than sitting around a wooden table.

- Python/Django experts that can work on our backend for both above application and our external websites and admissions flow.

- Web FE developers / UX Designer who can design interactions for our websites, create responsive designs and love to code them as well.

Full job postings at http://www.minervaproject.com/about/#careers

And you are welcome to contact me directly at jk@minervaproject.com

Forgot to mention: we are based in San Francisco, CA (Mid Market)

GreenAddressIT - https://greenaddress.it - REMOTE, Work From Home

Secure multisig HD wallet

We have implemented a multisig HD wallet as a base for more services, including transaction limits, green address instant transactions etc

We are looking for a Python developer with reasonable Bitcoin understanding, for both frontend and backend development.

Bonus points:

- Twisted

- SQLAlchemy

- PostgreSQL

- AngularJS

Send emails to info@greeenaddress.it

Please include your CV and any relevant information about your BTC experience.

Likeable Local - Portland, Maine - Social Media Tools for Small Businesses


We at Likeable Local are looking to grow our team and seeking talented and motivated software engineers. You love numbers and analytics, or the front-end and making things look and interact beautifully, or both. You grow and learn every day. We are in Portland, Maine which is atypical for Hacker News, but is a great place to live! We aren't looking for remote workers at this time.

We are a tech-startup-spinoff of the award-winning (NYC-based) agency Likeable Media, and we are looking for people that are willing to jump right in and be on our small team creating features that will be visible and impactful and used immediately.

We are hard-working and smart, and we love to solve challenging problems. We use a lot of node.js, javascript, python, and django.

You want to be a substantial contributor and are interested in the full stack of technologies from details of server configuration, back-end, front-end, and mobile platforms. You are self-disciplined, self-directed, but also detail-oriented in your communication about what choices you make and what you are doing.

Our product is an integrated software solution that allows small businesses to create, enhance and manage their social media presence. Likeable Local was founded in 2012 and has a deployed product that integrates with Facebook and Twitter. The software is sold on a subscription basis, allowing for attractive recurring revenue economics, and is in use by dentists, dry cleaners, florists, jewelers, and more- and we continue to expand. Interested? Email me at hugh@likeable.com and lets connect!

PillPack - Cambridge, MA (https://pillpack.com/)

We're looking for developers to help us reinvent pharmacy to be delightfully simple. A non-trivial percentage of Americans take 5 or more prescription medications a day and they are being poorly served by the usual pharmacy experience: it's poorly designed, hugely inconvenient and doesn't actually focus on customer wellness.

We launched about a month ago and both customer feedback and press coverage has been quite positive. Our customer base is growing faster than expected and we've got ample investment to fuel growth for a couple of years.

We're a small team, so we're looking for coworkers who enjoy a great deal of autonomy and are as good at figuring out what to build as they are at building it. Our stack is currently Rails + Mongo + Foundation but prior experience isn't a necessity.

Formal postings are on our careers page (https://pillpack.com/careers) but feel free to email me directly at jordan@pillpack.com if you'd prefer.

Zoona (http://www.zoona.co.za)

Cape Town, South Africa

Zoona is an African payments business with a passion for helping businesses grow by enabling “Easy Quick Safe” payments between Corporate Suppliers and Micro & Small Enterprises (MSE’s). In countries like Zambia (Zoona’s core market), businesses of all sizes struggle to grow because of challenges transacting in cash, low access to affordable finance and poor and unreliable data. By combining a set of affordable and accessible working capital finance products with a real-time, electronic payments platform, Zoona addresses real business problems with real business solutions.

In 2012 Zoona closed a $4m Series A venture capital round led by Omidyar Network and Accion, marking the first venture capital deal in a Zambia-based start-up, technology company. Zoona has grown to process millions of dollars in payment value each month in pursuit of its vision of Cashless Growing Businesses.

We're in a very exciting growth phase and looking for:

- Java Developers

- PHP Developers

- UI/UX Designers

- Data Scientists

If you're interested, I'm happy to chat more about the opportunities and the company: hans@zoona.co.za

New York

Junior/Senior developers at DaisyBill

We're looking for 1-2 developers who are experienced with Ruby, Rails, and JavaScript. We don't have a designer, so having an eye towards good UX/UI is a plus.

We're also looking for someone at the CTO level.

DaisyBill is located at 34 W 15th Street in Manhattan. We're a SaaS vendor serving the workers' compensation e-billing market.

Workers' comp is a vastly underserved part of the medical e-billing trade which has been a struggle for all parties involved: the injured worker, the practice that treats the injured worker, and the insurance companies that handle the claims/bills. Electronic billing aims to make the situation better.

DaisyBill manages the entire billing process, both generating and sending the bill electronically and managing the responses about the status of the bill, including when it was paid and how much. As a result of using DaisyBill, practices are paid more quickly and accurately than when they submit bills via paper/snail mail. We're talking 15 days instead of 60, 90, or more, if at all. This makes practices more likely to take on injured workers as patients, an obvious benefit for all parties.

You can read more about our service offering at www.daisybill.com.

The stack we currently run is Rails 3 on Heroku.

We use Git for source control and use Macs for development. We develop in an agile manner in the style of ThoughtWorks and Pivotal Labs, using Pivotal Tracker. We like our code to have tests, and as such we have an extensive suite covering the Ruby, Rails, and JavaScript code on the site.

Please send all inquiries to jobs@daisybill.com.

Palo Alto, CA


- Team: fewer than 10 engineers from MIT, Berkeley, CMU, Google/Google Research, Facebook, Y Combinator, Microsoft Research, Palantir, Jane Street, IBM Research, Yahoo Research, ...

- Investors: Red Point, a16z, SHV, Social Capital, ...

- Customers: Box, Jive, Microsoft, Tableau, Zendesk, AdRoll, Nitro, and many more

- Product: machine learning applications for non-technical users to help their businesses more effectively capture and retain customers

- Looking for: strong engineers excited to join an early-stage startup to help grow & shape the company


- Build on and extend our sophisticated model training pipeline that uses data extracted from the web and other sources

- Build beautiful visualizations to communicate results and frontends to allow non-technical users to build complex models

- Develop and operate secure, scalable cloud infrastructure to manage and process customers' large, confidential datasets

- Continually improve how the engineering team works together


- BS/MS/PhD in Computer Science, Statistics, Math or related fields

- Depth in software engineering, algorithms, and general analytical problem-solving

- Familiarity with Python preferred


- https://www.infer.com

- hiring+hn@infer.com

GreenAddressIT - https://greenaddress.it - REMOTE, Work From Home

Secure multisig HD wallet

We have implemented a multisig HD wallet as a base for more services, including limits, green address instant transactions etc.

We are looking for a Python developer with reasonable Bitcoin understanding, for both frontend and backend development.

Bonus points:

- Twisted - SQLAlchemy - PostgreSQL - AngularJS

Send emails to info@greeenaddress.it

Trulia - San Francisco - Full Time

Trulia's real estate search platform serves over 30 million unique visitors every month. With an at-scale web experience, category leading apps in both the Play and iOS App stores, and teams working on behavioral search models, home estimates, commute times, and computer vision, we're hiring Engineers in nearly every discipline.

I've worked at Trulia for about 2 years. Employees are taken care of. Engineers have a voice. A successful IPO and healthy balance sheet give us the ability to take on ambitious projects. It's just really a great place to work.

- Competitive comp and equity

- Great benefits, including gym reimbursement and free healthcare

- Fantastic location in downtown San Francisco, close to Bart, Caltrain, the Transbay Terminal, etc.

- Kegs (plural) and a rooftop patio

- Quarterly hack-weeks where meetings are prohibited and engineers work on whatever delights them. (More than a few of these projects get on the roadmap and SHIP)

Check out our Jobs page at http://www.trulia.com/jobs and apply. Or reach out to me, shane at trulia dot com.

Reading, UK - DataSift - http://datasift.com

We are a provider of social media data on the firehose scale - we are one of only a small number of companies who are reselling the Twitter firehose; we also provide a number of sources including Facebook, Tumblr, Wordpress, Wikipedia and Sina Weibo to our customers via a single API, filtered through complex rules (now including tagging suitable for applying machine-learned scoring) and delivered via a number of integration methods. We also store a number of sources which are available for querying using the same filtering language.

Our production languages include PHP (the firehose passes through that many times!), Java, Scala, C++ and Python, and our technology stack includes Hadoop and ZeroMQ.

We are currently looking for a number of engineering and product positions including Data Scientists, Sales Engineers, Product Management, DevOps and PHP Engineers.

For more information, and to apply: http://jobvite.com/m?3S35egwZ

Mountain View, CA (Need to be authorized to work in the US)

Treasure Data is hiring a business development representative. Please see the job description here: http://www.treasuredata.com/en/careers/careers-posting-005.p...

We are a Mountain View based startup making it super easy for people to get value for their ever-growing datasets.

Aside: Last summer, I posted a similar job post here for summer internship, thinking not much about it. A couple of days later, we got an email from a college student in Puerto Rico who meekly asked us to take a look at his GitHub.

He had some stuff there that looked cool, and more than anything, we needed to hire a frontend engineer. So, we gave him a 24-hour coding quiz, he passed it, we gave him a round of phone interviews, and he passed that too.

Two weeks later, he was in our office writing Rails and JavaScript as our first summer intern.

The best part? He is still with us. He decided to take a leave from college and instead make our frontend slicker that we could ever imagined.

npm, Inc. - Oakland, CA

We run The npm Registry and are the stewards of the open-source npm client and related open-source projects. We want to make Node.js awesome for everybody. You may have heard of us, particularly yesterday, when we broke something important and a lot of people got mad.

We are interested in hiring all sorts of people this year, but our priority right now is a DevOps engineer -- we already have a couple, but we are growing fast and need to improve our reliability, so we need more. (This was already our priority before yesterday, I promise)

We like working on npm because JavaScript is fun, and solving problems that lots of people have -- about how to share code, deploy it, and scale it -- are really rewarding. We are not interested in working long, life-destroying hours. We are interested in working with people who are sane, fun, and friendly. We have a strict no-assholes policy.

We are also accepting applicants for a summer internship. There's more details on both jobs here:


Philadelphia (Whitpain) - Wingspan Technology Full Time - Senior Operations Engineer, QA, and Marketing

Wingspan team sells a cloud-based pharmaceutical application, a challenging and growing space.

If interested in either position, contact gsieling@wingspan.com (I'm one of the engineering leads)

Some of the things that we’re really into are: * 99.999% uptime in our validated environments (don't know what validated means? check this - http://www.fda.gov/medicaldevices/deviceregulationandguidanc...)

* Replacing our Python, Bash and Cron system automation with Puppet

* Continuous integration using Atlassian products

* Proactive monitoring and alerting with Zabbix, Splunk and Pingdom

* Load/performance testing and tuning PostgreSQL and Tomcat

* Backup and recovery – and testing those bad boys!

The ideal candidate would also have at least five years of experience with:

* Network administration

* Linux administration (we’re a CentOS shop)

Detailed Listings- http://www.wingspan.com/career_open_positions/

OrgSync — Dallas, TX. Full-time.

Frontend / Backend / Full-stack

## Job Summary

We're looking for a sharp engineer to work alongside a small team of developers and designers committed to building a robust, performant and scalable web application serving over 350 colleges and universities around the country. You have an attention to detail and a professional curiosity that extends beyond the workplace. You will work in a mostly autonomous environment, so you have to be just as awesome at getting things done as you are at composing elegant solutions.

Most of our code is written in Ruby and runs on the Rails stack backed by a MySQL database, but we also incorporate other technologies such as Node.js, Memcached, ElasticSearch and Redis. We use GitHub for version control and our infrastructure is entirely hosted via cloud services. We care about keeping our libraries up-to-date and test coverage. While most of our stack is on Rails today, we're comfortable with other technologies and always strive to use the right tool for the job.

This is a full-time position at our headquarters in Dallas, TX and includes a competitive base salary, a full range of benefits, stock options, and an awesome team of creative people by your side.

## Requirements

- Passion for developing excellent software and an appreciation for elegant code

- Strong understanding of web services and REST concepts

- Strong understanding of relational databases including complex queries and optimization

- Experience writing object-oriented software guided by tests

- Strong understanding of performance optimization and caching techniques

- Being comfortable in a polyglot environment a plus

- Open source project contributions a plus

- Ability to play "Careless Whisper" on saxophone a plus

- Strong written and verbal communication skills

## Links

Open source: http://orgsync.github.io/

Blog: http://devblog.orgsync.com/

Openings: http://www.orgsync.com/company/careers

Andrew Harper Travel - Austin, TX = http://www.andrewharper.com

Andrew Harper is the most trusted name in luxury travel advice. We’re starting a new chapter in our business geared toward changing the way travelers research, book, and enjoy extraordinary travel.

We're currently hiring for two python/django positions – a team lead and a mid-level developer – that will be able to contribute to the vision of our development roadmap, translate functional requirements into technical specifications, and understand how to prioritize features to deliver top notch products on deadline.

While experience building Django apps is preferred, we will provide training for experienced Python developers willing to learn new skill sets.

If you're interested in learning more about the positions, please contact me at isentilles[@]andrewharper.com and include "HN Python Positions" in the subject line.

By the way, we'll have team members at SXSW if you're in town and want to meet up.

Stripe. We're hiring engineers in San Francisco and remotely within US timezones. INTERN, REMOTE, H1B all welcome.

See [1] for an overview of what challenges we're working on, or check out [2] for a description of our interview process. You can apply by emailing me directly at gdb@stripe.com. Make sure to include some background on who you are as a programmer — at the very least, what motivates you, what kinds of things you like to build, and (if available) a code sample that's representative of your best work.

Also feel free to ping me if you're thinking about applying but have any questions or hesitations.

[1] http://www.quora.com/Stripe-company/What-engineering-problem...

[2] http://www.quora.com/Stripe-company/What-is-the-engineering-...

Togethera (http://togethera.com) - Remote (London preferred)

We’re building the easiest way for families to stay connected through private sharing of thoughts, photos and videos. We're just getting started, but already have users who tell us that Togethera: "is enriching our lives" and "bringing our family closer together even though we're scattered across the world", “I’d be very disappointed if Togethera wasn’t there tomorrow”. Some of those users are 90-year old grandparents and some young children - both using connected devices to share with those closest to them for the first time.

We have big plans and are backed by impressive angel investors in London and the U.S. - most are successful entrepreneurs themselves.

Our product is driven by a RESTful API built in Python and Django. The web front-end runs on AngularJS and we’re currently working on our mobile apps running on Phonegap for Android and full native for iOS.

We’re hiring for two roles: 1) a versatile developer who’s comfortable with our stack and an expert in front-end development, and 2) an Android engineer who is obsessed with building the absolute best user experience that Android can provide.


We've worked with excellent contractors for our MVP, and we're now looking for people who are ready to commit to a startup and (if possible) join us in London. You'll have real influence on the product, strategy, team and culture with the freedom and responsibility to turn plans and ideas into reality.

We believe that you need to work when and how you’re most productive to deliver results, so we have flexible work hours and don’t count your days off (insist you take at least 22 of them per year).

You'll help define our company culture and decide what perks would interest you - conference/travel budget, ideal workstation setup, free lunch...?

We want our team to share in the success of the company, so you can choose a combination of cash and equity to suit your financial situation.

If you're not in London, but are happy to move here from somewhere else in the UK/Europe, then we'll help you with expenses, finding accommodation and settling in.

To apply please send us an email at jobs@togethera.com with a bit about yourself and products you’ve built.

Complete Automation Resource (http://completear.com)

Rockford, MI (near Grand Rapids), not remote, but frequent work-from-home opportunities

Developers, PLC programmers, Controls Engineers

We do industrial integration, meaning we get to program lasers and robot arms (my last week). We also build machines, write lightweight mobile apps, and create interfaces to machines that weren't built with one in mind.

Relaxed atmosphere, frequent new projects, ever expanding business. Everyone says disruptive, but the monitoring package we build with allows us provide services at about a fourth of what the traditional options cost (and usually the same factor of development time).

We use Python and SQL (Server, but increasingly postgres) every day, but I've dipped into Java, Objective C, and a smidgeon of VBA on the job.

For developers, the languages you know are not as important as your ability to solve new problems, learn and grow.

We are also looking for PLC programmers and/or Controls Engineers.

If interested, see my profile for contact info.

Octopart - NYC - http://octopart.com/jobs


* Full time DevOps Engineer

* Full time Full Stack Engineer


At Octopart, we're opening up the world of electronic component data through our search engine, http://octopart.com and our API, http://octopart.com/api

We're connecting hardware hackers to the information they need to design the next generation of hardware devices.

We're building the most intuitive, fast and beautiful interface for searching for electronic parts.

We're compiling the most extensive database on electronic components by combining data from tons of different sources.

We're in NYC, we're a team of 9, we're ex-physicists and electrical engineers, and we've been profitable since 2010. We're from the W07 YC batch. We write a lot of Python and JavaScript.

If you're a software hacker who wants to build amazing tools for hardware hackers, get in touch with us at jobs@octopart.com.

SAN FRANCISCO – Senior iOS Developer for Founding Team

Snowledge (http://snowledgeapp.com/)

We are looking for a Senior iOS Developer with the technical vision to build an app for the first true navigation and performance tracking community for skiing and snowboarding.

==About the Company==

Snowledge is a mobile and web-based navigation and performance tracking community for the mountains. It equips skiers and snowboarders with valuable inside knowledge to navigate and explore their mountains, GPS technology to capture geotagged stats, photos, & videos, and a community to engage with each other and members of the ski and snowboard industry.

We are a seed stage startup with years of involvement in the skiing & snowboarding industry, including former Junior Olympic ski racing and current competitive big mountain skiing experience. We’ve raised a seed round of investment and have partnered with multiple mountain resorts and a popular weather and snow forecasting site to help develop and test our beta.

==Desired Skills & Experience==

As a Senior iOS Developer, you will work directly with the founder to go from mockups to working prototypes for a private beta group. You should be comfortable working at all levels of the stack, obsessed with measuring everything, detail oriented, and above all, hungry to succeed.

  * B.S., M.S., or Ph.D. in Computer Science
  * 4+ years of professional engineering experience
  * Expert knowledge of the Objective-C language
  * Proven track record of developing quality apps currently available in the app store
  * A mellow personality (but an insane work ethic)
Contact eric@snowledgeapp.com. Please include your resume, examples of apps and sites you’ve worked on, and your Github profile.

Mountain View, CA. Relocation available to the right candidate.




StoryCloud’s mission is to become the leading provider of cloud-based operating systems. Our system empowers people to take control of their digital lives on any device, everywhere.

Since this project is at an early stage so you will have a large influence on the overall architecture of the StoryCloud platform. Your reasoned thoughts about internet-scale system design will always find a receptive audience.


Hadoop HBase Developer

We think modularity, flexibility, scalability, and security should be concerns from the start of a project, not tacked on as afterthoughts. The schema-less nature of HBase allows massive flexibility in the data model chosen – with corresponding risk of fragmentation and disorganization. You will be our shepherd of cleanliness and quality and order.


Java API Developer

We cannot overstate the importance to of a quality API to the usability of our system. A clean API is pleasing to use and encourages developers to write apps for our platform. An organized API feels obvious, not arbitrary. A flexible API design allows us to grow our feature set indefinitely. At StoryCloud you can help us build something beautiful.


Mobile Developer

We envision a suite of specialized apps, each carrying the StoryCloud look and feel but built on a subset of the API and tailored to a particular use case. Your ingenuity and user experience design skills will frequently be tested as you aim to build the cleanest, most intuitive, and most delightful mobile experience for StoryCloud users.

Securities and Exchange Commission

Is financial regulation important to you? Do you think the SEC could do a better job at it? If so, consider this an invitation to come help out and make algorithmic regulation a reality.

I’m part of the SEC’s Quantitative Analytics Unit (QAU) – a small team of engineers and quants embedded within the SEC’s examination process. We have a dual mandate:

(1) Support the examinations of financial institutions (go to interviews, analyze data, etc…)

(2) Develop tools to for our team, and the SEC at large, to use. These tools can either be for making #1 more efficient or for expanding the reach and capacity of the SEC.

Our first tool to be deployed, the National Exam Analytics Tool, is already in production [1] but we are just getting started & we’ve yet to begin the most interesting challenges.

If you’re a great engineer (or great at machine learning, we are hiring both) that wants a place to grow while making an impact on the public good, I'd love to hear from you at martinow [at] sec [dot] gov.

Title: Software Developer (Senior Science Advisor)

Salary Range: $112,124 - $191,913

Location: (preferred) New York City, San Francisco, or Boston.

Requirements: U.S. Citizens and Permanent Residents (Green Card holders).

What the QAU is like:

- The atmosphere is intellectual and collegial – somewhere between a startup and a research group.

- We take a FOSS approach to our projects and experimentation with new (and old) technology is encouraged.

More official posting: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B4dtbFvkLjv2c0ZjM1hkVkp4Ql9...

MeetMe - New Hope, PA (near Philadelphia, PA) - http://www.meetme.com

See all openings here: http://jobvite.com/m?3Je6egw2

About Us: MeetMe is the leading social network for meeting new people in the US with over 1 million DAU. We've been around since 2005 as myYearbook, rebranding in 2012 as MeetMe. We've launched other apps such as Choosy, Charm, and Unsaid in the past few months, and are looking to continue adding more standalone apps in the future.

We use a wide variety of languages, generally using what makes sense. C, PHP, Python, JavaScript and Node.js, and native iOS and Android development are the most common.

MeetMe is a fun place to work. We hold a yearly developer retreat, as well as regular company-wide hackathons. We have a book club, board game club, and we even have a game room. While we aren't a new company in the time scale of the internet, we still know how to have fun. We just get the benefit of not having to kill ourselves working 12 hour days. =) This means you'll enjoy actually going home on time!

We have many openings, both technical and non-technical.

* Senior iOS Architect

* Senior Android Architect

* Software Architect

* System Administrator

* Director of Software Development

* QA Tester for Mobile Applications

* Sales Director (Digital Advertising Sales) in Los Angeles, New York City, and San Francisco

You can apply directly here: http://jobvite.com/m?3Je6egw2 Or you can contact me at jlotito@meetme.com. I'm a developer, so feel free to ask specific developer-type questions.

Khan Academy — Mountain View, CA (we also love interns, and remote is a possibility)

We're a small, non-profit tech startup trying to give a free, world-class education to anyone, anywhere. We're making a big mobile push and need your help.

Here's a testimonial we received recently:


Hi! My name is Chelsie and I'm a college student. When I was 19 years old I was kicked out of a great university because I had terrible grades. My disappointed parents cut me off financially so I began working night shifts to support myself. The truth is, I had no desire to go to school because learning had always seemed very distant from reality to me. ... Success in school felt like something you either had or you didn't, and I had been getting Cs since middle school….I stumbled across [your] videos about math. I HATED math. I watched them anyway. I don't know why, but I did. I loved them. I continued watching videos- chemistry, programming, physics. I'm 24 now, and I'm in college pursuing a degree in computer engineering. I have straight As. Sal's videos made me feel like I had the capacity for understanding math and science even though my parents never sent me to space camp and I never won a ribbon at a science fair in elementary school...


Every month we get hundreds of letters like this from people in all walks of life who're thankful for free, high-quality educational content.

Most of you reading this are familiar with Sal's videos, but we also have hundreds of videos by other teachers, partnerships with organizations like MoMA and the California Academy of Sciences, and a huge library of interactive exercises. Over 20 million math problems are done every week on our site.

And now we're doing a big mobile push. Around 20% of our traffic comes from phones and tablets. We're totally overhauling our iOS app.

If you join us now, you can be a core developer on an app that is guaranteed to have millions of users. We have loads of high-quality educational content just waiting to be shared within a great product. We have partnerships lined up around the block to promote your work. We just need you.

You'll be part of a small team working alongside both "celebrity" devs (like jQuery creator John Resig and Google's first employee Craig Silverstein) and many more of us normal folk ;) you haven't heard of but who are workin' hard to help education.

Apply at https://www.khanacademy.org/careers and be sure to mention that you're coming from HN. Feel free to email me at ben+HN@khanacademy.org w/ random questions.

Sal helped me with my math during HS. I'd love to pay it forward :) Shot you an email!

LiveLoop - San Francisco, CA


LiveLoop is doing for people's documents what Skype did for their faces.

In any business meeting today, people have hundreds of tools for voice and video collaboration, but nearly every meeting has an associated PowerPoint presentation that gets emailed to the group 5 minutes before the meeting. If you need people to refrain from flipping through the document, you typically use a heavyweight screen-sharing program like WebEx.

Instead of all this, we're building a live presentation tool that allows people to collaborate on presentations in keystroke-by-keystroke real-time, both from within PowerPoint itself and on the desktop and mobile Web.

It's hard to explain fully and our website (http://getliveloop.com) doesn't have anything about the interesting new things we haven't shipped yet. So get in touch at amal@getliveloop.com .

Competitive salary and above-competitive equity.

Regalii - New York - YC Summer 2013 - http://www.regalii.com

We're searching for a full stack ROR developer to join our small team backed by top investors. We're looking to pay market rates and share equity for the right person.

We're particularly looking for somebody who would get enthused by challenge of brining remittances into the 21st century. These days, 90% of international money transfers still involve somebody walking to a western union like institution and sending cash. We think this process can be way easier for both the sender and the receiver.

If this sounds intriguing, please watch our techcrunch disrupt video (http://techcrunch.com/video/startup-battlefield-sf-2013-fina...) and drop me a line to say hello (naysawn) - naysawn@regalii.com

Qinec - Waterloo, London, UK.

Variety of different engineering positions in both devops and pure development roles. Our core focus is a PHP/MySQL healthcare application that has seen significant traction in a variety of outpatient settings with some of the key names in each market area it's in.

We're looking primarily for good PHP coders (aka excellent programmers who happen to know PHP amongst their other tongues), probably with Symfony (or similar experience), and not just a range of good technical knowledge (DB use/optimisation, architectural design, etc.) but also hot on secure application design, and an eye for business requirements.

We have an awesome environment, a great team, and more than all of this, an incredible product which makes significant difference to the customers who deploy it. Join us!


Kontiki builds a peer-to-peer video streaming platform. Think BitTorrent for the enterprise. If you're into consumerizing the enterprise and solving really hard problems, ours are tough to beat.

Our technology enables enterprises to deliver high-quality video communications to their employees and partners worldwide utilizing existing network infrastructure and capacity. Our network-friendly protocol, fine-grained controls, edge throttling and client application flexibility gives customers ultimate control and flexibility at very high scalability.

We're looking for a programmer with 5+ years of experience in developing and shipping commercial software. Above average knowledge and proficiency in Java. Experience with Spring, iBatis, SQL, JSP, AJAX, Javascript, Memcache, LDAP/AD, SAML, HTML DOM manipulation is a plus. Experience with memory-leaks, performance tuning, optimizing memory or speed is a plus.

Contact me at jharel@kontiki.com


Blizzard - San Francisco, CA - Full-time


Blizzard Entertainment is growing our presence in San Francisco and is seeking talented engineers to join the Battle.net team. We're looking for engineers and graphic designers. We build with tools like Java, JS (Node.js), and C++.

This is a perfect opportunity to play a role at one of gaming's most successful and enduring companies. We're tackling challenges of both scale and complexity that deal with millions of daily transactions and views. If you're interested to learn more about the openings and the new office ping me at bennett@blizzard.com.

More information at http://us.blizzard.com/en-us/company/careers/directory.html#...

Bonus points for reaching diamond league or higher in StarCraft 2.

Sensatus - http://timetotrade.eu - Brighton, UK

Sensatus is a Brighton, UK based company specialising in the development of innovative web-based financial technology for financial institutions and retail investors.

The development team is being expanded to address a rapid growth in customer demand for our current and planned product set.

Scala back end developer, £25k-£35k. As a back end developer you will help design and build our next generation, distributed trading system.

JavaScript front end developer, £25k-£35k. As a front end developer you will specialise in creating a responsive front end which reacts not only to the user but to changing market information.

See http://blog.timetotrade.eu/2014/01/02/developers-required/ and/or send your CV to jobs@senatus.com if you're interested.

Top Hat - tophat.com - Toronto, Ontario

Top Hat is hiring for a few roles: mobile dev (iOS, Android), sysadmin/infrastructure developer (rabbitmq, ec2, MySQL), general web developer (python, django, javascript, nodejs.) We also hire interns so please feel free to apply for that as well.

We're a profitable (and valley VC funded by some of the best funds in the valley) education startup that helps make class more engaging. We've got some really cool problems to work on and your work would be impacting a huge number of students daily.

Our dev team is in Toronto but we've also got an office in San Francisco so if you're really good we would be open to having someone work from there. If you're not based in Canada or the US but are willing to relocate feel free to contact us, because we do cover relocation expenses and will help you manage the work permit process.

Send your resume/github account to mike at tophat dot com.

New York City - Moat

Moat is a rapidly growing analytics startup with products in two core areas:

1) Analytics

We analyze content and advertisements for many of the most trafficked websites on the Internet. Receiving terabytes of data a day, we measure more than just clicks and impressions, giving our customers insights with metrics like viewability, attention and much more. Our client base is growing very quickly.

2) Search

We index the Internet for online ads. This helps advertisers, publishers, and companies throughout the ad-tech ecosystem see the ads their competitors are running and allows us to estimate each company's online ad footprint. We have a free product, moat.com and a premium product, Moat Pro. We're quickly turning into one of the biggest Python shops in NYC and are committed to open source technology. We’re growing very quickly and are looking for engineers in various roles up and down the tech stack to help us scale.

Openings can be found at jobs.moat.com

At Predikt (http://www.predikt.co), we have developed a technology using big data & predictive analytics to measure and make sense of the professional data spread across the web. We are growing and building products for Talent solutions and Insights.


* Lead Full-stack Web & API developer with experience in Python and Django/RoR


You will get the opportunity to work on our core product, engage in research and brainstormings to shape the product. You will work with our Lead Data Scientist to build an API and/or web applications that would interact with external sites or products.


  - 2+ years of experience in Web and building API's 
  - Experience in working with Python/Django or RoR
  - Experience working with social web API's
  - Knowlege of API deployment cloud tools (google compute engine, heroku etc)

Compensation: Equity

Contact: amogh@predikt.co

Burlingame, CA (between SF and Palo Alto)

TellApart is hiring: Dev ops engineers, Hadoop/data-pipeline engineers, Data product engineers (personalization products)

TellApart is a ~50 person (20+ engineers) startup (http://www.tellapart.com/) that works on real time personalization for retailers. Here are some specific things we're working on that folks might find interesting:

- Rearchitecting our data system to use the lambda architecture (http://www.manning.com/marz/) so we can build better personalization products on top of retailers' customer data.

- Building and improving machine learning models to predict user's behavior and what users want based on a ton of datapoints we collect for hundreds of millions of users.

{my_username[-3:]}@tellapart.com if you'd like to find out more

Blue Speck Financial - Bristol, UK

We're a fast growing start-up with a mission to help people better understand, organise and plan their finances. We recently won a best in show award at Finovate Europe and are looking for developers and designers to come on board and join us. (Bristol is often voted best city in the UK and has an amazing tech scene).

We use a JS / Coffee heavy tech stack - Node.JS, Backbone & D3 - but we're pragmatic and will use the best tool for the job.

We're currently looking for a:

* Senior Developer - Strong Backbone & Node skills, experience working with a large but modular codebase. £35k to £50k depending on experience.

* Front End Developer / Designer - UX focussed CSS crafter. Experience with D3 and designing touch based interfaces a plus. £28 to £40k depending on experience.

For more details on us as a company or the roles please send me an email: dave.tonge at bluespeckfinancial.co.uk

AdRoll - San Francisco, CA. H1B welcome.


This week named one of the fastest growing technologies online by BuiltWith (https://blog.builtwith.com/), we help over 10,000 companies collect, analyze and act on their customer data. Everyone from New Relic to Rackspace to Twilio uses AdRoll.

With worldwide scale and over 20B events to process a day, ad tech has some of the most interesting problems you'll find anywhere. AdRoll's engineers, data scientists and product people are conquering problems in big data (HBase), machine learning, real-time processing (Erlang/Storm/Kafka) and UX (Backbone).

Email us at jobs.engineers@adroll.com or see our tech blog http://tech.adroll.com

Me. No-remote, all-round LAMP dev, in Burnley, UK. 30-35K GBP/year.

(Burnley is just north of Manchester, UK, and has a small but growing digital sector)

I run a small E-commerce focused software agency and have grown organically over the past few years. I need a full time no. 2 to boost my existing freelance team after 3 years of growth.

Platform users range from banks and airlines to small shops, and projects range from repairs to support to new builds.

Languages range from PHP to Perl to C#, platforms from Magento to Wordpress to custom built systems.

You'll be given long periods of uninterrupted focused time, while I handle tech support.

Full details and application test here:


(please don't post test spoilers - I'm happy to receive queries by email to john at getjohn dot co dot uk!)

Ad Hoc Labs is the maker of the privacy and temporary phone number app Burner (http://burnerapp.com). We are a small team of very talented and driven engineers from companies like Yahoo!, Nokia, Amazon, Whisper, and Grindr, all passionate about reinventing privacy and communication for the mobile era. We believe this is a growing market and are backed in our vision by some of the best venture firms in the business, including Venrock, Founder Collective, 500 startups, and many notable angel investors.

We are currently looking for a Senior Platform Engineer and a Senior Android Engineer (ON-SITE) to help us build the next generation of privacy tools. Find out more about our job openings here:


You say "ON-SITE", but not where that is. "Silverlake, Los Angeles, California" in case anyone else is wondering.

Clue (http://helloclue.com/) - Berlin - visa/relocation assistance

Backend Engineer

Clue are looking for a backend engineer to take the backend from zero to production. You get to choose the stack (Ruby? Python? Go? Play? Node? Your call!), own the stack, and grow the team as necessary. Ideally you've got solid chops around sync and API design.

Clue's taking on female fertility, and doing our best to bring it into the 21st century. We're sincere about trying to make the world a better place, and we've had some amazing feedback so far from many of our hundreds of thousands users :) It's a great balance between technical problems and doing your part to use your skills for good.

We've got funding, a mountain of potential, and a really awesome team.

Ping me (josh@helloclue.com) if you've got any questions.

Monetate - Conshohocken, PA (Philly suburbs) - No remote, but we will relocate. Monetate helps digital marketers make their content more relevant. We turn data into action on our clients' sites by doing real-time data analysis and DOM manipulation to put the right experience in front of their users. We’re looking for engineers who want to do highly visible work on great brands and solve tough problems with great coworkers. What we're looking for:

* Problem solvers who like to code - we take things apart, figure out how they work, then build software to solve our users' problems.

* People who like to ship - we're focused on building and shipping great products - if you like to see your work in production quickly you'll see it here. We ship often (every two weeks), and iterate.

* People who like hard challenges - we have great problems across our products - huge data sets, UX, 3rd party Javascript, high volume / low latency APIs - we have no shortage of fun problems to work on.

About us:

* Founded in 2008

* Respect - it's our core value. We have a great team and we work well together. Our vacation policy is the same as Netflix (we don't have one). Our technical project teams are self-organizing and have full authority over (as well as responsibility for) the problems they work on.

* Open source - Google Closure, Python, AngularJS, Pandas, Redis, Hadoop, Mahout, Solr, Selenium - we're open source across our stack

* Funded by First Round Capital and OpenView

We've hired great people from HN before, and we're looking for people not positions. We have people who have joined the team with no background in our primary languages and people from non-traditional backgrounds.

Check out our blog at http://engineering.monetate.com/ Send me a message if you have questions or want to apply: karl at monetate dot com

Freestone (San Francisco) - preferably local (possible remote contract)

Freestone is an early stage (bootstrapped) startup working on a couple of different interesting projects. Our main project right now is building an experimental tool to help people live more aligned with the things that matter most to them. If this sounds interesting to you, I'd love to talk.

Right now we're looking for either a full stack or front end engineer. Ideally you'll have a strong background in one or more areas -- Ruby/Rails, JS/Coffeescript/Angular.js, natural language processing, and data analytics.

We're a small but ambitious team of folks and everyone wears many hats. This is an ideal position for an engineer looking to play a significant role in the success of our company and direction of our products.

Shoot me an email at tyler@freestoneinternational.com

San Francisco | DOWN, Inc. | www.downapp.com

We work on making people happy - tons of people get down or get dates through our app every week!

DOWN (formerly Bang With Friends) helps people strengthen relationships in the offline world through honest interactions.

Big impact. Fast growing app. Rapid development. Sex jokes. Parties.

We're looking for a new teammate who wants to create the best G D dating app anywhere. Is this you?

You know iPhone development like the back of Steve Jobs's hand. Objective-C is a breeze for you and XCode is your bitch. Smooth and beautiful UI? No problem. Optimize network calls and squash bugs? Easy peasy. You are a master of iPhone apps and hook them up with analytics so we know how to make each version better than the last.

Feel free to reach out! Colin


San Francisco


Ruby Engineer

The last 50 years have seen the reinvention of almost every major industry except for one: Trucking. Intrans is here to change that. We've deployed the world's first mobile platform for on-demand freight shipping.

Over 30 billion dollars a month is spent on trucking freight around the US. Without trucks, the country would grind to a halt overnight. In such a massive market, it's hard to believe that the entire industry still runs on landlines and fax machines. We are changing that by using location-based technology to automatically match supply and demand. We're a team of 10 and have been around for over two years. We're growing quickly and looking for a Ruby engineer to join us.

If you're ready to be part of this industrial transformation, send your resume and GitHub profile to sean@intrans.com.


Hall - Business Messaging


Latest News

Hall in San Francisco: https://hall.com/blog/hall-headquarters-move-to-san-francisc...

What the WhatsApp Acquisition Means for Business Messaging (and Hall): https://hall.com/blog/what-the-whatsapp-acquisition-means-fo...


Full-time Open Roles:

* iOS Engineer

* Rails Engineer

* Full Stack Engineer (Rails, JavaScript)

* Backend Engineer (ruby &/or node.js)

* UI/UX Designer

* Product Manager (Data driven experience)


How to get in touch...


If you're interested, hall me or email me directly at brett@hall-inc.com.

Robinhood (https://www.robinhood.com) is hiring software engineers, both INTERN and full time.

We are looking for people passionate about developing novel financial products and services to improve the experience of our customers.

We're looking for product engineers that have had experience building and shipping successful consumer products, ideally for mobile devices and to a large audience.

We're looking for backend engineers with elite knowledge of algorithms and Python who have had experience designing, building and shipping large-scale complex distributed systems.

Financial industry experience is a plus but not required.

Please email careers@robinhood.com with your resume and any additional info you think would be helpful.

Robinhood Markets, Inc and its affiliates are equal opportunity employers.


San Diego, CA | Internships with FLE: http://learningequality.org/

There’s an amazing online learning revolution underway, but as only 35% of the world has internet access, we’re leaving 4.5 billion people out! Our open-source project KA Lite (https://kalite.learningequality.org/), a platform for deploying Khan Academy offline, has been installed in 85 countries, and used in schools, orphanages, prisons, and homes.

We have open positions at our UCSD-based non-profit for:

* Python/Django Interns

* Graphic Design Interns

* Web/Front-End Interns

* and more!

Find more info and apply at https://learningequality.org/internships/


Austin, San Francisco, New York

Bazaarvoice gives you all the tools you need to build and integrate our software into our client's web experiences. You'll build and innovate on the Bazaarvoice platform to create applications that will drive millions of conversations across the web.

Many positions including Web Developer, Software Engineer, Dev Ops, Big Data, Tech Writer, QA Automation and more.

* Deep links to Engineering jobs: http://keepaustinbazaar.com/

* Search all jobs: https://careers-bazaarvoice.icims.com/jobs/intro

* Career landing page: http://www.bazaarvoice.com/careers/

Full Stack developer / Senior JAVA developer - WhisperInvest (http://www.whisperinvest.com/) - New York, NY (Manhattan)

We are are early stage but funded startup, looking for our 3rd full-time hire!

We are looking or a entrepreneurial engineer with experience building robust web applications. Ideal candidate should exhibit a passion for technology, have strong experience in Java and skilled in javascript, and be able to work fluidly in a UNIX environment.

Must have a BS or MS in Computer Science or related technical field.

Our backend is based on JDK8 and Spring, and frontend is Angular.JS running on Node.

Salary based on experience, and you get equity. Come be part of a great team and have fun building and learning with us!

Send us your resume at careers@whisperinvest.com

Minibar (https://minibardelivery.com) is hiring a Ruby engineer to work with our team in NYC, building out our API, store and internal-facing tools and services.

Our ideal candidate is someone who has proven experience building web apps, is comfortable working across the full stack and is passionate about revolutionizing e-commerce.

We are an on-demand e-commerce platform, delivering wine and liquor in under an hour to customers NYC and Brooklyn.

Our tech stack is Ruby, Rails, Postgres, Backbone and Objective C.

For more information see: https://minibardelivery.com/jobs/software-engineer

To apply, send your CV and favorite cocktail to chris@minibardelivery.com

Firefly - http://usefirefly.com - Philadelphia, PA

node.js | socket.io | backbone.js

We’re a bootstrapped startup in the mid-six-figures in revenue and profitable from day one. We expect to more than double in revenue this year.

Over 7,000 small and medium businesses, 7,000 financial advisors, one US state and a top-ten US retailer use our software to help their customers. We power Olark’s cobrowsing.

Our cobrowsing software allows you to remotely connect up to a friend's browser see what they're doing, and collaborate in real time. It runs with pure javascript - no downloads, no installations, and no java applets. It’s not easy.

We’re looking for a lead engineer as we scale, harden, and secure our stack. Email me (CEO) at dan[]usefirefly.com.

I work on the dispatch team at Uber. Whenever you use the app we are the team that connects riders with vehicles. Obviously for our team real-time is key. The team was actually one of the first production users of Node.js, but we also have C/C++ and Scala in the stack today.

I know Uber is also looking for Android devs, PostgreSQL experts, Python devs, "big" data/data science/ML people and systems/devops. Basically if you are smart we are growing really fast.

I'm sure most people have heard of Uber but if I can answer any questions I'm @sh1mmer on Twitter and my email is tomc at uber dot com.

You can see all the open jobs here:


Whiteboard, Chattanooga, TN


Primarily looking for interns - possible remote, but Chattanooga is awesome, so you should come hang out here.

We are a digital experience and branding company. All of our work is done on a project-to-project basis, primarily in the form of consulting for clients.

Looking mostly for those with a bit of PHP and/or Rails experience, and some HTML/CSS/JS knowledge. But internships are built for learning, so if you're shaky on these, that's okay! We love teaching and mentoring.

Internships at Whiteboard are always paid. We look for people who fit both culture and business needs, and who are highly motivated and teachable.

Email me directly (email is in my bio) if you're interested!

Postmates Inc. - San Francisco, CA


Postmates runs one of the largest real-time delivery fleets in the country. Building a software platform that is reliable, scales and stays agile under demanding product needs is a serious technical challenge. Postmates isn’t just another ad platform or mobile app for delivering static user generated content: We have real customers paying real money for a real service, all under an hour.

We are currently hiring for multiple roles on our software engineering team. Checkout our openings and follow the link to get a detailed job description and information on how to apply.

* Software Engineer, Backend


* Software Engineer, Frontend


* Software Engineer, iOS


* Software Engineer, Android


* Software Engineer, Javascript


* Software Engineer, Infrastructure


* Software Engineer, Data Science


Q-Centrix - San Diego, CA

We're a small team looking to grow to about 10 in various roles this year. We need engineers obsessed with test-driven development and who want to build applications that help lower hospital costs and directly improve the quality of patient care.

Our challenges include:

  * Use machine learning to allocate nursing resources to high-risk patients
  * Coordinate day-to-day work for hundreds of data extraction and nursing staff
  * Monitor and report on patient care to help hospitals prevent mistakes
We're hiring for all of the following:

  * A senior engineer and team lead experienced with Rails and TDD
  * Software engineers comfortable with web frameworks, preferably Rails
  * A UI/UX designer that can juggle multiple projects and create a unifying vision
  * A DevOps engineer that can effectively administer a HIPAA environment
  * A data scientist/ML specialist with medical informatics exposure for pilot projects
  * A product manager preferably with experience in healthcare or analytics
Our benefits include:

  * Generous compensation, insurance, and a 401k plan
  * Flexible work hours and days, work from home when appropriate
  * Conference travel and attendance fees at least once per year
  * Distraction-free office in San Diego focused on cutting-edge product development
  * Time dedicated to exploring new langauges/frameworks and creating open source

Drop me an email to say 'hi' if you want to talk more: devjobs@q-centrix.com. Let me know if you're currently in San Diego or want to move here. Hope to hear from you soon!

About Q-Centrix

Formed in 2010, Q-Centrix provides outsourced clinical data abstraction, analysis, and reporting services to hospitals. Q-Centrix is the largest and fastest growing provider of quality related outsourcing services in the nation. A recent partnership with growth-focused private equity firm Sterling Partners gives Q-Centrix the resources and managerial expertise to continue growing at a rapid rate.

Percolate, http://percolate.com/ New York, NY.

Stack: Python, Backbone, REST, Thrift, SQL, NoSQL, AMQP, SOA, CFEngine.

Looking for Python, iOS, Android, Backbone Infrastructure and Database Engineers: http://percolate.com/about/jobs/

Our mission is to figure out what's happening on the Internet in real time, to present it to our customers, and help them create better content.

We use whatever makes sense to achieve this, we automate everything, and we allocate the time to build quality software.

We are having fun, and are building a product that people pay for.

We have lots of ideas in the pipe that are waiting for you to build them, you should join !

-- Laurent

Stitch Fix, San Francisco - CA

Keywords: H1B, Intern and Full-time doing Machine Learning and Python

Looking for some one who can help me build and scale a machine learning framework and other data products in Python. We use pandas, scipy, scikit-learn, ipython, R in our Data Science Engineering Team.

Our product has machine learning algorithms at its core, ML is at the heart of our product, and not an afterthought.

Looking for great python hackers and ML enthusiasts. This team is great place to be if you are an engineer and want a stepping stone into the more mathematical side of Data Science. We build and train models and run them, scale them, A/B test all in day's work.

shoot me an email at bhaskar@stitchfix.com (I am one of the ML engineers in this team) and we can talk more.


Iterable (http://iterable.com) - San Francisco, CA

Come join Iterable, the next-gen email optimization company. Email usage is changing, but the technology and capabilities haven't caught up to the 21st century.

We're a small team of hackers and thinkers who are creating the next generation email optimization platform. Our team has experience at big tech companies (Twitter, Google) and we want to bring and improve the technology that powers user growth and commerce at these places to everyone. This means writing code that improves the lives of our customers (series seed and series A companies) and their millions of email subscribers. One of our top level goals is to build a uniquely fun and growth oriented company culture. This is a journey, not a rat race.

Knowledge sharing in any capacity is highly valued here -- are you interested in prediction markets or PGP encryption? Do you enjoy teaching posture techniques or purely functional data structures to others? We pair program, design together, and generally create a learn-and-teach environment here.

If you're interested in coming on board, you can help with some challenges we face:

  - Scale our API to beyond millions of requests 
  - Design and write performant, beautiful interfaces 
  - Write software to build machine learned user models 
  - Make data visualizations for our email and user data 
  - Design an immutable infrastructure for our platform

Some aspects of our culture that make us different:

  - We are all very focused on self improvement 
  - Our company has egalitarian and transparent values: work when you want, on what you want. 
  - We are chill and empathetic people 
  - The company is completely transparent

Technologies you'll work with:

  - Scala
  - Elasticsearch
  - Postgres
  - AngularJS
  - Play! Framework
You'll get to work with us at our office in Twitter's building on Market St. If this sounds like an interesting opportunity for you, please email us: YW5kcmV3QGl0ZXJhYmxlLmNvbQ==

Voz.io - Barcelona, Spain ( Onsite & Offsite )

Hi , we are looking for experienced marketing and sales people who can help us grow our sales .

Voz.io - Trying to simplify the phone support system for SMEs. Voz.io is a browser based call center softwar, where a company can launch a phone support system without any need of expensive infrastructure .

We are looking to recruit New Business Sales and Marekting guys to help continue our phenomenal growth, you will be responsible for acquiring new corporate clients, aiming at businesses in the top 500 in the UK or their equivalent size worldwide. We are looking for "Hunters", not "Farmers" and only the best.

If interested send a mail to info@voz.io why you fit for this job profile .

Remitly - Seattle, WA

Remitly is a fast-growing startup focused on changing the world by improving and lowering the cost of financial access for millions of individuals around the globe. We enable customers to use any Internet enabled device to send money to their home country. Come join our collaborative and talented team.

We closed our Series A last December and are looking for smart people to join us in this exciting journey ahead! We're backed by Techstars, Bezos Expeditions, TomorrowVC and more...

Intern Positions:

- Software Engineer

- Risk Analyst (data cruncher)

- Marketing

FT Positions (H1B ok):

- Software Development Engineer

- Senior Technical Product Manager

- Quantitative Marketing Lead

- Office Manager

More details on open positions at https://www.remitly.com/home/careers

If a link to one of the jobs is dead does that mean the position has been filled?

We're working on getting some links updated, but if the position is still listed I'd encourage you to drop us a line :)

Are any of the positions open to US-based remote candidates? Thanks!

not at the moment...

Full-Stack Engineer

Location: Foster City, CA

Use Angular + Node on genomic data to define the future of medicine!

At SVBio, we are working on bringing next-generation DNA sequencing technology to the clinical setting. Our software stack includes a proprietary scientific workflow engine running on top of our distributed system on Amazon, data and machine learning infrastructure, and ways to visualize and interact with it all. We have standing relationships with top-tier medical institutions, including the Mayo Clinic, who are extremely excited about our product.

We've built a world-class team, and are looking to augment it with a full-stack engineer who is looking for an opportunity to grow and learn. You are well-versed in javascript and have experience with an MV* client-side framework (Angular/Backbone/Knockout/Ember/etc...). Your primary challenges will include things like clean API development, rethinking the way Angular is being used right now in the industry, and creating rich, interactive interfaces to expose and visualize patient data based on their genome.


- Exceptional coding skills, with a solid understanding of software design, architecture principles and best practices.

- Strong analytical skills; you should be comfortable spending just as much time (or more!) thinking about a problem before implementing a solution.

- A demonstrated proficiency in server-side programming and writing clean, maintainable code.

- Extremely independent, but collaborative; you will need to talk to scientists, engineers, physicians, and business people for a list of requirements, figure out the technical specifications, collaboratively put together a roadmap, and execute to completion.

Additional valuable experience:

- An eye for aesthetics (UI/UX)

- Experience writing clean APIs

- Experience taking a product from inception to completion

We are a Sequoia-backed company (seed and series A). To apply, send some information my way (elicudine at svbio dot com).

Columbia, MD

We're a small company in the Maryland suburbs transforming how states manage Medicaid information. This is an exploding niche and we have a bright future ahead of us but we need your help to build it!

We're looking for .NET software engineers with 'SOLID' C# skills and experience with ASP.NET MVC, NoSQL, HTML5, and JavaScript frameworks such as Knockout, Angular, or Durandal. Knowledge of domain-driven design, service-oriented architecture, and OO design patterns is a plus. Experience with RavenDB is a huge plus. If you don't know any of this stuff, that's fine too – just love to code in C#.

E-mail questions, comments, or your resume to ubiquitous.croak@gmail.com.

Stealth Healthcare Startup -- Boston, MA

Under-the-radar seed-funded startup in the healthcare sector. Our search isn't public yet, but we're looking for a senior rails engineer who wants to lead a team and get involved with all aspects of the business. We have paying enterprise customers and are solving a billion dollar problem that everyone in healthcare is focused on right now--care coordination.

This role requires technical expertise, management ability, business savvy, and the ability to laugh at yourself when you make mistakes (because we all do). You will learn a lot.

Meaningful early-stage equity, market salary, and incredibly smart coworkers.

If this sounds interesting at all, my email is in my profile.

NYC (or US remote) - Tidal Labs - https://tid.al/

We're a mature startup working on developing some new and exciting products this year. We already work with dozens of big-name brands and 35,000+ bloggers, helping to create meaningful ways for the two to interact through technology.

We're looking for people of all experience levels to join our growing team of 12. You'll be helping develop new products from scratch and maintaining existing products. We work 40-hour weeks, live a sustainable lifestyle, and enjoy what we do.

Specifically, we're looking for:

- JS developers

- PHP developers

- Web designers

- UI/UX designers

- Product managers

If you're interested, send your info to php@tid.al and we'll talk.

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