Well here we are again... it appears that the archiving function (to which I subscribe) is degraded - URLs crawled since about May 22 that landed on cache5.pinboard.in just return 404 (or in one case, garbage) when accessed; perhaps the drive is full? Anyone else noticed the same? Older links still seem to work OK.
I notice that idlewords is recently active on HN despite being impossible (for me at least) to get hold of by email - if you're reading this, would you resolve the above issue at least? Then I can finish manually scraping the archive I have built up, since I've been unable to persuade you to prepare a backup of it for me and I'm now concerned the site will go offline without warning.
It’s named linkhut and it’s currently able to import your bookmarks from pinboard and browser exports. The flagship instance is: https://ln.ht
The source code is hosted here: https://sr.ht/~mlb/linkhut/
The documentation: https://docs.linkhut.org/introduction.html
The two things that are important to me in a bookmarking app (and why I‘ve been working on making one of my own on and off for a while): open source and offering an API for other tools to build upon.
The current API on linkhut aims to be bug for bug compatible with pinboard while being more OAuth-y.
I’m still working on an archiving feature similar to pinboard’s. But it’s probably going to take a while, I’ve been experimenting with different approaches and there’s still a few things I want to explore before settling on a solution. Once that’s ready I think I’ll call 1.0 complete.
In the meantime I’m still working through a laundry list of quality of life and small features (e.g.: recently I pushed support for “unread” links).