| | [flagged] Way too easy to get downvoted here | |
6 points by paulpauper on April 24, 2021 | hide | past | favorite | 10 comments
| | Does anyone else think that the comment voting system makes it too easy to to downvote for disagreement? I know this is a common complaint but I have have found a solution to the tendency of people to down-vote out of disagreement more often than to up-vote for approval/agreeement. Another problem is that for controversial topics, having an unpopular view may mean getting a lot of downvotes. One solution is to weigh downvotes by only 2/3 the value of upvotes. So getting three downvotes on a comment would only result in 2 karma lost instead of 3. That would still be enough to discourage trolls but make for a more hospitable environment for dissent and disagreement. |
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