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Perhaps not caring so much about HN karma will help. Not like it means anything.

I wouldn't care so much if the comments weren't greyed out. And there are the times when people want to comment on a dead comment, but they can't.

Also, I've noticed many well formed and relevant responses down voted today, like maybe the moon is in some odd phase making people cranky or something.

Yeah, probably best not to be too concerned about imaginary internet points.

It's not so much the internet points as it is your own point that you're trying to make being made invisible. To not care about that is to not care about your own opinions, which is a tough ask for most people.

I don't have a better solution than the current downvoting situation, but it's a fact that what it hinges upon is equal parts intelligent moderation and fickle pettiness.

> To not care about that is to not care about your own opinions, which is a tough ask for most people.

No, it’s not to care what random other people care about how you express your opinions. Lots of downvotes can mean your opinions have no merit, but it can also mean a small number of people disagree with you, or that you went off-topic, or didn’t express your opinion persuasively.

>a small number of people

FWIW, it takes a vote score of -4 to kill your comment.

Takes a vote of 1 (yourself) to post a comment.

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