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I will try immediately.

I implemented it in Go for fun. I expected Go's standard lib will beat it but for long substring searches it perform up to 10 times faster than `strings.Index`.


Go's strings package depends on the substring size tries different approaches like Rabin Karp algorithm, (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rabin%E2%80%93Karp_algorithm)

Currently searches on most starred 100 Go repositories on Github including big code bases like Kubernetes, Ethereum... and returns results mostly under a second.

I couldn't find a similar solution so building and experimenting on it.

Let me know what you think!

FinCompare | Berlin, Germany | Multiple Roles | Full-time | Visa | Onsite | Fintech | https://fincompare.de 1) Backend Engineer: We are looking for software engineers who love building robust, high-quality product. Tech stack: Python3, Go, MySQL(with JSON fields), Django, AWS.

For more information and to apply https://fincompare.recruitee.com/o/senior-backend-engineer-m...

2) Frontend Engineer: Tech stack: React, Redux, SASS For more information and to apply https://fincompare.recruitee.com/o/frontend-engineer-mfd

About FinCompare:

We are using technology to offer businesses a convenient one-stop destination for all their financing needs. Helping them to find, compare and close the best financing offers from over 200 banks, FinTechs and alternative financing providers. Everyone in our team is an expert in their area, eager to go the extra mile and a lot of fun to work with! We have only just begun to reform the B2B financing market - and need you to continue our rapid growth!

FinCompare | Berlin, Germany | Multiple Roles | Full-time | Visa | Onsite | Fintech | https://fincompare.de

1) Backend Engineer: We are looking for software engineers who love building robust, high-quality product. Tech stack: Python3, Go, MySQL(with JSON fields), Django, AWS.

For more information and to apply https://fincompare.recruitee.com/o/senior-backend-engineer-m...

2) Frontend Engineer: Tech stack: React, Redux, SASS For more information and to apply https://fincompare.recruitee.com/o/frontend-engineer-mf

About FinCompare:

We are using technology to offer businesses a convenient one-stop destination for all their financing needs. Helping them to find, compare and close the best financing offers from over 200 banks, FinTechs and alternative financing providers. Everyone in our team is an expert in their area, eager to go the extra mile and a lot of fun to work with! We have only just begun to reform the B2B financing market - and need you to continue our rapid growth!

FinCompare | Berlin, Germany | Multiple Roles | Full-time | Visa | Onsite | Fintech | https://fincompare.de

1) Backend Engineer: We are looking for software engineers who love building robust, high-quality product. Tech stack: Python3, Go, MySQL(with JSON fields), Django, AWS.

For more information and to apply https://fincompare.recruitee.com/o/senior-backend-engineer-m...

2) Frontend Engineer: Tech stack: React, Redux, SASS For more information and to apply https://fincompare.recruitee.com/o/frontend-engineer-mf

About FinCompare:

We are using technology to offer businesses a convenient one-stop destination for all their financing needs. Helping them to find, compare and close the best financing offers from over 200 banks, FinTechs and alternative financing providers. Everyone in our team is an expert in their area, eager to go the extra mile and a lot of fun to work with! We have only just begun to reform the B2B financing market - and need you to continue our rapid growth!

I miss it too because of that I am working on Zibillion as a hobby project currently, https://zibillion.com/ but it is not there yet.

FinCompare | Berlin, Germany | Backend Engineer | Full-time | Visa | Onsite | Fintech | https://fincompare.de

We are looking for polyglot engineers who love building robust, high-quality product.

Tech stack: Python3, Go, MySQL(with JSON fields), Redis, Django, AWS.

For more information and to apply https://fincompare.recruitee.com/o/senior-backend-engineer-m...

About FinCompare:

We are using technology to offer businesses a convenient one-stop destination for all their financing needs. Helping them to find, compare and close the best financing offers from over 200 banks, FinTechs and alternative financing providers. Everyone in our team is an expert in their area, eager to go the extra mile and a lot of fun to work with! We have only just begun to reform the B2B financing market - and need you to continue our rapid growth!

FinCompare | Berlin, Germany | Backend | Full-time | Visa | Onsite | https://fincompare.de

We are using technology to offer businesses a convenient one-stop destination for all their financing needs.

Current tech stack: Python3, MySQL(with JSON fields), Redis, Django, Celery, AWS.

For more information and to apply https://fincompare.recruitee.com/o/senior-backend-developer-...

About FinCompare:

We are using technology to offer businesses a convenient one-stop destination for all their financing needs. Helping them to find, compare and close the best financing offers from over 200 banks, FinTechs and alternative financing providers. Everyone in our team is an expert in their area, eager to go the extra mile and a lot of fun to work with! We have only just begun to reform the B2B financing market - and need you to continue our rapid growth!

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