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Just go to your PCP and get your one time course of 2 doxycycline pills as soon as you get bitten.

I also spray my hiking/yardwork pants and boots with permethrin. DEET is pretty useless, I’ve seen them walk right over DEET sprayed boots onto my pants. They make it about 5 steps through permethrin. I’m surprised advise from Harvard is getting this wrong.

If you want even more protection, you can buy stocking like slacks and a shirt specifically made for this purpose on Amazon. I wear these when I’m weeding or clearing brush.

All the above methods haven’t failed me in 5 years.

Taking antibiotics after every random bite is overkill. Antibiotics overuse is a serious issue for your body and for the general antibiotics resistance as well.

When the tick is attached less than 24 hours it won't transmit Lyme disease according to the CDC. I check myself every evening after outdoor activities, remove 10-20 ticks every year and knock-knock never had Lyme disease yet.

I wasn't aware of the permethrin effectiveness though. Thanks for letting us know.

10-20 ticks every year??? I can’t imagine that and I often run in grassy fields (not tall grass) and at most I found 1-2 ticks on me or my kids.

How do you get that kind of numbers in the first place?

I think that is just what happens if you live in tick-dense areas and do a lot if outdoor activities. I take every precaution, and remove approximatively the same number of ticks per season. Some places are just like that. Once, I rested with my right hand against the ground, just a couple of seconds, and upon lifting it up I noticed around 30 ticks crawling on it.

This is disturbing what state? Where do you find the ticks hiding on your body?

Why would you not believe it? It's normal where I live too. I definitely get dozens of bites every year and have been formally diagnosed with and treated for Lyme twice because it's pretty easy to miss one. Tick bites are very often completely painless and they often choose very discreet locations for their meal.

Keep in mind tick season is March to June and September to December (although it started in February this year because of unusual weather). That's a lot of days with "1-2 ticks" and it adds up.

I’ve never had a tick bite I could miss. They form a blister and itch like crazy for a couple of days. I wonder if the inflammatory response goes away if you get bitten too often. I know it happens with mosquitos if you get bitten too often.

I get a strong reaction after I remove the tick (like a little necrotic volcano that itches like mad and takes about 18 months for the blemish to disappear completely). While the tick is there, I usually feel only nothing and find them by inspection. Tick checks are your best defence.

Absolutely normal in areas where they are common. You learn to pick them quickly after a while.

If you have animals such as dogs and cats it's much more than that.

If you take precautions, you might get bitten once a season. Taking antibiotics once or twice a year isn’t all that insane.

Why not just use permethrin or anti tick clothing if you’re regularly pulling off 10-20 ticks. It’s disgusting and you can get some other serious diseases besides Lyme like Rocky mountain fever, alpha gal or encephalitis that are harder to treat or have no cures.

I’ve always heard the 24-36 hour thing is a statistical probability figure. You most probably won’t but you could get it as soon as the tick attaches as well. Also if you squeeze the body of an engorged tick as you’re pulling it out, you force all the contents of its stomach (where the Lyme bacteria lives), into your bloodstream. Always use tweezers and go for the head.

DEET is a repellent which is meant to keep them away, but if they land then they land. Permethrin is a pesticide so it kills. When I'm in the woods I wear outdoor clothing that's been sprayed with permethrin, but I also put a "heavy-duty" DEET repellent on my clothes and use OLE (oil of lemon and eucalyptus) on exposed skin, even though the last one might just be placebo.

After every bite? That is a manual how to breed multi resistant Borrelia burgdorferi, the short version.

Please be a responsible human being and consult a doctor. Common symptoms for a bacterial infections are flu like symptoms and a bullseye-like rash a few days after the bite. Be on the lookout for those and you will be fine.

Unfortunately, these 'common symptoms' often do not occur after an infection, so this is misleading. In never had them but was positive for Lyme after dealing with joint pain for quite a while. Taking a single dose of Doxy is usually recommended if you live in an area with high prevalence of Lyme in ticks [1], and if the tick was not cleanly removed within 24h. The latest meta study I'm aware of showed that this will reduce the likelihood of infection by about 70% [2].

The fear of breeding a MR Borrelia is completely overblown. By far the highest risk of breeding MRSA are in a hospital setting, not by taking a single dose of Doxy at home. The main reason to not take Doxy is its side effects (for instance, when I had to take it against my Lyme infection, I vomited like there's no tomorrow, which fortunately is one of the lesser serious side effects. Had to switch to Amoxi.).

[1] https://www.cdc.gov/lyme/datasurveillance/lyme-disease-maps....

[2] https://bmcinfectdis.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s128...

Getting antibiotics maybe once a year is not excessive. Please stop being hyperbolic, I’m well aware of MRSAs and do my best to take them sparingly. Where I live between 50-70% of the deer ticks have Lyme disease so it’s not overkill.

This was in reference to after every bite, not once a year.

Antibiotic resistance is not hyperbole. It is a real problem, and potentially a big one. What would be hyperbolic is if the part of the world that lives in tick infested regions would be pretty much on a constant antibiotic binge during season.

A full dose is two weeks and you are likely to be bitten again. I don't know if the suggestion was in reference to ideas that float around the Internet that you shouldn't take the full two week dose, but none of those studies have been replicated. Given what we know from how antibiotic resistance forms, they could be potentially harmful.

Just be careful when taking medical advice.

By far the weirdest thing to me in this entire thread, as someone who had long-term Lyme disease, is the dudes bragging about how often they remove ticks from themselves and their children, yet who are more scared of antibiotic resistance the Lyme.

Simply does not compute. Do you, like, get off on risking contracting infectious disease? I feel bad for your children.

That's perhaps the weirdest insult attempt in a long time.

Perhaps not removing the tiny spider like creatures that suck your blood could be something to brag about in some overly macho context. But removing them? Of course I remove them, from myself, children, pets, and anyone else. Ticks are a fact of life, and you will get bitten if you live in their areas.

A vaccine can not some soon enough. In the meantime, Lyme can be cured by antibiotics. Staying put indoors or constantly being on antibiotics during summer is not an option.

If I contacted my practitioner and wanted prophylactic wide spectrum antibiotics I'd be kindly shown the door. That is a controlled substance for a reason. That reason is antibiotic resistance, a well studied scientific fact, and not something where our own opinions matter much.

Antibiotic resistance almost never occurs in isolated situations. It’s hospital settings and large factory farms that are the issue. Either ways there’s a Lyme vaccine on the way. It should be available by 2025.

Sorry for the akshually energy, but the acronym MRSA is specifically for methicillin-resistant Staph aureus. In this context you might have meant MDR for multi-drug resistant? There's also XDR for the apocalyptic superbugs we're inadvertently breeding.

Yeah I didn’t know the difference. Multi drug resistant anything is what I meant.

Ah faithful doxycycline, a legitimate cureall. Well tolerated, cheap, with few side effects when used sparingly.

Just watch out for the vomiting.

For me it's diarrhea. But yeah...Is the vomiting mostly with babies? Or even adults?

You can get into your PCP in less than a week?

Yes but I’ve also used one of the plethora of telehealth systems before that will let you speak to a doctor within a hour and you can pick up your prescription in two.

Do you think the people that named this program knew about the rapper?

Probably! There were lots of us grad students on Francis's floor! But I don't think he cared very much about that sort of thing. (Maybe more than he cared about being on my committee, though? OK, low bar.)

I really do think it's named that because it looks like a cube and it's made in the ice. So, y'know, icecube.

About 12 years ago someone told me Francis said they would've named IceCube something different if they'd known about the rapper. I can't find any references to that quote now, though.

Ice-τ instead of Ice Cube? Understandable, that.

Yeah, they would have named it SnoopDogg.

Absolutely yes, though the original naming committee (Francis?) probably didn't think of it - it's literally a cube of instrumented ice. Not so much the other way around I suspect. A while back some IceCube folks paid for a shout-out from Ice Cube, the rapper (I guess they used Cameo).

I mean, ice cubes are also a real thing that existed before the rapper.

Yeah but the question was about how familiar the people involved might be with the rapper. I would imagine any 30+ American or European (probably) would.

Not me. I was very confused by some of the messages here until I saw your comment.

I take it he's a well known? I've never heard of him.

Very well known in the states - take a look at his wikipedia https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ice_Cube

He was a founding member of N.W.A, which was very influential to the rap scene:

>They were among the earliest and most significant popularizers and controversial figures of the gangsta rap subgenre, and the group is widely considered one of the greatest and most influential groups in the history of hip hop music

>Rolling Stone ranked N.W.A at number 83 on its list of the "100 Greatest Artists of All Time".

Neutrinos With Attitude?

No he’s from are we there yet and are we done yet

It is Friday, and you ain't got shit to do, so...might as well find some neutrinos

I got more than a little excited that somehow O'Shea Jackson picked up an interesting hobby.

It’s still strange. It’s not like Asian women in America are cooking on wood fire stoves.

Cooking on a gas stove without proper ventilation is terrible for you. My stove didn't have a hood when I moved in, inspection didn't even call it out to fix. But I started getting dizzy and feeling sick in my house; and had to install air sensors before I realized it was cooking that was absolutely destroying my air quality. Like from 2ppm to 1000ppm down the hall in the office.

The whole "they're coming to steal your stoves" thing started for a reason, without proper ventilation to the outside (which just isn't that common in the US), cooking can destroy your lungs, even today.

Good. Prostitution should be legal and regulated to begin with. People are getting HIV at an alarming rate because the whole system is unregulated.

Raising HIV against prostitution is like bringing up animal cruelty for veganism: it's not really the most important of many overlapping concerns surrounding the issue. Anti-prostitution and anti-abortion laws in the US exist because evangelical Christian white supremacists are able to tell heathens what they can't do with their bodies and pass laws to force their views on other people. These come with the burdens of jail time in the case of prostitution or losing the ability to reproduce or one's life in the case of eliminating the possibility of emergency abortions. Most of America: "The Bible says..."

> evangelical Christian white supremacists

Ah yes, the ol' reliable 'everyone who disagrees with me is a Nazi' approach

I think they described the situation fairly? The folks who legislate against sex work tend to tick most of those boxes.

From a European perspective, it is a bit interesting to see it being described like that. Anti-prostitution has become a rather large far-left political priority, with the right and far-right taking opposition. In the far-left perspective, prostitution represent a form of slavery. For similar reasons, anti-pornography laws are generally proposed from the left side of the political spectrum, and then naturally opposed by the right.

It should be added that while typical evangelical Christian voters are sought by right-leaning political parties, voters of the second largest faith is generally sought by left-leaning political parties. This is currently very noticeable given the a specific conflict in the world. Religious voters and political parties that want to cater to those voters are no longer limited to left or right.

There is a feminist case against prostitution as well. EG https://thecritic.co.uk/issues/june-2022/women-should-not-be...

Certainly. There's a feminist case for it as well. Interestingly, that article opens with a left/right framing.

To be fair, there is real shade to throw at traditional neoliberal uppercase Democrats of the 90's-10's too: copying features of conservatism but then putting off most of the country with bicoastal elitism. The Clintons and Reagans were both out of touch and announced policy on issues without much community engagement.

Sex work is legal and more-or-less regulated in most of the UK and Europe even where Le Pen-flavor nationalism is ascending in prevalence.

The US has a special kind of polarized infighting and much more variance in rights and restrictions that the rest of the world. For example, if I were to say "I'm pro conceal carry guns for people who continue to show demonstrably sane and stable residents." this wouldn't fly in most of Europe or Australia, regardless of right or left party across the way except for perhaps the fringe far-right. That is to say: norms in America differ significantly from the rest of the world in sometimes disquieting ways to outsiders, due to enduring historical roots and political interests. Perhaps a compromise to placate the majority of Americans would be: "don't touch the right to bear arms in exchange for bodily autonomy and healthcare."

The 1995 Oklahoma City bombing didn't happen in a vacuum. It was 100% homegrown terrorism that thrived and came to pass in a culture of government conspiracy theories, Waco, white nationalism, and failure to care for and reintegrate Gulf War vets. Chris Hedges wrote a book on the topic: American Fascists (2008). Excluding Jan 6th as different kind of event, that there hasn't been another domestic terrorism mass casualty event due to diligent work by law enforcement combined with a tinge of dumb luck.

>>The 1995 Oklahoma City bombing didn't happen in a vacuum. It was 100% homegrown terrorism that thrived and came to pass in a culture of government conspiracy theories, Waco, white nationalism, and failure to care for and reintegrate Gulf War vets. Chris Hedges wrote a book on the topic: American Fascists (2008). Excluding Jan 6th as different kind of event, that there hasn't been another domestic terrorism mass casualty event due to diligent work by law enforcement combined with a tinge of dumb luck.

There was also Ruby Ridge, which was absolutely disgusting policing.

And most of the "domestic terrorism" today involves FBI agents trying to bait people into committing offences such as in the Whitmer "kidnapping".

I'd argue plenty of democrats fit that description as well.

> Perhaps a compromise to placate the majority of Americans would be: "don't touch the right to bear arms in exchange for bodily autonomy and healthcare."

Most of the leftists I know are extremely strong opponents to gun control. Marx was pretty clear on the importance of an armed working class, and leftists tend to take that to heart ime.

White supremacists? Really?

And something tells me Muslims, practicing Jews, etc. aren’t a fan of prostitution either.

So really you could just say “religious people,” and it’d be far more accurate.

Do we have many conservative Muslim or Jewish legislators? I would figure they tend to come from more progressive districts...

Don't be surprised. I'm sure there is at least one Jainist Republican American. Religion and conservatism seem to be correlated positively with one another. No particular group or identity membership mandates membership in another. And I'm sure there are a zillion libertarian agnostics and atheists who follow some styles of the broad tent of conservatism without the authoritarian forcefulness of others who want to limit the rights of others, on both sides of the political spectrum.

It's my unpopular and minority opinion that the world would be better without some or most religions but would be better off with the trappings of what churches provide: community, friend networks, singing together, reflecting on philosophy, and mutual aid. Although, I'm absolutely sure the world would be better without the cult of Scientology. https://www.scientology-austin.org/about-us/grand-opening.ht...

The people who make the laws about prostitution are the set of people under discussion. Not Americans at large.

If I’m not mistaken, animal cruelty is the number one reason for vegans being vegans. What exactly are you saying?

While it should be a top reason, it's an extremely unpersuasive reason in the real world because people want their bacon burgers so long as they don't have to see what happens in a slaughterhouse or pay for the total cost of externalities of their consumption lifestyle choices.

There are much more pressing, self-interested reasons to advocate veganism:

1. Meat ag and bushmeat lead to pandemics: bovine tuberculosis, "Spanish" flu, Nipah, SARS, H7N7, H1N1, MERS, COVID. There are others.

2. Meat ag abuses the same antibiotics humans take (but manufactured in the veterinary supply chain) for purely economic reasons (mostly, to make animals grow faster) leading to the evolution of antibiotic resistant microbes and making antibiotic medications in humans less effective.

3. Climate change. It contributes 1/6 of all human GHG activity.

4. Air, soil, and water pollution are the result of mega grain farms, large pig farms, and CAFOs.

5. It's resource intensive and drives up the cost of all food by shunting more water, diesel fuel, arable land, etc. to less output.

6. Along with palm kernel oil, it's a leading driver of old growth deforestation.

7. And it hurts both the cute and the ugly critters.

> While it should be a top reason, it's an extremely unpersuasive reason in the real world

Well it’s conditionally persuasive depending on the animal and people’s priors. Dogs vs horses vs pigs, etc.

Agreed on all your points though.

Yeah. Sigh. I'm realistic because the "meat is murder" with gross-out signage of slaughterhouse porn billboard-sign-on-cars approach hasn't really taken off.

In other news, Moolec is developing GMO "Piggy Sooy" to taste like pork by inserting pork genes into beans. (I'm wondering: will it be Halal or Kosher?) Impossible Foods' "beef" relies on heme from GMO yeast, while Moolec plans to have GMO "beef" too.

yeast is an organism too - bread is murder

Unleavened bread baked in a microwave oven still grows to a volume intermediate between traditional unleavened bread and bread leavened with yeast or baking powder.

I actually prefer the taste of such microwaved unleavened bread that I make myself and I also prefer the fact that due to its higher density and cohesiveness (in comparison with bread leavened with yeast) it requires more vigorous and more prolonged chewing, which is healthy for the teeth (and for dental implants) and it causes greater satiety.

Therefore I spare the life of yeast :-)

The colonies of yeast thank you for your sacrifice (although it sounds like a win win situation anyway)

'laws against child murder are because of white supremacists and their barbarous religion'

I personally like the legal and regulated approach, specifically because it comes with routine worker testing and consumer protections and labor rights

apparently sex workers like decriminalized, because non-compliance with the regulated regimes have so far been a parallel illegal system

but I cant think of any industry we would listen to who answered “how about just a completely hands off decriminalized approach” if asked to choose between illegal, unregulated, legal and regulated

I don’t think decriminalized comes with adequate consumer protection, and the problems with legalized systems can be addressed by fixing how non-compliance is penalized, and by providing incentives to join the regulated system instead of just penalties for not

regarding trafficking, well keep prosecuting that. as labor trafficking. make more avenues of support for the laborer which is far easier with labor rights. what people find hardest to reconcile is the idea of giving up on preventing trafficking, nothing they support right now is doing that or capable of doing that while burdening everyone else.

This wasn't prostitution on trial, it was a bunch of pimps and human traffickers. Just because they "are just an app" doesn't change the nature of their crime.

Not sure what your comment HIV has to do with anything either when it comes to that case.

HIV turned out to be easier to treat than prevent.

If treat means a lifetime of a much higher OI risk and a 2000% higher risk of cancer.


Please expand acronyms: we're not all in your context.

Opportunistic infections. TB is the number one killer of people with HIV that are medicated. Along with a host of other viruses, fungi and MRSAs. You might live for 30 years after contracting HIV but they’re going to be sick, medically expensive years.

Sort of. PrEP exists for high risk populations. For cures: Currently, it is if you're able and willing to wipe out your own bone marrow and able to find a compatible donor who's immune. 2 giant expensive and risky IF's. CRISPR personalized medicine may also work: https://www.technologyreview.com/2023/10/25/1082306/gene-edi...

No one does that surgery unless you have very advanced lymphoma. It’s not a cure.

You're weaseling with the ambiguity of the word "cure". I already stated the extreme conditions that approach would require. It has resulted in deliberate, although incidental, cures several times. It was certainly a cure for them.

CRISPR personalized approaches are more promising by precisely excising vDNA.

There is no panacea here.

Based on your username, I’m not sure if you have HIV but EBT 101 has begun human trials as of last year and we should find out how it turns out before the end of this year. It’s from the same team that was able to eliminate SIV from primates using the same techniques.

Very cool!

Thanks, but don't need it. (Actually a platelet donor.) I couldn't fit a whole AC/DC title into hn's restrictions, and it originally had something to do with electricity.

You can speak for yourself. I’ve been able to “do it” with more than a 100 women because of dating apps. I can’t even imagine being able to do that without meeting women online.

there must be more to it. You're not picky? You're atractive? You've got game? You're on a site for hookups and not one for long term relationships?

I meet less than 2 women a year from dating sites. I've been on them since 93. Just rejecting relgious women easily removes 95% Of the rest, a large percentage write nothing in their profile so that I have no reason to write. And, personal preference means I'm interested in at most 1 of 20. no, I'm not looking for models, just something that suggests we might be a match

Not particularly picky. Needs to be atleast a 6 superficially. I’m not attractive, probably a 4 or 3 and not white/black. But I am tall and if I can speak to a person I’ve often been called charming with a booming voice. I’m talking about the past (5-7 years ago), I’m happily married now.

Part of the reason some one like Modi came into power and has been able to maintain it (amongst many other reasons) is people were disgusted by the continuous reversal of administrations and their policies. Nothing ever progressed to completion. That malcontent is generally settling into the west as well and strongmen are looking more and more attractive. The auth option in the US is a regressive dummy, but India, China and several African, Latin American and South East Asian countries have competent people filling those roles.

IIRC with Modi a big factor was that the previous prime minister was seen as effectively a spineless puppet, kind of like how Biden is seen by many. Modi came in promising to try literally anything rather than just sitting by and doing nothing unless ordered to by the political dynasty leading the party, and has largely delivered on that promise.

It has meant lots of controversial legislation being forced through, but to many that's better than just letting the issues simmer for decades. Especially since many of those issues had no uncontroversial solution.

Trump came in promising similar action, but in hindsight did absolutely nothing besides further divide the country. Unfortunately at the moment neither side seems to have a candidate that's actually willing to do something similar. Biden will continue to make excuses about not being able to do things, and Trump will continue to focus more on PR and dominating the news cycle than actual work.

Manmohan Singh was seen as exceptionally spineless (because he pretty much cowtowed to whatever the Gandhi family said). That’s not how Biden is perceived. At all. Biden has installed more justices than Obama and Trump combined. He has done it without the right freaking out about it. He has been incredibly effective if you delve past the surface.

In right wing circles Biden is often perceived as a puppet for 'elites', too old and senile to make his own decisions. Every other tweet about him seems to get people joking about how he had to go to bed early or how they had to drag him out to make a speech. I was a bit young to carefully follow Manmohan's term, but I recall that one of the comments I often heard from adults were that he was clearly too old for office.

It's funny how his speech is an indicator that he is too old for office, when his opponent's speech is so frequently and completely unhinged[1], that it sounds like a self-parody.


> [1] I have broken more Elton John records, he seems to have a lot of records. And I, by the way, I don’t have a musical instrument. I don’t have a guitar or an organ. No organ. Elton has an organ. And lots of other people helping. No we’ve broken a lot of records. We’ve broken virtually every record. Because you know, look I only need this space. They need much more room. For basketball, for hockey and all of the sports, they need a lot of room. We don’t need it. We have people in that space. So we break all of these records. Really we do it without like, the musical instruments. This is the only musical: the mouth. And hopefully the brain attached to the mouth. Right? The brain, more important than the mouth, is the brain. The brain is much more important.

Yep, it's pretty ironic, the only difference between the two (in terms of showing their age) is that Trump is more energetic (animated?), but energy doesn't translate to coherence.

With them picking Russia in their invasion of Ukraine, the term enemy is rather applicable at this point.

By the same logic with the Israel-Palestine issue, the US is currently the only state visibly blocking calls for immediate ceasefires and establishing a Palestinian state (which is essential for a two-state solution) at the UN and it can therefore be called the enemy of the most of the world.

Edit: improve grammar and wording

I want it to shut down because I believe it’s a bad influence on kids in general.

I mean India was the richest country on earth for most of human civilization. What’s your point?

Argentina was one of the richest on a per-capita basis, ahead of France, Germany, and Italy. India was never rich on a per-capita basis: https://www.livemint.com/Opinion/Nb7KkZ3yOVSNW3vHf9K1oM/Worl.... For example during Roman times India had a lower GDP per capita than Italy, and it remained at basically the same level until the 20th century.

That’s a function of having very few people. Ireland is the richest on a per capita basis, it doesn’t really mean much.

it's very funny when people bring up this kind of static nonsense. Milei himself says he wants to turn the country into Ireland.

What does static mean in this sentence?

it's a typo, sorry. I meant "statistical"

This seems specific to your family. My family would never allow that unless they knew the parents of atleast a few people at the place I was sleeping over.

In North Branch MN there was an old movie theater with the seats taken out and tables setup - The BattleShack. parents would dump kids there and they'd be there for days or weeks just gaming and hanging out at the Denny's in town. My buddy had a workshop addon to their house where the same thing would occur. Summers around us were just a solid LAN Party.

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