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You can speak for yourself. I’ve been able to “do it” with more than a 100 women because of dating apps. I can’t even imagine being able to do that without meeting women online.

there must be more to it. You're not picky? You're atractive? You've got game? You're on a site for hookups and not one for long term relationships?

I meet less than 2 women a year from dating sites. I've been on them since 93. Just rejecting relgious women easily removes 95% Of the rest, a large percentage write nothing in their profile so that I have no reason to write. And, personal preference means I'm interested in at most 1 of 20. no, I'm not looking for models, just something that suggests we might be a match

Not particularly picky. Needs to be atleast a 6 superficially. I’m not attractive, probably a 4 or 3 and not white/black. But I am tall and if I can speak to a person I’ve often been called charming with a booming voice. I’m talking about the past (5-7 years ago), I’m happily married now.

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