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> While it should be a top reason, it's an extremely unpersuasive reason in the real world

Well it’s conditionally persuasive depending on the animal and people’s priors. Dogs vs horses vs pigs, etc.

Agreed on all your points though.

Yeah. Sigh. I'm realistic because the "meat is murder" with gross-out signage of slaughterhouse porn billboard-sign-on-cars approach hasn't really taken off.

In other news, Moolec is developing GMO "Piggy Sooy" to taste like pork by inserting pork genes into beans. (I'm wondering: will it be Halal or Kosher?) Impossible Foods' "beef" relies on heme from GMO yeast, while Moolec plans to have GMO "beef" too.

yeast is an organism too - bread is murder

Unleavened bread baked in a microwave oven still grows to a volume intermediate between traditional unleavened bread and bread leavened with yeast or baking powder.

I actually prefer the taste of such microwaved unleavened bread that I make myself and I also prefer the fact that due to its higher density and cohesiveness (in comparison with bread leavened with yeast) it requires more vigorous and more prolonged chewing, which is healthy for the teeth (and for dental implants) and it causes greater satiety.

Therefore I spare the life of yeast :-)

The colonies of yeast thank you for your sacrifice (although it sounds like a win win situation anyway)

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