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Location: Rio, Brazil. Remote: Yes.

Willing to relocate: Yes.

Technologies: python, javascript, c, c++, git, docker, flask, numpy, pandas, node, aws, gcp, linux, openbsd

Résumé/CV: https://gist.github.com/returnDanilo/e9840bf500c3e7375001b1d...

Email: returndanilo at gmail

Hey! I'm a life-long self-taught programmer and I'm looking for a first job.

I had started a mathematics bachelor's degree a few years ago but I decided to not go down the academic path in face of AGI; I'd rather help an AGI that is safer and a safer transition into AGI.

So now my plan is to get a full time job to pay the bills and, in the free time, get up to date with the recent literature and in a few years be able to join an AI research team.

CV link gives me 404. Perhaps a typo in the link.

Good luck friend!

Location: Rio, Brazil.

Remote: Yes.

Willing to relocate: Yes.

Technologies: python, javascript, c, c++, git, docker, flask, numpy, pandas, node, aws, gcp, linux, openbsd

Résumé/CV: https://gist.github.com/returnDanilo/e9840bf500c3e7375001b1d...

Email: returndanilo at gmail

Hey! I'm a life-long self-taught programmer and I'm looking for a first job. As I only learned coding for fun, I don't have too many finished projects to promote so I'm having difficulty showing my qualifications: I think a technical interview would be more fit for showing what I am capable of.

I had started a mathematics bachelor's degree a few years ago but I decided to not go down the academic path in face of AGI; I'd put efforts into making a safer AGI and a safer transition into AGI.

So now my plan is to get a full time job to pay the bills and, in the free time, get up to date with the recent literature and in a few years be able to join an AI research team.

Has anybody found this link to this study? Or even the title?

I searched the authors in google scholar but I couldn't find it.


Not on sci-hub, but downloadable in pdf for me without any issues

Thanks!! I always try to imagine in my head where the sun will be before I book a ticket ;) Now this is more accurate!

If I wanted to know what the community thought of a particular paper, is there a place where I can find a discussion of it? I thought maybe researchgate was the place, but I usually don't see discussion on the paper submission there. I know sometimes you can find the peer reviewer comments before the paper got published, but what I mean is comments from other scientists.

Scientists comment on papers by writing papers. For a paper that just appeared, wait a year or so, and check Google Scholar for papers that cite this paper. Check again every few months.

If you know physicists with an interest in this field, you can ask them if they’ve seen the paper and what they think of it. If they have an opinion they’ll probably share it with you freely, but they won’t write it down anywhere.

I created a platform to solve exactly this problem: https://gotit.pub/ Let me know if you have any feedback, always happy to chat!


I made a link cause I didn't see one via search

It's an interesting idea for a site.

Feedback: Searching by Topic, Title or arxiv ID would be well augmented by a DOI search, especially for the current post.

As a physicist, no, that's not a thing, at least not that I know of. Beyond whatever you can find from a simple google search is unknown to us

Best you can do is look for papers that cite this paper.

So are the only informal discussions done in person, or via email?

Both I’d say. More recently also online calls/conferences/seminars, and (way more rarely but it happens) on twitter/mastodon/…

Maybe math overflow or physics overflow might work in rare cases... For most papers, I don't think there's really much a layperson can actively do to find out what experts think.

https://pubpeer.com/ but it is hit or miss. It has a browser extension so it'll alert you if it finds URLs to papers with discussions.

physicsforums.com is kind of ok sometimes, though I don't go there myself.

Do you mean a deja-vu? Or do you mean something different?

I think a clinical psych person may label this as depersonalization/derealization.

But I like how the parent called it "a slow integration of diverse parallel processes" - not labeling the experience as some kind of problem.

I think they mean the strong sense of déjà vu. I get a weird one where the déjà vu itself is what I've felt before, déjà vu squared. Feels horrible!

Yes! I've experienced this a few times before, like a meta-déjà vu. It is a really uncomfortable feeling.

Description sounds like normal déjà vu to me. It's not a feeling that I felt before, it's a feeling that I know what's going to happen the next moment, but I can't actually recall it, but the moment it happens I recognize it as recalled.

Sometimes, I feel like not only I've been in this same situation before and know what will happen next, but also that I've felt like I've been in this same situation before. So basically like this is (at least) the third time I'm experiencing this situation: once when it was new to me, a second time where it felt like deja vu, and this third time where the deja vu itself is already familiar.

  Location: Rio, Brazil
  Remote: yes
  Willing to relocate: no
  Technologies: python, javascript, C, C++, sqlite, postgres, git, docker, godot engine, aws, gcp, twitch API, discord API
  Résumé/CV: upon request
  Email: returndanilo at protonmail dot com
I'm a self-taught programmer looking for a first job while I'm in university and figure my career out!

I'm into physics so if your project is anything science or education-related, it's a big plus for me.

  Location: Rio, Brazil
  Remote: yes
  Willing to relocate: no
  Technologies: python, js, C, C++, sqlite, git, docker, godot engine, aws, gcp, twitch API, discord API
  Email: returndanilo at protonmail dot com
I'm a self-taught programmer looking for a first job! Currently interested in learning rust and functional programming with lisp.

I'm very much into physics and math so if your project is anything science related that's a big plus for me!

Does learning to transcribe morse->letters at this speed mean you can also do letters->morse in a traditional morse keyer?

Generally yes. Sending morse is much easier than receiving it. Once you are comfortable receiving morse at 25wpm for example, the amount of practice needed to send at that speed is pretty minimal.

Somewhat. There's a skill to the timing that needs to be picked up in addition to the patterns you learn when learning to copy. Ideally, you're also practicing sending with some kind of local oscillator or your radio set to monitor mode. One reinforces the other.

  Location: Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
  Remote: Yes.
  Willing to relocate: Yes.
  Technologies: python, c, c++, bash, linux, docker, git..
  Email: returndanilo at protonmail dot com
Looking to code for a company I believe in.

I'm a computational math student and I'm also into physics. I'm looking for my first part-time or full-time job while I finish my degree. If you have a mathy and sciency position available -or just want to chat, really- let me know!

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