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HN Hiring (hnhiring.me)
212 points by yitchelle on May 27, 2014 | hide | past | favorite | 36 comments

Hey everyone, I'm the creator of hnhiring.me. Surprised to see it pop up now, as I haven't done much with the site in the past couple of years. It's still being updated every month with the latest "Who's Hiring?" post, though, so hopefully people have found it useful. The source is also on GitHub (http://github.com/mwylde/hnhiring).

As an aside, I've been meaning for ages to do analysis of hiring trends based on the data. If anybody is interested in this, I have the past year of posts available in JSON available at http://hnhiring.me/data/comments-{thread-id}.json. The thread ids for fulltime/freelancer for each month are here: http://hnhiring.me/data/threads.json.

This would be more useful to me (as a hiring manager) with something that encouraged better links to somebody's accounts / portfolio / etc. instead of just their usually-empty HN profile.

e.g., I'm currently looking to contract somebody for some devops work here at Mozilla Research, and going through the set of listings that have 'devops' in them and actually finding a link to a resume / github account / anything more substantial than a twitter feed is pretty maddening.

Given that:


is coming up on the 1st of June.

I modified the template:



That's fantastic - thanks much!

Lars, any plans for engineering openings at Mozilla Research (servo)?

Zura, I doubt we will open a new batch of full-time positions for Servo before the start of Q4. That said, I'm always willing to see what I can find for candidates with an exceptional background!

Shot an email

Hi! I also build job scrapers (http://nolatechjobs.leesome.com) and have a question about the dependency on redis... why not just generate a time-stamp within the ruby scraper (which you already do) and store it within the resultant json itself? Then you can use string comparison to see if the next scrape has returned a more accurate time-stamp and just overwrite that part of the string.

Basically my question is why couldn't you build the whole scraper with just flat files and no database/key-value store at all?

That would definitely be an improvement. When I originally wrote this in 2011, I had just a few hours, so I went with the quickest solution. For little personal side projects like this I find that Redis makes a great persistent hash map for storing bits of data between runs of a script.

Well someone already being doing this : http://www.ryan-williams.net/hacker-news-hiring-trends/

Thanks for mentioning this one, I hadn't seen it yet, but it's more or less what I had been imagining for my own mini-project...I guess I don't have to build it anymore :-).

It's on Github too if you're interested in improving or suggesting new ideas. https://github.com/ryanwi/hiringtrends

Thanks for posting this, I am the creator. Now, time to go publish June's update.

Seems like you aren't actively developing, but if anyone ends up forking this, it would be nice to see a version that degrades cleanly without JS.

I'll also happily accept pull requests :).

Really useful, I've been Control-F'ing the thread each day which hurts my efficiency vein. Glad I found this before I wrote my own :)

Thanks for the project and data! Just last week I was wondering if I could get it from somewhere :)

It might be useful to add a filter to specify remote-only, local-only, or some combination of the two.

I have been trying to do that by simply typing "remote" in the search bar on the page. works good enough i suppose

You could try to do it programmatically, but I'd also let users tag/fix things as well.

I posted this earlier this month (contains MySQL database exports of the threads and comments going back to 2011): https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=7687128

In the link above you can get a copy of the threads/comments data up until May 2014 for the HN Hiring threads (I didn't do anything for the Freelancers ones).

My initial goal was to do the same (do an analysis of the data) so I also have an additional schema created that would allow us to associate the variety of programming languages, tools, locations, and companies together in a structured way.

I have an idea of how I want to create a frontend that users could contribute to (I'd like to gamify it a bit so contributors can get some props on the site for helping get the data analyzed, since that is a pretty manual process), but haven't had the time to work on it.

hnhire.me (available at this moment) would be a better domain hack IMO. Also deceptive title, but nice idea.

I own hire.hn and hirehn.com -- More than willing to collaborate with OP or someone else on a project with them!

Hey can you update your profile with your contact info?

Sorry I thought since I had "email" filled in people could reach me. I just updated it!

I wouldn't say the title is deceptive. Its just an aggregation of the HN hiring posts.

I think it's a clever domain name, I lold.

hey, the regex filter is great but if i hit control-F I'm trying to use the browser search function, you shouldn't be capturing and overriding that.

you can press control-F twice to get the browsers search function.

Technical issue: clicking randomly in the text areas scrolls the page up to the post heading. Highly annoying.

Awesome aggregation, this is useful, thanks.

Thanks for this. It's a useful reminder that I need to post some job openings in the next thread.

You Know What Really Grinds My Gears? When on any job website I search for H1B and I am getting plenty of results... with "XXX is unable to provide sponsorship for H1B Visas at this time."

Thanks, I'm looking for work :)

Thanks for building this.

This seems an appropriate place to mention that I do Rails and Front-End in Boston and am looking for a full-time Jr Dev position somewhere- I can be reached at my username at gmail. Thanks!

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