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I posted this earlier this month (contains MySQL database exports of the threads and comments going back to 2011): https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=7687128

In the link above you can get a copy of the threads/comments data up until May 2014 for the HN Hiring threads (I didn't do anything for the Freelancers ones).

My initial goal was to do the same (do an analysis of the data) so I also have an additional schema created that would allow us to associate the variety of programming languages, tools, locations, and companies together in a structured way.

I have an idea of how I want to create a frontend that users could contribute to (I'd like to gamify it a bit so contributors can get some props on the site for helping get the data analyzed, since that is a pretty manual process), but haven't had the time to work on it.

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