"The IDE will be integrated with Clang Analyzer, so that more than 2000 code inspections and error diagnostics results from Clang compiler would be shown right in the editor. Of course, you also would be able to review them in a bulk mode."
I use QT Creator for C++ authoring today primarily because of the Clang integration. Pretty excited to see it well-implemented by JetBrains.
There's a difference between using Clang (Analyzer) to provide error reporting and using it for their own internal parsing (for refactorings, cross references, etc.). I suspect their internal parsers are all written in Java, but let's hope in this case the parser is just a thin wrapper over Clang!
I recently started trying to learn some basic C/C++. My usual initial step in setting up an environment for a new language is to google "intellij plugin for X", so I was very disappointed to find that C/C++ is very poorly supported with respect to most other mainstream languages.
I ended up having to go with Visual Studio, which is also impressive, but there are features I miss coming from the Jetbrains world.
Using C++ professionally for a while now (College, grad school, embedded sw) the best two complete IDEs I've found are SlickEdit (Cross platform) and Visual studio. If you've not tried SlickEdit I definitely suggest it (They have a trial).
Additionally, they have an interesting blog post here describing whether they are an IDE or editor here:
tl;dr SlickEdit has no built in compiler or debugger. It's other IDE level support is fantastic though and it was perfect for embedded development work where you're building from the command line (Which you can connect to the SlickEdit Project) and debugging using GDB.
With this new JetBrains IDE, Unix toolset, Xcode, etc, OS X might finally become a strictly better C++ development environment than Windows. One can hope...
Main things for me are the refactoring, code navigation (find usages is awesome!), and coding assistance. Check those out here : http://www.jetbrains.com/objc/features/
does this mean that it will be an intellij plugin (similar to the way pycharm is - as far as i can tell - intellij + the python plugin)? i hope so - it's frustrating being a (paid!) intellij user without c support.
google changed from eclipse to intellij IDEA because it just supported android so much better (imho), even before the switch!
I m constantly amazed at the quality and integration IDEA has for everything - from google appengine, gwt, spring/javascript/css/html, to heaps of templating languages…the list is endless….
see http://www.jetbrains.org/display/IJOS/Home and https://github.com/JetBrains/intellij-community