It still blows my mind how dogmatic some people can be about things like this. I don't understand why anyone takes these things as gospel.
Who else has had to deal with idiots who froth at the mouth when you exceed an 80 line character margin?
And it's not just programming styles, patterns and idioms. It's arguably even worse when it comes to tech stacks and solution architecture.
It's super-frustrating when I'm dealing with people in a professional setting and they're quick to point out something they read in a book, or even worse - a blog - with very little else to add.
This was especially bad during the NoSQL and Microservice hype. Still somewhat feeling it with PAAS/SAAS and containerization. We have so many really really basic things running as Function Apps or lambdas, or simple transformations running in ADF or Talend that add zero value and only add to the support and maintenance overhead.
Always keep in mind that sometimes the only difference between yourself and the person writing the book/blog/article is that they actually wrote it. And that their opinions were written down don't make them fact. Apply your own mind and experience.
I cringe thinking about PR comments I left early in my career.
"akshually this should try to follow more SOLID principles"
But, coming from a formal engineering background, I thought this is what it meant to be a professional software engineer. Little did I know these "principles" were just the musings of a consultant lol. Turns out most folks have good intentions and want a standardized way to write code, but for some reason it always results in code that looks like the Enterprise FizzBuzz meme repo.
For some reason in software there seems to be an incredibly large space for non-evidence based thinking and belief systems.
I wonder if that's because in a lot of cases (depending on the domain) the space of possible valid/working solutions is near infinite, and if you don't have hard requirements that are backed up by measurements you're free to concieve of any valid system structure and justify it as 'better' without that ever being something that can be observed and measured.
> For some reason in software there seems to be an incredibly large space for non-evidence based thinking and belief systems.
The secondary problem is that book authors have become extremely good at inventing pseudo-evidence to support their claims. It most commonly takes the form of “I talked to X companies with Y total number of employees over Z years and therefore I know what works best”.
If you cut out all of the grandstanding, it’s nothing more than “just trust me” but in a world of social proof it sounds like it’s undeniable.
Which results in the idea of 'good practice', 'best practice' and 'bad practice', and nobody wants to be seen as the person doing things that are considered bad practice, because that would imply that you're a bad developer.
And I almost always hesitate to use the term 'engineer' because as far as I know engineering is considered to be a practice/process that uses measurements and results to drive decision-making, unlike various areas in software. Can you imagine if the same kind of thinking was applied in civil engineering? "This new material has a lot of stars on GitHub and everyone is saying the old materials are bad practice."*
* Which is a thing of course (see: Asbestos) but only in the places with measurable observable outputs.
I'd say Asbestos is more comparable to a project or technology having too many CVEs, which goes well with the US government asking people to stop using C and C++.
The problem I'd say is the reactions from our community to such pleas. My degree and original profession is Electrical Engineering, and Engineers not as personally attached to the tech as software developers are, nor they conduct themselves like this.
Yet we have the evidence out there. The only problem is that it is just the negatives — it tells you what to avoid and not what you should do.
Other than with civil engineering where each bridge failure will be studied by the whole community, in programming most people shrug it off as "software error there is nothing we can do" and move on.
If we truly want to progress in terms of code quality we need to anchor our guiding principles in the lessons learned from failed projects and check all new positive principles against those.
The mark of a good engineer is knowing when this sort of handwaving is actually meaningful and helpful. Formality for its own sake is anti-pattern, but who am I telling?
> It still blows my mind how dogmatic some people can be about things like this. I don't understand why anyone takes these things as gospel.
IMO, this is one of the key differences between the two books. CC has a vibe of hard and fast opinion-based rules that you must obey, whereas APoSD feels more like empirically-derived principles or guidelines.
APoSD is written by a highly respected computer scientist with a tremendous list of technical achievements and also a strong teaching history as a professor, while CC was written by someone whose resume is primarily related to writing about software, not writing software.
I think it stems from fundamental misunderstandings about what it is one is actually trying to do when writing code.
Coding is about building a computable model of some facet of existence, usually for some business. When it comes to model building, comprehension and communication are paramount. Performance and other considerations are also important but these are arguably accidental features of machines and, in an ideal world, would not actually affect our model.
Similarly, in an ideal world, we wouldn't even need programming languages. We'd be able to devise and explain computational systems in some kind of perfect abstract language and not need to worry about their realization as programs.
I think a lot of these blanket philosophies confuse people by not emphasizing the higher level aspects of the activity enough. Instead people get hung up on particular patterns in particular paradigms/languages and forget that the real goal is to build a system that is comprehensible to the community of maintainers that need to work with it.
It seems that each software design/development system, ideology, and practice has a good reason it was created, and has certain inherent benefits. Each may solve (or at least help with) some common problem.
For instance, abstraction is good and short methods are good to some extent (who wants to read a 2000-line function?), but as John points out in the article, these can be taken too far, where they create new and perhaps worse problems.
It seems there's a pendulum that swings back and forth. We go from big up front design, to Extreme Programming, to a pervasive object-oriented design culture, back to other paradigms.
I'm fond of saying that anything that doesn't survive the compilation process is not design but code organization. Design would be: which data structures to use (list, map, array etc.), which data to keep in memory, which data to load/save and when, which algorithms to use, how to handle concurrency etc. Keeping the code organized is useful and is a part of basic hygiene, but it's far from the defining characteristic of the craft.
I disagree entirely. Design is fundamentally a human-oriented discipline, and humans work almost exclusively with code before it is compiled. A strong shared mental model for whatever we're doing is as much a part of software development as any code that runs on a computer.
Programming languages can (should!) be amazing tools for thought rather than just tools for making computers do things; using these tools to figure out what we're doing is a critical part of effective development. The highest-leverage software engineering work I've seen has involved figuring out better ways of thinking about things: developing better tools and abstractions. Tools and abstractions compound since they fundamentally impact everything built on top of them. A good high-level design is the difference between a team that can add some specific capability in a day, a team that would take six months and a team that would say it cannot be done.
I agree, I recently keep having the thought that by far the hard part of programming is code organisation. Whether that's where the files go, or how you've wrapped up commonly used idioms like validation or data access in easy to use abstractions.
It's so easy to get it spectacularly wrong and end up in a mess.
And it's seems so deceptively pointless at the start. It's easy to throw together a greenfield project and get something working, but make a complete mess of organisation. But then it becomes so expensive so quickly to then make changes to that code.
I've joined quite a few projects after 1/2 years of someone else making the project. And so often it's such an imposing mass of code that basically does sod all. Bad architects who don't understand why they're even using the patterns they are or mid/junior-level coders making projects is basically a recipe for the project just grinding to a halt just when it looks like you're getting near the end.
It's when 1,000s of lines are easily refactored to 100s that you start thinking, how can these people honestly believe they have the ability to lead a project? They are so clearly completely out of their depth it's depressing.
We seem, as an industry, to have a complete inability for management to distinguish genuine senior developers from people who will never be.
My take is that the book also works as a source of authority for aspiring SSR and SR devs.
Comments about code style are usually subjective, and, they can be easily dismissed as a personal preference, or, in the case of a Jr dev, as a lack of skill.
Until they bring up "The Uncle Bob book". Now, suddenly, a subjective opinion from a Jr dev looks like an educated advice sourced from solid knowledge. And other people now have a reason to listen up.
All of this is totally fabricated, of course. But it's like the concept of money. It's valid only because other people accept it as valid.
I usually tend to take people who add prefixes like senior to their function title, less seriously. I've seen young devs who write better code than so called senior devs.
> Keeping the code organized is useful and is a part of basic hygiene, but it's far from the defining characteristic of the craft.
I'm with you, but I don't think it makes sense to elevate one absolutely over the other as the "defining characteristic." Either one can tank the development of a piece of software and prevent it from coming into being in a useful way.
Arguments about which aspects of software are more important than others usually arise between people who have personally suffered through different ways that projects can fail. Any aspect of software development will feel like the "defining characteristic" if it threatens to kill your project.
How would you define the odds for the industry as a whole? The odds depend on the project, the team, the tech stack, and the organizational environment.
No matter how long I work (twenty-five years so far) I think my personal experience is only enough to know that if I've seen something, it probably happens fairly often. If I've never seen something, it still might be common for all I know.
Granted, while I program a lot, I'm not employed as a programmer per se. My impression is that programming is easy and fun, but software develoment is hard and laborious. Things like hygiene are among the differences between the two.
Systems need to be able to handle all kinds of stresses placed on them during their useful life. The runtime bytecode/machine code/config is what deals with the actual running of the system. The code is what deals with the engineers making future modifications to it. The monitoring system deals with being able to allow operators to ensure the system stays up. All of these affect the reliability and performance of the deployed system during its lifetime. All of them are a part of the design of the system.
Having documentation that is legible is good, right? And so a reviewer is reasonable to say "this is hard to read" since it's failing at its primary purpose.
Yes, Uncle Bob is certainly capable of being pedantic. A friend of mine, a Smalltalk Consultant, partnered with him for a while. "With Uncle Bob, it's his way or the highway."
His clean code work is certainly pretty dogmatic. As I recall, he says that Java is not object oriented.
But if my memory serves me correctly, his book about C++ (Designing Object-Oriented C++ Applications Using the Booch Method) has some excellent parts. His description of the difference between a class and an instance is one of the better ones.
Then there is the famous sudouko puzzle incident, in which a student trying test-driven development can't get the solution. It is a very instructive incident which illustrates the TDD is unlikely to help you solve problems that are beyond incremental changes. Peter Norvig's solution makes that very clear. Uncle Bob does not seem to realize that.
> Who else has had to deal with idiots who froth at the mouth when you exceed an 80 line character margin?
But I admit in my youth, I was pretty dogmatic about languages and development practices, so I've been that guy.
>> ... TDD is unlikely to help you solve problems that are beyond incremental changes.
Thank you for expressing this niggling problem with TDD. Personally I just cannot use it for "new stuff", I need to explore and create direct with "real" code for anything non-obvious.
Java technically isn't OO in the strictest sense (Smalltalk, Ruby). It is OO in the modern sense (where modern >= 1980s, C++). Though I am not sure if this is what Bob is referring to - I don't have any respect for the man or his ideas, so my biased guess is his definition of OO is shared only between him and his fans.
>But if my memory serves me correctly, his book about C++ (Designing Object-Oriented C++ Applications Using the Booch Method) has some excellent parts.
If my memory serves me correctly, Grady Booch himself had a book with roughly the same title, except that his name would not be in the title, of course, but would be there as the author. I think I read a good amount of it long ago, and liked it.
Edit: I googled, the book is mentioned here under the section Booch method :
Bob's had a long life with too much success. He really believes in himself. But, I have to say that the other guy was aggressive and bad even though I am more inclined to agree with him. He willfully misrepresented Bob's ideas. I thought he presented more misguided certainty than Bob. No Bueno.
The "other guy" is John Ousterhout, author of the Tcl scripting language.
Although I can see why you might consider him more "aggressive", I personally think it matters much more that he was, in general, far more descriptive of his reasoning.
Merely having an opinion is the easy part; being able to clearly articulate the reason(s) why one has a particular opinion is far more important, especially in this kind of conversation, and I in that regard I repeatedly found UB lacking.
I didn't read it as aggressive, more like engaged in the discussion, he really wanted to get to the bottom of things and get his views and opinions challenged, but UB was a bit defensive and closed. Even though UB has strong opinions he wasn't as engaged in building a case for them, he just tried not to budge or maybe he conceded smaller points and then retreated to a less dogmatic stance.
In 2006 Ron Jeffries wrote four blogs about solving Sudoku in Ruby with TDD. His blogging effort ended before he completed the solution. I think he got interested in something else and left the whole thing hanging.
The anti-TDD lobby, at the time, hailed the two documents as proof that TDD didn't work. Ha Ha, Nya Nya Boo Boo.
I was aware of this silliness, but never bothered to study it. I had better things to do. Until March of 2020. Then I thought I'd use Sudoku as a case study for Episode 62 in
I had not read either of the previous documents and decided to maintain that ignorance while writing the solver in Clojure using TDD. It turned out to be a rather trivial problem to solve. You can see my solution in
I don't know why Ron stopped blogging his Sudoku solver in 2006; but he picked it up again in 2024 and has written much more about it.
The trick I used to solve Sudoku with TDD was to consider the degenerate cases. Sudoku is usually a 3x3x3x3 grid. Let's call this a rank-3 problem. I started with a rank 1 problem which is trivial to solve. Then I moved on to a rank 2 problem which was relatively simple to solve; but was also very close to a general solution. After that I could solve rank N problems.
The TDD strategy of starting with the most degenerate case (rank 1) and then gradually adding complexity may not have been well known in 2006. TDD was pretty new back then. If you explore Ron's first four blogs you can see that he briefly considered rank 2 but opted to go straight into the rank 3 case. The sheer number of variables for each test (81) may have played a role in his loss of interest. In my case (rank 2) I had far fewer variables to deal with.
Wasn’t that Ron Jeffries who failed to solve that?
I think that says more about the person at the keyboard and their lack of familiarity with the solution space than anything about TDD per-se. You still need insight and design with TDD, blind incrementalism was never a good idea.
I have used TDD professionally in several development teams. It's useful in the right team. TDD works well when you are not too dogmatic about it. As with everything, you need people in the team that are experienced enough to know when and where. I think the same is true for any tool, coding standard, best practice or what have you. You have to know when to deviate.
I've also held entry courses at university level teaching introductory programming. I believe that TDD can be a good tool teaching programming. Students tend to sit down and write a complete program and then start debugging. TDD teaches them to write small bits at a time and test as they go.
What UB's description of how to do TDD does not suggest that there are problems that require a different level of thinking and TDD as he describes, does not account for that.
Professionals in other industries don't "just" write books. In a sense that usually the field has several acclaimed authors and they put some solid work into ensuring their books make sense. While there are disagreements in other fields, or some nonsense conventions, the conventional wisdom is usually at least good enough to make you a good professional.
In programming it's the Wild West. Many claims are made based on nothing at all. It's very rare to see any kind of sensible research when it comes to the science part of CS. But following rules makes life easier. Even if rules are bad. That's kind of why conservatism exists as a political idea.
This is a big part of why I've been drawn to Literate Programming --- the author can't hide their dogmatism behind text --- they have to show the code:
> Always keep in mind that sometimes the only difference between yourself and the person writing the book/blog/article is that they actually wrote it. And that their opinions were written down don't make them fact. Apply your own mind and experience.
But that difference is actually huge. I think you are downplaying the value of the writing process. Assuming that writer is acting in good faith and truly tries to provide the best possible information.
But when you start writing, you start noticing that this idea might not be that good after all. Maybe I need to read more about this? Did you note everything? This idea conflicts with this other topic than I just wrote? What is correct? And the list goes on. When you structure all your thoughts as written text, it is easier to detect all conflicting ideas and mistakes. Not all writers are that good, but you should understand what I mean.
> Who else has had to deal with idiots who froth at the mouth when you exceed an 80 line character margin?
Not once in my 11 year career. But almost every codebase I've worked on has had debilitating maintainability issues because the only principle other engineers seemed to follow was DRY, at the sacrifice of every principle in SOLID.
DRY is about ensuring that the same code doesn't have to change in two places because the engineer changing it in one place might not know that. But so many applications of DRY mindlessly violate the single responsibility principle and create coupling where there shouldn't be.
I always understood that the main reason for DRY is to ensure that the same business logic is managed only once in the codebase. I don't really care about having four similar functions for reading a file from disk, but I definitely wouldn't want multiple UserDiscountCalculator class implementations scattered all over the codebase.
clearTotals() arguably made more sense than other "abstractions", on the grounds that if you have more than one piece of state to reset/initialize, you want to centralize the knowledge of which variables must be set together - otherwise it's too easy to add another piece of state and forget to set it everywhere it should be.
Of course, a method is but one of several ways you could capture that information, and not always the best one.
I've had one which violated DRY and every SOLID principle…
Well, Liskov might not have been violated, but it was hard to tell what with all the other nonsense in the 120 kloc of copy-pasted pantheon of god-classes that showed flagrant disregard for things so fundamental that you wouldn't think anyone even could even get them weird, e.g. the question of "how are properties defined" being "solved" by having an array which was indexed by named constants… and because it was a god class, which items in that array ever got instantiated depended on which value was passed to the constructor.
Eventually, I found they'd blindly duplicated an entire file, including my "TODO: deduplicate this method" comments, rather than subtype — and their excuse when called out on this was the access modifier, as if changing "private" to "public" was hard.
Because its easy to be dogmatic, you don't need to think, consider the consequences or drawbacks, you just follow whatever the Supreme Leader told you to do.
Its incredibly simple to just follow whatever someone is telling you to do, sometimes I wish I could live like this so I didn't have to fight with the people that do all the time.
On my Macbook Pro M2, having a browser window on one half of the screen, and my IDE on the other, with a file tree viewer pane and another pane for my LLM tools, a terminal pane at the bottom... I've never been more pressed for real estate for my actual code editing pane. Even 80 chars has me scrolling horizontally. Secondary monitors help but not when you frequently work away from your desk.
Coding on a laptop, even a name-drop-tier status shibboleth, is most of your problem. You write code on a 15" screen when you must for physical/location reasons. You shouldn't ever choose to do it or design your workflow around that constraint.
A 42" 4k TV (got it for $2-300 at the start of the pandemic) gives me four 80-90 column text windows on a mid-tier chromebook. You could not pay me enough to do that same work on a laptop, even a $4k MBP.
(But yes, even with lots of real estate 80 columns is still a net win)
I have a 120" 4K monitor at home, and a 40" 2K. However, that entirely misses the point of my comment, which is that I am frequently away from my desk while working. I'm not sure what point you were trying to make.
I was also looking at the XREAL Air 2 Ultra, seems more practical for travel, but the idea of an ultrawide screen sounds really nice. I might take your advice.
Why only use half the screen for your IDE? Your brain has to switch anyways so just make your IDE and browser fullscreen windows and alt-tab when needed.
In iterative web development the instant feedback is crucial and constantly alt-tabbing is tedious and breaks the flow. When necessary, it's simple to temporarily maximize the window.
>> Always keep in mind that sometimes the only difference between yourself and the person writing the book/blog/article is that they actually wrote it.
The worst engineer I worked with was one who believed if he read it in a book, that opinion trumped anything else. Once he got so flustered he started yelling “come back to the discussion when you’ve read 13 books on this topic like me!” And it was something super mundane like how to organize config files or something.
Made every engineering planning session a pain in the ass.
One of the best things I could do for myself is to go back in time and tell my younger self not to care so much about the "right" design pattern, or the perfectly DRY way to represent a piece of code. I was definitely my worst enemy for a long time, because I thought SOLID and the GoF design patterns were more important than writing code that is easy to understand without hopping across multiple files in case one day in the future your system needed to do something totally different with a new database or filesystem, etc. I started to look for places to add design patterns, rather than letting them develop naturally. Most of the software I built had no need for such heavy abstraction and complexity, and I've only ever had to switch database systems twice ever in 20 years, and the abstraction did not help reduce time or complexity all that much in the end. It definitely wasn't worth the up front planning compared to just rewriting the sections that directly handled the database.
Maybe it's a right of passage to burn yourself badly enough over-architected solutions, where you finally start to understand you don't need all the complexity. Write the code for humans, as simple as you can. Keep large performance issues in mind, but only code around them when they become a problem or are extremely obvious. If anything, it's helped me to steer junior developers away from complex code, while encouraging them to try it out in their own time. Go ahead and figure things out on your own, but let's not do it on a shared codebase, please?
FWIW (not a lot), I do believe in a lot of these principles.
For example, even with widescreen monitors, it is still useful to limit line length. Why? Because many people will have multiple source files side-by-side on one of those widescreen monitors, at which point it makes sense for them to not run on indefinitely.
And of course, that is just a guideline, one that I break regularly. However, if it's a method with many args, I'll break the args onto their own lines.
However, the overriding concern is that an organisation works to code towards a common style, whatever that may be, so that unfamiliar code is predictable and understandable.
Clean Code zealots are consistently some of the least likable, least productive, least pragmatic people I have ever worked with. I've had multiple clients where the whole team is threatening to quit unless the CC zealot is fired. And when they are fired guess what - bugs go down, shipped features go up, and meetings become productive. "Idiots who froth at the mouth" is an understatement IMO
This too seems like a fairly hardline stance to take. I think it's not surprising that you'd have a hard time collaborating with people you'd refer to as unlikeable, unproductive, unpragmatic, overzealous, frothy idiots.
It reminds me of the standard joke about veganism: "how do you know someone is vegan? Don't worry they'll tell you"
It's a very ironic joke, because the people I hear talking about veganism the most are non-vegans complaining about veganism. In this thread too. All I see is people complaining about how dogmatic clean code people are, and I see no examples of that in this thread. The only strong and absolute language I see is from those who are complaining about CC people.
Bear in mind, I don't have a dog in this fight. I'm not vegan, my methods are sometimes longer than four lines, and I do occasionally write a comment. But if this thread is anything to go by, the clean code folks seem a lot nicer to work with than the reactionaries.
I'm not seeking these people out to hate on them, but when I encounter them the social and code environments around them always exhibit the same dysfunctions. I've seen it multiple times. When your team is threatening to quit because they can't stand working with you, the problem is _probably_ with you and not them. And when you get fired and bugs go down, velocity goes up, and the morale problems disappear, it's now obvious that the problem was you. It's not a hand wavy theoretical take, it's a consistent pattern from dozens of instances at a variety of companies.
Well I am vegan, and let me tell you, some vegans are completely insufferable. While it's true that the people ranting about vegans outnumber the insufferable vegans, there is a core of truth to it.
I didn't read all 416 comments in this thread, but I've definitely worked with some people who religiously follow Clean Code to the point of toxicity. Perhaps the most bizarre example I encountered was the person who insisted that they're a backend dev, that they should never have to open the UI to test anything as tests should always be sufficient, and would continue pushing bugs in to production because the early "startup days" had produced some pretty crappy code with limited (or no!) tests. It was completely unworkable. The team literally had a party after he left. That was after two people had quit in large part due to this person.
I have also worked with some people who generally liked Clean Code but didn't follow it religiously in spite of what works for this specific project. That's fine: that's just a normal type disagreement like Python vs. Ruby or where to put the braces or whatever: you talk to each other, and reach some solution that reasonably works for everyone.
And the "reactionaries" are mostly just normal folks who want to get stuff done.
On top of that, the argument was "i hate clean code people because they use bad reasoning (read something in a blog)". These are exclusive from each other. The OC basically argued there are no good reasons for clean code.
I prefer readable code, but I wouldn't call myself a "clean code" person.
I am in here taking a strong stance against CC, but I am happy to agree with you and steel-man your point: I think Clean Code is perfectly fine and workable in academic and single-developer software projects.
I think most of this pushback (certainly all of mine) is about it creeping into production environments and exacerbating personality traits that tend to be problematic in team settings, which does not invalidate the abstract idea and should instead be scoped to its practice.
> It still blows my mind how dogmatic some people can be about things like this. I don't understand why anyone takes these things as gospel.
I love reading books for different perspectives.
However, I’ve come to despise people who read books and then try to lord their book knowledge over others. These are the people who think that they have the upper hand in every situation because they read some books. They almost always assume you haven’t read them. If you point out that you have also read them, they switch the subject to another set of books they read because they don’t like when someone tries to undermine their book knowledge superiority.
It’s even worse when the person reads books outside of their domain and tries to import that book knowledge into the workplace. The absolute worst manager I had was a guy who read a lot of pop-psychology books and then tried to psychoanalyze each of us according to those books.
I’ve noticed the worse someone is in a language, the worse they format it.
People then develop fastidious code formatting rules because they realize well formatted code is easier to read and extend.
Then people realize it’s the organization of the code, not the rules themselves. They have preferences, but don’t treat those preferences as “the one true way”.
So people with fastidious rules are in that middle ground of becoming less bad, and that’s a wide swath of abilities.
> Then people realize it’s the organization of the code, not the rules themselves. They have preferences, but don’t treat those preferences as “the one true way”.
Yup, I agree with this
It's not about, let's say, where your curly braces stay, but being consistent
Though in some cases I'd argue that things like a very strict 80 character limit actually results in worse code (or at least worse to read code)
Think about it. It’s because smart people don’t need clean code. It’s so trivial to them and so readable that they really don’t need things to be ultra clean and well formatted.
So the tendency to have this ocd need to write clean code among smart people is random. They either have it or they don’t give a shit.
But among stupid people it’s not random. They need clean code because they are not smart enough to understand code that isn’t clean.
Shitty code doesn't run or doesn't do what the author thinks it's supposed to do. You can't write genuinely shitty code and be smart.
I've seen smart people get caught in trying to write "clever" code. Abusing features of a language to make the code "look" smart. And I've never seen someone I've considered smart write completely unformatted code where it matters.
I may not agree with all of their choices, but the smartest people I've worked with tend to have the structure of the code reflect the structure of the problem as they see it in their head. And yes, that tracks, you begin to use the code itself as an assistant to your own thinking. You don't think about where things are because they are where they should be.
Forcing yourself to remember a bunch of pointless minutiae in order to write software isn't a mark of intelligence, it's a mark of someone who wants to be seen as intelligent.
>Shitty code doesn't run or doesn't do what the author thinks it's supposed to do. You can't write genuinely shitty code and be smart.
By shitty code I mean aesthetically shitty. Not intrinsically shitty. So definitionally true, depending on your definition. Obviously I'm talking and I established context so most readers can figure out that I'm utilizing MY definition and NOT your own.
>I've seen smart people get caught in trying to write "clever" code. Abusing features of a language to make the code "look" smart. And I've never seen someone I've considered smart write completely unformatted code where it matters.
Then you've never been around the smartest people. Likely you've been around smarter then average people.
>I may not agree with all of their choices, but the smartest people I've worked with tend to have the structure of the code reflect the structure of the problem as they see it in their head. And yes, that tracks, you begin to use the code itself as an assistant to your own thinking. You don't think about where things are because they are where they should be.
Yeah and the smartest people structure the problem in their head in a way normal people can't easily understand. They can hold much more in their head so the structures can be complex.
>Forcing yourself to remember a bunch of pointless minutiae in order to write software isn't a mark of intelligence, it's a mark of someone who wants to be seen as intelligent.
Isn't that my point? Formatting rules are a bunch of pointless minutiae to intelligent people. It doesn't assist them in readability because their intelligence allows them to parse even the shittiest code with complete ease. And I mean aesthetically shitty, not intrinsically shitty.
> Then you've never been around the smartest people. Likely you've been around smarter then average people.
This is totally unfalsifiable. I claim that the smartest people around always wear clown shoes to work. If you disagree, it's simply because you haven't met any of the people I'm talking about. QED
So. I'm offering my anecdotal opinion. If you want to make it invalid because you can't falsify it so be it.
It's like proving the ground exists when you jump off the bed in the morning. The overly nerdy and stupid HNer can't even move an inch off the bed until the scientific method is employed in attempt to falsify whether the groun doesn't exist. OoooooOOh.
I'm just offering my anecdota opinion here. If you can't listen to normal conversation and you can only read research papers (which mind you suffers from a replication crisis) then more power to you.
Then say ugly. "Shitty" can be ambiguous as you see. Most people would classify buggy code as shitty code.
> Then you've never been around the smartest people. Likely you've been around smarter then average people.
This is essentially using your own belief as proof that your belief is correct. You say I haven't been around the smartest people because I say the smartest people don't do what you claim. You are saying "I'm right therefore you are wrong". Maybe you haven't been around the smartest people.
> Yeah and the smartest people structure the problem in their head in a way normal people can't easily understand. They can hold much more in their head so the structures can be complex.
Complex is easy. Simple is hard. And yes, some things are inherently more complex than others. But the goal is to hold the important things in your head. Offload as much as you can so you can focus on what matters.
> Isn't that my point? Formatting rules are a bunch of pointless minutiae to intelligent people. It doesn't assist them in readability because their intelligence allows them to parse even the shittiest code with complete ease. And I mean aesthetically shitty, not intrinsically shitty.
No. It's not the point you are making.
Also, look at to everything I said. Strict adherence to any one style is not a marker of intelligence. I explicitly said that strict adherence is essentially for people in a wide range of skills. But the best have preferences, but realize that they are more guidelines and readability matters more than the rules.
And the rules should be logical and essentially second nature. Like indenting is completely optional in most languages. But proper indenting allows you to better visualize the flow of the code. Nobody reads/writes minified JavaScript.
>This is essentially using your own belief as proof that your belief is correct. You say I haven't been around the smartest people because I say the smartest people don't do what you claim. You are saying "I'm right therefore you are wrong". Maybe you haven't been around the smartest people.
I have quantitative evidence of this. There IQs were above 150.
>Complex is easy. Simple is hard. And yes, some things are inherently more complex than others. But the goal is to hold the important things in your head. Offload as much as you can so you can focus on what matters.
complex is not easy. And simple is not necessarily always hard. The story is obviously more complex then this.
>No. It's not the point you are making.
It is. It was a rhetorical question.
I looked at everything you said. First off I never said anything about strict adeherence to a style. Smart people have there preferences.
>And the rules should be logical and essentially second nature. Like indenting is completely optional in most languages. But proper indenting allows you to better visualize the flow of the code. Nobody reads/writes minified JavaScript.
I've seen smart people who can do this. They don't even really care.
> It's almost like you are saying whatever you think will make you right in the moment.
Please don't cross into personal attack, no matter how wrong another commenter is or you feel they are. It just makes things worse. We've had to ask you this before.
It came up because we talked about Mensa and he was part of it. I asked his iq and he told me. He claimed it and I believe him. Then the other guy also said he was offered to join Mensa but didn’t. Take from that what you will.
Not a huge sample size. Not to mention, 150+ puts one in the 99.9th percentile. One in a thousand. So out of every thousand people you meet, one of them probably had an equivalent IQ.
That being said, I guarantee that there are way more people on these boards with equivalent levels of intelligence and that those people also know several people with equivalent levels of intelligence. You are likely arguing against a couple of them. And you aren't arguing about something you can do, you are arguing about people who claim to be doing it.
Also, let's separate "ability to program" from intelligence. While intelligence is a boon to most things, including ability to program, you can be smart and bad at things.
Also, let's give them some benefit of the doubt. There is a difference between code you don't understand and poorly formatted code.
That’s two people plus my entire experience of about 20 years working with all kinds of people.
I’m tired of nerdy idiots on HN demanding a scientific study when presented with an argument they disagree with.
Like can you debate and talk about topics where scientific data isn’t available? This ironically savant like rigor to interprete reality only through the lens of science when convenient is my anecdotal evidence of someone who is stupid instead of smart. Do you need a fucking scientific study to prove the ground is real when you jump off the bed in the morning? Fuck your science. The most interesting things about this world are things where science isn’t available and those are the things worth debating about. But for you just you can just fuck the hell off every time you encounter a topic where the “sample size” isn’t big enough.
That being said, I don’t have a scientific study on this but I can assure you no programmer claims they write shitty or ugly code no matter their intelligence. The claim is from me. I observe their code and I think their code is shitty while they think their code is fine.
These geniuses solve bugs faster, make features faster, make significantly less mistakes but oftentimes their code is significantly harder to read. That’s my anecdotal opinion. Up to you whether you want to believe it.
The problem with HN is that most people here are average and because they are average they value clean code more then smart people. The issue is these average people think they’re smart and they think clean code is a trait associated with intelligence. That describes YOU to a T and the fact that you know I’m right should tell you that there are people in life smart enough to move through the world and listen to opinions and make decisions without the need of the rigor of science and a large enough sample size.
Could you please stop breaking the site guidelines? We've already had to ask you once. If you'd please review and stick to the rules when posting here, we'd appreciate it. Note this one:
"Please don't sneer, including at the rest of the community."
It's reliably a marker of bad comments and worse threads, and you've unfortunately been doing it repeatedly.
If you know more than others and are smarter and more above-average than others, that's great—in that case please share some of what you know so the rest of us can learn. If you don't have time or don't want to do that, that's fine too—but in that case please don't post. Posting putdowns instead doesn't help anybody, and it degrades the container.
When you're writing it you have the help of the compiler and various other tools, plus you have the model of what the code is doing fully-formed in your head, and you have the recent memory of various other approaches you took and how and why they failed. When you're reading it you have none of those things.
So, code is harder to read than it is to write.
So if you write code that uses your full intellect to write it out, you are therefore by definition too dumb to read it.
I've been trying for years to track down a quote I lost, and it sounds like something you might know, because I think it would have resonated with you.
It was from Charles Simonyi, talking about how as he got older, his prodigious ability to juggle large amounts of information in his head declined, and as a result, he started writing better code. Do you know it?
Also, I half agree with your point, but I see it happen in two different ways. When writing ad hoc code for research purposes, I see very gifted people write seemingly sloppy, to-the-point code because it's the quickest way to the result. I say seemingly sloppy because another programmer would see an intricate mechanism that in so many places is a hair's breadth from being wrong, and they would want to reorganize it to make it more obvious that the code is correct. The savant who wrote the code is like, it's already 100% obvious, how could any change make it more obvious than that?
In the software development context, I sometimes see very gifted people write incredibly complex code because they enjoy flexing their intellectual muscles and seeing the ornate towers they can create. But I also see average programmers and dumb programmers do the same thing, the only difference being that the gifted people can get away with more before it starts to hurt them. What's more, I see very good engineers, gifted but not as gifted, try to follow the example of a savant and end up accomplishing far less than they could if they cut themselves a break and wrote plain code without all the flourishes and ornaments. A gifted programmer usually gets tired of this and grows out of it, but some of them enjoy it so much they commit to fooling themselves and other people that it's the right way to write software.
> So the tendency to have this ocd need to write clean code among smart people is random
It is if they work entirely alone and their work doesn't depend at all on the success of others using their code. However, when it comes to big software projects, my experience is that it's not random: the smartest people do end up writing good code, unless they have ulterior motivations or a severe social blind spot.
No. This what stupid people who think they are smart tend to think.
Smart people often don’t realize how smart they are and they don’t recognize there code as unclean. To them it’s trivial.
A lot and I mean a lot of people on HN think they are smart but they are actually average or stupid. The amount of smart people operating at that level is rare. Really rare. I’ve been at entire companies where there isn’t one person who is actually “smart” at the level I describe. Most people are just average.
Okay so your definition of “smart” sounds different than the definition everyone else in this thread is using. Sounds more like you’re talking about “genius” to me, specifically in a savant type way where they are incapable of relating to average people.
No. I’m talking about genius. Not savant. Savants likely can’t relate to your emotions. Geniuses can. The difference is just if it takes them 1 second to parse what takes you 5 minutes to do the same they often don’t realize this unless you tell them.
That being said what I talk about lives on a gradient. The smarter you are the greater degree of tendency you have to write shitty code.
The cleaner your code the higher possible chance you are stupider. It’s not a definitive sign but there is a correlation.
Probably because you think you're smart AND you write excessively clean code and are excessively anal about it. Whether you actually are smart is a different story.
Reality is that you have to work with different levels of intelligence. Your stack must be understandable also for the "common" programmer. Otherwise goodluck finding people.
True. But what I said is still true. The tendency exists.
Smart people don’t often know how smart they are and don’t realize how unreadable their code is until code review time and the stupid person points out what the smart person considered “obvious”
I've inherited many sloppily formatted code bases that all contained mistakes which blended into the mess. Consistently styled code has the nice property that certain types of mistakes stand out immediately.
For example, there's a large chunk of code following an if statement, but it's indented the same as the body of the if. The dev overlooks the closing brace and puts the logic in the wrong place. Additionally, there is a nested if statement whose body is indented less than the surrounding code. It's hard to read, and error prone.
I can't imagine a "good" developer putting up with that, although I admit you don't have to be "fastidious" to prevent this type of thing.
I can't remember the last time I worked on a team without automatic linting enforced on check-in. Why would people choose to waste time arguing over that can be automated?
Well I mean they wrote books about it and one guy had the audacity to call his opinion a “philosophy” even though it’s just an arbitrary opinion.
Most of software is about assigning big words and over complicated nomenclature to concepts and these things masquerade as things with deeper meaning when in reality it’s just some made up opinion.
Software design is an art. It is not engineering and it is not science. That’s why there’s so much made up bullshit. The irony is we use “art” to solve engineering problems in programming. It’s like ok we don’t actually know the most optimal way to program a solution here so we make up bs patterns and philosophies. But then let’s give this bs pattern some crazy over complicated name like Scientology or inversion of control and now everyone thinks it’s a formal and legitimate scientific concept.
Well cats out of the bag for Scientology. Not yet for a lot of the bs in software. A “philosophy” is the biggest utter bullshit word for this stuff I’ve ever seen.
But there are typical practices we agree are good: using a VCS, writing tests, write comments when needed, separate different level of abstractions, etc. Right? This comes from years of common experience in software.
Over time we get to find patterns, common issues and ways to fix them, etc. It doesn't have to be strict patterns but overall strategies.
If we don't do that then it's just vibes right? Where's the engineering part?
Nothing is fixed in stone. If you have strong typing and program with pure functions and immutability while utilizing union types and matching to the full extent you typically need very few unit tests for your code to work. You just need integration and e2e tests.
I write very little unit tests as my coding style that employs static checks as viciously as possible doesn’t necessitate it.
I would say only 30 percent of patterns are good and shared. The other stuff is just artistry and opinion. Like method name length or comments or OOP.
I don't really agree, unit test should test behavior, having types or not should not be a defining factor in the coverage.
I don't think patterns as a whole are good but there are known issues and structures to existing problems so boiling it down to art seems reductionist imo.
I don't really agree, unit test should test behavior, having types of not should not be a defining factor in the coverage.
I don't think patterns as a whole are good but there are known issues and structures to existing problems so boiling it down to art seems reductionist imo.
You don’t agree because you likely aren’t utilizing static checks to the extent that I do. Like there are no strings or numbers in my code. Everything is operating on strict union type boundaries. The only place where you have unbounded types like strings is on the interface to IO or state.
I can code and not test behavior and have that behavior work reliably without tests. Key word is the unit trst. Typically IO and things that live outside these boundaries need integration tests.
Most of web programming today actually doesn’t need much unit testing. You’re not doing much processing. The web layer functions as a router and that layer is a meta layer that writes code that executes somewhere else.
Over half the code executes as sql. Integration tests are by far more important.
Boiling it down to an art is not reductionist. It’s true. Where is the scientific method in programming? How was a pattern deduced using the scientific method? If it was not deduced using the method then was it created from axioms and logic like math? Is it a theorem?
No. It’s all just made up. And we have no quantitative way of verifying why one design is better than another design. That’s why software technology often moves horizontally. There’s no way to verify the current design was better than the last.
Even both you and I have a disagreement and are at a stalemate. Can you prove your unit testing is superior to my static testing? Not really. Actually tbf static checking is provably better if you don’t count the dimension of effort required to use dependent types.
That's an interesting approach, I'd like to see an implementation of what you're talking about. What language are you using that has such an expressive type system?
Oh, I agree that there usually isn't a scientific method to programming. I think there could be though. Not for everything of course, some things will always be up to personal taste and interpretation but the cursor could probably be moved with some effort in analyzing existing codebases at scale, doing surveys, internal testing of different approaches in large companies. Something more akin to what you see in social sciences, even if it might be a bad word in some circles!
We probably won't agree but I legitimately enjoy hearing about how people code.
Typescript is capable of dependent typing, union types, exhaustive matching and everything needed to achieve this style of programming. It's just not strict.
The other language is rust. Though it's type system is not as expressive as typescript it is strict meaning nobody can really cheat their way out of it. In general Rust code requires less unit tests then typescript because of this.
The other language is Idris and Haskell. But these languages are rarely used.
Thanks, I haven't touched Typescript in a while so it might be the occasion for that. When do you feel like you have a handle on the behavior, do you have complex integration tests then?
Yeah. That's where it should be. Usually though you don't need much parsing as it's coming in as json or a protobuf. But the interface between IO and your code program is where exceptions and errors can occur. Beyond this boundary your code should be pure and deterministic.
Since you're doing your own parsing rather then using schema validators and existing formats like json, yes your code is doing A LOT of data processing and thus requires a lot of unit tests. Most of the time developers can trust the parsing libraries.
What you’re describing isn’t exactly new territory for me. Maybe you’re writing for the room, and not immediately for my benefit.
Parsing is kind of… everywhere. Path piece instances? Parsing. Forms? Parsing. The whole point of smart constructors is parsing. Deserialising from the persistence layer? Parsing. Sure, JSON and Protobuf also, but even when relying on a robust library like aeson, we still write tests. Why wouldn’t you? The types you define can be serialised in different ways, and the way you deserialise needs to roundtrip with the way you (or an external system) serialise(s), which also necessitates more tests.
> "Boiling it down to an art is not reductionist. It’s true. Where is the scientific method in programming? How was a pattern deduced using the scientific method? If it was not deduced using the method then was it created from axioms and logic like math? Is it a theorem?
No. It’s all just made up. And we have no quantitative way of verifying why one design is better than another design. That’s why software technology often moves horizontally. There’s no way to verify the current design was better than the last."
Thanks for saying this. I've never stopped rolling my eyes at the assertion that web programming is an engineering discipline.
The issue is that programming is communication. Communication is indeed a form of art. Programming is not just giving instructions to machines, if that was the case we would be happily using binary code. So we have two dimensions, the first one is giving the binary instructions, but the other one is how to make these instructions understandable by humans, including ourselves.
Square people are never going to agree with cool people.
You can be cool and code some monstruosity or you can be square and say "we have to rebuild this entire project from scratch" everytime you see a long method.
You just need to work on one project built by someone that implemented Uncle Bob recommendations blindly when the books came out to know how much they are worth. There were some low hanging fruits to pick at the time regarding trying to be better at software engineering and he generated some text about them.
Full of terrible advices, he never wrote anything significant (in scope and notoriety) during his time as a software engineer like many other prominent authors at the beginning of the agile era. The success is only the result of a wave of junior devs searching for some sort of guidance, something that there is a never-ending need for.
Horrible recommendations that produced a lot of code that is a pain to work on with the abundant amount of indirection it has. Really painful guys.
> The success is only the result of a wave of junior devs searching for some sort of guidance, something that there is a never-ending need for.
The issue is that, some never grown out of it.
I interviewed with companies where they give the book to any new intern/junior.
Then, during the hiring process, they don't even ask if you read it, they straight up ask questions about your knowledge of it.
Like "What does Uncle Bob says about X in his book Clean Code?".
And they constantly refers to it.
Some people go as far as quoting it in PR.
The worst part being that once they leave their company, since they don't know anything else, they'll apply the same stuff elsewhere & convert their new company to it.
It's important to note that Kent Beck is not one of those people, as he shipped the first unit testing library, as well as a bunch of ones in other languages later.
Like, I personally prefer the bare assert style of testing (like pytest), but the junit style is basically everywhere now.
Kent Beck is just as bad as Uncle Bob! He drank his own proverbial Kool-Aid and went all in on the crazy XP programming fad he started (... which contains brilliance like requiring pair programming for every line of code written).
Look, both authors are very smart people who have great insights into development that we can all learn from ... but both also have the failing of being way too in love with their own ideas.
It blinds them to the flaws in those ideas, and makes it so when you read their work you have to be skeptical and evaluate each individual idea on their own.
to come up with and advocate for paired programming before the concept existed _is_ pretty brilliant. And you also don't understand how much those practices improved software engineering, presumably because when you started programming they were already entrenched ideas, and so all you see are their shortcomings.
Those ideas do have flaws, and most of us are looking to improve how we right code. So if you aren't blind to those flaws, please, write a book or a blog or whatever on the best ways to write software so that we can all learn.
Force it on people, you'll see how much it works. Getting another pair of eyes on the code that you wrote is useful, but it's not free (effort, tolerance) and it's not for everyone. Just do proper code reviews. Middle ground.
IME code reviews are a bullshit half-measure that ends up as the worst of all worlds. It's tragic that so many companies settle on them as a compromise position.
> Getting another pair of eyes on the code that you wrote is useful, but it's not free (effort, tolerance) and it's not for everyone.
Yeah, but to be fair I would argue that in the limit, real code reviews end up looking a lot like pair programming, and you can avoid a bunch of back and forth by both people being present during development.
Obviously you still need code review (for regulatory reasons in a lot of cases), but the amount of times I've ended up on a Zoom talking through mine and others PRs makes me believe that pair programming would help here.
> and you can avoid a bunch of back and forth by both people being present during development.
I don't like pair programming for personal and cultural reasons (eg: I am uncomfortable with the _process_, but not the results), but the people in the pro-pair-programming camp will say the quoted bit above is one of its strengths. You back/forth and fix or change things early in the process.
Doing a code review is "too late", since these early decisions that could have been made differently/better effect all the code that follows it into a further less-optimal space.
Thanks for the correction, my opinion on the lack of credentials is that in the early days you just didn't need them to become popular, so little content that no one checked. I bit like it's happening nowadays with the anime profile pic twitter accounts acting like they invented AI, with zero code or achievements being shown.
The main issue with all of these files is that there is quite a bit of boilerplate code, but that's Java's fault, not the code's fault.
I'm sorry, but I disagree. Looking for the most substantial pieces of code that I could find, and they look really good. I'm sure there are some little utils or something that look strange out of context, but I would be thrilled if I were called to work on legacy code and it was this nice.
If I win the lottery, I don't want a building named after me I want to donate a copy of that book to every university computer science[1] student and make it required reading
1: I'm aware it's a software engineering book, but since there are very few B.S. Software Engineering programs out there, You Know What I Mean ™
Clean code, design patterns etc. were also picked up by teachers, professors and course instructors.
I think these paradigms and patterns often operate on the wrong layer of abstraction, while mostly ignoring the things that matter the most, like efficiency, error handling and debugging.
But getting good at these things requires a lot more blood, sweat and tears, so there's no easily teachable recipe for that.
Clean Code is trying to operate at a layer far more important than efficiency: code maintenance. In the vast majority of cases computers are fast enough that you don't need to worry about efficiency. (part of this is any modern language provides all the common algorithms that are already highly optimized and easier to use than the writing them by hand and so the common places where you would want to worry are already efficient).
Of course error handling and debugging are part of maintenance. However there is a lot more than those two that need to be considered as well.
There is reason to hate Clean Code, but the worst adherents to the rules are still producing far better code than some of the impossible stuff that happened before. "Goto considered harmful" is one of the early steps in fixing all the bad things programmers used to do (and some still do), but you can follow the "rules" of goto considered harmful and still produce really bad code so we need more.
From personal experience, the most time consuming maintenance issues arise because of the following things:
- third party dependencies, compatibility issues, breaking changes
- code that is bloated with abstractions and indirection
- performance issues, especially when worked around via caching etc.
- bad error handling
- inconsistent data
Simpler code that can be followed and stepped through in a straight forward manner avoids 3/5 of these from the get go. Patterns and abstractions that emerge over time are sometimes beneficial. Legacy code or third party code that overuses abstractions is really more of a hindrance and significantly slows down how fast I can understand, own and fix things.
IME the most time consuming maintenance issues are due to inconsistent code, which is usually a result of trying to avoid "abstractions and indirection" and keep it straightforward. A bunch of classes that just call each other is annoying, but trying to solve that by inlining the code results in something worse.
I agree. But here are other ways of accretion of code inconsistencies:
- Premature abstractions that are subsequently worked around around the edges.
- Automation built on top of wishful thinking instead of how people actually prefer to work.
- Inconsistent naming and file structure.
- Adopting many advanced or hyperspecific styles and techniques instead of leaning on more basic ones that already solve a problem.
I find it way easier, to go from more primitive, consistent, "inlined" code to more sophisticated abstractions that clearly solve emergent problems at a later point in time, than changing the direction of already factored, high level code.
To me it's a matter of mental capacity and friction as well. This stuff is hard, time consuming and requires deliberate effort. I rather accept that code goes through different phases of maturity and that using and maintaining the actual programs over time, gives me a much clearer path forward than applying patterns and principles in advance on an abstract level.
A caveat here is that many of these inconsistency factors come from adopting third party dependencies. In my experience this is the largest chunk of liability or tech debt.
However, a large factor that is often overlooked in these discussions, is also organizational scale. When you have to own and understand things from A-Z you can get away with different things than if you are one part of a much larger team and vice versa.
I'm firmly in the former category, so I have to optimize for being able to take a much larger slice of responsibility. But I can also get away with leaving code in a more raw state for longer. I assume this balance looks different the more people you add to a project or organization.
I think we need to take this into consideration in these public discussions. It's ultimately a trade off and programmers from different backgrounds will have different sensibilities.
> I find it way easier, to go from more primitive, consistent, "inlined" code to more sophisticated abstractions that clearly solve emergent problems at a later point in time, than changing the direction of already factored, high level code.
Depends. If you reach the codebase at the point where it's already accumulated subtle differences between codepaths that should be the same, that's far harder than inlining and rearranging something that's been factored badly, IME.
> A caveat here is that many of these inconsistency factors come from adopting third party dependencies.
I find the exact opposite. Developing too much internally creates a lot of inconsistency. If you hit an incompatible change in a third party dependency, odds are a lot of other people have hit the same thing and can tell you what to do.
There is an important case for comments that neither of them touched on. Sometimes you are dealing with bugs or counterintuitive processes beyond your control.
For example, I am writing some driver software for a USB device right now. It is so easy to get the device into a bad state, even when staying within the documented protocol. Every time I implement a workaround, or figure out exactly how the device expects a message to appear, I put in a comment to document it. Otherwise, when (inevitably) the code needs to have features added, or refactoring, I will completely forget why I wrote it that way.
The prime number example is a self-contained, deterministic algorithm. While I did find it far easier to parse with comments, I could still spend the time to understand it without them. In my USB device driver, no amount of review without comments would tell another person why I wrote the sequence of commands a certain way, or what timings are important.
The only way around that would be with stupid method names like `requestSerialNumberButDontCallThisAfterSettingDisplayData` or `sendDisplayDataButDontCallTwiceWithin100Ms`.
> The only way around that would be with stupid method names
Yep. Method names make terrible comments. No spaces, hard to visually parse, and that's before acronyms and ambiguity enter the conversation.
As the person who often writes borderline-essay-length comment blocks explaining particularly spooky behaviors or things to keep in mind when dealing with a piece of counterintuitive/sensitive/scary code, my reason for mega-commenting is even simpler: all the stuff I put in comments should absolutely instead live in adjacent documentation (or ADRs, troubleshooting logs, runbooks, etc). When I put it in those places, people do not read it, and then they do the wrong things with the code. When I put it in comments, they read it, as evidenced by the rate of "that bug caused by updating the scary code in the wrong way happened again"-type events dropping to zero. It's easier to fix comment blocks than it is to fix engineers.
I really like the approach and as other comments already mentioned, this is a nice way to capture the "why" of specific decisions that go beyond the "how" in the code.
> Yep. Method names make terrible comments. No spaces, hard to visually parse, and that's before acronyms and ambiguity enter the conversation.
Which is why snake_case or kebab-case (if the language allows it) is much better than PascalCase or camelCase.
Even worse when camelCase enters into JSON because people want to automate the serde but are too lazy to make the actual interface (the JSON Schema) easy to read and debug.
Function names are limited. E.g. can't provide a circuit diagram of what you're controlling in a function name. But you can do that in a comment (either with ASCII art or an image link).
In addition to that, if the Why ever changes (maybe the issue was in an external dependency that finally got patched), you'd have to update the name or else leave it incorrect. Mildly annoying if just in one codebase, but a needlessly breaking change if that function is exported.
Agreed. So why not stuff as much as possible into the name before resorting to a comment? Prose looks ugly as a name but the utility is not diminished.
That embeds the "why" into your API. If it ever changes, the function no longer serves as an abstraction over that underlying reason & changing the function name breaks your API.
That's not to say embed nothing into the names. I'm quite fond of the "Long Names are Long" blog post[1]: names need to clearly refer to what the named thing does, and precise enough to exclude stuff it doesn't do. Names can certainly get too short, e.g. the C "sprint fast" function `sprintf` is probably too short to be easily understood.
> For example, I am writing some driver software for a USB device right now. It is so easy to get the device into a bad state, even when staying within the documented protocol. Every time I implement a workaround, or figure out exactly how the device expects a message to appear, I put in a comment to document it. Otherwise, when (inevitably) the code needs to have features added, or refactoring, I will completely forget why I wrote it that way.
I believe in general there is a case for this (your case sounds like a perfect candidate). The implementation of Dtrace is another example[0] full of good description, including ASCII diagrams (aside: a case for knowing a bit of Emacs (though I'm sure vim has diagramming too, which I would know if I pulled myself out of nvi long enough to find out)).
While I am not a Uncle Bob-style "no comments"er I do love a ridiculous method name. I pay very close attention to that method and the context in which it is called because, well, it must be doing something very weird to deserve a name length like that.
That’s exactly why you should save that length only for a method that’s indeed doing something weird. If every method is long, the codebase turns into noise. (IOW I agree)
This doesn’t happen in reality. Your program does so many things that practically speaking short names work for a lot of functions in the program. It’s like English. There are big words and there are small words and usually to communicate a combination of big and small words are used.
Nobody practically communicates with big words. A long function name only pops up when needed.
I used to work this way, but I found that every non-trivial method involves edge-cases and workarounds documenting them the method name destroyed readability.
The only point I was making is that short name signals that nothing unusual is going on, and long name signals that you have to pay extra attention. I never suggest to replace a comment with a long name. Here's my 4 reasons to leave a comment: Comments are crucial for "why", and additional context. Name shouldn't go beyond "what". More on that here: (Check the "What" section that focuses on naming).
There are a few Haskell functions with names like reallyUnsafePtrEquality# or accursedUnutterablePerformIO, and you know something interesting is going on :P
Sounds like you should instead be making these invalid states unrepresentable by encoding them in types and/or adding assertions. Especially if you're exposing them as interfaces, as your example function names would imply.
They're invalid states inside the USB device, not inside the driver code. So nothing you do to the driver code can make them unrepresentable. The best you can do is avoid frobbing the device in the problematic ways.
I don’t see anything wrong with those names. A bit hard to parse but the name moves with the function call while a comment does not.
It’s annoying to look at but when you actually read the function you know what it does. A more elegantly named function is less annoying to read but less informative and doesn’t provide critical information.
The name just looks ugly. But it’s like people have this ocd need to make things elegant when elegance is actually detrimental to the user. Can you actually give a legitimate reason why a method name like that is stupid other then its “hard to parse”. Like another user said… use snake case if you want to make it easier.
Encoding temporal dependencies (or exclusions) between methods is hard. You can get partially there by using something like a typestate pattern (common in rust).
Have you thought about distilling your hard-earned information about the device's behavior into a simulator for the device you could test your code against?
I strongly recommend "A Philosophy of Software Design". It basically boils down to measuring the quality of an abstraction by the ratio of the complexity it contains vs the complexity of the interface. Or at least, that's the rule of thumb I came away with, and it's incredible how far that heuristic takes you. I'm constantly thinking about my software design in these terms now, and it's hugely helpful.
I didn't feel like my code became better or easier to maintain, after reading other programming advice books, including "Clean Code".
A distant second recommendation is Programming Pearls, which had some gems in it.
Implicitly, IIRC, the optimal ratio is 5-20:1. Your interface must cover 5-20 cases for it have value. Any fewer, the additional abstraction is unneeded complexity. Any more, and your abstraction is likely too broad to be useful/understandable. The example he gives specifically was considering the number of subclasses in a hierarchy.
It’s like a secret unlock code for domain modeling. Or deciding how long functions should be (5-20 lines, with exceptions).
The scenario NEVER comes up in the future as it was originally expected. You'll end up having to remove and refactor a lot of code. Abstractions are useful only used sparingly and when they don't account for handling something that doesn't even exist yet.
When doing the initial design start in the middle of the complexity to abstraction budget. If you have 100 “units of complexity” (lines of code, conditions, states, classes, use cases, whatever) try to find 10 subdivisions of 10 units each. Rarely, you’ll have a one-off. Sometimes, you’ll end up with more than 20 in a group. Mostly, you should have 5-20 groups of 5-20 units.
If you start there, you have room for your abstraction to bend before it becomes too brittle and you need to refactor.
Almost never is an interface worth it for 1 implementation, sometimes for 3, often for 5-20, sometimes for >20.
The trick is recognizing both a “unit of complexity” and how many “units” a given abstraction covers. And, of course, different units might be in tension and you have to make a judgement call. It’s not a silver bullet. Just a useful (for me at least) framing for thinking about how to manage complexity.
Even one use case may be enough e.g., if one class accepts another then a protocol (using Python parlance) SupportsSomething could be used
to decouple two classes, to carve out the exact boundary. The protocol may be used for creating a test double (a fake) too.
If you own the code base, refactor. It's true that, if you're offering a stable interface to users whose code you can't edit, you need to plan carefully for backward compatibility.
"We'll extract interfaces as and when we need them - and when we know what the requirements are we'll be more able to design interfaces that fit them. Extracting them now is premature, unless we really don't have any other feature work to be doing?"
Maybe some examples would clarify your intent, because all the candidate interpretations I can think of are absurd.
The sin() function in the C standard library covers 2⁶⁴ cases, because it takes one argument which is, on most platforms, 64 bits. Are you suggesting that it should be separated into 2⁶⁰ separate functions?
If you're saying you should pass in boolean and enum parameters to tell a subroutine or class which of your 5–20 use cases the caller needs? I couldn't disagree more. Make them separate subroutines or classes.
If you have 5–20 lines of code in a subroutine, but no conditionals or possibly-zero-iteration loops, those lines of code are all the same case. The subroutine doesn't run some of them in some cases and others in other cases.
Sounds like you haven't ever tried to implement it. But if the "case" you're thinking of is the "case" narnarpapadaddy was referring to, that takes us to their clause, "Any fewer [cases], the additional abstraction is unneeded complexity." This is obviously absurd when we're talking about the sin() function. Therefore, that can't possibly have been their intended meaning.
The alternative and more charitable interpretation, of course, is that a single function like sin() is not what said GP meant when using the word "interface". But hey, don't let me interrupt your tilting at straw men, you're doing a great job.
Appreciate the charitable interpretation. Both “complexity“ and “abstraction” take many different forms in software, and exceptions to the rule-of-thumb abound so it’s easy to come up with counter examples. Regardless, thinking in terms of complexity ratios has been a useful perspective for me. :)
IMO, a function _can_ be an interface in the broadest sense of that term. You’re just giving a name to some set of code you’d like to reuse or hide.
Think of it more like a “complexity distribution.”
Rarely, a function with a single line or an interface with a single element or a class hierarchy with a single parent and child is useful. Mostly, that abstraction is overhead.
Often, a function with 5-20 lines or an interface 5-20 members or a class hierarchy with 5-20 children is a useful abstraction. That’s the sweet spot between too broad (function “doStuff”) and too narrow (function “callMomOnTheLandLine”).
Sometimes, any of the above with the >20:1 complexity ratio are useful.
It’s not a hard and fast rule. If your complexity ratio falls outside that range, think twice about your abstraction.
You’re right, I suggested two different dimensions of complexity there as a lens into how much complexity a function contains. But I think the principle holds for either dimension.
I don’t think you need only 20 test cases for open(). Sometimes, more than 20 is valid because you’re saving across some other dimension of complexity. That happens and I don’t dispute it.
But the fact that you need >20 raises the question: is open() a good API?
I’m not making any particular judgment about open(), but what constitutes a good file API is hotly contested. So, for me, that example is validation of the principle: here’s an API that’s behaviorally complex and disputed. That’s exactly what I’m suggesting would happen.
Yes, open() is a good API. I can't believe you're asking that question! It's close to the Platonic ideal of a good API; not that it couldn't have been designed better, but almost no interface in the software world comes close to providing as much functionality with as little interface complexity, or serving so many different callers or so many different callees. Maybe TCP/IP, HTTP, JSON, and SQL compete along some of these axes, but not much else.
No, 20 test cases is not enough for open(). It's not even close. There are 36 error cases for open() listed in the Linux man page for it.
What constitutes a good file API is not hotly contested. It was hotly contested 50 years ago; for example, the FCB-based record I/O in CP/M and MS-DOS 1.0, TOPS-20's JFN-based interface, and OS/370's various access methods for datasets were all quite different from open() and from each other. Since about 35 years ago, every new system just copies the Unix API with minor variations. Sometimes they don't use bitwise flags, for example, or their open() reports errors via additional return values or exceptions instead of an invalid file descriptor. Sometimes they have opaque file descriptor objects instead of using integers. Sometimes the filename syntax permits drive letters, stream identifiers, or variables. But nothing looks like the I/O API of Guardian, CP/M, Multics, or VAX/VMS RMS, and for good reason.
I was around before the clean code movement, and like all software movements, it was a reaction to real problems in the software industry. Massive procedural functions with deeply nested conditionals, no structure, global variables, no testing at all. That was all the norm.
Clean Code pushed things in a better direction, but it over-corrected. In many ways APOSD (published in 2018) is a correction against the excesses of Clean Code (published in 2008).
Will people swing too far back, to giant methods, deeply nested conditionals, etc? I don't know. But probably.
I believe that there is a genuine physiological effect that makes it a good idea to have the area of code that you need to think about fit entirely on one screen, without scrolling. There is probably an upper limit to the screen height where that limit is useful: I would believe a 100-line function to be above it and a 24-line function to be safely below it, but I wouldn't want to hazard a guess in the middle.
It's all to do with how your brain processes what it's seeing, and the planning processes involved in getting to the next bit of information it needs. If that information is off-screen, then the mechanisms for stashing the current state and planning to move your hands in whatever way necessary to bring it onscreen will kick in, and that's a sort of disfluency.
Similarly with tokens too far from whatever you're currently focused on. There's likely to be a region (or possibly a number of tokens) around your current focal point within which your brain can accurately task your eyes to scan, and outside that, there's a seeking disfluency.
I think this is why you get weird edge cases like k and j, where they pride themselves on having All The Code in one 80x24 buffer, and it actually works for them despite breaking all the rules about code legibility.
The term you're looking for is cognitive load. It's a qualitative term used to represent the amount of information a person has to keep in working memory while working on a task.
Cognitive load is part of it, but it's not the only part. If you want to scroll the page, you have to engage physical movement. That's an inefficiency in itself.
I agree. I once attempted this on a javascript project (a personal project, not at work), after reading about APL/J/K people and their philosophy. My constraint was: I should never have to scroll. I also aimed to have as few files as possible.
The result was surprisingly pleasant, and it changed how I feel about this sort of thing. I think the Clean Code approach makes a lot of sense when you are working on a big project that contains lots of code that other people wrote, and you rely on IDE features like jumping to definition, etc. But if you can write code that fits on one screen without scrolling, something special happens. It's like all the negative aspects of terse code suddenly vanish and you get something way simpler and overall easier to work with and understand. But you really have to work to get it to that point. A middle ground (terse code but still spread out over lots of files, lots of scrolling) would be the worst of both worlds.
I think learning extremes can be useful, just don't take any one paradigm as gospel. Practicing Clean Code forces you to think in a special way, and when you've tried it, you start to get a feeling for where you should draw the line. Doing CC makes you a better programmer, but you have to figure out yourself where the tradeoffs are.
Other examples are TDD. Forcing myself to write tests for everything for a period has made all my code since better, even though I don't practice TDD now.
This is the Linux kernel approach, and is a big part of why the kernel uses 8-space tabs. It's generally very effective for understanding what is happening. I'm happy with a 200-line straight-line-with-error-handling function, while a monstrosity of 10 20-line functions that all do if-else is quite a bit harder to read. The latter is "clean code."
I don't know, I think the kind of person that comments on hacker news is not the average sort of programmer. I mentioned Clean Code to a more experienced colleague today and he had no idea what I was talking about, and when I mentioned the ideas to him he laughed at them. So I don't think there's some sort of pendulum swinging the other way and people are going to start writing massive functions. You'll probably just see small subcultures come up with some new idea that's obnoxious.
There have been some pendulum swinging around things like monoliths/microservices, but even then the amount of people that those things effected is actually much less than the larger community of programmers as a whole.
I have worked with a couple of people over the years who instead of breaking functions out when something would say make sense to be reused or made some sort of logical sense as a unit, instead seemingly just bundle lines whose only real relationship was that they happened to be near each other when they decided to "refactor".
Having read Clean Code back in college as it was assigned reading, it was absolutely the vibe I got from Uncle Bob generally. See any number of lines at the same indentation level, select them, extract method, name it vaguely for some part of what it does, repeat.
I honestly think that it comes from this type of school of thought that a function should be X lines rather than a function achieving a function. Thinking about this now, it's sort of the difference between "subroutines" and "functions".
Working on their code, I thank god for modern IDEs ability to inline. I often go through and restructure the code just to understand the full scope of what it's doing, before restoring what I can of the original to make my changes as minimal as possible.
The warning sign I see when methods are split too much is that the method boundaries start to get messy: methods take too many arguments, or state is saved into confusingly named class members, or you end up returning some struct containing a grab bag of unrelated values.
It's been a long time since I've read the book but I took it to be less 'cut the function at X lines' and more 'long functions tend to be doing too many things at a time'. I think if you're able to give a good name to some sub section of a function, it's a good sign that it can be extracted out. At that point, you shouldnt need to look at the functions implementation unless its the specific function that you want to modify, because its name and arguments should be enough to know what it does and that you don't need to touch it.
Are we talking about the same thing and you'd still find that hard to understand?
I've enjoyed both books but Uncle Bob is something you grow out of. He was a bit of a cult figure at the time. Trying to actually follow the guidelines in Clean Code taught me a lot about "over-decomposition" and, ultimately, how not to write code. It reminds me it's possible to take aesthetics so far the results become ugly. Fussing over a proliferation of small functions that do only one thing is a kind of madness. Each individual function eventually does zero things. You are left sifting through the ashes of your program wondering "Where did I go wrong?"
On the meta level, these exchanges, while mildly interesting, have the vibe of debating how many angels can dance on the head of a pin. I'm reminded of the old saying: "Writing about music is like dancing about architecture." If you want to write good code, read good code. Develop a taste that makes sense to you. I don't think I'll ever read a book about code composition again.
You need to know what is good code. Opinions may vary a lot between programmers, even senior ones. The Clean Code cult would tell you to find good code there but that is the most poisonous programming book I have read.
Forget about the code itself and focus on the results.
What I mean by that: Good code is code that has proven itself by surviving quietly in a long-living project that has changed a lot over many cycles of new engineers (experienced or otherwise) being onboarded. The less you hear people complain about it but the more you find people using or relying on it in some way, the better the code. If people are loud about how much they like it, it’s either new, or it’s something they’ve convinced themselves to like but know in their hearts is bad. It’s the stuff that just works that’s good - it’s so good people don’t even notice it.
No, because then you end up reading old C-code that are IFDEF mazes and think that is good code. No, to see good code you usually have to look at what experienced people write when they get to greenfield something new.
What makes it good is the tradeoff between how well it solves the problem compared to how easy it is to maintain. And people learn how to write better code as they get more experienced, but old projects are seldom rewritten using the learnings - it is often just easier to start over from scratch.
You have to read a lot of different code. Everyone thinks their code is good when they write it. Often old ugly code has a beautiful design still hidden behind many many requirements changes that didn't fit with the original design. Other code looks nice and beautiful but it will stand the test of requirement changes even worse than the other.
Not really, long-living projects don't adapt their complete code base with gained experience, much like the Linux Kernel probably will never be rewritten in Rust, C++ projects never transformed to C++14+, etc.
The interesting thing to look for here is the parts of the codebase that don't need to adapt with gained experience. That's the key. If people aren't changing it, they haven't needed to, and that's a useful signal.
Conversely, looking for the parts of a codebase with the highest churn will tell you immediately what all the devs on that codebase will complain about, if you ask them. This has worked for me extremely well across a number of projects.
It can also mean "We have not changed this because we don't dare to do that, or it is too much work and we just have to live with the bad decisions made 25 years ago". And that is the last code you want to copy.
there are lots of very robust programs in various languages to learn from. It would be hard to know in isolation but by contrast it is easier to learn what good code looks like. Some code will flow and be easy to read. Other code will be obtuse. Start with simpler projects that don't involve a lot of low-level calls. Work up to more complex implementations. There was never a better time to read code than now with an LLM as a tutor. If you use one of the AI-integrated editors or a code packer you can provide a lot of context to the LLM. Ask the LLM for important modules and work your way through them. Ask it for alternative implementations of a function or translated into a different language. Set up an program in a running environment and walk through using a debugger. Look at the way the code is organized in files and modules. You will inevitably encounter cruft and "bad code". Sometimes there are good reasons for that too. If you prefer books, the Architectures of Open Source Applications (AOSA) books are interesting, but there really isn't a way to avoid pulling down a repo and reading the code. Soon, you'll develop your own taste for what makes sense to you and be able to think independently about the choices the developer made.
It is a bit sad but I think with the advent of LLMs some of the stylistic quirks of programmers past will become a bit anachronistic. Still, they will present opportunities for code archeology.
Just a point here, "good code" is sometimes subjective, and depends on understanding the context of what the code is doing. What you think is good code might be overly verbose to another person, or overly terse, or have poorly named variables, or not have sufficiently conservative guard clauses, or throw insufficiently-granular exceptions. What you think is confusing code might lack context for where it is in the stack and what problems it needs to solve at that layer of the stack.
You can also read critical reviews of someone else's work, compare them with the work in question, and see if the critic's punches land or if they look like misses.
^ This, I thought, was a good takedown of Clean Code, highlighting some cases where Bob Martin made too many overly thin functions that lacked meat and made it hard for the reader to gain context for what the function was trying to do. [1]
I would also say, reading "the same code" in different programming languages might get you a feel for if you prefer code to be more verbose or more terse, more explicit or more implicit. e.g.
* Every if statement is a chance of a bug because the code has two or more paths to follow. Keep the choice making at the business/requirements level of the code, not hidden inside lower level decomposition.
* A switch statement that is not exhaustive (ie covers all possible values) is a change of a bug, especially if there is no default case.
Modern languages with better type systems make the second point less relevant because they require exhaustive pattern matching.
A corollary to this is that it is also beneficial to converge separate paths as quickly as possible (e.g. using non-nullable types and default values) or converge them all to the same place (e.g. nonlocal exception handling).
it has been years since I read the book, but I'm surprised that there's so much hatred for it here. From memory it seemed like fairly harmless things like give things good names, try to make the code readable, dont comment what the code does but why, use consistent formatting, avoid duplication.
Other than people going overboard with empty classes and inheritance Ive not really seen a problem of people breaking down functions too far.
Bob's comments on... commenting.. are so bizarre that I can't help but think that he just refuses to concede the point rather than admit he might have been wrong about it. Like, the paranoia around incorrect/stale comments is fairly absurd, I've been coding for 20 years across many code bases, and I can't even recall a time when I've been significantly mislead by a comment which caused a significant waste of time. However, the amount of time I've wasted on unclear code that has zero comments is absolutely staggering. However, what really sealed the weirdness to me was his argument that this was somehow a good comment:
That's verbatim, I'm not unfairly clipping context away from it. Like, what the hell is that supposed to tell someone?! Wouldn't it just be easier to drop a link to the algorithm, or briefly explain the algorithm, or just give a name of the algorithm so someone can look it up? Instead he just talks about taking a bike ride to understand it and making a weird picture. He also has bizarre arguments that if something can't be expressed in a programming language, it's the fault of the programming language (what?!) and that code is more understandable than English. I really find it hard to believe that he thinks these are actually good arguments, I just get the impression he does not want to concede that he was wrong about this.
> so bizarre ... what the hell is that supposed to tell someone?!
I liked this bizarre comment. It was like seeing a physical geometry proof for trig. Or like thinking about primes while riding a bike for an hour.
In 10 - 15 seconds this comment offered a flash of appliable intuition into primes I'd not appreciated before.
Granted, the bulk of that was first gathering that the top 3 rows of digits were a series turned sideways (printing them rotated would have made that instant). Joys of plaintext.
But then the pattern popped, and the code, including the optimization, made sense, but now from the "grok", with MTOWTDI.
Neither their commentary nor their function names and comments, caused the grok. I could "accept" the assertions, but to me neither naming nor comments were intuitively self-evident the way the diagram was.
Both of them commented on having to dwell on what the code was doing to consider refactoring. Once this flash happens, one no longer needs reference code at all, it's just another property of primes.
Yes you are, you didn't attach the surrounding code where this comment was found. That comment would make a lot of more sense even just with the function name.
If you need the code to understand the comment, the comment is a failure. I guess what I meant is there wasn't any additional meat to the _comment_, you had to read the code to know what the comment even meant
That's the point of comments right? Comments are not supposed to be stand alone, they exist to provide additional information that the code cannot express fully, but no more than necessary that it becomes a noise. It's all about balance.
> If you need the code to understand the comment, the comment is a failure.
Nope, not all comments are for the public API. Some are very context-specific and can only be understood in that context. Fully providing all the excessive details in the comments that it becomes context-independent is pointless and time-wasting.
Lol, this reminded me of those engravings we put on spacecraft. Like, if we had to communicate the algorithm to an alien civilization then sure, this might be the best way to do it!
The juxtaposition of how the original comment starts, then the appearance of the verbatim “good comment”, then the spacecraft engravings made me laugh tears.
Especially the buildup from how bizarre the understanding of UB of comments is to actually seeing one “in the wild”.
I'm pretty much in agreement with you on this, however I'm always aware of the possibility of comments being bugs. If code gets moved around, there is the very real possibility that the comment is now attached to the wrong method or line of code.
I now comment on method or function basis, describing what the method does. The how should be evident in the body itself.
The how should be, but the why might not be. I think comments should explain choices, especially ones that I am likely to question when returning to the code later.
Actually, I presented that figure as an example of just how difficult that problem was to understand, and how (on a bike ride) I was finally able to visualize what was going on. The ascii image was presented a bit tongue in cheek.
However, if you study that image, you might come to the same insight that I (on my bike ride) came to; and that the english comments never helped me with.
I am biased ( a former coworker was an Uncle Bob fan, and was bent on doing everything by the book, with layers of abstraction, patterns, hexagonal architecture, lots of unit tests, no cutting corners, even as we did not know what exactly we want to build and needed an MVP ASAP) but I'll just say this: Ousterhout wrote TCL - widely considered one of the best C codebases - besides being a professor at Standford and having other software achievements under their belt, while Robert Martin is more like a software technology evangelist. The former good at actual deliverables the latter good at selling.
Also Ousterhout's book on design is very easy to read and I guess I liked it because I mostly just nodded in approval while reading and there were very few things that made me stop.
Biased against the approach of your former coworker and thus the "Clean Code" way? I assume it did not work out well, because you needed to move fast to build an MVP before trying to do it right?
yes, biased against knowing 'the best way do write software' and applying it regardless of what the current requirements and constraints are. And arguing for their position by sending people links to Uncle Bob videos for 'enlightenment'.
Following Clean Code is not the right way to develop software in any stage of the project. It is a few opinions of someone who has not actually written any code of substance. In addition to Clean Code being a bad approach, it can also be a very slow process.
Kenneth Copeland has been a pastor for 50 years and his theology and pastoral practice is still terrible. Years of experience is not a useful metric when you could instead look at results.
I find the lack of discussion of type systems really surprising in these sorts of discussions and books. Effective use of type systems is a killer factor for me for creating clean, safe, readable and maintainable software designs.
When used correctly, strong static type checking make certain kinds of bugs impossible, spare you from writing many kinds of tedious tests that often get in the way of refactoring, serve as documentation, and make refactoring/maintenance an order of magnitude faster and safer. Even when a type checker isn't available, avoiding dynamic behaviour is very often the safer way to go so learning how to think in that way is still beneficial.
Most of these minor topics like how big a function should be, what to name your variables, or even if you write tests before/after coding... it's like trying to come up with general rules on how to write essays, creating graphic designs, or how to cook. "It depends" on the context and juggling different priorities each time. It's the kind of thing you only learn properly through practice (, so there's only so much to gain in reading about it or discussing it after you've defined the no-brainer things to always do and always avoid.
Because the pendulum of typing hadn't swung back to static being in vogue when the Philosophy of Software Design came out. At the time you had mostly the Scala & Haskell people standing in a corner screaming until they (well, we as I was one of them) were blue in the face about reducing "certain types of bugs", and making impossible states impossible.
Since then, everyone and their brother is on the static typing train. And from that lens you're right. It seems like an omission. Give it another 10 years and people will probably think the opposite.
That was exactly the approach taken by Prof. Ousterhout in setting up the class which lead to this book --- rather than just having students turn in working code for a grade, the code is reviewed with the student and the student then works to make it better --- in turn, the 2nd edition of the book was informed by the experience of teaching the class and the author actually changed his position based on the experience gained.
Why is that convincing though? Students aren't experienced coders, aren't working in large teams, and student assignments aren't like long-term large commercial projects.
If you mean the additions here, I read these and it still sounds like general rules of thumb you'll only really learn and understand by practicing a lot e.g. "In my experience, the sweet spot is to implement new modules in a somewhat general-purpose fashion" "Having good taste is an important part of being a good software designer".
It's better credentials and experiential basis than most other programming books.
Moreover, it is the students' inexperience which give this text credence --- since it results in their making errors and poor architectural/design choices it affords the chance of correction.
I think it is remarkable that the author switched from "modules should be specialized" to "modules should be generalized" (rough paraphrasing, mailed my copy to Brazil and waiting to buy a replacement).
If you know of other books which you merit recommendation and which have a similar or better context for their authorship and exposition, I would be glad to hear of them.
> It's better credentials and experiential basis than most other programming books.
When considering coding advice, I just don't find credentials or the results of a coding experiment matter much, especially if it involves students. I run through the scenarios in my head and pick the option that makes sense given the context and competing priorities.
> I think it is remarkable that the author switched from "modules should be specialized" to "modules should be generalized" (rough paraphrasing, mailed my copy to Brazil and waiting to buy a replacement).
The link I posted has a PDF with the content I think. I guess I don't find the limited example involving a few function signatures compelling (a student assignment to write a basic text editor) or understand why I need to pick whether to trend towards modules being specialized or generalized... you treat it on a case-by-case basis, pick the one that has the most benefits given the context and be open to changing later when it makes sense? Outside of a few rules, it's boring but "it depends" really is the answer to most of these debates. Similar with how long functions should be, writing comments and how to name variables.
> If you know of other books which you merit recommendation and which have a similar or better context for their authorship and exposition, I would be glad to hear of them.
The rest probably best comes from practice, that's how I learned most of what I know here. I'm didn't for example
become a fan of strong static types because of advice based on credentials or experiments, but from experience coding with and without types.
The books aren't that similar I found. The Google one is more about practical tips on the dev process of scaling and maintaining software in teams, rather than focused on code.
Type systems and type-based coding patterns are very hip right now, but they weren't 6 years ago. That is partly because the type systems in the main languages in use 6 years ago were hack jobs (to put it politely).
I do expect the pendulum to swing against type systems at some point soon for the same reasons it swung against OOP: Too much heavy lifting done by something that's hidden from the programmer, encouraging people to be "too clever," etc. Like OOP, algebraic types are a tool that have to be used well, and the current users are people who really like type systems and do use them well. It's only a matter of time before the tool gets into the hands of the average programmer, and then we will see how terribly a great type system can hurt you.
Uncle Bob's insistence that functions should be 2-4 lines long is baffling to me. I don't understand how he can be taken seriously. Is there a single application in the entire world with substantial functionality that conforms to this rule?
I've seen this in what I call 'lasagna code' - multiple thin layers that seem to do nothing (or almost nothing) but each one is an implementation of some abstruse interface that exists in the mind of the original developer.
Eventually, your code has to do something. Get that thing in one place where you can look at it in its whole.
John Carmack would disagree with Uncle Bob and John Carmack actually programs.
My own experience is that with an IDE that can collapse a new scope in the middle of a function, you can make large functions that accomplish a lot and are very clear by writing a comment and starting a new scope.
If something is going to be called multiple times a new function makes sense, but this idea that anything that can eventually return a single value needs to be it's own function is a giant pain that creates more problems than it solves.
Just makeing a new scope in the middle of the functions lets you use all the variables in the outer scope, do transformations without introducing new variables and ultimately "return" a new variable to the outer scope.
I've never understood why polluting namespaces with dozens or hundreds of names (most of which may not be very descriptive since naming a hundred small things is already going to be confusing) is seen as a good idea. You look at a list and you have no idea what is important and what was being shoved in there to satisfy some do nothing public speaker's arbitrary rules.
The problem with collapsing is that you need to know a priori which sub-scopes are independent and hence collapsible and which aren’t. Meaning, you have to analyze the unfamiliar code first in order to know which sub-scopes you might want to collapse. And, given an already-collapsed sub-scope, due to it being collapsed you can’t see if it reads or mutates some local variable. The benefit of extracted functions is that you know that they are independent of the implementation details of the caller (i.e. can’t possibly depend on or modify local variables of the caller other the ones passed as arguments).
Too many arguments can become a problem. Nested functions can help here, because they allow you to move their implementation “out of the way” while still having access to shared variables. And sometimes a collection of parameters can sensibly become its own class.
IDE affordances are fine, but I’m opposed to requiring reliance on them for reading and understanding code, as opposed to writing.
you need to know a priori which sub-scopes are independent and hence collapsible and which aren’t.
What does independent mean? I would just collapse them all because they were meant to be collapsed in the first place.
you have to analyze the unfamiliar code first in order to know which sub-scopes you might want to collapse
Unfamiliar? I wasn't refactoring and collapsed them all.
The benefit of extracted functions is that you know that they are independent of the implementation details of the caller (i.e. can’t possibly depend on or modify local variables of the caller other the ones passed as arguments).
That's true to an extent, but this is more of a way to make monolithic functions simple, which then makes the program simpler over all because you can avoid lots of tiny little functions. What you can end up with is programs that do non trivial things but don't have tons of functions confusing the issue.
Pragmatically this isn't really a problem. The whole "it isn't exactly a 1:1 replacement" isn't the point. You can still put in comments and const references if you really want to.
IDE affordances are fine, but I’m opposed to requiring reliance on them for reading and understanding code, as opposed to writing.
Why would it be required? The alternative is that you still have these commented sections with their own scope but they aren't collapsed. You can always work on it without the IDE and when you go back to the IDE it still works.
The reality of it is that you can see a broad overview of a function then see details one section at a time and you don't even have to go skipping around to other parts of the file or other files to do it.
Too often I see functions that are shells that reshuffle the arguments and pass them to another function, which also reshuffles the arguments and forwards them to another, and on and on. One was 11 layers deep.
There see? It’s mostly doable in pure functional composition where the dot represents function composition. I program like this all the time. No way anyone can pull this off while mutating state and instantiating objects.
F . P = (x) => F(P(x))
Forgive some inconsistent formatting and naming im typing this on my phone.
People who complain about this style tend to be unfamiliar with it. If you had knowledge about procedural coding styles and a function composition approach like this then usually this style is easier as the high level function literally reads like English. You don’t need to even look at the definitions you already know what this complicated string formatting function does.
No comments needed. And neither author tells you about this super modular approach. They don’t mention the critical thing in that this style requires functions to be pure.
Thus to get most of your code following this extremely modular and readable approach… much of your code must be minimizing IO and state changes and segregating it away as much as possible.
The Haskell type system, the IO monad is pushing programmers in this direction.
Based on his blog, Martin has been getting into Clojure in recent years. I was kind of hoping that the experience with a functional lisp would shift some of opinions that he previously stood by in Clean Code, but based on this discussion, it doesn't seem like it.
The amount of lines becomes off topic once you get into this style. It's a completely orthoganol concept as it's completely irrelevant to readability and modularity.
Lines doesn't makes sense for pure non imperative functions. Lines ONLY make sense for imperative functions because each line represents an instruction.
Well, the most interesting thing about purely functional composition would be the ability to un(de)compose them, inlining the bodies until the resulting function is large enough to be worth the effort of reading it.
Exactly you have the lowest level primitives. You can arbitrarily compose them however you want forming arbitrary layers of abstraction from a tree of compositions.
In the first example there is one layer. In the second there is 2 layers of abstraction formed by composing the primitives into a tree.
I once fully spelunked such a Java call stack to convert some code to golang. It was amazing, there were like 5 layers of indirection over some code that actually did what I want, but I had to fully trace it keeping arguments from the full call stack in mind to figure this out, because several of the layers of indirection had the potential of doing substantially more work with much more complex dependency graphs. I ended up with a single go file with two functions (one that reproduced the actually interesting Java code and one that called it the way it would have been called across all the layers of indirection. It was less than 100 lines and _much_ easier to understand.
It's always fun stepping through 412 stack frames that are all 2-line long methods to figure out where the thing you're interested in actually happened.
Yes, I've worked on a couple of codebases like that. It's glorious, you break everything down little by little and every step makes sense and can be tested individually. Best jobs I've had.
But are those steps actually doing anything that can be tested? My experience with these sorts of codebases was always that most of the functions aren't doing much other than calling other functions, and therefore testing those functions ends up either with testing exactly the same behaviour in several places, or mocking so heavily as to make the test pointless.
Or worse, I've seen people break functions apart in such a way that you now need to maintain some sort of class-level state between the function calls in order to get the correct behaviour. This is almost impossible to meaningfully test because of the complex possible states and orders between those states - you might correctly test individual cases, but you'll never cover all possible behaviours with that sort of system.
> testing exactly the same behaviour in several places
I think that's actually fine. Particularly if you're doing a testing pyramid style approach where you do a lot of tests of some piece of low level logic and then a few tests of the higher level piece that makes use of that lower level logic, I don't see any problem with the higher level test covering a codepath that's also used in the lower level test. If anything I find it makes it easier to understand and debug failures - you know that the behaviour of the lower level piece hasn't changed because otherwise the lower level test would have failed, so the bug can only be in the higher level component itself.
These large compound statements look nice if they are perfect, but when you make giant expressions without intermediate variables, it is much more difficult to test.
When you have small expressions that have incremental results stored in variables, you can see the result in a debugger so you can see each stage.
Like with a lot of his approach, its great for teaching people better coding skills in an educational setting, but doesn't make as much sense in the real world.
Auto-generate getters and setters for every instance variable and that will drag the average down. (Maybe a lot of those getters and setters should not have existed.)
"After the creation of the class StUser, it is highly recommended that you perform automatic creation of instance variable accessors. One possible way to do this in Squeak is to use the context menu on a class among the entry more.... There, you can find create inst var accessors. Select this command to have all accessors created."
This is something that's easier to read than it is to understand. A lot of languages force you to do quite a lot in a function and becoming blind to bloat is way to easy to do. (C++/Go/Java/etc yep).
So if you subsitute criticalSection with a lot of operations, such as open file, read lines, find something, close file. I think you have a better representation of an over bloated function.
Scala has the langauge support to show what this could look like.
What you're doing in that method is starting a critical section, doing something, and then ending a critical section. It's a good suggestion to break that with:
This was a fun read. I read APoSD for the first time a couple of months ago and found myself nodding enthusiastically as I read. I have a few quibbles, of course, but overall it matches my experience in how to write software that is correct, maintainable, extensible, and understandable.
I've never read CC, but I've read some of the take downs[1]. I was worried that the take downs were attacking a strawman, but no, Uncle Bob believes this stuff, including that comments are evil and you just need to read all the code and keep it in your head.
Even if that were true, the code I write is better for having written the comments, especially interface comments, because the writing helps my thinking. Moreover, it helps my code reviewers—without written interfaces. If all you have is the code and not a description of what the code is supposed to do, how can you know if it is correct? I think most code reviewers are verifying the code against what they infer the interface to be. It helps us both to just be explicit.
There is no objective measure of code cleanliness. So if "clean code" is your goal, then you have no meaningful criteria to evaluate alternatives. (Including those pitched by Bob Martin.)
It gets worse, though. There's a subconscious element that causes even more trouble. It's obviously a good thing to write "clean code", right? (Who's going to argue otherwise?) And to do otherwise would be a moral failing.
The foundation on which "Uncle Bob" tries to build is rotten from the get-go. But it's a perfect recipe for dogmatism.
It's striking to me how out of touch Martin seems to be with the realities of software engineering in this transcript. Stylistic refactors that induce performance regressions, extremely long and tortured method names for three-line methods, near-total animus towards comments ... regardless of who is right/wrong about what, those takes seem like sophomoric extremism at its worst, not reasoned pragmatism that can be applied to software development in the large.
When I encounter an Uncle Bob devotee, I'm nearly always disappointed with the sheer rigidity of their approach: everything must be reduced thus, into these kind of pieces, because it is Objectively Better software design, period. Sure, standard default approaches and best practices are important things to keep in mind, but the amount of dogma displayed by folks who like Martin is really shocking and concerning.
I worry that his approach allows a certain kind of programmer to focus on like ... aesthetic, dogmatic uniformity (and the associated unproductivity of making primarily aesthetically-motivated, dogmatic changes rather than enhancements, bugfixes, or things that other coders on a project agree improves maintainability) instead of increasing their skills and familiarity with their craft.
Maintainability/appropriate factoring are subjective qualities that depend a lot on the project, the other programmers on it, and the expectations around how software engineering is done in that environment.
Pretending that's not true--that a uniform "one clean code style to rule them all" is a viable approach--does everyone involved a disservice. Seasoned engineers trying to corral complexity, new engineers in search of direction and rigor, customers waiting for engineering to ship a feature, business stakeholders confused as to why three sprints have gone by with "refactor into smaller methods" being the only deliverable--everyone.
The Uncle Bob thing is something I'm experiencing right now.
I hired a friend who was a huge Uncle Bob mark, and he kept trying to flex his knowledge during interviews with other people in the company. I didn't really think much of it and told the other interviewer that it was just his personal quirk and not to worry much.
I had him work with some junior devs on a project while I took care of something more urgent. After finishing it, I went over to take a look at how it was going on his end. I was horrified at the unnecessary use of indirection; 4 or 5 levels in order to do something simple (like a database call). Worse, he had juniors build entire classes as an interface with a database class that was "wrong".
No practical work was done, and I've spent the past 4 weeks building the real project, while tossing out the unnecessary junk.
I liked Clean Code when I read it, but I always assumed a lot of it was meant for a specific language at a specific time. If you are using it verbatim for a Python project in 2025, why?
It might just be that the divide of a getting-things-done developer and a bloat developer isn't really caused by Uncle Bob but merely correlates with it. I.e, good developers also agree with Uncle Bob, though apparently with a different interpretation of what he said.
I meant that the book is interpreted differently by different people. (That no-one takes it as religion, but that some read it as recommending to "create a mountain of unnecessary abstractions", and others read it that "add necessary abstractions".)
> I worry that his approach allows a certain kind of programmer to focus on like ... aesthetic, dogmatic uniformity (and the associated unproductivity of making primarily aesthetically-motivated, dogmatic changes rather than enhancements, bugfixes, or things that other coders on a project agree improves maintainability) instead of increasing their skills and familiarity with their craft.
Funny, I find the opposite. In my experience people that are willing to take a "dogmatic" position on code style are those who are able to actually get on with implementing features and bugfixes. It's the ones who think there's a time and place for everything and you need to re-litigate the same debates on every PR who tie themselves in knots getting nothing done.
Do I agree with absolutely everything Martin writes? In principle, no. But I'd far rather work on a codebase and team that agrees to follow his standards (or any similar set of equally rigid standards, as long as they weren't insane) than one that doesn't.
I'm not familiar with the Clean Code book etc; my introduction is the article. UB seems to be advocating consistently for patterns that are not my cup of tea! For example: Functions sometimes make sense as 2-3 lines. Often 5-20. Less often, but not rarely, much more than that!
I'm also a fan of detailed doc comments on every module and function, and many fields/variants as well. And, anything that needs special note, is unintuitive, denotes units or a source etc.
Function length also depends on language. Every line of one language requires three line in another if the former has implicit error handling and the latter explicit. But I find the cognitive load of the two to be similar.
I am also okay with 1000 line functions where appropriate. Making me jump around the code instead of reading one line at a time, in a straight line? No thanks!
> It's striking to me how out of touch Martin seems to be with the realities of software engineering in this transcript
It was always like that. And Fowler the same thing with his criticism of anemic domain model. But software-engineering is no exceptions to having a mass of people believing someone without thinking by themselves.
I think it's obvious that his critique makes sense if you actually take a moment to try learn and understand what he says and where he comes from. Take a moment to understand what case he makes: it's not object-oriented programming. That's it.
See,in a anemic domain model, instead of objects you have DTOs that are fed into functions. That violates basic tenners of OO programming. It's either straight up procedural programming or, if you squint hard enough, functional programming. If you focus on OO as a goal, it's clearly an anti-pattern.
His main argument is summarized in the following sentence:
> In essence the problem with anemic domain models is that they incur all of the costs of a domain model, without yielding any of the benefits.
Do you actually argue against it?
Listen, people like Fowler and Uncle Bob advocate for specific styles. This means they have to adopt a rethoric style which focuses on stressing the virtues of a style and underlining the problems solved by the style and created by not following the style. That's perfectly fine. It's also fine if you don't follow something with a religious fervor. If you have a different taste, does it mean anyone who disagrees with you is wrong?
What's not cool is criticizing someone out of ignorance and laziness, and talking down on someone or something just because you feel that's how your personal taste is valued.
"It's not object oriented programming" is only a good case to make if you think object oriented programming is synonomous with good. I don't think that's true. It's sometimes good, often not good.
Why would focusing on OO be a goal? The goal is to write good software that can be easily maintained. Nobody outside of book writers are shipping UML charts
Why would you not focus on writing OO code in an OO language for example? Would you start writing OO code in a functional langugage? No you wouldn't, because it would be pointless. There are programming paradigms for a reason
> Why would you not focus on writing OO code in an OO language for example?
Often people do this to deliver higher quality software. Most languages still have some OO features, and people don't use them because they know they lead to bad code. Inheritence (a core OO feature) comes to mind. Most professionals nowadays agree that it should not be used.
OO designs are often over-abstracted which makes them hard to understand and hard to change. They lack "locality of behavior". Trivial algorithms look complicated because parts of them are strewn across several classes. This is why more modern langues tend to move away from OOP.
My guess is that im the long term, what we will keep from OO is the possibility to associate methods with structs.
> Why would you not focus on writing OO code in an OO language for example?
That's circular logic. I wouldn't focus on writing OO code because I know from experience that the result is usually worse. If I had to use a language that was oriented towards writing OO code, I'd still try to limit the damage.
> Why would you not focus on writing OO code in an OO language for example? Would you start writing OO code in a functional language? No you wouldn't, because it would be pointless. There are programming paradigms for a reason
I'm paid for efficiently solving business problems with software, not using a particular paradigm. If an FP solution is more appropriate and the team can support it, then that's what I'll use.
> "It's not object oriented programming" is only a good case to make if you think object oriented programming is synonomous with good. I don't think that's true. It's sometimes good, often not good.
See, this is the sort of lazy ignorance that adds nothing of value to the discussion, and just reads as spiteful adhominems.
Domain models are fundamentally an object-oriented programming concept. You model the business domain with classes, meaning you specify in them the behavior that reflects your business domain. Your Order class has a collection of Product items, but you can update an order, cancel a order, repeat an order, etc. This behavior should be member functions. In Domain-Driven design, with its basis on OO, you implement these operations at the class level, because your classes model the business domain and implement business rules.
The argument being made against anemic domain models is that a domain model without behavior fails to meet the most basic requirements of a domain model. Your domain model is just DTOs that you pass around as if the were value types, and have no behavior at all. Does it make sense to have objects without behavior? No, not in OO and elsewhere as well. Why? Because a domain model without behavior means you are wasting all development effort building up a structure that does nothing and adds none of the benefits, and thus represents wasted effort. You are better off just doing something entirely different which is certainly not Domain-Driven design.
In fact, the whole problem with the blend of argument you are making is that you are trying to push a buzzword onto something that resembles none of it. It's like you want the benefit of playing buzzword bingo without even bothering to learn the absolute basics of it, or anything at all. You don't know what you're doing, and somehow you're calling it Domain-Driven design.
> Why would focusing on OO be a goal?
You are adopting a OO concept, which the most basic traits is that it models business domains with objects. Do you understand the absurdity of this sort of argument?
> Domain models are fundamentally an object-oriented programming concept.
They are not.
> You model the business domain with classes, meaning you specify in them the behavior that reflects your business domain.
I have better tools for doing that.
> In Domain-Driven design, with its basis on OO, you implement these operations at the class level, because your classes model the business domain and implement business rules.
You're still not explaining the "why". You're just repeating a bunch of dogma.
> a domain model without behavior means you are wasting all development effort building up a structure that does nothing and adds none of the benefits, and thus represents wasted effort.
I know from experience that this is completely false.
> You don't know what you're doing, and somehow you're calling it Domain-Driven design.
I don't call it domain-driven. You can call it domain-driven if you want, or not if you don't want. I don't care what it's called, I care whether it results in effective, maintainable software with low defect rates.
> Your Order class has a collection of Product items, but you can update an order, cancel a order, repeat an order, etc. This behavior should be member functions.
This is how to fuck up OO and give it a bad name:
order.update(..) // Now your Order knows about the database.
order.cancel(..) // Now your Order can Email the Customer about a cancellation.
order.repeat(..) // Now your Order knows about the Scheduler.
What else could Order know about? Maybe give it a JSON renderer .toJson(), a pricing mechanism .getCost(), discounting rules .applyDiscount(), and access to customer bank accounts for .directDebit(); Logging and backup too. And if a class has 10+ behaviours you've probably forgotten 5 more.
An Order is a piece of paper that arrived in your mailbox. You can't take a sharpie to it, you can't tell it to march itself into the filing cabinet. It's a piece of paper which so that you.pack() something into a box and take it to the post office. You have behaviours and the post office has behaviours. The Order and the Box do not. At best they have a few getters() or some mostly-static methods for returning aggregate data - but even then I'd probably steer clear. For instance: if the Order gave me a nice totalPrice() method, it simplifies things for later right? Well no, because in TaxCalculator (not order.calculateTax()) I will want to drill down into the details, not the aggregate. Likewise for DiscountApplier.
> Does it make sense to have objects without behavior? No, not in OO and elsewhere as well.
It does, just like in the Domain (real-world Orders). Incidentally, I believe objects-without-behaviours is one of the core Clojure tenets.
Since this is HN's monthly UB-bashing thread, I should point out that I learnt most of this stuff from him. (It's more from SOLID though, I don't think I have much to say on about cleanliness.)
The above examples violate SRP and DI.
"Single reason to change": If order.cancel(..) knows about email, then this is code I have to change if the cancellation rules change or if the email system changes. What if we don't notify over email anymore? Order has to become aware of SMS or some other tech which will cause more reasons for change.
"Dependency inversion": People know what Orders are, regardless of technical competence. They can exist without computers or any particular implementation. They are therefore (relative to other concerns here) high-level and abstract. Orders are processed using a database, Kafka and/or a bunch of other technologies (or implementation details). DI states that abstract things should not depend on concrete things.
We have a disagreement about the core of OOP. In English, a simple sentence like "The cat eats the rat" can be broken down as follows:
- Cat is the subject noun
- Eats is the verb
- Rat is the object noun
In object-oriented programming, the subject is most often the programmer, the program, the computer, the user agent, or the user. The object is... the object. The verb is the method.
So, imagine the sentence "the customer canceled the order."
- Customer is the subject noun
- Canceled is the verb
- Order is the object noun
In OOP style you do not express this as customer.cancel(order) even though that reads aloud left-to-right similarly to English. Instead, you orient the expression around the object. The order is the object noun, and is what is being canceled. Thus, order.cancel(). The subject noun is left implicit, because it is redundant. Nearly every subject noun in a given method (or even system) will be the same programmer, program, computer, user agent, or user.
For additional perspectives, I recommend reading Part I of "Object-Oriented Analysis and Design with Applications" (3rd edition) by Grady Booch et. al, and "Object Thinking" by David West.
That said, I think you're right about the single responsibility principle in this example. A class with too many behaviors should usually be decomposed into multiple classes, with the responsibilities distributed appropriately. However, the object should not be left behavior-less. It must still be an anthropomorphized object that encapsulates whatever data it owns with behavior.
> So, imagine the sentence "the customer canceled the order."
> - Customer is the subject noun
And this is wrong. Because the customer did not cancel the order. The customer actually asked for the order to be canceled. And the order was then canceled by "the system". Whatever that system is.
And that is the reason why it is not expressed as customer.cancel(order) but rather system.cancel(order, reason = "customer asked for it").
> Thus, order.cancel(). The subject noun is left implicit, because it is redundant.
Ah, is that so? Then, I would like you to tell me: what happens if there are two systems (e.g. a legacy system and a new system, or even more systems) and the order needs to be sometimes cancelled in both, or just one of those systems? How does that work now in your world?
mrkeen mentioned dependency inversion (DI). I think it makes sense in oop for an order to have a cancel method, but the selection of this method might be better as something configured with DI. This is because the caller might not be aware of everything involved, as well.
If the system is new and there's only one way to do it, it's not worth sweating over it. But if a new requirement comes up it makes sense to choose a way to handle that.
For example, an order may be entered by a salesperson or maybe by a customer on the web. The cancellation process (a strategy, perhaps) might be different. Different users might have different permissions to cancel one order or another. The designer of the website probably shouldn't have to code all that in, maybe they just should have a cancel function for the order and let the business logic handle it. Each order object could be configured with the correct strategy.
If you don't want to use OO, that's fine, but you still have to handle these situations. In what module do you put the function the web designer calls? And how do you choose the right process? These patterns will perhaps have other names in other paradigms but the model is effectively the same. The difference is where you stuff the complexity.
> The difference is where you stuff the complexity.
Exactly. If it were so simple, why not just put everything in one big file / class? I guess we both agree that this very quickly leads to an unmaintainable mess.
So my rule of thumb is: can a feature theoretically be removed without touching the Order entity at all? If so, then NONE of the features parts can live in the Order entity (or even be referred by it).
That means: the Order entity must know nothing about customers, sales, how it stored or cached, how prices and taxes are calculated, how an order is cancelled or repeated or orders can be archived and viewed.
Because any of those features can be removed while the others keep working and using the exact same Order entity.
> The customer actually asked for the order to be canceled.
This is why many object-oriented programmers prefer to talk about message passing instead of method calling. It is indeed about asking for the order to be canceled, and the order can decide whether to fulfill that request.
> the order can decide whether to fulfill that request.
In my world of thinking, orders don't make decisions. If I go to the business team and say "the order decided to" they'll look at me funny. And for good reasons.
Go back and read what I said about subject nouns and object nouns. When converting OO concepts to English for non-programmers, it is indeed confusing to say “the order decided not to”—you say “the order couldn’t be” instead.
I highly recommend reading the two books I recommended for further perspective on the topic. OO is predicated not on the idea that data is a bag of dead bits on which operations are performed, but that data is embodied within and encapsulated by anthropomorphic objects with their own behavior.
It is possible to get to that world of thinking from where you are now. But it is a different world. A different way of thinking.
> When converting OO concepts to English for non-programmers, it is indeed confusing to say “the order decided not to”—you say “the order couldn’t be” instead.
Passive language like "the order couldn't be" might be fine in some real world situations where I don't care about who caused the action. But in code I do care. Because somewhere in code the action has to be made. And yeah, you can put that logic into the Order entity, but then we are back to square one where "the order made the decision".
If we are talking about some event that happend, then sure, "the order was canceled" is perfectly fine. So making an "OrderWasCancelled" (or "OrderWasNotCancelled") object and storing it somewhere is intuitive. But we were talking about the action happening and that is a different thing.
Also, just to make that clear, I'm not talking just theoretically here. I started my career during the OOP hype time. I actually read books like head first design patterns and others about OOP. But ultimately, I found it's not productive at all, because it doesn't reflect how most people think - at least from my experience.
Therefore, I tend to write my code in the same way that non-technical people think. And it turns out, OOP is very far from that.
> I highly recommend reading the two books I recommended
From "Object-Oriented Analysis and Design with Applications" (3rd edition) by Grady Booch:
p.52: Separation of Concerns
We do not make it a responsibility of the Heater abstraction to maintain a fixed temperature. Instead, we choose to give this responsibility to another object (e.g., the Heater Controller), which must collaborate with a temperature sensor and a heater to achieve this higher-level behavior. We call this behavior higher-level because it builds on the primitive semantics of temperature sensors and heaters and adds some new semantics, namely, hysteresis, which prevents the heater from being turned on and off too rapidly when the temperature is near boundary conditions. By deciding on this separation of responsibilities, we make each individual abstraction more cohesive.
I really don't understand this fixation on domain modelling. It looks like a lot of UML mixed with a "*DD" (life-pro tip: pretty much any X Driven Development is something experienced programmers rarely care about. You can borrow good ideas from almost any methodology without becoming obsessed with its primary subject. Being obsessed with the One True Way is a great way to waste a lot of brain cells). Also nobody sane touches UML. Or makes big official charts of classes and their relationships. It's a massive waste of time. You might come up with some core concepts and relationships, like a B-REP, but you don't need some jargon-heavy official way to do this.
> The argument being made against anemic domain models is that a domain model without behavior fails to meet the most basic requirements of a domain model. Your domain model is just DTOs that you pass around as if the were value types, and have no behavior at all. Does it make sense to have objects without behavior? No, not in OO and elsewhere as well. Why? Because a domain model without behavior means you are wasting all development effort building up a structure that does nothing and adds none of the benefits, and thus represents wasted effort. You are better off just doing something entirely different which is certainly not Domain-Driven design.
I have barely any idea what you're saying, but I will agree that I'm probably better off without DDD.
> You are adopting a OO concept, which the most basic traits is that it models business domains with objects. Do you understand the absurdity of this sort of argument?
Except I'm not, because I don't care about DDD? My argument is simply: caring how much your code adheres to some third party methodology doesn't matter, what matters is if you're writing good code or not.
> it's not object-oriented programming. That's it.
Yes, exactly. And this "classical" object-oriented programming is an anti-pattern itself.
(That being said, OOP is not well defined. And, for example, I have nothing against putting related data structures and functionality into the same namespace. But that's not what OOP means to him here)
I'll reply here with a very quick example why the anemic domain model is superior in general, no matter if you do OOP or anything else.
You used the example of an "order" yourself, so I'll built upon it.
I would never combine functionality to update an order with the data and structure of the an order. The reason is simple: the business constraints don't always live inside the order.
Here's an example why such an approach inevitably must fail: if the business says that orders can only be made until 10000 items have been ordered in a month, then you cannot model that constraint inside of the order class. You must move it outside - to the entity that knows about all the orders in the system. That would be the OrderRepository or however you want to call it.
Remember, here is what you said in your other post:
> Your Order class has a collection of Product items, but you can update an order, cancel a order, repeat an order, etc. This behavior should be member functions.
So your Order should have a repeat function? But how can the order know if it can be repeated? It might violate the max-monthly-items constraint. The only way for the Order to do it is to hold a reference to the OrderRepository.
And this is a big problem. You have now entangled the concept of an OrderRepository and of an Order. In fact, Orders could totally live without an OrderRepository alltogether, for example when you build an OrderSimulation where no orders are actually being executed/persisted. But to do so, now you have this OrderRepository, even if you don't need it.
The rule of the thumb is: if the business says "we don't need feature A anymore, remove it" then you should be able to remove that feature from the code without touching any unrelated feature. If you now remove the OrderRepository and cause a bug in the Order class due to your code changes, the business will probably wonder how that could be, because while the OrderRepository cannot exist without Orders, Orders can exist without an OrderRepository.
And if that seems a bit unrealistic, think of users: A user can easily exist without a UserRepository, but not the other way around.
That makes clear, that you the rich domain model is an unsuitable and generally suboptimal solution to modeling the domain of a business. The anemic domain model on the other hand matches it perfectly.
And one more thing: even natural language disagrees with the rich domain model. Does an order repeat itself? No! An order is repeated and that is, it is repeated by something or someone. This alone makes clear that there is an entity beyond the Order that is responsible for such action. And again, the anemic domain model is a great solution for expressing this in code.
But if you disagree, I'd like you to explain what you believe the disadvantages of the anemic domain model are.
You made a great example here and I absolutely agree with you.
In fact I find this type of accidental / unneeded coupling is the number one cause of problems, bugs and limitations of re-use and thus development velocity in any software product. Concepts where a single way dependency is turned into a cycling dependency are really hard to evolve, maintain, test and understand.
In fact I'd go as far as to say that as a general rule of thumb if you have a situation where your class A depends on class B that depends on class A you've made a big doo doo and you should really seriously re-consider your design.
(Adjacent to this rule is that classes that exist in the same level of of the software hierarchy and are thus siblings should also not know about each other).
In fact when you structure your code so that the dependencies only go one way you end up with a neat lasagna code base and everything can easily slotted in. (Combined with this a secondary feature which is to eliminate all jumps upwards in the stack, i.e. callbacks)
> I would never combine functionality to update an order with the data and structure of the an order. The reason is simple: the business constraints don't always live inside the order.
> Here's an example why such an approach inevitably must fail: if the business says that orders can only be made until 10000 items have been ordered in a month, then you cannot model that constraint inside of the order class. You must move it outside - to the entity that knows about all the orders in the system. That would be the OrderRepository or however you want to call it.
It's not that hard.
If the constraint of your example is a domain constraint, and so it's *always* valid, then when you hydrate an Order entity, other than the Order data itself, you also need to provide the total number of orders.
// orders is the repository, and it hydrates the entity with the total number of orders for this month
order =
// Apply the check
Where the `canBeCreated` method is as simple as:
if this.ordersInAMonth > TOTAL_NUMBER_OF_ORDER_IN_A_MONTH ...
It's the same as using the OrdersRepository to query the number of orders directly before creating one, but here, the logic is just in the class.
Now, your example is pretty stupid, so I know it must not be taken literally but...
I would say that this code is not good (or to be more diplomatic: not optimal). Firstly, because between `order =` and `order.canBeCreated()`, it's possible to insert other calls or actions on or with that order, which should actually not be allowed/possible.
And second, because my original critics still holds: you now have some kind of order-entity-unrelated information inside the order (or inside its `canBeCreated()`). This will force you to touch the order-entity when removing a business constrain that is unrelated to the (single) order-entity. Because otherwise, where does "ordersInAMonth" come from? It must be able to talk to the database or something.
> Now, your example is pretty stupid, so I know it must not be taken literally but...
No no, you absolutely can take it literal. It might not be very realistic, but that doesn't change the fact that we can use it to discuss pros and cons of different designs.
> It's the same as using the OrdersRepository to query the number of orders directly before creating one, but here, the logic is just in the class.
As with my two issues that I mentioned above, the problem is the "just" in your sentence. It appears that your assessment is that the code living in a different place is merely a problem of the code being in a different place with no effect on productivity. But to me, having the code in a "wrong" place becomes a really big problem over time, especially in a big code base.
Also, we can extend this example. Let's say we have two or more entities. Like orders, users and stores and there are constraints that span and impact the state and/or creation of all of them at the same time.
Now let's compare the different approaches of us. In my case, it's rather easy: there must be some "system" or "service" the lives above all the entities that are constrained by a business rule. So if there is a business rule that touches entities A, B and C, then there must be some "system" or "service" that knows about all A, B and C and can control each of them. In other words, there cannot be a "system" or "service" that controls just A anymore. The logic to ensure the constraint then lives in that service.
With your approach, how and where do you put the code for that constraint?
And let's, just for the sake of the argument, assume that you cannot push the constraint into the database. Because that basically would be such an uber-service as described by me above. In reality, we might employ the database to (also) enforce constraints. But for the sake of the discussion, let's say we use a database where we cannot.
The slide at 52:14 is on the SOLID principles, the first one is on SRP which gives pretty understandable advice about whether Order should have behaviours.
I haven't seen a lot of evidence that Martin really has the coding chops to speak as authoritatively as he does. I think when you become famous for giving advice or being an "expert", it can be difficult to humble yourself enough to learn new things. I know personally I've said a lot of dumb things about coding in the past; luckily none of those things were codified into a "classic" book.
What strikes me about the advice in Clean Code is that the ideas are, at best, generally unproven (IE just Martin's opinion), and at worst, justify bad habits. Saying "I don't need to comment my code, my code speaks for itself" is alluring, but rarely true (and the best function names can't tell you WHY a function/module is the way it is.) Chopping up functions and moving things around looks and feels like work, except nothing gets done, and frankly often strikes me as being the coding equivalent of fidget spinners (although at least fidget spinners dont screw up your history). Whenever Martin is challenged on these things he just says to use "good judgement", but the code and advice is supposed to demonstrate good judgement and mostly it does not.
Personally I wish people would just forget about Clean Code. You're better off avoiding it or treating it as an example of things not to do.
I watched some talks he gave 15 years ago and what struck me was that he would use analogies to things like physics that were just objectively incorrect. He was confidently talking about a subject he clearly didn't understand at even an undergraduate level.
Then for the rest of the talk he would speak just as confidently about coding. Why would I believe anything he has to say when his confidence is clearly not correlated to how well he understand the material?
I read Clean Code when I started out my career and I think it was helpful for a time when I worked on a small team and we didn't really have any standards or care about maintainability but were getting to the point where it started mattering.
Sure, dogmatism is never perfect, but when you have nothing, a dogmatic teacher can put you in a good place to start from. I admired that he stuck to his guns and proved that the rules he laid out in clean code worked to make code more readable in lots of situations.
I don't know anything about him as a person. I never read his other books, but I got a lot out of that book. You can get a lot out of something without becoming a devotee to it.
EDIT: I think even UB will agree with me that his dogmatism was meant as an attitude, something strong to hit back against a strong lack of rigidity or care about readable code, vs a literal prescription that must be followed. See his comment here:
> Back in 2008 my concern was breaking the habit of the very large functions that were common in those early days of the web. I have been more balanced in the 2d ed.
And maybe I was lucky, but my coding life lined up pretty neatly with the time I read Clean Code. It was an aha moment for me and many others. For people who had already read about writing readable code, I'm sure this book didn't do much for them.
I'm going to have to admit to never having read Clean Code. It's just never appealed to me. I did read some of UBs articles a fair number of years ago. They did make me think - which I'd say is a positive and along the lines you are putting forwards.
Rigidity and "religious" zeal in software development is just not helpful I'd agree.
I do however love consistency in a codebase, a point discussed in "Philosophy of Software Design", I always boil this down to, even if I'm doing something wrong, or suboptimal, if I do it consistently, once I realise, or it matters I only have one thing to change to get the benefit.
It's the not being able to change regardless, in the face of evidence, that separates consistency and rigidity (I hope)!
I don't know why people take UB seriously. He never provided proof of any work experience - he claims to have worked for just a single company that... never shipped any code into production. Even his code examples on GitHub are just snippets, not even a to-do app (well, I think that his style of "just one thing per function" works as a self-fulfilling prophecy).
Maybe people like him are the reason why we have to do leet code tests (I don't believe he would be capable of solving even an easy problem).
Uncle Bob is one of the core contributors to Fitnesse, which had moderate success in the Java popularity era back in the day.
Also, you do understand that people worked as software engineers even before Github became popular, or open sourcing to begin with, do you? So if someone is 60+ year old, chances are that most of his work has never been open sourced, and his work was targeting use cases, platforms, services which have no utility in this age any more.
Which have all nothing to do with how good a software engineer someone is.
And finally, do you have any proof that he never shipped any code into production?
> So if someone is 60+ year old, chances are that most of his work has never been open sourced,
John Ousterhout is 70 years old and one of the open source pioneers. We don't know what Uncle Bob shipped or did not ship but his friendly opponent in this discussion definitley did ship high profile projects.
I'm 72. As for what I have shipped over the half-century of my career, you can read all about that in part two of my book We, Programmers. Suffice it to say I've shipped a LOT of code.
The criticism was that UB worked at a company that allegedly didn’t ship code to production, not that he doesn’t have a corpus of open source projects on GitHub.
Another example of not quite pragmatic advice is Screaming Architecture. If you take some time to think about it, it’s actually not a good idea. One of the blog posts I’m working on is a counter argument to it.
Short version: when designing new software, you don't have its architectural picture in the beginning. So when starting from scratch, the architecture shouldn't be screaming, but rather, it has to be non-committal/non-speculative to allow wiggle room for the future. (How to achieve non-committal architecture is the biggest topic I'm interested in, and I find 1 good tactic every few years). Specifically, the architecture should ephasize entry points and outputs. That's exactly what frameworks like Rails provide. You go by entry points until some sort of custom architecture starts emerging from the middle, which is when it can slowly begin "screaming" over time.
> It's striking to me how out of touch Martin seems to be with the realities of software engineering in this transcript. Stylistic refactors that induce performance regressions, extremely long and tortured method names for three-line methods, near-total animus towards comments ... regardless of who is right/wrong about what, those takes seem like sophomoric extremism at its worst, not reasoned pragmatism that can be applied to software development in the large.
I think you're talking out of ignorance. Let's take a moment to actually think about the arguments that Uncle Bob makes in his Clean Code book.
He argues in favor of optimizing your code for clarity and readability. The main goal of code is to help a programmer understand it and modify it easily and efficiently. What machines do with it is of lower priority. Why? Because a programmer's time is far more expensive than any infrastructure cost.
How do you make code clear and easy to read? Uncle Bob offers his advise. Have method names that tell you what they do, so that programmers can easily reason about the code without having to even check what the function does. Extract low-level code to higher level methods so that a function call describes what it does at the same level of detail. Comments is a self-admission you failed to write readable code, and you can fix your failure by refactoring code into self-descriptive member functions.
Overall, it's an optimization problem where the single objective is defined as readability. Consequently, it's obvious that performance regressions are acceptable.
Do you actually have any complain about it? If you read what you wrote, you'll notice you say nothing specific or concrete: you only throw blanket ad hominems that sound very spiteful, but are void of any substance.
What's the point of that?
> Maintainability/appropriate factoring are subjective qualities that depend a lot on the project, the other programmers on it, and the expectations around how software engineering is done in that environment.
The problem with your blend of arguments is that guy's like you are very keen on whining and criticizing others for the opinions they express, but when lightly pressed on the subject you show that you actually have nothing to offer in the way of alternative or guideline or anything at all. Your argument boils down to "you guys have a style which you follow consistently, but I think I have a style as well and somehow I believe my taste, which I can't even specify, should prevail". It's fine tha you have opinions, but why are you criticizing others for having them?
> Comments is a self-admission you failed to write readable code, and you can fix your failure by refactoring code into self-descriptive member functions
This may be true for some cases, but I don't see a non-contrived way for code to describe why it was written in the way it does or why the feature is implemented the way it is. If all comments are bad, then this kind of documentation needs to be written somewhere else, where it will be disconnected from the implementation and most probably forgotten
> This may be true for some cases, but I don't see a non-contrived way for code to describe why it was written in the way it does or why the feature is implemented the way it is.
I have to call bullshit on your argument. Either you aren't even looking because you have the misfortune of only looking at bad code written by incompetent developers, or you do not even know what it looks like to be able to tell.
The core principles are quite simple, and are pervasive. Take for example replacing comments with self-descriptive names. Isn't this something obvious? I mean, a member function called foobinator needs a combination of comments and drilling down to the definition to be able to get a clue on what it does. Do you need a comment to tell what a member function called postOrderMessageToEventBroker does?
Another very basic example: predicates. Is it hard to understand what a isMessageAnOrderRequest(message) does? What about a message.type == "command" && type.ToUpperCase() == "request" && message.class == RequestClass.Order ? Which one is cleaner and easier to read? You claim these examples are contrived, but in some domains they are more than idiomatic. Take user-defined type assertions. TypeScript even has specialized language constructs to implement them in the form of user-defined type guards. And yet you claim these examples are contrived?
I'm starting to believe all these vocal critics who criticize Uncle Bob or Eric Evans or any other author are actually talking out of sheer ignorance about things they know nothing about. They read some comment in some blog and suddenly they think they are an authority on a subject they know nothing about.
> Do you need a comment to tell what a member function called postOrderMessageToEventBroker does?
Which event broker? Will I get a response via some callback? What happens if the sending fails, is there a retry mechanism? If yes, how many retries? What happens when the retry count is exceeded? Will the order‘s ID be set by this method? Is the method thread-safe? Which errors can be thrown? „Don‘t call this before the event broker has warmed up / connected“. Etc etc
> Do you need a comment to tell what a member function called postOrderMessageToEventBroker does?
Obviously not and the comment you're replying to hasn't asserted otherwise. They say, clearly, that comments should explain the _why_, postOrderMessageToEventBroker explains only the _what_ (which is reflected in the verbiage of your question). Fortunately comments are practically free and we're not limited to doing the reader one-favor-per-statement, we can explain _both_ the why with a comment (when it's not obvious) and the what with clear function names.
> I'm starting to believe all these vocal critics who criticize Uncle Bob or Eric Evans or any other author are actually talking out of sheer ignorance about things they know nothing about.
I've been programming for 60 years in many different fields. I was programming long before he was. It is possible that I have written more code than he has in more languages (36 at last count), so my criticism of his are based on real-world experience.
What I was refering to was the "why", not the "what" or "how". This is not a good function name to my eye, but YMMV: get-station-id-working-around-vendor-limitation-that-forces-us-to-route-the-call-through-an-intermediary-entity.
Instead, a comment can clearly and succintly tell me why this implementation is seemingly more complex than it needs to be, link to relevant documentations or issues etc.
> The main goal of code is to help a programmer understand it and modify it easily and efficiently. What machines do with it is of lower priority.
This mentality sounds like a recipe for building leaky abstractions over the inherent traits of the von Neumann architecture, and, more recently, massive CPU parallelism. Bringing with it data races, deadlocks, and poor performance. A symptom of this mentality is also that modern software isn‘t really faster than it should be, considering the incredible performance gains in hardware.
> Comments is a self-admission you failed to write readable code
I‘m not buying this. It’s mostly just not possible to compress the behavior and contract of a function into its name. If it were, then the compiler would auto-generate code out of method names. You can use conventions and trigger words to codify behavior (eg bubbleSort, makeSHA256), but that only works for well-known concepts. At module boundaries, I‘m not interested in the module‘s inner workings, but in its contract. And any sufficiently complex module has a contract that is so complex that comments are absolutely required.
> This mentality sounds like a recipe for building leaky abstractions over the inherent traits of the von Neumann architecture, and, more recently, massive CPU parallelism. Bringing with it data races, deadlocks, and poor performance.
No,not really. Just because you think about how to name functions and what portions of your code should be easier to read if the were extracted to a function,that doesn't mean you are creating abstractions or creating problems.
The rest of your comments on von Neumann architecture etc is pure nonsense. Just because your code is easy to read it doesn't mean you're writing poetry that bears no resemblance with how the code is executed. Think about what you're saying: what is the point of making readable code? Is it to look nice at the expense of bugs, or to help the developer understand what the code does? If it's the latter, what point do you think you're making?
I was quoting you, where you said readability takes precedence over technical concerns. That‘s what I‘m challenging.
Every extra function call and object instantiation has a real cost, and abstracting ourselves away from the bare metal means we need to pay the price in terms of performance. Some very nicely readable algorithms are just sub-par in all dimensions except readability. We should optimize for performance and correctness, and readability comes second.
Code like Uncle Bob suggests is not easier to read and understand, it is harder, IMO and that of many others. Since the disagreement starts from this any further discussion is impossible.
I wrote IMO for a reason. The issue with your statement is that you are implying I disagree the improvements in clean code aren't improvements. They are for the most part, but they are improvements of those particular examples, and do not generalize. The function size thing in particular is absolutely stupid. There are also different improvements that could be done.
In the real world optimizing for the text of the program is the wrong thing to optimize for. It doesn't matter if the text reads nicely if the behavior is wrong. Then what you want is code optimized for debugging, and code optimized for debugging wants to avoid jumping around since the more information you see in a single stack frame the better.
Similar issues with just OOP style code in general. Isolated state is nice, distributed isolated state is a nightmare. Porting that challenge over from distributed computing makes debugging the program harder, not easier, since you must now understand the history of communication between the objects to understand how a certain global state was reached in aggregate.
Contrast that with a sequence of steps operating in that larger state directly, it's way easier to follow the logic since it is explicitly written down in a single place.
Comments are also much better than convoluted method names. Why comments I think even Bob would agree are important, but How comments are extremely useful. Consider python libraries that write out example code in the documentation string with the outputs (that gets turned into automatic tests no less). Does the method name matter that much then? Not really.
Consider also APL and its fans. While I'm not a fan the proponents make a good point why they like it: you can see much more of your program in one go and sequences of symbols form words with precise meaning.
Basically, mathematical notation and Kanji rolled into one. How does that fit into Bob's Clean Code approach?
> Comments is a self-admission you failed to write readable code, and you can fix your failure by refactoring code into self-descriptive member functions
# This is not the way I wanted to do this, but due to bug #12345 in dependency [URL to github ticket] we're forced to work around that.
# TODO FIXME when above is done.
Oh no, I so failed at making self-descriptive code. I'm sorry, I totally should've named the method DoThisAndTHatButAlsoIncludeAnUglyHackBecauseSomeDubfuckUpstreamShippedWithABug.
> What machines do with it is of lower priority. Why? Because a programmer's time is far more expensive than any infrastructure cost.
This assumes that code runs on corporate infrastructure. What if it runs on an end user device? As a user I certainly care about my phone's battery life. And we aren't even talking about environmental concerns. Finally, there are quite a few applications where speed actually matters.
> Comments is a self-admission you failed to write readable code, and you can fix your failure by refactoring code into self-descriptive member functions.
Self-explaining code is a noble goal, but in practice you will always have at least some code that needs additional comments, except for the most trivial applications. The world is not binary.
I'm not going to spend a long time responding to your comment, since it seems accusatory and rude; if you modify it to be more substantive I'll happily engage more.
The one specific response I have is: it's not that I
> say nothing specific or concrete: [I] only throw blanket ad hominems that sound very spiteful
...rather, it's that I'm criticizing Martin's approach to teaching rather than his approach to programming. I expand on that criticism more in an adjacent comment, here:
That looks more like a communication style difference than anything else. Uncle Bob's talks and writing are prescriptive -- which is a style literally beaten into me back when I was in grade school, since it's implied just from the fact that it's you doing the speaking that you're only describing your opinions and that any additional hedging language weakens your position further than you actually intend.
If you listen to him in interviews and other contexts where he's explicitly asked about dogmatism as a whole or on this or that concept, he's very open to pragmatism and rarely needs much convincing in the face of even halfway decent examples.
> animus toward comments
Speaking as someone happy to drop mini-novels into the tricky parts of my code, I'll pick on this animus as directionally correct advice (so long as the engineer employing that advice is open to pragmatism).
For a recent $WORK example, I was writing some parsing code and had a `populate` method to generate an object/struct/POCO/POJO/dataclass/whatever-it-is-in-your-language, and as it grew in length I started writing some comments describing the sections, which for simplicity's sake we'll just say were "populate at just this level" and "recurse."
If you take that animus toward comments literally, you'll simply look at those comments and say they have to be removed. I try to be pragmatic, and I took it as an opportunity to check if there was some way to make the code more self-evident. As luck would have it, simply breaking that initial section into a `populate_no_recurse` method created exactly the documentation I was looking for and also wound up being helpful as a meaningful name for an action I actually wanted to perform in a few places.
That particular pattern (breaking a long method into a sequence of named intermediate parts) has failure modes, especially in the hot path in poorly optimized runtimes (C#, Java, ..., Python, ...), and definitely in future readability if employed indiscriminately, but I have more than enough experience to be confident it was a good choice here. The presence in my mind of some of Uncle Bob's directionally correct advice coloured how I thought about my partial solution and made it better.
> other animus
- Stylistic refactors that induce performance regressions can be worth it. As humans, we're pre-disposed to risk avoidance, so let's look at an opposite action with an opposite effect: How often are you willing to slow down feature velocity AND make the code harder to maintain just to squeeze out some performance (for a concrete example, suppose there's some operation with space/time/bandwidth tradeoffs which imply you should have a nasty recursive cte in your database to compute something like popcount on billion-bit-masks, or even better just rewrite that portion of the storage layer)? My job is 80% making shit faster and 10% teaching other people how to make shit faster, but there are only so many hours in the day. I absolutely still trade performance for code velocity and stability from time to time, and for all of those fledgeling startups with <1M QPS they should probably be making that trade more than I do (assuming it's an actual trade and not just an excuse for deploying garbage to prod).
- The "tortured method names" problem is the one I'm most on the fence about. Certainly you shouldn't torture a long name out of the ether if it doesn't fit well enough to actually give you the benefits of long names (knowing what it does from its name, searchability), but what about long names which do fit? For large enough codebases I think long names are still worth the other costs. It's invaluable to be able to go from some buggy HTML on some specific Android device straight to the one line in a billion creating the bug, especially after a couple hiring/firing sessions and not having anybody left who knows exactly how that subsystem works. I think that cutover point is pretty high though. In the 100k-1M lines range there just aren't enough similar concepts for searchability to benefit much from truly unique names, so the only real benefit is knowing what a thing does just from its name. The cost for long names is in information density, and when it's clear from context (and probably a comment or three) I'm fine writing a numeric routine with single-letter variable names, since to do otherwise would risk masking the real logic and preventing the pattern-recognition part of your brain from being able to help with matters. HOWEVER, names which properly tell you what a thing does are still helpful (the difference between calling `.resetRetainingCapacity()` and `.reset()` -- the latter you still have to check the source to see if it's the method you want, slowing down development if you're not intimately familiar with that data structure). I still handle this piece of advice on a case-by-case basis, and I won't necessarily agree with my past self from yesterday.
> "Uncle Bob devotees" vs "Uncle Bob"
This is maybe the core of your complaint? I _have_ met a lot of people who like his advice and aren't very pragmatic with it. Most IME are early-career and just trying to figure out how to go from "I can code" to "I can code well," and can therefore be coached if you have well-reasoned counter-examples. Most of the rest IME like Uncle Bob's advice but don't code much, and so their opinions are about as valuable as any other uninformed opinion, and I'm not sure I'd waste too much time lamenting that misinformation. For the rest of the rest? I don't have a large enough sample I've interacted with to be very helpful, but unrelenting dogmatism is pretty bad, and people like that certainly exist.
Thanks for the thoughtful response. I generally don't want to get into the specifics of what Martin advocates for. Whether to prefer or eschew comments, give methods a particular kind of names, accept a performance penalty for a refactor--those are all things that are good or bad in context.
I think a lot of engineers hear "there's a time and a place" or "in context" and assume that I'm saying that the approach to coding can or should differ between every contribution to a codebase. Not so! It's very important to have default approaches to things like comments, method length, coupling, naming, etc. The default approach that makes the most sense is, however, bounded by context, not Famous Author's One True Gospel Truth (or, in many cases, Change-Averse Senior Project Architect's One True Gospel Truth). The "context boundary" for a set of conventions/best practices is usually a codebase/team. Sometimes it's a sub-area within a codebase. More rarely, it's a type of code being worked on (e.g. payment processing code merits a different approach from kleenex/one-off scripts). Within those context boundaries, it's absolutely appropriate to question when contributors deviate from an agreed-upon set of best practices--they just might not be Martin's best practices.
Rather, the core of my critique is that Martin's approach lacks perspective. Perspective/pragmatism--not some abstract notion of "skill level in creating well-factored code according to a set of rules"--is the scarce commodity among the intermediate-seeking-senior engineers that Martin's work is primarily marketed toward and valued by.
From there, I see two things wrong with Martin's stance in the Osterhout transcript:
"Out of touch" was not an arbitrarily chosen ad-hominem. When Osterhout pressed Martin to improve and work on some code, Martin's output and his defense of it were really low-quality. I can tell they're really low quality because, in spite of differing specific opinions on things like method length/naming/SRP, almost everyone here and to whom I've showed that transcript finds something seriously wrong with Martin's version, while the most stringent critique of Osterhout's code I've seen mustered is "eh, it's fine, could be better". That, and Martin's statements around the "why" of his refactors, indicate that the applicability of his advice for material code quality improvements in 2025 (as opposed to, say, un-spaghettification of 2005 PHP 5000-line god-object monstrosities) is in doubt. On its own, that in-applicability wouldn't be a massive problem, which brings me to...
Second, Martin is a teacher. When you mention '"Uncle Bob devotees" vs "Uncle Bob"' and I talk about the rigidity I see in evidence among people that like Martin, I'm talking about him as a teacher. This isn't a Torvalds or Antirez or Fabrice Bellard-type legendary contributor discussing methodological approaches that worked for them to make important software. Martin is first and foremost (and perhaps solely) a teacher: that's how he markets himself and what people value him for. And that's OK! Teachers do not have to be contributors/builders to be great teachers. However, it does mean that we get to evaluate Martin based on the quality of his pedagogical approach rather than holding the ideas he teaches on their own merit alone. Put another way, teachers say half-right things all the time as a means of saving students from things they're not ready for, and we don't excoriate them for that--not so long as the goal of preparing the students to understand the material in general (even if some introductory shortcuts need to later be uninstalled) is upheld.
I think Martin has a really poor showing as a teacher. The people his work resonates the most strongly with are the people who take it to the most rigid, unhealthy extremes. His instructorial tone is absolute, interspersed with a few "...but only do this pragmatically of course" interjections that he himself doesn't really seem to believe. His material is often considered, in high-performing engineering departments, to be something that leaders have to check back against being taken too far rather than something they're happy to have juniors studying. Those things speak to failures as a teacher.
Sure, software engineers are often binary thinkers prone to taking things to extremes--which means that a widely regarded teacher of that crowd is obligated to take those tendencies into account. Martin does not do this well: he proposes dated and inappropriate-in-many-cases practices, while modeling a stubborn, absolutist tone in his instruction and responses to criticism. Even if I were to give his specific technical proposals the greatest possible benefit of the doubt, this is still bad pedagogy.
I'm currently dealing with one of those codebases representative of the consequences of blindly following "Clean Code", et. al.
My experience has taught me that you never want to be the first person to recommend a rewrite. Since I am a mere contractor on this one, I am strongly inclined to let it unwind on its own. There seems to be a lot of ego embedded in those pointless data access layer wrappers. I'd hate to get on someone's bad side right now. The market is quite rarified.
Rewrite is only useful it you get something else that you can't get otherwise. Mixing Rust and C++ in a project is hard but doable - odds are if you try it you will find enough "friction" that eventually it will be worth rewriting to get rid of one.
john ousterhout's book is the only book on how to write software that has any actual evidence behind it. i highly recommend it as the only book to read on how to write code. and uncle bob, well, best to avoid his stuff as much as possible. clean code takes away about 5 years from every dev's life as they think they need to read it to become an intermediate developer and one they realize that is not the way, can they finally grow.
That book really poisons the mind. Even if there's some good things to learn in there, it's stashed among a lot of advice that is either plain bad or needs asterisks. But there aren't really any asterisks and instead it presents what look like rules that you shouldn't be breaking if you want to be a good programmer.
When I first read the book I'd already been programming for 10 years, but I was in my first job out of college. I'd heard a lot about the book and so I trusted what it had to say. I let it override how I would have written code because I figured coding professionally was just far different than what I would consider the best way to write code.
Interestingly, 5 years sounds about right for how long it took me to finally start trusting my own judgement. I think it was a combination of being more confident in myself but also because I was doing larger projects and it was more frequent that I was putting down a project and then coming back a couple months later. That's how I was able to see how bad the code was to work with once my mental model of it had flittered away.
Now I take a much less strict approach to my code and I find it a lot better to work with later.
There's a step between 1 and 2, someone who writes rules because he believes he understands them.
There was an era where every just-above-newbie PHP developer would start writing their own authoritative blog posts and frameworks, I strongly feel that had a big impact on the fragmentation and reputation of the PHP ecosystem as being insecure (because a lot of these authoritative blog posts demonstrated how to introduce SQL injection vulnerabilities)
> instead it presents what look like rules that you shouldn't be breaking if you want to be a good programmer.
I see this a lot, especially among more junior programmers. I think it likely stems from insecurity with taking responsibility for making decisions that could be wrong. It makes sense, but I can’t help but feel it is failing to take responsibility for the decisions that are the job of engineering. Engineering is ultimately about choosing the appropriate tradeoffs for a specific situation. If there was a universally “best” solution or easy rule to follow, they wouldn’t need any engineers.
I always think of this as the programmer version of "No one got fired for choosing IBM." that was a common phrase about executives back in the day. Do the thing that you can just point to "experts" and blame them.
That is a helpful comparison. I guess it is risk aversion at the core. At some point risk aversion becomes abdication of decision making to others, which seems broken in roles that are specifically hired for making decisions, but that’s even more true of executives.
I completely agree with you, mind I feel the same way about the people who the original comment was talking about. They are paid the big bucks to decide how to spend money to optimize the company.
"john ousterhout's book is the only book on how to write software that has any actual evidence behind it."
This is false and hopefully no one takes you seriously when they read that. There are books about empirical methods for software engineering, for example, which actually seek to find real evidence for software engineering techniques. See Greg Wilson's work, for example.
There are lots of other architecture/design books that use real world systems as examples. "Evidence" is definitely lacking in our field, but you can find it if you try.
> People have been building complex software for over sixty years, but until recently, only a handful of researchers had studied how it was actually done. Many people had opinions—often very strong ones—but most of these were based on personal anecdotes or the kind of "it's obvious" reasoning that led Aristotle to conclude that heavy objects fall faster than light ones.
in the 2024 retrospective:
> Conclusion
> The comedian W.C. Fields once said, “If at first you
don’t succeed, try, try again. Then quit. There’s no
point in being a damn fool about it.” Thirteen years
after our first post, it is clear that our attempts to
bridge the gulf between research and practice haven’t
worked. We look forward to hearing what actionable
plans others have that will find real support from both
In typical HN commenter smugness. It took me less than that to realise it was bullshit. It didn’t make things clear, it made them more abstract and more resistive to change. Similarly with DDD. Just build what you need and deal with the consequences of inevitable change later. No one cares if you miraculously perfectly modelled your “definitely the final form” of your domain from day 0.
Oh and TDD?! Ah yes those perfectly defined unit cases you write for implementation details. The best comment I read recently (sorry I can’t find it) something akin to “The first unit I write is to validate the intended side effects through properly exercising associated mocks”
As with everything there is no “best way” to do something, but in software engineering… there are far more bad “best ways” than best “best ways”
As someone who's recently started to read a philosophy of software design, I have to say that a lot of the points the author makes are things that I've come to learn with experience, which feels pretty good. As opposed to clean code, which I read when I was starting, and although at that time it felt good to have some guidelines—I still think having some guidelines is better than having nothing at all.
I think you grow out of that advice very soon, because it's not very practical, it feels out of touch. The result is not code that is easier to read, quite the contrary. I think the Java world has been influenced for worse by him.
But I don't have anything against him, as other comments say, the problem is dogmatism and trying to follow these authors blindly instead of thinking about it.
Some software gurus really grind my gears, and Robert Martin is one of them. When confronted with bad advice he gave, he's quick to say it's not meant to be taken literally. Then, gurus like Kent Beck, say that you cannot criticize their approaches if you don't implement exactly as they say. So, while this is not exactly a paradox (different people with different opinions), I feel like gurus make their livings on unfalsiable claims while shaping the world of software engineering.
So, some kudos to Robert for accepting criticism and discussing it, but no cigar for downplaying his own advice when confronted - I also recall a different discussion, where someone confronts his statement "you don't practice tdd you're not a professional", and his answer "it was not meant to be taken seriously".
These people had great ideas but they should be more critical of themselves, eg "here's when not to apply this", "here's where to bend this", not "you're doing it wrong" or "don't take it literally".
The more I tried to implement Clean Code, the more it helped me appreciate Worse is Better approach, which comes from an observation, not a dogma: while all programmers strive for simplicity both in implementation and interface, when they come into conflict, simple implementation usually wins over simple interfaces, as they are easier to modify.
The arguments from staunch clean code zealots have wasted so much time on PRs that I have lost count. Hours and hours and sometimes weeks - PRs having ideological discussions on something that neither the underlying machine cares nor the end user.
Multiply that across the industry and that probably easily reaches in hundreds of millions of dollars productivity wasted.
Ps: Not advocating cowboy coding or spaghetti code either.
Plenty of people are ragging (justifiably) on Clean Code, but I really admire by contrast Ousterhout's commitment to balanced principles and in particular learning from non-trivial examples. Philosophy of Software Design is a great and thought-provoking read.
I find it funny how much people obsess over Clean Code. In my opinion Robert Martin's Clean Architecture is a much more valuable and realistic idea than all this madness about 3 line functions, no comments, do one thing, etc. I would take the ugliest code that followed Clean Architecture over any "Clean Code" that didn't bother sensibly separating business logic and I/O.
I don't like the guy very much, but for web development even just mostly following Clean Architecture does so much to keep things from devolving into chaos long term.
Something I find odd about Uncle Bob's style is the preference for reading and modifying shared state over pure functions that take args. It makes me do a double take when I read a method registerTheCandidateAsPrime() (taken from UB's rewrite) that doesn't take a candidate arg.
How would you unit test those methods? You'd have to directly set the field values, then call the method, then assert on the fields. If the answer is "you don't unit test private methods" then that's completely fine, because I agree with that (perhaps this is implicit from the private keyword, I don't know Java). But I'm struggling to imagine how you would get to those private methods with such a strict adherence to TDD as Bob recommends. Methods like increaseEachPrimeMultipleToOrBeyondCandidate() are quite complex, and would be tricky to build up using TDD if you couldn't exercise them directly.
If nothing else, surely Bob's approach is not thread safe. Call PrimeGenerator3.generateFirstNPrimes() concurrently and they'll trample all over each other. John Ousterhout's stateless version doesn't have that problem.
He also works with a lot more students, with student-sized projects and problems and code lifetimes. He's used his book for classes, I think it's on a level appropriate for a freshman.
Both books are bad, but APOSD is my most disliked technical book ever. CC is at least interesting as an exercise to see that critics are way too uncharitable. Kernighan and Pike's The Practice of Programming is far better than either. And is one of the few good discourses on comments out there, something as a profession we care way too much about when the cost of doing it "wrong" is typically so low.
The book struck me as giving mostly reasonable advice, none is which was overly prescriptive. None of the things I disagreed with struck me as egregious.
Here's mostly from what I wrote down after reading it. Indeed, the "reasonableness" is part of the problem.
What's agreeable is mostly only so because it's such a straightforward platitude. "Things that are not important should be hidden, and the more of them the better. But when something is important, it must be exposed." Ok? Anyone want to argue to the contrary? This is not teaching or learning anything new or of value, it's not even inviting argument like CC makes it easy to do. I was also hoping that with the book being so short it would be concise, but alas, it's full of this sort of stuff. The single page summary of design principles at the end is similar. A few of them you could quibble about, but arguments would likely just be in fully understanding the meaning of the terminology and what background contexts are assumed. Much advice is dependent on context! Context is something not really called out much in this book. As one example there was only a very slight hint that the author is aware that writing for the code reader means a reader from a particular audience, often your co-workers, and that gives you certain affordances you wouldn't have for say random blogger.
Elsewhere, not in the book, the author once wrote "The strong typing of object-oriented languages encourages narrowly defined packages that are hard to reuse. Each package requires objects of a specific type; if two packages are to work together, conversion code must be written to translate between the types required by the packages." This is actually a nuanced point and is good to discuss. The context of whether you have static types or dynamic types or a half-baked OOP system or a full-baked OOP system is very important context. But it seems a completely absent point of consideration from his "philosophy", even when you'd think it'd be appropriate to go over in the final chapter where he highlights OOP as a "trend".
A lot of the author's rants seem to be snipes at Java. Fine, whatever, though Java has answers to the complaints. (Especially modern Java.)
Lastly, and originally my first complaint because it's about the very beginning of the book (including the cover art), he's on shaky foundations with its definition of simplicity/complexity by conflating it with the subjective easy/hard. I was hoping for a post-Hickey (of Clojure/"Simple Made Easy" talk fame for anyone unaware) understanding that complexity is objective, but alas. It's not like Hickey invented that understanding, but in current year, I think it's quite questionable to disagree. So, the book: "For the purposes of this book ... complexity is anything related to the structure of a software system that makes it hard to understand and modify the system." Sorry, that's not a useful definition of complexity, and now the whole book is harder to read/easier to misinterpret because of the custom definition. Well, at least it's explicit that it's custom.
He could have chosen a different word besides "complexity" but I don't really think it would have affected much. The subjective easy/hard is specifically what Ousterhout is trying to talk about.
Ultimately the problem he is (and all of us are) facing is that "good software design" can't really be measured with the right linting ruleset or static analysis. So if you're trying to break the concepts down each level, while still maintaining a scope that should include all software, that probably means it's impossible not to come off as squishy and non-specific at several points. I still think he strikes a really good balance in general here.
I agree that there could be more discussion around context and audience. Ousterhout says "if you write a piece of code and it seems simple to you, but other people think it is complex, then it is complex", but then what can possibly be done if everyone on my team was replaced with new hires who had next to no experience writing code? Did the same codebase go from simple to complex?
If you dismiss all the parts of APOSD that you agree with as straightforward and trivial, then obviously the only parts left for consideration are the parts you disagree with. APOSD is not an academic paper, it does not claim to be wholly and truly original. You are presumably an expert programmer, so it makes complete sense that much of the content discussed in APOSD appears to be "straightforward platitudes". To you, the content is trivial and obvious. But to the new grad with one year of work experience, the content is novel and informative. Perhaps you should take your own advice and consider the context.
I don't think it's fair to dismiss criticism because of skill. I said I think it's a bad book, and my most disliked, but it's not worthless, and if it's all someone has, they can indeed learn things from it even if they won't learn very much per page. However, there are many other books available, and by my own opinion all of them that I've read are superior. Any value you'd get from APOSD, you'd get from any book aimed at or inclusive of a similar audience, and the other book would give even more value that's absent from APOSD. (As another example, I was introduced to The Pragmatic Programmer in college. I believe it can serve the role of APOSD just fine but I never liked it enough to finish it, so perhaps I'd rank it lower if I did.) I also think you'd get most of the value just by writing more programs.
Anyway, the favored book I did highlight, The Practice of Programming, shares some things with APOSD: it's also not academic, is also quite short (maybe 70 pages longer), and is also more productively read earlier in one's career or study but it's still appreciable by those with more experience. You'll learn things about design. But it has so much more than APOSD: you'll learn things about implementation and debugging and considerations for libraries for yourself or others rather than just applications, and so much more in so few pages; just lots of things central to writing programs, which is the fundamental task at the end of the day, more so than just "designing" things.
I guess another complaint is that APOSD just doesn't have enough code in it. And perhaps an implicit philosophy I have is that you can't actually master good design without writing good code. Learning from the feet of masters is a good way to learn, but they actually have to teach by example. To that end, The Practice of Programming has many programs as examples (like a markov chain text generator, written in multiple languages with performance and effort-of-writing comparisons) and invites the reader to do many various exercises (like commenting on comments, or rewriting part of an example to use a different implementation decision and compare the different approaches).
When that book happens to make a claim I agree with, I don't tend to also just dismiss it as a platitude, because it's better argued and reasoned (or argued and reasoned at all), and supported and contains even more information to consider. Let's expand the bit I quoted about interfaces from APOSD, it's actually from the section on exceptions.
"Defining away exceptions, or masking them inside a module, only makes sense if the exception information isn't needed outside the module. ... However, it is possible to take this idea too far. In a module for network communication, a student team masked all network exceptions: if a network error occurred, the
module caught it, discarded it, and continued as if there were no problem. This meant that applications using the module had no way to find out if messages were lost or a peer server failed; without this information, it was impossible to build robust applications. In this case, it is essential for the module to expose the exceptions, even though they add complexity to the module's interface. With exceptions, as with many other areas in software design, you must determine what is important and what is not important. Things that are not important should be hidden, and the more of them the better. But when something is important, it must be
exposed (Chapter 21 will discuss this topic in more detail)."
I find the student example here pretty weak, but it'd be stronger if the actual code was shown and developed, especially if done in a context where it's understandable how the students might have thought it was a good idea at first, rather than just making an obvious mistake because they're students. Chapter 21 does discuss things in more detail, but not much more, and again there are no code examples much beyond pointing back to a prior chapter's dozen lines of strawman Java. It starts off with:
"One of the most important elements of good software design is separating what matters from what doesn't matter. Structure software systems around the things that matter. For the things that don't matter as much, try to minimize their impact on the rest of the system. Things that matter should be emphasized and made more obvious; things that don't matter should be hidden as much as possible."
Does that not read to you as terribly verbose and information sparse? Capable of eliciting a "duuuuuh" even from a beginner programmer? Almost tautological even? The rest of the chapter is similar and doesn't actually give much more information at all. Sure there are a few tidbits of use in there, like the idea of "leverage" and what that means as an approach, and a throw-away line that deserved more elaboration about shallow classes needlessly increasing what seems "important". (Yegge's "Execution in the Kingdom of Nouns" post is a good expansion of that and other things, if it's at all helpful to understand examples of what I find valuable in comparison to this book.)
Let's compare now some similar bits from The Practice of Programming. This comes as a partial summary after a worked section on designing an interface for parsing CSV files in C and C++ with many design decisions detailed and discussed.
"Good interfaces follow a set of principles. These are not independent or even
consistent, but they help us describe what happens across the boundary between two
pieces of software.
*Hide implementation details.* The implementation behind the interface should be hidden from the rest of the program so it can be changed without affecting or breaking anything. There are several terms for this kind of organizing principle; information
hiding, encapsulation, abstraction, modularization, and the like all refer to related
ideas. An interface should hide details of the implementation that are irrelevant to the
client (user) of the interface. Details that are invisible can be changed without affecting the client, perhaps to extend the interface, make it more efficient, or even replace
its implementation altogether.
The basic libraries of most programming languages provide familiar examples,
though not always especially well-designed ones. The C standard I/O library is
among the best known: a couple of dozen functions that open, close, read, write, and
otherwise manipulate files. The implementation of file I/O is hidden behind a data
type FILE*, whose properties one might be able to see (because they are often spelled
out in <stdio.h>) but should not exploit."
If you squint, kind of says much the same thing, right? But it's richer, includes whys, and points to a real-life example, not a student project. It also criticizes the C I/O library right after because of its exposure of publicly visible data.
More on the topic of exceptions, the book takes a rather classic approach that I don't fully endorse ("Use exceptions only for exceptional situations"), but one unique bit is a more thorough treatment of handling errors without having to alter control flow, and why that might be important. In the markov generator program, one worry is that there might not be enough input to start the algorithm. One could exit prematurely (with a special value or an exception) but the book chooses instead to do some padding to ensure the problem goes away. Emphasis mine:
"Adding a few NONWORDs to the ends of the data simplifies the main processing
loops of the program significantly; it is an example of the technique of adding sentinel
values to mark boundaries.
As a rule, try to handle irregularities and exceptions and special cases in data.
Code is harder to get right so the control flow should be as simple and regular as possible."
You don't have to take this rule as given, you immediately see it in action, and an exercise later invites you to re-implement without a sentinel value to compare.
APOSD has an entire chapter on errors, but this idea is only barely hinted at in the whole chapter on errors with the idea of defining errors out of existence (it uses a more controversial example, I think, from TCL) and this bit that clarifies that by "exception" he doesn't necessarily mean a stack-unwinding thing: "However, exceptions can occur even without using a formal exception reporting mechanism, such as when a method returns a special value indicating that it didn't complete its normal behavior. All of these forms of exceptions contribute to complexity."
It's just such a shallow treatment, and I think that last bit is more focused on the other basic idea that Practice of Programming spells out:
"Exceptions should not be used for handling
expected return values. Reading from a file will eventually produce an end of file;
this should be handled with a return value, not by an exception."
That's followed by a code example showcasing said behavior that doubles as a less-strawman swipe at classical Java. (The Java code loops until it's -1, and has separate exception handlers for a file not found exception, which the book thinks isn't all that exceptional, and a generic IOException.) But to APOSD, it doesn't seem to matter, they all just contribute to complexity. Maybe they contribute to different degrees? (This would require an objective definition of complexity that lets you count the twists, though.) Maybe leveraging the type system (if you have such a language) to define away errors should be mentioned? Maybe (though this one is truly a rhetorical fever dream wish) acknowledgement of Common Lisp's condition system as yet another powerful alternative should be given?
You can count the things, and count the twists. When a set of things has fewer twists (or even knots) than another set of things, it's simpler. When you pull on something, if it's attached to other things by twists, you are dealing with complexity. When you intentionally entwine things, you are creating complexity. You might say you are "complecting" things together, and once done they are "complected" together.
This is relevant from the smallest details of programming like state (being a more complex twist of value and time, compared to simpler immutable values that are timeless) to the largest issues of modularity (being a property of systems composed of smaller things; when you can disconnect such things without needing to untwist them from each other, you have achieved a simpler design).
This is separate from being easy or hard, though one could assert that a simpler system will tend to be easier to change, because you don't necessarily have to deal with as many things twisted together at the same time. But this isn't a given, because we programmers learn and get better at complex things such that they can feel quite easy, and we also love making tools to try and wrangle sources of complexity, either those inherent to a problem domain, or those we unnecessarily inflict on ourselves, and it can be quite easy to make changes to really complex systems once you've learned some of these tools. Complex things can also be very helpful from time to time, especially when they claim to solve a problem and you just want the problem solved yesterday without caring so much how. But regardless, whether something is simple or complex is a property that remains the same no matter who looks at it. Under APOSD's definition, something basic like immutable collections in a program would make it harder to understand because most people aren't taught about them as part of basic education, and many languages don't offer them as part of the standard library. They're unfamiliar, essentially. Even when you do get used to them, they can still be a bit difficult to work with depending on what you're trying to do. But are immutable collections more complex than mutable ones? No.
I don't see that that is markedly different in function from the definition provided by Ousterhout, or at least both seem to describe to me the same concept, just using different words/terms/analogies.
>For the purposes of this book ... complexity is anything related to the structure of a software system that makes it hard to understand and modify the system.
>Complexity: things twisted together. You can count the things, and count the twists.
Presumably twisting makes things harder to understand and having more things requires a greater effort at understanding?
Not seeing that mutable vs. immutable plays into the APoSD definition --- if a system was suited to being represented by immutable collections and if the structure of the software system was designed to make use of immutable collections in its representation that would not make it harder to understand or to modify.
> Presumably twisting makes things harder to understand and having more things requires a greater effort at understanding?
This is exactly the presumption that is wrong. Sometimes it's right, but often it's not. Programmers are addicted to complexity in part because in many circumstances producing more of it is so easy and convenient, especially right now -- it may make things more difficult in the long run, but not always and anyway not everything has to suffer from the tradeoff of long-run considerations. (e.g. many video games are still ship-and-move-on.)
And yes, mutable vs. immutable doesn't fit nicely with the custom APOSD definition either. Immutable is strictly simpler because it no longer twists together the value with the current time of the program. It's just a value. Another example would be (non-Common Lisp) classes: a (non-Common Lisp) class twists together state (values+time) with behavior (methods) and typically also namespaces and a data type. The alternatives you can use for simpler designs are immutable values, pure functions, and explicit first-class namespaces. It might not be easier, especially at first if you haven't gotten practice using such simple tools together in a non-twisty way, or if you design your program in such an obtuse way or the domain is so inherently stateful that the tradeoffs for the simpler approaches lead to unacceptable effects (try writing a game with no compromises on a pure functional style, it's not easy!). But there are still benefits. The more honest definition means that simplicity isn't an unalloyed good that always leads to more ease, but is just another (important) element to consider in the various tradeoffs programmers have to make.
I am unfamiliar with your usage of "twist" in the sense you seem to be using as it relates to complexity --- the APoSD definition seemed far easier for me to understand at least.
Thank you for taking the time to discuss this --- looking forward to reading the Google book you recommended --- hopefully it will come up as a point of discussion here at some point in the future.
While reading APoSD, one of my thoughts was that it walks up to, but never gets to the point of advocating for Literate Programming, and that resolving how the author feels about that presentation would make for a better and clearer text.
Apparently, there is something of a tension at Stanford in that freshmen are being taught to keep methods/functions short, while the course on software design has as a pre-requisite CS140 which in turn requires CS 107 or EE 108B and CS107 requires CS106B, so it probably couldn't be taken until almost halfway through a four-year degree (and there is a note on the course page that preference will be given to those graduating in the near term).
That said, there is value in laying out basic principles and premises, _and_ the experiences which in turn support them. Reading through your link, it seems to line up well with my understanding of recommendations for comments in APoSD, which makes one wonder how it could be made to work as a text for an introductory course in some language which was approachable by beginners.
There’s obviously a balance. Having worked in both environments, I tend to appreciate the code of someone who at least read the books, but treats it as suggestion rather than gospel. Contrast to someone who never read the books, has no clue what’s “good” and hacks everything.
On the one hand, the books are popular because a lot of people reading them think it makes a good point, and share that view. On the other hand, just because something is popular doesn’t make it right! I think this is where AI gets so much wrong. GIGO! If you base all your code on whatever is most common, are you really really sure that common pattern is really the best? AI, and these book evangelist, often have no clue. Just parroting others.
I’d rather deal with “principles” as opposed to “rules” every time. Glean the principles from the books, and at least try to write clean code!
I wouldn't recommend Code Complete today; I think The Practice of Programming covers most of the same material, is much shorter, is much better written, and isn't tainted by McConnell's later embrace of snake-oil methodologies, some of which made it into the second edition of CC. TPOP didn't exist when CC changed my world.
It's been a hot minute since I've read Code Complete. I don't have it on hand, but I'm pretty sure it was the second edition as it has the gray cover. And I'm pretty sure I got the second edition closer to when it was published than today.
I remember it being pretty decent back in the day. I can't remember any takes that were too hot in it. Honestly, I can only remember a general sense of satisfaction(?) with the book. If you were to ask me what exactly I took from Code Complete and applied in my job today, I couldn't tell you.
What would you classify as "snake oil" in it? Do they recommend Hungarian notation or something weird?
I read some of the more questionable parts of the second edition just now, and while I think there are a lot of things to criticize in it, I suspect that it's just rose-tinted hindsight, or ignorance, that made me not object to them in the first edition; I'm pretty sure most of these problems were already there:
- All the time wasted on the dumb "construction" analogy.
- The total lack of attention to open-source software, possibly because he was misled by his own "construction" analogy. There's no such thing as a freely redistributable cabinet that's extra reliable because your house shares it with the local nuclear reactor, or a rotten floor joist you can't fix without negotiating a source license. (He does discuss buying libraries, just as you can buy cabinets instead of building them.) Though this was surely also lacking in the first edition, it was a more forgivable oversight in 01994.
- Very little attention given to automated testing; we don't get to "developer testing" until chapter 22, and even that's mostly about manual testing, though there are a few offhand remarks in §4.4 and §9.4 about unit testing and test-first programming, with no explanation of what that means. Even when he tries to explain "test-first programming" in §22.2, there's no hint that we're talking about automated testing. And we finally see mentions of "test code" and "JUnit" in §22.4, and then §22.5 and §22.6 have information about actual automated testing, though without any actual test code. The advice on test-case design is still excellent.
- Also, very little about source control. I know this was a deficiency in the first edition because I remember the revelation of learning about RCS a couple of years after I read it. I think it actually got better in the second edition; there's a little "Version Control" section in §30.2 which refers you to §28.2, "Configuration Management", which talks a little bit about the problem but doesn't mention Subversion (first released October 02000), CVS (01990), RCS (01982), SCCS (01973), or even Visual SourceSafe (01994). Instead, it mostly describes implementing similar processes manually, through bureaucracy, because this is the "Managing Construction" chapter. But there is technically half a page on p. 668 singing the praises of version-control software, calling it "indispensable on team projects", which manages to not mention a single program you could use for it. An understandable oversight in 01994, unforgivable in 02004, but again, incompetence rather than snake oil.
- Although he pays lip service at the beginning of the book to the independence of project phases and project activities, he often conflates them later, often presuming a quasi-waterfall model (when he isn't outright advocating it), where a requirements-analysis phase is followed by an architecture phase, then a detailed design phase, then a "construction" phase, then a testing phase, and then finally a maintenance phase. This is obviously completely unlike the reality of projects like Microsoft Windows, Emacs, Linux, GCC, and Facebook. When did Facebook mostly move from detailed design to construction? Would it have been a better social-networking website if it had spent a year or two on architecture before beginning "construction"? He does kind of go back and forth on this a lot, though, sometimes advocating more incremental approaches and then contradicting himself a page later.
- Relatedly, he advocates a division of labor where "the architect consumes the requirements; the designer consumes the architecture; and the coder consumes the design." (Traditionally, though he doesn't say this, the QA tester then consumes the code.) This division of labor has been tried many times, and the companies that have tried it have been mostly outcompeted by companies with less dysfunctional divisions of labor; they mostly survive only in niches where they have legally enforceable monopolies, such as DoD cost-plus prime contractors. None of them have been able to produce products of quality comparable to things like Linux, GCC, and Facebook. I think this is the snake-oiliest part of the book.
- The section about "user interface design" is cringe-inducingly bad. He thinks you can design a good user interface up front without having working software ("The user interface is often specified at requirements time. If it isn't, it should be specified in the software architecture,") rather than incrementally responding to usability feedback from people using a working system. It's a very short section, and that in itself is eyebrow-raising; usability is a central concern of most kinds of software, and one of the most challenging aspects of software. Really, almost everything in most software should be driven ultimately by user experience and grounded out in usability testing. Games, websites, browsers, and even compilers live and die on usability. But McConnell treats it as one minor detail among many.
- The section about the "architecture prerequisite" sounds like it was written by IBM mainframe programmers in 01978, then decorated with some OO and WWW jargon. Yes, clearly the architecture should "describe the major files and table designs to be used". That makes sense. Yes, "Input/output (...) is another area that deserves attention in the architecture. The architecture should specify a read-ahead, read-behind, or just-in-time reading scheme." I mean, seriously? Note that words like "client", "server", "tier", "cache", "protocol", "network", "message", "queue", and even "process" (as in a running instance of a program) are completely missing here. It's not that he uses different terms for them; he just doesn't talk about them at all, using any words.
- He tries to discuss "fault tolerance" with a totally nonsensical example "the square root of a number", necessarily making complete hash of the topic as a result. He doesn't mention any of the techniques that actually work for achieving fault-tolerance, such as statelessness, idempotence, the end-to-end principle, transactions, journaling, fail-stopness, checksums, disk mirroring, hardware trimodular redundancy, watchdog timers, ECC, anomaly detection, network timeouts, monitoring, alarms, etc. The only exception is that he sort of mentions granular restarts. I'm restricting myself to techniques that were well-known when he wrote the first edition of the book here, excluding things like Paxos, eventual consistency, and Merkle graphs.
- There are a lot of cases where he repeats something he's heard that he evidently doesn't understand. The muddled attempt to explain fault tolerance above is one example, but we could also mention, for example, his attempt in §4.1 to describe Fortran programmers writing Fortran in C++, which completely misses the actual major difficulty (it's mostly about structuring the data as arrays, not the control flow), or his remark, "Assembler is regarded as the second-generation language," devoid of the historical context to provide any meaning to it.
- One problem that I think is actually new in the second edition is its presumption that all software is object-oriented (despite paying lip service to the fact that Visual Basic [6] was the most popular language among professional programmers, many people were still programming in Ada and assembly and Cobol and C and Fortran, etc.) and that looks a bit snake-oilier from our perspective now than it did at the time. I think OO is a useful approach to software design, but if I'm writing a generic tutorial on how to design a program, I wouldn't have a step in it called "Level 3: Division into Classes" as McConnell does in §5.2, because that makes my book completely inapplicable to programming in C, Go, Fortran, Rust, Racket, VB6, or Clojure, and inapplicable to much of what people do in Python, PHP, JS, Octave, and R. The snake oil here is not object-orientation but a totalizing ideology that everything must be OO; the Chapter 6 introduction says, "In the twenty-first century, programmers think about programming in terms of classes.". The way I remember it, the first edition didn't have this problem.
- This totalizing OO outlook is somewhat exacerbated by the fact that he doesn't really understand object orientation at all, so he gives a lot of bad advice, like, "A large percentage of routines in object-oriented programs will be accessor routines, which will be very short," §7.4. His whole chapter 6 is about designing classes, but he never mentions the actual core concept of object-orientation, which is polymorphic message sends, presumably because although he knows they exist, he isn't really comfortable with them and doesn't understand how central they are to the OO worldview. Instead he treats classes as a newfangled synonym for CLU's "clusters" or Ada "packages". Much of the chapter is devoted to workarounds for shortcomings of C++. This isn't really "snake oil," just incompetence.
- Another problem that I'm pretty sure wasn't present in the first edition is the counterproductive recommendations of worthless IEEE management process standards in virtually every chapter. This is kind of snake-oily; these standards are of abominable literary quality and contain no useful information that could conceivably help anyone to improve the software they write. As a representative emetic example, check out IEEE 1028, recommended in Chapter 20 and again in Chapter 21. Unlike some other IEEE management process standards I've had the misfortune of reading, it at least doesn't seem to contain any misinformation, but that's because it manages to spend 47 pages saying nothing at all about software.
There's still much material in the book that's solid, and lots of references to good information, but it's mixed with a lot of serious misinformation, misleading analogies, and embarrassing incompetence. And it's a slog to get through so much verbiage. But it's certainly better than Clean Code. Still, now that The Practice of Programming, The Pragmatic Programmer, and A Philosophy of Software Design are out, I think there's no longer any reason to recommend Code Complete.
That is quite a bit more thorough than I either expected or wanted. So, for that, many thanks.
Although in your excellent break down of the shortcomings of the book, you kind of make me want to go back and re-read it myself. Just to experience it from my current vantage point. To see where I disagree with the book now.
> Code Complete's table of "Average Cost of Fixing Defects Based on When They're Introduced and Detected"
This section really hits me because that's one thing I can confidently say I've internalized over the years. To know that it's been based on fictional data is disappointing.
> (...) While there's no smoking gun, I think the body of research so far tentatively points in that direction, depending on how you interpret "late-stage", "bugs", and "more expensive". This is a newsletter, not a research paper, so I'll keep it all handwavey. Here's the rough approach I took to reach that conclusion:
> Some bugs are more expensive than others. You can sort of imagine it being a Gaussian, or maybe a power law: most bugs are relatively cheap, a few are relatively expensive. We'd mine existing projects to create bug classifications, or we'd interview software developers to learn their experiences. Dewayne Perry did one of these analyses and found the bugs that took longest to fix (6 or more days) were things like feature interaction bugs and unacceptable global performance, in general stuff that's easier to catch in requirements and software modeling than in implementation.
> I've checked a few other papers and think I'm tentatively confident in this line of reasoning: certain bugs take more time to fix (and cause more damage) than others, and said bugs tend to be issues in the design.
As I see it, this is not so much about how long the bug has been in the system but about what kind of bug it is. Unacceptable global performance or fundamentally incompatible requirements often kind of require you to restart your system from scratch, which means throwing away a lot of your code. But that doesn't mean that it's trivial to detect them (necessary to fix them) before you've written a lot of code, and throwing away all your code and design documents doesn't mean you're actually starting from scratch, because programming is theory building, not building construction. If writing "the same program" a second time takes you 30% of the time it took you to write it the first time (but the right way), in a sense you retained 70% of the work you did from the first time, even if not a line of code is the same. (Of course, a "bug" that costs 30% of the total project budget is a pretty big bug...)
Also, with iterative development, a requirements or design bug can be introduced very late in the project. Emacs has been around for 40 years but only got native-code compilation for Elisp (a huge requirements and design change containing, probably, many requirements and design bugs) in the last 6 years. 85% of Emacs development was before that. And people were testing it within months of embarking on adding it.
> As I see it, this is not so much about how long the bug has been in the system but about what kind of bug it is.
That makes sense. Even as I was working out in my head why a bug would be more difficult to fix later, I came across the same general thought. That the problem is that by the time the bug gets to production, there's a lot of underlying support for it. And often, fixing that bug means fixing the underlying support as well.
And it's something you often don't discover until you're bitten by it.
And these bugs will naturally be found later because they are more difficult to find in the first place.
Then we get to the bit that essentially reinforces the adage from The Mythical Man-Month: Plan to throw one away, you will anyhow.
And it makes sense. It is obvious when laid out as such. And it is obvious how that section of Code Complete is at odds with The Mythical Man-Month.
"Uncle Bob" is not a software engineer (as he calls himself) and anything he says on the subject is theoretical at best, and snake oil at worst. Can anyone point to any substantial piece of code that he wrote before he can be taken seriously. The code pieces at his GitHub repos, other than style, etc., are just simplistic stuff.
It is probably OK to be thinking on issues related to a field (i.e., software engineering) without being a practitioner in the field, but producing fads-du-jour and selling them as solid (pun intended) theories and expecting to be taken seriously is just ludicrous to me.
I'm surprised that Ousterhout doesn't point out the huge problem introduced with the PrimeGenerator3 refactor: It stores state in static (!) fields, so it's completely unusable in the presence of threads, unless you add a global lock.
Even if Uncle Bob thinks tiny methods are great, why would he introduce the pseudo-constructor "initializeTheGenerator" and make everything static if he needs state? If the helper methods were instance methods instead, the static "generateFirstNPrimes" method could simply construct a new instance to store the state.
The example they use is irrelevant. A solved problem can be written how ever one likes.
Code that will change or can’t ever be considered final, is the real challenge.
Overly cutting code into methods makes code just rigid.
This could be the point, I guess, but if you need to change the methods name in order to reflect the methods intent, than you just wrote the classic unhelpful comment of:
// check a is not null
if (a != 0) { … }
Overuse of comments has the same issue as overuse of methods.
Without rigor, comments and methods names will start to lie.
Because their content / name weren’t necessary to understand the code.
And should just not exist in the first place.
> For me, the fundamental goal of software design is to make it easy to understand and modify the system. I use the term "complexity" to refer to things that make it hard to understand and modify a system.
This explains everything that's wrong with modern software.
When you design a Formula 1 race car engine, the purpose of engine design is not to "make the engine easier to modify". It's to win races. And that depends on the race - a funny car engine, a formula 1 engine, a LeMans engine, Nascar engine, etc, are all different because the races are different.
Another example: when you design a building, the goal isn't to make it easier to understand the building. The goal is to meet the requirements of the building, its uses, requirements, environment, etc. Sometimes a better building is just more complicated, and making the architect or builders' jobs easier, while nice, isn't the goal.
Some things aren't supposed to be easy to understand, because ease of understanding is not the goal of the thing. Focus on the real goal of the thing, and achieving that; don't get distracted by ancillary goals.
Software is unusual in that it's never finished. This makes ease of modification a critical quality of software in a way that it isn't for Formula 1 race car engines or most buildings.
Ease of modification was one of the top priorities in the design of the Model T Ford, because cars break down and must be repaired, and a car that is difficult or impossible to repair will cost its owner large sums of money. Software doesn't break down (though online services do) but for other reasons modification is a high priority.
Perhaps short-lived buildings don't need to be easy to modify, especially if the architects have a very good understanding of the needs of the users over their lifetimes. Often that is not the case, though, and Christopher Alexander was famous in large part because much of his career was devoted to figuring out how to enable inhabitants of buildings to modify them more easily, so that their needs would eventually be met even if the architects guessed wrong decades in the past. Centuries-old stone farmhouses exist, too, and ease of modification is crucial for them; if they cannot be modified they cease to function in only a century or two at most.
Whatever the goal of your software, it is crucial for the people who are modifying it over time to achieve that goal to be able to understand it.
A genius architect/Formula 1 engineer can design a building/engine that fits all the requirements astonishingly perfectly, but if the builders have difficulties understanding it, or later contractors can't figure out how to maintain or fix anything, then it's only a perfect design in theory and an awful design in reality. It's not a nice-to-have to make people's lives a little easier, it defines the success of the project. The genius architect/engineer can insist that the complex design reflects the underlying domain as much as they want but at some point they will have to back that up to someone else who isn't a genius.
Obviously, writing code such that a first year comp sci student can understand what's happening and can start contributing immediately is absurd, but at the same time nobody builds anything in a vacuum. There's a certain legibility required within any context you're designing something for.
Most people aren't building Formula 1 cars. Buildings are a better analogy: they are designed to be maintained. You can replace a door handle without replacing the door or the wall, you can turn off the power to different sections to do repairs. Dangerous or complex parts are labelled, moved into their own rooms or cupboards, and locked.
This is what the soft in software means. It needs to be able to be adapted and change with its requirements.
My favourite story from a previous job was working with high-speed scanners, OCR, data quality, typo correction - that kind of thing.
The pipeline did its job well enough. But later we got a new contract where we accepted email submissions (where the customer had scanned stuff themselves). The guys couldn't hook that into the pipeline, so they set up a new pipeline - to print out the emails so they could then be scanned into the existing pipeline.
Writing software is more akin to building an engine factory than a single engine. At least, much of business software is used over a long period with lots of changes needed. Maybe writing a single game is more comparable to the race engine.
Yes, no, I think he has different mental capabilities than most (most of the commenters here at least) and by that actually are living in a different reality. Human brains function vastly different. Two examples stood out to me.
1) UB said he reads the code in its full from left to right with the if(isTooHot) example. I only resort to reading code in that way as a last resort if I really can't figure out what the code is doing. I mean I look at a block or row and take it in more as a whole.
2) UB said comments are annoying because he has to read them and keep the whole of the comment text in his mind. This again says he reads everything left to right, and he can likely store everything that he has read up to a certain amount.
My mind works nothing like that. I can hold very few words in my working memory but can instead hold concepts/ideas. For that to work good I need to see as much of the involved code as possible and my mental image evaporates if I have to navigate too far where I started.
Lots of negative comments about Uncle Bob in this thread. I personally didn't like Clean Code and really enjoyed A Philosophy of Software Design, but I do think that some of his other books are really solid.
I accept that non-fiction books on anything will oversell the value of their way, and try to take what I can at a more moderate level. Through that lens, Clean Code didn't give me much, but Clean Architecture did. The Clean Coder is also an interesting read on professionalism in software, and Clean Agile is an interesting read on Agile roots. I don't know anyone that practices "true" agile (nor do I care to do so myself), but there are some really solid ideas in there.
I get that Clean Code kind of had a cult-like following in that people followed it blindly, but damn some of these comments are just rude about Uncle Bob. I still think he's a pretty good author and has given me some advice through his other books that helped me a lot as a fresh faced dev.
Uncle Bob has been a horrible influence on our industry, and we’re expressing that. He has not actually worked on anything but yet he’s been able to make some money selling his inexperienced opinions.
While on this topic, one book I really enjoyed is "Beautiful Code"[1]. It is not preachy or prescriptive but a diverse set of programmers showing the code they enjoyed writing.
While I enjoyed the discussion as an exercise in stripping back positions to underlying principles. I find it a great irony that the overarching reason why they diverge on what is "good practice" is not discussed.
John sounds like he is about to start building a new type of database, and Bob sounds like he's knee deep in a 20 year old code base for a logistics company. Both of their positions are reasonable, and both optimized for specific contexts.
I found Bob's responses more measured (which I value a lot), with John's at times being more compelling. I do agree that over-composition is a real problem that Bob is on the wrong side of the line on. But to be fair, Bob and Clean Code comes from a time where it was the opposite and his position on this feels like a philosophy that has an over-correction (albeit - not necessarily a flaw) at it's core.
IMO the "PrimeGenerator" example from Clean Code is horrendous and completely unreadable! This would be so much better as a single method/function with a few interspersed comments that explain the algorithm. I mean, just look at this abomination:
Not only is the method itself completely pointless, it also happens to have side effects! Who would expect this from the method name? So much for self-documenting code... Ousterhout rightfully calls him out on this bullshit.
In fact, Ousterhout makes such great points that I really want to read his book. Conversely, I'm now even less inclined to read Clean Code.
> This would be so much better as a single method/function with a few interspersed comments that explain the algorithm.
I haven't read the whole article when I wrote that comment. Turns out that Ousterhout provides a rewritten version of "PrimeGenerator" that does exactly this. At least UB concedes that this version is indeed much better.
They are both mostly right but the devil is in the details and to try to not get too dogmatic about things. For example function length is one of those things that you can obsess about and debate endlessly.
What's the value of extracting a function that is used only once or twice. It's probably very limited. It's debatable whether that even should be a public function and whether you should encourage more use. And then we can look at the function declaration as well. Does it have a lot of parameters? Is there any complexity to its implementation? Does it have tests? Are there going to be lot of uses of the function? If the answer to all those questions is no, you could probably inline it without losing much. But the flip side is that you wouldn't gain much by doing so. A small function that is used a lot is probably somewhat valuable.
And there's a third thing that needs to be considered: does a function increase the API surface of your module. Having lots of private functions makes your module hard to understand. Having lots of public functions, makes the API less cohesive.
So, there's a grey area here. Languages like Kotlin give you a additional options: make it a nested function, make it an extension function, put it in a Companion object, etc. You can put functions in functions and those can help readability. The whole point of doing that is preventing usage outside the context of the outer function. Nested functions should probably be very short. And their only goal should be to make the outer function logic more readable/understandable. It's not something I use a lot but I've found a few uses for this. There's no point to using nested functions other than for readability.
And speaking of Kotlin, it's standard library is full of very small extension functions. Most of them are one or two lines. They are clearly valuable because people use them all the time. You get such gems as fun List.isNullOrEmpty(): Boolean which helps make your if statements a lot more readable and less flaky. Also works on Java lists. Stuff like that is a big part of why I like Kotlin.
I tend to dumb down a lot of advice like both are debating here to cohesiveness and coupling. In the context of functions, you get coupling via parameters and side effects (e.g. modifying state via parameters) instead of return values. And you lose cohesiveness if a single function starts doing too many not so related things. High coupling and low cohesiveness usually means poor testability. You'll find yourself mocking parameters just to be able to test a function. Improving testability is a valid reason for extracting smaller, easier to test functions.
It's always fascinating to me to see this subject talked about, because I've been programming for years in a niche field (audio plugin DSP development) and have interacted with Clean Code programmers, but I seemingly cannot grasp what they do at all.
This is to the point that, in order to program and do the things I want to do, I have to essentially write nearly everything out longhand, to the point of unrolling things in repetitive fashion, and organizing things in blocks of code separated by comments about what's being done in each block. I can do this so predictably and regularly that my code gets parsed by other people's more Clean Code and ingested as sort of blocks of program behavior to be used in other software, to the point where it's an 886-star repo with 79 forks: not Bob-scale, but then I haven't written books or revolutionized corporate coding.
I've had to learn useful things about where my approach doesn't take advantage of its hypothetical strengths: heedlessly unrolling everything doesn't give you speed boosts, and I've had to learn to declare variables nearer to where they're used. But I've also had to learn that I could do the opposite of Clean Code for performance gains. Back in the day, you could assign variables for calculations to avoid Repeating Yourself, but on modern processors it turns out… in addition to techniques like running calculations in parallel on wide data words that contain different data processed together… you can even take advantage of how eager CPUs are to do math, to avoid creating extra variables. It can be more efficient to just do the math a couple times rather than create a whole new variable just to skip the math.
This world makes sense to me. It acts like assembly language, except it's C (not even C++). I don't know to what extent there are other people who think this way, or struggle to keep track of even simple abstractions.
It's just the context with which I see Bob acolytes, rather than just declaring a variable to not do the math twice, breaking it off into about twelve different methods for seemingly purely semantic reasons, and insisting anything else is stupid. And there I am, producing and re-using reams of shockingly primitive code that seems to work and where I can return to it, even a couple decades later, and have no trouble figuring out what I did.
There's something to be said for being SO stupid that your work just works.
I was just thinking about what AI assisted coding brings to the design discussion, especially as AI become more and more powerful and we rely on it more and more. You still want to make things modular and easy to understand so that AI understands it easily and the needed info to modify a module can fit in a relatively small context window, but the difference is that it is very easy to make large scale measurement about which code style is understood better by an LLM, so maybe some of these debates will be decided relatively objectively!
For the topic: the discussed topics are relatively trivial surface level stuff, mostly I agree with POSD, but these will be handled by AI anyway. I guess humans will use the spare brain capacity to deal with the real deep design questions (for a while).
import itertools
def generate_n_primes(n):
Generate n prime numbers using a modified Sieve of Eratosthenes.
The algorithm keeps track of a list of primes found so far,
and a corresponding list of 'multiples', where multiples[i] is a multiple of primes[i],
(multiples[i] is initially set to be primes[i]**2, see the optimisations section below).
The main loop iterates over every integer k until enough primes have been found,
with the following steps:
- For each prime found so far
- While the corresponding multiple is smaller than k, increase it by steps of the prime
- If the multiple is now the same as k, then k is divisible by the prime -
hence k is composite, ignore it.
- If, for EVERY prime, the multiple is greater than k, then k isn't divisible by any
of the primes found so far. Hence we can add it to the prime list and multiple list!
There are a few optimisations that can be done:
- We can insert 2 into primes at the start, and only iterate over every odd k from there on
- When we're increasing the multiple, we can now increase by 2*prime instead of 1*prime,
so that we skip over even numbers, since we are now only considering odd k
- When we find a prime p, we add it to the prime and multiple list. However, we can instead add
its square to the multiple list, since for any number between p and p**2, if it's
divisible by p then it must be divisible by another prime k < p
(i.e. it will be caught by an earlier prime in the list)
# Insert 2 into primes/multiples
primes = [2]
multiples = [4]
# Iterate over odd numbers starting at 3
for k in itertools.count(3, 2):
# If we've found enough primes, return!
if len(primes) >= n:
return primes
# For each prime found so far
for i in range(len(primes)):
# Increase its corresponding multiple in steps of 2*prime until it's >= k
while multiples[i] < k:
multiples[i] += 2 * primes[i]
# If its corresponding multiple == k then k is divisible by the prime
if multiples[i] == k:
# If k wasn't divisible by any prime, add it to the primes/multiples list
multiples.append(k ** 2)
return primes
Some might find the docstring as well as comments too much - I find the comments help relate the code to the docstring. Open to suggestions!
On reflection, my attitude to books like these indicated where I was in my understanding of programming. They used to be useful life-buoys that one clung to for dear life early in one's career in a fast-moving and often-changing industry. Then they become an interesting side-note reminding one of what they clung to as the good precepts that served them well stand out from the rest of the books. And finally they become unnecessary and seemingly dogmatic when one has become adept at swimming. In other words, essential reading depending on where you find yourself :) Disclaimer: out of these two, I only read Clean Code.
Uncle Bob probably the biggest scammer in Software. What a complete pile of garbage.
So much energy wasted in all these design patterns, SOLID and other OOP bullshit.
Turns out you can just pass immutable data in and get immutable data out. Who would have guessed? The whole 90s - 00s Java OOP garbage still gives me nightmares
"That's a valid concern. However, it is tempered by the fact that the functions are presented in the order they are called. Thus we can expect that the reader has already seen the main loop and understands that candidate increases by two each iteration."
I think this missed the point entirely. If i had to read the entire code to understand the behavior of that method, then is it really cleaner? Side-effects are evil
And then it seems like he actually found his crystal ball, because in the very next question he refers to things that have not yet occurred in the conversation:
> interpreting your rewrite (below)
And later:
> In your solution, which we are soon to see below
This makes it somewhat confusing to read, with answers being based on counterpoints that will only have been made in the future. (Which, I suppose, is similar to the problem Ousterhout has with UB's PrimeGenerator example.)
The primary goal of software design should be to facilitate understanding and modification for future developers, emphasizing the importance of code readability.
I'm in the middle of designing a course for a client on teaching software engineering best practices for data scientists (and folks who live in Jupyter all day).
There seems to be a huge lack of material for these types that aren't "programmers", don't live in an "IDE", and are essentially writing code all day.
"Do One Thing" is to me maybe best understood in the context of the Single Layer Of Abstraction Principal - it has helped me numerous times to be very intentional about following SLAP in complex code, and Do One Thing seems to fall very naturally out of it.
Crucial context here: Ousterhout is one of the great programmers who built the free software world we live in today, and Uncle Bob is a faker. Ousterhout is not without his problems (Stallman famously called him a "parasite" on the free software community, as well as fervently disagreeing with his technical taste) but he's written truly world-changing software. By contrast, Uncle Bob is a windbag book author who has never managed to write any software worth using, to my knowledge.
Ousterhout to Uncle Bob:
> maybe you were surprised that it is hard to understand, but I am not. Said another way, if you are unable to predict whether your code will be easy to understand, there are problems with your design methodology.
This debate is full of treasures like this. What a brilliantly clear and understated way to expose charlatanism!
What is this “world-changing software” I'm saying Ousterhout has shipped? Tcl. (Hold on, now, don't downvote just yet.) Tcl has been a crucial enabling technology for EDA and automated regression testing since literally the 01980s. Probably every VLSI chip in the computer you're reading this on was designed, verified, and tested with workflows involving unholy amounts of Tcl. GCC's test suite is also Tcl. Still.
Automated testing in the 01980s? Yes. It's true that automated testing wasn't very prevalent in the software world until the Agile guys (Uncle Bob and his less incompetent compatriots) popularized it around the turn of the century, but EEs and compiler engineers have been pervasively automating testing a lot longer than that, and Tcl was for a long time the least awful option, believe it or not. And that was John Ousterhout's doing.
Do you know what the SPICE developers did to make SPICE scriptable, before there was Tcl? They linked csh into it. Motherfucking csh. If you've never tried to maintain a large script in csh, you do not know the meaning of suffering.
Good programmers write good software; bad programmers write bad software, or no software. Ousterhout has written one of the few pieces of software that can be called great. (In its historical context. In 01978 csh was great software too.) What software has Uncle Bob written?
Listening to Uncle Bob's programming advice over Ousterhout's would be like listening to your middle-school English teacher's writing advice instead of Stephen King's. It's not that King could never give you worse advice, but if you need your English teacher's advice, generally your judgment will not be good enough to distinguish the rare occasions King gets it wrong.
I don't think Magic and Raft are anywhere close to the importance of Tcl, though I've probably at some point used a chip that was designed in Magic. And, while I like Tk and find it inspiring, the number of Tk apps I can remember ever using (that I didn't write myself) is maybe three, and they weren't very important to me.
As for Sprite-LFS, I really enjoyed the Sprite LFS paper and found it inspiring, but my conclusion was that Seltzer's followup BSD-LFS paper falsified some of its more surprising claims, and ultimately the underlying predictions about the relative trends in RAM size and disk size turned out to be wrong, undercutting the key advantages of the LFS approach overall. Vaguely LFS-like approaches are important to SSDs and SMR disks, but WAFL was already about that LFS-like in 01995 (which is admittedly after Sprite-LFS), and SSD FTLs also do some not-very-LFS-like things. So ultimately I don't think Sprite-LFS turned out to be that important.
Sprite as a whole I'm less able to evaluate. I've never been an OS researcher, but I've spent a fraction of my life reading SOSP and HotOS papers and systems dissertations, and I don't remember seeing anything that came out of Sprite except Sprite-LFS. I was thinking maybe doors in Solaris did, but no, that was Sun's Spring, not Sprite. Other side of the Bay, where Ousterhout took Tcl eventually. So it's possible Sprite was a great achievement, but I haven't noticed it. But I think more likely it's one of those things where we tried the "obvious" thing (SSI across a bunch of workstations) and found out why it was bad, which influenced later efforts like PVM, MOSIX, Beowulf, distcc, MapReduce, Ceph, etc., because Sprite stepped on the mines so they didn't have to. There's a nice retrospective (by Ousterhout, natch) at
So I don't think Tk, Magic, Raft, and Sprite-LFS really have the same level of significance as Tcl. Sprite maybe.
I don't think it's bad to spend a lot of time and effort on things that turn out to not be very significant, for two reasons. One is that, after a long enough time, very little indeed remains very significant. (Who, today, can recount the disappointments of the Minoan queens?) The other is that things you could do that are significant—even for a little while—are usually things that will probably fail. So if you spend a lot of time doing things that might be significant, you'll fail at most of them.
But in Ousterhout's case, one of those things did succeed brilliantly, and it was Tcl.
Engineers believe in definitions. By definition, philosophy is not a scientific discipline, because as soon as a discipline becomes scientific it... stops being philosophy.
As Alexander Pyatigorsky famously wrote, "the value of philosophy is in that nobody needs it".
what i meant was- it is a poor engineer indeed who doesn't understand the concepts of philosophy such as ethics, logic, and how that led to the scientific method.
science without philosophy is just scientism. it leads to engineers creating previously unimaginable horrors!
I'm not saying that philosophy is bad. Maybe making software just never meant to become an engineering discipline. I mean making clothes, laws, and music isn't. And it's fine.
> I bemoan the fact that we must sometimes use a human language instead of a programming language. Human languages are imprecise and full of ambiguities. Using a human language to describe something as precise as a program is very hard, and fraught with many opportunities for error and inadvertent misinformation.
This quote from Uncle Bob is shameful, considering that he has made 100% of his career on writing English, not code.
An interesting contrast to it is Ousterhout's observation:
>If you can visualize a system, you can probably implement it in a
>computer program.... This means that the greatest limitation in writing
>software is our ability to understand the systems we are creating.
Though interestingly it is in marked contrast to a different statement in the "Software Design Book" Google mailing list:
>John Ousterhout, Aug 21, 2018, 12:30:15 PM
>I've never felt that graphs are a particularly useful way of describing software structure.
>The interactions between classes end up so complicated that the graph becomes an unreadable mess.
>Also, I'm not sure that the complexity of a graph representation of software correlates with its
>practical complexity (the graph representation might look very complicated, but the software might
>still be pretty easy to maintain).
and I'd be interested if someone knows of a text/video/interview which resolves that twain, or what sort of visualization is advocated for/recommended.
Structure graphs are rarely useful for me, but visualizing the data flow is how I think about code in general. Sometimes it's graph-like, but more wishy-washy and I'm only holding the relevant parts for the task at hand in my head rather than everything.
All great, but generaly useless in most big corp project with offshoring, where we are already happy that we actually delivered something that works in first place.
Both use it to demonstrate their way of deriving and documenting an algorithm.
And then R. Martin used it again in his book "Clean Code; 2008". (Though I'm not 100% certain what he wants to demonstrate with his rather difficult formulation.)
For the sake of this email I am going to call it "Dijkstra's algorithm".
If we look at it from an engineering perspective, then Dijkstra's algorithm is never the best choice (at least not in 2025).
If performance is not the most important aspect, e.g. if we need less than 100000 primes, then the straightforward trial division is just as fast - and soooo much simpler (basically impossible to get wrong). Note that this is different in 2025 than it was in 1970, back then multiplications and divisions were much more expensive so it made sense to minimize them.
If performance is the most important aspect, then the sieve of Eratosthenes is much faster. And you can implement the sieve with a sliding window, which is just as fast (or even a bit faster because of caching) and uses a bounded amount of memory.
Concretely - my implementation of the sliding window sieve of Eratosthenes is about 50 times faster than Dijkstra's algorithm (on the same machine) when generating the first 200 million primes (7.5 sec vs 6 min).
The reformulation - both by Ousterhout and Martin - computes multiples for every new prime found. This will quickly lead to overflow, e.g. the 6543-th prime is 65537, so its square will overflow 32 bit unsigned integers. Dijkstra's formulation on the other hand only computes multiples that are actually used to filter, the multiples are never (much) larger than the candidate.
Note that computing the multiples so eagerly will also make the multiples vector unnecessarily large (wasting memory).
Knuth and Dijkstra both remark that there is a subtle problem with the correctness of the algorithm. When incrementing lastMultiple and then later accessing primes[lastMultiple] und multiples[lastMultiple] it is not obvious that those will already be assigned. In fact they will be, but it is very difficult to prove that. It is a consequence of the fact that for every integer n there is always a prime between n and n*n, which follows from Betrand's theorem, a difficult number-theoretical result.
So if you look at Ousterhout's and Martin's reformulation and think "a yes - now I get the algorithm", then beware: You've missed at least two aspects that are relevant for the algorithm's correctness. ;-)
PDSD is correct on length of methods. The methods given in an example in CC are ridiculously short. CC is more correct on comments than PDSD. Especially mandating comments in certain places leads to very low quality and, frankly, utterly disgusting comments point out, helpfully that the 'get_height' method 'gets the height'. CC is more correct on TDD than PDSD. The noticed danger of just focussing on implementation details over the structure of the API is always there but TDD has a refactor step to fix that. The general idea of working in small steps with there being a safe state between every small step is worth its weight in gold.
I think the reason most people have a problem with Uncle Bob is because they know their own practices are a far cry from his recommendations, and they take his prescriptive and uncompromising advice as a personal attack.
I also wonder how many people interpret his advice as that of a mindless, pedantic dictator.
My own introduction to UB was from some random YouTube video he made about programming languages, so my first impression of him included his humor and his ability to see both sides of an issue while being unafraid of having a strong opinion. I really enjoy speaking with and listening to people with strong, long-marinated opinions, regardless of whether I agree or not. At the very least it means they've put a lot of thought into it, which makes for better discussion and learning.
I also lack a long history of code commits, being more of a dabbler here and there, so perhaps I have a smaller surface area for UB's jabs to land upon. Still, I acknowledge that a Clean Code Nazi would probably rip me to shreds for some of the practices I've followed and some that I continue to follow. But improvement is a much more achievable goal than perfection, and gleaning valuable information is better than being dogmatic.
In the end I love listening to UB talk. I don't follow all his practices but I do keep them in the back of my mind. If not worth following strictly they are always worth considering, especially the intent behind them.
So when I see his opinions on comments or his opinions on abstraction and variable naming my first instinct is not to lament about how he is poisoning our youth or insulting my code, but rather to ask myself how I can make use of his perspective. I'd encourage others to do the same; it's much more fun that way, not just for programming but for everything.
As for those of you stuck in "Clean Code" hell with oppressive supervisors demanding strict adherence... that sounds like a personal failure, or a personal incompatibility, or both. I would blame the messenger there, not the message.
My problem with UB is that by promoting his brand and his style so much to junior developers (in both subtle and fairly overt ways), he's warped the mind of a lot of people in a way that effects them for a long time and the people around them. I don't really have anything personally against UB, but dealing with the code that one of his acolytes creates is deeply frustrating and often they claim it's "best practice" even though there's basically no validation around most of his claims and if you read the criticism, they're fairly common sense.
It seemed like a content-free comment. I was no better informed after reading it than before, and it was of no artistic or cultural value. It did not induce me to question any of my assumptions or investigate anything. It expressed your experience, but your experience was not unusual or surprising in any way, except perhaps that you did not know that "Uncle" Bob Martin was an incompetent charlatan. Possibly those were among the reasons people downvoted it.
Who else has had to deal with idiots who froth at the mouth when you exceed an 80 line character margin?
And it's not just programming styles, patterns and idioms. It's arguably even worse when it comes to tech stacks and solution architecture.
It's super-frustrating when I'm dealing with people in a professional setting and they're quick to point out something they read in a book, or even worse - a blog - with very little else to add.
This was especially bad during the NoSQL and Microservice hype. Still somewhat feeling it with PAAS/SAAS and containerization. We have so many really really basic things running as Function Apps or lambdas, or simple transformations running in ADF or Talend that add zero value and only add to the support and maintenance overhead.
Always keep in mind that sometimes the only difference between yourself and the person writing the book/blog/article is that they actually wrote it. And that their opinions were written down don't make them fact. Apply your own mind and experience.