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I read there was additional drama related to Sam leaving YC; unilaterally declaring himself Chairman of YC, including a YC blog announcement that was quickly deleted. [0]

[0] https://archive.is/Vl3VR

Of course theres additional drama and context. PG is retconning it to make himself look less incompetent and absent.

Paul Graham would have been officially retired from YC at the time. Jessica Livingston still worked full-time at YC for some years after Paul Graham hired Sam Altman to replace him as president and hired Dan Gackle to replace him as moderator. If Paul Graham had not been retired, this entire conversation wouldn't exist. His retirement is why Altman was president of YC.

Accusing Graham of being "absent" sounds silly.

What does it mean to be officially retired in the YC firm world view anyway... if you have a significant ownership stake are you actually ever really retired? Are major decisions not vetted by the stakeholders? YC was founded by JL and PG (I'd assume equally). And this decision is now described as a JL decision.

Anyway, there's a Hollywood movie in this drama... maybe I'll write a script using ChatGPT... :)

As a guess: It means he got to see his kids grow up instead of working 100 hours a week.

He handed off a lot of the day-to-day scut work. He didn't go "I'm just a shareholder who reads the annual report and counts my pennies from the DRIP."

And yet here he is talking about how he was making the decisions.

He was still one of the two main founders and married to the other main founder. He wasn't totally uninvolved with the company.

He still did Office Hours, at least for a time. He described that as "ten percent of what he did" and hired at least two people to divide up the other 90 percent.

I imagine he and Livingston discussed the company over breakfast/dinner and a lot of decisions were likely joint decisions privately hashed out. It's a company founded by a dating couple who later married. There is probably no clear, bright dividing line between "her" decisions and "his."

No, we're talking about Jessica Livingston making a decision. It's right there in the statement.

Lol no in the statement he says "we" in the wsj its just his wife. The buck stops...somewhere?

Well, if you want to read it tendentiously, I guess your choices are the buck stopping with Jessica, with Paul, or with Jessica and Paul. Seems straightforward to reason about.

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