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Ask HN: Who is looking for a cofounder?
46 points by lagniappe 7 months ago | hide | past | favorite | 47 comments
I'm not sure if there's a better way to ask this, but I'm looking for a similar post and might be using the wrong terms to look for it. So here it is, who's looking for a partner, helper, cofounder, coconspirator, etc?

25-year network architect/system admin here.

I am disappointed and furious about the progress of our communications industry. ISPs for far too long have been milking the taxpayers and foremost the customers.

During high school, I ran our town's dial-up ISP. This was a high school program to bring internet to our little town, at an affordable non-long-distance price. My most recent employment was taking a wISP from 1300 customers to 5000 customers in 2.5 years with a staff of less than 10. We had 2 IT wizards, the primary owner and myself. The rest were installers/physical maintenance and 2 secretaries.

I'm looking to found an ISP similar to my previous employer, BUT this is going to be a hybrid tower/fiber model ISP that must operate at the lowest cost to consumers possible.

I have worn so many hats it's time to put them all on at once. I'm just not sure if I can pull this off by myself nor will my savings cover the start-up cost.

Sorry for the rant, and no contact info. I should probably spin up the website/email server for contact points while thinking this over.

I have been looking for a cofounder to start an ISP since 1997 when I stopped running the first ISP I founded in 1988. I never found a business partner who didn't want to overcharge the customers.

First, fiber can be done much better than any provider I've seen. Every house 4x10gbps openflow switches with P2P fibers to the neighbours brings down the network cost below $1 per month (from $10-$25 rental). IP transit cost for most would be just $1. Maybe another $1 for a huge disk cache (TV streaming). The most expensive part of the fee would be for helpdesk, support and billing.

The router can have TOR and anonymous VPN hardware at linespeed.

Better still to do Enernet: optical plus electrical grid, so you can trade your solar and ev battery electricity with the neighbourhood.


I am not upset by ISPs. I am finding fiber to the house is a cure for the complaints I once had.

My primary frustration is the lagging adoption of IPv6 and the lagging reliance on advertising funded centrally managed servers/services that only exist to connect around NAT. For example if I wanted to text a remote user of share a file I should be able to do so without uploading to a server. In that case end-to-end encryption go from super challenging to incredibly easy.

Where would you like to found the ISP?

I may have an excellent fit for you.

Pop a contact email/other method in your bio?

I'm working on a 3d sonar to replace costly lidars.

Already have a state-of-the art prototype that has better performance than $3k lidars for under a hundred bucks.

Applications are robots that need to navigate autonomously in a non-cooperative environment (humanoid robots, delivery drones, etc). There's also a dozen other applications to use the sensor for (indoor millimeter-localization with beacons, insect detection and identification, passive localization of sound sources, etc).

I'd love to meet someone with a strong technical background but who could help me on all non-technical tasks (getting funding, finding an application to focus on, managing certifications, etc)

More context at [1] [2]

I'm currently based in France but would like to relocate in March when I finish my current internship.

[1]: https://www.alextoussaint.com/2021-04-28_How-I-built-an-ultr...

[2]: https://www.alextoussaint.com/

alex at alextoussaint.com

I'm working on Lunni [1], a Docker Swarm GUI. Currently looking for an accomplice to help me with marketing stuff and maybe refine product vision while on it. Would also love to work on other projects in the meanwhile, so please do reach out if you're looking for a technical cofounder!

[1]: https://lunni.dev/



Been running solo bootstrapped SAAS for 8+ years already and have seen moderate success (low 7 figures in ARR). Nothing worth gloating but I can build a few things and sell. I have employees but no true partner/co-founder who lives and breathe this stuff with me.

Have some fresh ideas for which I would love to team up. Technical/non-technical doesn't matter. You either build shit or are awesome at talking to customers. I do both as well. If this is you, hit me up. Will start with some side projects together to test compatibility first.

I am in East Coast (Southern NJ). 20 mins from Philadelphia and 1.5 hours from NYC, 3-4 hours from DC. For co-founders, I personally believe that we need to work together in person at least in the beginning. So that's a hard requirement for me.

Note: Experience with YC Founder matching has been terrible at least for me so far.

Low 7 figures ARR is something less than 1% of startups can claim they reached. That’s more than a moderate success. That’s a huge success!

I hear you. It is no easy feat. I just have the hunger to build something much bigger and I m not just talking about money.

If you want to do both build and talk to customers in early startup phase, reach out to me. Check out my profile and if interested reach out via email in profile, Sorry, don't use twitter so can't message you.

Though my current location (Japan) timezone is 14 hours ahead of you, I have a good family base in NY-NJ area with another home base on US west coast and professional network on both coast. So spending few months in the area to work together is not a problem.

I get contacted by too many "idea" people who are one developer or salesman away from making it big. I am not interested in such people. I am interested in teaming up with someone who is capable of doing whatever needed to move forward, someone who can also execute and roll up the sleeves to code when needed, outreach when needed, learn new things when needed, and not afraid to take on unknown. Excellent communication skills, and frequent and open communication are must.

Sure. Happy to chat. Will reach out. Also added email to profile now

How do I reach out to you?

Added email in profile. Feel free to reach out

I am working on RTCode.io/RTEdge.net and might need some marketing help/partnership!

It's like CodePen meets Vercel but everything is built on the web platform APIs.

https://RTCode.io - The real-time web development playground for HTML, CSS, and JS. Changes in your code reflect instantly in the output, and vice versa. It supports in-editor Workers for backend code, that can be deployed to RTEdge.net.

https://RTEdge.net Our global, multi-cloud, edge network. It gives your code the world-wide edge with distributed hosting that auto-scales. We also run .rt.ht – world's shortest SaaS eTLD.

https://elefunc.com - Delaware C Corp. building real-time web services using latest web platform technologies and AI.

We are generously backed by the best: Cloudflare Startup Plan - Enterprise; Microsoft for Startups - Azure + OpenAI; AWS Activate; Google for AI Startups - GCP; Oracle - OCI.

Contact: marketing@elefunc.com

I am looking for a cofounder, but not in any big rush as I want to find someone that is a good fit. In the meantime I am working on a project to improve/practice my development skills with a mobile app and attending meet-ups in my area to chat with people and maybe do some projects to test out how we work together.

I have more of a 'business' background, have worked on policy projects for the tech sector and have a lot of project management skills. My day job right now is an executive position, and I can build teams, set vision, and implement. I also have enough coding background to build prototypes, so can contribute to technical aspects at the beginning.

Feel free to message me if you want to collaborate on a project!

i'm working on a coordination/knowledge management platforms. basically github for everyone.

for now i'm still building the primitives like spaced repetition, calendar, reminders etc.

imagine if zettelkasten took advantaged of: hypertext, web components, URL state, incremental reading, spaced repetition.

transforming itself into a 'digital collective second superbrain'


( o.o )

> ^ <

contact me at: adm [at] noite.ink for more

Hi, vicktorium.

I am working on a kind of second brain / memex solution...

My angle on the subject matter is the individual and its companion, the mobile phone...

Maybe we should talk about interfaces, and maybe about a new UI idea for big and lengthy discussions..?

All the best!

Christian, Dresden

hey Christian, can you call me at adm (at) noite.ink for us exchange emails and who know ...

i'm also working on a memex/second brain-like solution.

I sent you an email but it could not be delivered... Give me another address, please.

I'm a very experienced Hardware designer and technical leader (Mechanical, Electrical, Systems engineering and hardware architecture).

I've been running my own product design firm for 10 years, and have personally designed and lead teams thatbdesigned many highly complex gurdwara products like surgical robotics, dialysis machines, artificial hearts, and many other products.

I run a small boutique hardware design firm here in San Francisco. I have a lot of equipment and capabilities that are super helpful for hardware projects and companies. I'm always looking for new clients, partners and potential co founders for my projects and my clients projects. More information and contact details are on my website at www.iancollmceachern.com

Please feel free to reach out!

I run the largest medical education platform in MENAP as a solo founder. I'm Pakistan's first ever full stack technologist who is also a medical doctor (country of 200m+ people). I firsthand have experienced how broken medical education is, and our platform has over 75,000+ doctors/future doctors and 70m+ questions solved. Looking for help with selling/pilots to medical schools and our cost is far less than pretty much everyone else in the globe in the space, while being more innovative.

If anyone is interested or can help, please do ping me - I'm sure we'll work something out. Email is azib [at] medangle [dot] com

Wow, you're awesome. Sounds great and impressive.

I am not a good cofounder in India but maybe I could be of any help?

Hey, thank you! Let's chat - would love to chat and explore what can be done. My email is azib [at] medangle [dot] com or Mohammad Azib at LinkedIn.


Medical students in Germany translate the medical lingo of findings into easy to process words...

I’m looking for co-founders in Mumbai, India.

I’m Tanay . I’m building a search engine for bookmarks and knowledge to provide recommendations from users' bookmarks across platforms, including X, LinkedIn, Instagram, YouTube, etc.

I chose to build this product because I had more than 3000 thousand bookmarks scattered across apps that I was not revisiting or using. Every time I start to scroll through, I would only end up with the first 10-15.

If you’re interested and passionate about building a tool that people love using and love paying for, shoot me a message.

There was a Ask HN: Why is it so hard to find a technical cofounder? post[1] here a couple months ago. I commented that I'm a technical co-founder looking for a co-founder that is a Board Certified Behavior Analyst (BCBA)...No responses so far. I'm also on YC cofounder but they do not provide the ability to search profiles by education / degree.

[1] https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=38255692

FWIW r/bcba has a monthly job posting, perhaps the mods would allow you post there if you messaged them (or just a standalone post)?

Software engineer, see profile.

Also might make a small platform for matching technical people with other technical people because of the other post[1]. You can message about that too, if you want to either participate in that as a regular user looking for a cofounder, or do programming to make that platform as a contributor or cofounder.

[1] https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=38255692

Designer and frontend dev looking for interesting projects. Solid experience in Adobe cc, svelte, ts, and CSS.

Im an experienced software engineer in the late stage of building an AI-based language learning app for English learners and I’d really be up to partner up with someone that understands about the language learning business.

I’m open to one. I’m an app developer – I like building front-end consumer facing apps and am working on several at the moment. Open to bringing someone into my existing projects or working on something new if someone’s got an interesting idea.

I’m looking for dev with consumer experience. Non-technical, but strong in corporate and product strategy. Can run marketing and partnerships as well. Atm working on an AI concierge service to help new parents find healthy and safe baby products. Let me know if you want to connect!

I’m an app/web dev too. Doing a bit more web these days, Next and htmx. But just wrapping up work on a React Native B2C App that had around 50k users. Also a bug mac user ;) Shot me on a msg to the email in my bio

Would love to connect but don’t see your email…

I’ll bite.

I built and sold a company. Regret it now. Would really love to get back into something new but haven’t found an idea which really grabs me.

Semi technical in the sense that I can architect sane systems that meet business requirements. But not a CS background, and while I can write code, it’s not a good use of my time.

Last time was 100% bootstrapped and solo founder. Would love to have a cofounder this go around.

Strong preference for someone based on NYC or willing to relocate here.

What did you regret about selling or building?

A couple other people asked the same question so I wrote it up as a blog post: https://www.nothingeasyaboutthis.com/i-regret-selling-my-sta...

I need a cofounder(s). Anyone interested in the following? 1) Scheme autograd 2) GPT based autocompletion for Scheme / lambda calculus 3) GPT based assembly to source code

Mainly backend dev with 5 years experience with Go, Node, C# as well as AWS and Azure cloud architecture.

Open to working on any projects or coming up with ideas or just to network. Email in my about.

Are you open to being a cofounder? =]

Downvoted because it should be obvious they are not interested in being a cofounder?

or because it's somehow a rude question?

What are your skills...?

I am looking for a cofounder. My company is focused on writing, mostly horror novels. See my email address on my profile if interested.

This is super interesting. From your email address domain, couldn’t really reach your homepage. If already up and running, can you please share your company landing page? Otherwise, good luck! And keep us posted

My company landing page is permanently disconnected. As the second law of thermal dynamics states, "the more disordered a system and higher the entropy, the less of a system's energy is available to do work." - https://openstax.org/books/physics/pages/12-3-second-law-of-...

What skills are you brining? What areas are you interested in?

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