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> If your goal is visibility, you are well advised to tailor your messaging to the medium. That means skewing to the visual and away from the linked article.

Isn't that obvious?

No, because as recently as just last year, Twitter didn't downrank external links so heavily. Viral articles were possible last year.

Yea I’d imagine the feed change and Twitter fully embracing low effort memes and jokes for its “virality” effect were a big factor

No, because it wasn't always true for Twitter. Twitter made a choice to change how it rewarded pictures vs. links, and it happened surprisingly late.

When was this? Sometime in the last couple of years?

Images/videos were definitely boosted/prioritized, but external links also used to go viral pre-Elon, even a bit after he took over. Remember how mad he got about Substack?

Now all external links are effectively blackholed from the algo feed. It's a massive change.

I can't confidently say, but the article suggests it's post-Elon.

Ok was just wondering because anecdotally images have been a staple of engagement optimizing posts/accounts. E.g. something like ESPN won’t post a minute clip of an interview or simply a transcript excerpt, it’s always a quote graphic with an animated expression of the athlete. Some fairly mundane quote from Tom Brady will instead include a picture of him yelling

Yea I like Strauss but this was a bit strange. He doesn’t seem to understand the profile and iq of the average Twitter user and the type that drives “virality.” Additionally one can immediately engage with an image (which is why every stupid engagement optimizing account would tweet with images), reading an external piece takes more work

One of those filters I want to apply to Mastodon is “images with text”, that is, it is frequently a screenshot of an X (yuck!) or some inflammatory message that I won’t repeat. People do click on them though which is what makes them so annoying.

Haha, there’s that meme about five websites or so that r just screenshots of the other websites.

And yea it enables those stupid posts so I try to refrain from engaging

> He doesn’t seem to understand the profile and iq of the average Twitter user and the type that drives “virality.”

There was still an enormous (and arguably self-sustaining) population of "readers".

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