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The ReMarkable Streaming Tool v2: Elevating Remote Work Efficiency (owulveryck.info)
588 points by owulveryck on Aug 20, 2023 | hide | past | favorite | 114 comments

Greetings HN community! I'm excited to share the latest iteration of my reMarkable streaming tool, designed to enhance remote work productivity. In 2021, I developed a tool that enabled me to stream content from my reMarkable tablet to my laptop, making it an invaluable asset during virtual meetings and presentations.

My newly published article delves into the details of this revamped version, discussing its architecture, components, and the iterative journey of improving user experience. As a product manager, I gained unique insights into user perspectives, which drove me to simplify the tool's activation process.

This article is a deep dive into the technical aspects of the tool, exploring how I eliminated the need for a local service and optimized network consumption. If you're curious about DIY tech solutions, optimizing remote work setups, or simply exploring innovative projects, I invite you to explore the article.

Thanks for not only building the tool but also releasing such a great technical writeup. This is a wonderful blogpost.

As a reMarkable owner, I love it. I want it. gimme gimme gimme.

Looks like awesome project!

EDIT: Ctrl-C and restart with ./goMarkableStream got it working more or less. Saving the below message if it helps anyone else

EDIT2: Awesome when it works - but getting quite a bit of spotty service. Still frequent `waiting for reMarkable screen` . SSH is showing everything normal, except for occasional:

  2023/08/20 14:48:16 read /dev/input/event2: file already closed

  2023/08/20 14:48:16 read /dev/input/event1: file already closed
I upgraded my reMarkable2 to (from ancient 2 something version)

Unfortunately I am getting waiting for reMarkable screen after installation.

That is nothing is happening when I draw on reMarkable2 - in notebook, in sheets, on book.

On inspection ReMarkable2 is certainly serving html with canvas element

Both and work (after accepting unsafe SSH cert which is normal) and are serving html.

Tried on Chrome, Firefox, Brave

I installed it per github instructions.

From Windows via PuTTY through

EDIT3: Looks like limitation is one browser (and one IP address) per stream - normal considering the usage :). Still sometimes no matter what address and browser I try I get `waiting for reMarkable screen`

EDIT4: tried `nohup ./goMarkableStream &`, closed PuTTY and restarted client computer - all browsers giving `waiting for reMarkable screen`

How would I restart the stream? Inspecting gives `too many requests` response.

Regarding Edit 3: Yes it is a feature not a bug. I don’t want to stream to several browsers at once.

Agreed that is completely reasonable. One stream is sufficient.

Unfortunately per EDIT4, it looks like it is not possible to leave this service running on reMarkable2 until the next time.

Any way to reset without going into SSH again?

EDIT: looks like enabling USB on reMarkable2 got the stream working. Curious though why did the web server work at all then (possibly sharing of common wi-fi?)

FINAL_EDIT: I give up, there is no sense to this madness. Suddenly the stream starts working on same same where it was giving `waiting for reMarkable` canvas for last 15 minutes.

Possibly there is some sort of timeout for the old stream?

There is a timeout of one hour (after an hour you need to refresh the tab). Adding a & at the end does not help to make it run until next time? Do not hesitate to open an issue on GitHub.

Thank you

Thank you once again!

It seems the timeout is about 15-20minutes (when a new tab or new browser starts working).

Adding & did work, I was able to go to a different computer attach USB cable and have work (without SSHing and restarting goMarkableStream).


Engaging and informative write-up. Thanks!

Agreed from the majority who is just upvoting and bordering on a comment to say thanks.

To the flagged comment, HN isn’t littered with many thanks comments per article, a few ways to thank go a long way.

Would it be possible to implement this via USB connection?

It already works via USB if you activate the sharing option and connect via the 10.x.x.x address

An alternative I am very happy with is the SuperNote[0]. You can do screen mirroring and this is effectively really nice to quickly draw diagram during a meeting.

The only inconvenient of the approach is that the SuperNote is starting a small webserver and you basically use Firefox to access it. It is very responsive as one would expect, but this means that you need to have your laptop/computer on the same network as the SuperNote. In a home office setup, this is not an issue, but at work, your company policy may prevent this.

Anyway, be it RM2 or SuperNote, these tools are great for people who enjoy writing done ideas with pen and paper. The feeling is really different than doing it in an app or just text document. You can doodle in your notes :-)

[0]: https://supernote.com/

Using a Onyx Boox Note and it also works great. They are even releasing updates after more than 5 years.

(When buying , you have to ignore the GPL violations: it is completely Android and they are not releasing their OS sources)

Their whole handling of the situation suggests that the company doesn't care about any regulation and they're just as likely to lie or refuse to comply with other legal requirements for their products. When asked about source code they actually said, "well, the US is anti-China, so we don't think we should have to."

That just doesn't make me feel confident about their products. If something goes wrong is there going to be customer support, or are they going to decide one day that I don't get that because I live in the US? If I order an Onyx Boox can I trust it will even be the same hardware as someone else gets or are they going to treat labeling requirements as optional as well?

People get bent out of shape about TikTok, but TikTok has never said, "we don't think we should have to obey legal requirements because we're mad at you." And it's so transparently just an excuse for them to do what they want, their anger about anti-China sentiment in the US is not preventing from selling to the US. Convenient that it only prevents them from obeying legal requirements. I don't see how I could trust a company with these kinds of business practices, they're advertising to me that the moment it's in their best interest they'll break the law and throw me under the bus.

But they are violating the GPL or am I understanding this wrong? If they are, isn't that a bad actor folks here should probably strive to avoid?

They are. They actively refuse to release the sources. And yeah they should be avoided.


You are right. But I bought one knowingly and it works well.

Microsoft has been a horrible, anti competitor company built on unethical values yet I chose their Office 365 in my company. Many here use their products and take a salary from such a company.

Google has left the “don’t be evil” in the dust, with anti competitive measures and short changing employees. Hardly ethical, yet widely used in this crowd, and many here choose to draw a salary from them.

I hate the Castro brothers and what it does to Cuban people, but I do smoke a cigar now and then.

I hate Nestle, but have a Nespresso.

I hate Big Oil but drive an ICE as is only viable option.

And so on.

My point is both parts are right. Companies can un unethical or illegal things, we can stay away from their products out of principles, or cave in out of (a) having no principles or (b) being practical.

In reality I think we all cave in a bit (even Stallman and co), so virtue signaling for choosing the hard path sometimes feels hypocrital.

If your principles are such that you won’t buy a product due to a realistically immaterial instance of a GPL violation, sure. Given the number of GPL violations in the wild I refuse to believe that anyone but the most Stallman-esque among us are living to this standard.

It's not immaterial, it's literally the point of the GPL. If they don't want to release their modifications they shouldn't take advantage of the huge effort that went into the linux kernel. Maybe use a different OS and license it..

I don’t see how it’s immaterial.

Because they are not releasing sources, it’s really hard to install alternative Android distributions on their devices.

Last I looked (which was 1-2 years ago), there were no alternative firmware for their devices.

Given the GPL violations in the wild, we should maybe try and not encourage them.

Fair enough. Everybody can try to create their own community with their own rules. You seem to have decided that you prefer a community that doesn't adhere to licensing agreements. Don't be surprised if other communities exclude you.

Edited for clarity

Eeehmm. I mean.

I can understand not being ideologically aligned with Stallman and Co.

I also agree that there must be lots of violations of the GPL out there. Software is often invisible.

That said, I don’t think there’s many big companies out there openly doing it. If get caught, they comply with the minimum effort possible, but they comply. I don’t see them being blatant or cavalier about it.

Two main reasons for me to avoid them:

1. The attitude makes them untrustworthy. If they are blatantly violating this, what else are they willing to ignore? They have obligations towards me as a consumer, for example. Will they respect those? Will they sale my data to others?

2. There’s no guarantee that they will continue being able to operate in my country. A judge could theoretically force them to close shop. So I’d rather not put my data on their product.

Imagine if we treated copyright material like this.

"You bought tickets to Avatar 2? Given the number of pirated copies online, I refuse to believe that anyone but the idiots among us are willing to pay for content."

If you could, yes. Unfortunately Onyx Boox offers one of a kind products which its competitors don't really come close.

That feels like the start of talking past each other here heh. GP is making a values statement. If a good product gets to be exempt from the values in someone’s value system, then any product is.

More likely here following the law in this instance isn’t part of your value system, and neither is free/libre software being used on its authors’ terms, so you are (internally) free to decide to buy something even if it doesn’t adhere to the GPL. If I’m right about that, adherence to these things is a (maybe very-)nice-to-have rather than a core value, whereas the GP I think is coming from a place where one of those is a core value.

> Unfortunately Onyx Boox offers one of a kind products which its competitors don't really come close.

I wonder if absent the Linux kernel they be capable of offering a one of a kind product? It would be more accurate here to say that if they could keep their code proprietary that would be nice for them, but unfortunately the Linux kernel offers them a one of a kind base to build a product on and so they need to take the compromise and release their modifications as GPL if they want to be able to build a good product.

Is it one of a kind? Or does it have competitors? If the only way you can compete is by breaking the rules... why would anybody want to play with you?

What makes the Boox tablets unique isn't their Linux kernel, it's their customizations to Android to make the UI more usable on a slow e-Ink display. They could release their kernel sources to comply with the GPL and still keep their Android skin to themselves, just like every other Android device manufacturer does.

Remarkable 2 ftw

Remarkable 2 can't even run Android apps, the main selling point of Onyx Boox. You can't read Kindle book, Libby, whatever service your local library use, etc.

There's a lot of people here that are opposed to IP restrictions/protections of any kind.

I've been searching for ereader/note taking e-ink tablets so thank you for the recommendation. I was going back and forth between the Remarkable 2 and Boox devices. What has your experience been like with regards to SuperNote's software updates? I'm weary of getting a device that won't be supported with feature, or at the very least, security updates for the next 3-5 years.

IIRC, they do not comply with the GPL of software they ship, or have they changed their stance on this?

I did not face the “being on the same network” problem yet. But I already know that implementing a native Ngrok feature is straightforward and a couple minute work. It would allow to stream over internet.

Thanks for sharing! How does the writing experience on the supernote compares to the RM2?

I'm not the person you're replying to, and I've not compared them myself directly, but I've heard a few people describe it as the difference between writing with pen (Supernote) and writing with pencil (RM2). At least on the Supernote side, that matches with my experience - it's fairly smooth, but it does feel like you're writing on paper rather than, say, a glass screen.

There is almost no noticeable lag while writing, and even while doing more complicated things like scrolling through my Kindle list, or resizing a block of writing, the screen keeps up very well.

Purely from my perspective, I find the smaller screen size (roughly A5 dimensions) of my Supernote a lot nicer than the more A4-proportioned Remarkable, but that's just a preference thing - I like writing in smaller notebooks in general. You can also get the Supernote in a size closer to the Remarkable if that's more what you want though.

Having used both the best description would be the Supernote a5x is like writing with a rollerball pen, where the Remarkable is like writing with a pencil.

Both are good, fluid, responsive, but slightly different

You can make your HTML canvas rendering faster by using typed arrays as described here https://hacks.mozilla.org/2011/12/faster-canvas-pixel-manipu...

Oh thank you! I will have a look

Don't know if you are doing it but another common optimisation is to draw on canvas offscreen. https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/OffscreenCa...

I will work on it when I have time. The offscreen looks like the perfect fit for me, to replace the hidden canvas. Many thanks

Excellent write up. This is the kind of content that I love to see here. Great to see how chatgpt helped you along the way to learn and solve a problem you weren’t very well versed with. Resonate with the comment that you were the developer and chatgpt was the coder ! Exactly how I felt with some of the projects. Also indeed true that Simplicity is indeed complex .

I suppose the author chose JPEG because that's easy to turn into MJPEG which is decoded for free (since you can just hand it off to something that supports it), but I suspect that contributes a lot towards the straining of the reMarkable CPU.

However, JPEG is more suitable for photography but the graphics displayed on the reMarkable are more illustration-like and to top it off, it's monochrome. I think another common image format (such as PNG), or even a crude RLE compression would be lighter on the CPU.

Being nitpicky here, but the reMarkable is not monochrome, it's grayscale (with 16 gray levels iirc). It also has colour inks that will show in the companion app as blue or red for pens, yellow or green for highlighter. And the proprietary file format is keystroke-based, not bitmap.


You are right, this is indeed why I choose JPEG in the first place.

But this is also why I chose a client/server apporach: the encoding was done on the client (my laptop) instead of the tablet. Threrefore the encoding did not impact the CPU. I made some profiling, most of the CPU was used by the transfer of the data over the wire. This is the reason of the compression.

Now, the CPU footprint is low.

Oops, I misunderstood where the JPEG was being created and completely missed your own section on RLE. The resuling 200K per frame does still seem a bit high though, I'm sure that could be reduced further

I agree with you. It’s all about trading memory for computation. If you have any idea, feel free to share it. Thanks for the comments

Take a look at how mosh transfers deltas of terminal viewports over the wire using what it calls “SSP”. That protocol might have some advantages here, especially since you can access the state of the pre-rasterization drawn objects, not just the pixels, on the screen.

Once you do that, you may obviate the need for any transcoding or conversion to MJPEG since you can just redraw the objects on the canvas.

Also, RM2 seems to have a built in Screen Share feature. Might be worth describing the differences (besides not needing their cloud subscription service).

I will try to answer to both points: In the first article, I described how I fetched the picture by reading the virtual framebuffer. I have not any knowledge of what’s being drawn. All I have from the beginning is a 2.5Mb byte array.

I don’t use any jpeg compression anymore in this version

And my understanding is that the native client is transmitting the vector representation to the client and the client redraws it with the same algorithm. It is only doable if you know what algorithm they use. I did a small test to decode their format, but it may change more often than the format of the picture.

Does it provide you the answer? (thanks for the conversation)

Without knowing how often your RLE is hitting the max length of 16, but assuming it was often, a further optimization could be using one bit as a flag and to signal that the following block is pixel is either a small sequence of 1-8 pixels, or a large sequence of a multiple of 8 pixels (ie. 1 = 8x1, 2 = 8x2, 3 = 8x3).

This lets you compress up to 64 pixels into the space of no more than 2.

Sounds like a good idea

Did you ever look at only transmitting the changed regions of the framebuffer? You can really cut down on data rate that way: https://github.com/pl-semiotics/mxc_epdc_fb_damage

Thats how the rM VNC project does it, but I prefer the UX of your app not needing any client side software.

The problem is that it requires some analysis on the device, and I really want the code to be the less intrusive as possible. I will have a look on how to do it in a cheap way

A naive approach that may still work well is to simply break up the image into fixed, predetermined regions. I don't believe this would be significantly more work for the server if it's already comparing pixel-by-pixel, and the average frame will probably contain updates only in one region. Even breaking it into 4 or 6 would, I think, be a significant payload reduction.

In the repo I linked somehow they get this "damage" information from the Linux kernel where it's already being computed.

I will have a look, but at first sight it looks like the repo you mentioned is for reMarkable first version which is using a kernel based implementation of the Framebuffer. It is a bit different for reMarkable2 as the framebuffer is managed by the main process

This is very cool, and I _really_ want to love the ReMarkable 2, but it's stance on being an insecure device [0] makes this difficult.

[0] https://support.remarkable.com/s/article/Does-reMarkable-off...

For anyone who didn’t click on that link: this is about the device having the same physical security as the thing it want to replace (paper). That is if someone has access to it, they can read it.

It is not about the device having some known software vulnerabilities in the usual sense when we hear about network-connected insecure device

Lack of full device encryption is also a no-go for me.

I can’t imagine loosing such device that contains confidential data.

The difference between this and a piece of paper is that this could contain your whole stack/library. Not just a single piece of paper note.

Also someone is way more likely to steal some iPad-looking thing than a paper notebook

Surely it replaces a briefcase, or a filing cabinet, that stores lots of documents/files/folders. Those things have locks.

Unofficial gocryptfs based home directory encryption is available; https://github.com/RedTeamPentesting/remarkable-encryption

The software is also very limited as it is... too bad they dont make it possible for a marketplace or extensions to exist officially on the device...

Do any ebooks offer full disk encryption?

Remarkable is meant to hold all your notes, books, any such textual data. Ebooks are only one small part of its intended usage.

I know. The question stands.

I don't think so.

What does a book e-reader have to do with the ReMarkable though? Why does that question still matter?

No, but many ereaders at least provide a pin code lock which the rm2 does not.

> My initial approach was to compile the client into WASM. This seemed promising as it would let me leverage my expertise in Go development. However, I encountered several limitations that would have necessitated substantial modifications.

I'd be interested to read more about this.


In a glimpse:

The main issue was with the gRPC library. The support is very limited by now. Then the JPEG compression is slow in Go and it is CPU intensive. And finally, I even if I could generate the Mjpeg stream, how would I display it?

Then I though about the “canvas” mechanism, but I could not address the backend of the canvas without heavy copying between wasm and JS. And remember the size was 2.5Mb.

Anyway, I though that relying on wasm would make me implement a lot of image primitives that are natively accessible in JS (for example image rotation).

Hope that answers your question.

I haven't really looked into wasm yet, and am wondering what constraints one might run up against for interesting practical applications like yours.

You satisfied my curiosity at the perfect level of detail, thank you very much for taking the time!

How does this tool compare to the built-in streaming (screen share) feature?

You need to have their desktop app installed to use the built-in, and AFAIK there is no Linux version of it.


The solution in TFA seems to work on Linux, if you have a capable browser.

I had it working fine in Linux with Wine.

The app is still wonky for me, I always preferred using reStream. And it doesn’t support ARM.

The main difference is that you don’t need any client installation now. You simply type the address of the remarkable in the browser to get the content.

I was just thinking: it can already do this. I find the screen sharing just fine, and even use it on live streams.

I love remarkable, and I wish they would focus on features like this rather than the subscription that I don't ever plan on paying for.

The same can be achieved on Android (eInk-) Tablets using scrcpy.

Surprisingly fun for combined with a boox note.

I'm using rmView for its red-dot-on-hover feature: https://github.com/bordaigorl/rmview

This is a nice technical achievement, but I’m not sure I understand the difference between this and using a virtual whiteboard tool, ie FreeForm, Lucida Spark, Miro, Google Jamboard, and sharing it live in a meeting.

What kind of context am I missing?

With this tool, I use a pen and write on the tablet as if I was writing on paper (with the same feeling).

The main pro for whiteboard tool is the collaborative feature which I will never be able to do.

So, the point is the remarkable rather than the tool, and remarkable doesn’t natively support other whiteboarding tools?

(Sidenote: I’m using an iPad Pro with a Bellemond screen protector, and the paper-like feeling is very good)

I was shocked to learn I liked the iPad mini a lot, more than any of the bigger tablets.

I think it’s relative to your every day carry and every day use.

Appreciate the recommendation on the screen protector.

Having young kids wanting to touch a screen to interact with it might also be a plus for an eink device

I love seeing work in this space! I made a collaborative whiteboard app for the reMarkable a while ago: https://github.com/fenollp/reMarkable-tools

It is packaged in the homebrew Toltec repo https://toltec-dev.org/

As a project, neat work! But otherwise, it seems a rather self-centred tool and I don't think I would relish someone using it in a meeting with me. Feels like someone is making me watch them play with their toys and I would question the value. If it's just you drawing then something has gone wrong e.g. prepare and share material before a meeting.

Plug for Excalidraw:



Which, FWIW, supports Apple Pencil and iPad quite well since 2022:


As well as a seemingly evergreen release of the Obsidian plugin that gets people Doge levels of Such Wow:


Video walkthrough here:


The team based real time collaboration in Excalidraw+ is just fantastic. Glad to have a way to compensate the author:


I think it has value for being really simple and like a sheet of paper on a call.

I used an iPad mini for a long while on zoom calls until I discovered something much better received - just use PowerPoint/Slides to draw boxes and text as needed together, the interface is familiar and people can pick up on it and move forward together.

I can see this being useful in a system design brainstorming session with my colleagues, among other examples.

This was one of the reasons, why I went with one of the Boox devices (Max Lumi) in my case. It is Android, so adding even easier than working around their Linux distro.

Screen sharing (actually it doubles as a remote control as well) via https://github.com/Genymobile/scrcpy

And as they don't try to leverage proprietary formats, Syncthing for syncing books and notes. And NetGuard for a good measure, so it doesn't call home.

Nice tool. I like my remarkable2, I'm just so frustrated that it is not more open by design. It could do much more so easily

More open than root access out of box?

Doing less is the core value prop of the device. It is intentionally not a full Android experience. If that's what you want, there are other competing devices.

Not the OP, but I have similar feelings. I don’t want a web browser or the ability check email - I just want decent two way sync with other cloud providers.

The device doesn’t feel open to me because it’s difficult to move data out of their walled garden.,

Leaving it open to do what you want as a choice would be ideal rather than having it interpreted for you.

It’s a great device and could take away a great deal of scrolling or reading from other screens that are not as healthy to consume that on.


The context is ReMarkable has a sharing service that costs $2.99/month. And subscription software is generally noxious but subscriptions more or less necessary for a device especially so.


I’d happily pay a one time fee to self host relative to the LTV of subscribers.

On one hand I really like the no-distractions philosophy of the remarkable, but on the other hand it is just missing that one app that I want.

Great to see people work around it. I assume this web app would also work for streaming other devices.

Wow, this is a very nice tool! Although I'm a ReMarkable2 user, I'm also curious about if this tool can be extended to support the newly launched Kindle Scribe.

Very nice - I have a ReMarkable, but haven't used it as much as I'd have hoped but might give this a try.

The sorely missed Kent Boogie Board did this out of the box and it worked really well!

If the goal is to share the visual contents of the pad, why not just stream the graphics over SSH?

I recommend checking out reStream: https://github.com/rien/reStream/ Using nixos, sharing your screen is as simple as nix run nixpkgs#restream

I wanted something efficient (high framerate), but most of all, I wanted to use it without relaying on any third party tool.

With this, from any device on the network, you can call the address of the remarkable and get the content.

i don't understand: how does this server goes around NAT? Is it really suitable for overseas remote work or it is only local and you have to stream your screen itself via proper webrtc system?

What i do is: streaming it locally, and then sharing the tab via meet/zoom etc… The service is not intended to do multicast.

I wish something like this existed for the Amazon Scribe…

What have been the major pluses for you with the scribe?

This a great article for the process even if you don't have a RM2 so great hack to solve your own problem. I have been achieving something similar on my home PC setup using tldraw [1] which is a live multiplayer infinite canvas board service that I also join from a surface laptop with a stylus. I share that tab with others in a call from my PC and dump in its screen shots etc that I can markup from the surface tablet or anyone can join the tldraw session when it makes sense. Anyway its a web service not your own, you don't have the RE2 OCR and filing system or eink etc and there are a lot of other infinite canvas solution to choose from, but it's working and turned out to be simple enough for me to use more than once lol.

[1] www.tldraw.com

I don't know how people can justify using ReMarkable for work? Device is not encrypted, so it is a huge security risk.

The company seems to be not interested in adding encryption, so this is just a toy.

Encryption is not what would make this device secure. Avoiding the cloud and treating it like a notebook is.

Nothing wrong with the cloud if data was encrypted at rest.

are your notes, memos, and calendars that sensitive? what are you writing passwords or secrets? c'mon now... let's be realistic. opsec is one thing but let's not be absurd...

Yes they are. For instance when working on a product ideas, technology (like loading and annotating schematics) etc.

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