I saw this [0] pretty cool thread by user revskill, and wanted a quicker way to search through it, but also to keep them all in one place so I can read them at my leisure whenever I get time.
Right now is like 60 lines of Ruby using Nokogiri, but I will certainly look into it further down the line and improve the list.
There's a cronjob checking the thread every 12 hours but I will eventually shut that down and it will become static after that.
There are some really awesome blogs in there. I really recommend going through the list, it made my day.
[0] "Could you share your personal blog here". https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=36575081
I was re-reading The Royal Road to Romance by Richard Halliburton recently. I love that book and if he lived today, he would be a travel blogger... so I tried to find a blog that would feel like that. And google search gives me more travel blogs than I can absorb, but they all feel like products.
I haven't had the time to go through blogs by HNers carefully yet but I hope there might be some gems in that pile. HN attracts a certain kind of people and if blogs written by them differ from the rest of the internet the same way HN itself, that would be great.
I like this idea very much. Thank you, the author of that original thread, and thank you, the creator of https://dm.hn