Hah, thanks. I've been hoping to do so, but still haven't gotten around to it. There's some quirks with the static site generator that I use[0] that lead me to keep postponing setting up blog-ish features, and I don't know enough python to fix them.
If you ever want to try a new static site generator, I use Hugo[0] to generate my site. There's a lot of pre-built themes[1] you can use. Most (if not all) have blogging functionality built in, all you need to do is drop in a Markdown file with your content. You may need to learn a little bit if Golang if you want to customize themes. Just throwing it out there as an option.
Thanks! In writing out my reply to you I realized that I should look into other generators (specifically looking into Hugo, as I think I've seen it used by people like myself who take notes in Obsidian). The key features I want are backlinks support and blogging features, along with Markdown support.