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Really couldn't disagree more. So many software engineers at tier-1 tech companies use apple machines (I'd put the percentage at around 50% depending on tech stack.)

Walk into any engineering class at a university and you'll likely see the same ratio, perhaps even further skewed towards macs.

Disclaimer: I own a mac and a pc

No, I'm not saying that developers don't use macs (they do, except for people who have a stack that is explicitly tied to windows).

I'm saying that apple doesn't care about those people anymore, because they've found a new, bigger market segment.

Even if 100% of those people are using a Mac (and they aren't... I help teach CS at a University in California and 75% of the people in my intro class this year have a Windows laptop: I counted, as I was that shocked at how different this is than five years ago when everyone had a Mac), you first have to show that there are actually a lot of those people, and there simply aren't... "engineers at tier-1 tech companies" plus students in "any engineering class at a university" is a tiny tiny tiny percentage of the market Apple is optimizing for.

Actually, it's 50%. Count a little closer next time.

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