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We aren't apple's target market anymore, and these are not "pro" laptops. They're "pro" iPads.

The target market is upper-middle class/upper class people who want a really attractive, designer laptop.

Developers have got to be such a tiny niche of Apple's customer base now that they don't care anymore. Go into an apple store sometime. Try to guess how many of the people there buying macbook "pros" are software developers.

Really couldn't disagree more. So many software engineers at tier-1 tech companies use apple machines (I'd put the percentage at around 50% depending on tech stack.)

Walk into any engineering class at a university and you'll likely see the same ratio, perhaps even further skewed towards macs.

Disclaimer: I own a mac and a pc

No, I'm not saying that developers don't use macs (they do, except for people who have a stack that is explicitly tied to windows).

I'm saying that apple doesn't care about those people anymore, because they've found a new, bigger market segment.

Even if 100% of those people are using a Mac (and they aren't... I help teach CS at a University in California and 75% of the people in my intro class this year have a Windows laptop: I counted, as I was that shocked at how different this is than five years ago when everyone had a Mac), you first have to show that there are actually a lot of those people, and there simply aren't... "engineers at tier-1 tech companies" plus students in "any engineering class at a university" is a tiny tiny tiny percentage of the market Apple is optimizing for.

Actually, it's 50%. Count a little closer next time.

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