Hi Guys,
I have over 12 years of expertise in a particular domain. Now I recently switched to another company in a new domain (based on some overlapping technical skills and good recommendations from my past colleagues) as the jobs were far to come by in my old area of expertise. But, I'm finding it really hard to adjust in the new one.
The biggest challenges I'm facing are :
1. Looking at my years of experience my colleagues expect an expert level of performance. But being new to the domain, I've not been able to meet their expectations.
2. I've tried looking for non-tech roles PM, TL etc., hoping to leverage my management/leadership skills, but my senior management aren't buying it.
3. I feel isolated in meetings where everyone around me are talking the technology and I just take notes or stay silent mostly.
4. When I see guys half my experience are miles ahead of me in terms of the tech skills in the new area, I wonder if I even have a chance catching up ?
Any suggestions / advice is welcome and highly appreciated. Thanks in advance !
1. Ask a lot of questions at the start. People know you've switched domains and will tolerate dumb questions for a while.
2. Don't ask the same dumb question twice.
3. Read a lot to get into the new head space. Set up google alerts for your company and its competitors. Join forums dedicated to your new tech and domain.
4. Offer learnings from your old domain, humbly. "At my last gig, we approached this <method>. May not apply." This shows everybody you have things to offer but you are just getting your sea legs.
5. LEAVE THE OLD JOB. All of the above things you did for your old gig. Stop doing them, you don't have time anymore.