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One Hundred Books in April from Hacker News (toptalkedbooks.com)
120 points by jadeydi on Sept 4, 2017 | hide | past | favorite | 32 comments

What's with all these book aggregate sites lately? It seems like the new ToDo list project.

http://hackernewsbooks.com/ http://www.dev-books.com/ http://toptalkedbooks.com/ http://reddittopbooks.com/tech/

Lazy way to get some 'passive' income by letting others curate content and slap your affiliate tags on it.

toptalkedbooks.com offers statistic of how many times a book was mentioned from HN, StackOverflow and reddit. This is the major difference in terms of data.

here is an example: http://toptalkedbooks.com/books/j5PVXg/Working-Effectively-w...

I've clearly not mentioned What Computers Still Can't Do in comments enough to make What Computers Still Can't Do appear on this list, which is a shame as I love What Computers Still Can't Do, and What Computers Still Can't Do is very relevant to this community of programmers with much technical skill, but little philosophical background.

Woah What Computers Still Can't Do sounds really interesting, I think I might read What Computers Still Can't Do.

Would you be able to tell me more about What Computers Still Can't Do before I buy What Computers Still Can't Do?

Currently working in Operations and hence automation and robotics a current fashionable theses, I'm actually genuinely interested in the book What Computers Still Can't Do.

Try this review of What Computers Still Can't Do from 1993.


It might help to know that What Computers Still Can't Do (1992) is a slight update to What Computers Can't Do (1972).

This review was written by John Haugeland who in his own right was an influential, pioneering, and much loved name in the field of the philosophy of AI.

Thank you. That paper was really good.

that's amazing, tell me more about What Computers Still Can't Do!

See my response to zhte415 for more on What Computers Still Can't Do.

Really wish it would link back to the original comments so you could see them in context.

If you click on book details, it will list the comments that linked to them. It also exposes that the "top" books are really only 1-2 mentions.

Sadly it still doesn't link to the actual thread still.

Example: http://toptalkedbooks.com/books/xsKNoA/Against-Empathy-The-C...

Thank you for your suggestion, we have added a link to the original thread, please check it out: http://toptalkedbooks.com/books/Ze2lQw/The-Managers-Path-A-G...

Regarding to the low mentions count issue, it is mainly because not many people in the community talked about the same books within a month, looking at the yearly view will get better result, http://toptalkedbooks.com/hackernews/2017


Awesome! Glad to see the change! I won't be a user but for those that do I am sure it is very helpful.

Completely agree with this. Some of the books seem eh kinda strange.

We need to talk a lot more about fiction.

The Little Engine That Could and The Grapes of Wrath are good and all...

Ok. Go read Starfish by Peter Watts.

BlindSight by Peter Watts is a better beginning imho

You might consider doing this for research papers cited (although the titles might be harder to find if people don't use the exact title when they cite).

Which bring a question most people are probably interested in: What is the method this site works on?

It's probably harder to slap affiliate links on research papers.

Hey OP,

Great website! I read a book that was recommended on HN probably 6 or 7 years ago and I've spent the longest time trying to remember the name of it. My local library that I borrowed it from doesn't keep checkout history records so they couldn't look it up for me.

I looked at your website and sorted by all-time and found it: "Winning Through Intimidation" by Robert Ringer! I had even remembered the turtle on the cover but still couldnt't find it by Googling. Thanks for the site!

I am glad that our website help you find the right book. This is truly our purpose of creating this website.

Quick tips, if you have your favorite books, you can submit the amazon links here, we will be able to index them.

Wonder if I read that book off the same recommendation back then or if you read it off my recommendation? It's a great book!

You Can Negotiate Anything by Herb Cohen is another good one from that time period. (See my profile)

No idea, but either way, I agree that it's a great book! I'll be sure to check out that other one, thanks for the rec!

Is the font rendering difficult to read for anyone else? Chrome/Windows 10.

Most seem to fit the pattern of "One thing: And another thing"

blame publishers (and by extension the bookbuying public) for that, not authors

1929: the great crash by Galbraith for anybody looking for a crash course on economics in a practical context.

EDIT: Nevermind. You already did this.

>>Could you average out titles for the whole year? and for all records?

Why not link to first page?

We've updated the link from the second page to the first.

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