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Really wish it would link back to the original comments so you could see them in context.

If you click on book details, it will list the comments that linked to them. It also exposes that the "top" books are really only 1-2 mentions.

Sadly it still doesn't link to the actual thread still.

Example: http://toptalkedbooks.com/books/xsKNoA/Against-Empathy-The-C...

Thank you for your suggestion, we have added a link to the original thread, please check it out: http://toptalkedbooks.com/books/Ze2lQw/The-Managers-Path-A-G...

Regarding to the low mentions count issue, it is mainly because not many people in the community talked about the same books within a month, looking at the yearly view will get better result, http://toptalkedbooks.com/hackernews/2017


Awesome! Glad to see the change! I won't be a user but for those that do I am sure it is very helpful.

Completely agree with this. Some of the books seem eh kinda strange.

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