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Hey OP,

Great website! I read a book that was recommended on HN probably 6 or 7 years ago and I've spent the longest time trying to remember the name of it. My local library that I borrowed it from doesn't keep checkout history records so they couldn't look it up for me.

I looked at your website and sorted by all-time and found it: "Winning Through Intimidation" by Robert Ringer! I had even remembered the turtle on the cover but still couldnt't find it by Googling. Thanks for the site!

I am glad that our website help you find the right book. This is truly our purpose of creating this website.

Quick tips, if you have your favorite books, you can submit the amazon links here, we will be able to index them.

Wonder if I read that book off the same recommendation back then or if you read it off my recommendation? It's a great book!

You Can Negotiate Anything by Herb Cohen is another good one from that time period. (See my profile)

No idea, but either way, I agree that it's a great book! I'll be sure to check out that other one, thanks for the rec!

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