Which people and groups are researching new approaches to programming?
I'm interested in groups who are thinking about the next thirty years, rather than the next five years.
Some projects I find interesting:
* Subtext by Jonathan Edwards: https://vimeo.com/106073134
* Apparatus by Toby Schachman: http://aprt.us
* Bret Victor's explorable explanation and introspectable programming demos: http://worrydream.com
* Eve by Kodowa: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VZQoAKJPbh8
* Scratch by the MIT Media Lab: https://scratch.mit.edu
* Mathmatica by Wolfram Research: https://www.wolfram.com/mathematica
Why am I interested? I'm working on Code Lauren, a game programming environment for beginners: http://codelauren.com I want to learn as much as possible about work done by others in the same area.
...and STEPS:
"We set a limit of 20,000 lines of code to express all of the “runnable meaning” of personal computing (“from the end‑user down to the metal”) where “runnable meaning” means that the system will run with just this code (but could have added optimizations to make it run faster). One measure will be what did get accomplished by the end of the project with the 20,000 lines budget. Another measure will be typical lines of code ratios compared to existing systems. We aim for large factors of 100, 1000, and more . How understandable is it? Are the designs and their code clear as well as small? Can the system be used as a live example of how to do this art? Is it clear enough to evoke other, better, approaches?"