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1. Master Hexagonal Architecture in Rust (howtocodeit.com)
77 points by milliams 8 days ago | 109 comments
2. [Deploying a basic React site pt 1] Setting up a self-hosted Kubernetes cluster (jpegsfiles.medium.com)
28 points by jett2 12 days ago | 15 comments
3. Graphics Tricks from Boomers (arnaud-carre.github.io)
137 points by atan2 12 days ago | 27 comments
4. An Optimization That's Impossible in Rust (tunglevo.com)
27 points by aw1621107 17 days ago | 8 comments
5. My Blog Engine Is the Erlang Build Tool (ferd.ca)
193 points by billiob 18 days ago | 14 comments
6. Show HN: Ruroco – like port knocking, but better (github.com/beac0n)
127 points by mschempp 28 days ago | 102 comments
7. We don't know how bad most things are nor precisely how they're bad (lesswrong.com)
407 points by surprisetalk 30 days ago | 310 comments
8. [flagged] The broligarchs are trying to have their way (theatlantic.com)
52 points by imartin2k 32 days ago | 52 comments
9. Markov chains are funnier than LLMs (emnudge.dev)
525 points by todsacerdoti 33 days ago | 233 comments
10. Stressed mouse brain sends gut messages that reduce beneficial bacteria levels (medicalxpress.com)
80 points by gmays 34 days ago | 16 comments
11. Show HN: We made a tool to help developers improve OpenAPI specs (github.com/zuplo)
105 points by martyndavies 37 days ago | 20 comments
12. Argdown, like Markdown for argument mapping (argdown.org)
191 points by urlwolf 44 days ago | 47 comments
13. A primer on the current state of longevity research (owlposting.com)
179 points by abhishaike 47 days ago | 124 comments
14. Gemini Ad Backlash (cbsnews.com)
18 points by ai4ever 47 days ago | 12 comments
15. Show HN: Haystack – an IDE for exploring and editing code on an infinite canvas (haystackeditor.com)
546 points by akshaysg 57 days ago | 214 comments
16. Aphex Twin gave us a peek inside a 90s classic (2017) (cdm.link)
191 points by indigodaddy 55 days ago | 73 comments
17. Show HN: Compile Erlang to WASM and run as HTTP/incoming-handler (github.com/muromec)
32 points by Muromec 57 days ago
18. Empathy for the user having sex with your software (buttplug.io)
513 points by Kye 62 days ago | 127 comments
19. Elligator: Elliptic-curve points indistinguishable from uniform random strings (2013) (acm.org)
97 points by NavinF 68 days ago | 25 comments
20. Godotcaml for Godot 4.2 (fizzixnerd.com)
135 points by p4bl0 66 days ago | 52 comments
21. The Delusion of the Polygraph (lithub.com)
298 points by bookofjoe 67 days ago | 312 comments
22. Mongo but on Postgres and with strong consistency benefits (github.com/event-driven-io)
307 points by oskar_dudycz 75 days ago | 200 comments
23. The Overengineered Resume with Zola, JSON Resume, Weasyprint, and Nix (2023) (ktema.org)
182 points by ahamez 71 days ago | 115 comments
24. Engineering principles for building financial systems (wasteman.codes)
403 points by KothuRoti 72 days ago | 104 comments
25. How the Curse of Lisp impacts your business (even if you don't use Lisp) (medium.com/pc.peterso)
25 points by ironmagma 73 days ago | 56 comments
26. Convolutions, Fast Fourier Transform and polynomials (2022) (alvarorevuelta.com)
230 points by clearprop 82 days ago | 57 comments
27. Local First, Forever (tonsky.me)
689 points by WhyNotHugo 87 days ago | 281 comments
28. What Is a Personal User Manual? (2022) (futureforum.com)
75 points by taubek 3 months ago | 69 comments
29. More disabled Americans are employed, thanks to remote work (bloomberg.com)
444 points by petethomas 3 months ago | 215 comments
30. Impulse Tracker source code now available on GitHub (github.com/jthlim)
200 points by bane 3 months ago | 43 comments

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