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1. Show HN: Drop-in SQS replacement based on SQLite (github.com/poundifdef)
630 points by memset 2 days ago | 149 comments
2. Adobe Photoshop Source Code (2013) (computerhistory.org)
631 points by PaulHoule 48 days ago | 219 comments
3. Interactive intro to shaders (mayerowitz.io)
555 points by superMayo 8 months ago | 71 comments
4. Show HN: 3D Binpacking Algorithm Visualized (skusavvy.com)
115 points by m3m3tic 8 months ago | 16 comments
5. F3D is an open source 3D viewer, fast and minimalist (f3d.app)
228 points by GlowOnDub 9 months ago | 61 comments
6. What is a transformer model? (2022) (nvidia.com)
301 points by Anon84 on June 23, 2023 | 58 comments

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