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1. Show HN: I made a platform to publish my Google Docs files as blogs (hexo.press)
180 points by lewisjoe on May 13, 2021 | 54 comments
2. Books I Recommend (jessfraz.com)
597 points by ingve on Feb 25, 2019 | 147 comments
3. Ask HN: Favorite note-taking software?
374 points by brownguy on July 14, 2018 | 429 comments
4. My home lab setup for highly-available Internet (github.com/bradfitz)
699 points by bradfitz on July 2, 2018 | 287 comments
5. How Chrome OS, Termux, YubiKey and Duo Mobile make for great usable security (lessonslearned.org)
468 points by walterbell on July 27, 2017 | 171 comments
6. Game Tales: Cray YMP (2010) (rome.ro)
58 points by the-enemy on April 15, 2017 | 18 comments
7. Removing Home Internet Is the Most Productive Thing I've Done (theminimalists.com)
355 points by presentation on April 11, 2017 | 269 comments
8. Amazon Connect – Simple to use, cloud-based contact center (amazon.com)
214 points by kjw on March 28, 2017 | 82 comments
9. Telstra’s Gigabit Class LTE Network (cellularinsights.com)
48 points by milan03 on March 22, 2017 | 40 comments
10. What Will Break People’s Addictions to Their Phones? (theatlantic.com)
11 points by elnado on Oct 10, 2016 | 6 comments

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