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created:February 24, 2012
about:Risk I/O is the first vulnerability intelligence platform. Delivered via SaaS, Risk I/O aggregates and prioritizes vulnerability data from over 20 of the most widely-deployed security assessment technologies to provide enterprises with a single view of their security risk. By integrating with the top bug fix and ticketing systems, Risk I/O enables organizations to collaborate on vulnerability remediation. Its precognition capabilities leverage predictive, big data analytics to foresee where an organization is most likely to be breached. Risk I/O is used by over 400 businesses, including many in the Fortune 100. Backed by US Ventures Partners, Tugboat Ventures, Costanoa Venture Capital, and Hyde Park Angels, Risk I/O is headquartered in Chicago, IL.

You can follow our thoughts on vulnerability management here: http://blog.risk.io/
