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I think you’re only seeing the intro to the article, and then perhaps your ad blocker is preventing the “subscribe to see more” bit from showing up. The actual article is longer than six paragraphs and has some statistics and quotes from more people, including a researcher studying the space.

Why is Michigan relevant to buying The Onion?

It is not, just sharing some information about the guy's background a lot of folks might not know. Might explain why he didn't insist in moving them from Chicago and relocating them to the West coast.

> One of the things to come out of discovery in the Damore lawsuit was Google's head of HR declaring a moratorium on hiring white males.

Do you have a source for this? The closest thing I could find is [1], which says some Google employee (not the head of HR) suggested such a moratorium on an internal mailing list. It’s not clear that such a policy was ever implemented or even seriously considered.

[1]: https://thefederalist.com/2018/01/10/19-insane-tidbits-james...

> OTOH, if Sam is so horrible, why did all the employees threaten to quit (we're told) if he were not returned to his CEO role? I've definitely worked for CEOs who did not inspire that type of loyalty. Most/all of them.

Money. OpenAI was planning a tender offer at a high valuation. After the board’s actions, that was largely viewed as gone. Now, with Altman restored to his position, the tender offer is back on the table.

> False DMCA claims are technically considered perjury I think. The problem is that most so-called DMCA claims are actually not using the DMCA mechanism at all […]

The other issue is that, if I recall correctly, the perjury penalty is not about whether the claim is accurate. It’s about whether you actually represent the rights holder of the content you claim is being infringed.

That is, if I make a DMCA claim that says this video infringes on Frozen, it’s perjury only if I’m not the rights holder (or representative thereof) for Frozen.

> and yet Greenland is gaining ice

Your first link doesn’t seem to show this. It shows that the rate of loss has slowed over the past few years, but it’s still losing mass every year.

The picture in that Kickstarter doesn't look particularly identical to the picture in the article.

In fact the one he linked is the problem this one is trying to solve!

> the cost just gets passed on as lower worker compensation

This applies to payroll taxes, but I don’t think it applies to corporate income taxes. Since corporate income taxes are typically levied against profit, not revenue, wages are paid out of “pre-tax” money. A high corporate income tax rate would actually incentivize paying higher wages and/or hiring more employees.

> Code generation: the change they report is that the newer GPT-4 adds non-code text to its output. They don't evaluate the correctness of the code. They merely check if the code is directly executable. So the newer model's attempt to be more helpful counted against it.

In the prompt they specifically request only the Python code, no other output. An “attempt to be helpful” that directly contradicts the user’s request seems like it should count against it.

That's false. If it outputs formatted code, it's easier to read. I don't see the backtics, I see formatted code when using the chat interface.

I guess, but that still isn't the sort of degradation people have been talking about. It's not a useful data point in that regard.

I mean, if you were hoping to use the API to generate something machine-parse-albe, and that used to work, but it doesn't any more, then sure, that's a sort of regression. But it's not a regression in coding, but a regression in following specific kinds of directions.

I certainly have found quirks like this; for instance, for a while I was asking it questions about Chinese grammar; but I wanted it only to use Chinese characters, and not to use pinyin. I tried all sorts of prompt variations to get it not to output pinyin, but was unsuccessful, and in the end gave up. But I think that's a very different class of failure than "Can't output correct code in the first place".

> Combine that with that UK city that wants people to get permission to leave there zones...

If you’re referring to the Oxfordshire plan, this has been somewhat misrepresented. The proposal is to limit access through some specific roads in the city center. Residents can use the ring road to access the same destinations without any restrictions.

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