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None of this is surprising or even atypical for CEOs.

OTOH, if Sam is so horrible, why did all the employees threaten to quit (we're told) if he were not returned to his CEO role? I've definitely worked for CEOs who did not inspire that type of loyalty. Most/all of them.

What I still can't tell is whether Sam Altman is a leader, visionary, and ultimately responsible for OpenAI's success, or merely a manipulative self-promoter and upward manager, taking credit for Ilya's creation.

> OTOH, if Sam is so horrible, why did all the employees threaten to quit (we're told) if he were not returned to his CEO role? I've definitely worked for CEOs who did not inspire that type of loyalty. Most/all of them.

Money. OpenAI was planning a tender offer at a high valuation. After the board’s actions, that was largely viewed as gone. Now, with Altman restored to his position, the tender offer is back on the table.

I would say it is more likely a horrible CEO would trigger a threat of a "walkout". Who cares who the CEO is, unless there is a cult around him? Or the CEO has a personal guard of minions?

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