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So, to summarize this article, it's a short piece about one specific couple. There's not a single piece of data about other people that might be in a similar situation, there's not a single piece of relevant data about the housing market, in fact, there's not a single solitary bit of input from the author. The entire story is 6 paragraphs that quote one person saying they're having trouble downsizing out of their home.

This somehow translates to a title with a broad sweeping statement about all older Americans? And how home ownership is a problem for older Americans? How is this journalism? How is this published in the New York Times? Did the author even fact check anything this couple told them? Did they research into their situation at all? Who knows.

Is there more to the article that I can't see because I'm not subscribed, and it's not making it evident? I just don't understand what this is.

I think you’re only seeing the intro to the article, and then perhaps your ad blocker is preventing the “subscribe to see more” bit from showing up. The actual article is longer than six paragraphs and has some statistics and quotes from more people, including a researcher studying the space.

> The entire story is 6 paragraphs

There's more than 30 paragraphs in that story.

Every time I hear news about boomers not being able to downsize, I think “well isn’t it the good ol consequences of my actions”. The nimbys made it impossible to build and created a system where landlords benefited from just being born early. The rest of the generations have been dealing with this problem for years, welcome to the party.

It’s not really a generational thing, my parents where worried about the housing market in the early nineties when they saw that people had it as an investment.

The problem is that no politician wants to solve it in a sustainable way because it would lead to their own biggest investment, that is also leveraged, would loose value. But we also have a pension system that relies on humans being more populous.

Politicians have all these perverse incentives. If we could get a more direct democracy it would solve a lot of problems.

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