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at least well be able to legally bribe our way to the front of the line as long as we dont admit its a bribe

ahh yes our good ole non partisan judicial system will surely save us

oh yeah because our courts have definitely shown themselves to be non partisan, like how one of the republican supreme court justices thinks they are at war ideologically against the other side and must win

because the way they encouraged doctors to push it to everyone, regardless if they needed it or not. they aggressively marketed and pushed the drug in situations that didnt call for it

You can get cookies/tokens from chrome databases so its the equivalent to passwords in alot of cases

these days instagram is much more used by older people than tiktok which has a large younger audience. Also scale wise, tiktok is crazy huge, so yes there is a difference between the two offerings

Funny enough moving to il2cpp made it even easier to hack/mod/access since now all class info and offsets and other info are exposed, easily with full type info. I'm just about done with a lib that can fully read all of the il2cpp related data externally, it's been a fun project

does the tor anonymizing process not count as modifying the information?

In that case TLS or similar would also trigger it.

It's just a different method of routing - wrapping the original packet in more and more envelopes.

I worked at twitch for almost 5 years and they had no idea what they were doing at all. Emmett was eternally condescending to staff and continuously listened to whoever was playing politics best. His replacement dan was equally checked out and they had no good tech or content ideas. Tech was a joke, spending 50-80% of some teams time on checking off items in huge spreadsheets to be compliant with new systems and processes that were regularly replaced by new requirements and often required rewriting services that were not in use/working just fine in new languages and frameworks to check new boxes and then the cycle repeated itself.

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