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Could the problem with the damaged brand be a reason why Apple is so keen on becoming a "privacy-as-a-service"-company?

On one hand it is mostly bull. Apple has the benefit of having a “strategy credit” since selling user data is not part of its business model.

But on the other hand, I can’t help but think that a gay CEO who grew up in Alabama really cares about privacy.

I think Apple is doing that because they’re out of growth otherwise. They’ve sold most all the iPads and iPhones and Macs they can. The numbers may go up but nothing like when the iPhone was still growing.

Services is the only part of the business that may have more than small growth levels left in it.

No. Apple cares about privacy and security because it wants to become a bank and payment processor. It had/has so much liquid capital it just makes sense. They've been moving that way ever since 2013 or so. All the concentration on security is so that their phones can be payment terminals and Apple can seek rent.

One viewpoint is that the USA are a crutch to the rest of the world.

Another viewpoint would be that this is based on self-interest.

The USA bombing Iraq because Hussein wanted to sell oil in another currency other than the USD and leaving the so called rest of the world with the humantarian crisis would be one counter example to the crutch-theory.

You're on the right track, but the reason you gave for invading Iraq is very naive. Research "Project for the New American Century", whose founders were very high up in the GW Bush administration. You'll see that the strategies they outlined in 1997 plays out quite well. Toppling Iran has yet to happen, but Syria and Iraq have gone according to plan.

From my perspective it has become a symbiotic relationship. The U.S. maintains the Pax Americana at great financial expense but does so for the benefits it provides. It’s not an altruistic act. Europe and Japan get benefits too. One of the benefits for Europeans is that they get to avoid the messy moral situations that come from wielding such power. Go back to the mess in former Yugoslavia in the 90s to see how the Europeans made a mess of things trying solve it on their own. I don’t want to get into a debate on the merits o that intervention but the situation wasn’t resolved to the liking of the UK, France, Germany, etc. until the U.S. got involved.


Yes, among a host of other things. Churchill said the world must be made safe for democracy while denying freedom to India. Great power is very corrupting.

It's definitely a two way street, but there's less incentive now for the US to stay involved. We're a net petroleum exporter now, Texas of all places is adopting renewables like crazy (proving their viability), highly autonomous and mechanized manufacturing is almost comparable to outsourced production and we don't need soyuz for space launches (soon).

All of that combined, plus the growing need to address our own impoverished parts of the country is making a lot of people in the US think it's time to let Europe do it's own thing.

You can watch this video of Obama calling Trump names already: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cQ54GDm1eL0 Those times have already begun.

craftworks | Full-Stack Developer | Vienna, Austria | ONSITE | https://craftworks.at

craftworks is a software development and machine learning company based in Vienna, Austria.

We are a team of 15 people (mostly software engineers & data scientists) and looking for a full-stack software engineer. Our techstack is Java (Spring Boot), AngularJS, PostgreSQL. If you are better on the frontend- or backend-side of things, please don't hesitate contacting us also. We have the craftworks Academy and will assist you in expanding your skills.

We would love to hear from you, show you our projects and get to know you! More information here: https://craftworks.at/working-at-craftworks/

Please send us an email to jobs@craftworks.at and get in touch with us!

craftworks | Full-Stack Developer | Vienna, Austria | ONSITE | www.craftworks.at

craftworks is a software development and machine learning company based in Vienna, Austria.

We are a team of 15 people (mostly software engineers & data scientists) and looking for a full-stack software engineer. Our techstack is Java (Spring Boot), Python, AngularJS, PostgreSQL. If you are better on the frontend- or backend-side of things, please don't hesitate contacting us also. We have internal training programs and will assist you in expanding your skills.

We would love to hear from you, show you our projects and get to know you! More information here: https://craftworks.at/working-at-craftworks/

Please send us an email to jobs@craftworks.at and get in touch with us!

simon at craftworks dot at

craftworks GmbH | Vienna | DevOps-Engineer | Full-Time | ONSITE | https://craftworks.at

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We are looking for a DevOps-Engineer with:

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I have been in the exact same position as you are. If you want to share experiences and learnings or simply talk about stuff, feel free to get in touch with me (mail in hn profile).

craftworks | Full-Stack Engineer | Vienna, Austria | ONSITE www.craftworks.at

craftworks is a software development and machine learning company based in Vienna, Austria.

We are a team of 10 people (mostly software engineers) and looking for a full-stack software engineer. Our techstack is Java (Spring Boot), Python, AngularJS, PostgreSQL. If you are better on the frontend- or backend-side of things, please don't hesitate contacting us also. We have internal training programs and will assist you in expanding your skills.

We would love to hear from you, show you our projects and get to know you! More information here: https://craftworks.at/working-at-craftworks/

Please send us an email to jobs@craftworks.at and get in touch with us!

craftworks (https://craftworks.at) | Vienna / Wien - Austria | Fullstack/Backend-Engineer | Full-time | On Site

We create software that helps our clients to digitize their workflows. We are currently a team of seven (six engineers) and are looking for a fullstack/backend-engineer to grow further.

We use AngularJS, Typescript, Java 8, PostgreSQL, and we're agile.

We offer a relaxed work atmosphere, flexible working hours and work from home policies as well as your own budget for your education.

Please apply through email at jobs@craftworks.at. Happy to answer any questions you might have: simon@craftworks.at

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