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I’m sure I’d use it as a physical volume knob

I like projects like this; totally unnecessary, but fun in a kind of absurd way.

I tried to post a comment but I didn’t really want to fork your repo, is there no other way of doing it thru github’s api?

I wouldn’t say unnecessary; most available comment systems are either a Discuss-style firehose of tracking scripts, or a pain to maintain when self-hosted.

The commit has to be in someone's repo, and GitHub can't reasonably allow you to push to a branch on the original repo, so you have to make a fork.

Thanks! Yeah it was fun to do. Once I had the idea I felt compelled to implement it.

It is a little wasteful to fork the whole repo to make a comment. But it seems unavoidable with this design.

Forks don’t actually create a copy of the git objects, so effectively it’s just a row in the database.

Then how come Github shows you the photocopying page, sometimes for quite a while? It takes long enough to convince me it does more than set a pointer.

It's not "just a database row," I oversimplified a bit too much perhaps, but it pretty much is very very little in the way of data. Since the following blog post, more stuff has been added to Git (2018, iirc): https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitaly/blob/master/doc/delta_i... https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitaly/-/issues/1519


> Very early on we figured out that actually forking people’s repositories was not sustainable. For instance, there are almost 11,000 forks of Rails hosted on GitHub: if each one of them were its own copy of the repository, that would imply an incredible amount of redundant disk space, requiring several times more fileservers than the ones we have in our infrastructure.

I don't know, but since GitHub allows you to show commits from any fork with a URL referencing another fork, GitHub seems to use a common object store for all forks.

Maybe setting up the separate issue tracker and Pull Requests takes some time?

I have an Ender 3 (one of the cheapest available consumer 3D printers) and have had success using Inkscape to generate gcode for it. For anyone interested, Processing/p5.js are great tools for programmatically generating .svgs for plotting. It’s great fun! Thinking about making some wall art soon.

I also have a MUJI notebook on my desk that I use to sketch out ideas before coding them :)

The posted solution seems to work even when the objects have zero area, and are just points in space. If you just surrounded the target with 16 points, there would either be gaps or the points would be infinitesimally close to the target and would occupy the same space.

So that means that any possible laser coming out of the shooter's position eventually passes through one of these 16 specific infinitesimally small points _before_ ever hitting the target? And that is always possible for any position of shooter and target? That's bonkers, wow.

Fans who really want to see their favorite artist/sports teams get extorted, and the money goes to scalpers instead of the artists and venues which are actually providing value. Scalpers provide no value to society.

Planet Money has done an excellent episode on this - https://www.npr.org/sections/money/2013/06/25/195641030/epis.... While I broadly agree with this, I would say that scalpers can actually provide a service of exchanging money for time and convenience. For example, you may have a free or cheap concert that sells out extremely quickly, but with scalpers, those with lots of money can always get a ticket. Much of the economy is built on the similar concept of arbitrage, where someone buys something cheaply and sells it for a markup to those who lack the ability or knowledge to get it from the seller's source.

That said, scalpers in particular seem to cause a whole lot more harm than good in general. As the above podcast addresses, it's a very difficult problem to solve systemically if you are intentionally undervaluing your goods.

Sounds like an oxymoron. Like hoarding toilet paper, gasoline, water during times of emergency, it limits the true supply.

You could argue the “true price” is what the scalpers charge (who will stop drinking water when the prices skyrocket?).

But in reality they squeeze the supply to create artificial scarcity. Any economist knows this is market manipulation.

> For example, you may have a free or cheap concert that sells out extremely quickly, but with scalpers, those with lots of money can always get a ticket.

But how do you square that with scalpers causing the tickets to sell out so quickly? I mean, they're the ones creating their own market. They're not really providing a service if they're the ones creating the annoying need for the service in the first place.

Then just don't pay the inflated price and don't go to the event?

I'm sort of trying to propose a situation where 1) the price doesn't get inflated and 2) I get to go to the event.

Obviously, yes, if I am mad about scalpers' prices, I have the option to not pay them. I would like to go the event, though.

This is also more or less how I talk to other engineers when they find bugs I’ve written :)

Hey guys!

A while ago I trained StyleGAN2 to generate artificial overhead imagery on a dataset of aerial imagery of Italy which I compiled. It was a fun project and the results are kind of neat, so I thought I'd share the process.

This is also my first time writing a blog post and posting it publicly, which was arguably harder than training the actual network. I'd love some feedback on writing style and content!

This looks really cool and I’m sure the tech can be used to do all kinds of interesting things, but I’m struggling to think of an actual use case for the product. From the marketing and price it seems to be directed towards consumers—is there anything this can do for me that a backpack can’t do? Still want one, anyway.

> is there anything this can do for me that a backpack can’t do?

I agree it’s early enough that the tangible uses for this type of tech are still a bit blurry to us. But I also think this is a bit like saying “is there anything a car can do for me that my legs can’t do?”

It depends on what criteria you evaluate it on. Yes you can move from A to B on your own steam, of course. But automation is incremental. These things aren’t a significant obvious benefit, until they are.

Scalability is one thing. Comparing writing notes in my iPad to writing them on paper, at first glance doesn’t look much different, apart from that the iPad can effectively store a lifetime worth of notes, easily searchable, shareable, linkable etc. Its scalability potential (for this use case) is almost infinite.

When evaluating these sorts of things it’s worth bearing in mind the “leverage” that the tech might give us, that we didn’t have before. This scalability/leverage benefit is often not immediately obvious until you look a little bit below the surface.

This robot dog might start off by carrying your water bottle but later it might be able to also carry a foldable chair, a waking stick, food and water, and a communications device, suddenly meaning that someone with limited mobility can actually go out for a walk on their own and have everything they might need carried alongside them as a mobile support system. That person just gained a little bit of extra freedom. At the enhancement end of the spectrum, an athlete could use this “support robot” to extend the possible range of their training runs.

I do wonder about the near term use cases for this sort of tech (at this price point) for people with disabilities of various kinds.

Often leading edge tech starts out in the realm of compensating for disabilities for a smaller audience before progressing to being looked upon as an “enhancement” for a wider audience (because it becomes affordable enough and useful enough to start to appeal to people who don’t need to compensate for any particular issue but see it as a net convenience worth paying for).

I'm seriously handicapped and have a dog phobia thanks to ugly events in early childhood. My handicap makes having actual animals in my home a bad idea anyway for cleanliness reasons.

While $2700 is way out of my price range -- handicapped people tend to have tight budgets -- I can absolutely see a tremendous market for companion animals for people allergic to animals, with a dog phobia etc.

Especially if they could add some fetching capabilities, this could be enormously useful to many people. Our population is aging and unlike other populations with physical limitations, people whose limitations are primarily age related sometimes have money. Sometimes lots of money in fact.

This is much more of an industrial robot than a pet. And 20 minute battery life.

Companion animals are not pets. They are working animals.

Battery life has a tendency to change over time. For someone largely housebound, it wouldn't much matter. They could be on a tether plugged into a wall even and still do good things for many people.

I meant it’s not fit for a companion. It wouldn’t have agency, “keep you company” in any sense or understand your needs like animals can be trained to do. It’s a sharp, computerized tool.

I don't know a better term for what I am thinking of. I don't think it has to be able to serve that specific function in order to be useful to someone with significant limitations.

I can see where the miscommunication comes from, but I think my point stands. For handicapped people, a mechanical dog that can carry, fetch items for them, help them get up, light their way, etc is potentially very useful.

IIRC it can jog for an hour.

I'd quite like it to just walk next to me and have a power cable to a drone that hovers and holds my coffee. #winning

I 100% buy into this vision.

I thought a dead simple military application would be sentries. Have them patrolling around FOBs, return and charge when they need to, fresh ones go out. Unarmed of course.

> Unarmed of course.

I admire your optimism!

How many autonomous armed robots does the US currently use?

Is that a trick question? Do flying ones count?

The grandparent said autonomous armed robots that are currently in use (which excludes under development).

As far as we know, the answer to that question is zero, unless you might count a missile as an autonomous flying robot (but even that still has to be launched by human).


This is done in Black Mirror, Season 4 episode 5 Metalhead. It’s terrifying. The dogs were armed.

I like Black Mirror. Like an extension of the argument that "guns don't shoot people, people shoot people", Black Mirror displays the equation, XYZcoolTech+people = horrifying.

Apply that here and you can bet that "florida robot dog does stupid thing" will be a headline in the future.

"The street finds its own uses for things." - William Gibson

Carrying groceries 10 blocks in NYC isn't the easiest thing. This would help.

But if you live in car dominated sprawl then idk.

I want one of these. However, they say the payload is only 2kg. Won't carry that many groceries.

The obvious solution to carrying 20kg would be to have 10 of these robots following you.

I think there was a lost opportunity with the latest 101 dalmatians remake.

Perhaps it can pull a trailer?

It could probably be programmed to fetch me a beer. Or walk around the yard serving appetizers to guests during a BBQ.

It could also be an effective scarecrow I imagine. When planting certain things it would be nice to reliably keep the birds and varmint away.

My feeling is that there is no overlap whatsoever between use cases for a real dog vs. a robot dog…

Cool project, although it seems to think the word “male” has moderate female bias... word embeddings can be fussy.

I would think you could just compare cosine similarities between the entered word and words like male/female or man/woman (not sure if this is what you’re doing).

Why shouldn't the word "male" have moderate female bias? It depends on the contexts in which it appears across the corpus.

As a biological sex, I can think of numerous ways it will co-occur with "feminine" words - the first few sentences of the Wikipedia entry for "Male" being a good example:

"A male gamete can fuse with a larger female gamete, or ovum, in the process of fertilization. A male cannot reproduce sexually without access to at least one ovum from a female, but some organisms can reproduce both sexually and asexually."

This demo shows gender bias, which as a concept is deep-rooted in most if not all natural languages. Consequently, it may be more accurate to say the word "male" is tips the scale towards "feminine" or "womanly" rather than "masculine" or "manly".

Ugh that's embarrassing. It seems like it works for most words, but has a few obnoxious outliers like "male" that I can't figure out why they score as female. It might just be a quirk of the dataset or something :/

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