It's not a new golden age of fitness. There may be a short-term boon, but people's motivation will eventually nose dive without social interaction.
"Previously, 50% of gym-goers quit after 6 months." Why would you not expect the same thing to happen with people's quarantine workout motivations? We're still within the first 6 months of quarantine.
It's hard to say for sure, but at the moment it looks like ~10-15% of class-based locations will not re-open due to business failure? So that's not a dramatically reduced supply, and additionally a lot of these places weren't sold-out to begin with (except in say NYC or LA where popular classes have waitlists). I personally think the desire to be social + in/person will soon exceed people's concerns re: safety, especially in areas where the COVID rates are low.
> (b) class costs plummeting due to logistics and competition
I think this is unlikely at least until social distancing goes away. The average class size has decreased significantly in order to make social distancing possible.
Pre-covid, classes at our gym were sometimes so packed that you couldn't comfortably do a forward lunge without stepping on the person in front of you.
>The best hope is (a) social pressure to attend class //
By class I assume you mean some sort of organised fitness events? Do people do that for social reasons - I'd have thought the primary reason was not wanting to wobble like a jelly when you walk up the road; then perhaps longevity??
I feel like part of the reluctance with accepting C# and .NET as fully open source platform, outside of the Microsoft ecosystem, is somewhat due to Azure. At the moment, the three main cloud providers basically vendor-lock you. There's no great standard body controlling cloud providers at the moment. Sure Terraform tries it's best to provide cross-provider APIs, but it's not the same as a standard. As such, most companies that pick .NET will pick Azure. Then developers are right back into the feeling of the old-school Microsoft proprietary vendor-lock.
I feel relatively similar about Visual Studio. It's pretty clear that it's a 2nd class citizen on Mac due to being build on top of Mono. Java apps built on the JVM feel pretty much the same whether on Windows or OS X. Mono on the other just feels like a monkeypatch. I think porting things from Windows to OS X is tough because OS X has so much foundation in UX whereas even new Windows machines are still behind 2009 MacBook Pros. This just makes Windows apps ported to OS X feel sluggish to me (and many of the features are stripped). Purely opinion.
I'm actually trying .NET Code and Visual Studio in a professional setting for the first time and I'm not hating it. WSL is what originally put Microsoft back on my radar and I'm starting to take them more seriously these days.
> I feel relatively similar about Visual Studio. It's pretty clear that it's a 2nd class citizen on Mac due to being build on top of Mono.
"Visual Studio" for Mac is Xamarin Studio, not Visual Studio.
The naming suggests they are the same, or at least equivalent, software, but that is not the case. They are completely different code bases.
Visual Studio has over 20 years of Windows legacy. There is no Visual Studio for Mac nor will there be any time soon.
Visual Studio Code on the other hand, being Electron-based, does have a consistent cross-platform experience.
> the three main cloud providers basically vendor-lock you
There's a wide range of lock-in you can build yourself into, or not. Services and features between Azure and AWS have a large intersection. Automation is where you typically run into the most vendor-specific stuff, as you alluded to - VMs, RDBMS, Redis, blob storage, media services, etc. are easy to adapt over multiple providers.
Read the ECMA scripts. ESPECIALLY sections 13 and 15. Seriously, even the best textbooks will only give you a superficial understanding relative to the actual standards. Sure there are different JS engines, but they all do roughly the same thing. Master the algorithms in the ECMA standard and you won't even need to read textbooks. You will be able to deduce and derive those concepts yourself.
Understand exactly how JavaScript gets converted under the hood. Remember, ECMA could be implemented in any language not just C/C++. What you're looking for is algorithmic understanding.
For example, here's the snippet that explains how "new" works in JavaScript Going through the algorithm, your first thought may be "wtf is [[Prototype]]"? Dig into it. Understand when, where, and how [[proto]] and __proto__ get assigned. Learn about the cyclic references that allow everything to be an object including functions.
Of course, feel free to use external resources to assist you while reading ECMA since it is quite dry. For the example above, this amazing Stack Overflow post can help you visualize the algorithm:
Nooo don't make zsh the default shell. Wtf is Apple doing?
I don't have an issue if people want to use/download zsh, but making it the OS default is a huge mistake! From the zsh docs themselves:
"Broadly, bash has paid more attention to standards compliancy (i.e. POSIX) for longer, and has so far avoided the more abstruse interactive features (programmable completion, etc.) that zsh has." ~
Don't make a less-standards compliant shell the default! Bash is one of the few programs I can rely on between all my different devices.
You can install it manually if you want. The reason they did it is their version of bash is ancient since they don't want GPLv3 in the operating system.
Nooooo! Don't make me INSTALL a standard-compliant shell!! Make me install a NON-standard-compliant shell.
It's better to have an old version of a standard-compliant shell be the default. Users can easily install the latest bash/zsh, but make that a personal choice.
The license isn't a valid reason to swap out bash.
I've found that people who stay up late also tend to tell you [edit: and brag] about it. For example, if a friend is out late partying you're almost guaranteed to hear about how late they stayed out the next day.
I think it goes both ways because people want to justify why they are not at 100% energy. Partly to not offend others when you're being abnormally unenthusiastic. A type of social defense mechanism.
Curious how that's a security issue? Bookmarks are just public links, so there's no problem if someone sniffs them out, right?
Do you mean if a site stores cryptographic information in the url? Or is it the act of syncing with your local machine that introduces surfaces of attack on your local system?
Firefox Sync used to be protected with high-entropy keys; now it's protected by a (likely) low-entropy password. Moreover, even if one uses a high-entropy character sequence as a password, Mozilla are able to target one with malicious JavaScript and snarf that password at will.
I respectfully disagree with that last part. IMO it's your moral obligation as a distributor of information to, to the best of your ability, ensure its' truth and validity.
I'm not saying it has to be PhD-thesis-level, but if proven wrong you are morally obligated to update the information or remove it. Otherwise you are spreading false knowledge. This doesn't apply to opinions ofc (the bulk of private blogging).
Screw entitled users though, they should fix it themselves :)
Nothing can really be trusted without judgement, and as long it's not claiming to be an authoritative source about a life and death situation, I wouldn't want to put the bar as high as an obligation.
After 20+ years of working in the business and reading ridiculous amounts of articles, and some books, I can quite easily find clear errors or omissions in most everything written about computers and programming, Knuth excluded. If everyone were obliged to update to fix any errors, even only factual, it's likely that much - or even most - of all I've read would never have been posted for me to read in the first place, and I think both the world and I would be poorer for it.
Correctness is important, but so is the ability make judgments of validity, to critique, disseminate, inspire and express ones thoughts, even when they turn out to be wrong.
Had a guy interviewing for an intern position once say, after my coworker showed him a bit of code, "the biggest file I saw today was 500 lines, so I'm pretty sure I can handle it. I'm used to working on PHP scripts with thousands of lines. Now that's scary." He lost my vote in three sentences.
"Previously, 50% of gym-goers quit after 6 months." Why would you not expect the same thing to happen with people's quarantine workout motivations? We're still within the first 6 months of quarantine.