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The Collapse of the Unix Philosophy (kukuruku.co)
488 points by andreygrehov on March 2, 2017 | hide | past | favorite | 591 comments

That was a sad thing to read, the author is so clueless they don't even know when the reasons they imagine something might have been broken are wrong.

Back when UNIX was born the <tab> character was a first class citizen in every computer on the planet, and many languages used it as part of their syntax. Static binaries were invented when Sun and Berkeley co-developed shared libraries and there needed to be binaries that you knew would work before shared libraries were available (during boot before things were all mounted, during recovery, etc)

It always amazed me when someone looks at computer systems of the 70's through the lens of "today's" technology and then projects a failure of imagination on the part of those engineers back in the 70's. I pointed out to such a person that the font file for Courier (60 - 75K depending) was more than the entire system memory (32KW or 64KB) that you could boot 2.1BSD in.

Such sillyness.

The most important thing about UNIX - no matter how simplistic (or not) it might appear or how significant (or not) the perceived flaws might seem - is that a move to UNIX back in 70s-80s was liberating with its simplicity and human friendliness for so many of those coming the world of closed-off, proprietary operating systems, walled gardens, development tools and kernel API’s.

Writing a mere string out to a file on a non-UNIX was nowhere near as easy as ‘fd = open (“a file”, O_WRONLY); write (fd, p_aString, strlen (p_aString)); close (fd);’ on UNIX. Many systems required either a block-oriented or a fixed-record (with the record structure to be defined first) to be opened, the block or the record to be written out and then the file to be closed. Your record-oriented file has grown very large? Brace yourself for a coffee break after you invoke the “file close” system call on it. Did you process get killed off or just died mid-way through? Well, your file might have been left open and would have to be forcefully closed by your system administrator, if you could find one. Your string was shorter than the block size, and now you want to append another string? Read the entire block in, locate the end of the string, append a new one and write the entire block back. Wash, rinse and repeat. Oh, quite a few systems out there wouldn’t allow one to open a file for reading and writing simultaneously.

Flawed make? Try to compile a 100 file project using JCL or DEC’s IND using a few lines of compilation instructions. Good luck if you want to have expandable variables, chances are there wouldn’t be any supported. You want to re-compile a kernel? Forget about it, you have to “generate it” from the vendor supplied object files after answering 500+ configuration related questions and then waiting for a day or two for a new “system image” (no, there were no kernels back then outside UNIX) to get linked.

Awkward UNIX shell? Compared to crimes a numbers of vendors out there committed, even JCL was the pinnacle of “CLI” design.

No matter how perfect or imperfect some things were in UNIX back then, hordes of people ended up running away screaming from their proprietary systems to flock to UNIX because suddenly they could exchange the source code with their friends and colleagues who could compile it and run within minutes, even if some changes were required. Oh, they could also exchange and run shell scripts someone else wrote etc. In the meantime, life on other planets was difficult.

I remember people saying Unix was the gold standard of user-hostile operating system.

That was well before I met AS/400 and MVS.

And then I had contact with a Burroughs A-series and it's appropriately named OS, MCP.

OTOH, I love the 3270s.

TRON's MCP was named after Burroughs', I'm quite sure. Guess who TRON/Alan Bradley was based on? :)

I think it's for Alan Kay. Bonnie MacBird is his wife.

> It always amazed me when someone looks at computer systems of the 70's through the lens of "today's" technology and then projects a failure of imagination on the part of those engineers back in the 70's

True enough, but as a younger programmer, I find it pretty reasonable to look back at computer systems of the 70s and wonder if we can do better today. I feel a little bit gross every time I have to write a bash shell script (or edit config files that aren't JSON/XML/YAML, for that matter), and I don't think that's a bad impulse. That something so inelegant and unsafe is still in widespread use in 2017 really ought to be a scandal. Even if the author didn't frame the issue in the most charitable way for the earlier trailblazing generations, he's calling attention to the right issues.

In other words, if you couldn't justify something being designed a certain way de novo, why be content with the existing design!?

JSON doesn't have comments so it's a bad choice for human-editable config. YAML doesn't have an end marker so you can never be sure if you've got the entire file. XML is a huge pain to edit by hand if the schema is complicated, and overly verbose if it isn't. None of them are even close to being safe (for example https://arp242.net/weblog/yaml_probably_not_so_great_after_a...). All of those choices fail your "elegance" test.

TOML is my preferred config file language option where I have a choice - https://github.com/toml-lang/toml - but I suspect that suffers a lot of the same problems.

I will capitalize on this derailment to promote luxem, my flexible and minimal JSON alternative: https://github.com/rendaw/luxem#what-is-luxem

The issue with all of these, of course, is that in order to get a system running you have to configure multiple "independent" tools, processes and daemons. Think setting up a web application - you have to configure the web application to listen on a certain port/UNIX socket, then configure your web server to go find it. You then need to scale this up across logical servers separated by a network - your web servers need to communicate with your database, they need some sort of authentication key/password, etc etc. You're never just configuring one thing.

The modern solution would be that there needs to be a network configuration tool which generates specific configurations for each component, is capable of encoding arbitrary invariants, and works consistently. Configuration also needs to be "push" based on events - when a DNS server dies, it should be able to figure out "we need at least 2 DNS servers, we have 1, fire up a new one - then update all systems to know about the new one".

Configuration management systems for Linux, by and large, suck. They're very good at starting from an Ubuntu Server install and building on that, and then get more and more fragile as the system lives on. Some of them (Saltstack, for example) do have some degree of event management - you can run certain commands on certain things happening, but it's not declarative or reactive in the way you'd hope - e.g. you can't just say "this system knows about all DNS servers" and expect it to work. The Docker/Kubernetes ecosystems claim to solve the network configuration problem (in a really awkward roundabout way), but not really intra-system configuration, and it still takes a lot of manual work.

NixOS gets a lot closer - but it needs to be expanded with a constraints solver and an event processing system. It's Turing-complete, so you can encode pretty much whatever you want into it, while still being a reasonable configuration language (basic use of it looks a lot like JSON).

But the point is - the formats individual components use for configuration should be more-or-less irrelevant. They could be completely opaque, so long as it's possible to get from the network config to the individual component's config and it's possible to update that config on-the-fly. In fact, it'd be more useful to standardise on one library which can handle all that for you.

I agree with most of your post, but this is still more complex than just adding a constraints solver and an event processing system. Different things not just depend on each other, they also require different strategies for dealing with failures. Trying to squeeze everything into a single model will not work well. Maybe something like supervision trees for services might solve that, where supervisors for each service are part of the package and handle everything from automatic configuration to failures in any way they need.

Still does not allow tabs for indentation - same problem as `make` but inverted

>JSON doesn't have comments so it's a bad choice for human-editable config (...)

What about Lua tables?

I second this, I love using Lua tables as a data description language.

Just add comments to JSON, Douglas Crockford can eat his heart out.

>True enough, but as a younger programmer, I find it pretty reasonable to look back at computer systems of the 70s and wonder if we can do better today. I feel a little bit gross every time I have to write a bash shell script (or edit config files that aren't JSON/XML/YAML, for that matter), and I don't think that's a bad impulse. That something so inelegant and unsafe is still in widespread use in 2017 really ought to be a scandal.

As a relatively young programmer i look at the computer systems of the 70's and think to myself "what the fuck are programmers thinking when writing today's programs". I mean we got amazing tools and a plethora of amazing languages, an insane amount of memory and an idiotic amount of processing power, chips specialized for sound and even ones for visuals. And yet everything lags.

As for shell scripts, they are fine. Not that you have to use them, as you can use python, scheme, anything (even C with tcc).

As for XML... oh god.. it is the worst, the absolute worst, way to do config files. Jesus help, is it awful. Bad for the user, bad for the processor. Simple key–value pairs (as in "power_level: 9000") are good enough for almost all configuration. Hell even the INI format is faaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaar better then XML (and YAML, JSON (although these are themselves better then XML)).

I look at the 70's and think "haven't we learned any fucking thing ?".

PS On topic, the Unix philosophy is still valid. For a plethora of reasons. I typed too much already but if anyone's interested in my "opinion" i'l write it later today. PPS The author of this piece doesn't even know what "the Unix philosophy" exactly is.

XML is nasty, but at least it's nasty in standardised ways. I've definitely worked with worse (e.g. Cadence DEF files).

The lag should be regarded as intolerable, but instead it's routine. I shouldn't have to wait for computers like this.

Shell is a nice idea, but UNIX should either have banned whitespace in filenames or made the shell handle it properly. It's amazing how many things blow up on encountering a space, and you can upset people even further by putting newlines in your file names.


Just ctrl+f for "xml". (edit: nvm, only 3 reports are bugs. although the libxml2 report has 3 somewhat serious bugs)

"XML is a well established standard" is usually the reason people choose XML for anything. I guess i would add "Nobody got fired for choosing XML" to the list of such sayings, if i had such a list.

> what the fuck are programmers thinking when writing today's programs

The difference is in the old days, you adapted to computer. Now, computer must adapt to you.

Take a look at MS's latest text-editor program's release notes (https://code.visualstudio.com/updates/v1_10). They have to build a program that accommodates so many different existing must-have features (from a potential users POV), and for each feature, accommodate almost every flavor of configuration that has ever existed for any other text editor whose style the potential user is now "locked-in to". Otherwise user will refuse to adopt.

In the 70's, I assume the audience was a pretty tight knit community of computer engineers, coming from a time of very frustrating tooling where it wouldn't be uncommon to lose a day's work because the 'Save' function failed or something like that. In this environment, you learned the crazy unintuitive keymap for vi and called it a blessing.

Now, you yell at your editor if it doesn't remind you to save your work when you close it. Or you yell at it when it does remind you; too many pop-ups! The point is that user preferences are more fragmented and expectations are higher for features, and willingness to learn details and gotchas of a program are lower, which has created the bloated program for the simple things like text editors.

As a contrast, I use sublime. It has (almost) everything I desire. And it saves everything i write, even in the case of a power outage.

Another example would be Acme[0].

>The point is that user preferences are more fragmented and expectations are higher for features, and willingness to learn details and gotchas of a program are lower, which has created the bloated program for the simple things like text editors.

I agree. People are people and people will always be subjective. But there should be a distinction between feature bloat and node.js bloat. Still, ofc, to each his own. (I measure how good it is for me by how much hair i pull out by using it, be it by lack of features, bugs, performance, or anything)

[0]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dP1xVpMPn8M and https://www.usenix.org/legacy/publications/library/proceedin...

This might sound odd.

Instead of writing bash scripts, learn awk.

Awk is old, much older than bash, and has largely gone unchanged since '89.

But, despite the fact it was born in an era where we were still nailing down PLT and what was important in a language, it ticks a lot of boxes.

Having written some sizeable (5000+ LOC) programs in it, it kind of feels like a dynamic mash up of C, and Lisp.

Try Awk, and see if quick scripts are still as painful.

Yup, XML is ugly to write by hand, but I'd argue it is nearly as legible as YAML/JSON, with the great-great advantage of being able to be structurally validated.

> wonder if we can do better today

Cough... systems... cough...

We can do better. Plan 9 existed. Apple's Newton has a unique take on data files. AS/400's map all storage to memory addresses giving a single address space for everything. With Smalltalk, applications would just be new classes you import into your system.

The key to Unix's success seems to be not doing better, but doing as little as possible while still remaining useful.

And yes, it's a bit disappointing that, when we did better, we were less successful. Today, all the dominant OSs are children of either Unix or VMS.

And MVS, which went nowhere, but in the sense it's always been there and, it seems, always will be.

I understand why they wonder but it should be a 10 minute thought exercise in most cases.

You have to define "better". Is it synonymous with "easier", "type safe", "less resource intensive", "object oriented", "functional", "faster" or some combination thereof.

How will you maintain backwards compatibility? Because, despite the fact that you may have just graduated, there are scripts and programs that rely on scripts that go back decades and people are NOT going to rewrite them just because of your new whiz-bang solution.

You may use it and if you represent a large enough organization, it might be viable for that use case but if you're only shopping a solution in search of a problem, you may as well not waste your time.

Plan 9 is not "better enough". The other ones had fundamental non-technical problems that hurt their adoption (Plan 9 had those at the beginning too).

Back to Plan 9, you can expect something that is just slightly better than your current options, and that keeps being this way to steadily gain adoption until it's popular. But that requires it being no worse than the current on any popular use case. Plan 9 may have a great architecture (I'm not sure about that anymore), but OSes compete on many different fronts, like portability, performance, software availability...

If the Plan 9 architecture were something amazingly better that solved a lot of problems, you could be sure some people would have adopted it, and then it would start improving on the other dimensions. But it's not. It's better. It will make your life easier. Yet it will bring no order of magnitude change. So, people simply take a deep breath and write (again and again) the 3 or 4 lines of code required to solve their problem in Unix, instead of changing everything.

I'll say that if you could run a web browser on Plan 9 and maybe there was a POSIX or a Linux compat layer, it could've become popular. It'd be a boost to porting efforts if it was a usable desktop OS. Give me the best OS, but if I have to write a whole desktop/server stack on it to make use of it, I'll stick with what I have at hand.

A plethora of software is available for Unix and it's why it's here still. Had I the chance to switch to, say HaikuOS, without a big/complete productivity loss, I would.

Your stated reasons aren't valid. I think they ported Mozilla until 2002 (Russ Cox, maybe?). There was also a compat layer: APE.

As a counter to your argument: a system that has little capability compared to the well-established alternatives, starts from nothing, yet takes over the world: Linux.

I really believe there was no greater reason for Plan 9's failure to catch on (or at least it's ideas) than my peers not being interested in their own education.

I read the plan-9 papers and was excited to play with it. I had a .edu affiliation and it was still $500 for a tap eand license and a letter saying what you planned to do with it... or some such. I had no budget, so we used linux.

They did open it up eventually, after linux had quite the following. It it had been open/available it would have had a chance.

It sounded fine the first time I heard it, but I don't buy the "it wasn't free and Linux was available" argument any more. If more Linux users had read the papers like you, and done so early enough, they might have had an aggregate influence on Linux's design when it was still malleable. A Plan9-like Linux would have been just as good as Plan9 eventually.

Plan 9 had fundamental technical problems too. Like most of the systems of that time it was designed with small single-building kind of networks in mind and didn't offer any value once large planet scale networks came to life. Also everything could have being implemented on top of any unix system, but wasn't that interesting for anyone to bother.

Didn't Plan 9 eventually get some mechanisms to facilitate interactions between such local-only networks around the world? 9grid and such.

In any case, Plan 9 is still ahead on quite a few fronts, with federated authentication that is simple(-ish) and works, a versioned filesystem by default, a unified namespace (the new interpretation of "filesystem") to access any resource you might want to use (instead of, today: DNS + TCP ports + HTTP URL's), and security by only exposing the necessary resources to processes, instead of exposing everything and then making up contrived access restriction schemes on top. (Smells of capabilities by Pike's own admission, I believe). That last part was mostly thanks to namespaces which Linux has picked up and popularised in a simple form with Docker... after 20+ years.

The important bits of the new architecture were also about the parts that were left out. No disk usage utility, based on the rapidly decreasing price of a giga bytes. Go and try to make contemporary sysadmins, who still partition their drives to this day, accept this highly distruptive simplification. Gotta create ourselves our busywork!

In the end, Plan 9 was made by /educated/ people with /resources/, and much of today's software isn't. No surprise it's better made.

(edit: some structure added to my rambling.)

Most of them were fixed in Inferno, but by then most stop paying attention.

To the point even on HN many seem to be unaware that the line ended on Inferno and not Plan9.

Personally, I tend to slot Inferno closer to Java than to Plan9, even though I'm clear about the lineage. In that sense, the line of "real" operating systems ended at Plan9.

For me it is Inferno.

If you look at the architecture of mobile OSes, they were in the right direction.

"if you couldn't justify something being designed a certain way de novo, why be content with the existing design!?"

Please, no. Don't convert system programming/engineering to the mess that is web development today.

I'm sorry, Docker is already here, even in enterprisie flavor.

> why be content with the existing design!?

Because backwards compatibility is more important. We can't just throw everything away every couple of years. Besides, who is to tell that the newer design will be better? Judging by the history of our industry, I have some serious doubts.

> Besides, who is to tell that the newer design will be better?

As much as it's popular to think otherwise, this isn't true. Taken as a whole, newer things are more often than not better than older things.

For example, cryptography has been on a huge march upward since the days of Unix crypt().

I have a shining counterexample to your thesis:

In almost all my experiences reimplementing established software in a commercial environment "building a better wheel" has met with failure. Or in the very least it took some time to get it back to a level of acceptable that our customers were happy with.

This idea that it's easier to start from scratch than maintain old code is almost always borne of hubris.

The thing that many people miss is that software in active use is a "living thing" that has undergone many evolutionary iterations between developer and user before it's been gotten right.

There is so much implicit knowledge & experience embedded in the code itself. When you say you want to replace something with a "new" version you're effectively doing something similar to sacking an experienced engineer and replacing them with a graduate.

That's not to say that good enough is good enough. But it's important to remember that improving on "good enough" is hard. If you don't have a commercial mandate or other good reason for improving it it just may not be worth your time.

Apple is in the vanguard of only one thing: marketing.

What a lame and supercilious comment.

Even the great Butler Lampson has a slide set online which includes the item

Design (Apple's forté)

This is arguably a slightly more defensible version of the GP.

I'm embarrassed to say I hadn't heard of him before now. Reading his Bio he does seem like something of a heavyweight!

I have some sympathy for our friend's point of view here, even if it is orthogonal to what I was saying. Particularly more recent developments but I have no time for this kind of snarky, pugnacious sniping.

I would suggest that Apple's real strength (or should I say Steve Jobs') was "Product Development" which yes includes a large component of marketing and I really don't see that as a bad thing. It's not like what was being marketed was a substandard product? People paid a premium and got a premium device.

That you don't get the same quality any more is no reason to decry the brand itself as only being good at marketing. Their devices are even today physically manufactured to the highest standards, but historically they have developed superbly engineered products. Yes this cannot be credited to Jobs, but he did identify and harness the talent.

This topic isn't black and white and perhaps there are many shortcomings to Apple, and to Jobs, but this kind of single-line snark does nobody any justice, in particular the commenter himself.

Cryptographic algorithms are, when they are shown to be better than old algos, better.

Many algorithms are shown to be not better than old algos, hence the frequent admonitions (see Schneier for multiple examples) against roll-your-own crypto. I'm trying to remember the name of a much-touted encrypted messaging application being advertised for use by Arab Spring activists which turned out to have massive vulnerabilities.

There's a list (which doesn't seem to include the one I'm thinking of) here: http://www.pcworld.com/article/2843372/popular-messaging-app...

The reality is that encryption advocates strongly encourage people to use tried and tested mechanisms.

Worse: cryptosystems, inclusive of the algorithm and all the support infrastructure around it are very frequently worse than old systems, and reveal very, very badly broken implementations, sometimes years down the road.



Cryptography benefits mostly from huge computing resources we have today and fundamental advances (math). Current crypto algorithms were impossible/impractical with hardware from just few decades ago. Yet we still suck at designing crypto systems.

In finance we call the driver of this "survivorship bias."

IOW, your contention is true/truthy if you ignore the fact that there is a large selective pressure weeding out the "not better" new things.

In computing industry, there's little pressure for weeding out "not better" new things. Unix is a great proof of that. Solutions survive on basis of popularity, not technical soundness, and many things get continuously forgotten and reinvented a decade later.

Often for good reasons! In my career, I've seen the pendulum swing from storage on every device, to diskless devices sucking from the network, back to storage. Many times. Never mind the philosophy folks quote; its about technology, or rather the relative speed/latency of network versus local storage. Its true in lots of things. Folks 'rediscover' messaging systems for redundancy and failover every 10 years or so.

Exactly. Backwards compatibility is king. There have been plenty of research operating systems which never made it to popularity; not just Plan 9 but things like BeOS and Nemesis. The network effects driving people to consolidate on one system are huge.

Browser design is a mess, but that's because it's a battlefield between competing demands. We're very lucky it's remained open and competitive. There's an alternate universe somewhere where IE6 won and you have to use ActiveX controls to enter your government ID before you can post to websites. (Oh wait, that's South Korea in this universe http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/technology-29617196)

You can write a better operating system, but unless it runs a browser and you can give it away for free it will have a very limited audience.

As a sysadmin I just want to say I love bash. I'm not a programmer, but I get shit done in it all the time, and it's easy to understand and fix errors later. I have read every single why bash is bad article and I find all of them wanting for better arguments.

On the windows side, power shell.

And keep in mind, many of these scripts have been running for 10+ years. When's the last time you wrote a piece of software that worked for 10 years with minimal or no update?

> and wonder if we can do better today.

No, we can't do better today. We may start something better today and enjoy it in 40 years, but for the time being, these are the tallest giants' shoulders we have.

Bash is not bad at all; it's unrestrained and arcane at times, agreed, but it does have the nature of a true programming language, just like powershell does. Now .bat scripts, that's truly inelegant and unsafe.

While it's certainly not the worst, and certainly can be used for many things, bash is definitely pretty damn bad. You've got horrible string escaping nonsense ($IFS, ...), an utter lack of any sensible types, constant incompatibilities due to command-line tools supporting different arguments on different platforms, ...

While Perl or similar are not without many faults, at least they solve a lot of this. Think of even writing something like a JSON parser in bash... it's horrifying.

You could use something like jq for parsing JSON. And while I agree with you regarding some of your points, they could be easily refuted by pointing fingers at other things: yes, string escaping can give a grown man nightmares, but hey, it's not working with strings in C; and once you get the hang of it, it is pretty simple. Lack of typing can hurt, sure - but it's not BASIC; With a little imagination you can have strict types even.

And cli tools having different args on different platforms? come on, it's not even bash's fault...

Basically what i'm saying, everything you can do on $LANG, you can do in bash. And it's not that hard. It just has a loooong learning curve and seems to provide with just enough things to shoot yourself in the foot. But then again, you can be stupid in any language...

I agree that CLI tools having different args on different platforms is certainly not bash's fault, but I think it hurts Bash much more than other languages because, since Bash is such a limited ("awful") programming language, the de-facto way of doing most anything in bash is to call out to these command-line tools for everything.

For instance, above you suggest using "jq" to parse JSON. I totally agree with you that if you actually needed to deal with some JSON data in Bash for some reason, then a tool like "jq" is definitely the way to do it, because it avoids trying to do actual programming in Bash.

In any "more reasonable" scripting language (perl/python/ruby/...), you can very easily open files, parse them, extract data, etc., all within the context of the language, without relying on all these external tools like awk/sed/grep/etc. And you have basic types like arrays and maps at your disposal that often make what you're trying to do a lot easier.

I can't imagine trying to actually write a JSON parser in pure bash. (Well, I can... but uggggh...)

> In other words, if you couldn't justify something being designed a certain way de novo, why be content with the existing design!?

Not justifying it designed this way today and keeping a false traditionalist position to retroactively-self justify it is no worse than berating something designed at the state-of-the-art at the time with no contextual understanding of why it was done that way... it is quite possible to evolve designs within a tradition of understanding their origins rather than being a smug neophyte who self-admittedly is responding out of ones own ignorance yet choosing to still berate despite this ignorance 'because who even knows why but it seems old man'

see also: just about any incremental improvement in any long running system ever, over time, across all systems, from the dawn of time, up until today

Plain text config files are lot easier to write and edit than XML or JSON - the KISS principle applies.

bash vs yml has always been there. you're really saying "declarative vs imperative" - not news. this is relevant, though, because Unix has always been about tools and composition, which is indeed dependent on imperative expression. if you feel dirty describing how (imperative), then maybe you're in the wrong business and should stick to the declarative world.

I had much the same reaction. I learned Unix on a PDP-11 running sixth edition AT&T. I was also using the University's UNIVAC 1108 and the elegance, simplicity and orthogonality of the Shell vs the EXEC-8 command language was a joy to behold. Sure, there is much about Unix that could be better and I sometimes regret that Plan 9 didn't succeed more. But it's like Kirk said to Saavik, "You have to learn WHY things work on a starship". Unix mostly does things for a reason, even if you don't see it immediately.

But, having said that, I really hate how TAB is used in Makefiles. The first screen editor I used was the Rand Editor and it treated TAB as a cursor motion character. It was a handy way to move horizontally on a line by a fixed amount, something not easy to do in, say, vi. This editor converted all tabs to spaces on input and then re-inserted them on output, which mostly worked, but it could mess up some files that were fussy about tabs.

I think it is this ambiguity of tab that was the source of confusion. Certainly on DEC machines at the time, when you typed 'tab' in and editor that was inserting text it was because you wanted an ASCII TAB character in your text. What was more, the program could just echo the TAB character to the terminal you were using and the terminal would "do the correct thing" for displaying that tab. Back in the 90's when 'model/view' controllers were the rage it was couched as separating presentation from the semantics.

The challenge came when there were devices which operated incorrectly when presented with a TAB character or confused command data with actual data. That became the "killer" issue when computers started substituting for typewriters. Because a typist knows that if you hit the tab key the carriage would slide over to the next tab stop that was set on the platen bar, but the paper was "all spaces". When you try to emulate that behavior in a computer now the TAB becomes a semantic input into the editor "move to the next tab stop" rather than "stick a tab in" and "move to the next tab stop" could be implemented by inserting a variable number of spaces.

Computer engineers knew it was "stupid" to try an guess what you wanted with respect to tabs so they wrote a program for formatting text called 'troff' (which had similarities to the program on RSX11, TENEX, and TOPS called RUNOFF.

It is always interesting to look back though, if you had told a system designer in the 70's that they would have gigabytes of RAM and HD displays in their pocket when their grandchildren came to visit they would have told you that people always over estimate how fast change will happen.

I worked on a product at AT&T Bell Labs back in the 80's/90's that had a config file that had tabs and spaces mixed on the same line -- and it mattered.

If you think about Makefile syntax being an earlier member of the same family as Python, the major difference is that tab may have been a more ubiquitous indent convention at the time (but I really don't know).

I still prefer to indent C with tabs, and I'm not the only one. It's really not hard to handle tabs well, as a code editor or as a programmer. You can view them as whatever width you like. You can have marked to distinguish from spaces (e.g. vim's "set list"). They've been around for longer than you have so there's no good excuse for forgetting about them.

One of the nice thing about indenting with actual tab characters is that you separate the notion of 'indentation' from the actual indentation. I set my tab stops to 4 which tightens the code, others set it to 8, still others set it to 2. If the code has tab characters it just works, if the code has spaces there is no way to have your most comfortable indentation level be used.

Yes, yes, yes. I'm saddened that tabs have essentially 'lost' - they seem to me in every way superior to spaces, but I would never use them in a new project simply because it would be likely to throw off others, and perhaps tooling. Github, for example, does not play nicely.

The proper way is tabs to the point of indent, and spaces thereafter. Even Github will work if you do that.

Github works better if you do that, agreed. But IIRC (I don't do this any more, so this is from memory) it uses eight space tabs as a default, and can only be changed on the 'raw' pages.

Spaces are superior to tabs in only one (important) way: They're a constant width.

Bam-bam-bam-bam. Sorry can hear you over all the whitespace I have to type.

Every editor worth its salt does this for you. Maybe try upgrading from ed.

"This is a good decision because we've forced every editor to handle this good decision well."

If only there was a way not to have to rely on editors all behaving the same with leading spaces. Oh wait, there is a way: indent with tabs.

I also prefer tabs. I'm just saying that "I have to wear out my spacebar" is not a good argument.

Yeah, indenting with spaces wastes so many punch cards! Oh, wait.

Actually, a punch card used to represent a single line.

But you'd be wasting holes.

Not that I've ever used one, but I wouldn't expect someone to indent any code on a punch card.

I just felt the comment was suiting since it must have been about when they were still used that you couldn't automate indentation.

In FORTRAN 77, it'a syntax error to put a statement before column 7

Interesting! Can you explain why that is the case? Were the first 6 characters reserved for the line number or goto marks?

Yes. Columns 1 to 5 are for labels. Column 6, if it has any character there (usually "$"), marks a continuation from the previous line.

I think the column 6 rule and line continuations were removed for FORTRAN 95.

They're superior only in C-like languages when you indent in constant-width levels, and then only if you use very short names in your code.

Try using tabs to indent e.g. arguments to function one under another, and weep.

> Try using tabs to indent e.g. arguments to function one under another, and weep.

Where the terms are distinguished in a programming context, that's alignment, not indentation; tabs for indentation, spaces for alignment is a common suggestion.

Sure, as long as you don't mix them on one line (i.e. first indent, then align), because then differences between tab widths will still break alignment.

Not if you do it right:

   \t\t          arg2,
   \t\t          argN)
will look right no matter what the tab width is.

I just realised my invalid belief was caused by experiencing dumb editors in the past, which wouldn't recognise aligning and would turn your example into:

  \t\t\t   arg2,
  \t\t\t   argN)
I.e. they would replace all sequences of tab-width spaces with a tab character.

First indent and then align will retain alignment with different tab widths, because you only align things that are at the same indent level, so different tab widths in a tab indent / space align combination just move the whole aligned block left or right without affecting alignment.

I stand corrected.

> Try using tabs to indent e.g. arguments to function one under another, and weep.

I despise that formatting, and use:

which aligns fine with `\t\t`; so I shan't be weeping today, sorry! :)

I wrote my own version of Make for VAX/VMS and MSDOS, back in 1983 or so. I hated the tab mechanism of the Unix make, so I didn't use it, and none of my users (of which there were apparently thousands) ever complained. I got a few "thank you"s for it.

TAB was a stupid choice even in the 1970s.

Tab are actually more eco-friendly than space.

Just think of the energy lost sending 4 characters instead of 1 in every uncompressed json/xml actually moving around because lazy people don't mind suppress them before sending it over the network...

and imagine how annoying it gets when you are punching a punchcard.

We would punch up a program card to put on the drum in our IBM 029 card punches to set the tab stops, and let the tab key do its job.

Why the tab in column 1? Yacc was new, Lex was brand new. I hadn't tried either, so I figured this would be a good excuse to learn. After getting myself snarled up with my first stab at Lex, I just did something simple with the pattern newline-tab. It worked, it stayed. And then a few weeks later I had a user population of about a dozen, most of them friends, and I didn't want to screw up my embedded base. The rest, sadly, is history.

— Stuart Feldman

Stuart was also a FORTRAN programmer :-)

Source: The Art of Unix Programming

Sure there are some errors where lore overrides historical fact. An article ranging over 30 years of history via hops between minute detail is probably permitted a few factual errors. His tone certainly could be moderated if he wants to provoke less visceral rejections when he is wrong, though.

But I'd submit that the central thesis-that it is somewhat ridiculous to adhere to many of these conventions simply because they are established-is a very good one.

We have learned so much about how to make computer systems better and almost none of it is applied to Linux. The Linux kernel in particular is the work of brilliant people using archaic methodologies and adopting conventions that have long since ceased to make sense.

IMO, the main takeaway from the article isn't that "those 70's developers lacked imagination", but that UNIX is far from perfect.

The author even states that UNIX was amazing when it came out, but that doesn't mean all its ideas make sense today.

"they lacked imagination and like, I feel that we, young people today, like, a new generation, could do better"

It certainly ought to be uncontroversial to suggest that the general arc of progress tends upward, and that software is no exception. That has been a constant refrain for millenia.

Saying that they lacked imagination is diminuitive and self-serving but certainly we can do better than those who came before us, and those who come after us will do better than us.

Is that supposed to be a quote from the article? 'cause I can't find it.

use your imagination

Chuck I'm really glad you frequent HN. I love reading your comments and your insight is always valuable. -- A fan.

The fact that it was awesome in the 70's does not change the fact that it is broken today.

I don't think this is a fair criticism of the text.

However good Unix might have been in the 1970s, why am I still running it on my mobile phone? How good is it today? It seems that the major argument in its favor is legacy.

(Honestly, it seems to me that most of his criticisms could be moved away from stepwise. I'm guessing most of the configuration on my phone is stored in binary files. Someone could write the object-wise commandline utils he wants, and then create the architecture to make them more efficient. We could move there. Should we?)

Copying an .editorconfig in every new project solves any problems with remembering to use tab characters.

You know that thing about how old ideas in science can only really be replaced when their supporters die?

Unix greybeards, this is about you.

Sure, but the follow-up systems would be worse. I haven't seen a single actual improvement in software in 10 years.

It's all churn and bloat.

There is good and bad, but you certainly must be blind if you think the progress of technology has been relatively stagnant since the introduction of unix. Just a couple things that come to mind:

* The internet (early 90s)

* Wireless networking (early 2000s)

* Highly portable, small, and lightweight computers (early 2010s)

and all the software that supports them. These "follow-up systems" are certainnly better than their predecessors, and there are literally countless more examples (no, everything shouldn't be written in asm and c).

Those are all new(ish) applications for software; the underlying software can still suck even if being used in revolutionary new applications (which I think is more what the grandparent meant).

I think there is some truth to that. And I also think there is a tendency to look backward through time and come away with the wrong impression. It is starting with people new to web design wondering how anyone thought HTML was a good idea. So perhaps it's a 30 year window for it to start.

In my experience it gets worse and worse over time.

Not just tab, but Vertical-Tab.

Everyone should, at some point, read The Unix-Haters Handbook. A great deal of it is outdated or simply wrong, but it does have a running theme of a prediction that has largely been borne out: people assuming that all Unix's flaws are actually virtues and that if you don't think so, then you Just Don't Get It.

It's not hard to see how this happened: since pretty much all computers that people normally interact with are either running Windows or a Unix-like system, it has set up a dichotomy in people's minds. When the Unix-Haters Handbook was released, there were still other operating systems which could have a plausible claim to being better, but they have all faded away, leaving only these two. And since the "Real Hackers" prefer Unix, Unix and all its decisions must be the right ones.

Unix is great, but people need to be more realistic about its shortcomings instead of mindlessly repeating mantras about "The Unix Way" without critical examination.

I love motorcycles too. I've owned many sophisticated bikes: Ducatis with their strange Desmodromic heads. With the ability to dial an exchange of torque to horsepower at the handlebars. Buells with their fuel-in-frame chassis. My current Suzuki even has 4 sensors in the airbox alone. One that measures the air input pressure. One that measures the oxygen level. One that measures the air temperature. Really amazing performance. It will be in a junkyard within ten years though. I won't be able to find those sensors in a few years.

So all that new and advanced technology doesn't really interest me anymore. I'm looking for a 1969 Honda CL350 right now. They're still around and running fine. They're much simpler and much more maintainable. No Engine Computer. No sensors. Everything really easy to understand.

I kinda want my OS like that too. With all its warts I can keep it running.

> It will be in a junkyard within ten years though. I won't be able to find those sensors in a few years.

Not true. You will be able to get an aftermarket ECU that can just ignore the sensors and run in open-loop mode. That will be exactly the same as running with carburetors: fixed fuel/air ratio that is almost always wrong. This is also the failure mode for OBDII cars - sensor failures lead to the ECU running in open-loop mode, which lowers MPG and increases emissions, which will eventually foul the catalytic converters.

> I'm looking for a 1969 Honda CL350 right now. They're still around and running fine. They're much simpler and much more maintainable.

My wife has owned a CB175 and a CB550. Both required tons of work and were maintenance nightmares. They really are piece of shit bikes when it comes to reliability when compared to most Japanese bikes from 1990 onward. The prices old Honda bikes command on the market are completely out of whack with what you get because of strong demand from both the vintage bike enthusiast and hipster demographics. I would not ride one if it was given to me for free.

Maintenance "headaches" are part of the appeal of old bikes. It's much easier to learn how an internal combustion powered vehicle works on an old Honda bike than a new one, or on a new car.

Compared to other bikes of their day these are very simple to maintain and they were designed from the start to be kept running by the average person. It really depends on what you are looking for in a bike.

If enjoying turning a wrench on a Saturday makes me a hipster then pass the beard wax.

There is weekend wrenching and there is dealing with design flaws and poor manufacturing. Problems with the CB175 and CB550 that were not regular maintenance (carburetor/timing/valve/etc/etc) related:

* fast cylinder wear (poor materials/manufacturing, engine rebuilds all around)

* unreliable electric system ("mostly" fixed on CB550 with Charlie's solid state ignition and rectifier)

* Leaking gaskets (design flaw)

I know a lot of vintage Honda collectors and a few racers, and also a lot of vintage BMW collectors. BMW motorcycles from the same era do not have these problems.

What gaskets leaked? Side covers? I haven't had a problem with side cover gaskets but I did have some replacement non-JIS screws back out because they were not torqued properly. Can't speak to cylinder wear, my bike has close to 10k hard miles and doesn't compression test real well but does work fine.

Old side cover gaskets did, those were easy to replace. Something else was leaking before the engine rebuild, and then something else entirely started leaking after the rebuild.

I have a hard time blaming either of those on design flaws.

I used to share your opinion, but hours of searching for no longer-made parts and obscure wrench sizes and other tools that often simply don't exist anymore cooled my enthusiasm somewhat (fixing 1960s camera lenses)

All the fasteners I have seen are standard metric sizes, what speciality tools are you referring to? The side cover screws can be stubborn but even a Philips #3 with an impact driver ($20.00 at the pawn shop) pops them right off. Conversion kits to standard allen head screws are cheap, on the order of $50.00 for the whole engine.

There is a special nut on the oil spinner but that's the only specialty tool I can think of on the bike until you start actually disassembling the whole thing and you don't even have to remove it to do an oil service. I guess the shock/steering head adjuster is a specialty tool? But that was included with the bike so not hard to find either.

Parts can be a bit harder but since these things were so popular it's a lot easier than any other bike from 1969. Also the aftermarket is huge if you don't care about staying totally stock.

did you have fun converting JIS to metric? I learned that one the hard way. Three EZ-Outs later...

To clarify, using three easy outs instead of the right tool is kind of like saying config files are flawed because they have to be edited. Tools are created for a job and it is up to us as engineers to use them properly.

i should really say the PO who stripped the engine bolts with a phillips head instead of a JIS driver made it kind of inevitable. 40 year old machines are interesting.

Most of the screws I have seen are trashed from people using screwdrivers instead of impact drivers. Even with the proper JIS bit the screws will still be ruined if you don't use an impact type tool. There's just no way to apply enough axial force to the fastener with a normal hand tool, even if the shape is correct.

That's what the impact driver is for. I didn't have to convert any bolts to metric, all those are already metric. Only the screws need to be converted.

Newer than 1990 doesn't mean fuel injected and sensors out the wazoo. I have a 2001 Bandit and it's brilliant, same power and fuel economy as the current model and pure old fashioned air cooled carbie goodness. Nearly 70k kms and the mechanic reckons it'll be good for as much again.

Exactly. 1990s carbureted Japanese bikes are far superior to 1970s ones in reliability both in terms of design and manufacturing quality. But CL550s go for more than Super Blackbirds. The only reason is the steep vintage/hipster markup.

The Bandit is a good example that parts availability has nothing to do with the technology used and everything to do with the market. My bike is actually a 2001 Bandit 600. The 2nd generation 1200 sold well in the United States, the 2nd generation 600 never did. The 1st generation 600 did sell. So there are a ton of aftermarket 1st generation 600 parts availabe in the US, but pretty much the only new replacement parts you can get for the 2nd generation 600 here (that are not in common with the 1200 or SV650, if you can figure out which ones those are) are rebuild kits for the off-the-shelf brakes and carbs, and you can get the gaskets cut. Everything else you either have to import from the UK or get custom-made, which usually ends up being cheaper (things I have had custom made: throttle cables, fork tube).

Did Honda even build a CL550? Was that a huge parallel twin or a four cylinder scrambler? Never heard of either of those configurations from Honda.

Do you mean CB550? If so they demand a higher price because they are 1) older and 2) look way better. Super Nighthawk performance isn't much to write home about relative to newer bikes for the same price and vintage bikes look really nice.

Now is probably a great time to pick up a Super Nighthawk because as with almost all vehicles their value drops off continually for their first 20 or so years until they are truly part of a previous generation of vehicles that is no longer available. Then the value starts to rise again due to scarcity.

We saw the same thing in the 90s with 1970s domestic cars which peaked in the 2000s. It's happening now with 1980s Japanese cars and has been happening to 1970s and 80s Japanese bikes.

As it stands, the Suzi's input pressure sensor is malfunctioning (a $200 part where available) and the bike backfires and splutters badly. So I'm not convinced that an open loop mode ECU won't end up with an engine fire or a hole in the piston.

Other folks have mentioned that the mechanical points can be swapped out for a solid state ignition on the CL, closing that loop of maintenance for starters.

My solution to carburetor issues on my CL was to replace the carburetors with another design from Mikuni. You do have the option to swap a megasquirt system on to your bike and then use sensors that are cheaper or more readily available. I'm not sure if that would be easier or not but it is an option and it is something that will become increasingly more common as "new" bikes become "old" over the next 10 or so years.

Interesting comment. Got to say I agree with the direction of it, to some extent - stable and powerful over newfangled and weak / unstable / buggy / done for glory rather than substance.

Do you know about the Royal Enfield Bullet [1] from India?

It is not at all as technologically sophisticated as the bikes you mention and others, but it is a fantastic bike to ride.

They are selling it in the West, too, from some years. Originally from the Enfield company, UK, then was manufactured in India for many decades (maybe starting around WWII), as the same standard model. Then a decade or more back, the new managing director invigorated the company with better quality, newer models, higher engine capacity (cc) models (like 500 cc), etc. - though I would not be surprised that some fans prefer the old one still - maybe me too, except not ridden it enough, I rode a 250 cc Yezdi much more - also a great bike, almost maintenance free, a successor to the classic Ideal Jawa bike from Czechoslovakia, and also made in India for many years. Yezdi was stopped some years ago, last I read, but the Bullet is still going strong and even being exported, a good amount, to the West.

[1] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Royal_Enfield_Bullet


A Swiss guy, Fritz Egli (IIRC), was/is a fan and modified some of them (Bullets) over there. It was the subject of a magazine article.

I first rode a Bullet in my teens. A real thumper.

My cousin and two of his friends recently did New Delhi - Brussels[0] on 1971, 1973 and 1974 Royal Enfields.They made it but they got a lot of mechanical problems. I guess that was part of the fun ;)

I almost bought a Bullet Classic 500 (sold with injection in Europe). It is probably much more reliable but it is probably a bit too limited for a 100km daily commute.

I went with a modern Triumph Street Twin instead. The mechanic told me he had to plug the bike to the computer to start it the first time. I don't know if he was joking but it made me feel uneasy.

[0]: http://theroyalsilkroad.com/bikes.html

Ha, plug bike to computer to start it ...

If AI matches up to its hype, after some time newborn babies will have to be plugged in to "start" them too :)

Pretty cool trip.

Hey, Royal Enfield! My uncle was behind the company that was the sole distributor of Royal Enfield for Australia/NZ for a good decade or so (sold the business a few years ago).


I have a 1973 CL350 which I am currently getting back on the road. They are fantastic bikes, largely because they are robust, dead simple and Honda made tens of thousands of them. Having said that, they did have some components that have not aged well.

The number one flaw on these bikes in my opinion is the stock carburetors. Honda used a constant velocity type carburetor which in theory provides very smooth throttle action and is easier to ride. In reality the vacuum diaphragm is a very delicate part that frequently fails with tiny air holes that leak vacuum, causing a mismatch in the throttle input between the cylinders (twin carb two cylinder, one per cylinder). This is a similar failure mode to your modern Suzuki air pressure sensor failing.

The other pain point is the mechanical points in the ignition system. This is an area of constant fiddling with adjustment and new condensers. It's much preferred to simply replace the points system with a "modern" (1980s technology) electronic ignition system. This removes the moving parts and greatly extends the life of a tune-up.

Old bikes are super cool and the 350 platform is a fantastic one but even back then bikes had "high tech" parts that did not age well and gaps where better tech had not been invented. The great thing about the 350 platform is that due to its popularity people are still coming up with solutions. In this way a Honda 350 is similar to Unix.

What OS would be analogous to the Honda in your example? OpenBSD? Plan9?

Not Linux, surely. That would be more like the Suzuki, but it used to be an older bike so they left the carburetor in there and next year someone will add an electric motor too.

Any free software OS can meet his requirements as they all are transparent to anyone with the time to learn, just like the older bikes. The problem with modern bikes is that all the advanced tech is proprietary and you have no way of understanding it or tinkering with it.

IMO you can take any modern distro and strip it down to something understandable. It just takes some time to learn how to strip it down and how what's left works (and this is ongoing, as things are always changing). I'm not saying it's trivial, but neither is learning how to rebuild a motorcycle.

>IMO you can take any modern distro and strip it down to something understandable.

Or strip it up, so to speak, or rather, build it up. Referring to Linux From Scratch.



Excellent extension to the original analogy.

Just remove systemd that is looking like an electronic injection that now requires 4Gb of RAM and a full OS to work and screaming for more.

All systemd related processes (dbus, systemd-*, init, etc) running on my system are using < 25Mb of memory. So that is a bit excessive, even if exaggerating for effect.

It shouldn't even need that much though. All PID 1 should do is load the rest of the system.

I don't normally get into these, but this is blatantly false, I'm running systemd on multiple older/smaller computers like an OG Raspberry Pi and an old netbook, and I don't even notice its memory consumption.

We run systemd on 512mb celerons no problem...

I'm sad that 512mb is now considered a small amount. I've got a couple of systems in my drawer that have <128mb.

I still have my 75 MHz Pentium 12MB EDO RAM laptop running Windows 95 and holding my old BBS sitting in my drawer. Battery is shot but plug it in and it still works.

systemd works fine even on the RPi.

I've used OpenBSD in the past and found it much simpler than Linux. But didn't always support what I needed to do. These days I'm doing less but doing it better.

I've always found the problem with alt os's is that I have to pick my device to match the OS. I just want a small but adequately powerful laptop, so Linux is my only real choice.

> These days I'm doing less but doing it better.

On Linux or OpenBSD?

Pretty sure he means OpenBSD and I'm in the same boat.

Also, Erlang and Elixir run out of the box on it, so it's suitable for nearly all of my personal projects.


Occasionally when I run out of analogies for why convoluted systems are not 'flexible', I reach for a half-remembered homage, that I encountered as a teenager, about the Chevy Straight 6.

This was not a fancy engine. It was not a particularly powerful engine. Not a single thing on it or about it was exceptional. Because it was easy to work on and with add-ons and modifications it could be coaxed into doing things it wasn't really meant to do. It was just solid and got out of your way. So engineers and hobbyists tinkered and tinkered and got something over 2.5x the original horsepower out of the thing.

Unix commands might be solid, but the 'get out of your way' bit is what troubles me. People will lament otherwise good engines that are hard to work on because of a design flaw or the way they're laid out. Unix is falling down here. It's just that everyone else is at least as bad. But a guy can dream.

The single most disastrous failing of UNIX is the assumption that everyone wants to be a programmer - or if they don't want to be a programmer, they damn well should become a programmer anyway.

It's nonsense. Programming as it's done today - which is strongly influenced by UNIX ideas - is the last thing most users want to do. They have absolutely no interest in the concepts, the ideas, the assumptions, the mindset, the technology, or the practical difficulties of writing software.

UNIX set human-accessible computing back by decades. It eventually settled into a kind of compromise at Apple, where BSD supplied the plumbing and infrastructure and NeXT/Apple's built a simplified app creation system on top of it, which could then be used to build relatively friendly applications.

But it's still not right, because the two things that make UNIX powerful - interoperability and composability - didn't survive.

They were implemented in a way that's absolutely incomprehensible to non-programmers. Opaque documentation, zero standardisation for command options, and ridiculous command name choices all make UNIX incredibly user hostile. Meanwhile the underlying OS details, including the file systems and process model - never mind security - fall somewhat short of OS perfection.

The real effect of UNIX has been to keep programming professional and to keep user-friendly concepts well away from commercial and academic development.

Programming could have been made much more accessible, and there's consistent evidence from BASIC, Hypercard, VBA, the HTML web, and even Delphi (at a push) that the more accessible a development environment is made, the more non-developers will use it to get fun and/or useful things done.

UNIX has always worked hard to be the opposite - an impenetrably hostile wall of developer exceptionalism that makes the learning curve for development so brutally steep it might as well be vertical.

UNIX people like to talk about commercial walled gardens as if they're the worst possible thing. But UNIX is a walled garden itself, designed - whether consciously or not - to lock out non-professional non-developer users and make sure they don't go poking at things they shouldn't try to understand.

But it has to be. Linux can be super powerful. You can get very close to the metal. While a lot of people want to use it as an appliance, it really isn't. Just like all the other trades there is history which begets convention which begets culture. And like any good power tool you've got to know what you're doing, or you could get yourself into trouble.

The problem, I think, is that we seem to have trouble conceptualizing the schism that exists between the computing-as-a-tool users (aka the elites, power users, and programmers) and computing-as-an-appliance users (aka the computing mainstream). Both camps have wildly different wants, needs, and expectations.

Why can't both continue to exist separately? The elites don't want their tools weakened, and the mainstream just wants stuff to work. Split computing down the middle at desktops+laptops vs tablets+mobile+consoles and keep the separation clean. Now that we have iPads and whatnot there's no reason to keep nontechnicals on a PC if they don't want to be there... so why not let PCs return to the nerds?

> UNIX set human-accessible computing back by decades. [...]

I do not agree at all. Closed-garden non-free eco systems like Windows set back computing.

> Programming could have been made much more accessible, and there's consistent evidence from BASIC, Hypercard, VBA, the HTML web, and even Delphi (at a push) that the more accessible a development environment is made, the more non-developers will use it to get fun and/or useful things done.

So why are they not going strong? There are implementations for BASIC for most systems and even Delphi is still available.

> [...] But UNIX is a walled garden itself, designed - whether consciously or not - to lock out non-professional non-developer users [...]

Assuming with UNIX you mean implementations today (like Linux) this is not true at all.

I do not want to say Unix (with BSDs and Linux today) is the absolute best we can do, but I am pretty sure that it is on a local optimum in the operating systems space.

I agree with a lot of what you wrote. It's true that there is a "keep it for the elite" mindset in the back of many programmers' mind. For years at forums I've seen that while I tried hard to explain basic concepts to newbies, others were happier with the RTFM answer.

Still I'm not so sure that UNIX (or programmers) is the source of it. I started with DOS (later Windows) and TP (later Delphi) so please don't think I'm biased here.

I have recently bought an Acer convertible for my mother with Windows 10 and so I'm getting a reality check on the sad state of computer usability in 2017. Teaching her to use an Android phone was difficult, but this is not better.

IMHO the reason of user-hostility is not some guild mindset, it's just that computer adoption is needed much faster than the time it would take to develop decent GUIs. The RTFM knee-jerk reaction comes later from people with some deep insecurities and not much imagination.

Totally agree on that UNIX is also a sort of walled garden. I'd say the same thing about GPL'd ecosystem, in this case for license issues.

I'd guess that much of this depends on who's writing the software. FOSS was (and still is to a great degree) driven by "nerds" in their spare time. If there's no Steve Jobs that smacks programmers about for neglecting the user experience for non-technical users, it won't make much progress. At other places (say Redhat) there's no big need to focus on non-technical users for business reasons when it comes to much of development. And so on and so forth.

If you can accredit Apple with one thing, it would be that they got this mainly right.

When it comes to Windows... I guess that's the result if one main player has a de facto monopoly over a certain software space. That, and "legacy reasons". It's like Adobe who couldn't even get their hotkeys merged between various of their big applications.

I've only owned a Mac and honestly I hasn't found it really better. Actually I was surprised to find there are unsolvable user hostility problems like font size. For most Windows annoyances there were usually some registry key that you can touch.

Yeah... I've found Mac/iOS to be quite frustrating actually. Especially nowadays that their UI's a designed by designers who like things to be pretty — and you just can't change something no matter how bad it is (unless you want the touchpad to move the scrollbar instead of the page. they'll let you do that, even tho it's completely useless. they're not opposed to choice or flexibility, just opposed to ones that make things understandable or powerful at the expense of pretty).

all of your arguments here - pro or con - are reflections of philosophy and have nothing to do with computers

> The single most disastrous failing of UNIX is the assumption that everyone wants to be a programmer - or if they don't want to be a programmer, they damn well should become a programmer anyway.

this presumes programming (which itself is simply logical thinking) is something obscure and 'scary'. Elementary school computer literacy courses in the mid-late 80s/ early 90s routinely taught more programming know-how to adolescents than college graduates have today. Is this because kids are stupid? or has the goal of curricula been relegated from 'high level understdanding and knowledge' to 'economic productivity within the present system'?

> The real effect of UNIX has been to keep programming professional and to keep user-friendly concepts well away from commercial and academic development.

really? is that why UNIX minis rapidly displaced mainframes in the late 70s/early 80s, with major advances primarily being derived from the cross-compatibility of most unix flavors being shared within industry and academia? Or is this another argument towards 'economic productivity within the current sytem' ?

> Programming could have been made much more accessible, and there's consistent evidence from BASIC, Hypercard, VBA, the HTML web, and even Delphi (at a push) that the more accessible a development environment is made, the more non-developers will use it to get fun and/or useful things done.

a) by evidence, you're referring to cross-linked excel spreadsheet nightmares? b) by evidence, why does this not include all of the literally millions of interpreted programs in say shell, awk, TCL, and so on written by unix users in professional settings across time? c) compare shell scripting to batch scripting. seriously. Also, the web was invented on Unix. d) See also use of lisp, etc. in the 80s for pretty much the same things

I argue that the issues you are speaking about here primarily derive as a result of the workstation Unix market focusing on the higher end, while the low end grew on the PC side - which has nothing to due with the Unix tradition itself, which due to licensing issues with AT&T, etc. was relegated to somewhat obscurity during the heavy capitialization of the PC market of the 80s.

> UNIX has always worked hard to be the opposite - an impenetrably hostile wall of developer exceptionalism that makes the learning curve for development so brutally steep it might as well be vertical.

Really? Is that why, from nearly day 1, the entire system was distributed on a single tape with complete binaries, sources, and manual pages contained on the same, self-hosting installation?

Again - while lesser users will use their knowledge of the system as some narcissistic playing card, this is their own personality flaws being interjected into the philosophical difference I mentioned previously (achieving knowledge vs brutish ad-hoc productivity)

> UNIX people like to talk about commercial walled gardens as if they're the worst possible thing. But UNIX is a walled garden itself, designed - whether consciously or not - to lock out non-professional non-developer users and make sure they don't go poking at things they shouldn't try to understand.

Again, I think this supposition is derived from the growth of the commercial Unix market, which deliberately split source code and documentation into tiny little fragments, only some of which could be even attained in the first place, and could only be run on proprietary hardware. Unix itself (the portable software system) grew in a mostly obscure, tangential lineage that was then 'walled off' from naive end users through marketing efforts of proprietary vendors. See also BSD UNIX.

> Opaque documentation, zero standardisation for command options, and ridiculous command name choices all make UNIX incredibly user hostile.

yes, things are inconsistent. but that is because the system grew organically. I give much kudos to VMS for being very solid and coherent in this regard - but that was just as much a walled garden as anything else, and still is (though interesting things could still come from the OpenVMS company)

nothing precluded anyone from bolting on a coherent addon to the unix base, and indeed many did. However they failed because unix is not a product, but a product of organic human culture -

and so ones qualms with unix are really ones unresolved qualms with human endeavor itself.

Like my Moto Guzzi from the 1970ies. It is so simple built, you can adjust the valves during a gas stop. There is a great virtue in simple design, it seems to be forgotten nowadays. Like the famous Russian rocket engineer Koroljow (built Sputnik) said: Everyone can build complicated

I did similar with cars, though I still have the ECU to deal with. Eventually I'll replace that with a Megasquirt, because I can repair/replace all the components and know how the whole system works.

When I thought I wanted a bike, I looked around for a Condor A350.

This kind of thing comes up a lot in discussions of operating systems, and while you and I might want to get "under the hood" the majority of users never want to do that, and know they don't know what they'd be doing if they got there. And accept that a sealed system might be safer (more secure) for them. Being able to maintain it yourself is a benefit, but having to maintain it when there's another maintenance-free option is unappealing.

Hence UNIX (of a sort) is actually quite popular on both iPhones and Android - but not in ways accessible to the user. Even if you do have to replace Android devices every few years because the manufacturer won't maintain them either.

I have a Kawasaki KLR 650. Kawasaki has been selling pretty much the same bike since 1987. No fuel injection or ABS. They are very inexpensive (new ones can be had for about $6000). There's a running joke in the community that every year the main update on the new model is bold new graphics.

Spare parts are easy to find and there are a lot of aftermarket parts.

The downside is that the bike is basically a late '80's bike. 40ish horsepower, poor fuel economy, weak brakes, poor handling, etc...

But, like lots of people say, it's more fun to drive a slow bike fast than a fast bike slowly. I love it.

The famous "each tool does just one thing well" mantra is also a depressingly overblown myth. Among the current Unix tools, there is a ridiculous amount of overlap.

That's why we have both "ls" and "find", even though they do the same thing conceptually. "ps" has column output, but the way it formats, sorts, selects etc. columns is reinvented and not transferable to other tools such as "lsof" and "netstat", not to mention "top", which of course is just a self-updating "ps". Every tool invents filtering, sorting, formatting etc. in their own unique way. The various flags are not translatable to other tools.

I've never used Powershell, but it seems to get one thing right that Unix never bothered to. Tools should emit data, or consume data, or display data, but tools should never do all three, because they will invariably reimplement something poorly that has been done elsewhere.

Powershell did one thing wrong, in that its tools emit objects, not data. In other words, they emit data with behavior (methods). This, in turn, imposes the CLR object and memory model on the whole thing, and makes the pipeline impossible to use between distinct processes.

The right way to do this is to pick some reasonable text-based structured interchange format - s-exprs, JSON, whatever. Actually, it wouldn't be a bad thing to have a binary protocol as well, so long as all that complexity is negotiable, and is implemented by the standard library.

The problem here is that most unix tools (ls being the exception) do double duty, they both emit output for other programs and output for the user. Which one you get and how the user output is presented being controlled by flags.

If you want them to only emit data in a standardized format you are implicitly cutting out the user.

Since direct use by a human is arguably the main use case, output formatting needs to be reindtroduced somehow. You could make some adapter that you always pipe into that handles most formatting concerns but it's unlikely that it will be truly general.

The only general way to do that is for the tool to output, along with the data, also some code that can be used to properly format the data.

So there are only three ways to solve this:

* Unix solution, with tools doing double duty and each tool having its own incompatible set of flags

* Actual programming language solution, tools emit pure data. Great for programming, bad for interactive use.

* Powershell solution, programs emit data+code: you are locked into some VM.

> If you want them to only emit data in a standardized format you are implicitly cutting out the user.

This is only true if your shell just dumps the raw output as is. But it doesn't have to do that! If we have a standard structured data format for the output, then the shell can be the one to format it. The key point here is that formatting only needs to happen at the very last step of the pipeline, when it is known that the output is about to be displayed to the user.

Indeed, this is exactly what PowerShell does, and that bit does not require data + code. It just formats lists of objects into neat tables, using their metadata to generate headers.

Note also that this doesn't need to be baked into the shell itself. It can be a separate utility, that sucks in structured data, and outputs formatted user-friendly representation. So in a legacy shell, you could still do:

$ ls | fmt

and get more or less the same output that you see from ls today (but if you were to do just ls, you'd get JSON). Whereas in a new and fancy shell, you'd get |fmt appended automatically at the end.

This, by the way, is also how PowerShell does it, except that fmt is called Out-Default.

Another option is to check what stdout is hooked up to – if it is hooked up to a terminal output something human readable, if it is hooked up to a pipe output something machine readable like JSON. (Actually, a number of utilities do this terminal-vs-nonterminal check already – e.g. GNU ls with --color=auto).

One problem I've seen with this approach in practice, is sometimes you want the human readable output to go to a pipe. For example, when you use jq, it does syntax highlighting of JSON when talking to a terminal, and omits it when talking to a pipe or a file, but then you want to use a pager which understands ANSI escape sequences (e.g. less -R), so now you have to pass an option to tell the command to output ANSI escape sequences even though it is talking to a pipe not a terminal (e.g. jq -C).

I wish there was a standard mechanism in Unix for the two ends of a pipe to negotiate about what data format goes down the pipe – MIME type, character set, etc. Then if I was piping jq to less, jq could ask less "do you understand ANSI color escapes?" And less could reply "yes I do please send them". Then I wouldn't need to remember to pass -C to jq and -R to less. (Maybe this could be implemented as ioctls at each end, by which the sender transmits a list of MIME types it supports, and the receiver replies by choosing one of them...)

Less supports setting options in the LESS environment variable, so if you set LESS='-R' in your .bashrc/whatever, you don't have to pass -R to less. (If you do `jq foo | LESS='' less` for the rare times you need less to not behave that way.)

Sadly, it doesn't seem like jq will read an environment setting to always specific -C

There's an easy solution for that, although it requires a richer pipe API.

Let each pipe actor, including the terminal/shell, decide what to do. Between each stream, they can rely on a MIME type and additional metadata to make decisions. For example, if you do:

    generate_data | parse_csv | sort
Here, generate_data produces text/csv, parse_csv consumes it and emits application/json or whatever, and sort consumes it. The hypothetical "sort" command wouldn't know what to do with text/csv, so it could default to line-based text.

"sort" then emits JSON again, and rather than displaying unfriendly JSON, the terminal/shell combo would see that the final output stream is JSON and invoke a pre-defined presentation handler. For example, there could be a global handler installed that rendered JSON as a table.

Or you could insert a different formatter yourself:

    generate_data | parse_csv | sort | fancy_table_formatter
Since fancy_table_formatter emits text (probably some specific terminal MIME type so we can signal that it can include things like ANSI escape codes), the shell doesn't need to do anything except display it.

> most unix tools (ls being the exception) do double duty, they both emit output for other programs and output for the user. Which one you get and how the user output is presented being controlled by flags.

Which is where they fundamentally break the principle of "doing one thing, and doing it well". Formatting output for user should be a separate step (even if implicitly handled by your shell).

> Which is where they fundamentally break the principle of "doing one thing, and doing it well".

unless the 'thing' here is "outputting information in the most generally usable way possible"

That's one place where I felt like PowerShell was way more UNIX-y than UNIX commands in that many commands are truly orthogonal.

You just need to output formating instructions, not code.

Read that imagining "formating instructions" as data that will be consumed by a default visualizer that the shell automatically pipes at the end of your command in interactive sessions.

I'm sure there's a general architecture for such thing. If no better choice is available, it can be done with plugins.

Agreed. One huge benefit to a text format is that you can generate small "ad hoc" snippets (e.g. echo) easily. Otherwise I'd love something like Protocol Buffers here.

You would have to be prepared for a flood of data then, if I type get-printer I get a handful of useful properties, if I add ConvertTo-Json then I get 385 lines.

"Each tool does just one thing well" doesn't mean "just one tool does one thing". In fact, ETDJOTW means that interoperable alternative tools -- loose coupling -- is more readily supported. So that, say, you can transparently migrate from unsecured rsh to secured ssh. Actually: you can even gain capabilities, since rsh is (misfeature) limited to the 512 low-numbered ports, and hence, a maximum of 512 outbound connections. SSH has no such limitation, and can scale far higher as a management tool.

(That bug, and option, was what finally convinced one old-time shop to swap in SSH for RSH for such tasks, after I identified the problem and the solution.)

A better example would be "one tools" that do many things. Rob Pike suggested Perl, though IMO that's kind of foolish: Perl is Yet Another Programming Language, and programming languages, rather by design, tend to do multiple things (not always, or not always easily: see sed as an example of both caveats -- text replacement or branching code).

Other examples are generally nexus points of complex interactions. Editors (most especially Emacs). Email management (communications protocols, format protocols, ties to DNS, anti-spam, filtering, remote-access (POP and IMAP), extensions, authentication (at various levels), encryption (at various levels). The problem domain is complex, so the tools are complex.

The tool you're very likely using right now to read this would be another case in point: the Web browser. Not just for CERN any more.

That's one interpretation, but it's not really what people mean when they refer to "one tool". The progenitor of the expression is Doug McIlroy:

    This is the Unix philosophy: Write programs that do one 
    thing and do it well. Write programs to work together. 
    Write programs to handle text streams, because that is a 
    universal interface.
Interoperability is part of DOTADIW idea, but it flows from the "one thing": If each tool does one thing, you can compose them using pipes. Of course, interoperability also implies tools can be swapped out, though as with DOTADIW, it's more of a myth than reality, because reality isn't that simple.

I didn't say that interoperability was the goal, but that it's the effect.

See Steve McConnell, Code Complete, for a treatment of modular design in software and the flexibility it provides.

(The same logic applies well outside software.)

> That's why we have both "ls" and "find"

I don't get what you're trying to say.

"ls" lists files in a specific path while "find" searches for objects in a file system that match a specific query.

Are you sure you're not confused and somehow assuming that "does just one thing well" should mean "another tool must not accomplish anything that might be remotely achievable by misusing another tool"?

Both "ls" and "find" "list files in a specific path" and "search for objects that match a specific query". There's total overlap. The difference is that "ls" is a presentation-oriented tool, whereas "find" is geared towards pipelines.

> Both "ls" and "find" "list files in a specific path"

Only if you use "find" with a query that means "get me all files matching any and all criteria as long as they are in this specific path".

That's a corner case, and a very silly one.

> There's total overlap.

A very silly and far-fetched one.

I did not know about this!


It even has an anti-foreword by Dennis Ritchie which kinda reminds me of the Metropolitan Police spokesman's blurb on the back of Banksy's book.

BTW, it starts off with an anonymous quote that I've never heard, Two of the most famous products of Berkeley are LSD and Unix. Unix is of course from Bell Labs. And anyone who knew anything would have said instead, Two of the most famous products of Berkeley are LSD and BSD which at least would have been funny if still inaccurate. Anyways, it seems like a fun rant of a book which I'd never heard of.

The above point about not getting it can be applied to Linux as well. Lessons learned elsewhere are stupid until Linus finally understands them and then they're obvious.

The whole document is great but the anti-forward is so good I'm going to risk downvotes by reproducing it in its (short) entirety here, emphasis mine:

From: dmr@plan9.research.att.com Date: Tue, 15 Mar 1994 00:38:07 EST Subject: anti-foreword

To the contributers to this book:

I have succumbed to the temptation you offered in your preface: I do write you off as envious malcontents and romantic keepers of memories. The systems you remember so fondly (TOPS-20, ITS, Multics, Lisp Machine, Cedar/Mesa, the Dorado) are not just out to pasture, they are fertilizing it from below.

Your judgments are not keen, they are intoxicated by metaphor. In the Preface you suffer first from heat, lice, and malnourishment, then become prisoners in a Gulag. In Chapter 1 you are in turn infected by a virus, racked by drug addiction, and addled by puffiness of the genome.

Yet your prison without coherent design continues to imprison you. How can this be, if it has no strong places? The rational prisoner exploits the weak places, creates order from chaos: instead, collectives like the FSF vindicate their jailers by building cells almost com- patible with the existing ones, albeit with more features. The journalist with three undergraduate degrees from MIT, the researcher at Microsoft, and the senior scientist at Apple might volunteer a few words about the regulations of the prisons to which they have been transferred.

Your sense of the possible is in no sense pure: sometimes you want the same thing you have, but wish you had done it yourselves; other times you want something different, but can't seem to get people to use it; sometimes one wonders why you just don't shut up and tell people to buy a PC with Windows or a Mac. No Gulag or lice, just a future whose intellectual tone and interaction style is set by Sonic the Hedgehog. You claim to seek progress, but you succeed mainly in whining.

Here is my metaphor: your book is a pudding stuffed with apposite observations, many well-conceived. Like excrement, it contains enough undigested nuggets of nutrition to sustain life for some. But it is not a tasty pie: it reeks too much of contempt and of envy. Bon appetit!

Thank you for posting this here; I absolutely love that anti-foreward, and it was life-changing for me in that it offered shelter to those of us who were defending Unix during a very, very dark time (namely, the mid-1990s). I have also (shamelessly) cribbed dmr's beautiful closing metaphor of a fecal pie and its "undigested nuggets of nutrition" -- it seems to just describe so much that is not entirely devoid of value, but it utterly foul nonetheless.

How were the mid-90s a dark time for Unix? Every engineers desk at every place I worked and every d/c I deployed to, it was the the only option (I avoided the AS-400, workhorse that it may well have been). Now, which Unix (HPUX, Solaris, AIX, IRIX) caused some angst, depending on the use-case...

Unix was under assault from various sides.

The vendors were fighting amongst themselves for supremacy. Take a look at Larry McVoy's "Free Unix" whitepaper.


IBM had developed OS/2, but was unable to effectively market it, in large part due to the intransigence of its development partner, Microsoft, who had other designs.

Microsoft was of course pushing Windows NT as the full and total replacement for Unix at the mid-server level. I'd actually bought that as my own first personal computer OS, and found it utterly and totally inadequate. Installing Redhat from a bookstore CD started me on my path (though I'd previously used Unix at uni and various jobs).

AT&T were busily suing the crap out of BSD over 1-800-ITS-UNIX, and losing, but setting back both commercial and BSD Unix by about 4-5 years.

Linux emerged during this period under constant FUD assaults by Microsoft, most of the mainstream Unix vendors, and pretty much everyone else.

And Apple was very much in its Dark Age, with OSX (Now MacOS) not due for release until 2002.

Unix was in use, especially in technical shops: scientific, software design, areospace, chips, etc. But it was deprecated in much of the corporate world over mainframes, minis (I cut my professional teeth on VMS), and early Microsoft variants. AS/400 was more an industrial and controls system.

And yes, proliferation of somewhat incompatible Unix variants (and how and/or where you installed the GNU toolchain on same) was another question.

> AS/400 was more an industrial and controls system.

Really? We used it a lot in payments. But it was paired up with Tandem and/or Unix (AIX, HPUX).

There was certainly a lot of thrashing as mini-computer manufacturers were having their "last hurrah".


I've not played with the AS/400s myself, but understand they saw a lot of use in industrial and process applications.

There may well have been others. I'm not claiming any particular expertise, just general knowledge, from the industry. And being old.

People were really replacing Unix stacks with mainframes? That they didn't already have? In the 90's?

That's not what I was trying to communicate. Rather that the options for online systems were generally: Mainframe, Mini (usually DEC), or Unix. Also, this was pre-Web "online", meaning for the most part in-house processing support.

I can attest to at least one case of VMS being retained in favour of Unix, which was retired. In the mid-1990s.

Go figure.

It's 'foreword'. And I think some of the rants inside are even better than this.

Even for a UNIX hater, that forward was great. Masterful prose.

From the book: "Did you know that all the standard Sun window applications (“tools”) are really one massive 3/4 megabyte binary?"

Oh for the days when 750kB was considered "massive" for a binary.

cough cough Busybox cough

IIRC, the original (1969) version of UNIX was designed to run on a computer with 24 kilobytes of RAM.

Oh the days without process isolation and memory management.

The original UNIX ran on a PDP-7, which didn't have bytes. The memory was 8k of 18 bit words.

Heh. That reminds me of the article from last year that Apple was distributing many Unix programs as a single binary.

https://rachelbythebay.com/w/2016/04/17/unprotected/ https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=11517894

From the anti-foreward:

> Here is my metaphor: your book is a pudding stuffed with apposite observations, many well-conceived. Like excrement, it contains enough undigested nuggets of nutrition to sustain life for some. But it is not a tasty pie: it reeks too much of contempt and of envy.

> Bon appetit!

Pretty good.

And LSD is of course from Albert Hofmann

[1]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Albert_Hofmann

It's a reference to Owsley Stanley (Bear), who had an LSD lab in Berkeley (it's mentioned in Tom Perkins's memoir). http://berkeleyplaques.org/e-plaque/owsley-stanley/

> Unix is of course from Bell Labs

Research Unix, yes. But the culture of unix is much bigger than some single copyright holder... this is why the entire thing is plain stupid. Study the levenez family tree. Read the archived Usenet posts and get a copy of the Cuckoos Egg.


> Lessons learned elsewhere are stupid until Linus finally understands them and then they're obvious.

I think you're suffering from selection bias.

I do have a bias against select(2) but I'm not alone:


> since pretty much all computers that people normally interact with are either running Windows or a Unix-like system, it has set up a dichotomy in people's minds

I really wish undergraduate Software Engineering programs included a course that was a survey of operating systems, where you'd write the same program (that did a lot of IPC) on, say, base WinNT (kernel objects with ACLs!); base Darwin (Mach ports!); a unikernel framework like MirageOS; something realtime like QNX; the Java Card platform for smart-cards; and so forth. Maybe even include something novel, like http://genode.org.

My CS degree did something like that, both for programming languages and OSes.

I eventually got very surprised that not all universities do that.

Where was that, if I may ask?

In Portugal early 90's, FCT/UNL.

There are interesting parallels between operating systems and political parties here, and this is not a coincidence: both operating systems and political parties are infrastructure, and infrastructure is really hard both to build and to replace once it has become established. So in both cases you see a lot of rationalization about how the existing solutions are perfectly OK even though they are not simply because no one wants to do the heavy lifting (and in both cases it is very heavy lifting) required to actually come up with something better.

Political parties present an abstract view of how society works that simplifies the complexity of the underlying system. It offers a set of interfaces that allow a large mass of untrusted individuals to influence the whole.

Interestingly, nearly all third parties differentiate themselves by offering up even more simplistic abstractions, even more inflexible and unfalsifiable. It seems to be a core part of human nature to look for comfort in such abstractions.

> flaws are actually virtues and that if you don't think so, then you Just Don't Get It.

Hey, that sounds like Go's line. Oh wait ..

Sounds just like Rust as well.

Literally have never heard Rustaceans defend poor design choices like that before.

Well, if you don't get that someone else might see something as a flaw then perhaps you wouldn't understand that you may be defending a bad design choice.

I use Rust. There's a bunch of things I do not like about Rust. Its macro language is nigh on unusable. A macro language should be an expedient; it should allow you to get textual things done, committing necessary atrocities along the way knowing that the result must still pass muster with the compiler. It isn't supposed to remind you of a 61A midterm.

I like the safety and that is why I use Rust. I don't get adding functional programming to a systems programming language.

M4 is a standard POSIX utility and it's Turing complete. It's difficult to out-class recursive string macro expansion for sheer simplicity and sheer ability to confuse the heck out of yourself.

Alas, while it's a mandatory POSIX utility (AFAIU), some Linux distributions have saw fit to remove it from base installs.

I never said Rustaceans don't see flaws or that they don't defend bad choices. But I've never seen someone say "if you don't think so, then you Just Don't Get It" or any variant thereof in the Rust community.

It exists, although it's often phrased more kindly. For example, complaining about lifetimes is often met with a comment that you probably don't understand them yet.

I'm prefacing this by saying I think Rust is a very well-designed language, and AFAIK the best-designed language that currently exists in its problem space. Nevertheless there are aspects I'd consider design flaws and that fans have been known to dismiss with hand-waving or condescending lectures about type theory. That's a human problem, very much not a problem with the Rust community; in particular I'm quite impressed by how polite and helpful members of the Rust core team are — and not just Steve Klabnik — in every interaction I've seen them in.

1) The syntax is pretty bad; I would put it around the same level as Perl. It's simultaneously ugly, verbose and cryptic. It's especially indefensible given the obvious ML influence on the language. The superficial similarity to C++ syntax is more misleading than helpful and I think actually increases the learning curve.

2) Like the other guy said, the macro system might be technically impressive, but I feel like you shouldn't have to be some kind of Lex/Yacc guru to write or even read a macro definition. Sure, it's fully type-safe, but so is template metaprogramming — compared to which Rust macros somehow manage to be even less readable. There should at least be an easier syntax for simple, C-like macros.

Ok, they're aimed at a different problem space than C macros — they let library authors create sophisticated DSLs — but my impression's the current consensus is "non-idiomatic embedded DSLs considered harmful." Also, Rust is soon to have at least two other macro languages (attributes, and generics with specialization and value parameters), which is a whole lot of cognitive overhead to introduce.

3) All the `.iter()` and `.iter_mut()` is verbose and could easily be inferred from context by both humans and the compiler. If it truly must be explicit — and allowing implicitness as an option doesn't preclude allowing explicitness as well — then introduce new method call operators to go along with the dot operator.

4) I don't think there were compelling enough reasons to abandon the most technically amazing achievement of C++ compilers: zero-cost exceptions. It's the one case I can think of where Rust forces a solution with a runtime cost compared to C++, even in unsafe code. It's also one of the few places where C++ offers higher-level abstractions than Rust. (I'd consider exceptions a higher-level abstraction than Results; of course, higher-level != better).

Arguments based on purity are borderline nonsensical since Rust is not a pure language, the type system isn't aware of side effects, and it's the only case where purity is prioritized over performance. I can respect the idea that errors are either nonserious and so should be handled in the normal control flow of the program, or serious enough to merit a full-blown panic, but I also lean towards the view that it's better to trust the programmer than remove tools from their toolbox.

5) Related to 4, I think Rust should've been designed with C++ binary compatibility as a first-class goal. Yes, this is very difficult, and would require compromising aspects of the language design. But it would be an enormous boon to Rust's adoption rate (and especially the goal of replacing unsafe code in the wild with safe code) if C++ projects could easily be incrementally rewritten in Rust, and it were possible for Rust to directly use C++ libraries and APIs.


(Yes, this list of issues is not internally consistent; the point is that addressing any of them in isolation would be an improvement).

> It's simultaneously ugly, verbose and cryptic.

> All the `.iter()` and `.iter_mut()` is verbose and could easily be inferred from context ... If it truly must be explicit — and allowing implicitness as an option doesn't preclude allowing explicitness as well — then introduce new method call operators to go along with the dot operator.

When you design your language based on feel on not based on principles that guide what should be defaulted to, you end up with a language that fits only very specific people. Designing based on principles allows people to learn the principles and then use intuition to guide them to in the direction of the correct feature or solution.

You pointed out the list is inconsistent. In my experience, when people have inconsistent feeling a about something that was designed with a consistent methodology, that's because they haven't yet grasped or accepted that methodology and are trying to shoehorn their ideas from other systems into it without recognizing there may already have been a very conscientious decision made about exactly those issues, and likely with more information to base the decision on.

> Rust should've been designed with C++ binary compatibility as a first-class goal. Yes, this is very difficult, and would require compromising aspects of the language design. But it would be an enormous boon to Rust's adoption rate

There are plenty of languages that sacrifice in the name of adoption. Too much and it's useful in the short term, but a losing proposition in the long term. Too little and you may never see enough adoption for it to matter (barring other sources of adoption).,

You mean the way they defend some of the numerics in rust?

yeah, totally have never seen that...

What in particular are you referring to? I ask honestly, because this "my way or the highway" attitude has never been the Rust community's way.

Their approach to overflow, for one.

IIRC the reason not to detect overflow by default in release builds isn't any variant of "You Just Don't Get It", it's rather "yes we'd like to do that but unfortunately there is a trade-off with a significant runtime performance hit, so we don't, for now".

You misunderstand me, I think it's folly to have different behaviors based upon debug and release builds.

And they'll argue until they're blue in the face why it's a good "compromise", but it would have been better to do one or the other, not both.

Last I checked, wrapping arithmetic and checked arithmetic are both supported. What is your complaint?

Having configured and used VMS, I feel I can conclusively say that the people in TUHH who preferred it to Unix were out of their goddamn minds.

To defend VMS, if you have to have an always up with hot backup and multi-machine cluster that you can upgrade without affecting the cluster, OpenVMS is quite nice.

As a developer, it was a bit painful, but the whole file versioning was handy sometimes.

Oh my god yes. That and various other operating systems I can think of that I had the misfortune to develop on. Thankfully they died out long ago.

There are many early UNIX design decisions that have outlived their shelf life by decades.

Probably the biggest one is that UNIX is, at bottom, a terminal-oriented multi-user time sharing system. This maps badly to desktop, mobile, and server systems. The protection model is a mismatch for all those purposes. (Programs have the authority of the user. Not so good today as in the 1970s.) The administration model also matches badly. Vast amounts of superstructure have been built to get around that mismatch. (Hello, containers, virtualization, etc.) Interprocess communication came late to UNIX/Linux, and it's still not a core component. (The one-way pipe mindset is too deeply ingrained in the UNIX world.)

I don't think the terminal-based multi-user time sharing model maps poorly to servers, at the very least. In fact if you're going to pick one model for the general class of servers to run under, that's probably going to be the most versatile. Sure supercomputers and data centers may stand to benefit from a model that ignores all the multi-user features and such, but in architectures where each server is acting at least semi-autonomously (i.e. not under the control of what is essentially some distributed operating system such as Yarn, SLURM, etc.) I think you'd struggle to come up with a better model. This shouldn't be surprising as this is basically the exact use case that UNIX was built for.

Hence why UNIX on mobile is a Pyrrhic victory, as iOS, Android, ChromeOS rely on Objective-C, Java and JavaScript runtimes and their respective frameworks, just with good enough support from POSIX, that could be replaced by what is expected from any ANSI C implementation.

Isn't that the whole point of POSIX though?

ANSI C and POSIX aren't the same thing.

POSIX is more like the extended runtime that C needs to be portable outside UNIX walls, which isn't being fully implemented on iOS and Android.


There is no Objective-C "runtime". (Well, there sort of is, but it's just a library, not a heavy-handed thing like you're thinking of). Unlike Android, iOS apps are just normal compiled ARM machine language binaries executing natively.

Yes, you have to use their APIs in order to write graphical programs, but the same is true on any OS with a GUI system.

It's possible to write iOS apps in pure C if you want to. Sure, that'd be a pain, but it's possible. Less painful and actually decently reasonable would be to write all the GUI-specific stuff in Objective-C and any other logic in pure POSIX-conforming C or C++, since you can mix all those languages freely in a project.

Of course there is a runtime, even C has a runtime.

All programming languages, other than Assembly have runtimes.

From the point of view of compiler design a runtime is everything required to support a programming language execution.

On C's case, calling main (), floating point emulation, initializing globals, parallel code execution, thread locals.

Did you read the very next sentence?

Android uses AOT compilation to native code since ART replaced Dalvik, no different than iOS APPs.


Even with Android N, they are interpreted, JIT compiled with PGO, and eventually AOT compiled to native code when the device in not being used.

Also iOS supports LLVM bitcode with AOT compilation at iTune infrastructure since iOS 9.

Language runtimes have APIs, that is how they interact with compiler generated code.

Using pure C on iOS means calling the API entry points of the Objective-C runtime


> The protection model is a mismatch for all those purposes. (Programs have the authority of the user. Not so good today as in the 1970s.)

I disagree, I think this is still the sweet spot between security and utility. Users have been trained to just click approve on any privilege escalation dialog.

The capability model is much more flexible. See Combex's desktop or "PowerBox's" for how simple it can be gor users to maintain POLA. Older system doing it was KeyKOS on IBM mainframes. KeyKOS + KeySAFE was strong architecture.

Is there a description/examples of these anywhere? Combex doesn't provide a lot of info and I couldn't find anything on PowerBox.

From the description of Combex (http://www.skyhunter.com/marcs/capabilityIntro/):

> Suppose you were running a capability-secure operation system, or that your mail system was written in a capability-secure programming language. In either case, each time an executable program in your email executed, each time it needed a capability, you the user would be asked whether to grant that capability or not. So Melissa, upon starting up, would first find itself required to ask you, "Can I read your address book?" Since you received the message from a trusted friend, perhaps you would say yes - neither Melissa nor anything else can hurt you just by reading the file. But this would be an unusual request from an email message, and should reasonably set you on guard.

In reality, users will get sick of being prompted every 30 seconds and learn to automatically approve every request. Capability security works well in theory, but I've never seen an implementation that works well in practice.

They thought about that. Claim it isn't as bad as you'd guess. Plus there's cheats like File Boxes.


> Claim

That's the keyword there. They don't actually demonstrate a lot of common apps and how the user is prompted. It sounds a lot like windows UAC with a default lock down. They don't even mention have permissions are permanently granted or not.

There's more detail in the Combex and E websites on how things work out. Honestly, it's too scattered for me to want to dig it out for you.

Agree, and we're slowly seeing more "capabilities lite" functionality in Unix-like OSes.

I think the next step is a capability runtime OS with a kernel personality for Linux for backwards compatibility. Sort of the converse of what we're doing right now.

Users are also trained to run remotely fetched arbitrary scripts in order to install software. For example: https://calibre-ebook.com/download_linux

This article was written hastily, and I don’t want to further improve it. You’re lucky I wrote it.

I feel so privileged to read this random guy's blog, and it's terrific that he eschews inflating his ego so well.

As an hobbyist blogger, I can perfectly empathise with why the author wrote that. People love to crap all over a blogger who dares to post his thoughts on a private blog, without first subjecting it to PhD-thesis-level scrutiny. This really gets on my nerves for the same reasons that engineers get pissed off when they decide to open source a pet project and suddenly start getting "URGENT ASAP" feature requests from entitled users.

The author is taking the time to post his thoughts on a private blog. If you're not happy with the level of rigor, then don't read it, don't share it, and don't believe it. But no, the author has no responsibility to provide you with a comprehensive list of citations and references.

> "If you're not happy with the level of rigor, then don't read it, don't share it, and don't believe it."

What I don't like about that attitude is that it suggests that the blogpost should be excused from criticism of its rigor. But any assertion and opinion by anyone can and should be considered open to criticism.

> "But no, the author has no responsibility to provide you with a comprehensive list of citations and references."

Of course he is not responsible. But if someone expects or wants people to be convinced of their argument, then prefacing with his rude dismissal does not help.

A better way than "This article was written hastily, and I don’t want to further improve it. You’re lucky I wrote it." without the unnecessary rudeness and ego boosting could be more along your lines: "This article was written hastily and shouldn't be subject to PhD-thesis-level scrutiny, so I've posted without any expectation that I will improve it or respond to criticism."

> A better way than "This article was written hastily, and I don’t want to further improve it. You’re lucky I wrote it." without the unnecessary rudeness and ego boosting could be more along your lines: "This article was written hastily and shouldn't be subject to PhD-thesis-level scrutiny, so I've posted without any expectation that I will improve it or respond to criticism."

Sounds to me like you agree with the substance of what the author said, and just happen to disagree with the delivery. Keep in mind that different people have different writing styles, and people often post things like what you quoted in a tongue-in-cheek manner. Some people prefer a formal, humble style of writing. Others like a more humorous style, and others yet enjoy a Steven Colbert faux-braggadocious style. It would be unfortunate if we browbeat anyone who dares to inject some quirky humor into their writing.

No, he disagrees with the substance. Faux-braggadocio or humorous is fine! But if you earnestly think that's the writer's style after reading the last half of the first paragraph, seriously ponder why then none of the rest of the article matches that perceived tone.

The author makes a bunch of assertions that range from misinformed to straight-up wrong. There is 0% Steven Colbert-style self awareness. No one is lucky that it exists. When you engage in personal endeavors, do them for their own merits. And especially if you're doing something that no one and nothing is compelling you to, please at least try.

I respectfully disagree with that last part. IMO it's your moral obligation as a distributor of information to, to the best of your ability, ensure its' truth and validity.

I'm not saying it has to be PhD-thesis-level, but if proven wrong you are morally obligated to update the information or remove it. Otherwise you are spreading false knowledge. This doesn't apply to opinions ofc (the bulk of private blogging).

Screw entitled users though, they should fix it themselves :)

Nothing can really be trusted without judgement, and as long it's not claiming to be an authoritative source about a life and death situation, I wouldn't want to put the bar as high as an obligation.

After 20+ years of working in the business and reading ridiculous amounts of articles, and some books, I can quite easily find clear errors or omissions in most everything written about computers and programming, Knuth excluded. If everyone were obliged to update to fix any errors, even only factual, it's likely that much - or even most - of all I've read would never have been posted for me to read in the first place, and I think both the world and I would be poorer for it.

Correctness is important, but so is the ability make judgments of validity, to critique, disseminate, inspire and express ones thoughts, even when they turn out to be wrong.

I stopped posting code from side-projects I was done with, when it started taking on a maintenance life of its own, and getting angry emails. There was a simplicity of the time when you could put a tarball on an FTP server and post the path to the appropriate Usenix group: "Here's a tarball. Have at it. Or don't."

Corollary to Gresham's Law of Tarball Drops.

I can relate too. I once started a blog post with "if you don't like [it], go jump in a lake."

I was envisioning people nit-picking the lack of formality, when it was merely an enthusiastic, from-the-hip post.

A day later I realized that wasn't the best way to start things off with, and toned it down. But I get where he's coming from. And I'm grateful he took the time to write it. It was an interesting read.

My favorite is when somebody makes a blog post "A Great Way to Do X in Unix" and then posts a bash script they wrote.

You can just start the countdown until all the unix greybeards come out and slams them with why it's so wrong and how to do it with some obscure bash feature.

I'd have much more respect for him if he wrote an entire article about this and explaining his position than prefacing an otherwise unrelated article with his frustrations. I'm not lucky he wrote it. From my perspective he wasted his time writing it, because I don't care enough to read past the first paragraph.

The best thing to do as a "hobbyist/private blogger", sth. which I do on-and-off too, is to not have a comment system. Saves so much hussle. If someone cares enough, they can write an e-mail, which you can later publicise if you (and the correspondent) like.

There's such a problem with immaturity in tech. It's frustrating because it creates barriers to learning from others. No self-respecting person is going to want to learn from someone who has a "holier than thou" or "I'm a rockstar" mindset.

> There's such a problem with immaturity in tech. It's frustrating because it creates barriers to learning from others. No self-respecting person is going to want to learn from someone who has a "holier than thou" or "I'm a rockstar" mindset.

You wouldn't consider it to be immature to not do the right thing just because it was communicated in an unpleasant way that a 'self-respecting person' should have disdain for? I'm not talking about this particular article or defending immaturity, - I just don't see how your position is any better; more so it's just as unhumble as the 'rockstar position' since you would apparently be willing to write worse code just to avoid learning from someone that's an asshole.

Contrary to your beliefs, one can have both self-respect and a sense of humor.

It's hard to believe this came from a place of humor after reading the otherwise dry article.

It's your prerogative to follow trends to determine what you find worthy of your time or not, but it's not a good thing to suggest that anyone that tolerates that type of language better than you do or even enjoys it, lacks self respect.

A lot of people find that cockiness funny and find the informality welcoming. And many of those tend to find cold formality, fake humility or lack of self-confidence as signs of something being boring, uninteresting or outright creepy.

EDIT: Comment was edited, original:

  It's hard to believe this came from a place of humor after reading the otherwise dry article. The article was otherwise fairly interesting, but that certainly left a sour taste in my mouth. He's lucky I read past the first paragraph, if it wasn't so prominent on HN I probably wouldn't have bothered listening to anything he had to say.

That's fair. I'll admit that he may be writing to an audience very different than myself.

The edit was because I only ended up scanning what I intended on reading and felt the second part of my criticism overly harsh.

I guarantee you would not find it funny if I called you a cunt. Remember none of the rest of the article even remotely matches the tone of the sentences in question, and the content larges comes from a place of ignorance.

Actually there have been a couple of times when people called me a cunt and it was funny in context. Now granted, whether this article is that kind of context, is a different question.

I want to add this as a comment in all my source files.

I'm notorious for leaving behind gems such as this. For example: https://twitter.com/noahlz/status/767851284930199557

> notorious

Isn't this ironically referencing a lot of Unix development?

What bugged me more was the snippets designed to show how hard it is to write shell scripts. It looked like the author just didn't know enough about their tools:

>How to touch all files in foo (and its subfolders)?

    find foo -print0 | xargs -0 touch
    find foo -exec touch {} \;
I agree with the other commenters who think it's fine to write whatever you like on your own blog, I just feel that it went from interesting historical warts to bagging on legacy systems because they're complicated.

If we take UNIX to mean the POSIX standard, it doesn't work because -print0 is not in POSIX, and neither is -0 for xargs.

it's a joke. Last sentence of the article is

> The provocative tone has been used just to attract your attention.

That's a pity because of that tone I abandoned reading after few sentences and did't go to last sentence.

For good or bad reasons, you made the right choice: the article was full of crap (bad understandings, lack of historical knowledge and just technical knowledge even about current tools versions, bad references, bias, repeating blindly wrong or outdated rants, etc.).

You could also have guessed it when you noticed it was a kid student showing up (and off) with a lengthy critic on the historical evolution of UNIX tools and others OSes and tools that he discovered a couple of years ago, while you possibly were using them and watching them evolve while he was still in his father's bollocks (and some of us (not me) were working on UNIXes while his father was a kid). You know what to expect in this case, especially if you remember having produced the same kind of over-confident and yet uninformed rant in your days :-) (I do :-D )

...and the world continued to spin.

There's irony in people being insulted by arrogant tone and loudly proclaiming they stopped reading something.

I don't think there's anything ironic about dismissing the views of self-important assholes.

It may be that the author is not actually a self-important asshole, but starting an article like that makes it look like he likely is.

Yes, anything funny (even absurdist humor) is predicated on a kernel of truth. Quite odd, then, that the article contains so little well informed opinion and even less humor.

yep, that's where I closed the tab

"We really are using a 1970s era operating system well past its sell-by date. We get a lot done, and we have fun, but let's face it, the fundamental design of Unix is older than many of the readers of Slashdot, while lots of different, great ideas about computing and networks have been developed in the last 30 years. Using Unix is the computing equivalent of listening only to music by David Cassidy."

Rob Pike 2004, https://interviews.slashdot.org/story/04/10/18/1153211/rob-p...

>while lots of different, great ideas about computing and networks have been developed in the last 30 years. Using Unix is the computing equivalent of listening only to music by David Cassidy.

The problem here is that there aren't a lot of alternatives. You could use Windows, which is like listening only to music by MC Hammer, or you could use a Mac, which is like listening only to music by Duran Duran.

Because of software/backwards compatibility concerns, and how dependent everything is on the underlying OS, it's really hard to change anything in the OS, especially the fundamental design. It'd be nice to make a clean-sheet new OS, but good luck getting anyone to adopt it: look at how well Plan9 and BeOS fared.

> which is like listening only to music by Duran Duran

You say that like it were a bad thing.

i'm hoping you are being sarcastic, but i do not want to live in a world where i only listen to my favorite band

It's OK at first but once you get beyond the shiny, it's quite limiting.

The thing is UNIX, by definition, is never going to move beyond its original design, meaning POSIX + C.

Whereas Mac OS, Windows, iOS, Android, ChromeOS have moved into more productive language runtimes, with rich frameworks, improving safety across OS layers, even if they have a few bumps along the way.

That's not true. Windows in particular is greatly limited by past design choices, such as filename limitations, the security model, the fact that many programs have to be run as administrator because that's how they were written years ago, etc.

There's nothing preventing you from running different language runtimes and such on Linux/Unix systems; people do it all the time. Have you not noticed Mono? It's been around for many years. Plus frameworks like Qt; that certainly wasn't around before the late 90s.

Windows 10 already sorted out the filename limitations.

A few more releases and in around 10 years, Win32 will be drinking beers with Carbon.

Mono and Qt don't change the architecture of UNIX and their adoption across UNIX variants isn't a game changer.

>Windows 10 already sorted out the filename limitations.

No, it hasn't. Filenames are still case-insensitive (and in a terrible way, where it seems to remember how they were first typed but that can never be changed), backslashes are still used for path separators instead of escaping characters, and the worst of all is that drive letters are still in use, which is an utterly archaic concept from the days of systems with dual floppy drives. Also, try making a file with a double-quote character in it, or a question mark. I've run into trouble before copying files from a Linux system to a Windows system because of the reserved characters on Windows.

>Mono and Qt don't change the architecture of UNIX and their adoption across UNIX variants isn't a game changer.

Nothing you've mentioned has changed the architecture of Windows. The fundamental architecture of Windows hasn't changed at all since WinNT 4.0 (or maybe 3.5); it just has an ugly new UI slapped on top and some slightly different administration tools.

Windows NT (the core OS) suffers none of those problems.

The Windows (Win32) environment suffers those limitations. It also suffers 20+ years of strong binary compatibility, broad hardware support, and consistent reliability that systems of similar class (e.g. Linux desktops) can't match.

If it makes you feel any better, drive letters are a convenient illusion made possible by the Win32 subsystem; NT has no such concept and mounts file systems into the object hierarchy (NT is fundamentally object oriented - a more modern and flexible design than is provided by UNIX).

The fundamental architecture of Windows, the kernel, hasn't changed in ages because it doesn't need to; it is far more sophisticated than UNIX will ever be and far more sophisticated than you will ever need. The fundamental architecture of Win32 hasn't changed since 32-bits was an exciting concept and it won't change because the market has said loud and clear that they want Windows-level compatibility. See Windows RT and The Year of the Linux Desktop for evidence that users aren't clamoring to ditch Win32 in favor of something more pure.

> The fundamental architecture of Windows, the kernel, hasn't changed in ages because it doesn't need to; it is far more sophisticated than UNIX will ever be and far more sophisticated than you will ever need.

Another case in point: it allowed MS to write a layer on top of the NT kernel to run unmodified Linux binaries. (Windows subsystem for Linux).

Linux has the same thing, called WINE. It already works quite well, and if they had access to the Windows and Win32 source code and a staff of full-time developers, it'd work flawlessly.

An API translation layer doesn't prove that a kernel is "more sophisticated" than another; that's just fanboyism.

> consistent reliability

Is that a claim you can substantiate? I admit I stopped paying attention around the time that scale-up of expensive servers with high minimum specs + expensive software licenses was overtaken by scale-out approaches + open source, but NT never struck me as being particularly stable in the face of badly written software and drivers. Has it improved a lot in this dimension over the past 15 years?

Is there a possibility to use the NT system without the flaws (?) of Win32? I hardly know anything about Windows programming, and I'm a bit curious now, having read your comment.

Windows exposes personalities above the kernel, in the NT days that meant OS/2 1.x, POSIX and Win32.

Nowadays on Windows 10 it means UWP, Win32 and Linux syscalls.

In theory someone could call the ntdll.dll and create a new personality but those APIs are undocumented and only possibly made available to Microsoft partners.

Complaints of a UNIX refugee on Windows.

For us, Windows pathanmes are just fine.

As for Windows architecture, maybe you should spend some hours reading Windows Internals book series, BUILD and Channel 9 sessions about MinWin, Drawbridge, Picoprocesses, UWP, User Space Drivers, Secure Kernel,....

>you should spend some hours reading Windows Internals book series

I'd love to read the source code myself to see how it works instead

Google "davec apcobj.c"; that'll point you in the direction of some of Dave's brilliant work that dates back to 1989.

(Three versions of NT have been leaked; NT 4.0, Windows 2000, an the Windows Research Kit (which is Win2k3) -- they are all trivial to find online (first page of Google results).)


Not exactly "you can get it if you want it", but not "you can't even get it over our dead body", either.

You can check out ReactOS which works like Windows but is open source.

> Windows 10 already sorted out the filename limitations.

Only for new applications. These written for the old ABIs still trip over after the 240th character, even though the FileSystem supports much more.

To put in another words: I belive the inherent unix limitations (process model for terminals, process signalling, lack of structure) are still less limiting than DOS assumptions about the consumer hardware and applications of the 80's.

You are moving the goal posts from OS limitations to limitations of old applications.

Unix applications written using old assumptions (e.g. ?14? characters max for symbol names in libraries, ?16? bit address space, assuming the C library knows of gets) can have problems on modern systems, too.

No one still uses Unix applications from the 1970s.

Lots of people still use Windows applications with the limitations mentioned here, either because they refuse to give up their 1990s Windows applications, or the weird little ISVs refuse to update their code.

Old, badly written, programs requiring admin was a problem the first year after Vista was released. Today, not anymore.

All programs of interest have migrated and there is also a compatibility layer redirecting older programs to write to a fake system directory.

What do you mean by unix in this context? Everything save for windows bears a strong kinship with Unix and every OS is more than capable of running additional runtimes and frameworks beyond C.

UNIX and C are symbiotic, regardless of whatever runs on top, only POSIX and C are common to any UNIX.

Windows roots are on VMS, not UNIX. There is hardly anything UNIX related on its architecture, regarding kernel design.

It was an OpenVMS derivative wiyh code copied or clean-slated against a modified form of its behavior. However, I heard the networking stack was from BSD.

Thanks for the tip.

The IP stack is. There's even still an etc/ directory buried in the Windows tree to support it.

This is no longer true, the TCP/IP stack was rewritten on Windows Vista.


>only POSIX and C are common to any UNIX.

What about something like this: https://www.redox-os.org/

Its written in Rust not C. In fact, according to the github stats, there is no C.

>Rust 72.4%

>Shell 13.2%

>Makefile 12.5%

>TeX 1.9%

Yes, but Redox is not UNIX.

It's why everyone focuses on making something on some cross platform abstraction layer or something similar. In many ways, things like amazon lambda are a 'new os'.

So which OS is like listening only to music by Simon and Garfunkel?

On the other hand, the record player he first heard David Cassidy on will still work in the next house he buys. That's because, once we settle on foundational stuff like electricity delivery, we don't break it every time we have good ideas about it. It's the same with everything, like math or computer hardware: after a period of diverse experiments, the foundations solidify and we build immense structures on top of them. It's a net win, overall, even if we get stuck in local maximums for too long sometimes.

In view of that, it's only natural that big segments of software beyond the OS like word processors are also stagnant. We don't actually need a diverse marketplace of competing word processing ideas anymore... the problem is fundamentally solved as far as the public is concerned. It's not as exciting for software developers, but it's totally natural for it to happen.

I think WordPress, wikis and Google (Docs) would disagree with you about word processing being a solved problem. And they seem to do well enough. They offer a fundamentally different notion of what you're trying to do when you're putting prose down. (Personally I hate these systems like Microsoft Word and Google Docs that force you to think in terms of a page. Especially because they don't give you any tools to actually make things lay out properly. But it's okay, because people have been fundamentally rethinking the issue for years now.)

Now if you do want page layout, I think the people who like to do that use something different — not Word. So I don't think they've really cornered any market, unless the market is people who want to use Word.

But just because an idea is old doesn't mean it is necessarily bad. Some ideas like Unix Philosophy have stood the test of time. The fact that this statement was made in 2004 and that Unix is still going stronger 13 years later is proof.

Inertia is only proof of inertia.

Suggesting that Unix has been continuing just by inertia doesn't explain why Apple adopted Unix for macOS or why most newer computers nowadays run a Unix OS.

Apple did not adopt UNIX per se.

Apple failed miserably to create a new OS, decided to buy a company instead and they happened to get the one where Steve Jobs was.

NextSTEP was partly based on UNIX, because it was competing against Solaris and needed some compatibility for easing the port of applications.

It used a micro-kernel like architecture, drivers where written in Objective-C, the whole userspace used the Foundation libraries and the bundles concept, the GUI was based on Postscript engine.

All very little to do with what a UNIX is.

Also if Gassé didn't ask the crazy amount of money he did, Mac OS X would probably be based on BeOS, which didn't have anything to do with UNIX.

Apple took NeXTSTEP and with minimal changes had macOS certified as UNIX, so it is actually UNIX, unlike many UNIX-like operating systems.

I suggested nothing of the sort. I am criticizing your use of "still going strong" as proof of good design. And there are many possible explanations of why Apple adopted Unix. Inertia is certainly one of them! (If you want to write a new operating system, and all your programmers are familiar with unix, and you don't have enough money to start from scratch... you start from unix)

Intiertia among developers. Also since when is Apple know for their software architectural decision-making lol.

Apple didn't make that decision; NeXT did.

The fundamental design of von Neumann architecture is even older and Unix can be treated as just another layer of abstraction on top of it. It cannot really get past its sell-by date.

> We really are using a 1970s era operating system ...

Try and read it this way:

"We really are using a 1970s era operating system ..."

Is it more like listening to music made with a Stratocaster or Les Paul? Lots of great ideas have been applied to guitars too, but lost of people still use the old ones.

Further evidence that Rob Pike is a second-rate engineer and a lousy writer.

Hm? I mean I don't know how one could think that and spearheaded go, but that paragraph seems reasonable to me.

He said that because back then he was working on a new OS. This was PR.

And why do you think he was working on a new OS, instead of improving Unix?

Better question: why did he abandon it?

Wrong. He was working for Google and becoming reacquainted with Linux at the time he said that.

This reminds me of the Stroustrup quote:

There are two types of languages, the ones everyone complains about, and the ones nobody uses.

This whole article is a bunch of strawman arguments. It points out historical mistakes by unix developers, but those mistakes aren't inherent to or a result of the Unix Philosophy: (1) Write programs that do one thing and do it well. (2) Write programs to work together. (3) Write programs to handle text streams, because that is a universal interface.

The arguments in the article indeed don't have much to say about Unix Philosophy per se - they're just a list of various fuckups and idiocies Unix accumulated for some reasons or others. As for Unix Philosophy, the point (3) in your summary is something that's a) dumb, and b) back when it was created, they already had better solutions.

Passing text streams around is a horrible idea because now each program has to have its own, half-assed shotgun parser and generator, and you have to glue programs together with your own, user-provided, half-assed shotgun parsers, i.e. calls to awk, sed, etc.

Think of it this way: if, per Unix Philosophy (points (1) and (2) of your summary), programs are kind of like function calls, and your OS is kind of like the running image, then (3) makes you programming with a dynamic, completely untyped language which forces each function to accept and return a single parameter that's just a string blob. No other data structures allowed.

I kind of understand how it is people got used to it and don't see a problem anymore (Stockholm syndrome). What shocked me was learning that back before UNIX they already knew how to do it better, but UNIX just ignored it.

> "The arguments in the article indeed don't have much to say about Unix Philosophy per se - they're just a list of various fuckups and idiocies Unix accumulated for some reasons or others."

Right. The title should have been reflective of that "Various idiocies Unix has accumulated to this day" but since the article mentions Unix Philosophy, my point is that the article should have criticised the philosophy and not the practice.

> "Passing text streams around is a horrible idea because now each program has to have its own, half-assed shotgun parser and generator, and you have to glue programs together with your own, user-provided, half-assed shotgun parsers, i.e. calls to awk, sed, etc."

But this has actually proved to be very useful as it provided a standard medium of communication between programs that is both human readable and computer understandable. And ahead of its time since it automatically takes advance of multiprocessor systems, without having to rewrite the individual components to be multi-threaded.

> "(3) makes you programming with a dynamic, completely untyped language which forces each function to accept and return a single parameter that's just a string blob. No other data structures allowed."

That may be a performance downside in some cases, but the benefit of having a standard universally-agreeable input and output format is the time it saves Unix operators who can quickly pipe programs together. That saves more total human time than gained from potential performance benefits.

> And ahead of its time

It wasn't ahead of its time. By the time Unix was created, people were already aware of the benefits of structured data.

> it automatically takes advance of multiprocessor systems, without having to rewrite the individual components to be multi-threaded.

That's orthogonal to the issue. The simple solution to Unix problems would be to put a standard parser for JSON/SEXP/whatever into libc or OS libraries and have people use it for stdin/stdout communication. This can still take advantage of multiprocessor systems and whatnot, with an added benefit of program authors not having to each write their own buggy parser anymore.

> but the benefit of having a standard universally-agreeable input and output format is the time it saves Unix operators who can quickly pipe programs together. That saves more total human time than gained from potential performance benefits.

I'd say it's exactly the opposite. Unstructured text is not an universally-agreeable format. In fact, it's non-agreeable, since anyone can output anything however they like (and they do), and as a user you're forced to transform data from one program into another via more ad-hoc parsers, usually written in form of sed, awk or Perl invocations. You lose time doing that, each of those parsing steps introduces vulnerabilities, and the whole thing will eventually fall apart anyway because of million reasons that can fuck up the output of Unix commands, including things like your system distribution and your locale settings.

As an example of what I'm talking about, imagine that your "ls" invocation would return a list of named rows in some structured format, instead of an ASCII table. E.g.

  ((:columns :type :permissions :no-links :owner :group :size :modification-time :name)
    (:directory 775 8 temporal temporal 4096 1488506415 ".git")
    (:file 664 1 temporal temporal 4 1488506415 ".gitignore")
    (:file 755 1 temporal temporal 69337136 1488506415 "hju")))
With such a format you could trivially issue commands like:

  ls | filter ':modification-time < 1 month ago' | cp --to '/home/otheruser/oldfiles/'
  find :name LIKE ".git%" | select (:name :permissions) | format-list > git_perms_audit.log
Hell, you could display the usual Unix "ls -la" table for the user trivially too, but you wouldn't have to parse it manually.

BTW. This is exactly what PowerShell does (except it sends .NET objects), which is why it's awesome.

There are no problems where you see them.

Most text formats are trivial to parse and space-separated or character-separated is the way to go. It really doesn't help if you enclose shit in parens. (Parens are sometimes a good way to encode trees, though).

    > (:columns :type :permissions :no-links :owner :group :size :modification-time :name)
That format doesn't solve any of the problems you mention. The problem is that it's hard to agree what data should be inside, not how you encode it.

    > ls | filter ':modification-time < 1 month ago' | cp --to '/home/otheruser/oldfiles/'
    find -mtime -30 | xargs cp -t /home/otheruser/oldfiles

    > find :name LIKE ".git%" | select (:name :permissions) | format-list > git_perms_audit.log
    find -name '.git*' -printf '%m %f\n' > git_perms_audit.log
Use 0-separated if you care that technically filenames can be anything (except / and NUL). Or say "crap in, crap out". Or assert that it's not crap before processing it.

> Hell, you could display the usual Unix "ls -la" table for the user trivially too, but you wouldn't have to parse it manually.

You don't parse "ls -la". You just don't.

> BTW. This is exactly what PowerShell does (except it sends .NET objects), which is why it's awesome.

Powershell is an abomination, and because it encourages coupling of interacting programs it will never be as successful as the Unix model. There will never be the same variety of interacting programs for very practical reasons.

> But this has actually proved to be very useful as it provided a standard medium of communication between programs that is both human readable and computer understandable. And ahead of its time since it automatically takes advance of multiprocessor systems, without having to rewrite the individual components to be multi-threaded.

Except it is completely unusable for network applications because the error handling model is broken (exit status? stderr? signals? good luck figuring out which process errored out in a long pipe chain) and it is almost impossible to get the parsing, escaping, interpolation, and command line arguments right. People very quickly discovered that CGI Perl with system/backticks was a very insecure and fragile way to write web applications and moved to the AOLServer model of a single process that loads libraries.

It's true that error handling with (shell) pipes is not possible in a clean way in general. In shell, the best you can do is probably "set -o pipefail", but that's only in bash. Concurrency with IO on both sides is really hard to get right even in theory.

Text representation is a good idea regardless of whether you pipe or not.

> (3) makes you programming with a dynamic, completely untyped language which forces each function to accept and return a single parameter that's just a string blob. No other data structures allowed.

I think this is great. There's slightly more principled ways to do it, but having to convert everything to one single format at the end of the day keeps you humble.

Let's go back to the previous decade's Hacker News:


It's not converting to "one single format", it's converting to "any and all possible formats", because with unstructured text, you're literally throwing away the structure and semantics inherent in the data, instead relying on users to glue things together with ad-hoc parsers.

Please stop spreading bs. It's not throwing away structure. Piping text doesn't even preclude sexps. It's just that they are seldom needed. Simpler encodings like space-separated are sufficient for many use cases, and better for interoperation.

It's misguided and inefficient to encode everything in the same way. Would you prefer to have your JPG or MP4 encoded in sexps?

And I say that as someone who is working on a serialization format for relational databases.

> Please stop spreading bs.

This breaks the HN guidelines: https://news.ycombinator.com/newsguidelines.html. Please edit out such bits. This would be a fine comment without it.

Piping isn't the culprit. It's what you pipe that is, and Unix Philosophy says "pipe whatever the hell you want, and let the users upstream sort it out".

It's not about encoding everything in exactly the same way. It's about providing the basic, shared protocol for representing structure. With typical Unix tools, you don't have "simpler encodings", you have no encoding at all. Each tool outputs whatever its particular author felt like (and this changes between Unix systems), each tool parses things in whatever way its author felt like, and as a user your job is to keep transforming unstructured blobs of text to glue them together.


> Name a well-thought out text file format that can't correctly be parsed e.g. by a Python one-liner with basic string operations. And please don't include: JSON, XML, YAML, sexps, because it's not possible, at least not without a library.

Well, because this library should be a part of the OS API.

A set of conrete cases where existing practice is bad is Unix itself (and its descendants). Think of every time a script breaks, does something unexpected, or introduces a security vulnerability, because every program has to contain its own, half-assed parser for textual data.

> because every program has to contain its own, half-assed parser for textual data.

As I said, name me a format that I can't parse correctly as a Python one-liner.

I work as a systems administrator and my scripts (mostly shell, python) don't break. I'm not kidding you.

Of course when writing shell scripts (which I think you imply) I need to know how to write non-broken shell scripts (in a clean and straightforward way) and I will freely admit that it's not easy to learn how to do it. Partly because shell has some flaws, but more because of the insane amount of broken scripts and tutorials out there.

But it's not even about defending shell. We are talking about text representation.

> Well, because this library should be a part of the OS API.

You are free to postulate that but it's won't make it less work. By the way "OS API" is ridiculous. These libraries have to be implemented for every language (and they have been, for most popular languages).

> As I said, name me a format that I can't parse correctly as a Python one-liner.

mboxo? [1] It is a popular text format that cannot be unambiguously parsed.

More generally, most Unix tools' output is also not able to be unambiguously parsed. For example, use gcc to compile a file, then collect the warnings? The regex "^.+:\d+:\d+: warning.*" will be right most of the time, but there's no 'correct' way to parse gcc output (there is not a surjective mapping of output to input).

There are various ways to work around the problem: mboxrd format uses an escape sequence to work around the earlier problem mentioned with mboxo. `ls -l --dired' (GNU) will allow you to parse ls by appending filename byte offsets to the output. `wc --libxo xml` (FreeBSD) will give the output in XML, which is unambiguous as well. multipart/form-data (RFC2388) is used to embed binary data in a text format, by using a byte sequence which doesn't appear in the data.

Binary formats present their own set of issues, but "accidentally unparseable" is more common in text-based formats (or ad-hoc text output).

[1] https://jdebp.eu/FGA/mail-mbox-formats.html


It's true that filenames with whitespace or newlines are bad for interoperability ("make" is another example). There are three simple options: escaping filenames, making filenames NUL-terminated or declare such filenames as invalid. The latter way seems to have won for practical reasons, and it's a pity that "safe filenames" were never standardized (but C-identifier plus extension should be safe everywhere).

Mbox is definitely broken (for example body lines that start with "From" are changed to "> From"). I don't think it is ambiguous today (all software I know interprets "From " at the beginning of a line as a new mail), but it clearly was not much designed at all. It still has some precious properties which is why it's still in use today. For example, appending a new email (Mail server) is very fast. Crude interactive text search works also very well in practice, although automation can't really be done without a library.

Email is complex data (not line- or record-oriented), so various storage formats achieving various tradeoffs are absolutely justified.

> Binary formats present their own set of issues, but "accidentally unparseable" is more common in text-based formats.

It's true, especially with formats from the 70s where the maxime was "be liberal in what you accept", and where some file formats weren't really designed at all.

On the other hand, "accidentally unextendable" (for example, fixed-width integers) and "accidental data loss" is much more common in binary formats.

> As I said, name me a format that I can't parse correctly as a Python one-liner.

Sorry, I misread that in your previous comment as "name me a format that I can parse correctly with a Python one-liner, without special libraries".

Anyway, the original article contains numerous examples of the issues I'm talking about; scroll to "Let’s begin with a teaser" and read from there. The point being, it's very difficult to correctly parse output in general case, because unstructured text doesn't reliably tell you when various data items begin and end. Most people thus won't bother with ensuring their ad-hoc parsing is correct.

> By the way "OS API" is ridiculous. These libraries have to be implemented for every language (and they have been, for most popular languages).

Sure each language has to implement its own bindings to the OS. My point is that there should be a structured format defined as standard on the system level, so that all CLI programs could use the same parser and generator instead of each rolling their own.

> Let’s begin with a teaser. How can we recursively find all the files with \ name in a folder foo? The correct answer is: find foo -name '\\\\'

He doesn't know shell quoting (or has problems with the blogging software). It's '\\' and there is nothing wrong with that (-name accepts a pattern, not a fixed string)

> How to touch all files in foo (and its subfolders)? At first glance, we could do it like this: find foo | while read A; do touch $A; done


     find foo -exec touch {} \;
     find foo -print0 | xargs -0 touch
These examples only prove that the author is not proficient at shell.

And we are not talking about shell (which does have flaws) but text representation. You still haven't provided the text format I asked for.

> To argue for the OP, consider the case of passwd being parsed on every system call. That is simply sub-optimal.

As you know there are various encoding schemes, but mostly character separated (space, newline, NUL, colon, whatever) or record-oriented (two separator levels, often newline and space/colon/comma.

In most places, only identifiers are allowed ("and" ("there" ("is") ("no" "fucking" "point") "in" ("wrapping" "everything" "in" ("quotes" "and" "parens"))). Just write things like this, and parsing won't be any harder than splitting on whitespace. Was that so hard?

> Author is not proficient at shell

> Partly because shell has some flaws, but more because of the insane amount of broken scripts and tutorials out there.

So what are you saying then? Basically, "git gud"? I am struggling to find your exact argument here. I wonder if you keep saying "it's not broken, you're just using it wrong", or "you must be proficient and if you're not, it's nobody's fault", or what exactly?

The main argument here is IMO that unstructured text which can be parsed with space/tab delimiters in mind is NOT good enough. You say it is. I disagree; I've had numerous cases in my career where any random dev never takes that into account and just throws almost-native-English files into a Linux VM expecting a 1970s system tool to be able to parse it and make sense of it.

Their fault? Absolutely and definitely. But it's the job of the tech to slap you through the wrist if you are not obeying to standards. Computers are not AI and they need protocols / standards. Are there standards in piping things between processes in UNIX/Linux? No.

Then what's the point of technology at all, I ask.

I clearly said I'm not defending shell. Even when the author is responsible himself for wanting to put a fixed string where a pattern is expected.

But this is about text formats. Text is simple. It's only the overengineering farts who think they have to wrap everything in three levels of parens. It doesn't make a difference.

> Their fault? Absolutely and definitely. But it's the job of the tech to slap you through the wrist if you are not obeying to standards. Computers are not AI and they need protocols / standards. Are there standards in piping things between processes in UNIX/Linux? No.

I just don't get why people keep thinking just because it's "text" it's somehow not standardized (enough), or why putting things in parens would help.

Please, stop with this vague FUD. Give an actual example.

> Are there standards in piping things between processes in UNIX/Linux? No.

That's called separation of concerns. That the kernel doesn't care doesn't mean that the endpoints don't care.

> Text is simple.

Sigh. I am not here to argue with your out-of-context sweeping generalizations. So I won't.

BTW, do you have a particular gripe with S-expressions / LISP? You ranted twice about parens in your comment towards me.

And no -- me, the OP, and several others in this thread will definitely not stop with this "vague FUD", "bs", "trolling" -- all your quotes from other comments -- simply because it's something we struggle with regularly.

We all have day jobs. When we stumble upon a piping problem -- be it unable to find an erroring process easily and quickly (sometimes not at all), or unable to understand an exit code, or having to actually look for signal values, or stumbling upon a bug in an older version we're stuck with -- we try our best to get the problem out of the way and move on. Most non-tech-savvy bosses would react extremely bad if you told them you're spending hours or days on a problem they perceive as one small piece of the glue you're using to put a painting together, and especially when they find out that you're not even at the part where you must hang the painting on the wall (example: deployment). And that's a fact of the daily life of many devs. You can call that a vague FUD if you wish. <shrugs>

So forgive all of us working folk who don't keep Star Trek-like exact logs on every problem we ever bump into. /s

The negative impressions build up with time. You can try calling for 100% scientific method on this but I can bet my neck that if I've known every single minute of your life, I'd catch you with your pants down on many occasions that you don't keep a detailed record on everything that has ever frustrated you. Can you deny this? If not, then I don't understand why you are holding on to a strictly scientific approach on things people bump daily into but can never excuse spending huge amounts of time on, in front of their bosses. Peace?


Since we have jobs and we must go on about it relatively quickly, most of us never spend the effort to write down every single instance where the UNIX shell semantics have made our lives harder but we managed to pull through via a workaround and just went on about our business minutes or hours later.

Again, you have ignored that this discussion is not about shell (which I know, including its few flaws, and can easily deal with, but am in no way trying to describe as easy to learn given that there are so many broken scripts and tutorials out there. It's hard to just learn the quoting rules for once, and browse through "bash pitfalls" once, simply because people don't know where to look for good resources. And I have freely admitted it was hard for me as well. Nevertheless I seriously recommend learning it rigorously because it has tremendous practical benefits).

This discussion is about text representations. Why do you keep claiming that text formats are broken when you can't give a single example?

> BTW, do you have a particular gripe with S-expressions / LISP? You ranted twice about parens in your comment towards me.

I will rant again until people stop making stupid claims.

I actually like LISP as a programming language. There is just zero benefit from writing record- or even word-oriented data in a (random) free-form syntax that is meant for representing trees. If I wanted I could parse /etc/passwd format like this:

  struct_passwd = namedtuple("passwd", "pw_name pw_passwd pw_uid pw_gid pw_gecos pw_dir pw_shell")
  passwd = [struct_passwd(* line.rstrip('\n').split(':')) for line in open('/etc/passwd')]
That's it. It works. There, I even made a nice datatype for you. And there's already more integrity checking in these two lines compared to a json.parse() or similar.

It works so nicely that I'm even making a text format for such databases with strong schema support that can still quite easily be used with generic text tools (git, grep, sed, awk, diff...). http://jstimpfle.de/projects/wsl/main.html

> So forgive all of us working folk who don't keep Star Trek-like exact logs on every problem we ever bump into. /s

Never asked for that. Give a single reasonable example why text file practice is bad, to get any credibility. It can't be that hard.

> ... And that's a fact of the daily life of many devs. You can call that a vague FUD if you wish. <shrugs>

Well, it's a bit less vague now that you have actually described a little better. But there is no connection to text representations. Sorry, you replied to the wrong thread.

> There exists a shared protocol. It's called "explain it". But that's typically not even needed, the user can just look at the data and figure it out.

This is the root cause of 99% of all parse errors and security holes in the world.

If you just "look" on the output of ls in some arbitrary directory there is nothing there telling you that a file name can contain a newline that will mess up the output. Write your parser with this assumption and it's broken. (See OP)

If i had a penny for every csv-"parser" I've seen that is just data=input.split(','); i would be a rich man now. Because the developer when looking at their data had no comma in any cell. Doesn't mean the customer don't have it.

I'm pretty sure most security errors come from implementations of complex binary formats. (Okay, there is the web world and I hear people still haven't learnt to escape their SQL queries).

ls is only for human consumption. I said this elsewhere in this thread.

CSV is utterly broken (at least was RFC'ed at some point, but the escaping rules are still shit. We have known for decades how to do it better).

I call "No True Scotsman"

I don't understand (sorry). Could you explain?

"All things like A are in category X. Except this long list I wrote, but they aren't really A, because I need my syllogism to work."

You missed my cynism. I was opposed to these formats in the first place.

Which seems at odds with the thesis, at least as far as I can figure it out.

Look again. For example I wrote "space-separated" in multiple places.

I think it's very telling that the author consistently refers to directories as "folders".

All of UNIX makes perfect sense if you are using UNIX for UNIX.

If you're doing other things, like abstracting to "folders" and so on ... I am open minded and can see where it starts to fall apart a bit.

But I use UNIX for the sake of UNIX ... I am interested specifically in doing UNIX things. It works great for that.

What then are "UNIX things".

This could be either a no-true-Scotsman, or a tautology. To solve this, you'd need to specify what UNIX is good at.

"This could be either a no-true-Scotsman, or a tautology."

It's even worse!

I am saying that working in terminals, with strings of text and non-binary-format config files ... and all of the tools built around that ... is an end in itself.

Every single "broken" example in the OP is something that I find non-remarkable and, in fact, makes perfect sense to me.

To argue for the OP, consider the case of passwd being parsed on every system call. That is simply sub-optimal. (It also seems exaggerated to me, and feels like a prime candidate for caching).

Further, there is an immense value in GUI based systems: discoverability. On a GUI, you can learn how to use a program without ever consulting a manual just by inspecting your screen. This addition is what brought the computer to the masses.

Finally, the terminal model of UNIX is just horrible. The hacks-on-top-of-hacks that are needed to turn the equivalent of a line-printer into something like nCurses or tMux are horrible. The current terminal is like this purely because of legacy. If you'd design a system for "working in terminals, with strings of text and non-binary-format config files" from the bottom up, it would look totally different. Sadly, getting it to work with existing software would be a total nightmare.

All that being said, UNIX still has the better terminal (though I hear good things about powershell). Certainly, it is the best system for "working in terminals, with strings of text and non-binary-format config files". Though competition is sparse (windows, and maybe mac, depending on whether you consider it to still be unix or not).

Discoverability is definitely a feature of any decent post-2000 *nix terminal environment.

Man and apropos get you a long way.

The near ubiquity of --help as a flag helps too.

Well managed program distributions will even tell your shell how to tab-complete what it wants.

MOST CRUCIALLY, though, the text of a command line or config snippet can be pasted, emailed, im'ed, blogged, and found with a search engine! Try describing how to navigate through a moderately complex gui in text or by phone... it's a disaster.

> To argue for the OP, consider the case of passwd being parsed on every system call. That is simply sub-optimal.

passwd is not read every system call and anything that is read frequently is almost certainly in the fs cache.

I got about 3 assertions into the article before I decided I had enough of that bullshit.

Note that "read from disk" and "parsed" are two different things.

In any case I haven't heard of performance problems. I think these files are needed basically for logging in and when tools like "ls" convert UIDs to names.

If there were performance problems, something would be done. And you can easily switch to LDAP or your backend of preference.

Asking not to make a point but because I genuinely don't have any clue: what is the distinction in your mind between a "directory" and a "folder", other than that latter term is more widely used in the Windows community?

In my mind (in the context of local file systems) the terms are basically the same although folders are usually objects that end users interact with. If someone says the "c:\windows\system32" folder or "/etc" folder I know what they mean but it sounds odd.

Often though it just reflects how recently you started using computers (more than MS vs Unix). I predominantly work in Windows but I call them directories but then I started with MS-DOS (and you type "dir" for a listing, right?).

If you started using computers with a GUI (and that's where you're most comfortable) then you might think of them as folders because on most platforms that's what the icon looks like.

I think the "folder" metaphor starts to break down a bit as soon as you're dealing with remote systems. Navigating to a parent "folder" on a remote FTP sounds weird to me, and it's telling that when browsing a FTP in a web browser even Internet Explorer 11 refers to directories - e.g. "Up to higher level directory" not higher level folder.

> but it sounds odd

> it just reflects how recently you started using computers

> sounds weird to me

Are those actual arguments? I am not sure the parent poster asked what you found "weird" or wanted you to imply you use computers for a long time.

For what is worth, I'd still prefer "mount point" or "access point" to both "directory" or "folder" when talking about remote systems. So I am not bashing you -- it's just that your comment is full of subjectivity.

>Are those actual arguments?

Well I'm not attempting to convince anyone of anything so no, not really. Merely my observations on a topic I find interesting. There are many things where I think there is a correct answer worth campaigning for, but folders vs directories is not one of them. It's a bit like whether you say "soda", "pop" or "coke", this might reflect where you come from [1] but that isn't an argument that one of the terms is right or wrong.

My comment was indeed full of subjectivity which was intentional - apologies if I didn't make that clear up front.

[1] http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/11/12/soda-vs-pop_n_21037...

> I think it's very telling that the author consistently refers to directories as "folders".

You do understand that the article was written in different language (russian), right? I kinda think this makes your whole argument broken.

Some of my primary beefs with Unix, stated more concisely than the rambling article:

1) Text is for humans, and is generally incomprehensible to machines. Encodings, arbitrary config file formats, terminals, etc, are all piles of thoughtless one-off hacks. It's a horrible substrate for compositing software functionality, through either pipes or files.

2) Hierarchical directory structures quickly become insufficient.

3) The filesystem permission model is way too coarse grained.

4) C is a systems/driver/low-level language, not a reasonable user-level application or utility language.

1. Binary formats are great, until they break. I would take plain strings configuration over Win95 registry any day.

Actually, I'd take plain text conf over Win10 registry any day also. How do you transfer your (arbitrary) program settings from one computer to another? I can tell you how on Unix. How would you on windows?

2. / based filesystems are head and shoulders better than Windows.

Why should moving a directory from my internal hard drive to a SSD over USB change my location?

On Unix I can keep my home directory (or Program Files) on a NFS share, SMB share or SSD harddrive.

Can I do the same on Windows?

3. It is, which is why SELinux was invented. But that's to hard, so no one uses it.

4. All major OSs (Both Unix/Linux and Windows) are C or C++ based.

But here's something interesting: in the 90s, it was considered "advanced" to have the GUI an inherent part of the OS, rather than being just another program. Windows and Plan9 did that.

Yet, it turned out that admining a system without a 1st class command line is a pain, so windows is rolling back with Power shell.

Maybe Windows will one day make their Server headless, and where you can do full sysadmining through SSH

> Actually, I'd take plain text conf over Win10 registry any day also. How do you transfer your (arbitrary) program settings from one computer to another? I can tell you how on Unix. How would you on windows?

Your personal registry settings are stored in %USERPROFILE%\ntuser.dat, and global registry trees are various files under %SystemRoot\System32\Config.

Actually, in many ways, Windows makes its organization system much easier to find profile data to copy than Unix-based systems. Most programs install configurations either in their install folder (C:\Program Files\<Product Name>) or in per-user data (C:\Users\<user>\Application Data\<Product Name>). In Unix, you might have a mix between dot folders (with some things choosing to use .<name> while others might settle for .config/<name>), as well as having to guess if various config files are under /etc/<product>, /usr/lib/<product>, /usr/share/<product>, or maybe even weird places like somewhere under /var or /opt.

> On Unix I can keep my home directory (or Program Files) on a NFS share, SMB share or SSD harddrive. Can I do the same on Windows?

Yep, you can remap where your user's home profile is. You can even distinguish between files that should be replicated across network shares and files that should not be replicated in per-user storage (AppData\Roaming versus AppData\Local).

I'm pointing out flaws in Unix. The fact that other environments have different/worse flaws than Unix doesn't make Unix's flaws not flaws. The point is to think outside the box and stop being constrained by arbitrary decisions of the past, be they from Unix, Windows, or wherever.

See my other response below about the text issue. It's not about 1 program having a text file, it's about managing all text files on your system that sucks, especially when you want them to interoperate in terms of data or automation, or even have some sort of consistency in expectation between them in human terms. The term "Text" implies data that is unspecified and unpredictable; in encoding, syntax and semantics; across various instances of it.

It is good that these are many separate files, because that avoids the problem of accumulating cruft that nobody can sort out. Also different syntax is possible for different problems. Contrast that to a key-value store with a fixed set of datatypes (say, bool/int/string) where invariably the complexity is pushed into string values (for example, screen geometry, Hotkey descriptions...). Nothing gained.

The term "Text" has different cultural connotations. You can have a very strict encoding, and in fact in my perception many people agree today that "be liberal in what you accept" is wrong. Personally I am a nazi in what I accept, and it has worked out great so far.

I don't think text is a problem with automation either. The easiest way to go is just to regenerate the whole config file when something changes. Also some formats can safely be transformed with e.g. sed.

> How do you transfer your (arbitrary) program settings from one computer to another?

Export/import the relevant registry keys, just as you copy/overwrite the relevant config files. If you can't find the reg keys, what makes you think you can find the config files?

You don't even need to do anything for your roaming user profile to follow you on a windows domain! I couldn't tell you how to accomplish the same on Unix.

> Can I do the same on Windows?

I routinely (ab)use mklink to keep the path identical despite moving things between disks or onto remote shares. Different subdirs within C:\Program Files\ are often on separate disks - just copy, paste, and mklink. I haven't run into an application that complains (although I have had installation scripts botch things on rare occasion by deleting my mklinks.)

You can also do unix style mount-a-disk-in-an-empty-directory if that's your jam, and have e.g. C:\SSD. For the GUI, see the "Disk Management" tool - RMB the partition, "Change Drive Letter and Paths...", "Add...", (*) "Mount in the following empty NTFS folder:". Powershell can use WMI: https://learn-powershell.net/2012/08/10/locating-mount-point...

To 1:

Computers are for humans. I like my configurations to be accessible to me, as well as my logs.

Who gets to decide what "accessible" means? Too many unix programs have their own completely ad-hoc printer and parser for config files, which have different assumptions. Some allow comma-separated entries in values. Some space or tabs are significant. Varying comment characters. Varying support for multi-line entries. Varying support for quoted strings. Varying support for unicode. Some are key/value, some are section based. Arbitrary special punctuation abounds.

It's a fundamental, unstandardized mess.

From the perspective of just a single program, then fine, it does what it needs to and its individual text formats are human-understandable, and its code is quickly banged together to do what it needs with it.

From an ecosystem perspective, it's a complete failure of usability and _interoperability_, which is the entire point of Unix philosophy in the first place!

Humans aren't the only ones reading & writing config files: Software needs to do it, too, be it applications or automation scripts. Again, text is a horrible substrate for compositing software functionality.

Easy: a tool comes with it yo do that or it's a standard, data format you view with existing tool. You even get closer to UNIX philosophy of one app per task that way given the mess ad-hoc text leads to.

This is just beautiful: "Standard utilities provide the output in the form of a plain text. For each utility, we actually need a parser of its own."

(More people would probably have read the Unix Haters Handbook if it was as pithy as this.)

Most of the author's criticisms around the Unix Philosophy™ (aside from perhaps the performance aspect) would be solvable in two steps:

1) Standardize on some structured text serialization format (I like YAML for this)

2) Write a new shell

Both of these things are compatible with the Unix Philosophy™, and thus said Philosophy is nowhere near collapse. Rusty around the edges, sure, and maybe with some asbestos in the ceiling tiles, but certainly renovatable.

The philosophy is already prevalent in the world of "microservices"; an application is split into a whole bunch of independent (usually containerized) programs communicating via something like JSON over HTTP.

One format for all use cases? Databases (passwd,group...), single-word files, key-value(-list?) files, rc files for a thousand programs?

Great idea! We should use XML for that...

XML, YAML, JSON and s-expressions are all just flavours of representing trees.

So yeah, any of that would be a much better idea than unstructured text, and yes, you can serialize all those use cases into trees. I'd steer away from XML for sake of efficiency and human-readability though.

Not everything is a tree, and neither XML nor JSON nor sexp are particularly efficient or "beautiful". And there is no canonic representation. You could strip all whitespace or indent all childs, but... And YAML for example has no nice way to put lists of single words on one line.

I'm yet to see a practical data set that could not be encoded as a tree. Maybe if you have a cyclical data structure and you want to save that directly, but then it's a simple meta-level extension. For example, Lisp reader does that when reading S-expressions. If you want to create a list like this:

  1 ---> 2 ---> 3-|
you write: #1=(1 2 3 #1#), where #n=OBJECT means "this is the object N", and #n# means "here is the very same object N too".

Yes, you can encode everything "as a tree". You can also encode everything "as binary", "as a big integer", whatever. That doesn't mean it's a good idea.

Unlike "as binary" or "as a big integer", a tree is structured. "As an arbitrarily-formatted string" would be much closer to those two comparison points.

If you think strings (or "binary") are "unstructured", think again. (Start with: what does that even mean?)

I don't think they're unstructured; rather, I know they're arbitrarily structured, usually requiring a great deal of ad-hockery to deal with them. A standard structure means a lot less work for data consumers and producers alike.

This comment is structured in the sense that it's two paragraphs of more-or-less-correct English. That doesn't make it useful to tools that don't understand English. As far as a tool like 'rm' is concerned, it might as well be unstructured.

I meant that more in terms of IPC (e.g. in pipes), but most of those use cases happen to be adequately handleable by YAML specifically, so yeah, why not?

Ideally a simplified subset of YAML; the full specification suffers from feature creep and has actual bugs.

StrictYAML ( https://github.com/crdoconnor/strictyaml ) looks promising to that effect.

It does not fix the thing right below the shell: the terminal.

The terminal is responsible for hacks upon hacks: Colors, ncurses, signals, and whatnot.

2) I'm writing a new shell! http://www.oilshell.org/blog/

1) This is an appealing idea, but my claim is that there's no single serialization format that will work. (Or if there is one, it has yet to be invented.) More detail here:


There's nothing stopping anyone from using structured data over pipes, but I think it's a mistake to assume there will be or needs to be a "standard".

3) I agree that JSON over HTTP is very much in the vein of Unix. The REST architecture has a very large overlap with the Unix philosophy -- in particular, everything is a hierarchical namespace, and you have a limited number of verbs (GET / POST vs. read() / write() ).

"There's nothing stopping anyone from using structured data over pipes, but I think it's a mistake to assume there will be or needs to be a 'standard'."

Then I'm not sure how the problem would be solved. The main reason why "everything should be plaintext" is problematic (aside from being inefficient storage-wise) is that there's no "standard" format. My interpretation of the article's criticisms is that overreliance on tools like awk is the problem, not the solution.

Hence, the recommendation to just standardize on YAML (or some stricter subset thereof). If unstructured data is really needed in the pipeline, then it can easily be encapsulated in an ordinary YAML document. This would unify the strengths of the Unix way (ease of human inspection) and the PowerShell way (ease of plugging arbitrary tools together without needing to stick a bunch of text filters all over the place).

> Unix Philosophy

Note that this philosophy covers many concepts. These discussions often mention the modularity and composition rules, but the other parts of the philosophy are also important.

See "The Art Of Unix Programming" for a full explanation of the philosophy.


"Taking into account the numerous mistakes of UNIX. However, no one raises Plan 9 on a pedestal."

Suckless and cat-v.org would disagree. I'd also disagree since I'm a huge fan of plan9port.

The Plan 9 FS network protocol, P9, is extremely well regarded and the basis for a number of security projects.

the procotol is actually called 9P (or 9p): https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/9P_(protocol)

Unix as we know it is almost 50 years of accretion - sh/bash is a great example of this. I think the Unix philosophy is still sound and alive, but the movement of technology means not everything that was universal before, is now.

There's a recurring theme (e.g. [1] among many examples) of comparing the Unix Way to the way of functional programming. Both prefer small things that do one thing and compose well.

What is missing in many cases is a concepts guide, explaining the key ideas, how to combine things, and what's possible in various subject areas.

For GUI programs, menus / toolbars used to be the concept guide: what they show is what's possible, and they offer context help. This is why a GUI feels friendly. It sucks at composability, though. Current mobile interfaces, unfortunately, tend to lack this.

If tiny GUI-oriented programs were easy to compose, had an easy way to save the composed state, and a number of daily-use programs bundled with an OS came in this form, providing example and reference, many people would consider following the suit, I suppose.

[1]: http://softwareengineering.stackexchange.com/questions/61814...

> For GUI programs, menus / toolbars used to be the concept guide

This simple fact seems like the key to getting the masses into computing. For something like 6 years (say 12-18) GUIs were the way I interacted with computers. Need to do something and learn about it? Go and explore the UI until you find the option. If the option has a shortcut printed, you will remember it eventually.

Sadly, GUI design is a quite separate discipline from software design. This means much open source software is missing GUIs. Those who write the software aren't always GUI designers. This also creates the mismatch between composing software and composing GUIs. As they are different disciplines, what it means to combine them means different things.

A decent stopgap is massive frameworking and standardization on GUI to make it easier for devs to get a GUI. To get the really good stuff, commercial entities have the best position. They need their stuff to be usable by everyone, and this finances the hiring of GUI people.

There is the rare gen of a developer that can also do GUI right, but that only has value in the case of small projects. When projects grow, unless all devs have the GUI knack, you're gonna need some dedicated GUI people.

It would be great if we could get more GUI-oriented people into open-source stuff but it seems like they aren't as attracted to open-source as devs are. It might be because devs can be at the ground floor of a project, and GUI, almost by neccesity, comes later.

> concepts guide

"The Art of Unix Programming"


It's not perfect - I'd love to see a guide with more practical examples - but it does do a good job covering the basic philosophy and some of the history of why certain design decisions were made.

Have you tried the alternatives? They all suffer from various problems. e.g. I use fish but still write bash scripts for production systems - more so fish is perhaps too safe in being too close to POSIX for the improvements to make a great difference (vs the pains of breaking compatibility). Powershell? You might as well write python or ruby at that rate..

What I mean to say is that while there has been a lot of initial inertia from the previous technologies that make it hard to change, it's also true that the new technologies have failed to make large enough gains to warrant the pains of changing - this is precisely the demise of Plan9: it's not that it wasn't better it just that it wasn't better enough to warrant the huge expense of replacing old, working systems.

Check out xonsh.

He lost me right at the beginning, with "I guess there wasn’t even Microsoft DOS at the time (I guess and I don’t bother to check, so check it yourself).".

This is the OS equivalent of a Call of Duty teenage online player on XBox live.

Well it's a true statement, even if made in an irascible way. If you're going to insult the guy, at least wait until he makes a false statement.

Wasn't intended as an insult. Just a statement as to where he lost me and why. The tone of the post was so arrogant it might have carried over to my comment.

"This article was written hastily, and I don’t want to further improve it. You’re lucky I wrote it. Therefore, I may provide some facts without source links."

I guess I am lucky he wrote this for a pleb like me.

It's a joke though?

Doesn't read like one.

Would be commonplace in any banter with friends imo, normal affected brashness.

For a interesting critique of Unix the "Ghosts of Unix Past" series of articles on LWN is pretty interesting.


The whole series is worth a read, especially part 3 'unfixable desgins' which talks about Signals and the Unix permission model.

"How can we recursively find all files with \ name in folder foo?"

Whenever someone tries to critique UNIX they always make up these nonsensical problems.

No UNIX user would intentionally name a file with a forward slash, a space, a semicolon, etc.

But I will play along.

To find these files, a number of ideas come to mind.

Maybe the easiest would be to use mtree to make a file specification and then search the specification.

Something like

    mtree -cp /foo |exec mtree -C
Any forward slashes, spaces, or other nonsense in filenames would appear as octal values.

If there are so many files that these specifications become large enough to cause problems with UNIX utilities, I import them into a database like kdb.

Is there a way to hide files from mtree? Maybe.

But at least with the UNIX concept for a system, the user can look at the source and see how it works.

The truth is, UNIX is not so impressive.

It is only the fact that the alternative systems for doing the types of things one does with UNIX have always been inferior/rubbish in the opinion of a certain set of informed users.

It is this contrast that makes UNIX seem impressive.

As usual, the author makes no suggestion or detailed comparison of any other alternative that can be used for doing the tasks one does with UNIX.

He didn't even get the find command that he has such a distaste for correct:

> How can we recursively find all the files with \ name in a folder foo? The correct answer is: find foo -name '\\\\'

No, the correct answer:

  % find foo -name '\\'
> We need to write four backslashes here as UNIX shell performs backslash expanding, and find does it too.

The single quotes prevent the shell from performing escaping. Find does need escaping, and that's the only layer that does, so the correct answer has two backslashes.

I would prefer more constructive criticism: this reads like a synopsis of The UNIX-HATERS's Handbook[0], and (while quoting from Worse is Better[1]) glosses over how UNIX is terrible because it out-competed its peers by being 'better' (compromising its design and consistency to improve its delivery and practicality).

It's valuable to challenge assumptions held in a community (to avoid the Normalization of deviance in software: how broken practices become standard[2]). It's more valuable to suggest improvements, and most valuable to improve it.

[0]: http://web.mit.edu/~simsong/www/ugh.pdf [1]: https://www.dreamsongs.com/WorseIsBetter.html [2]: http://danluu.com/wat/

A lot of the author's criticisms are about UNIX utilities not gracefully handling filenames containing special characters. But seriously, who puts a newline in a filename? Instead of wasting time writing scripts that meticulously handle all possible edge cases, I'd much rather fix whatever broken process is putting control characters into file names.

"Utilities" should not have to gracefully handle troublesome filenames, each one re-inventing the wheel.

If the system as designed accepts almost literally any characters in pathnames, it doesn't make a lot of sense to complain about people using "naughty" (troublesome) characters in pathnames they create.

It would have made a heck of a lot more sense to have disallowed stupid characters (all white space and control characters at a minimum) from the outset. However, changing it at this point is pretty impractical.

Of all the criticisms of UNIX, the singular one that strikes me as valid is the way that it accepts unquestioningly insane characters in pathnames. I would also maintain that case sensitivity in pathnames and a lot of other places is also a human interface error. It is arguable, and a matter of taste, but I find it obtuse. You should be able to "say" pathnames. The necessity for circumlocutions like "Big-M makefile" is offensive.

I'm one of the biggest fans there is of UNIX and C and the Bourne shell and derivatives, but recognition of weaknesses and flaws in those you love is not weakness; it is wisdom.

> Of all the criticisms of UNIX, the singular one that strikes me as valid is the way that it accepts unquestioningly insane characters in pathnames.

In fairness, though, allowing non-ASCII characters is what enabled the (mostly seamless) transition to UTF-8 filenames.

"Doctor, it hurts when I do this."

"So don't do it."

The problem with filenames is just a symptom of the biggest problem of UNIX conventions - passing around unstructured text. Filenames should have one well-defined format (AFAIR kernel allows pretty much anything but the NULL character). That's it. For most applications, filenames should be opaque data blobs compared for binary equality. But because we're passing around unstructured text, each program has to parse, reparse, and concatenate strings via ad-hoc, half-assed shotgun parsers. Each program does it slightly differently, hence the mess.

When the design was made, no one was considering pathology. We were all too invested in the wonder of making it all work to worry about people screwing around in crazy ways, let alone purposeful attacks.

As long as everyone recognized that putting certain characters in pathnames was counter-productive, things worked fine. Nobody ever dreamed of putting a space character in a filename when they all came from a CLI background. When barbarians came from Mac/Windows to UNIX, they lacked this background, and there went the neighborhood.

I remember being stunned when I first encountered two periods in one filename! But it only took me a few seconds to grasp the fact that period was just another character, "suffixes" were just conventions, and it all made perfect sense. OTOH, the first time somebody showed me a file named "-fr\ \*" and suggested I delete it, I got one of my first disillusionments.

P.S. - "/" is a character which is also "special" in pathnames. Actually, the particular FS may make other exceptions which are not globally enforced by the kernel. ZFS has several (such as "@").

> When the design was made, no one was considering pathology. We were all too invested in the wonder of making it all work to worry about people screwing around in crazy ways, let alone purposeful attacks.

I could buy this if not for the fact that back when UNIX was created, there were already better operating systems and sane solutions to those issues existed. It's more like that those aspects simply weren't really thought through, but instead just hacked together.

Contrary to what seems to be a popular opinion nowadays, UNIX wasn't the first real operating system, just like C wasn't the first high-level programming language. I knew I actually believed the latter, due to the way C/C++ many books were written. But no, in both the worlds of programming and operating systems, there already were better thought-out solutions. It's a quirk of history that UNIX and C ended up winning.

"But no, in both the worlds of programming and operating systems, there already were better thought-out solutions."

There were differently thought-out solutions, but not necessarily better or worse. Perhaps the issues they thought out didn't matter as much at the time and very unlikely to matter even a little bit today, and who knows how much they got wrong and much worse. It's very hard to speculate. But one thing I'm sure of is that these things cannot be really well designed from scratch and all the problems manifest only once they are used by people. So widely used systems can only be compared to widely used systems, not something niche or unused.

Sure, but we're not talking about niche systems. There was a whole flourishing world of computing before Unix and C came to be. In fact, a lot of significant theoretical and practical advancements came from that age.

Our industry does seem to be stuck in circles, continuously forgetting the ideas of past cycles and reinventing them, only for them to be forgotten again. To see that phenomenon in action, one does not have to look much further than the last 10-15 years of history of JavaScript to see how the web ecosystem basically slowly reinvented already long established practices from desktop operating systems and GUI toolkits...

I don't think that's a fair characterisation of Javascript development. It's more that people gradually realised they want to do more and more. But when they've finally understood what they want to do, they quickly adopt learning from elsewhere. A lot of the latest and greatest developments (like React and Redux) are directly inspired by theoretical work.

When the design was made, no one was considering pathology. We were all too invested in the wonder of making it all work to worry about people screwing around in crazy ways, let alone purposeful attacks

Shortly after timeshare systems were created, people were thinking about security.

Of note for folks who don't know it, Common Lisp treats pathnames as structured objects. It's pretty nice, although it'd have been even nicer had they more-fully-specified them with respect to e.g. POSIX filename conventions (e.g. is /foo/bar a directory or a file?). UIOP basically fixes all this, and it works.

Yeah. CL's pathnames are a bit confusing to people though, because they came about as a way to handle several different types of file paths from various operating systems which preceded UNIX / POSIX.

For those who're interested, there's a pretty good overview of them in Practical Common Lisp[0]. I'll quote the first paragraph of the subchapter "How Pathnames Represent Filenames", which serves as a decent TL;DR:

"A pathname is a structured object that represents a filename using six components: host, device, directory, name, type, and version. Most of these components take on atomic values, usually strings; only the directory component is further structured, containing a list of directory names (as strings) prefaced with the keyword :absolute or :relative. However, not all pathname components are needed on all platforms--this is one of the reasons pathnames strike many new Lispers as gratuitously complex. On the other hand, you don't really need to worry about which components may or may not be used to represent names on a particular file system unless you need to create a new pathname object from scratch, which you'll almost never need to do. Instead, you'll usually get hold of pathname objects either by letting the implementation parse a file system-specific namestring into a pathname object or by creating a new pathname that takes most of its components from an existing pathname."

[0] - http://www.gigamonkeys.com/book/files-and-file-io.html

> because they came about as a way to handle several different types of file paths

They also came as a way to handle file paths at all. Generally Lisp prefers other data representations over string representations. The user input (text string) will be parsed into some kind of data.

This demands the question - why allow control characters in file names at all? Non-printing characters?

There simply is no good reason. I have had this discussion, and there is a group of people who consider it "unclean" to rule out any characters.

There is an excellent discussion of the topic[0]. I find it utterly definitive in the way it relentlessly shows how you can't "fix" this issue completely any other way than by ruling out the bad characters by making the kernel disallow them.

[0] https://www.dwheeler.com/essays/fixing-unix-linux-filenames....

Ruling out "bad" characters is bound to affect internationalization negatively.

IMO the best approach would be to separate between file name and the file object. When I edit a file with vim, should vim really need to know the name of the file? No. Likewise for a lot of other utilities as well. If instead of being so focused on file names and paths everywhere and we operated instead mainly on inodes then I think much would have been won. Now in some instances the file name is of interest to the program itself, for example if you attach a file to an e-mail, upload it with a web browser, tar a directory, etc. but in all of these instances I think that the file name should be more separate and even for most programs that want the file name they should just treat the file name as a collection of bytes that have close to no meaning.

In other words, I would want to translate paths and file names into inodes in just a very select few places and then keep them separate.

This is what I am going to do in my Unix-derived operating system. I will get around to implementing said system probably never but you know, one can dream.

"Bad" characters in this context is control characters. So no, it would not affect internationalization at all.

> "Bad" characters in this context is control characters.

For sufficiently narrow definitions of "bad", sure.

It is probably a bad idea to allow mixed character-set filenames, as that allows homograph attacks[0], and there are other non-control characters like the zero-width space and it's brethren that should be disallowed across the board.

In English you probably also want to disallow ligature characters like fi, ffl.[1]

There are other "good idea" limitations that may affect internationalization of various languages (not in terms of making it difficult, just constraining it, as in the above English ligature example).

For example, it is probably a good idea to disallow Hebrew diacritic symbols[2] like niqqud in filenames.

[0] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/IDN_homograph_attack

[1] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Typographic_ligature#Ligatures...

[2] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hebrew_diacritics

> It is probably a bad idea to allow mixed character-set filenames

As someone who would be affected by this directly, I can tell you right away this rule would be a no-go. I plainly need the ability to mix Latin and Cyrillic characters in my filenames. A filesystem or OS that wouldn't let me do so wouldn't even be considered.

A very simple rule of thumb is, if it is a title of a book (or a song, or a film etc), it should also be a valid filename.

Interesting. Are those filenames used in contexts where homographs could be more than a minor annoyance?

BTW, whether a character is or isn't a homograph depends very much on the font. For example, Cyrillic letter 'и' has no obvious visual counterpart in Latin... but as soon as you use cursive, it becomes 'и'. Which is visually indistinguishable from cursive 'u': 'u'.

Same thing with the letter 'т': in cursive, it becomes 'т', which in many (but not all) fonts looks the same as cursive 'm'.

I guess? If a malicious attacker could gain access to my FS and create homographs, figuring out which is which while browsing the filesystem would be non-trivial.

But I find it an unlikely attack vector to begin with. The main concern with homographs is in URLs and other external resources.

I guess I am thinking of contexts like uploaded files, or shared network drives.

I missed the portion where that was said. I read through all of the comments about this and replied to the last one thinking we were still talking about things like spaces and newlines. My comment would have been better placed as a reply elsewhere. Sorry about that.

Still though, even if we only block some control characters, doing so could lead to problems with future character encodings.

Personally I hope UTF-8 / UTF-16 / UTF-32 is the final set of character encodings but we can't know that it will be.

Although I agree that Unix is a big collection of hacks and well past its prime, the author displays several fundamental misconceptions of what he's talking about. Here's a few examples:

- Dirty hacks in UNIX started to arise when UNIX was released, and it was long before Windows came to the scene, I guess there wasn’t even Microsoft DOS at the time (I guess and I don’t bother to check, so check it yourself). At least he acknowledges that he's being incredibly lazy, and he shows the glimmer of an understanding as to why some of the things mentioned later happened: because Unix is from the early 70s, which were a very different time in computing & culture.

- Almost at the very beginning, there was no /usr folder in UNIX. All binaries were located in /bin and /sbin. /usr was the place for user home directories (there was no /home). Putting /home on a separate partition remains a pretty common thing to this day because users will tend to have greater storage requirements than just the root. /usr/bin and the like are the result of people realizing that this secondary larger disk is an acceptable place to put binaries and other files that aren't needed at bootup.

- In other words, if you’ve captured Ctrl+C from the user’s input, then the operating system, instead of just calling your handler, will interrupt the syscall that was running before and return EINTR error code from the kernel. That's not the kind of interrupt they're talking about.

- I’ve read somewhere that the cp command is called cp not because of copy but because UNIX was developed with the use of terminals that output characters very slowly. Yep, terminals that print on paper are pretty slow, as are 300 baud modems. I'm absolutely crushed I had to learn that 'cp' means 'copy'--it took hours to beat that into my head, and the thousands of keystrokes I've saved over the years are a small comfort (except to my rsi-crippled hands)

- The names of UNIX utilities is another story. For example, grep comes from command g/re/p in the ed text editor. Well, cat comes from concatenation. I hope you already knew it. To top it all up, vmlinuz — gZipped LINUx with Virtual Memory support. 'cat' comes from 'catenate', in fact. What would you name 'grep' instead? "searchregexandprint"?

- at least the main website of C that would be the main entry point for all beginners and would contain not only documentation but also a brief manual on installing C tools on any platform, as well as a manual on creating a simple project in C, and would also contain a user-friendly list of C packages This is one of the most ridiculous ones. You're talking about a programming language defined in the 70s, for Christ's sake. Lot of websites created in the 70s? There is a document with a good introduction to C, project examples, etc. and it's call The C Programming Language, a book by K&R. When Kernighan made another language a few years ago, yeah, he made a website for it--golang.org, it's one of the best project sites I've seen.

The article points out some legit problems in Unix, but even leaving aside the author's ESL challenges it's poorly-written, poorly thought-out, and poorly-defended.

Totally agree. The article doesn't show deep understanding of the actual problems.

- make's TAB "problem" as very first argument is not very convincing.

- The citations to back up the claim that a (possibly binary) registry database was better than small text files are just not backing up. There is nothing to defend a registry there. The quote is about fsync semantics which has nothing to do with registry. Btw. in my perception it's a widely accepted fact that a big-pile-of-crap database is a bad idea. And oh, I haven't ever heard of any problem with passwd/group/shadow/gshadow being text files. And if there were, the access method is actually abstracted away, it's easy to switch backends to something else (NSS). (there is a problem with these files though -- they are denormalized, and not all fields have clear meaning and some programs interpret some fields in weird ways.).

- Zombie processes. What's the problem there? They are just like file handles. Handles have to be closed before they are garbage collected. The actual problem is that you can't really "open" and "close" processes, only spawn new childs and the resulting hierarchy is not typically desired.

- "We call touch in the loop! This means there is a new process for each file. This is extremely inefficient." Yeah and why exactly is the shell to blame that you use touch in a loop? (apart from the fact that it's almost certainly not a problem).

Could go on but have to leave...

To quote the author

> We call touch in the loop here (I do know that the code can be re-written with xargs, so that touch is called only once; but let’s forget about it for now, okay?)...This means there is a new process for each file. This is extremely inefficient. Code in any other programming language will work faster than this one.

WHAT THE HELL??? Did he just criticize Unix/POSIX for its inefficiency after willfully choosing a less efficient way?

He wrote

    find foo -print0 | while IFS="" read -rd "" A; do touch -- "$A"; done
When we could have written the very fast and very readable and very simple

    find foo -print0 | xargs -0 touch --
I'll put this up against the equivalent implementation in any language you choose.

> What would you name 'grep' instead?

Yeah, I found that one an especially weird gripe. Grepping was a new thing, so we needed a word for it. 'Grep' is short, easy to say and type, and relatively hard to confuse with similar words in the domain. Works for me.

I can unfortunately imagine a modern startup implementing it, and shudder at potential names my imagination is coming up with... Searchlr, the best way to search text! ReadMonkey, your personal pattern recognizer! I'll stop now.

Couldn't they just have called it google??


So how do you know what type of search you're doing? There were existing text matching algorithms at the time.

"No, I mean the kind of car that is really big, that you drive on ice rinks to smooth out the ice."

Search what? File names? File contents? Users? Machines?

You could say the same about "mv". Move what? Files? File names? File parts? Users? Machines? Screens?

There's always some default subject implied for every command name. For "find" it is files, for "search" it could have been text.

> You could say the same about "mv". Move what? Files? File names? File parts? Users? Machines? Screens?

Files, the base type that's consistent across all the basic commands (AFAIK).

It depends on what you mean by "basic command". There are plenty which take arguments that aren't files - chown, chgrp and su, for example.

> - Almost at the very beginning, there was no /usr folder in UNIX. All binaries were located in /bin and /sbin. /usr was the place for user home directories (there was no /home). Putting /home on a separate partition remains a pretty common thing to this day because users will tend to have greater storage requirements than just the root. /usr/bin and the like are the result of people realizing that this secondary larger disk is an acceptable place to put binaries and other files that aren't needed at bootup.

The author cites to this post by Rob Landley – http://lists.busybox.net/pipermail/busybox/2010-December/074...

While I can't independently confirm Rob's claims, and he doesn't provide any citations, I do find them very believable – /usr was invented at Bell Labs because they were running out of space on their puny 1970s hard disks. (And an RK05 was small even by 1970s standards – the IBM 2314 mainframe hard disk, released in 1965, had a 30MB capacity; the IBM 3330, released in 1970, stored 100MB – of course, these disks would have cost a heck of a lot more than an RK05, and were likely not feasible for the UNIX team given their budget.)

If they had bigger disks (or the facility to make multiple smaller disks appear like one big disk) – it is less likely they would have split the operating system itself across two disks (/ and /usr). (Using separate disks for the OS vs user data was more likely even with bigger disks since that was common practice on systems at the time.)

(Some other operating systems from the same time period already had some ability to make multiple disks appear like one big disk. For example, OS/360 has the concept of a "catalog", which is a directory mapping file names to disk volume names; this means you can move individual files between disks without changing the names by which users access them. In their quest for simplicity, Thompson and Ritchie and co decided to omit such a feature from UNIX.)

If you look at Plan 9, you'll see /usr is once again the location of user home directories, and binaries go in /bin. In fact, /bin is a 'union' directory composed of /386/bin, /rc/bin, /usr/jff/bin, and any other places you've decided to put binaries.

> because Unix is from the early 70s, which were a very different time in computing & culture.

Lisp, Smalltalk, Mesa, Pilot OS and Xerox Development Environment are from the early 70s as well (Lisp even earlier).

Kernighan did not make Go. Go was created by Ken Thompson, Rob Pike, and Robert Griesemer. Kernighan did, however, write a book on Go, The Go Programming Language, with Alan Donovan.

Prefer an original older funnier version : http://harmful.cat-v.org/software/operating-systems/linux/

I suspect the author of this site have contributed to the linux haters handbook.

Some quotes:

“Linux printing was designed and implemented by people working to preserve the rainforest by making it utterly impossible to consume paper.” – Athas

“ALSA is like the emperors new clothes. It never works, but people say it’s because you’re a noob.”

“Object-oriented programming is an exceptionally bad idea which could only have originated in California.” – Edsger Dijkstra

“[firefox] is always doing something, even if it’s just calculating the opportune moment to crash inexplicably” – kfx


Am I the only one's thinking that this article is full of errors ? Starting with "killing zombie process" (sic!) and so on ?

> I guess there wasn’t even Microsoft DOS at the time (I guess and I don’t bother to check, so check it yourself)

1969 < 1981.

Heck, in 1969 there wasn't even CP/M that MS-DOS was modelled after.

Heck, in 1969 there wasn't even RT-11 that CP/M was modelled after.

There was a brand new OS/8 that RT-11 was modelled after.

Evolution is never clean.

Evolution does what evolution does. The problem is that selection pressure is too weak, and things that should die off survive and flourish.

Isn't that contradictory? If you start with the assumption that it's evolutionary, how does it make sense to judge whether selection pressure is "too weak" and that things "should die off?" Selection pressure is what it is.

Selection pressure may or may not be in a feedback loop with the evolutionary process, but you can still view it as a separate component. In case of computing, the (broadly understood) market is the selection pressure. As for the notion of what should happen, this comes from humans who are capable of thinking about the evolutionary process and who value some goals over others. In particular, those humans tend to notice that the selection pressures in software industry do not promote good, efficient, and well thought-out solutions.

The comments on this thread have been more interesting than the article. I think the common theme is a push to innovate and take the next step in computer systems.

If we scan this thread we could come up with a list of issues/problems with UNIX. Human inclination is to instantly look for each solution as each problem presents itself. Eg. "Text as an interface is unstructured" -> "Use other formats". The end result becomes a lot of feature creep, adding layers over the OS to hide the usability issues of the past. Then, a new user comes along and wonders, "How did it all get so messy?"

The ideation-style approach to innovation is NOT to leap straight to solutions. Avoid analyzing the problems immediately. Don't criticize other people's existing thoughts.

Instead we use our creativity to add to the list of problems. We build it up even more. Add tangential issues that may be not just UNIX related problems. Add future issues. Add past issues. You keep adding until you exhaust all the avenues. You don't want to block your thoughts or anyone else's. If anything, the previous problem someone raises should inspire your next one.

Once you have drained out all the issues and you can't squeeze out any more complaints, then you can take a step back and look at all the problems as a whole. You group them into categories that have common themes. You try to generalize and re-express them in vaguer terms.

After you have your themes, you can think about making a list of solutions. Again you don't want to be critical about the feasibility of a solution. You just want to build a list of different solutions. Each solution should inspire a new different solution. There are mental exercises that you can do to inspire tangential thoughts - word games etc.

When you have a giant list of solutions, then you categorize again. Those categories are the start point to building something innovative.

The alternative is just another iteration of what already exists.

My own thoughts on this are that I seem to need "power-user" abilities way too much. My field is actually Hardware. Something is wrong if I am jumping through a lot of hoops outside of my specialty just to get work done. It's not just UNIX either. My friends and family often call on me to handle their Windows or Mac issues because I am the closest thing to an expert they know. They shouldn't have to.

For those of you who might be fooled into thinking this is about things like SystemD and Docker—it's not!

More a reprise of the _Unix Hater's Handbook_ with a slightly different gloss, for those who remember that.

Though a Unix Lover(tm), I enjoyed the UHH:


That was also my first thought.

The most interesting thing I learned from this article is the sprintf() pre-compiler (http://blog.kazuhooku.com/2014/10/announcing-qrintf-and-qrin...). That's awesome.

The rest, well, its a helpful check on over enthusiasm to be familiar with the shortcomings of UNIX. By dint of its popularity, diversity and long lineage, UNIX and its derivatives are particularly rich in warts. Yet, I think it must be true of all real-world operating systems with a long life that cruft, workarounds and ossified bad ideas accumulate.

I am not a power user. But I found this to be a great read. It's interesting to see the historical and sometimes vestigial traces in unix.

However, for all the flaws that were pointed out, I still can't imagine doing my work on windows vs linux. Even if I do have to sometimes spend effort battling linux's idiosynchracies. At least when something goes wrong in unix, I can probably go and find/fix what went wrong because the underlying system is mostly plaintext and transparent. Versus when something goes wrong in windows, it's more of a blackbox to me. But that could just be me not understanding windows enough.

Where everything is a file handle, except when it is not (sockets, IPC, ...).

Note: A “file handle” is a FILE *, i.e. a stream as used by a lot of the higher-level functions of the C library. The term you were looking for is probably “file descriptor”. (Or possibly “inode”, “directory entry”, or “file name”? It’s not entirely clear what you mean.)

I read once that the dd command (which stands for convert and copy) was not named cc because the compiler was already called that so they used the next letters in the alphabet.

NAME dd - convert and copy a file

No, it came from data definition on OS/360 JCL which is the reason why it has a different syntax than the other utils.

Newbie discovers historical and technical debt, interprets as collapse.

I'll wait for the satirical summary of this HN thread. :-)

I do think we lost of the "do one thing and do it well" https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Unix_philosophy

Part of it is that it's way more annoying to maintain a little tool than to make it part of a bigger project with a much bigger community, it's also far harder to discover than just being in the docs a bigger project

I'm sorry but I am not reading an article that says, "You're lucky I wrote it," in the first paragraph.

And from the comments, it sounds like I'm not missing much.

Author, don't treat your readers like idiots. I can guarantee some of them are much smarter and more experienced than you.

> Some people think that UNIX is great and perfect

"...great and perfect" is a strawman. Whether "some people" think that is irrelevant.

Some of this article is interesting, but the fact of the matter is 40-year-old systems have signs of being 40 years old. If "fixing" everything were easy, it'd be done. Tabs in Makefiles throw off the uninitiated for 10 minutes, then they learn, shrug and move on. These scars and stories are part of the package.

Reading further, some of this is just incorrect...

>That’s not to mention the fact that critical UNIX files (such as /etc/passwd) that are read upon every (!) call, say, ls -l, are plain text files. The system reads and parses these files again and again, after every single call!

Not on my system.

> It would be much better to use a binary format. Or a database.

On my system, it is ( running "ls -ld ."):

  kamloops$ uname -a
  NetBSD kamloops 7.99.64 NetBSD 7.99.64 (GENERIC) #26: Thu Mar  2 07:15:26 PST 2017  root@kamloops:/usr/src/sys/arch/amd64/compile/obj/GENERIC amd64

  kamloops# dtrace -x nolibs -n ':syscall::open:entry /execname == "ls" / { printf("%s -%s", execname, copyinstr(arg0));}'
  dtrace: description ':syscall::open:entry ' matched 1 probe
  CPU     ID                    FUNCTION:NAME
    0     14                       open:entry ls -/etc/ld.so.conf
    0     14                       open:entry ls -/lib/libutil.so.7
    0     14                       open:entry ls -/lib/libc.so.12
    0     14                       open:entry ls -.
    0     14                       open:entry ls -/etc/nsswitch.conf
    0     14                       open:entry ls -/lib/nss_compat.so.0
    0     14                       open:entry ls -/usr/lib/nss_compat.so.0
    0     14                       open:entry ls -/lib/nss_nis.so.0
    0     14                       open:entry ls -/usr/lib/nss_nis.so.0
    0     14                       open:entry ls -/lib/nss_files.so.0
    0     14                       open:entry ls -/usr/lib/nss_files.so.0
    0     14                       open:entry ls -/lib/nss_dns.so.0
    0     14                       open:entry ls -/usr/lib/nss_dns.so.0
    0     14                       open:entry ls -/etc/pwd.db
    0     14                       open:entry ls -/etc/group
    0     14                       open:entry ls -/etc/localtime
    0     14                       open:entry ls -/usr/share/zoneinfo/posixrules

  kamloops# file /etc/pwd.db
  /etc/pwd.db: Berkeley DB 1.85 (Hash, version 2, native byte-order)
Now, I see that /etc/group -is- a plain file. This could get the same treatment as /etc/passwd if it becomes a burden. In the meantime, if it's a performance bottleneck, make a memoizing function to lookup groups and use a '-n' switch to ls. Article is probably mostly important as the author thinking deeply about Unix, and part of the developmental process of the user.

...All the bluster (some of which is interesting), then at the end walks it back:

> So, I do not want to say that UNIX – is a bad system. I’m just drawing your attention to the fact that it has tons of drawbacks, just like other systems do. I also do not cancel the “UNIX philosophy”, just trying to say that it’s not an absolute.

Shame about the title... But maybe that's what landed it here on HN (?)

Edit: explain the "ls" command actually run.

"This could get the same treatment as /etc/passwd if it becomes a burden. In the meantime, if it's a performance bottleneck, make a memoizing function to lookup groups and use a '-n' switch to ls."

Exactly, and this is the sort of thing that can be done with open source software. It may not even be a lot of code depending on how it is approached.

It's not even clear that for small password files, scanning /etc/passwd is any slower than a database. It's likely already in memory, and a full scan of a few kilobytes of text in highly optimized C is likely to take only microseconds.

Regarding 'ls', I ran "strace ls" on Linux and didn't see any open on /etc/password; it's important that you run 'ls -l', which should trigger the /etc/password access because it has to map UIDs to usernames.

re: "ls -l" understood. I ran "ls -ld ."

Ah, I'm not familiar with dtrace so I guess I missed that in your comment. Thanks for the clarification.

Understandable. The dtrace command you see is tracing a process "ls" (regardless of switches). I didn't show my work (ls -ld .) that generated the output, so your confusion isn't unfounded. :)

> Let’s say we need to delete a file on host a@a. The name of the file is in a variable A. How can we do it?

> [...]

> Anyway, the correct answer is: `ssh a@a "rm -- $(printf '%q\n' "$A")"`

In zsh it's just `ssh a@a "rm -- ${(q)A}"`.

I think the problem is that Linux developers started abusing the Unix Philosophy to the point that you had to know about a lot of different programs in order to be productive - Sometimes, it's much more convenient if one program can do everything that you want it to do out of the box (it requires less understanding of the system).

The Unix philosophy is essentially the opposite of the Apple philosophy. It gives you flexibility and composability at the cost of simplicity and the overall experience.

The optimal solution tends to be somewhere in-between. If you look at Linux, it's actually a monolithic system (which goes against the Unix philosophy); the popularity of Linux is in itself proof that people do want a single cohesive product - If the Unix philosophy was the best approach, we'd all be using Minix by now.

I didn't find MacOS to be any simpler than newbie-oriented Linux distros like Mint and Ubuntu. It was just filled with a ton of proprietary, bastardized, closed-source garbage and limits that made it more difficult for power users to understand and effectively manage the system.

To be fair Linux distros have improved a LOT in the past 5 years. When I first used Ubuntu many years ago, you couldn't do anything without the command line. Installing software was a pain (I had tons of problem with Ubuntu Software Center and it never seemed to work).

I use Ubuntu (Gnome) these days. The only thing I miss from Windows is Windows Explorer. Nautilus just doesn't cut it in my opinion; I always end up browsing the file system with the command line. That said, I still prefer Nautilus over OSX's Finder.

"Installing software was a mess."

Of all the things to complain about in Linux, you choose the one thing that Mac OS and Windows still don't have right, and Linux had pretty good even back then?

Installation on Windows was always much easier; all programs had a relatively consistent UI wizard that stepped you through the installation process. Installing software from disks on Windows was really convenient (and disks where the real deal back then).

The fact that Linux relied on people to install stuff with the command line was a massive oversight. UIs are just way more intuitive than shell commands.

"Installation on Windows was always much easier"

I've rarely disagreed with something said on HN so strongly (at least among things that, in the grand scheme of things, really don't matter that much, but they matter a lot to my personal experience).

"The fact that Linux relied on people to install stuff with the command line was a massive oversight. UIs are just way more intuitive than shell commands."

This has never been true in the past 12 years. You have to go back even further to find a time when there weren't multiple GUIs for the leading package managers. And, for at least the past decade, the core GUI experience on every major Linux distro has had some sort of "Install Software" user interface that was super easy and provided search and the like.

There's lots of things Linux got wrong (and some that it still gets wrong) that Windows or macOS got right. Software installation really just isn't one of them, IMHO.

It's the thing I miss most when I have to work on Windows or macOS, and I miss it constantly...like multiple times a day. A good package manager is among the greatest time savers and greatest sources of comfort (am I up to date? do I have this installed already? which version? where are the config files? where are the docs? etc.) when I use any system, particularly one I haven't seen in a while.

I just really love a good package manager, and Linux has several. Windows and macOS have none (because if the entire OS didn't come from a package manager, it's useless...you can't know what's going on by querying the package manager, if the package manager only installed a tiny percentage of the code on the system). So, even though there's choco on Windows and Homebrew (shudder...) on macOS, they are broken from the get-go because they are, by necessity, their own tiny little part of the system with little awareness or control over the OS itself.

Why don't you like homebrew?

Also, if your problem with non-Linux package managers is that they only know about and control their own packages, then you must have the same objection to Nix and Guix, right?

What happened to wanting simple tools that do one thing and one thing right? Don't we want package managers to only manage packages, to decouple them as much as possible from the rest of the operating system, and leave system configuration management to other tools?

"Why don't you like homebrew?"

I've blogged about some of my problems with Homebrew. Generally speaking, Homebrew is a triumph of marketing and beautiful web design over technical merits (there are better options for macOS, but none nearly as popular as brew).

The blog post: http://inthebox.webmin.com/homebrew-package-installation-for...

I get that it's easy and lots of people like it, so I mostly try to hold my tongue, but every once in a while I'll see someone suggest something crazy like using Homebrew on Linux (where there is an embarrassment of good and even great package management options) and it makes me shudder. I'm not saying don't use Homebrew on your macOS system if it makes your life easier. I just would never consider it for a production system of any sort. I'm even kinda mistrustful of it on developer workstations (though there are plenty of similarly scary practices in the node/npm, rubygems, etc. worlds, so that ship has kinda sailed and I am resolved to just watch it all unfold).

"What happened to wanting simple tools that do one thing and one thing right?"

I still want that. Doing one thing right in this case means doing more than what packages on macOS or Windows do. One can argue about the complexity of rpm+yum or dpkg+apt, and it's likely that one could come up with simpler and more reliable implementations today, but if you want them to be more focused, I have to ask which feature(s) you'd remove? Dependency resolution? That one's a really complicated feature; a lot of code, and it's been reimplemented multiple times for rpm (up2date, yum, and now dnf). Surely, we can just leave that out. Or, perhaps the notion of a software repository? Is it really necessary for the package manager to download the software for us? I mean, I have a web browser and wget or curl. Verification of packages and the files they install, do we really need it? Can't we just assume that our request to the website won't be tampered with, and that what we're downloading has been vouched for by a party we trust? I dunno...I'm not really seeing a thing we can get rid of without making Linux as dumb as macOS or Windows.

"Don't we want package managers to only manage packages, to decouple them as much as possible from the rest of the operating system, and leave system configuration management to other tools?"

This is the strangest question, to me. Why on earth would we want the OS outside of the package manager? Why would we want to only verify packages that aren't part of the core OS? This is why Linux is so vastly superior to Windows and macOS on this one front. I'm having a hard time thinking of why having the package manager completely ignorant of the core OS would be a good thing. What benefit do you believe that would provide?

And, NixOS does not meet the description you've given. The OS is built with nix the package manager. Running nix as a standalone package manager on macOS does have the failing you've mentioned, but that's not the fault of nix. And, yes, nix is a better option for macOS than brew, but the package selection is much smaller and not as up to date in the general case...so maybe worse is better, in that case.

I get a bit ranty about package management. I spend a lot of time working with them (as a packager, software builder, distributor, etc.) and have strong opinions. But, I believe those strong opinions are backed by at least better than average experience.

> all programs had a relatively consistent UI wizard that stepped you through the installation process

No where near as consistent as installing from a package manager.

> The fact that Linux relied on people to install stuff with the command line was a massive oversight. UIs are just way more intuitive than shell commands.

Every user orientated distro has come with a GUI package manager for at least a decade, probably two.

Windows has always been fine for _installing_ software.

It's when you go to uninstall or upgrade it that you realize what a mess it is.

It's not using the command line that sucks about installing software.

It's that there are so many different standards for installing software, overlapping in sometimes conflicting ways.

Perhaps the issue when comparing Windows and Linux is more one of "dependency management" than just merely installing applications or libraries? Although I've had issues with package managers screwing up dependencies in the past, it hasn't happened in a while and when it would have happened I was warned beforehand.

Installing software from the distro is easy on Linux, but otherwise it's potentially a problem. Whereas Windows has no "distro" but the .msi system works quite well.

Pity Microsoft stopped bothering with .msi installers 10 years ago with Office 2007, and didn't bother to add any free ways to deploy all the new stuff they invented.

Re: macOS: I'm having a hard time seeing how copying a directory with everything necessary contained in it is not a good install procedure. Install a program: copy to the Applications folder. Uninstall a program: Cmd-Delete or drag to trash.

Compare to Linux, where a piece of software is scattered around /usr/bin, /usr/lib, /usr/share, /usr/doc. (Or /usr/local/*, you never know which) Oh, and those fun times where something depends on a libxxx.so.N but all that's on the system is libxxx.so.N.M.O and libxxx.so.N.M for some reason, so you have to make the symlink yourself. Or the distribution has a minimum of version N+1, so your option is to find the source for the library, figure out all the -devel packages it needs, and compile it up (hopefully), or just symlink libxxx.so.N to libxxx.so.N+1 and hope it works. And then the fun of figuring out what the package is named. pdf2text lives in poppler, who would have thought. Need gcc? That will be build-essential on Ubuntu last time I needed it. (Not build-essentials, either)

So, a tarball full of statically linked binaries. You can do that on Linux, too.

And, there are some new package managers that isolate in this way (and go well beyond it by containerizing). Flatpak is probably the most promising, IMHO. And, it still provides all the benefits of a good package manager, like verification, authenticity, downloading automatically from a repo, dependency resolution for core libraries. And, the way Flatpak handles the latter feature is really quite cool (and avoids having to distribute dozens of copies of the same libs).

Your description of installing packages on Linux does not match my experience in the past decade. Dependency resolution is a solved problem on Linux, at least on the major distros with good package managers.

For the average user, the worst install on Mac OS is drag icon from dmg into Apps folder. The other type is double clicking a package.

Large monolithic apps can be an ecosystem in their own right that is broadly comparable to an OS. And it is common to find apps that adopt Unix philosophy out of necessity within the ecosystem. This is not obvious to an outsider, and requires an understanding of the domain.

A good example is ArcGIS which on the surface is ridiculously monolithic. But within the toolbox function are several hundred programs that do only one thing and are composable. This approach is also seen in video or image editing workflows where a user works with a particular set of tools. The main difference is that the programs use a types system that is appropriate to the domain rather than just text.

The OS only really exposes an interface for working with OS level objects. That sometimes aligns to a workflow but not always. And we should not expect disciplines to align their techniques to OS level objects if that is not a good fit for the actual domain.

Linux is not a monolithic system. It has a monolithic (sorta) kernel. There's a big difference. You're arguing monolithic kernels vs. microkernels. Microkernels didn't even exist when UNIX was invented, so no, they are not representative of "Unix philosophy". "Unix philosophy" is merely about the user-space tools you use to do stuff, since back in 1970 all they had was the shell (sh), and various tools like grep, ed, awk, etc., to do things.

It's entirely possible to have a microkernel with a Unix-like system; HURD attempts this. Microkernel vs. monolithic is an entirely separate issue.

I think the parent poster is talking about the userspace. A Linux distribution like Ubuntu that uses systemd, GNOME, and NetworkManager is certainly monolithic compared to Slackware circa 1999. NetworkManager alone is a pile of garbage that goes completely against Unix networking conventions, for IMO no good reasons. OpenBSD's approach to integrating WiFi and other network interfaces into the existing BSD network management commands is so much better.

"You’re lucky I wrote it."

No Mr. Askar Safin. YOU are lucky that I am reading it.

I'd like to posit that at least part of the problem is we're using a multi-user operating system on machines that are universally single-user. While it may be nice to have that option, is it realistic to think that many people are going to hand over their laptop/desktop machine to another person?

We're trying to use a server OS on a single-user machine, complete with all the management cruft that comes along with a server-based OS. Consequently, we don't bother re-thinking what the user needs vs. a sysop.

Windows did that, and look at the mess that got them into. Eventually they had to introduce UAC, essentially a simplified Unix-style permissions system.

Yeah, we need to abandon this complicated Multics and create a single-user OS! Let's call it something with "uni" in it - maybe "Unix"?

TLDR - things have names, isn't that terrible?

The author writes 'Unix' but backs his thoughts only from Linux systems ... and Linux is not Unix ... I will stop right here ;)

The Collapse of The Blog Philosophy.

I spent many minutes reading this and at the end I wish I'd put it into the TL;DR category.

Can't wait to read the n-gate webshit weekly entry on this one.

I'm surprised it doesn't mention the X Window System.

Article is badly formated on mobile.

Well it's not decent on desktop either.

Sounds like the author needs to read Worse Is Better (https://www.jwz.org/doc/worse-is-better.html).

The author is in fact quoting from "Worse is Better". RTFA.

^^^ Open incognito if you don't want to see jwz's NSFW salutations to HN readers...

copying the link and pasting it in a new tab is sufficient -- it's just looking at the http-referer header.

Funny that the parent was flagged, even though the link is valid, and the parent's author is not at fault.

Oh! The beauty of censorship by the masses.

Now I can see why jwz would choose to take a stab at HN. He may be right, and even too kind.

That flag is just sad...

As a sibling comment points out, the submission actually quotes from Richard Gabriel's Worse is Better. That, and the snarky tone of the comment may have been what caused people to downvote and/or flag the comment. 'swolchok could also have linked to the original, thus avoiding jwz's HN-referrer redirect.

I know all that, but if reposts or not reading articles was deserving of censorship, there'd be quite a lot of [flagged] placeholders around here.

You might want to check that link again with a HN referer! Interesting results :)

I wish Symbolics had a better run.

The Windows registry/powershell approach has the niceness of passing pieces of data instead of one big blob of text that has to be re-parsed at every step, but with the drawback of verbosity and fussy static typing.

Being able to directly pass s-expressions between between programs without the format/parse/typing hokey-pokey of Unix and Windows would be nice.

Symbolics Genera doesn't pass S-expressions (i.e. text) between processes, it passed objects. Everything runs in a single address space so this is cheap and accurate.

Also, ZetaLisp and Common Lisp have way more types than those supported by S-expressions. For example, they have real vectors/arrays, structures, and full objects.

Don't assume all of the Lisp world uses just the subset of Scheme used in the first couple chapters of SICP.

Only knowing Genera from a user perspective, I just assumed that process-to-process communication gives preference to the internal representation when it is available.

Well if at the end in your programmes you got to manipulate structured data (represented by sexps which whatever extensions), then the guts are irrelevant.

> Being able to directly pass s-expressions between between programs without the format/parse/typing hokey-pokey of Unix and Windows would be nice.

Genera did not have programs, it is all just function calls.

There was a multi-user LMI Lisp machine that ran Unix concurrently, that used streams to communicate between the two Lisp and one Unix processors: http://www.1000bit.it/ad/bro/lmi/LISP-MachinePR_Photo.pdf

Formats for inter-process communication are hard and far from a solved problem. Just look at what has come out in the past 10 years: Thrift, Protocol Buffers, Cap'n Proto, FlatBuffers, SBE, probably twice as many others I haven't heard of.

How about:

Being able to directly pass s-expressions ... would be nicer than putting an alphabet soup of parameters on one program to have it output text in just the right way for the next program to re-parse it with another alphabet soup of parameters.

I'm not saying that this is the one true way. I'm just agreeing with the article that there is a lot of room for improvement in how things get piped and config-ed in *nix.

The main advantage is of course that the system provides apis for using the registry and all programs use them. But another is that the format does not provide for comments. This means that it is easy to automatically manipulate unlike the unix text files.

S-expressions are very nice, and have the unequalled property of being simple enough to serve as a syntax for an entire programming language, but as a data type it is at best on the level of JSON. If one were to design a new data format for pipes, I would hope one would aim a little higher than that. Going from plain text lines to JSON or sexps would simply not be worth the infrastructure retooling.

What lies above JSON or S-expressions, XML? Or some binary format?

If I had to guess, I'd say the issue with JSON and the like is how to deduce types (and the limited types available) combined with the issue of special characters in names and strings.

XML goes a long way towards fixing that, but at the cost of a lot of extra bloat. A binary format with a nicely defined header might work, but those formats tend to not be so good about inserting stuff.

There is something to be said in favor of plain text. If all solutions suck, go for the simplest and most flexible solution.

The ability to pass whole objects (which would have to be serializable) would certainly qualify as being "above" JSON and sexps, but I’m not convinced objects would be a good idea to use in this way, which is why I didn’t specifically suggest them as an alternative.

Being able to use the same syntax for code and data is no small thing. This aspect alone puts it above JSON. That, and for most LISPS, S-expressions have a broader vocabulary than JSON (symbols, complex numbers, etc.).

JSON also has hash tables (which they confusingly call “objects”), which sexps do not. One may argue that one is or isn’t slightly better than the other, but the point was that they are very close.

S-expressions can express whatever the LISP can express (like Clojure's built-in hash table syntax), or the s-exp could just pass a lambda to generate the data on-the-fly at the next step, and since the lambda itself is a list, the receiver has an easy built-in facility for inspecting/altering/extending passed-in code.

JSON is just arrays, objects, bools, numbers, strings, and null.

How are they "close"?

If you have to run “eval” on it, it’s not an s-expression. If the “eval” is implied, what you are describing is serialization of data, not actual data.

You could do what you describe with JSON too – it’s just encoding and decoding. Would you therefore be able to claim that JSON is capable of transmitting, say, tabular data? Of course not.

and latency if you're trying to do anything with PS objects over a slow link. (try doing a 'get-childobject' on a SMB share or loading the registry on a host behind a slow connection; i'll wait)

You're free to take it all and turn it into an OS of your vision.

Next thing - bitch about how Earth works, with every region, country and even, gasp, city is different because a few people a long time ago decided "this is the way to go".

Similarly, our appendices, which are useless to begin with, occasionally decides to become infected, swell, and possibly burst, threatening our lives, just because biology a long time ago decided "this is the way to go."

This is incorrect. People did indeed think appendices were just useless throwbacks for a long time, but more recently the medical community recognizes their usefulness. They're basically like a first-level bootloader for the GI system, used to store bacteria in case of a severe illness like cholera or dysentery. It also serves some other immune functions. See here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Appendix_%28anatomy%29#Functio...

I thought it was weird that the appendix-haters didn't see the connection between appendix removal and increased stomach issues (esp diarhhea). All kinds of people I met with the operation had issues after the "useless" organ was removed.

That common opinion is odd, in hindsight.

Natural selection ought to quickly do away with an organ that served no purpose but to occasionally kill one of the luckless organisms that possessed it.

It should have been obvious that it was doing something else, or more specifically, that the gene(s) for "having an appendix" were.

Did you miss the part about it being helpful for restoring GI function after a bad disease? Things like dysentery and cholera were pretty common before modern times. An organism that can recover from diseases like this is going to live longer and pass on its genes more often. The downside of it occasionally causing appendicitis and killing the organism is likely a small risk in comparison: how often did people in pre-modern times (before they knew what it was and had the ability to do surgery to remove it) die of appendicitis? Not very often. It wasn't the main killer of people by a very long shot. But people got sick all the time from various things that affected the GI system.

You're uncharitably mis-reading my post, and being quite hostile in your reply.

What I meant was that - in hindsight - the fact that it had some beneficial function like restoring GI function should have been obvious, because otherwise, it would have been selected away.

That is, even a layperson _should_ have looked at the situation and thought "I bet it does something for us". But that's the benefit of hindsight; most (including myself) didn't. We just accepted the folk wisdom that it was useless.

Sorry, you're right, I misread your post. I think you have a good point here, but to be fair I don't think people weren't thinking in evolutionary terms at all. Not everything in our (or other animals') bodies are actually there for a good reason now. I'll give you one good example: horse toes. I don't remember the exact term now, but horses equine ancestors used to have multiple toes, like us and many other mammals. Now they just have one, with a big fingernail, called a "hoof". But if you look closely at the anatomy of their legs, you'll see some of the vestigial toes still there, serving no useful purpose now. Evolution isn't like engineering design, where we improve a design, see something that's not needed any more (like an automotive engine distributor), and just remove it entirely, and everything related to that, in one clean sweep, even mundane small things like bolt holes, and optimize the design for the new system (being coil-on-plug for this analogy). With evolution, it's slow and gradual. Another example is the recurrent sublaryngeal nerve in humans: this nerve apparently takes a rather bewildering and inefficient route, for seemingly no good reason, but when looked at from an evolutionary perspective, it makes sense why it takes that route. (The nerve itself is not vestigial and serves an important purpose, but the route it takes is very sub-optimal and could be called "vestigial" in a way.)

[1] http://www.thehorse.com/articles/34382/where-did-horses-extr...

[2] https://unzipyourgenes.wordpress.com/2011/03/24/unintelligen...

So I think it's entirely reasonable, in the absence of contradictory evidence, to use evolutionary thinking to make an argument that an anatomical structure seems to serve no purpose any more, just like those extra horse toes. Unfortunately, they were obviously wrong about the appendix, and I do think it's a little dangerous because the assumption of vestigiality rests upon the lack of evidence for the part having a modern use, but this can cause people to stop looking for that modern use, and then we wind up with what happened to the appendix, where it took a really long time to learn the truth because we assumed we already knew.

Agreed almost entirely - and I apologise for uncharitably calling your reading uncharitable :)

I think there is a subtle difference between the appendix and the horse toe, though: the appendix regularly kills people due to appendicitis. I _think_ that ought to have been a clue. Unsure though as it's not really my field.

I've always wondered why a new open-source OS has not arisen to claim the mantle of UNIX / Linux. There are so many ancient design decisions, piled up upon each other, which spawn millions of man-hours of frustration. It continues perhaps because of its esoteric nature. People don't want to throw away all the weird stuff they've learnt.

And also, because backwards compatibility matters once something is deployed on as large scale as Unix was.

(Windows also has a similar problem.)

Maybe a parallel system needs to be implemented, like how OS X originally had a Classic OS 9 system running alongside. Once everyone had come to OS X, the classic environment was dropped.

This is an absolute garbage tier article. What on earth is it doing on the HN front page? The author has no clue what he's talking about (and admits it several times) and makes many logical leaps (one time the author said Gnome should have used a registry, so UNIX configs are bad?) all over the place.

> [shell] It becomes especially bad when we try to develop in it, as it’s not a full-fledged programming language.

Who the hell 'develops' in shell? It's a glue language, not a development language. I've never heard anyone say "We're a shell shop".

It's a glue language, but it's still painful when you write a shell script.

I spent a year working on ~80k lines of bash. It was an interesting experience.

You must tell us more :-) For my anecdote, I know people who did 10k+ line final year university projects in AWK and Tcl respectively. The AWK one was a particular act of endurance.

Please consider spending some time to write a comment here or a blog post on this experience! I would be very interested to read it.

Was the primary product in bash? Or were you working on glue?

You must have mastered the bizarreness of bash arrays by the end of that :)

The actual product was hosting, more or less, although with some additional constraints that meant more moving parts. The bash grew out of manual scripts to provide automation and a UI for support.

> You must have mastered the bizarreness of bash arrays by the end of that :)

I mastered a lot of the weird corners, though we mostly kept them out of the code. I've forgotten much since.

Story time. I'll go get the popcorn.

just like you never hear a carpenter say they have a saw-and-hammer shop. languages are tools, not identities.

anyway, is something like [this] result of development or gluing things together?

[this] https://github.com/roman-neuhauser/haveopt/blob/master/s/hav...


Please don't do this here.


Exactly. Waayyy TMII (irrelevant).

If the bottom-up compositional model for computing that largely originated with Unix is fading, this article doesn't go there, or suggest cause.

Now, that's an article I'd like to read...

I wonder why the original comment you responded to got flagged. I read it and it was one of the best comments?

Wow, now I see it is flagged. Lol, I really do not know why, probably people do not know what I was talking about, and I even put the quote marks. Maybe I had to sign who said that? lol But I found it was perfect for these kinds of posts.

Because either people didn't get the reference, or fanboys all over the originator...

> You’re lucky I wrote it.

I read this, and was like "screw that, I'm not going to read it," and then was like, well let's see, and after reading, wish I had stuck with my initial gut instinct to close that tab. smh.

My favorite one “everything is a file”.

My GPU has 4 times as many transistors as my CPU, and for parallel tasks, it computes stuff 50 times faster. Just too much complexity for a file, even with ioctl.

I think that ideology is the main reason for the current state of 3D graphics in nix and bsd based platforms.

I didn't downvote you, but I'm not seeing the problem here. It's great that we have these fantastically powerful GPUs, which of course don't use text files as their internal representation, but then we have to tell them what to render or otherwise compute, and very often some form of text file is the most effective way to do that.

Very often, the majority of GPU IO traffic is textures. No form of text file is the most effective representation for them.

However, in my comment I didn’t meant text files. I meant that in *nix, a GPU itself is a single file, /dev/dri/cardN. All that GPU’s complexity is squeezed into a single ioctl system call for that special file. The approach is IMO one of the reason why Linux still doesn’t have reliable 3D acceleration support.

Here’s a long article why Linux ain’t ready for desktops, note the author listed 3D acceleration on the top:


IMHO, a lot of the Unix philosophy boils down to: we do it this way because the neckbeard of my father and the neckbeard of his father and all the neckbeards before him unto the beginning of Unix on January 1, 1970 did it that way and if you want to do it differently, well, you better have a stronger neckbeard, because then we'll have two problems instead of just one.

... i.e. a combination of "It's working, so let's not change it" coupled with a lack of the sort of market pressure having your OS compete in a money-changes-hands we-have-customers marketplace brings to the table to have a holistic, easy-to-convey user experience.

Heh, are you religious and/or believe in left/right/conservative/liberal/Dem/Rep? Cause that would make your comment hilarious.

pretty much, yes.

i'm still to see any complainer grown an adecuate amount of facial hair, though. (incompetently) reinventing some bad idea from before you were born does not cut it, you know?

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