I'm not one to defend Chrome, but the functionality of uBlock Origin you get on Firefox is the exact same as what you get on Chrome. Same filters available and everything.
If you still see an ad in Chrome with uBlock Origin installed, it's likely that the filters haven't updated to block that particular ad yet. Moreover, you'd likely see the same ad when browsing with the equivalent Firefox.
That's true enough; but uBlock Origin is my second line of defense -- the main one is NoScript. It requires quite a bit of savvy to navigate modern websites that way, but if you can work it out it's pretty powerful.
I can't seem to play any of the example MIDI files from the homepage on my Mac, using either VLC or Quicktime. Are there any special tricks I need to do in order to get these playing?
I don't really know much about playing MIDIs on a Mac, unfortunately, as I'm a PC person. The only options I know of are paid; for example, GarageBand (https://www.apple.com/mac/garageband/) can open and play MIDIs. I also know there's a player called Sweet MIDI Player, but it seems very expensive.
There's a possibility you might be able to find TiMidity++ using brew.sh or similar. If you find it, you could try that - it's a command-line program, though. You'll also need a GM SoundFont to use it - you can find a list at http://www.synthfont.com/links_to_soundfonts.html . Note that the page links both to GM SoundFonts and single-instrument SoundFonts - you want a GM (General MIDI) one if possible, as that will have all the instruments included in General MIDI.
I've been looking for some good MIDI players for Mac myself as I know other people who are looking for them. I'll let you know if I come up with anything!
Are you really complaining that a site that is dedicated to copyright infringement might be misusing a trademark? I have a feeling that is the least of their legal concerns.
Never underestimate the allure of digital heroism. I get a similar vibe as Aurous with this one. For profit or not it'll bear the brunt of an angry industry.
It's a welcome upgrade from version 2, but I think Workflows and Snippets really could've done with a central hub for developers to upload and share their workflows/snippets, alongside a panel in Alfred to search and install them in-app (much like the 'Package Control' package manager on Sublime Text).
With the new Snippets Collections (https://www.alfredapp.com/extras/snippets/) page on their website the developers say they'll be 'adding many more snippets collections over time', but I feel like this is going to be heavily curated and infrequently updated.
The Packal (http://www.packal.org/) website does a pretty good job for Workflows currently, but I hope that expands to Snippets soon.
If you still see an ad in Chrome with uBlock Origin installed, it's likely that the filters haven't updated to block that particular ad yet. Moreover, you'd likely see the same ad when browsing with the equivalent Firefox.