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Dijkstra was talking about Dartmouth Basic in 1975:

  - Variables: Single letter, optional digit.
  - Control flow: FOR loops, GOTO for others.
  - Subroutines: GOSUB line, RETURN.
  - Parameters: Passed via global variables.
  - Functions: 26 (FNA–FNZ), one line each.
  - IF statements: One line only.

In terms of control flow, that's basically assembly, just with a friendlier syntax.

It's much worse than assembly. On all but the shittiest machines, you can store code pointers in RAM and registers, and in a subroutine call, the return address is stored somewhere you can read and change it (whether on a stack, in a register, or before the first instruction of the called subroutine). This allows you to implement object-oriented programming, switch/case, backtracking, and multithreading in assembly. You can't do that in BASIC.

Also, since the early 01960s, all but the most primitive assemblers have macros and named labels. One result is that they have an unlimited number of named functions with line number independence, as marcosdumay said. Many of them have a sufficiently powerful macro system to implement nested control structures like while loops and multiline if. Since the 01970s they've also had local labels. BASIC doesn't have any of that.

Modern assembly you give you named functions, line number independence, unlimited functions, places for carrying a value over RET... Basic had none of those.

When I had a blue collar job, my coworker used to divide jobs into "shower before work" and "shower after work".

It's perhaps less relevant now that a lot of people can roll out of bed and start their remote job in sweatpants, but it's stuck with me.

Ha - my dad, a plumber, couldn't fathom that people would shower in the morning and not of a night. Which, when you spend your day covered in dirt and excrement, makes a ton of sense.

(Despite being solidly white collar, I still shower of a night)

Some cultures, it's normal to shower at night, others in the morning.

The majority of Americans I know shower in the morning. Japanese bath/shower at night as a general rule. A western person I know married to a Japanese person said their partner thought they were gross to climb into bed all dirty (not bathing at night). My friend thought "waking up sticky from sleep and staying sticky all day is gross". My friend's solution was to bath both in the morning and at night. Their partner still only baths at night.

I do both. If I don’t shower in the morning, my pits and other parts smell in ways that will make my clothes smellier faster even with deodorant. And going to bed with a whole day of sweat and body oils on you makes your bedding gross faster (it’s there, even if you weren’t active). I can’t really imagine skipping either aside from occasionally, all my stuff would smell and I’d have to run like 50% more loads of laundry.

You need to treat any animal bite seriously.

I had to convince a coworker to go to the ER to have a cat bite looked at, and she ended up spending a couple of days in the ICU with the doctor being clear that delaying treatment another few days would have been fatal.


This one covers several things but is basically motivated by spreading the bad news about the seriousness of cat bites, as made clear by the alt text.

That alt text doesn't seem to be about rabies, is it something else? Would have been nice to know that and yes the red flags also, haha.

Knowing that stuff like this happens really makes you appreciate how humanity managed to survive this long. If thrown into the preindustrial past, I would miss temperature control, refrigeration, and the Internet MUCH less than vaccines, antibiotics, and OTC pain relievers.

yeah cat bites are bad. Cats tend to not bite though without giving warning fortunately

There's a risk for wooden ones that are glued, specifically bamboo, or finished with something toxic. You should probably stick to ones made from a single piece of hardwood and are unfinished.

There's also a risk that any cracks will fill with bacteria.

I think you've unknowingly debunked non-stick layers.

Should make it from RVS.

The latest issue of Fine Woodworking agrees and explains why this is true:

* "The Best Food-Safe Finish May Be None at All", https://www.finewoodworking.com/2024/10/10/the-best-food-saf...

TLDR; unfinished wood that is rinsed and dried on all sides will naturally trap and kill bacteria as it dries. Any finish interferes with this process.

I imagine that it would be along the lines of:

If you are a service worker earning less than $44,725 (the Federal 12% bracket) your first $10,000 of tips are tax free.

This would mean that an income of $40,000 including $10,000 tips would owe roughly $1,748 Federal tax vs. $2,820 tax.

Which means that almost all tips would be taxed. Most tipped workers make over 30% of their income in tips, and certainly the highest tipped workers that pay the most taxes do. That makes not taxing the first 25% of tipped income which would only be taxed at or less than 12% has a very marginal effect.

Plenty of bar tenders make >$100k/yr with <$30k in non-tip income. Taxing "only" $60k+ of their $70k in tip income looks pretty silly. You're going to save them at most $1200 when their taxes are already well over $12k.

I just don't get why one would want to promote tipping culture with financial incentives, when it's already fairly exploitative of the workers.

And what exactly constitutes "service worker"??

Because a lot of professional stuff is considered service occupations.

See Living Worlds: http://www.effectgames.com/demos/worlds/

There's a iOS and Android app: https://pixfabrik.com/livingworlds/

You can use MJML - https://mjml.io/ - which abstracts away a lot of the ugliness and Outlook hacks.

At some point there is a physical limitation, there's no passport in the world that accepts a 666-character name.

The US only gives you 21 characters on the DS-11 for a surname.

You're assuming one character is stored as one byte, which is only the case for English.

I make heavy use of Slack's Later feature as due to timezone differences the first half of my day is significantly busier than the second.

Asking people to move to email feels like a passive aggressive way to add enough friction to discourage question asking.

In a previous role I was responsible for developing architecture that supported a bunch of different teams, so I started being pulled into a lot of meetings as the easy option for them was asking me. I ended up having 6-8 hours of meetings a day on top of my actual workload.

My solution was to not accept meetings and have a PM go grab me if they really needed me, that was enough friction to allow me time to get work done. As in your case, this created a bunch of mystique as I was now that guy that showed up in the middle of a meeting, said a bunch of smart things (hopefully!) and then left.

One of the difference about the new Zoom-centric world is that it's zero effort to add an somebody to a meeting "just in case". I push my leads to decline meetings where there is no clear agenda and/or clear idea of the value they can provide. It's ok that your default isn't to hit "accept", it's the meeting organizer's job to convince you that it's worth attending over other priorities.

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