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https://makemediumreadable.com - Browser extension that actually works

I just tried this and it didn't get rid of the signup wall.

Maybe it is in addition to my ad blocker (https://github.com/gorhill/uBlock). Either way, don't surf without them.

CircleUp | Data Engineering, Machine Learning, Data Science | San Francisco, CA | Fulltime, Onsite | https://circleup.com CircleUp’s mission is to help entrepreneurs thrive by giving them the resources and capital they need. This is accomplished with our in-house developed platform Helio https://medium.com/@ryancaldbeck/announcing-the-launch-of-he.... We are working on challenging problems in information retrieval and being able to develop an in-depth knowledge graph of all private consumer packaged good (CPG) companies. We are mining vast amounts of data to successfully rewrite the rules on how private companies are evaluated.

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CircleUp | Data Engineering, Machine Learning, Data Science | San Francisco, CA | Fulltime, Onsite | https://circleup.com CircleUp’s mission is to help entrepreneurs thrive by giving them the resources and capital they need. This is accomplished with our in-house developed platform Helio https://medium.com/@ryancaldbeck/announcing-the-launch-of-he.... We are working on challenging problems in information retrieval and being able to develop an in-depth knowledge graph of all private consumer packaged good (CPG) companies. We are mining vast amounts of data to successfully rewrite the rules on how private companies are evaluated.

Our primary tools are Python3, Spark, Docker, Airflow, and AWS but we are a small Engineering/DS team and always happy to hear new and impactful ideas.

We have open roles in Data Science and Data Engineering at: https://circleup.com/jobs/

Please reach out to mstockton@circleup.com for more information

I don't where I heard this, or if it is true, but it has been my favorite (maybe fake) animal fact:

There is a reason the stripes are BLACK and WHITE. One absorbs the light and the other reflects, which in turn makes a slight difference of air temperature right above the skin surface. The difference of temperatures in certain areas cause (slight) differences in air pressure. This can cause a shallow "wind coat" around the Zebra (and more pronounced when the animal is moving) because of the air pressure deltas all over its skin. This helps Zebra's regulate body temperatures in some very hot climates.

This theory is refuted in the very article you are commenting on.

My favorite fake animal fact now.

Did you at least do the math for that?

Looks like a classic non answer to me:

"Some worry that ads create a misalignment of interests between us and people who use our services. I’m often asked if we have an incentive to increase engagement on Facebook because that creates more advertising real estate, even if it’s not in people’s best interests.

We’re very focused on helping people share and connect more, because the purpose of our service is to help people stay in touch with family, friends and communities. But from a business perspective, it’s important that their time is well spent, or they won’t use our services as much over the long term. Clickbait and other junk may drive engagement in the near term, but it would be foolish for us to show this intentionally, because it’s not what people want."

So are you NOT showing that? Seems like FB has the outrage non-story click baits to drive the short term engagement with the "it's the ONLY place where my friends and family communicate" for long term.

EDIT: He says the automated removal can't catch everything. in the following paragraph.

Great, then remove the newsfeed until it can be AI cleaned to NON society destroying levels. Will definitely remove that short term engagement Zuck says he doesn't care about.

Great, then remove the newsfeed until it can be AI cleaned to NON society destroying levels.

I've read a few dystopias centered around the idea that all friends and family members must be monitored to prevent socially undesirable communication. Some would argue that China is becoming that dystopia today.

No thanks.

I honestly believe Facebook is turning into scapegoat for the fact that, simply, your friends suck. "Facebook is full of outrage clickbait", eh? Guess who put it there.

I've read a few dystopias centered around technology corporations inserting themselves into the majority of communication and media access.

No thanks.

I was pretty sincere though. Just remove the newsfeed. That's the battleground for your attention and by far the most toxic part of the product.

It is not like they are not showing that. It is more like they are not incentivized to show it. The only reason they do it is because their review systems are not developed enough to take them out. He literally mentions this in his next line which you chose not to quote.

Thanks for the catch. Edited my response.

Still is a non answer to me.

FB says they have a problem. FB says the are trying to fix the problem. Still waiting on results.

"People consistently tell us that if they’re going to see ads, they want them to be relevant."

I am assuming the "people" he is referencing are the advertisers, not the users.

No, this is the result of studies on users.

People shown their News Feed with relevant ads regularly mention that this was interesting content and do not point it out as ads. This is not an exception, but common for brands with certain characteristics. One example of that is music of film trailers. They however regularly describe as Ads and resent the presence of content that was not sponsored (at least not to Facebook). MLMs and “influencer”-type of content is a caricature; other objections are more idiosyncratic.

There are some ads that are seen as such, but those are generally from brands who don’t use Facebook self-optimisation tools or insist on a reach that doesn’t make sense (typically, solution vendors).

Overall, sponsoring isn’t correlated with interest.

Would you prefer to see irrelevant ads instead?

I think we need to clarify some terms here. Advertising by its very nature is disruptive. It's goal is to interrupt you or grab your attention so that you look at SOMETHING and become aware of it, start to form associations, etc. There really isn't such thing is "relevant" advertising in the sense that ads pertain to my current activity, which, by the way, Zuck insists is "connecting to people."

The real question you're asking is: Would you rather trade some of your data so we can show you ads that you are more likely to click because we have ascertained that these value propositions are likely to drive some kind of an action? (And by the way action is all we really ever know, and is a so-so proxy for "relevance" or value to the user, c.f., clickbait.)

When you ask this question I'm inclined to say some users wouldn't consider this an awesome trade. That's being modest.

Disclosure: I make digital ads for a living.

trade some of your data

This seems a wrong and misleading way of looking at it. Facebook has the data either way, and advertisers aren't getting the data either way. You aren't "trading" anything; the algorithms can either show you something relevant, or show you something irrelevant.

Personally, I'd rather see something I might find amusing. I was about to say "it hasn't happened yet", but I actually have clicked on one FB ad (ever) - the mysterious package company, which actually does look interesting. Not enough to give them my money but still, it's a start.

The only things to ever sell me anything were news articles about cool new innovative products and YouTube videos showing products like that off, from people I subscribe to or other creators in their community.

I've learned to mentally block out any ad-space-based advertising a long time ago, in the Warez-site era of the late 90s, early 2000s. I mostly just get annoyed by the disruption of useful space but I don't even really process ads, I couldn't tell you what the last ad I've seen was, even tho I'm watching a YouTube video with mid-roll ads right now.

I don't trust ads. Especially since I've grown up in Eastern Europe, ad-spaces were always littered with dodgy things here. It's still not a common thing to see ads for products from big brands, etc. Last year I've seen Jesus-cult (not kidding, it was some weird religious sect advertising), Russian singles banner ads on YouTube itself. Oh, and I forgot about the one for "winning the luxury cruise of your dreams".

The only exception to pointless, dodgy and creepy ads I see daily are the e-commerce site product carousel ads. Those more than often advertise products or alternatives to products I just bought. Very useful!

I would very much like to be left out of "personalised" advertising. If this is what my data gets me and gets you as an advertiser then we're both better off with me keeping it to myself anyway.

If I want to hear from your products, I'll subscribe to your newsletter or visit your site.

Sure, if it involves less data collection.

I'd rather try to be sold something I don't care about, so I can walk away from that ad.

Absolutely. I have never, to my mind, benefitted from a “relevant” ad.

I work in advertising. I have heard it all, and all of it essentializes an unrealistically infantile and helpless audience. If the audience is so helpless, how could we even reason they have the means to purchase the product being advertised? It really makes no sense.

The answer is extremely easy for me: Give me the irrelevant ads and stop collecting my data.

Then you can simply opt out of FB ads controls. And enjoy the irrelevant ads.

They get my sweet, sweet data though...right?

Well they are only using your data now for ranking your organic news feed and other operational purposes (such as catching fraud which, I hope, you will believe is a big problem on social networks).

Unless now you are like I don't even want FB to rank the news feed and show me posts from fraudulent accounts..

1. I am not on FB. I think i made it clear that I do not support their company or product.

2. I do NOT want FB to rank the newsfeed. It should be deleted or ranked by time. The more parts of a social media product handed over to a ranking or search or algorithmic feed, the more chance they have for anti-user patterns: https://www.theguardian.com/technology/2018/may/08/social-me...

3. How would a fraudulent account show up on a feed? I'm actually curious. Do they need to be friended first?

Personally, yes. It's easier for me to feel less psychologically manipulated if I'm seeing ads for tampons, in addition to not feeling like someone knows more about me than I'm comfortable with.

There's zero room for ads in my life, so I see almost none. Where some slip through, I consider them an imposition that I avert my gaze from, so I'm indifferent to their content.

Yes. Irrelevant ads are less likely to influence me to buy something.

Obviously the objection is that its a sentence like: "People consistently tell us that if we're going to hit them, they want it to not be in the face".

Yes, I prefer that people who try to manipulate me in their own interest do so as ineffectively as possible. Do you have a different preference?

I am shocked that some people are still influenced by online ads. I mentally blocked them and I almost always make informed buying decisions based off of evidence/data.

This seems to be a common comment. But advertising loves to take advantage of quirks in human psychology. It seems a bit of a stretch to claim to be immune to advertising.

Even if you do carefully research your purchases, you're influenced by which products you're exposed to, which are reviewed, social media chatter, etc. This is all heavily influenced by marketing efforts which are a lot more subtle than banner ads.

well then you must be inhuman because subconscious bias plays a part in online advertising. sure you can mentally block them but eventually you will fatigue from the cognitive overhead.

sorry to paint such a bleak picture but this stuff is ubiquitous, both online and offline, and it will eventually and consistently break your mental defenses in a way that you might not even notice.

Well - you need to realize you are absolutely an outlier. The entire online advertising thrives because ads - as a function of ROI - works. A $ which an advertiser puts in generally [1] nets out to more than a $ that they get back.

[1] I use generally and not specifically since on average the ROI is positive but for some advertisers the ROI is negative too.

This really does feel like a false choice.

Do you want to see ads?

> No

You have to. Now would you prefer those ads are relevant or irrelevant?

Would you rather pay FB for providing you a service?

CircleUp | Data Engineering, Machine Learning, Data Science | San Francisco, CA | Fulltime, Onsite | https://circleup.com CircleUp’s mission is to help entrepreneurs thrive by giving them the resources and capital they need. This is accomplished with our in-house developed platform Helio https://medium.com/@ryancaldbeck/announcing-the-launch-of-he.... We are working on challenging problems in information retrieval and being able to develop an in-depth knowledge graph of all private consumer packaged good (CPG) companies. We are mining vast amounts of data to successfully rewrite the rules on how private companies are evaluated.

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Please reach out to mstockton@circleup.com for more information

CircleUp | Data Engineering, Machine Learning, Data Science | San Francisco, CA | Fulltime, Onsite | https://circleup.com CircleUp’s mission is to help entrepreneurs thrive by giving them the resources and capital they need. This is accomplished with our in-house developed platform Helio https://medium.com/@ryancaldbeck/announcing-the-launch-of-he....

We are working on challenging problems in information retrieval and being able to develop an in-depth knowledge graph of all private consumer packaged good (CPG) companies. We are mining vast amounts of data to successfully rewrite the rules on how private companies are evaluated.

Our primary tools are Python3, Spark, Docker, Airflow, and AWS but we are a small Engineering/DS team and always happy to hear new and impactful ideas.

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Please reach out to mstockton@circleup.com for more information

CircleUp | Data Engineering, Machine Learning, Data Science | San Francisco, CA | Fulltime, Onsite | https://circleup.com

CircleUp’s mission is to help entrepreneurs thrive by giving them the resources and capital they need. This is accomplished with our in-house developed platform Helio https://medium.com/@ryancaldbeck/announcing-the-launch-of-he...

We are working on challenging problems in information retrieval and being able to develop an in-depth knowledge graph of all private consumer packaged good (CPG) companies. We are mining vast amounts of data to successfully rewrite the rules on how private companies are evaluated.

Our primary tools are Python3, Spark, Docker, Airflow, and AWS but we are a small Engineering/DS team and always happy to hear new and impactful ideas.

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Infrastructure Engineering Manager: https://circleup.com/job/infrastructure-engineering-manager/

And more at: https://circleup.com/jobs/

Please reach out to mstockton@circleup.com for more information.

CircleUp | Data Engineering, Machine Learning, Data Science | San Francisco, CA | Fulltime, Onsite | https://circleup.com

CircleUp’s mission is to help entrepreneurs thrive by giving them the resources and capital they need. This is accomplished with our in-house developed platform Helio https://medium.com/@ryancaldbeck/announcing-the-launch-of-he...

We are working on challenging problems in information retrieval and being able to develop an in-depth knowledge graph of all private consumer packaged good (CPG) companies. We are mining vast amounts of data to successfully rewrite the rules on how private companies are evaluated.

Our primary tools are Python3, Spark, Docker, Airflow, and AWS but we are a small Engineering/DS team and always happy to hear new and impactful ideas.

Senior Data Scientist: https://circleup.com/job/senior-data-scientist/

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Please reach out to mstockton@circleup.com for more information.

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