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7 is even worse than 6? That must suck, because 6 was one of the worst performers in the market.

Democracy=when the voting results are in line with my vote. Populism=when they are not.

I find it surprising because iPhone SE SAR levels are higher than those of iPhone 6. Actually, at the time of the release, it was the model with the highest SAR levels ever released by Apple.

This quote made it more clear:

> This dramatic difference in head SAR levels is mainly because the transmitter is located at the bottom of Samsung phones rather than at the top, also they incorporate an innovative antenna that transmits the highest intensities of microwave radiation from the lower back of their smartphones.


So children of diplomats, tourists, illegal aliens born in the USA are citizens of the United States now?

Yes - just like they've always been.

Based on what the experts they hired told them this is example of "Telling only part of the story, showing bias, spinning things".

The experts NBC hired to conduct the demonstration insisted that the rockets wouldn't matter unless fuel spilled. They also told them that the explosion was sparked by a broken headlamp, not the rockets they added as part of the demonstration.

Additionally, the demonstration was designed not as a scientific test, but as a demonstration of something that had been proven to happen in the past. The problem was that the audience was likely mislead into believing it was an experiment as opposed to a dramatic recreation. They didn't create the story out of thin air.

Regardless it was 25 years ago, and the news organization in question was shamed, retracted the story, and made a apology.

Q: Is it true that Ivan Ivanovich Ivanov from Moscow won a car in a lottery?

A: In principle yes, but: it wasn't Ivan Ivanovich Ivanov but Aleksander Aleksandrovich Aleksandrov; he is not from Moscow but from Odessa; it was not a car but a bicycle; he didn't win it, but it was stolen from him.

Not addressing anything I said and posting an old joke about a Soviet radio station is a valid response?

And what this has to do with Amiga?

At a simplistic level, the difference between RISC and CISC processor design boils down to having many registers and reduced instructions, or few registers and extra specialized instructions.

What was being described is going to programming from a RISC-like design processor to a CISC-like design processor, and how they felt constrained after doing so. It likely does feel more constraining (I don't really remember how I felt about it back when I did it, but I also went the other direction, and only in the context of classwork), but in the end, most people are programming a level removed from that anyways.

There used to be quite a lot of arguments about what design was better (IMO mostly fueled by Macs running a RISC processor and Windows running a CISC processor, at least until Apple switched to x86). I find it slightly comical that both designs ended up in a fairly similar place though (with RISC processors adding extra instructions, and CISC processors adding more registers, even if mostly just logical registers).

All of them: IBM PC, Amiga and classic Mac were using CISC CPUs...

You're right that the Amiga was CISC, I was mistaken there.

The Classic Mac was as well, but PowerPC based macs were RISC, which is what I was recalling in my followup.

LD video is analog format anyway.

Indeed it is, but each frame presented here shows distortion consistent with being stored on a tape format at some point in time, definitely prior to LD mastering.

Looks as fake as dinosaurs in 1993.

He supports POTUS.

He supports denial of reality, and he's reaching (part of) his audience on Apple's platform. They are within their rights to elect to remove him if he violates their terms of service.

I'm pretty sure there are plenty of other podcasts that support POTUS that haven't been removed.

Please don't post drive-by partisan flamebait here.


So does Fox News and their content is available everywhere.

Fox News is problematic, may be even extreme (Sean Hannity et al) but I would not put them in the same league as InfoWars. At least not as long as Shepard Smith gets airtime there.

See also https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LHjFS5f1IT0

If we are to complain about Hannity, then we have to include Maddow. Assuming we are trying to be intellectually consistent. She’s just as “extreme” but from the other side.

Classic false equivalence. You are right that Maddow is similar in style, but on a fact-to-fact based comparison, Hannity is some orders of magnitude more extreme.

Their bakery, their rules.

"Hate mongering Conspiracy theorist" is not a protected class.

Nor is LGBT

> Nor is LGBT

SCOTUS has ruled discriminating against a gay man to be akin to discriminating against him for his sex. Sex is undoubtedly a protected class. The argument is, roughly, that the person would face no prejudice if they were a woman marrying a man. But because they are a man marrying one, the treatment changes. It’s a bit convoluted, but it makes sense.

That depends where you live.

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