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He supports POTUS.

He supports denial of reality, and he's reaching (part of) his audience on Apple's platform. They are within their rights to elect to remove him if he violates their terms of service.

I'm pretty sure there are plenty of other podcasts that support POTUS that haven't been removed.

Please don't post drive-by partisan flamebait here.


So does Fox News and their content is available everywhere.

Fox News is problematic, may be even extreme (Sean Hannity et al) but I would not put them in the same league as InfoWars. At least not as long as Shepard Smith gets airtime there.

See also https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LHjFS5f1IT0

If we are to complain about Hannity, then we have to include Maddow. Assuming we are trying to be intellectually consistent. She’s just as “extreme” but from the other side.

Classic false equivalence. You are right that Maddow is similar in style, but on a fact-to-fact based comparison, Hannity is some orders of magnitude more extreme.

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