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Is N%2==0 ambiguous for you?

To me? No. But its extra characters that I need to scan and process, it's syntax that can't be autocompleted by my LSP/IDE, and it's at least one mental leap away from what I really want to do. I am interested in the even-ness, not the remainder.

The simpler programming can be made to be, the better. I'm not going to die on the anti-modulo hill, I don't care that much about it. But I think it's silly to pretend that it's not overly complicated (even if only a little) for the task most commonly at hand.

Still baffled by the idea of make a code editor not only single OS but targeting mac.

I think any negative connotation there is subjective.

While I applaud the effort would A controller for disabled people work?

Doesn't what works depend on the disability the person has?

It's a rearrangeable kit where you can position the buttons and sticks in whatever layout works for you. Their website explains it a little better: https://www.playstation.com/en-us/accessories/access-control...

That's the point of the controller being a kit thing that can be built a bunch of different ways

Well, at least there's one less person willing to sell their entire digital soul to a singular big corp. Shame OP had to learn it like this.

This of course if s/he don't just make another AppleID, because fool me once and all that.

It may be annoying, but just the possibility of opting out of some of them is already something against the rising tide of taking control away from the user.

Is it the perfect system? No. Is it better than no system at all. I think so.

Kinda parallel to this, if anyone has any recommendations on a good book about game design, more focusing on design patterns, how to structure code, good practices, etc rather than how to program or use a specific engine I'd be grateful.

It's not really clear what you are asking for. You term your desire 'game design', but that generally means the arrangement of systems (ex rules) for a game . But, your first list sounds more like 'video game architecture'.

Perhaps Robert Nystrom's Game Programming Patterns fits your bill, as it discusses high and low level patterns. [https://gameprogrammingpatterns.com/contents.html]

The Architecture of Open Source Applications: Volume 1 book has a chapter on the game Battle for Wesnoth . [https://aosabook.org/en/v1/wesnoth.html]

I found Chris Deleon's Hands-On Intro to Game Programming in HTML5 a helpful book of graduated exercises that also demonstrates how to reuse components of previous games. [https://gamkedo.gumroad.com/l/hands-on-game-programming] It is, however, somewhat expensive and I only sprung for it as part of a larger bundled deal. I imagine that you could find similar works, or it might not jive with you. His udemy course, using this as the text, has a preview video. [https://www.udemy.com/course/how-to-program-games/#instructo...]

Perhaps other communities, focused on this topic, might provide better answers [https://www.reddit.com/r/gamedev/]

The best book I've read about making games is the two Blood Sweat and Pixels by a games journalist.

Regarding design, Vlambeer (Rami Ismail and JW Nijman) is kind of the template of the contemporary indie game. Watch their talks.

HN frequently links to stuff that could appear on "Awesome X" lists on GitHub but I don't personally find it very useful.

Honestly you will not find good books about these things. Games culture writing almost entirely falls into the wrong side of cultural materialism: since the vast majority of game creators are still living, talking about them is marketing. Marketing is survival. It's very hard to have a negative subjective opinion about anything to do with games, including engineering and design, and participate in the gaming ecosystem. All of the games industry operates, essentially, under the "Banning the Negative Book Review" (https://www.nytimes.com/2013/11/30/opinion/banning-the-negat...) premise, in a Darwinian way.

So like if it's a book by a game creator... At the end of the day, they have to promote their game. If they were dead, and someone else were writing about it, okay, the bad stuff won't be omitted, it will be authentically bad. It won't be mea culpa or here's-what-I-learned badsplaining. But that doesn't happen because everyone is still alive.

This is difficult to express because there isn't a succinct humanities idea for this - it's cultural materialism, but that covers a lot of ground - but it is the reason you can't just like, find a book about game development that is mind-bendingly good. It's why there isn't an idea as succinct as The Hero's Journey for games like there is for books. You have to accommodate any and all ideas for making games, not because there's no objective truth to it (there is), but because you might make someone's thing less marketable.

I would not recommend Blood Sweat and Pixels. While it does have details on publishing decisions and crunch of making games, it has little insight into any actual game development. It's more of a sensation piece on how difficult games are to make. GP seemed to be looking for design and pattern references.

Absolutely, was thinking the same. IIRC it's also only telling success stories, so people burning themselves out but succeeding in the end.

There's a book from 2014 that's all about game programming patterns: https://www.amazon.com/Game-Programming-Patterns-Robert-Nyst...

I pulled it out recently and it still has its usefulnes.

I second Game Programming Patterns! I created a little indie game [1] using the design patterns mentioned in that book. Still not quite complete, (good) games are HARD, but even this small game would've fumbled into a mess of spaghetti if it weren't for what I learned from that book.

[1] https://www.vanlifegame.com/

Oh cool. I actually have read his Crafting Interpreters book, but had no idea he did game design as well.

Probably exactly what I was looking for.

Thank you very much. :)

I haven't read it, but Tynan Sylvester wrote a book about game design while making Rimworld. I've seen the way he's discussed some of his decisions in public forums and it's always seemed insightful, so his book it probably good.

Out of curiosity, would principles about how to structure code be different in games vs other software?

Protip: If you really need to see the Reddit page on a private'd sub remember Google has a cached page feature.

Paste the actual reddit link here and it should fetch from google cache - https://cachedview.com

Or you could just add "cache:" right before a link.

wow, this is extremely helpful

Where did Google move the cached page feature? I can’t find it in the three dot menu for search results anymore.

If you click on the three-dot menu, there's a small caret button you have to click to show more of the pill buttons at the top, and one of them is "Cached". It feels like every time I need to use that button it's moved somewhere new.

Thanks. This caret doesn't exist on mobile (at least for me). Hopefully it doesn't get removed elsewhere!

Not all pages are cached. If a cached copy exists, it'll be in the 3-dots menu.

There's an expansion to the three dots that has a cache option. Still don't know how to do it with the secondary results for a domain.

I saw that screenshot here: https://webapps.stackexchange.com/questions/150912/did-googl...

However, this option is hidden for me on every result I’ve checked. Pages posted several years ago, pages posted within the past couple months, Reddit pages, StackOverflow pages, etc. Even pages from Google itself are missing a cached page option for me.

I got some good results from web.archive.org. Some subs like r/MechanicalKeyboards seem to be archived almost entirely.

Yes, someone got a word list. Shame it's a Chinese one.

If this doesn't get to install fail2ban don't know what will.

I was actually thinking about that: OT1H, fail2ban would really clean up the list, so it's not monopolized by the one joker, but OTOH given sufficient spans of time it would make the output go quiet, which for this specific case defeats the purpose

I actually much prefer the projects that give the caller a fake shell, and watch what they type after "breaking in." It'd be the Kitboga of ssh attacks :-D

I would 100% watch the Kitboga of ssh attacks, is that something that exists today? The closest I've seen so far is password purgatory - https://www.troyhunt.com/sending-spammers-to-password-purgat...

> give the caller a fake shell, and watch what they type after "breaking in."

Oh YES! Do it, please! We could learn a lot!

I believe one of ISC dshield's related projects can do this.

Thanks for the reference; after some link chasing I was able to end up on the project I believe you're thinking of: https://github.com/cowrie/cowrie#features (appears to be BSD-3-Clause: https://github.com/cowrie/cowrie/blob/master/LICENSE.rst )

And SSH key only login

I don't see the point of fail2ban on a server without password login, except to keep the log file tidy. That isn't worth risk of locking out legitimate users due to misconfiguration or user error. CMV.

Keeping the log file tidy isn't just an OCD thing. If you're searching for a needle in a haystack, where needle is "suspicious login", and the haystack is "all of the login attempts from the past the months", your job is made much easier when the haystack is much smaller.

That said, the fail2ban defaults are way too low and I've locked myself out with them. They can be turned way up (ban after way many more attempts) so that there's no risk of locking out legitimate users. (Assuming your users didn't forget their exact password and then generated a small dictionary to try with.) On a server with potential misconfiguration, accepting passwords is one of them.

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