So funny story, for a while I worked on a 'reverse' exploit. Which is to say morphing the response from ssh to the client with large malformed packets. The idea was to crash the client making the request. In my case I found these attacks would have like 6 to 10 attempts from the same source address. By time stamping the requests, I could evaluate if the next attack from the same address came more quickly or more slowly. I then had my server "morph" the return payload somewhat randomly and keep the three responses that caused the most slowdown. When I got to 100 variants that had "won" this selection criteria I took the three best and started over from there. After a couple of months of this I finally got a response where after one request I would not get a second.
I felt extremely pleased with myself for about another month, and then my server address got hit with a massive DDOS attack (for me anyway) over my 6MBPS DSL line. So clearly I had hit a nerve somewhere :-). Anyway, I moved my server to a different address and used fail2ban to just note source IPs and put them into the IP tables as banned addresses. That works great and hasn't resulted in the same sort of drama as last time.
Another fun one is sending a redirect to a gzip bomb or extremely large file (i.e. speedtest download file) for when certain non-existant URLs are requested, i.e. /wp-login.php on a non-wordpress site.
Once I was trying to scrape from some internal API, and made a request that used parameters the real client wouldn't make. I didn't expect curl to scream "FUCK YOU <some name>" at me. Presumably the name belonged to someone who scraped it before.
It can cause your site to end up on Google's safe Browsing black list which can be a death sentence for a business. Google has automated process for identifying malware and black list such websites. Almost all browsers use this list to warn users. This is why it is also dangerous to host anonymous uploaded files even for a short time.
> It can cause your site to end up on Google's safe Browsing black list
If it's a file that nothing on your site links to, and doesn't really "exist" how would google ever index it? Especially if you put in as a deny in robots.txt, which as far as I'm aware, Google honors.
MySQL has a weird feature, by default enabled in many clients, that the server can request a file from the client.
I have requested /etc/shadow, cracked the hash for root password, and ssh'd back into the botnet node that was bruteforcing passwords. I then shared the information with the webhoster where the botnet was running and a local infamous antivirus company (Avast before it was leaked that they are evil) and got a t-shirt.
Nice. Also an illustration that its good to establish one's inner motive first, like here might range from a desire for simple solutions, to another dimension of drama, which might indeed be desirable sometimes, for entertainment or for snapshots to use in a book one is writing. :)
Not really. A lot of these bots are super duper dumb and continue slamming your server with handshake attempts even if password auth isn't even turned on. Every handshake is wasted CPU resources (and asymmetric crypto isn't cheap). It also makes it harder to see real dangers in the logs.
This is why I require both a private key and a password.
I have fail2ban configured to block IPs with invalid private keys after a couple attempts, and if the key is valid to email me and rate limit invalid password attempts.
This gives a more than sufficient warning if my key leaks which is already very unlikely, and this just makes it much more unlikely for both to be compromised, and only took an extra 5 minutes to configure.
I move my port to an uninteresting place and it considerably reduces the amount of logs. If this was a nuisance I would filter out the messages
> Yup, losing my key and having no password access will do that.
You can also lose your password. Or forget it if you know it by heart.
But in any case you can use a password instead of a key - it just needs to be good enough (= long and not in cracking dictionaries)
I disable password authentication and use fail2ban. It's unlikely they will be able to brute force my key, but no server is perfect. sshd might be compromised one day. I’d rather have an extra layer of defense just in case.
It's impossible they will brute force your key if you have a decent length.
While I'm sure it is possible for some (mainly government) actors to brute force keys, I'm also sure these do not include the same low-hanging-fruit vandals blasting brute force attacks. And I'm also pretty sure you're not one of the select targets of these highly advanced actors.
A vulnerability in sshd is indeed possible and happens once in a while. Fail2Ban won't stop this though because a known exploit will let them through on the first attempt.
I personally view fail2ban more as nuisance control when it comes to SSH with password auth disabled. Minimizing the log crap, the wasted CPU resources by the failed handshakes. It's not really a security protection in that scenario. In other cases (e.g. web logins where passwords must be used) it of course is.
Unless the maintainer of your distro's ssh package accidentally introduces an error that reduces the number of possible keys to, say - 32,767 total possible keys.[1] That's a brute-forcible number of keys that fail2ban would help mitigate.
Or the NSA subverts a cryptographic standard in order to produce predictable seeds for cryptographic random-number generators that are used to produce private keys. [1]
Port knocking as it's usually done is easily sniffed. Perhaps using a dynamic TOTP-like time based seed to constantly rotate the ports might help. But it sounds overly complex.
It feels very like a "key under the third plant on the right" kinda thing. Not a solid security measure.
Nice solution. I hadn't heard of it. I immediately thought of replay attacks because it's a one-way protocol but it looks like they mitigated those as well.
This is fine, though. "Security through obscurity is not security" but moving your SSH port to something not 22 will utterly eliminate brute force attacks.
It's too much bother to go find it, and the bozos will just move on to the next machine with port 22 open.
Nuisance mitigations are part of security too! Fewer irrelevant notifications makes it more likely you’ll notice when something really is a problem.
It’s like how an adversary might launch a DDoS attack at the same time as they exploit a SQL injection vulnerability to exfiltrate credit card information. Filling up logs and alerts overwhelms the blue team and makes it harder to notice the quieter, but more dangerous attack.
Security through obscurity actually is security, and is perfectly valid to use with a defense in depth strategy. The problem is when obscurity is the only defense.
I agree, these attacks are looking for systems that have pretty default security, and by running on a different port you avoid all this automated chaos because you're non default now. Like scam emails with typos, a way to filter out the naïve people.
With port knocking or a simple as having SSH on a non-standard port, the connection request stops before even opening the TCP connection. That's less load on the system, less logs, less writing to storage, etc. Less of what you don't want must surely be preferable.
…all for the cost of vastly increased complexity. You’re just micromanaging your pets there. If the load of failed login attempts or the log writes brings your servers down, you have a whole lot of other problems to take care of.
Are we talking about ssh on an ESP32 or a 2U server? You'd saturate my transit port before I noticed the load on my server or the logs that I filter by default.
It keeps the logs cleaner. If you either don't look at the logs at all, or have fancy log analysis systems, then it does not matter. But if you are in the middle, and just manually look at the logs every once in a while, this would be a great help.
If you are logging in via ssh, the chances of being locked out arr low - using password auth is a bad idea, and once you set up ssh keys, the connection will always succeed. And in case of rare event like new system setup, you can always ssh via some other system, -J is great for that.
Not from my experience. If you have too many keys and certain ssh agents like gnome keyring don't pick up the key intelligently and will try a all the keys in some order often resulting in the server giving rejecting you due to too many failures.
But you don't live with it -- you either move the extra keys to subdir, so that gnome keyring does not pick it; or use "IdentitiesOnly yes"/"IdentityFile foo" in .ssh/config to restrict certain hosts to certain keys (and yes, those work with ssh agent caching too).
I know many people just don't care about working tool, and tolerate the pain, but hopefully if someone knows enough to setup fail2ban, they should also be able to setup ssh config. Especially since reliable ssh connections is such a high quality of life improvement.
Yes I've hit this as well! Such an annoying behaviour.
However I think it's a good habit to make records in `~/.ssh/config` for each of your servers anyway just to keep tabs what, where, who, and with what keys.
I move my port somewhere else to reduce the clutter
> manually look at the logs every once in a while
I imagine that this is more by curiosity than anything else (which is a perfectly normal reason to do that - I do it from time to time just because). For logs analysis and alerting I have automated systems.
> using password auth is a bad idea
It is not if the password is correct, security speaking.
I prefer libshield but one thing I've found is that annoyingly sshd didn't use PAM to check if the login user is valid apparently (so it never fires when only using keys).
Wow that's a cool evolutionary algorithm in practice! I'm actually surprised it worked, especially with the amount of fuzzing I'd expect ssh ecosystem to receive (well perhaps the servers do, but not the clients haha).
Kudos to 185.65.135.x, who attempted to log in with username hn_i_found_it right as I checked HN after work and opened the link, and who proceeded to attempt a number of different simple SQL, html, and js injections. I approve of this effort. I also approve of the author of this site, which appears to have survived this minor attack! :D
That’s neat. What’s the total volume per day? Are the passwords themselves being escaped in the final UI rendering? Otherwise you’d have an XSS for a password like “<script>/* code */<script>".
EDIT: Unless it's happening on the server side where it's being saved, I don't think they're being escaped:
Endlessh is an SSH tarpit that very slowly sends an endless, random SSH banner. It keeps SSH clients locked up for hours or even days at a time. The purpose is to put your real SSH server on another port and then let the script kiddies get stuck in this tarpit instead of bothering a real server.
Since the tarpit is in the banner before any cryptographic exchange occurs, this program doesn't depend on any cryptographic libraries. It's a simple, single-threaded, standalone C program. It uses poll() to trap multiple clients at a time.
Unfortunately, it only wasted 30 seconds of that IP's time.
It's not clear what type of tarpit would waste the most of the operator's time. Maybe something like a "byzantine VM", that seems exploitable, takes payloads, passes initial checks, and then starts having "problems". DDOS attacks redirect to the C&C server. Coin miners report false mined coins. Hosted files have corruption, and won't complete transfer, etc. Whatever it is, it needs to somehow seem like the operator has an error in their code :)
Reminds me of a tactic I tried with telemarketing scams when on paternity leave. I got so many calls like "Your Social Security Number is about to be revoked" that I developed an entire persona with a name, address, SSN, income, debts, and other factors. I spent several baby-naps looking up jobs, apartments, car loan interest rates, and other factors to make the persona as realistic as possible. My wife talked me out of buying a $5 Visa gift card with cash so I could give the scammers a credit card number and keep them talking longer.
"do not guess that it will be your weakest opponent nor guess what they will try, prepare for your strongest adversary and all that they can do" -- mutatis mutandis, Sun Tzu, Art of War
Not to disagree with infallible thousands of years old advice, but surely resources are in far shorter supply than potential attacks, so we have to prioritize and filter.
Realistically though, they'll probably timeout by themselves automatically if they haven't seen a password prompt after N seconds. TCP connections can hang overall, so having that would be basics anyway.
I setup SSHD to listen on a wireguard interface rather than listening on all interfaces. This makes SSHD only accessible to wireguard peers rather than the entire internet.
A nice aspect of wireguard is that it's "steath", meaning that it does not respond to unauthenticated connections at all, so there is no way to probe and scan for wireguard listeners at all.
I think setting up daemons behind wireguard offers a lot of security. SSHD is probably fine to expose, but something like an IRC bouncer for example really benefits from being protected I think.
I use ZNC over wireguard for this reason! It also allows to use ZNC securely without the need to setup TLS certs, which IME is actually harder than setting up wireguard!
> A nice aspect of wireguard is that it's "steath", meaning that it does not respond to unauthenticated connections at all, so there is no way to probe and scan for wireguard listeners at all.
I did not know this. That’s really cool.
Is it done over a stateless protocol like UDP, or is a TCP connection opened first? Ie. is it impossible to see if there’s even a server there at all, or is it first revealed that there’s a server accepting a TCP connection?
openvpn has had an option for such behavior (over udp obviously) for a while.
the option is called tls-auth, it requires you to go through and generate an aditional key which has to exist on all clients and server.
Last i remember is that even if you scan the server, it is completely quiet unless the right signature is received as well for each frame.
depends on your firewall, lots of setups give you an ICMP port unreachable in response to probing closed udp ports so you can often tell a wireguard host if the default port doesn't (in practice)
This is why I come to HN - brilliant ideas that I should have thought of before, but didn't!
I just changed my server, and uninstalled the - now truly useless - fail2ban. I use SSH keys of course, but without fail2ban my server's logs were constantly flooded with hacking attempts.
No longer - wireguard for the win. Thank you, chlorion!
The people with PermitRootPassword=no are also the ones that’ll have weak default password. It’s probably actually saving the attackers time that allowing root password login and bad password choice occur together. If everyone with randomized high-entropy root passwords actually allowed root password logins that bruteforcers would have to spend so much more time!
I do. For some reason ssh keys became the group-think security advice to repeat ad nauseam. I often find people have only considered this very shallowly, and their reasoning is just "But OMG, entropy lolz" without actually seriously considering the available entropy and likely attack vectors and failure.
The benefits are largely theoretical if you choose sufficiently strong randomly generated passphrases, with some symbols and numbers mixed in, which I set my password manager to do. (Actually, I have a couple of super important, super long ones I keep only in my head.)
The draw-backs however are several:
1. I find that its not uncommon I find myself having to chain together ssh tunnels and other strange things to debug networking issues and need to login to another machine from a new machine that doesn't have the ssh-key. Treating servers as cattle exacerbates this issue since it's more likely to occur.
2. If a machine or server I use to manage stuff as a gateway/proxy/vpn entry to my network has all my ssh keys on it, and it becomes compromised because of some 0-day, the attacker now basically has access to... multiple entire networks. Now, this is technically true of my password manager as well, except that the context / IP addresses, etc, is not going to be as obvious as it will be on the server where the attacker can see the running services, check logs, command histories, etc. With the password-based management, sure I could get hit by a keylogger, but everything won't be compromised by default.
3. In my experience, you're more likely to lock yourself out than let an attacker in. You basically still have to have your keys managed via some type of password manager anyway because otherwise you run the risk of getting locked out of everything in case you're away from your primary machine and need to address some emergency or something.
Public key authentication isn’t just providing more entropy than passwords.
Passwords (as used in SSH) are bearer tokens – send yours to the wrong server, once, and you‘re compromised, for this and future sessions. That’s not the case with public key authentication.
> ... need to login to another machine from a new machine that doesn't have the ssh-key.
> gateway/proxy/vpn entry to my network has all my ssh keys on it, and it becomes compromised because of some 0-day, the attacker now basically has access to... multiple entire networks
On the other hand, SSH agent forwarding means exposing your SSH agent to the bastion host. If that gets compromised, an attacker may be able to move laterally to other systems your personal computer had SSH keys for.
You can also use ProxyJump to let SSH handle setting up tunnels for you. It logs into each hop via the tunnel(s), no need to forward your keys. Great thing is, once your ssh config is properly setup you don't care how convoluted the tunnel setup is; ProxyJump will connect to jump hosts via other jump hosts.
Just use `ssh-add -c` and confirm each use. If you have _really_ old ssh (which is probably insecure anyway) using gpg-agent as ssh-agent had this feature a few year earlier, but we are talking archeology here.
All of your items are just "i'm doing this wrong" combined with not understanding how keys even work.
Your private keys shouldn't even be accessible to you, they should be on a secure enclave like a yubikey, and you should forward the token along the chains. No risks, and basically painless, especially if you switch to certs so you don't even have to know the public keys ahead of time on the servers, just all trust the same private PKI.
> Your private keys shouldn't even be accessible to you, they should be on a secure enclave like a yubikey
That’s not the only reason or way to use SSH keys. Even when stored on disk (in plaintext or encrypted) they offer advantages over password authentication, e.g. making it impossible for an MITM to steal credentials or impersonate an authenticated client even without validating host keys.
You'd think, but yet one still sees one or two posts a week to SO or whatever forum asking how to enable password-based login to AWS EC2 instances. Often with screenshots showing '' as the allowed incoming range.
Even if you disallow root login with a password, the user can still try to log in, and the attempt still gets logged
If you're asking why it would ever be worth it, there's always valuable stuff online with incompetent configuration. I don't know if shodan is still up, but I remember going on there in high school and getting access to random webcams (sometimes in peoples' homes)
This is a pretty excessive amount of SSH brute force but it honestly doesn't seem as bad as some of the cloud machines I run. There are always like at least 3 different IPs going relentlessly hard 24/7/365.
I have an RDP server open to the internet(on a custom port) and it just receives an absolutely relentless stream of login attempts with all kinds of random logins. That's a private server on a private home IP, not associated with a known domain or anything. Changing the port stops it for about 24 hours then it starts again.
Welcome to the world of "cracked RDP"! Various internet lowlives get a big list of bruteforced RDP IPs/credentials then sell them in bulk: Sometimes the hacked machines are used to start attacks from.
And only when a connection is referred from that source, does the RDP server even expose itself? And for all other traffic that hits personalip:port, it does absolutely nothing?
>Why isn't there (or is there) some kind of service you can use to map some crazy URL to your personalip:port,
You might be able to do this by responding with a hyperlink which points to ssh://x.x.x.x:1234
Some browsers will recognize that format and pass to an ssh client application to spawn an appropriate ssh connection.
The reason why it's not a worthwhile idea is that there is a limit of 65535 ports to chose from on a given IP address and they all can be scanned pretty quickly in order to locate an active SSH service port. This really makes the URL idea ineffective.
Port-knocking may be a little bit more effective because the SSH service will not reply to a connection request unless you've attempted to establish a connection on a different port first. Scanning for an open SSH service becomes much more difficult.
There are numerous ways ways around it (port knocking, VPN) that gambiting (for whatever reason) is choosing not to employ. Your idea is a good one though
The issue in GP's idea is, that there isn't such a referrer field (his first sentence is correct). And even if RDP has it, the service would be limited to RDP, and GP's idea is probably to have it for any service thinkable, e.g. also SSH.
A solution on top of that would be for this service to have a client-side listener. So if I get a hit on the page from IP x.y.z, the obscuremyshit client running on the target cimputer gets a signal from the obscuremyshit server to "Open port 22 and allow a connection from the IP x.y.z" (I guess that means the client would have to be in control of the firewall rules), and then the computer with the IP x.y.z would have to establish a connection within a timeframe.
Of course it would get more complicated if e.g. the above URL is hit from a different IP address (e.g. from someone's phone over 5G, and the SSH connection wants to come from a laptop over a cafe WiFi).
Yeah, we have the same problem. I made a custom firewall rule and a python script that watches the windows logs for multiple failed logins to combat this and it seems to work pretty well but there's always new ips.
Because it's a disposable server running in an isolated VM that I need for one reason only and even if someone does break in(impossible with these random logins, and I assume RDP doesn't have any currently known security faults) then it wouldn't be the end of the world - I have a notification on successful login so I'd be told if it ever happened and I would just kill the VM instantly. Right now it's exposed to the internet for simplicity sake.
No code yet, it was literally pieced together last night.
It is only processing SSH attempts from 3 hosts right now (one in colo, one EC2, one DigitalOcean) because when I pointed the full firehose at it the user experience of the website wasn't great.
I use this setup [1] on my servers. IPs are mapped to countries using Maxmind's GeoLite2 database. Linux's Tcp Wrappers are configured to block access for all IPs that aren't in my country.
A custom fail2ban jail adds all IPs that get blocked by the Tcp Wrappers to the system's firewall.
I was actually thinking about that: OT1H, fail2ban would really clean up the list, so it's not monopolized by the one joker, but OTOH given sufficient spans of time it would make the output go quiet, which for this specific case defeats the purpose
I actually much prefer the projects that give the caller a fake shell, and watch what they type after "breaking in." It'd be the Kitboga of ssh attacks :-D
I don't see the point of fail2ban on a server without password login, except to keep the log file tidy. That isn't worth risk of locking out legitimate users due to misconfiguration or user error. CMV.
Keeping the log file tidy isn't just an OCD thing. If you're searching for a needle in a haystack, where needle is "suspicious login", and the haystack is "all of the login attempts from the past the months", your job is made much easier when the haystack is much smaller.
That said, the fail2ban defaults are way too low and I've locked myself out with them. They can be turned way up (ban after way many more attempts) so that there's no risk of locking out legitimate users. (Assuming your users didn't forget their exact password and then generated a small dictionary to try with.) On a server with potential misconfiguration, accepting passwords is one of them.
This does behave a little differently, as if the window isn’t visible, it’ll (roughly) wait until you focus the window before playing the animation. Frankly this is even mildly more desirable.
The alternative: use transitions, which are a tad more involved because you have to trigger the value change one frame later, so that it recognises that something has changed and interpolates to it, rather than it just being the initial value and applied instantly. This JS would do:
You might also like `vertical-align: middle` on your spin.svg.
On the flag icons, here’s a cool alternative technique: Lets you avoid needing even images. Unfortunately, I think Windows still doesn’t ship flags, so you’ll get the two-letter country code there. You can get around this by packaging a web font. It’d be nice if someone would neatly package a flags-only font so others can easily use it. Here’s what I did a few months back for, resulting in a single 77KB font file:
Copyright 2020 Twitter, Inc and other contributors
Graphics licensed under CC-BY 4.0:
Twemoji Mozilla packaging via, subset to only include country flags.
@font-face {
font-family: flag;
/* (Generated with `pyftsubset /opt/firefox-nightly/fonts/TwemojiMozilla.ttf --unicodes="U+1F1E6-1F1FF" --output-file=static/TwemojiMozillaFlags.woff2 --flavor=woff2`.) */
src: url(/static/TwemojiMozillaFlags.woff2) format("woff2");
/* Why do we do this? Because at the time of writing Windows doesn’t do flags, so ‹guzzled by HN› will look like “ᴀᴜ” rather than an Australian flag. (macOS and major browsers on Linux do.) */
.flag {
font-family: flag;
Thanks! This is incredibly helpful! I searched around a bit at like 3 AM while I was building it, but couldn't find a simple clean example like what you provided. Once traffic dies down i'll swap it out.
Talking about animations, the little animation next to "Connected to WebSocket" is an SVG. I did not know until today that SVGs may be animated. Nice to know.
Upthread the author says one of the three servers is in Digital Ocean, which gives you an AS to target. Reverse engineer the web page so you can capture the websocket to your terminal, grep it for your IP, and search all of DO's ipv4 address space. use Shodan to limit your targets to only machines with an open port 22 to make it go faster.
There's an infamous classic image out there titled "How to catch Script kiddies" which involves four nested For-loops, then placing the generated 1.1GB .txt file on a torrent site under the name "Every IP Address Ever (Hacker Tool)"
This sounds interesting. When it comes to my setup, I don't even answer their connection attempts. I just log the IP and call it a day.
You'd think that would be enough for them to stop, but I have some IPs with 25k connection attempts over a 90 day span. (Of course it had to be someone using digitalocean)
While there may be millions of useless attempts, it only takes 1 to get through.
Of course SSH has a great option in key / certificate auth. So if that's enforced it's not such a big deal. Many other systems don't (at least not until we finally implement Passkeys everywhere).
"residential proxy" is a very popular black market service, since it's less straightforward for website owners to block than other common vpn termination points. These applications market themselves as free VPN services, get loaded by special offers bolted onto legitimate software installers, or are added to trojanized pirate distributions of popular applications.
Presumably many brute force attempts come from compromised residential PCs, whose owners may not be aware that they are participating in an attack. It's not especially polite to expose all of that personal info.
There are lists updated in real time by white hats, sharing exact IP of machines known to be engaging in bad behavior. You can, if you want, update your servers in real-time from these lists and then act accordingly: drop the traffic, reject the trafic, serve a "your IP address is participating in brute forcing attempts" page, etc.
FWIW some ISPs may be monitoring these looking for IPs on their subnets and acting accordingly.
It's not about "being a jerk". It's about giving attackers the middle finger.
Hey we actually built the second part as a product. Its a modern revamp of fail2ban combined with crowdsourcing aspect to deliver an up-to-date blocklist of active threats. You can check it out at
Wish the ISPs would subscribe to this and blocked traffic from the abusive IPs in their networks
Clicked on a random IP on the front page, it said it’s from Palo Alto Networks in Santa Clara, that it was first reported in 2022 and the last report was 5min ago. So that IP has been doing shady stuff for months and it seems their ISP (Palo Alto Networks) doesn’t really care
Palo Alto Networks is doing the scanning themselves. I see them in my logs all the time. Won’t do much good to report an abuser to an abuser. They are a “cybersecurity company” like most malicious companies.
> No legitimate services are offered on the addresses receiving these attempts, so there is no chance of a real user accidently submitting their credentials.
I'm of the opinion that if they accidentally leak their credentials to anyone, they might as well leak them to everyone.
Sure, the risk of compromise goes up, but the whole culture of "we only sent those passwords once on unencrypted ftp across the internet" leads to powerful nation state spies having a field day...
If all unencrypted data sent over the internet were in a big public archive for everyone to see, then people would soon clean up their security habits.
No legitimate services are offered on the addresses receiving these attempts, so there is no chance of a real user accidently submitting their credentials. (Yes things other than SSH occasionally show up)
HTTP/HTTPS basic auth, FTP/FTPS, LDAP, SSH, and a few other protocols are supported. I only show ones that actively try credentials, not just port scans.
Thinking about it, fail2ban is almost entirely a placebo given that your password should be basically impossible to brute force anyways if you have the knowledge to implement fail2ban.
I felt extremely pleased with myself for about another month, and then my server address got hit with a massive DDOS attack (for me anyway) over my 6MBPS DSL line. So clearly I had hit a nerve somewhere :-). Anyway, I moved my server to a different address and used fail2ban to just note source IPs and put them into the IP tables as banned addresses. That works great and hasn't resulted in the same sort of drama as last time.