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I'm a European and I honestly have no idea how to answer to the point, but even if the law allows surveillance, there's also the question of resources; even if the laws in my country (Romania) would be worse than those in the US, our intelligence agencies are far, far less capable than the NSA and out-sourcing this is a whole different can of worms and can't ever be justified to the public, even if they are in fact doing it.

I must say that I don't believe in laws that protect my privacy. However, I do believe in using technologies for protecting my privacy. For example what I do like about the US is that you've got your Fifth Amendment which apparently applies to encryption keys. And such a protection against "Self-Incrimination" is actually the exception rather than the rule.

Competence is certainly an important factor. Smaller economies are less able to spy competently. However, incompetent spycraft can become much more invasive, since you know it is happening and it affects you more noticeably.

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